I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly.
Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'.
Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured.
Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all.
When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.
'Cold' Torture
(A survivor's account)
"We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results.
We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect.
When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape.
I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious.
I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged.
Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."
'Hot' torture
(A survivor's account)
"The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery.
The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women.
I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream.
This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water.
Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word.
I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time.
I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had happened...it was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened.
Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch.
In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on.
I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital.
I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.
Sunday, 31 December 2006
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«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 9989 Newer› Newest»'SHANNON LEE' and I cannot remember which TEMPLAR or SLAVE this person was...has drawn a very different menage of the SIMPSONS family...who could that have been?
I find it intriguing because HOMER has become a little boy and so has MARGE (become a little girl)...
BART is massive - the biggest person on the sofa...and he has little ears that stick out (like MARK Rs) and a nose rather like MARK'S or might that be NICK ROBINSON's (BBC political editor)...and bulging out eyes...in fact all of the characters have bulging out eyes...
When a person draws...particularly in imitation of a cartoon character...then tend to draw themselves, a bit...and so one can guess the ID of the artist...
The most intriguing 'drawing' of the lot is the last one...you have a sort of 'vampire/cat' LISA who is floating up into the air (remote-viewing?)...with BART...who looks like he has a 'yellow scorpion' body...and BART is about to press the ORANGE button on 'RADIOACTIVE MAN'S' neck...that would be SCARLETT'S neck right?
So why is this the last image in the comic?
Okay, RIMINGTON showed me this site (below) in relation to being a 'zygote slave' i.e a MARY. She pointed out the EMI's access as relating to myself (did she think that I was really stupid - even in a child alter?). Additionally, she pointed out DR RABIE for some reason (Alexandria 1972)
What on earth is the above about?
Was this all simply another sick joke of RIMINGTON's - she used anything and everything that she could program with - and had begun to call me 'Emi'.
EMIS is 'Patient UK - The single source of information for patients' - the sort of thing that has fascinated my father (managing NHS databases) for a couple of decades now.
Company profile
EMIS is the UK's leading IT supplier in primary healthcare, hosting over 39 million electronic patient records (EPRs) within its systems. Around 55 per cent of doctors in the UK currently use EMIS software each day.
As an innovative IT provider, our corporate policies ensure realistic and objective appraisal of primary healthcare computing both for present and future needs. Comprehensive IT solutions and services are delivered to the NHS primary healthcare market.
EMIS head offices are based in Leeds, including Development and Support. Training for general practices is localised and headed by Regional Operations Directors. Teams of Operations Managers provide high levels of local area support. Business Development Managers are EMIS development specialists that support the strategic IM&T goals of PCTs. The total complement of staff employed by EMIS is 840.
Company history
EMIS began 18 years ago in a rural dispensing practice in Egton near Whitby in North Yorkshire, where Dr Peter Sowerby wrote the software in association with co-author Dr David Stables. EMIS is now the market leader for general practice systems and is widely acknowledged as being at the forefront of medical informatics, helping primary healthcare to benefit from the accelerating pace of information technology.
Egton Medical Information Systems Limited. Registered in England. No 2117205. Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds LS19 6BA.
Now, when I first arrived upon PETER BRUFF ward - the staff there were having a big problem with 'altered records' i.e. the wrong birth date had been allocated to quite a few patients.
That hit a bullseye - I am quite sure of that - the ORANGE team has been managing their ILL records and abusing NHS patients through this EMIS 'records' system.
The ILL mail coming into my inbox has decreased significantly this week:
Mr Ibrahim Attachments this message is respectfully yours Fri, 17/4/09 34KB
Claiming Manager !!!CONGRATULATION! !!CONGRATULATION!! !!!CONGRATULATION!!! 0022678863006. 12:35 PM 9KB
I might add that the post below, was actually typed by Dr Joanne Collie, whilst at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001. Note the mispelling of the word ALIEN.
This was a 'reminder' to myself to talk about ALL EINS.
This was Dr Collie's biggest bugbear about ILL mind control programming.
Some people i.e. those like TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON who had been 'lizard' programmed, degenerated into complete EIN-STEINS i.e. GOLEMS.
You couldn't bring or talk them out of their hideous cannibal/Satanic programming.
Hence the use of the word ALL-EINS.
That is why COLLIE and MR ICKE then began to work upon his book - in relation to calling these people 'interdimensional space lizards' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
I do not know if their minds had been infiltrated by some terrible 'space race of lizards' - what I know is that they had simply become 'sub-human' - complete 'zoids', incapable of normal human emotions - complete PSYCHOPATHS.
Posted by kittenjane113 to Eliza Manningham-Buller at April 15, 2009 1:18 AM"
you do not understand, we are inside god almighty, our lives are his life, and he can control everything in this world, including you.
you must not call him space lizard.
i have added an entry regarding of you misinterpret god almighty.
I realised that blackrabbit have written something like this on his blog, actually i left lots, and he just picked up a bits. I stated how much I went through just to redeem us all, and he just copied the craziest bit and said that I am PSYCHOPATH. I have also sent him comments such as 'you do not understand god almighty.'
imagine what god almighty think if he knows that we treat all the aliens are invaders? imagine we thought that we are great, but he created the universe, what would he think when we just look our own imagines in the mirrors and admire ourselves everyday.
I think that I am not going to trust him anymore, because he did look quite nice, and he also invited me to post on his blog, but he did not delete the previous comments i requested him to remove.
I thought that all the curses that were fallen upon me should have been fallen upon someone else, honestly. And the comments such as 'aren't they all controlled?' i meant the patients in the hopsital actually. I do not know why him misinterpreted it as all of the ill-cult. I think I need to speak with some people that can give me real information, regarding to real things.
This comment was typed up when I was very upset days ago, and there are nice comments and calling for support bit, which he did not post them, anyway, no matter what happens, even if my master Jehovah is an alien I am going to follow him.
I just have always been thinking humanities should pay respect to aliens. I was just angry at the fact that I have done all these things according to god's will, and brought justice back, and calmed his loath, and nobody respects me, actually nobody respects god almighty at all.
He is the most advanced living organism. There is no shame in worshipping him. He has created the heaven and the earth, and all we have needed, his hands have provided. He has been equipping us with knowledge, and the ultimate goal is to build another him. Isn't there anything to be ashamed of?
i don't think you worth trust, you do not understand god almighty at all.
I am not going to listen to all these rubbish from you anymore.
ANyway, god's will is going to be done, you need to either follow him or be destroyed.
He has made the heaven and the earth, and Christ has returned to judge the wicked. If you choose evil, it is because evil is in your heart. Not my fault.
I might add that DR JOANNE COLLIE was the chief mind control programmer at FORT MONCKTON in 1980 (as far as I am aware or 'coordinator' of all that went on there, might be a better description) and if she thinks that those who have been 'lizard-programmed' are completely out-of-control and not redeemable from that psychopathic state of mind - then she is probably right. I guess heavy-duty tranquillizers might help such people but safer to simply lock them up for life. Any other idea?
I can remember something of the conversation with my grandpa GYDE now. I did meet him but I cannot pinpoint the year - probably after 1980 - after having alerted GEORGE MILLAR and the veteran SOE to what was going on in BRITISH INTELLIGENCE i.e. the drugging and the mind control programming.
My grandfather told me that it was a 'sorry business' and that I really didn't want to know but I did and I told him afterwards that I would carry on his 'good work'.
Again -as with Great Aunt COLLETTE, he spoke of the HAND-TASCHER and the PARASOL.
These referred to the TASCH(E)MANN family (spelling? I only heard the surname) and the PRINCE OF MONACO and his family.
My grandfather knew of the subterannean life below MONACO - the caverns and tunnels - the stored armaments and even a BANK - the largest black market bank in Europe.
The two were labelled P1 and P2.
These were the two 'beehives' - the two symbols that occur in so many ILL paintings and 'projects'.
MONACO was the most important 'beehive' of the lot.
I remember the two PRINCES at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - after the 4 bankers had been shot.
They were distraught - I can now see why. They immediately rang the PRINCE OF MONACO. He was like 'family' to them. They saw him as a father figure - more 'sane' and more 'in control' than their own father. They were begging him for help - to do something.
I can now remember when I first heard the name TASCHEMANN at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
One woman was being tortured upon a many pointed star - within the marbling of the floor of a large room.
MILIBAND, RIMINGTON, another man and TASCHEMANN were standing around her. This evil man was doing most of the talking.
I know that his name was TASCHEMANN because the tortured victim asked 'who are you?'.
He replied TASCHEMANN.
RIMINGTON then began to mind-control program the woman upon the floor - telling her to remember him as a HAND-TASCHER. The woman didn't know any German and so RIMINGTON added 'handbag'.
I could see between their legs - the woman was in a pool of her own blood. A foetus was between her legs, still attached to the umbilical cord and still alive.
TASCHEMANN was kicking her and the foetus around with his foot whilst affecting airs and graces. He was talking about how revolting women were, he kept telling the woman how disgusting she was. He then referred to humanity in general and how he deplored having to be a member of the human race, when he looked at sights like this i.e. the woman he was torturing upon the floor.
The woman in question had done nothing wrong, she had caused him no offence - it was an arbitrary choice - she was simply a MARY slave of his BEEHIVE.
So the PRINCES called their 'daddy' figure in MONACO to help but he just told them to keep calm down - obviously he wasn't going to turn up at the TEMPLAR CASTLE after the TASCHEMANN brothers had been shot.
I can remember now - the man who had called himself TASCHEMANN whilst torturing that pregnant woman - used to call himself one of the DEVEREAUX brothers.
The DEVEREAUX surname was a 'stage name' but this man was stupid enough to let him real name slip out.
ANDREW MARR called himself the MARQUIS D'EAUX whilst he was at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and so he was obviously pals with these sick brothers.
The PRINCES were 'best mates' with those 4 TASCHEMANN brothers and so were horrified at their deaths. I can now understand how they had begun to see their whole world crumble. One of the PILLARS of the ILL CULT had been kicked away.
I can now see why the ORANGE TEAM - with the unofficial leader of PUTIN - wanted those men 'seen to' and quite rightly.
One can also see that the CIA had a lot to discuss with him, a few years later on, in CHINA 2003. PUTIN had been kicking the whole thing down, years before anyway...he was never going to defend the 'condemned building' of the ILL CULT.
I can remember now - it was US INTELLIGENCE who had told me 'keep the image of a building being bulldozed in your mind as you tell PUTIN what we are about to do' i.e. to bulldoze the ILL CULT. I did so and it was very effective, PUTIN got the picture immediately. However one can see that neither TOMLINSON nor MILIBAND did but then they were not 'natural telepaths'.
Telepathy can sometimes be a very quick and effective tool to communicate a clear and unambiguous meaning.
This is 8 years on now - what has happened since that time?
In 2001 - one PILLAR of the ILL CULT had gone down (or as good as) - so what happened after that? I need to review the news in relation to MONACO then.
I can now see what DALDRY meant by the ILL BERMUDA TRIANGLE.
This referred to the ROYAL FAMILY (UK), the TASCHEMANNS (whom I presume were 'GERMANY' or around those parts) and the PRINCE OF MONACO (is that still an independent state?).
It was very sad to meet my grandfather again - he was simply there to explain the situation to me and I desperately wanted him to be proud of me - so no displays of emotion - just, 'this is how it is'.
He told me that my father was 'beyond hope' - he had been tortured too much as a little boy - by BENJAMIN BRITTEN and his friends (BRITTEN was my father's godfather). I had therefore to treat him as the 'enemy'.
Last night - somebody had tampered with my laptop - I heard them running from my room, through the ante-room doors and down the corridor.
I then couldn't get a connection to the INTERNET until I turned it onto 'auto'.
This had all happened in 2004 - as part of the ILL GAME.
I then decided that now would be the time to get some REAL insurance - other than what the 'cowboys' at COMET had been offering me.
In 2004, the 'legal experts' at the POLICE had checked out COMET's insurance policy and said basically it doesn't cover THEFT and that is what you will be looking at (i.e. RIMINGTON thieving)in the future and so it was up to me to decide whether I wanted this 'insurance policy' or not...whatever the salesmen swore blind to me ('you can drop it off the bed, run a car over it and we will replace it without question') - the actually wording of the insurance policy, was rather different and could be 'interpreted' in many ways.
Anyway, I decided to wait a bit and look around - until I remembered the CIA asking me what sort of price I thought reasonable for a laptop insurance policy - and I replied 'up to £40 per annum' because if your laptop is circa £300-400, you wouldn't want to pay anymore. They then said 'choose one at TOSHIBA' and advocated the 2 YEAR policy.
Anyway, having remembered that one - and as my laptop is a TOSHIBA...I logged on and got this very insurance policy last night.
As I did so, on the ILL - NETWORK - I seemed to hear somebody like RIMINGTON go berserk with rage 'we can't steal anything off her for two years!'
It appeared to be another 'rule' or rather 'regulation' in this sick game - RIMINGTON was actually 'playing' to the rules of some sick game. I suppose my role in all of this, is simply to 'out' this sick game, upon the INTERNET and the sick people involved. RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were in constant 'dialogue' with the PRINCES as to what to do next - in their game of constant harrassment and abuse of myself.
I have also remembered a very odd remote-viewing task that the CIA set me: to 'watch' an encounter with 'AMADEUS' (Vatican guy) with a man who looked very like MICHAEL - the top programmer at FORT MONCKTON. The guy had a long, thin, pale face with fuzzy grey sideboards and curly grey hair.
His name appeared to be GAVIN or was it GAVISON? Maybe that was his surname. Anyway, this man was raving mad.
He was talking about a BOMB that would blow away all of the people attacking the ILL CULT - how he had been saving it up. He was asked when he would use it - he replied that now wasn't the right time. He was going to wait.
In relation to 'AMADEUS', the CIA told me 'he will notice you - so be careful' and I tried to be as unobtrusive as possible but he started to wave his hands and complain 'pesky things' as if I were a mosquito in the air.
GAVIN/GAVISON finally realised that they were under 'observation' and told 'AMADEUS' that he had something that would remedy that...the CIA then told me to 'PULL OUT NOW' - and so I have no idea what might have happened.
GAVIN...GAVISON...doesn't THE SIMPSONS have a 'mad scientist' called GLAVIN or something like that?
Additionally, GAVISCON is something that many women are programmed with...my mother took this PINK medicine for years...
RIMINGTON also tried to program me with it...i.e. severe stomach problems, inflammation of the gut...that sort of thing...and told me that I would have to buy GAVISCON to remedy it. Thankfully, I have never had any stomach problems, whatsoever.
I have changed my appointment to see the flat - 52 STOUR VIEW, MANNINGTREE to 2pm this afternoon.
GROUNDHOG DAY again. I did precisely the same thing in 2004. RIMINGTON had taken me to see the interior of this flat - I have been in there - it has a few programming objects in there but I would need to go back in order to jog my memory - as to what it is all about - although HAARP seems to be the obvious general gist of it all.
In the event, I got cold-feet about going to MANNINGTREE. I therefore rang up and cancelled the 'viewing'.
This was after I had telephoned the MANNINGTREE dentist - to cancel my 26th APRIL appointment. I was told that my appointment had been on the 21st. NOT what my card states. I therefore told the assistant that I didn't expect to be charged for 'missing' the supposed 21st appointment and she replied that I wouldn't be charged.
This has now happened TWICE at this MANNINGTREE dentists. I found it very odd that the database upon their computer doesn't appear to link up with their card machine. Obviously it does link up and so has somebody been changing the data i.e. appointment schedule afterwards?
I then remembered MARK R telling me that this was in fact MR CLAMP who had been changing his appointments. However, it wasn't MR CLAMP, with whom I had the appointment last time.
MARK R told me that MR CLAMP operated a scam - whereby he changed a given appointment to an earlier date - then charged the person who didn't turn up £40 for missing the appointment - having booked somebody else into the slot.
I found it hard to believe that somebody would risk their professional status for such a paltry sum - but MARK R assured me that this was the case. He also told me that CLAMP often sacked his office assistants - after blaming them for the mix-up.
Anyway, I decided to have a look at NEXUS magazine again - Vol 16, No. 3 April-May 2009.
I had previously briefly read through the article: 'WAS THERE ANOTHER SECOND SPHINX AT GIZA? P60-1
I took another look - particularly at the DREAM STELE photograph - this artefact is apparently housed at the ROSICRUCIAN EGYPTIAN MUSEUM, San Jose, California, USA.
"The story goes that after a hunt, Tuthmosis IV (who was only a prince at the time and was not heir to the throne) reposed in the shadow of the head of the Sphinx, which was only part of the monument that was still above ground, the underlying structures being covered in sand."
"However what is particularly interesting about the Dream Stele is the representation of the Sphinx. There are two!"
The article is basically about the archaeological hunt for the other Sphinx.
Anyway, I remembered MARR mentioning TUTHMOSIS in his poetry code and wondered...this had a link to programming at the TEMPLAR CASTLE, didn't it?
I then got the image back of RIMINGTON in a sandpit, covered in sand. I was walking past a room in the TEMPLAR CASTLE - some men were silhouetted by the window - the sun was shining through it...but I could still clearly see RIMINGTON in this sandpit - with a large MIRROR down the side of this sandpit and some man, kneeling beside her.
I had no idea of what was going on but the ILL weren't butchering people and so I just disregarded it - they were always doing insane things and I thought that it was best not to ask questions.
Later on - I do not know the time lapse but this was after I had been programmed with 'NEFERTITI' - I was then also 'treated' to this encounter with the 'SPHINX' in the sandpit.
However, by this time - RIMINGTON was so bored with the whole charade, that she simply said to me in a catty voice:
"Wipe a bit of sand off me." She was nearly up to her neck in it.
"You will become famous and wealthy like a PHAROAH."
She then added vindictively:
"But of course that won't happen to you."
I was also to oversee one of the TEMPLARS being programmed with this (from around the corner of the building) - he looked like a complete blank and went through it as if he really believed in the whole thing.
That is what worries me - obviously all of the TEMPLARS were programmed with STELLA THE SPHINX at some point - they had all been programmed as SONS OF PHAROAH (but not the ones that will 'inherit' the title) - so how many of them really believed in the whole charade?
When they were all marched in to meet 'baby god' - they looked as if they believed in it all - despite the fact that 'baby god' in his cradle, was so obviously a sort of 'Spitting Image' puppet. Maybe it was the drugs, that made them look so 'blank'...or maybe like me...you just went 'blank' to hide any emotional reaction...so that the ILL wouldn't get a hook into you...and then punish you...
Anyway, I read the article to find that apparently (in relation to the DREAM STELE):
"Certain Egyptologists all too quickly believe that they have seen te name of Khafre on a piece of inscription (today no longer present) on the stele, in the praises to a deity, even though the name is not there in reality but is only in the outline of a single syllable, which is far from conclusive."
A quick check with the CIA upon that one revealed the anagram:
Apparently the forger had even initialled the 'stele' - HILARY ROBINSON (a man, not a woman's name - one 'l' or two? I forget...)
I would guess that HILARY will soon be receiving a 'polite letter' from the ROSICRUCIAN EGYPTIAN MUSEUM in relation to getting their money back.
Anyway, this all came up because I had been concentrating upon what I might find in that flat, 52 Stour View, Mistley.
I then remembered RIMINGTON pointing out some sandy area in the backyard and asking me 'don't you remember'? Maybe there was a SPHINX ornament around or some sand in a bowl...I forget now...but the basic gist of this programming flat was all about EGYPTIAN/SPHINX programming.
Anyway, I am now beginning to get the gist of this whole game...
I have been wondering for some time...how the ILL can take such public humiliation...and figured that maybe they enjoyed it...
I then thought that nobody in their right mind would tolerate such humiliation if it they could stop it...
I then remembered that the CIA (and most probably, MR PUTIN) had a gun to TOMLINSON's head...in order to force him to 'comply' with the whole 'project'...
I then figured that as the ALMIGHTY...TOMLINSON had control of the lot of them...including the SPUDNIKS and SCARLETT...
So SCARLETT wasn't being very honest with me when he said that they were having difficulty 'closing down this program'...
What he really meant was 'TOMLINSON has a gun to his head...we are all being forced through GROUNDHOG DAY and there is nothing we can do about it...as you continue to expose every sick and stupid thing that we have done...'
My only complaint here is that rubbing their noses in their own muck...is a very unpleasant task...I suppose the basic premiss is akin to training a 'dog' not to do it again...but will that work?
Can you teach old dogs new tricks?
A niggling little matter but extremely annoying - all part of the petty sickness of the ILL and their determination to piss around like mad pigs...
In 2004 - MARK R told me that I would run out of INTERNET time on my 'dongle' and so I especially prepared this time - by buying a top-up.
Can I get it ACTIVATED? No.
Suddenly the 'service' became unavailable.
I then rang 'customer services' upon my mobile phone - which kept on asking me, ad infinitum to give my 3 mobile number followed by the voucher number and then when I pressed 1 to activate it - the whole sequence would go back to the beginning as in 'put in your mobile number' etc.
So I guess that somebody really doesn't want me to top up this 'dongle'?
Obviously I was using the ORANGE network - but does that make a difference?
Anyway, I will now have to wait until later and try again.
Anyway, back to a few unanswered questions:
Was this to do with the fact that RIMINGTON had chosen him as her consort?
Or something else?
What interests me here - is that PUTIN was quite sure that my message (in Shanghai) to dismantle the ILL CULT entirely - was from the 'Jews' and specifically the MOSSAD.
There are a number of possible reasons for this:
He knew I had worked for them in the distant past.
He knew that I had a strong identification with them (see my previous notes).
However, there is also another possible reason - that he figured that the MOSSAD ran the ILL CULT at that point in time.
PUTIN couldn't believe his ears. He therefore attacked MILIBAND verbally for this - who must have been his main 'MOSSAD' contact to hand.
MILIBAND had no idea what I was talking about either.
Neither of them appeared to want to believe that it was the FBI/US INTELLIGENCE who had sent the message.
Is it a possibility that the MOSSAD was running the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - through MARK R and Co?
Perhaps they had sent in TOMLINSON with a massive 'career promotion' - after his 'active' service with them?
Some more ILL email in my inbox - I wonder now, who could these be from?
Unread adams salif URGENT RESPONSE 3:16 PM 8KB
Unread Princess Amada PLEASE HELP ME. Wed, 22/4/09 14KB
Read microsoft-emea@reply.digitalriver.com Getting started with your 2007 Microsoft Office trial
So why was MR PUTIN so irate after I had given him this particular message?
This is complete guesswork but I have this image in my head of PUTIN playing an elaborate and intense game of chess - once his 'opponent' realises that he is losing - he stands up and throws over the board, before the game is over.
Again - this is purely conjecture and I have no idea - but did PUTIN at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - believe that the MOSSAD was running the whole thing but that he had brought down a pillar of it and would continue until he controlled he whole lot - only to have what appeared to be the 'gameboard' thrown in his face and 'I'm not playing anymore' as a retort? Is that possibly how he felt, after I had delivered the message?
What about 'GULLIVER' suitcase victim - whom the POLICE have now identified?
'Vatican guy' was in contact last night - this man had escaped the paedophile cult but as a result - didn't trust himself around children and therefore used to tell parents to keep them away from him. They thought he was just being rude.
Have the POLICE found the assassins yet and traced them back to ROYALTY.
Just keep it in your head - the PRINCES and PRINCE CHARLES set this up as a 'game' to keep the POLICE occupied - for a 'laugh'.
The man wasn't one of the 'little people' anymore - so they punished him.
Black Rabbit said...
PUTIN and that 'message' to dismantle the ILL CULT - SHANGHAI 2003.
I can now remember the aftermath, in relation to being with the CIA - they were discussing how they had sent me to PUTIN to 'warm him up to the idea' (before they made contact) but it had somewhat backfired. They then concluded that it had been a mistake to send me but 'it was funny wasn't it?'.
I didn't see any of the CCTV of the actual aftermath of PUTIN - with TOMLINSON and MILIBAND but one can guess that they were arguing at cross purposes
I am wondering what to do about the 'letter' because it hasn't arrived yet i.e. the psychiatrist's letter that I am supposed to take to the COUNCIL in order to force them to find me a B&B.
I am in no hurry to leave EAGLEHURST - obviously not - I am quite safe here from ILL threats.
So I will not press the matter and will not sign (if it is necessary) any 'discharge' forms - or agree to them - until I have somewhere safe to live, elsewhere.
I will buy a camera today to make a copy of the letter and will post the contents at some point.
Additionally, I have been wondering - surely there must be property for rent around CLACTON that hasn't been tampered with, by the ILL?
It all makes me begin to think about the ESTATE AGENCY market again. How one stage of this ILL film was about JONATHAN telling me that he thought every 'recession' was linked to the PROPERTY MARKET - in front of the main 'camera' in this house i.e. within the widescreen TV in the lounge.
The ILL wanted to film my reaction and I was supposed to disagree with him (presumably for the MASONS).
I didn't disagree with him. I agreed entirely and suggested that if everybody stopped payin the interest on their mortgages - the banks and building societies would have to agree to stop charging.
DAVID ICKE told me in an email that the number 33 was the number of a 'son of G-d' in an email.
He was working out ILL number symbolism - loosely based on 'gematria'.
I worked out that my full name came to '33' and found that others on the 1980 course had the same (if I could remember their full names).
Anyway, what I would like to know now is why so many interest rates are fixed at 33.33%?
This may sound silly but as I was writing this - I looked at my ORANGE Sainsbury's bag - a large 'recyclable' one and read:
'...made from 33% recyclable material'.
What is it about the number 33 - that makes the ILL want to use it so often?
They mainly use this number to screw people into paying extortionate amounts of interest.
The banks and building societies have no LEGAL right to charge this extortionate amount of interest upon mortgages etc.
They do it because apparently they all got together and 'agreed' upon this extortionate rate.
I wonder if the above is tied in with ESTATE AGENCIES?
Why would RIMINGTON have such an interest in controlling this market?
She obviously had so many people under control, who worked within this 'industry' - why was it so very important to control it?
I have seen so many agencies and flats - all of which had been 'tampered with' by the ILL - what was their interest?
Simply to keep people like me, who had 'fallen through the net' under close observation - i.e. put into 'their' flats - for which they had a key?
Naturally, the idea of searching for a flat to rent - even in CLACTON where there are many such properties - doesn't look promising or inviting to myself. I have already seen so many properties - just cycling around - within which RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had used for programming - whether they were for rent or not.
RIMINGTON used to just let herself into somebody's occupied home with a key sometimes and then give the occupant a mind control command. She had done the same in HARWICH.
The banks and building societies have no LEGAL right to charge this extortionate amount of interest upon mortgages etc.
They do it because apparently they all got together and 'agreed' upon this extortionate rate.
I guess that changing the locks and upon a regular basis - is an obvious answer to that one.
However, if you are renting - that is a bit more difficult - unless you simply do it without the landlord knowing - I have to assume that most people are under mind control and will give up their key to an 'intelligence operative' who calls, in order to make a copy.
Therefore I am now looking for a flat with at least a chain upon the door and another locking system on the inside of the front door, besides.
Until my requirements are matched - I do not think that I will have much success in finding a flat to rent and therefore one can see that the medical staff will try to force me the 'Council route' into some B&B where the ILL will then try to steal what I have and make my life unbearable.
I remember the large B&B which TOMLINSON took me to see in 2004. It was filled with ex mental health patients. I already had the TOSHIBA laptop and so took precautions to make sure that it wasn't stolen.
I bought two padlocks and secured it to the iron legs of the bed (it was within its case and so this was quite easy.
RIMINGTON went ballistic after she found out and screamed at me that TOMLINSON had to go out and buy a HACKSAW in order to free it from the bed leg. She was furious that I had put up such a 'fight'.
Therefore I am now looking for a flat with at least a chain upon the door and another locking system on the inside of the front door, besides.
Until my requirements are matched - I do not think that I will have much success in finding a flat to rent and therefore one can see that the medical staff will try to force me the 'Council route' into some B&B where the ILL will then try to steal what I have and make my life unbearable.
I remember the large B&B which TOMLINSON took me to see in 2004. It was filled with ex mental health patients. I already had the TOSHIBA laptop and so took precautions to make sure that it wasn't stolen.
I bought two padlocks and secured it to the iron legs of the bed (it was within its case and so this was quite easy.
RIMINGTON went ballistic after she found out and screamed at me that TOMLINSON had to go out and buy a HACKSAW in order to free it from the bed leg. She was furious that I had put up such a 'fight'.
I 'heard' a message that appeared to come from SIS - that I would have a very hard time at the B&B but that would enable them to 'track' lots of the ILL.
Really? F*** off. That does it - I am NOT going into B&B because I trust SIS the least of all.
DAlDRY told me that the main mind control command was:
Based upon 'to fantasise', DALDRY had often used this command with SIS operatives - he had handed them a can of FANTA...he told me not to laugh...it was highly effective...although one normally used FANTA-STIC...it was less effective.
Another ORANGE drink, no? Another ORANGE command from PRINCE CHARLES' HOUSE OF 'O'?
Apparently, when dealing with a 'child alter' - one can more easily bribe a slave with a gift and with child alters - a can of pop, sweets or crips, was normally the best option. This is primarily a PAEDOPHILE cult and therefore it follows that if you understand 'paedophile lore' - you will have a better idea of how mind control commands are subtly given.
'You can laugh' DALDRY told me...but the FANTA CAN to a SIS operative, is the most effective way of getting them to believe whatever FANTASY you want to spin them.
Was 'gams' really a slang word for 'legs' in the 1930s - according to THE SIMPSONS 'grandpa' comic?
I have decided upon the 'best' approach to handle my accommodation situation.
I will lie - tell DR CARNEY etc that I have put a deposit down upon a flat and therefore will NOT accept any discharge papers. I will stay for another two weeks at EAGLEHURST until it is 'all sorted out'.
I trust SIS as far as I can throw them - just a bunch of ILL ORANGE robots.
Additionally, I have remembered what happened in 2004 during the 'walkthrough'. I was sent to the COUNCIL with the letter and they refused to help - they had nothing on their books. My room back at EAGLEHURST had already been taken by another patient and I was forced to spend the night, surrounded by my belongings upon the sofa. This had also happened to DAVID WELLS and so another ILL stage in their sick game - used on more than one victim.
Found dead in a 'distant lake'?
Are we coming up to the 'disposal' of PRINCE CHARLES, head of the HOUSE OF 'O' in the UK?
It's about time...
Anyway, this plan of action should free DR CARNEY up from having to write any potentially 'embarrassing' letter to the Council.
What happened in 2004 - regarding COUNCIL accommodation?
I was given the letter upon WEDNESDAY and not the FRIDAY as DR CARNEY had promised - in order to give the COUNCIL a little prior notice, in order to find me a place at B&B.
So after my pretend 'discharge' from EAGLEHURST - I was then sent with my discharge papers to the COUNCIL - with the 'letter' explaining that I had 'mental health' problems in the most unflattering terms.
I was then shouted out by ILL HOMELESS OFFICER and given no accommodation. I returned to EAGLEHURST and they put me up on the sofa. I cannot remember for how long - because I was literally homeless and with no money.
Anyway, I decided to pre-empt this game by questioning the nursing staff about my 'discharge' date on WEDNESDAY.
I told 4 'RED ANTS' in the office (all sitting there in a little huddle) that DR CARNEY and TOSHI the nurse on duty, at my last review - had 'remembered' what had happened in 2004 - in the following terms:
'We had one patient who we discharged - he went to the COUNCIL but they hadn't got anything and so it was all rather unfortunate - he had to come back and sleep on the sofa...'
They were talking about DAVID WELLS but it might as well have been me.
Anyway, I told the RED ANTS that DR CARNEY and TOSHI were both worried that this might happen again...and that I would like to keep my room until I definitely had COUNCIL B&B.
They flatly refused. It was impossible. Once I had been discharged - the COUNCIL had a duty of care to find me accommodation and more interestingly that the COUNCIL had never failed to do so.
I concurred that in fact, it wasn't a 'fact' it was merely a difference of opinion and that those two nurses hadn't been on duty when it happened.
Both RED ANTS then began to SHOUT. It had NEVER happened at EAGLEHURST and that was that - no argument possible. Again I told them that it was simply a difference of opinion and they began again in terms of 'I have worked here far longer than DR CARNEY or TOSHI and I KNOW what I am talking about - it has NEVER happened.'
Stunningly stupid people or just heavily under mind control?
Anyway, I then remarked that I would refuse to be discharged if no accommodation was supplied by the COUNCIL (because I would then be homeless) and the RED ANTS loudly proclaimed that I wasn't allowed to refuse discharge. That was also apparently IMPOSSIBLE.
So what can one conclude, that the RED ANTS have been given a mandate to give me my 'marching orders' on WEDNESDAY and that they are going to make that happen - come what may?
Not one of them had any regard for my safety as a 'vulnerable person' who might be made homeless at this point in time.
Their basic idea was: we kick you out the door, with your belongings on WEDNESDAY and that is that.
Anyway, I gave them the 'final note' of:
'I am simply warning you of this eventuality - it may happen and so I would like you to be prepared for it' i.e. me sleeping on the sofa, that WEDNESDAY.
As far as I can see it will happen and so I have given them fair warning - unless I can twist DR CARNEY's arm into prolonging my stay at EAGLEHURST until the COUNCIL have definitely come up with an alternative 'offer'.
They need to see the letter first and then 'arrange' something and that will not happen if I am only given it upon the day that I am to be discharged. However, it is likely that it won't even happen upon that day - if the ILL GAME continues to be played out, as it was in 2004.
Anyway, the real matter behind all of this is:
PRINCE CHARLES has the fixed idea that he has to defeat TOMLINSON if he is to succeed to the throne.
TOMLINSON has this fixed idea that he is the DARK KNIGHT who will take on CHARLES. He was programmed with this role, from his youth.
I was substituted in to play the 13TH ONE in this sick ROYAL game - instead of TOMLINSON.
That is why I have consistently complained of being a 'decoy' or 'distraction' in relation to the REAL battle, going on.
Additionally, sicko MARK R who fancied the arse off TOMLINSON - had decided to not only substitute myself for his beloved TOMLINSON in this ILL GAME - he had gone further than that - to substitute my father in his scripting of the murder of PRINCE CHARLES.
Remember the LUDWIG 'SWAN KING' script where the insane LUDWIG ends up dead on a lakeside with his DOCTOR?
MARK R wanted that 'DOCTOR' to be my father.
So MARK R had effectively substituted my father in to replace his beloved TOMLINSON.
Time to re-write all of these 'scripts'. In every one of MARK R's scripts - TOMLINSON survived.
Who was MARK R working for? Himself or the MOSSAD?
Anyway, I am now handing over the 'starring role' to TOMLINSON - it was always his role and from the beginning. He can now 'take on' CHARLES - however it isn't a case of the 'best man wins' is it now?
More like a clash of two SUPER VILLAINS.
I suppose in HOLLYWOOD terms - you do not normally see a clash of two SUPER VILLAINS - people like to side with the 'good' hero/heroine in a plot. However, in regard to PRINCE CHARLES and TOMLINSON battling out - you simply have EVIL vs EVIL.
This is far more like REAL LIFE - if only HOLLYWOOD would reflect reality a little bit more...two 'TITAN' bastards (from the Corporate world) taking each other on...the dirty tricks department taken to the nth degree...this is REAL LIFE.
I am sure that the viewing public would far rather have TOMLINSON as 'BATMAN/DARK KNIGHT' take on PRINCE CHARLES than myself (Maggie) or my father (Homer).
Besides, TOMLINSON has so many 'loyal slaves' who would just love to watch him 'on stage' - a ready-made audience.
I said as much to the CIA in 2004 - who were toying with various 'endings' to this little ILL drama.
I suggested a sort of 'OKAY CHORALE AT A TURKEY FARM' - as a possible location for this big event.
TURKEY has big associations as the ancestral home of the ILL RA CULT - I suggested a BERNARD MANNING turkey farm (with reference to RIMINGTON's Mr MANN)...the idea of PRINCE CHARLES face down in the sawdust of a turkey farm, amongst the turkeys was amusing enough for me...besides, I had always associated the TURKEYS with the TEMPLARS...
Anyway, at that point in time - the CIA were undecided as to how this particular DRAMA would end...and were looking at various 'scripts'...
It all makes me wonder now...are the CIA effectively rubbing the noses of those who run the ORANGE TEAM in their own muck?
I mean...TOMLINSON and PRINCE CHARLES were/are running the HOUSE OF 'O' aka the ORANGE team in this country...although PRINCE CHARLES believed that he ran ALL ILL COLOUR-CODED TEAMS, across the world.
However, I 'sense' that the MOSSAD'S nose is being rubbed in it, this time and by the CIA.
The MOSSAD appear to have been running TOMLINSON and also perhaps, PRINCE CHARLES via MARK R and his 'pals'.
Who knows?
At any rate, I would agree with an ending where BOTH 'super-villains' end up dead in the sawdust. That is my bunch of 'turnips' - my 'vote' upon this particular script.
Anyway, I am very unsettled and very angry today - but then the thought of imminent homelessness and not by your own hand - because all 'avenues of escape' had been sewn up by the ILL beforehand - would annoy most people, wouldn't it?
I therefore decided that it would be a good idea to walk down to the PAWS shop and to see if the displays had changed at all.
They had. RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON's two display cases, had changed entirely.
TOMLINSON appeared to have 'come out' as a cross-dresser but then CARY GRANT was always one of his idols - he identified with him. Hence the 'tasteful' green stiletto sandals etc.
RIMINGTON had hung up a WEDDING DRESS in hers (or rather she had instructed her mind control slaves to erect this particular display).
She had also put up two dolls at the top of her facade: a bride and bridegroom doll.
Anyway, after laughing at this new set of programming objects in the window - I spotted one of RIMINGTON'S old handbags - in TOMLINSON'S display, for some reason (perhaps he had a fetish about it).
It is leather, white with light green piping and has a metal and leather icon upon it:
I remember she was particularly fond of this HANDBAG and used it for many years. So I bought it.
I figured that it symbolised her MONEY as managed by TOMLINSON. Her 'financial affairs'.
Additionally, there was a 'voodoo' African mask in front of it - which I managed to knock over.
Go and have a look at this display - I wasn't there for long and was in no mood to even attempt to 'decode' what insanity it might be signalling to ILL slaves, around here.
Regarding my 'dongle' - I 'heard' the CIA talking on the phone 'push it through anyway' and so it came to pass that my 'top-up' had worked - regardless of the fact that I couldn't get through on either the website or by telephone in order to process it.
Thank you.
I will keep posting as and when the 'news' comes in.
Last night...I woke up in the early hours and remembered something rather important:
It was of the CIA who were doing a lot of work...surrounding what I had remote-viewed for them.
They were 'researching' what had happened at the FBI after the kidnapping of LOEHRMANN by MARK R'S people.
They found out that two JEWISH men had been rapidly promoted to the top - they were immediately put under 'investigation' and thrown out.
What can I deduce from the above - the obvious.
MARK R was working for the MOSSAD all along - he had used and abused me throughout my entire life - stolen the HARRY POTTER money off me (not to mention my eggs) and made my life a living hell. RIMINGTON must have been doing pretty much the same thing - as well as TOMLINSON. All three of them, in fact.
So the MOSSAD is now really have their nose rubbed in it...GOOD.
After a MOSSAD team had planted that bomb in my luggage - and I telepathically asked the 'head of the MOSSAD' what the hell was going on - and he told me that they had all been fired.
They should all have faced a jail sentence at the very least.
Extraodinarily enough - a RED ANT just asked to do a 'room check' and walked into my room. I didn't bother to hide my laptop at all.
She looked in the bathroom and then at my room - and didn't say a word. Nothing.
Isn't that incredible?
Anyway, back to my original subject:
That MOSSAD team were planning to blow up an entire plane of British JEWS - mainly Orthodox Jews - just to 'get' me.
They would have murdered so many of their own 'people' just to 'get' me.
Why? What harm had I done them?
It all comes down to MONEY, doesn't it?
They didn't want to part with one solitary penny of the HARRY POTTER money. Not one penny. They weren't even going to try to 'buy me off'. Nothing.
I suppose that the only mitigating circumstance in all of this is that the airport security guy began to talk about how the whole of ISRAEL was disgusted with the stories that were coming out in the media - as to what the MOSSAD were really about. He wanted me to know that public opinion was very much against the MOSSAD. It was bad news for everybody who had to live in ISRAEL.
Back at the LIBRARY - 'KAY' the nurse who was supposed to take my laptop off me - has just come on duty and so I do not want another 'bad experience' with RED ANTS at EAGLEHURST, today.
Officially, you are supposed to give any electrical equipment to staff to get an electrician to 'check' it before use.
Nobody asked me to hand over my hairdryer for 'inspection' - for the whole time that I have been at EAGLEHURST but you can imagine that wouldn't be much of an argument - in relation the KAYS of this world, going into a strop about nothing. She actually said that she felt 'useless' if she couldn't impose petty restrictions upon residents, in relation to trying to take away my nicotine gum, in order to 'dispense this medication' under supervision.
MARK RICKENBACH - what happened to him?
I remember - Switzerland 2004 - the CIA had devised a 'suitable punishment' for him i.e. they proposed to wipe his memory entirely - reprogramme him with 'forestry academic' and put him in place, at WINSCONSIN UNIVERSITY.
Once I had put up his photograph upon my blogspot - and had written enough about his criminal activities - I was then to contact him at the WINSCONSIN UNIVERSITY address - to simply say:
"Wake up and smell the coffee, MARK"
The CIA had taken this line from CATHY O' BRIEN's book - it is what MARK PHILLIPS said to her (as an FBI agent) after he has freed her from mind control slavery. PHILLIPS then sat her down, in order to type up every single memory that came into her head - regarding her
different 'alters' and the criminal activities that she had been forced to participate in, courtesy of the WIZARD OF OZ (George Bush) and his cronies.
The fully irony of the above 'command' will not have been lost on MARK R.
It was a 'trigger' to wake him up - for all of those memories to come flooding back...his 'HIMMLER' phase...'JESUS' phase...all of the despicable things that he had done...
I then remote-viewed the 'future' and saw MARK R in a small living room. He was BUG-EYED, reading my blogspot - he then couldn't take anymore and stumbled into the middle of the room. He then raised his eyes to the ceiling and gave out an unearthly howl - it was extraordinarily funny - he then collapsed on the ground.
So what happens to TOMLINSON then?
What punishment has the CIA devised for this MOSSAD operative?
I cannot remember but what I do know is that it will be a sharp LESSON to the MOSSAD:
"Do not mess around with either the CIA or the FBI again."
No point in TOTAL RECALL for TOMLINSON - he already knows what he has done - he is a complete psychopath.
I last viewed him in SOUTH AFRICA - that figures - he would have ended up there - all of the ILL would have done - the higher echelons - trying to protect what they love the most - the RESOURCES there.
ABC News Exclusive: Torture Tape Implicates UAE Royal Sheikh
Police in Uniform Join In as Victim Is Whipped, Beaten, Electrocuted, Run Over
by SUV
April 22, 2009
A video tape smuggled out of the United Arab Emirates shows a member of the country's royal family mercilessly torturing a man with whips, electric cattle prods and wooden planks with protruding nails.
An investigation into a savage torture by a royal family member of a close ally.A man in a UAE police uniform is seen on the tape tying the victim's arms and legs, and later holding him down as the Sheikh pours salt on the man's wounds and then drives over him with his Mercedes SUV.
In a statement to ABC News, the UAE Ministry of the Interior said it had reviewed the tape and acknowledged the involvement of Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, brother of the country's crown prince, Sheikh Mohammed.
"The incidents depicted in the video tapes were not part of a pattern of behavior," the Interior Ministry's statement declared.
The Minister of the Interior is also one of Sheikh Issa's brother.
The government statement said its review found "all rules, policies and procedures were followed correctly by the Police Department."
So this is how the United Arab Emirates 'ROYALS' behave?
Sounds remarkably like what PRINCE WILLIAM was doing to the supposed CIA operatives at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - except that he didn't run over them over with a car afterwards - they were left to slowly die, chained up in a dungeon.
The same thing happened to GIORGIO the mafia boss.
The same thing happened to people who hadn't even 'offended' the ILL - simply people that they had decided to 'sacrifice' in their SATANIC rites.
CASINO ROYALE - JONATHAN asked me to get the video out. Why?
The very thought brought back a memory of leaving what appeared to be the MONACO 'palace' at Monte Carlo, with 'Amadeus' - why had I been taken there? What was going on?
This would have been after TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...
I decided to take a couple of movies out of the library - ones that I had taken out before in 2004.
However, in 2004 - I had simply watched them again - and not really regained much memory.
Watching the first one again - brought back a lot and things that were not necessarily connected to the movie.
8 717418 178178
Anyway, TOMLINSON first showed us this one at EAGLEHURST and told us that he was the 'robotic trasher' of ILL SLAVES. We all knew that anyway - we had all seen him in WOODSMAN mode.
He then pointed out the WHITE EGG robot and told us that this was 'us' i.e. our remote-viewing capabilities. He pointed out to me - that is was 'EGG-shaped'.
RIMINGTON then came in - we all watched the 'romantic part' between 'trasher robot' and 'egg robot' and she pointed to the pair of them and said 'that's US' as in her and TOMLINSON.
Anyway, after watching this very ILL DISNEY movie again - I also remembered MARK showing me it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and telling me that the entire film had been heavily ILL-encoded, even down to the 'credits animations'.
Anyway, after watching this ILL movie - the meeting with PRINCE RAINIER began to come back.
It was a very short meeting - AMADEUS whisked me in and out again. It only about 5 mins.
The CIA had cautioned me beforehand along the lines of 'you have got a chance...take the opportunity...tell him what to think...jump into his mind and direct his thoughts'.
Naturally, this was precisely what I did as we entered a large hall of a room - I kept saying 'I want to stop this cult - to close it down' within his mind. PRINCE RAINIER was standing at the back of this room - leaning over what appeared to be a sort of 'podium' - the type that you might see in a church - for the bible or something...I cannot think of the name for it offhand...there were arches behind him...
PRINCE RAINER then exchanged a few words with AMADEUS and then told him that he was thinking of closing the cult down - he was bored of it - he was also bored of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY - they were out-of-control and he wanted to get rid of them.
We left quickly after that one.
I wonder now - was PRINCE RAINIER already thinking that way and I had simply reinforced his general mode of thinking.
I certainly hadn't added the latter remark - regarding the BRITSH ROYAL FAMILY. Although it has to be said that if I hadn't been concentrating on the 'main purpose' of the whole encounter - that I might have added that one, as an afterthought.
Another image came back - this time of TOMLINSON and some men in quasi-uniforms in the desert - or scrubland, at any rate. The uniforms were of dark khaki green - they had chained him up and left him to die an excruciating death, in the hot sun. They had also positioned a camera near to him.
Has this happened or not? I know that the 'video' was supposed to then be sent to the MOSSAD.
If it hasn't happened yet - then it will - I am quite sure of that one.
This is the difficulty with 'viewing the future' - you never quite know if it will happen.
I viewed RIMINGTON's death in NANTES - but still do not know if it really happened or not.
What I do know is that MI5 made up the Spanish newspaper interview recently - RIMINGTON had not been in contact with them. Now, why would MI5 want to do that?
SUNDAY morning...and I woke up to remember that the PRINCE OF MONACO had filled something in - in an open book that looked like a business ledger, upon the podium - it must have been an 'appointments' book.
It was significant that there were ARCHES behind him, as part of the interior design.
My next question is - were the TWO BEEHIVES above or below PRINCE CHARLES in terms of status, in the ILL RA CULT?
Since 2003 - the RA CULT - certainly their SHIPPING LINES - appears to have gone down.
EXCEPT that there are 'diehards' - ILL CULT members around -those like TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON.
I remember 'AMADEUS' telling me something about the shipping lines. The 'consortium' in SHANGHAI had decided to make it very easy for the shipping magnates i.e. they were going to charge them low rates of import/export taxes - whereas before, these people had paid NONE.
Unfortunately, some of these SHIPPING MAGNATES were so outraged that they had to pay any tax at all - that they refused to continue with their shipping businesses and transferred their money elsewhere.
These MAGNATES actually took the whole thing as a PERSONAL INSULT i.e. that they were now being made to pay a minimal amount of tax.
The general 'gist' of the retorts from these SHIPPING MAGNATES was basically along the lines of a mafia threat i.e. 'we will find somewhere else where we can make massive amounts of money, without having to pay any tax.'
Short-sighted, greedy...there are many adjectives that come to mind...like small, spoilt children...little bullies.
I have just had to spend nearly two hours - trying to get an email through to:
I was blocked at every turn upon YAHOO! mail.
I had just found out that neither my laptop or my TOSHIBA insurance had been registered upon their site.
WHY haven't I been registered upon their website? I registered - I paid up for the insurance quite a few days ago now.
I suppose this was also all part of the ILL GAME.
The ILL do not seem to get it - in this country at any rate - you LOST a long time ago.
Even the PRINCE OF MONACO is taking steps to remove the lot of you. Add to that the CIA, RUSSIAN and CHINESE intelligence. ILL - are you simply as thick as shit?
I remember remote-viewing one particular GREEK SHIPPING MAGNATE. One of those who had decided to play 'sick little spoilt boy' in relation to refusing to do anymore shipping because he couldn't do it illegally.
No regard at all, to how many people lost their livelihoods, all over the world - in shipping that is - when the shipping lines came down in general - I was NOT referring to the RA CULT.
Anyway, the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY had a 40% in all of this man's 'businesses'.
MARK R told me that this was how the ILL tended to operate - they never owned more than 40% - to remain 'invisible'.
Anyway, this man then found it almost impossible to 'do business' anywhere else. His profits went down to what one might call a 'meagre level'.
The BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY went ballistic but there was nothing that they could do.
I might add that their 'private portfolios' are a real eye-opener. The ones that GOVERNMENT and the TAX-COLLECTOR never get to see.
Forgive the 'colloquial' language but I am feeling very ANGRY this morning...and typing fast.
Anyway, SCARLETT and BASSNETT both told me that the 'dates didn't tally' exactly - in terms of the import/export taxes being changed circa 2003. The 'consortium' obviously wouldn't do it publicly...this was a way of letting the monsters have an easy time of it...a private deal to warm them up to becoming law-abiding citizens...if they had been taken to court for what they were doing...or let us put it this way - if the world had found out just how much shipping was illegal...there would have been virtual anarchy...
I remembere this morning...something dreadful...I cannot put it 'politely'...
The BEIT DIN was shit-scared and shit-angry, once they had found out the extent of GOLEM PRODUCTION that was going on and they decided to use a little known 'law' which required the MOSSAD to be 'interviewed' by them - along the lines of 'they can only refuse and show us up as impotent'.
The MOSSAD didn't refuse and turned up shame-facedly in court...
When asked to CEASE all 'soul-trapping' operations and 'golem-making' they told the BEIT DIN that this was impossible. They didn't have the authority to do so.
When asked who that 'authority' was. They all looked a bit shifty and then replied SHIMON PERES.
SHIMON PERES was then called up for 'interview' by the BEIT DIN. He lied through his teeth generally and made a whole load of promises that he knew that he wasn't going to keep.
PERES is but a 'glove puppet' for the US ASHKENAZIM bankers.
The oddest thing about remote-viewing what was going on in the BEIT DIN court-room...was the HEBREW LANGUAGE...before I went 'up' - I complained to the CIA that I wouldn't understand a word of what they were talking about...the CIA said 'don't worry, you will'...and I did...it was rather like understanding FRENCH as a child...one ear 'understood' and the other didn't...depending upon which side of the mirror, you were.
I therefore had no problem in relating and translating what was being said...
The CIA then followed up the 'tracker' detials - found by scanning PERES' brain - the links to his UBER-MASTERS in the USA - who were then immediately put under strict surveillance.
This happened circa 5 years ago - so what has happened since that time?
A note to the CIA:
Are you going to 'push through' my registration and insurance at TOSHIBA?
I do not suppose that it really matters because I WIN either way.
The ILL are exposed for yet another sick little detail in their ILL film.
However, simply in terms of convenience - it would be a good idea to ensure that I do hang onto this notebook laptop, in order to continue my notes.
I might add that I know that TOMLINSON had 'fixed' that TOSHIBA registration with a 'POPUP' command to register with his server - in order to send an email to that particular TOSHIBA helpdesk email address.
That was the 'block' that I had most difficulty getting around.
I do hope that TOMLINSON is dead by now - and that I am simply uncovering his 'input' into this sick ILL game.
Have you got the SNUFF VIDEO of TOMLINSON dying in the desert yet, MOSSAD?
I seem to remember SCARLETT and BASSNETT talking about one such article...they appeared to have got their hands on it from somewhere because they told me that they were 'unsure' that it was him...here's hoping, eh?
So - the images that I saw of TOMLINSON in an 'office' in the outback - somewhere in SOUTH AFRICA - I was remembering them from 2004?
This must have been the last time that he was seen alive - although I cannot put an actual date upon it.
HOWEVER, the fact that I knew that the 'tape' had been sent to the MOSSAD - put together with SCARLETT and BASSNETT talking of such a tape which had come into their possession but they weren't sure if it was TOMLINSON or not...
Let me see - so the MOSSAD gets the tape - and for purposes of 'identication' they send it to MI6 with a note, which read along the following lines:
"...he's one of yours isn't he - can we have an ID on him...he wasn't working for us...nothing like that...we found the tape in (enter anything you like here)" etc.
This all gets a bit confusing as I remember more and more about what happened...but I can now say 'almost definitely' that TOMLINSON was disposed of...the tape went to the MOSSAD who then contacted MI6...and so on.
When will we see an OBITUARY?
I seem to remember a conversation with journalists about that one...they hated this particular job...having to lie about a real 'criminal' - whom they had terrible stuff on...in fact, writing obituaries of the rich and/or famous was seen as a dogsbody job where you simply had to lie and lie...
So who is going to write up RIMINGTON'S OBITUARY?
I mean - how does one put 'blown up by the MOB' into 'ROYAL' speak?
STELLA RIMINGTON met an untimely death when she was blown up by her cooker (insert make and model here)...because she didn't follow the safety instructions...a GREAT DAME of the EMPIRE who will be sorely missed by her adoring colleagues and blah, blah blah...
I remember now - telling SCARLETT and BASSNETT what had happened - in relation to remote-viewing the BEIT DIN.
Firstly, the CIA had attached a small electronic box with leads to myself - the pain in my head was excruciating - then one of them told the other to 'turn it down' and the pain vanished.
BASSNETT explained that this was a sort of BABELFISH piece of equipment i.e. a 'translator'. The CIA could then read the print-out afterwards.
However, that doesn't explain the fact that I had got the gist of everything that was being said...
Nor the fact that I have been able to remote-view ARAB countries, ARAB leaders in discussion...particularly SAUDI ARABIA and got the 'gist' of what
was being said.
I can only put this down to MOSHE DAYAN and the 'language packs' of both HEBREW and ARABIC that he had 'downloaded' into me - in 1979.
I was supposed to be able to pick up and receive transmissions in both HEBREW and ARABIC. A part of my brain knew how to translate these languages. As far as I can see - this was successful. Additionally, it meant that I could 'tune in' to whoever was microchipped and in whatever country these languages were spoken - to get the general 'gist' of any conversation that I happened to remote-view.
Anyway, this SUNDAY afternoon - I am back to that age-old question:
Why am I here?
Why is the ILL GAME still continuing?
I have more answers now:
Firstly, the ILL were hoping to flog a dead horse upon the ILL market i.e. PIONEER microchipping.
Secondly, RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had been told to stage-direct me through this ILL film. The purpose of this film being 'educational tools' for young ILL slaves who are fans of the HARRY POTTER books:
"This is what happened to the REAL author of HARRY POTTER - if you disobey us, the same will happen to you."
Thirdly, the CIA wanted me to expose all ILL practices - they also wanted to punish me for giving the MOSHE DAYAN data on ILL systems - to the CHINESE.
So - when does this 'game' end?
I am not sure who I remote-viewed this with - and so I am assuming it was with the CIA.
It was the 'interview' of a MOSSAD operative by the BEIT DIN. They appeared to be interviewing MOSSAD operatives separately.
The young man was asked if he would allow the RABBI who was cross-examining him - into his workplace in order to inspect what was going on.
The young man refused.
He was asked for reasons. The young man began to talk about a certain procedure and 'protocol' that sounded highly suspicious.
The RABBI countered, words to the effect of 'so you have to drug and put me under mind control first - before you will let me in to see what you are doing?'
The BEIT DIN, at this point in time - were in their element - once they had got the MOSSAD in the dock, so to speak.
The young man then began to cry. He said 'upon my mother's life - I didn't want to do this.'
The RABBI paid no attention - he continued to question the young man in terms of 'I am a RABBI - I am supposed to be the one who is in charge of the creation of 'GOLEMS' and you will not let me in to see what you are doing?'
The young man continued to state that he couldn't let any RABBIS in unless 'protocol' was observed. He looked terrified.
The RABBI then asked for the name of his 'superior' - a higher authority that they could petition, in order to be let in to 'inspect' the MOSSAD.
The young man gave a name but I only heard it and cannot spell it:
It sounded like the above.
Now that is rather similar to TASCHEMANN? Is there an ISRAELI general of this name?
I only question this because when the MOSSAD (as a group) were interviewed in the BEIT DIN - they all looked rather ashamed and 'crooked' (they were shuffling around - about 5 of them and giving each other sideways glances) - they then stated that SHIMON PERES was their main authority.
They appeared to be hiding somebody else.
However, the CIA were mainly concerned with PERES' contacts in the USA and didn't appear to be too bothered with what was going on in ISRAEL.
The MOSSAD were hiding somebody else - somebody of equal importance to PERES and in ISRAEL.
TOSHIBA insurance:
A big scam was going on here:
Basically, in 2004 - my insurance documents didn't arrive.
My laptop was then stolen.
TOSHIBA insurance wouldn't pay back my money - nor would they insure me.
PC WORLD told me that I wasn't registered with TOSHIBA - either registered or insured.
So I am going to 'out' TOSHIBA and PC WORLD here now - with the last email that I have sent:
I might add that if you are unwilling to deal with my order - then you will return the money - into my account - IMMEDIATELY. I REFUSE to 'wait' for any documents - you activate my insurance immediately or you pay back the money NOW.
To: helpdesk@toshibacomputercover.com
Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 7:27 AM
I am now threatening you with legal action if I am not insured by TOSHIBA 2YR All Risks Laptop Insurance Business immediately. I do not have the documents - they did not go to the address given.
I am not going to hang on until these documents 'materialise'. I have paid the money - it has been taken out of my account and TOSHIBA will insure me from TODAY or there will be trouble.
My details are as follows:
Address: 11 Central Maltings, Kiln Lane, Manningtree, Essex, CO111HR, UK.
My TOSHIBA laptop details:
SERIAL NO: 391 84047Q
Satellite L350
Order no: 1034-11004208
Trans no: 11-2341
COMET telephone no: UK 08448009595
My TOSHIBA 'ALL RISKS' Insurance was bought from PC WORLD
Order: PCWBC; 777
Web order number: 50094646 (PCWORLD ref 11223811)
PC World Business
New Order
Thankyou for your recent order at www.pcwb.com
Your order reference number is 50094646
Ordering Information
Deliver to:
8 central maltings,
kiln lane,
Your Order
Product Quantity Total
Toshiba 2YR All Risks Laptop Insurance Business 1 £59.00
Sub-Total: £59.00
Shipping: Shipping: £9.99
Total: £68.99
Total inc VAT: £79.33
Track your order online, go to www.pcwb.com/action/order-history to view the status of your order.
Orders are normally only dispatched when every item is in stock. If your order is for more than one item, and you would like us to part ship the items in stock please contact us on 08705 553555 to request this. In normal circumstances we will ship this order when all the items are in stock.
This email does not confirm our acceptance of your order. No contract is made with you until your order has been dispatched. To view the status of your order, please sign in at www.pcwb.com and select the Your Account link.
Some of you may have noticed the two different addresses:
8 Central Maltings
11 Central Maltings
In 2004, my parents moved from number 8 Central Maltings - across the road to 11 Central Maltings.
I had no fixed address and so used theirs for the 'TOSHIBA insurance' documents, bought online, from PCWORLD.
I made a mistake and typed in 8 Central Maltings as their address.
I therefore checked the delivery date of the 'insurance documents' and paid a call to the 'friendly couple' who had moved into number 8 Central Maltings.
The wife told me that no such documents had turned up - and that she would keep a look-out for them. She gave me her phone number, to call every morning - so that I could come and collect them when they turned up.
The documents never turned up.
In 2009 - uncannily enough, I made the SAME mistake whilst typing in my parents' address. I typed in 8 Central Maltings.
However, this time I was aware of the 'cycle of events' that would follow and therefore decided to STRONGARM TOSHIBA and PCWORLD into activating my insurance, which they had taken from my account - whether or not I had received the documents.
In point of law - the transaction had been completed - they had taken my money and therefore I am legally entitled to the insurance - from the day that they took my money.
I am still trying to work out the scam but basically it appears to work like this:
PCWORLD as the 'middleman' takes your money for the insurance - online.
You then have to wait for the documents - which may or may not arrive.
You then have to 'activate' your insurance online.
Believe me, activating your insurance upon the TOSHIBA site is no easy ride without the documents. The online form asks for the 'certificate number' whilst giving no reference to what this could be. You cannot activate this insurance - even though you have every other single possible serial/model code to hand, including all of the information that PCWORLD sends you in an email.
Additionally - as I found out in 2004 - PCWORLD will not issue the documents again.
In point of fact, when I visited them - they told me that they had NO record on their computer of me even buying the insurance. I therefore told them that I would come back with a bank balance statement to prove that the money had been taken out of my account.
So who is to blame in this little scam?
TOSHIBA INSURANCE or their 'middleman' PCWORLD?
In 2004 - my laptop was stolen by TOMLINSON - and I was left with PCWORLD and TOSHIBA refusing to pay the insurance money back.
They claimed on one hand that it was a bona fide insurance claim - yet at the same time refused to pay up for the stolen laptop because the insurance claim hadn't been 'activated'.
In brief, they kept the money whilst refusing to refund me for the stolen laptop.
Anyway, after briefly visiting the library this afternoon - I came back to EAGLEHURST to find a RED ANT (the 'head' nurse today) who turned up her nose and sneered:
"EWW...EARGHHH is that your CHICKEN in the kitchen EMILY?"
It was like being back at school again - do all nurses behave like this?
I had left out some roast chicken to cool - from a late lunch. I told her so in my best 'EFL teacher' accent i.e. 'do you really want to argue, you tiresome person' sort of thing and she bustled off, rather quickly.
Aren't we even allowed to allow food to cool before putting it in the fridge now?
I know (from past experience i.e. 2004) that all of the staff here are entirely crooked - and aren't they showing their colours more and more? I pity the other residents here - who are too drugged up to fight their own corners.
Let me relate what happened in 2004 - because it is important to put up what happened then in order to compare with what will happen in 2009:
Firstly, DR CARNEY didn't give me the letter until the last possible moment - the letter to take to the COUNCIL which would ensure that they had to give me a B&B place.
This put the COUNCIL upon the spot. They told me that they didn't have anything and couldn't tell me when they might have something free - despite the letter.
Anyway, the 'RED ANT' nurses on that morning - forced me to empty my room and told me to take all of my belongings with me. I had to then cart them down to the bus-stop, I could hardly walk 10 yards without having to put them down again. I then took a bus into town - to the TOWN HALL (which also houses THE ROYAL PRINCES' THEATRE) where the COUNCIL HOUSING/HOMELESS department offices are situated, towards the back of the building - upon the lefthand side.
Anyway, I then returned to EAGLEHURST without any accommodation to have the nurses shout and scream at me - basically blaming me for the COUNCIL being unable to provide me with accommodation. At that point, I gave up and said I would simply sit on their doorstep and so they let me in - to sleep on the sofa that night - with all of my belongings - in the lounge.
Naturally none of the nurses appear to remember any of this at all.
They all had their memories 'modified' in relation to the entire sequence of events.
When I turned up at PETER BRUFF upon the 18th December 2008 - I had NO mental health record whatsoever. Even though I had been treated as a 'mental health' patient in 2004 - by all of those mind control slave 'medical staff' at PETER BRUFF and at EAGLEHURST.
A couple of them said - upon first meeting me - that I looked vaguely familiar but that was all. They couldn't 'place' me.
DR CARNEY also voiced that one - that he had seen me somewhere before - but it is only recently that he appears to be 'waking up' and also the nurse TOSHI - who also remembered that the 'night on the sofa' had been a replay of what had happened before.
Now that I am being turfed out of EAGLEHURST in no uncertain terms, upon WEDNESDAY coming.
I therefore consider myself free to write about any patient and staff that I like. It is not as if any of them are going to re-section me in the near future, are they?
They all want to continue playing the next stage of the ILL GAME - which they have all been programmed to push me through.
EMILY goes into B&B - EMILY has her laptop stolen. TOSHIBA/PCWORLD refuse to pay back the insurance or to replace her stolen laptop and so on...
Anyway, I might as well write about JONATHAN who is stuck in what is termed a 'nodding dog' alter. Slaves were taught to replicate the 'nodding dog' mascot within a car. TOMLINSON thought that one particularly funny.
I remember asking TOMLINSON what JONATHAN was really like i.e. as his real character. TOMLINSON gave JONATHAN a mind control command and JONATHAN leaped at him, yelling 'you f***ing bastard!'
TOMLINSON immediately gave him another command and JONATHAN subsided back into the armchair - back into 'nodding dog' mode again.
I forgot to mention that the letter was sealed with some 'warning' upon it i.e. to only be opened by the person who was supposed to receive it at the COUNCIL.
RIMINGTON crowed and crowed - after she found out that I had steamed it open and read the basic lies that had been written about me.
One of the main ideas of putting me through this 'walkthrough' was that the ILL could gauge what I would do as a reaction. So that they could then 'plan the game better' to make sure that they 'won' when it was played out for real - the ILL never take any chances.
That is because they are basically such stupid and sick people that they need to check and double check before they dare to do anything - they do not trust themselves because they cannot trust themselves - too stupid.
What the ILL trust in - is drugging and traumatising their victims to the extent that they are easily malleable in their hands.
In 2004 - TOMLINSON had pointed out SHANGHAI KNIGHTS as a DVD that I could watch 'because it will remind you of SHANGHAI'.
It didn't - mainly because the only scenes shot in CHINA - were upon a rather bad stage-set of the 'FORBIDDEN CITY' and that is in BEIJING.
Not that I want to 'nit-pick' here...
Anyway, you have a basic plot of AMERICAN COWBOY and JACKIE CHAN save the lives of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY and the 'SEAL' is returned to CHINA.
The ending note of the movie - after the CIA(?) and the CHINESE have saved the ROYAL FAMILY - is that O' BANA (OBAMA) the 'American cowboy' has saved QUEEN VICTORIA - who bears un uncanny resemblance to RIMINGTON - so much so, it was almost laughable.
So was the plot. I really didn't get why the BOXER rebellion 'Chinese martial arts specialists' were helping a BYRONESQUE English aristocratic 'baddie' (think MILIBAND/TOMLINSON in terms of looks and demeanour) to murder the ROYAL family. All rather tenuous but then this was a 'comedy' wasn't it?
So O'BANA saves the ROYALS?
Is that what the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY are hoping for?
That PRESIDENT OBAMA will step in and save their miserable necks?
This movie was made by TOUCHSTONE pictures - and I have noted before how this studio is a 'playground' for the ROCKEFELLER family.
What else can I tell you about this movie?
Firstly, that the talented actress of CHINESE origin (Donnie Yen?) is a ROYAL mind control slave.
PRINCE WILLIAM boasted that 'we've had her' - meaning that she had been sexually used and abused by the ROYALS before she was allowed this particular 'starring' role in the movie.
Secopndly - and this is a weird one - I noted some months ago - that THE INQUIRER had some photographs of the American actor OWEN WILSON - whom they gleefully proclaimed 'off his trolley'.
Apparently the guy had gone nutty - had a nervous breakdown and was found halfway up a mountain, at the end of a mountain ledge - sitting cross-legged in front of what looked like a 'tepee bonfire' i.e. the planks of wood had been balanced together in a triangular shape.
OWEN WILSON was rescued from the edge of this ledge and taken away to safety i.e. some 'rehabilitation centre.
Funny how this precise scene - is replicated in the early images of the movie. JACKIE CHAN is sitting upon a mountain ledge - right at the end of it - in front of precisely the same 'tepee bonfire'.
The movie came out before the photographs of OWEN WILSON doing the same thing...apparently years later on. THE INQUIRER surmised that OWEN WILSON was doing some sort of 'Amerindian' ceremony to cleanse himself of his 'demons'.
What can I say?
Which ILL FAMILY was represented by THE FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN again?
I have no further comment to make...certainly not upon this movie.
Will OBAMA save you, ROYAL FAMILY?
Will the USA want him to? Will anyone else for that matter...wait for the next installment.
A lot more came back last night - I remember meeting the CIA with MR PUTIN in that hotel (SHANGHAI) and I was to act as a 'go-between'. I thought up the image of the 'chessplayers' and told MR PUTIN that I could empathise with him - I understood his anger after I had told him the message.
MR PUTIN replied that this was precisely what it had felt like. His concentration broken - his opponent refusing to finish the game - rudely throwing the chessboard over and running off.
I then repeated what had already been said:
"They've given up" and whilst saying this, I made a gesture with my hand. I put it out and turned it over as if to demonstrate that I was being completely honest with him and revealing everything.
One of MR PUTIN's aides immediately said 'but they haven't given up."
MR PUTIN was looking at me and he smiled - I had gestured towards the CIA. He nodded. I could feel his positive pleasure towards me. The CIA guys didn't get it. I was saying "the Americans have given up - that is the truth of the matter."
Last night - I was thinking about how in 2004 - I had shown SCARLETT, BASSNETT and COLLIE the surname that I thought that I had heard in the BEIT DIN session:
COLLIE had submitted TASCHMAN but it didn't ring any bells with her.
Why had the young man used a fricative 'F' or 'V' for the 'M'? I do not know yet now it is quite clear that this was the name.
Additionally, I remember talking about a young man nicknamed TASH at SOLIHULL PUBLIC SCHOOL. He hung around with a bunch of louts from that school who ran a heavy metal band which was modelled upon THE BLUE OYSTER CULT. They used to sing their songs.
MARK R told me that this was the 'worst' name out and that this young man would have been called that for a reason.
I probed more - I said 'TASHKENT' - I was trying to find out why this name was bad news but MARK R wouldn't tell me.
Anyway, this morning I woke up with several bad memories. The first was of this teenage TASH - sexually abusing and raping me in the bedroom of one of his SOLIHULL PUBLIC SCHOOL boy's parents' home. I remember the name of another one of them - MARTIN GILL - probably his family's house. TASH was calling them all in - this obscene group of little animals - to watch them sexually abuse me.
What is worse - HELEN BROWNE had set it all up. She had annoyed TASH by making him drive out to a 'DANCE MARATHON' at some disco in the country but he wasn't let in because he looked too young and so he was left on the doorstep.
HELEN blamed me for the entire event - even though I hadn't wanted to go and she was obsessive about taking part (I didn't) - because she was 'in love' with a boy who wouldn't look twice at her - called DEV. He had gone with his own girlfriend and was severely embarrassed concerning HELEN'S advances.
Anyway, TASH was screaming at me - like a ugly, vile little RUMPLESTILTSKIN - that it was all my fault that he hadn't been allowed into this disco.
HELEN and BEN STENSON - watched as he used my mind control commands - they didn't do a thing to help me or to stop what was going on.
So in retrospect, after HELEN BROWNE and BEN STENSON had put it around Solihull 6th Form College that I had done dirty things with quite a number of boys - and that I was a 'despicable' person because of this - they were talking about how they had set me up with TASH - that night. They then proceeded to spread the most disgusting rumours about me, around college.
Yes, HELEN BROWNE was and is JAILBAIT as LINDA FORD had acutely observed at SOLIHULL 6TH FORM COLLEGE - it simply took me so long to recognise that fact.
So MR BROWNE - you tried to get your daughter and your wife out of that DUBAI JAIL - did you manage it or did they get SHOT?
You have only yourself to blame - you and your disgusting RA CULT.
Think about that one. The pair of them would never have ended up in JAIL and rightly so, I might add - if they had not been working for the RA CULT. You were a 'vicar' of the RA CULT - were you not? You also raped me as a child. Remember that?
So let us return to the TASCHMAN brothers.
I had already met them in PRAGUE - whilst working at the BRITISH COUNCIL DTO.
They were friends with the teacher named OLIVER - who also worked at the DTO - an obsequious little toad who was widely hated by everybody who worked there.
OLIVER had managed to persuade me to go out to lunch down the road from the DTO where he sprung these two vile specimens upon me - two of the TASHMAN brothers.
I remember their pale, sordid faces and light brown curly hair - tall, thin and wearing long coats - oddly enough the same coats that they wore at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - 'herring-bone' ones.
They sat there, swearing and abusing anybody and everybody in the restaurant - they couldn't talk about women without saying 'whore' or 'slut'. I sat down for about 5 minutes - to hear them gloat about how they both fancied one of the teachers called LISA - and how they would 'get' her - and that is when I left.
Soon after, my flat was broken into by the PRINCES - who then tortured me - see previous notes. The ROYAL PRINCES were best friends with the TASCHMAN brothers and tended to treat women in the same way.
What happened to LISA?
I do not know but afterwards - she made a shocking announcement to everybody that she was leaving as soon as possible - she looked shaken and scared - she was then talked into staying until the end of term - until CHRISTMAS. Formerly, she had signed up for the whole academic year.
I might add that when the PRINCES first turned up - to programme us - just before the DTO was opened in 1994 - they called every teacher by their 'pet name'. I have already said that I got off lightly because I was the 'pet bunny rabbit' and they encouraged people to stroke my ears.
However, PRINCE WILLIAM grinned wolfishly at LISA and told us all that 'they' liked LISA the best because she liked it up the arse. 'They' had therefore decided to make LISA our main 'controller'. LISA was to give us all the mind control signals etc.
I have already written about how LISA tried to do this and failed with me. I was 'outside' of the RA CULT and nothing worked.
The two TASCHMAN brothers in PRAGUE - what did they talk about before I left?
They were smirking and grinning about how they were forcing old ladies out of 'des res' appartment blocks in the 'old town' so that they could sell the whole building off for a massive sum. They mentioned terrorising one old lady by throwing her downstairs a few times - afterwards, the old lady had decided to leave, quite quickly - and for an obscenely low sum of money for her flat.
I might add that OLIVER from the PRAGUE DTO also broke into my flat with the PRINCES - after I had been severely tortured - by being thrown into a boiling bath and electrocuted by the live wires from the broken bulb in a lampshade (they had broken the lamp) - and then the 'ROYAL scar' upon my ankle - those evil pigs had carried me into the living room to burn this scar upon the boiling hot radiator...OLIVER then took off his belt and proceeded to whip me before raping me...he said something about how this was the part that he enjoyed the most....OLIVER was 'one of them'...the ROYAL PRINCES and the TASCHMAN BROTHERS...
So 4 of the TASCHMAN BROTHERS are now DEAD...I can only hope that OLIVER has now been 'dealt with' and that the PRINCES will be next.
I know that I was not the ONLY woman that this happened to - far from it - additionally, these evil pigs will do it to anyone whom they consider to be one of their slaves - whether the slave has 'offended' them or not (man, woman or child) - they do it for 'kicks' - as I witnessed at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
So it will probably come as a surprise to the CIA that I remembered so much of what happened during the remote-viewing episodes - they had no idea of the 'languages packs' that MOSHE DAYAN's people had 'indoctrinated' me with.
I remember one of them telling me to 'close my eyes' whilst remote-viewing - he had thought that I was in some sort of 'computer mode' where I was simply a 'radio transmission receiver' who didn't actually 'process' what I was seeing. He couldn't understand why I still had my eyes open - and so I shut them - to pretend that I was just another 'computer'.
MARK R's plan was to basically 'make good' with everybody.
He had therefore constructed an elaborate plot.
He would send the tapes to the ISRAELI MILITARY - whilst saying to GOLDMAN-SACHS:
"I am still a good guy - still a demonic ZIONIST - I just thought it would be better for them to go straight to ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE."
He had then instructed me to meet up with the CIA in CHINA 2003 - and to hand over all information to them.
That way, he could stay 'cosy' with the CIA, as an AMERICAN citizen. The CIA would keep it 'all in the family' - the demonic RA CULT would continue and MARK R would benefit enormously. He would still be able to run his NEO-CON CHRISTIAN brigade against the ISLAMIC world etc.
Somebody keeps hitting my computer - because I now often get a notice saying that it is not possible to change my PROFILE and that I had better disconnect from the INTERNET in order to do so.
Who might be trying to change my profile?
Anyway, ANNETTE (head RED ANT who swore blind that 'nobody had ever slept on the sofa at EAGLEHURST before) is going to ring DR CARNEY today.
Why? To inquire where the LETTER is - the LETTER for the COUNCIL. The LETTER he had promised to give me last FRIDAY.
The LETTER hasn't turned up in today's mail - for some reason.
Why not?
Am I embarrassing you, CIA?
You now appear to be the main CULPRITS behind this one.
Is your OBAMA going to save the ROYAL FAMILY then?
Is he another GLOVE PUPPET who wants to save the SLAVE-DRIVING COLONIAL 'white brotherhood' club because of his 'ties' to the BUSH family?
I get it now - I knew that the FBI controlled the RA CULT.
However, MARK R broke into the FBI circa 1994, didn't he?
You - as in the CIA - then wanted to track down all of the MOSSAD agents that MARK R had helped to put in place in FBI LOEHRMANN'S department, didn't you?
That is why the FBI then issued the command to dismantle the RA CULT - it was too MOSSAD-infiltrated, wasn't it?
Let me look at the dates:
MARK R achieves the break-in some time after 1994.
The CIA learn of this circa 2003.
They move quickly.
...and I was so hoping that OBAMA was another RAT with a long TALE to tell on the RA CULT...
On verra.
I am in a very cold and angry mood this morning. Cynical.
Last night I remembered fully - what had happened in that room in the TEMPLAR CASTLE - where RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had left me naked - to be used and abused by the TEMPLARS and their slaves - to be spat upon for being the 'real author of HARRY POTTER who wouldn't obey RA CULT orders'.
Later on, I was shown photographs of myself - as a skeleton in an Egyptian tomb. I looked skeletal - about 5 1/2 stones - covered in dust but still recognisable, in between the 'Egyptian' pots.
I was more than just starving - RIMINGTON left some of my old pencils and dried up (luckily) Acrylic paints in the room - the collection included a large GRAPHITE pencil (all graphite - no wood).
I got splinters in my mouth - trying to eat the pencils.
I also broke up the graphite pencil and swallowed it in chunks.
It was then that I was removed to sickbay to have my stomach pumped.
However, it wasn't possible because I had a massive hairball in there. I had to pull it out myself - a large ball of my own hair and in the middle of it was a dissolving piece of wet graphite.
TOMLINSON remarked that the GRAPHITE was poisonous and that I was lucky to have survived.
He also remarked that most people gnawed their arms and legs - he went on at length about what some people had managed to do in terms of 'eating' themselves.
When you are that hungry - you have to chew - anything - this massive instinct takes over and in that bare room - there was nothing but my hair - which I considered as 'protein' and the coloured pencils that RIMINGTON had PURPOSIVELY left in there, for me to eat.
That is what you are dealing with - when you attempt to handle GOLEMS like RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON - the ROYAL FAMILY...the whole stinking lot of them.
How to win over the GOLEMS?
It is easy - I dubbed it '5 minute chess'.
You simply push them along far more quickly than they can think.
Their brains have been re-wired. They think 'artificially' - the wrong brain synapses connect each other. They are in fact: AI.
They are 'computerised' in this way. They cannot use the natural/native quick thinking and intelligence of a human-being.
That is why if you hit them 'bang, bang, bang'...really quickly. They have no time to think - they cannot 'compute' because their brains are a case of FAULTY ELECTRICAL WIRING.
Let us completely OUT the DUFF PIONEER scheme:
Taking ROBBIE WILLIAMS (pop star) as an example.
This man paid to be a 'remote-controller' during this ILL FILM.
He was therefore given a special 'remote-control' and told that he could tap in what he liked to control slaves.
What ROBBIE WILLIAMS wasn't told was that this was a CON. He had been told beforehand and under MIND CONTROL - what to tap in.
However, whilst he was doing taping in commands - he believed that he was doing it of his own 'volition'.
So the 'paying/viewing' audience were all especially chosen and put under mind control, in order to convince them that the PIONEER SCHEME worked.
I suppose RIMINGTON would have then gone around with a 'customer satisfaction' form for them to fill in. HA HA.
All one can deduce from the above is that MIND CONTROL works - that is about the only thing which does - and across the board - the 'viewers' and the 'viewed'.
So hands up who is going to 'invest' in PIONEER then?
If the POLICE are interested - check out the BANGLE upon the wrist of the latest 'patient' to appear in EAGLEHURST. The young guy with a considerable amount of 'voodoo' jewellry.
Match it to the wrist upon the mobile phone video of the person who was electrocuting NICK.
For the record - HELEN BROWNE had allowed him to do it (given him her stun gun) - because the rest of the 'orgy' found NICK incredibly funny when he went into seizure, after being electrocuted.
More on TOMLINSON...
COLLIE had tried to get in touch with his remote-viewer in 2004.
TOMLINSON had then gone into a sort of catatonic state.
Previously, I had wondered if this was because this part of his 'soul' was trapped by a beam or some other electronic device.
However, thinking about it now - and thinking back to the time when I occupied the attic room - number 6 at EAGLEHURST...
I cannot remember if I mentioned this upon the blog but MARK R had told me that TOMLINSON would visit me as a 'remote-viewer' one evening...and that this would be accompanied by a large gust of wind which would hit the top of the roof and then blow through the window - which was open a few inches.
I was reading in bed when it happened...I remembered what MARK had said but didn't detect any 'presence' in the room. I therefore decided that MARK R had been lying.
I then remembered something else. I remembered TOMLINSON's 'soul' up in the atmosphere and I was guiding him through the WALES/WHALES for want of a better word...
What I mean is those huge clouds of conglomerate 'souls' - those aimless and disorientated 'swarms of fragmented souls'.
I managed to help him through it...and at the highest point of the Earth's atmosphere - I saw him as a small golden light...and then nothing...he relayed back to me that he had done it and that it was in fact, quite easy.
All one can say in retrospect is that one can kill a golem but the SOUL is a different matter and has to be treated quite differently.
TOMLINSON's soul had made the 'wise' decision not to go back to its body. He knew that he would be 'run' as a remote-viewer or trapped and tortured within his body.
This raises the basic difference between SOUL and MIND/PERSONALITY.
There is much talk amongst GOLEMS about there being a difference between the MIND and the PERSONALITY and the BRAIN.
To myself - the PERSONALITY or in the case of ILL SLAVES 'personalities' are synonymous with the MIND - there is no differential between the two 'concepts' - they are one concept.
A SHELL i.e. body/brain can be tortured and the BRAIN rewired to produce a truly EVIL personality.
The SOUL however, is entirely different - it is of G-D - it is holy - it is like a 'newborn baby' and remains that way, for the whole of its existence.
Back to EAGLEHURST - I was in my bedroom which overlooks the pavement and VALLEY ROAD - to see a woman that I had often bumped into in the library.
She was GLARING at me - as she walked down the street.
Anyway, this woman is a SOCIAL WORKER - one that RIMINGTON had lined up - in my planned future - once I had left EAGLEHURST - further on down the line but I have yet to pinpoint a 'date'...
MARK R told me that the basic idea was for her to get very irritated with me - in the library - and for her to take an instant dislike to me (although we had never formally met).
In 2004, RIMINGTON walked me through the whole 'show' to be enacted.
She then took me round to some house and into a living room - the woman was also present.
RIMINGTON instructed us through the 'moves'. I was sitting on an armchair and this woman was on the sofa - RIMINGTON pretended that she wasn't there.
The basic gist of this 'scene' in the ILL FILM was that I should start talking about the ILL CULT and that this woman should keep on replying that I was delusional, insane and that there was something terribly wrong with me, in general - she was supposed to spit venom whilst she did this - and she acted the part convincingly enough - although she had 'blank eyes'.
Anyway, when I next see this woman, I shall get her name and post it up.
During this GROUNDHOG DAY replay in 2009 - she hasn't met me yet and so I might as well spoil the plot for her.
She wasn't part of the 'mental health' staff in the area and I haven't seen her working in any of the buildings that I have been to, so far e.g. PETER BRUFF, MARTELLO COURT, EAGLEHURST etc. So I wonder how she will be 'drafted' in at some point?
DR CARNEY and the staff here have told me that there will be NO 'aftercare' in terms of having to see a psychiatric nurse in the community or any 'social work' team.
Anyway, I have just taken a call from 'compu cover' who are apparently the 'admin company' for TOSHIBA insurance claim outlets for companies such as PCWORLD.
They had received my irate email and had taken steps to ensure that my insurance had begun on the 23rd April 2009.
GOOD. So that is one ILL STAGE in this sick movie - put out of joint.
Apparently I will now receive the documents to EAGLEHURST (I gave this address as I will be here until WEDNESDAY morning) and will also send them to my email address.
So who is going to deal with firstly:
DR CARNEY and his 'letter' on WEDNESDAY.
The 'HOMELESSNESS OFFICER' upon the very same day.
The EAGLEHURST staff who have been instructed NOT to let me back in.
This 'social worker' who has been lined up like a zombie - to make my life hell.
Who was the TRANSVESTITE - the name escapes me - who has 'her' photograph upon so many of the FRANKLIN WATTS children's books?
ANNE somebody....'her' photograph used to make me laugh every time.
Those long BLACK PLAITS hanging down from that implausible wig - the broad shoulders and that white, buttoned up shirt, around an overly thick neck.
I was thinking about her again today - ANNE ADENEY.
Guess what?
MARK R saw what would happen - or rather he had found out - probably from myself whilst remote-viewing because I have the images.
Images of IAN RICKSON writing to FRANKLIN WATTS and turning up at their offices - complaining that the photograph was in fact, of himself and that it was all a terrible mistake and a 'bad joke'.
He was then informed that 'you must be mad' and then after further discussion - he found out that the 'author' had signed a contract and had been paid a great deal of money for the 'use' of 'her' image upon the books.
RICKSON couldn't believe the figure. He had already spent most of it.
MARK R told me laughingly that he might have made a better impression and not had such a 'hostile' argument with the staff at FRANKLIN WATTS if he had turned up in 'ANNE ADENEY' disguise in the first place.
Okay, so I am in the library now - having cycled in to return ALL of the books (and 2 DVDs) that I had out - even though I hadn't read ICECREAM WAR or DEVIL'S ELIXIRS etc.
I figured - I know enough now not to be bothered about those programming books.
As I was writing these - some children came up to be rude - to shout and to annoy me - I told them where to go - and they were even ruder. They then ran out of the library - banging on the window as they left - where I was working.
This isn't THE TRUMAN SHOW - this is GOLEM CITY isn't it?
Anyway, before I left - I asked RUPA the nurse on duty - if DR CARNEY had left a letter for me - expecting the answer 'no'.
She told me to wait - shut the office door - and I could see her running around inside - she was running around with two pieces of paper - she didn't appear to know what to do with them.
Finally, she opened the door and said words to the effect of:
"Here is a fax copy of the letter that was sent over to us. We got it off DR CARNEY's secretary. You can have this copy but it isn't the ORIGINAL and the COUNCIL might not accept it."
She then continued (after I had said 'good' etc):
"We will be sending it to the COUNCIL as well as you taking it."
I told her that I was going to the COUNCIL with it today in order to prepare them but she looked very concerned and repeated that they would also send a 'letter' and that the COUNCIL might not accept the 'fax' copy (on A4 paper) that I had been given.
So what is going on here?
Firstly, that the 'original' is not going to be given to me - whatever that is.
The 'real letter' is going to go by post to the COUNCIL.
Anyway, the 'fax copy' that has obviously been photocopied from a fax runs as follows:
DR A Carney Locum Consultant Psychiatrist
Mental Health Administration, Clacton & District Hospital, Tower Road, Clacton On Sea, Essex. C015 1LH
Ref: AC/MEI/CB00073797
23rd April 2009
Housing Department
Tendring District Council
Town Hall
Station Road
Clacton on Sea
Essex. CO15 1SE
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Emily Gyde, NFA
D.O.B. 14.04.1963
Miss gyde has been an inpatient within the Mental Health Services since 17th December 2008 and is to be discharged from Eaglehurst rehabilitation on Wednesday, 29th April 2009. Please can you aid Mrs Gyde in finding suitable accommodation as she is currently of no fixed abode (homeless).
Miss Gyde has a diagnosis of Persistent Delusional Disorder and due to the nature of her mental illness is deemed to be a vulnerable person.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Dr A Carney
Locum Consultant Psychiatrist
Firstly, there are the obvious mistakes in this letter:
I was 'sectioned' upon the 18TH DECEMBER and not the 17th December 2008.
Secondly, the use of MRS GYDE and then MISS GYDE.
However, the most worrying this about all of this is the actual body of the letter:
Re: Emily Gyde NFA
D.O.B 14.04.1963
Okay, this could be the 'fax' but the fall-out is so large upon these capital letters in bold - that they look as old as the entry upon my original birth certificate.
This letter is OLD. It is probably 5 years old - having been typed in 2004.
I shall make a copy of this 'fax copy' and then I will post it upon the INTERNET.
I do not know why I bother really - it is quite obvious that the REAL letter is going to be sent privately and that I will not get my hands upon it.
Anyway, the children who were so annoying - have now come back to the window to stick two fingers up at me - one hopes that the POLICE get hold of them and give them a public warning at some point. I am quietly minding my own business - a middle-aged woman in her black coat, sitting at a computer in the library who is suddenly set upon by kids.
They are obviously little mind control slaves sent in to annoy the hell out of me - as only ignorant, stupid children can do. I would guess that they are all victims of RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON - the little boy who was the most rude - has probably been buggered out of his tiny mind by TOMLINSON - that sort of thing (not to mention his own father). However at this point in time, I have no sympathy at all.
Whilst I am at it - the first letter code of the body of this 'letter' is:
MD2s Mh I
Even odder - the 'fax' came through BEFORE the time stated upon the end of it.
Received Time 27th Apr 15.53
I came down and asked if there was a letter at around just before 4pm. I had checked the time upon my mobile phone and the clock downstairs.
I just find it odd that the two times coincide - this is supposed to make me paraniod. I came down - the fax had apparently just come through - it was all timed...I am sure of that one...
Additionally, I forgot to add these two names which occur at the end of the letter:
Chairman: Mary St Aubyn
Chief Executive: Dr Richard Coleman
I had been having a nap in my room and then the ORANGE mobile rang - to give me yet another message to top-up...and then I decided to get up and check downstairs...the ILL are still trying to play their little game - maybe I should get rid of that ORANGE MOBILE.
Back at EAGLEHURST - after having checked in at the TOWN HALL to find that the HOUSING dept was closed.
I wasn't worried by that point - the POINT is exposing the ILL GAME.
Anyway, I might add that whilst I was in the LIBRARY photocopying the LETTER - a large man with a blond ponytail stormed in and round to COMPUTER 3. I 'read' this mind and realised that RIMINGTON had added a further twist to the 'send the kids in to abuse EMILY'. This was the father of one of those children and he was looking for a fight. I gave him a hard stare and then he quickly walked out without a word.
Back at EAGLEHURST I am still furious about the whole thing. This had all happened in 2004 - except that the kids had been much worse and this guy had attacked me verbally and then stormed off.
More to the point - I had had to wait for the photocopier behind the SAME guy on the first floor one (which whom I had a conversation) and also upon the ground floor - they were both photocopying long documents.
So this really is GOLEM CITY as far as CLACTON is concerned. The GOLEMS have been told to replay all of the events of 2004 and that is what they are now doing.
What does it feel like to be within a bunch of GOLEMS going about their business around you?
Not as bad as it might - because I have my telepathic network for 'company' i.e. those who are NOT GOLEMS.
So MASONS how do you feel now?
As PC GREEN had told me in 2004 - my father was a MASON and I am a MASON.
No real changes then MASONS? Your RA CULT and black market went down but you are still abusing/buggering your children aren't you.
"I'm a buggered out of my mind GOLEM and proud of it"
Is that what you tell your sons?
"Son, one day you can be just like me. Bend over."
I can hear SCARLETT laughing on the network - he tends to find me funny.
Anyway, the SCANNER was 'out of order' in the library.
That figures. I could buy a camera to take a photograph of the letter in order to get it up onto the INTERNET but as far as I can recall - they were far too expensive in the CLACTON shops in 2004 (and why should it be any different now?)
Therefore, I shall leave this for a while - until I can get my old camera out of my parents' garage - once they have come back from the USA. I have a photocopy of the supposed 'DR CARNEY' letter and that is enough for me...I can now post it whenever I like.
Other thoughts: I could ask awkward questions at the COUNCIL on Wednesday...regarding any other letter that might have been sent...
Why was RUPA unsure that the COUNCIL would accept a photocopy? Because she knows that they didn't accept it in 2004.
Therefore there is little point in going down there to hand in a photocopy anyway.
RUPA asked TRICIA to clarify what was happening about the 'letter' and apparently - DR CARNEY wasn't going to send one to the COUNCIL anyway (really?) - apparently he has put it in the post to EAGLEHURST but it hasn't got here yet.
That is a little strange, no? Considering this is 'internal mail' and EAGLEHURST is only up the road.
Chairman: Mary St Aubyn
Chief Executive: Dr Richard Coleman
Didn't RIMINGTON 'stand in' for Mary St Aubyn now and then?
I would suppose that 'Richard' also had a 'stand-in' now and then.
Just like the 'KAVANAGH' nameplate left in the desk of the top honcho at the CID - courtesy of ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER and RICHARD TOMLINSON.
I might add that MARK R had a blow-by-blow account of every move that I was supposed to make during this ILL GAME. He even knew about the stupid kids who would come in to be rude to me. He laughed at that one.
What a sick little pig, you are MARK R.
I so enjoyed watching your stupid face balloon out in pain - with your eyes popping out of their head - as you REMEMBERED everything, MARK.
That unearthly howl that you let out - like some mad runt of a pig caught in a trap. It was hilarious. Let me put it this way - 'I liked the smell of your tears' (see JUNK MAIL GUY'S comment about children).
The above applies to ALL of the MOSSAD who were involved in their cesspit of an ILL GAME. You are nothing but a bunch of sick pigs - sub-human.
The above applies to the CIA too - who sent me back to 'play' this game.
Regarding IAN RICKSON - didn't he complain about having to live GROUNDHOG DAY at one point?
Anyway, I have little sympathy for him - he had been a CATS EYE programmer i.e. he had watched people being crucified until their hearts gave out, whilst making that obscene signal, in order to have complete control over them - 'life and death' control as far as male slaves were concerned.
So he had spent all of the money on a house(s) and so forth - his evil persona ANNE ADENEY - how funny - I wish I had been a fly on the wall - I have a few images of him in the FRANKLIN WATTS offices but not enough...
So the CIA in SWITZERLAND were given the TASK of cleaning out all of those COLOUR-CODED secret military bases in the USA of MOSSAD operatives?
Is this all part of the RESERVOIR DOGS script? Where MR GREEN, MR PINK and so forth...all start fighting?
MENGELE had been DR GREEN during WWII - will we see a replay of the NAZIS fighting it out in the USA?
RESERVOIR DOGS all over again?
It's all going to end badly for you, ROYAL FAMILY - I might as well warn you (although you won't believe me) - you all get blown up in the end.
Why is the BRITISH PUBLIC supporting these GOLEMS?
I mean if your son went to a fancy dress party dressed as a NAZI or got pissed and high on cocaine - then landed his RAF helicopter in his girlfriend's garden - would you call him 'just an eccentric' and 'what a jolly jape'?
These are GOLEMS out of control. That is all.
However, the ROYAL MARINES don't seem to think so - the CAPTAIN of WILLIAM'S ship was forced to let him take out a speedboat to chase poor fisherman who were fishing legally in their own waters - because he wanted to play at being JAMES BOND.
What is wrong with the ROYAL MILITARY? Or to put it another way - what is right about them if this sort of thing is allowed to happen?
I'd better tell the ILL to take a deep breath and sit down, before reading this one:
You want to know who SHOT the 4 TASCHMAN brothers? Then I will tell you.
Firstly, I shot the 3 TASCHMAN brothers.
I hid behind the stage in the curtains - until the first came up - it was relatively easy. I had thought it all through beforehand. I had toyed with aiming for the head but even at such a short distance - I thought it better to go for a bullseye into the chest. I knew that they were not wearing bulletproof vests.
There was a silencer upon the gun. The second TASCHMAN came up to see where his brother was - I waited - put the thought into his mind to turn left - whereupon he ran to his brother and I shot him. The third one was slightly more difficult. He didn't dare to come up the stairs - having heard the commotion caused by the second brother. I therefore waited until I heard the sound of his voice from the bottom of the stairs - so that I knew where he was situated - then shot him.
I then raced down the few stairs and vaulted over the bannister - to avoid DALDRY's camera 'range'. If I had gone to the bottom of the stage steps - I would have marginally been in shot.
I then leapt out of that small window.
SONIA and MARK told me about how the REBEL GROUP had all been watching me from the other wing. I had jumped about 400 feet - they had measured it - and told me that if it had been 13 foot higher - I would have equalled the world record for such a jump.
Additionally and this was the funniest thing for the 'rebel group' to see - I was barefoot - wearing my SCHOOL UNIFORM.
Once in the moat - TOMLINSON had dived in and held me under water - that's right - the wanker held me under water just in case somebody immediately looked out of the window.
According to DALDRY they didn't until much later and so TOMLINSON had risked my life by that action.
Anyway, we went into the forest beyond and didn't reappear until the late afternoon. I had complained about my clothes being filthy from the moat and so he had ripped them off me. So I was naked (as per usual) when we reappeared at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - RIMINGTON questioned TOMLINSON as to what he had been up to and he replied 'training' me. As he was often wont to take me out on yet another perverse 'rite of passage' and often returned late from the forest - she was mollified. It couldn't have been either of us.
I then had to go through DALDRY's explanationn - he was leading groups around the hall and the stage set for RIMINGTON's CIXI production...remember the 'whispering' from behind the screen...telling everybody in his INSPECTOR CALLS voice...what the 'facts' were...and could they guess whodunnit?
Well, ILL - now you know who shot 3 of the TASCHMAN brothers. 3 of the most evil pigs that have ever walked this earth.
I am PROUD of it - one of the very greatest achievements of my life.
Anyway, I might as well 'out' who shot the 4TH PIG of a brother.
Remember how much you trusted SONIA and MARK - PRINCE WILLIAM?
Remember how you described the 'rebel group' as PSYCHOPATHS because they had murdered your evil pig best friends?
Well, MARK and SONIA were part of the rebel group - MARK had his rifle trained on all of you (as you cowardly pigs briefly came out into the courtyard) and MARK is an expert marksman - SONIA directed him to get the last TASCHMAN and he got him - BULLSEYE.
After that - the rebel group told me that if I could do what I did - in a school uniform - and then jump 400 foot out of that window into the moat - then they felt that they could do ANYTHING.
SONIA and MARK then planned the the SUCCESSFUL break-in to HAARP.
Isn't it amazing what you can do when you feel inspired?
Now that I have got that one off my chest - gone and had some supper etc - I feel a bit calmer and therefore should be able to write more 'thoughtfully'.
I guess that it was important to talk about what INHUMAN PIGS the TASCHMAN brothers were - before I eventually made public the INSPECTOR CALLS drama 'solution'.
I have had that one at the back of my head since that time - should I reveal all or not?
I then figured - if you had shot HITLER - would anybody get annoyed with you for it - apart from a tiny minority of people?
After I had typed up my moment of GLORY at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - I heard a 'shout of approval' from the RABBIS - so I am still on that network...it is good to know that you appreciate what I have done.
Anyway, I suppose the ILL would also like to know who was on the 'rebel' side?
I do not suppose that it would surprise anybody to know that MR PUTIN was immediately elected 'unofficial leader' by his sheer presence and demeanour - a natural leader.
It was MR PUTIN who had decided to target the TASCHMAN brothers. He knew all about them - I suppose he must have seen them enter my flat in PRAGUE - he had the flat above and rescued me by shooting at the front door handle. I have recounted the rest - how the sick pigs went into a screaming panic inside the flat.
After I had typed up my moment of GLORY at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - I heard a 'shout of approval' from the RABBIS - so I am still on that network...it is good to know that you appreciate what I have done.
Anyway, I suppose the ILL would also like to know who was on the 'rebel' side?
I do not suppose that it would surprise anybody to know that MR PUTIN was immediately elected 'unofficial leader' by his sheer presence and demeanour - a natural leader.
It was MR PUTIN who had decided to target the TASCHMAN brothers. He knew all about them - I suppose he must have seen them enter my flat in PRAGUE - he had the flat above and rescued me by shooting at the front door handle. I have recounted the rest - how the sick pigs went into a screaming panic inside the flat.
Anyway, who else was upon the 'rebel' side?
Many illustrious names - those who were high up within the ILL CULT. Naturally you already know that DALDRY and TOMLINSON were involved.
What you may not know is that ANDREW MARR tried to attend the first meeting but was thrown out for being a ROYAL SPY. Nobody trusted him in the slightest.
The rest of the group pooled their information but nobody could think of a foolproof plan to kill the TASCHMAN brothers without being found out.
It was then that I suggested my plan - I was being reprogrammed as 'schoolgirl' at that point and therefore I was probably the least suspicious of the lot of them.
A few of them pooh-poohed my idea but MR PUTIN quietly told them:
"If she says she can do it - then she can do it."
The others then took it as read that this plan would go ahead - DALDRY immediately began to plan the CIXI film and how he would pass it all off as a great 'detective murder mystery' to the rest of them...TOMLINSON decided that he would wait below in the moat...others were to be dotted around the castle to act as 'eye witnesses' in order to provide more cover e.g. at the bottom of the stairs where the TASCHMAN BROTHERS would enter - to their deaths - it was important that the eye witnesses were to say that they hadn't seen anyone come up behind the TASHMAN pigs.
RIMINGTON was naturally not included in this 'rebel group' and this was another reason why it was important that she didn't see me disappear out of the window.
Anyway, as it turned out - she was so terrified by the gunshots that she had heard (about a foot behind her - behind the screen) that she froze completely. She then began to blubber.
In short, 'CIXI' was very easy to handle and very easy to fool.
She was still red-faced, terrified and blubbering when TOMLINSON and I appeared, later on that afternoon.
After this event - the 'rebel group' were so astounded that I had actually survived the jump that this inspired them to far more daring exploits. The 'way' had opened - to take on and to destroy the ILL.
The infiltration of HAARP was one such triumph. None of the remote-viewers knew what they were facing and it was pretty clear that they were risking their SOULS and not just their minds and bodies.
For myself, jumping from that height - if I had died - I would have gone straight 'up' - no worries for me there. The dangers are far more potentially serious for remote-viewers, or so we thought at the time.
However, now it is clear to me that the SOUL is indestructible - it can pass through ANY sort of 'matter'. You simply have to cut through the illusions.
Astonishing - I heard upon the 'network' and I am not sure how they are on it - the SAS - part of SIS?
Anyway, they were commenting upon what I had written in terms of TOMLINSON had followed SAS procedure - he was protecting me from potential sniper fire - by pulling me back down into the moat.
I have thought about this and yes, it was possible and so I was wrong to term him a 'wanker' for doing this.
It was simply that he hadn't told me that he would do this but maybe that would have frightened me too much.
Anyway, there were two SAS members positioned upon the other side of the LOCKED thick, wooden doors to the hall. The SAS guy who had a view over the moat - might have opened a window and taken a potshot at me - if he had heard what was going on.
As it turned out - the doors were too thick for either SAS members to hear anything. Neither did they hear me fall into the moat because it was too far below and they didn't have a window open to hear it anyway.
Anyway, the upshot of it all was the general feeling amongst the 'rebel group' of 'look at her - what she did - how funny - imagine what we can do...' and they did.
Yesterday, I spotted a book on prominent display in the LIBRARY.
I 'recognised' it immediately from somewhere along the lines of 'aha, this is it' although I couldn't say 'what' exactly, at the time.
9 781847 825230
I didn't have time to read through it last night - and so I read the blurb, the first page - the last few pages to get a gist of the main action/characters and how it all ends - and then flicked through rapidly.
As I did so - I remembered certain 'dramatic scenes' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001. MARK R had used this book upon the TEMPLARS as a programming script.
Here is the blurb:
"Across the country, scientists are being murdered in a horrifying way: not one of the bodies had a head! Evidence suggested that the heads had been destroyed by something unknown technologically - a kind of fantastic heat weapon.
MI5's urgent investigation had only one lead: eccentric Dr Fox's report to Scotland Yard that the Burkholder touring Fair had been in the vicinity each time one of the murders had been committed. What sinister secret did the Fair hold?"
After reading the above - I figured:
MI6 = 'circus' = 'Fair'
(in MARK R's mind - see RAW LIBRARY 'Max and Lara')
'eccentric' - 'outside of the RA CULT CIRCLE = ex-CIRCLE
This is supposedly all about bringing the ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY cult down, isn't it?
That appears to have been almost done, in terms of bringing down their illegal shipping lines. It hasn't stopped RA SLAVES abusing their children.
This 'novel' is copyrighted 1957 but was first published (only publisher, it seems) by LINFORD LEICESTER in 2009.
Anyway, as I began to flick through - certain characters and scenes immediately came to life:
P27 The MIGHTY KHAN who has a smile like a 'tiger' and who is paying scientists to come up with every deadly weapon they can think of to destroy just about every country with radioactive dust - and to target certain populations with biochemical weapons.
I remember TOMLINSON had to take this 'role' in the play-acting - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
WALDO is the 'baddie' in this 'amateur dramatic' production - he is head of the FAIR.
So I guess that was JOHN SCARLETT, right?
CHAPTER 13 is entitled THE WATCHERS (a group of aliens who have control of a TIME MACHINE)
Having begun to read about the WATCHERS a vivid scene from MARK R's dramatic production came back.
CHAPTER 11 is entitled THE FORBIDDEN DOOR...and I remember at the TEMPLAR CASTLE this was all about leading certain TEMPLARS to the room where all of us 'watchers' i.e. remote-viewers were...
I remember SONIA and MARK being part of this group and we all found it a good giggle when DAVID CAMERON was introduced to us as CAPTAIN ARTHUR CHRISTIAN.
MARK ('watcher') told him that he would call him KAK for short. I added 'KAKA' (my childhood Swiss slang for 'poo') - none of us were taking this seriously. This was not in the script but MARK R couldn't stop us fooling around.
SONIA was given the role of BARBARA ('watcher') and had to read through the lines within this chapter. I suppose that MARK must have been given the part of PAUL ('watcher') but I haven't had to time to even read this chapter, properly yet...the memory and images of it came back after simply reading the name CAPTAIN ARTHUR CHRISTIAN.
Anyway, there is also a MADAME ROSITA who goes into unearthly trances and frightens the crap out of everybody...cue RIMINGTON.
RIMINGTON was actually quite good at this sort of role - she had been playing it in and around SOHO for many years - giving 'financial advice' for a pretty penny i.e. wads of notes - for many years, during her 'active service' at MI5.
The thing about RIMINGTON was that she was frightening enough in real life, without her pretending to go into a trance and start uttering mumbo jumbo - in order to spook people out.
P143 holds the major mind control programming command that MARK R programmed all and sundry with:
I have no context for this but CHRISTIAN meets up with a nine-foot woman who appears to be alien and tells him:
I cannot remember offhand what MARK R meant this 'alien word' to mean but as it ends in RIK - one can assume that it was all about himself.
Anyway, I still haven't worked out the important ILL programming meanings within this book and have no idea what MARK R's agenda was in programming with it...
However it is clear that the TEMPLARS were supposed to meet the 'watchers' and learn about the 'time machine' - I have no idea what happens to WALDO or ROSITA or the 'BRAINS' which end up being attacked by INSECTS...and so forth - or how 'KHAN' meets his comeuppance as the main 'baddie'.
We were all given simple 'explanations' of the TEMPLAR SYSTEM of WORLDWIDE CONTROL in groups, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
The MONARCH SYSTEM supposedly operates in every country.
You have the MONARCH (a public or covert controller) and then INTELLIGENCE - lastly you have SOCIETY/POLITICS (e.g. government).
I can now remember who the COVERT MONARCH of FRANCE was supposed to be:
LANDESMANN (MR PINK) - a newspaper baron/tycoon.
The top MONARCH of the entire system appeared to be ACKERMANN - and he was located in PENNESYLVANIA, USA.
PENNSYLVANIA - wasn't that the home of either the BLACK or the ORANGE secret US military base?
I think it was the BLACK but they had joined up with the ORANGE.
The CIA still worry me upon this one - the 'hokkaido' name of the secret US BASE upon a JAPANESE isle - that was called 'moon base' but was also the terrain of MR WHITE - the most important ILL base.
What is interesting to me here - is that ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE wanted to infiltrate it.
So ISRAELI JEWS against US ASHKENAZIM is that what we are seeing...it is more complicated than that...we are talking about neo-con NAZI bases infiltrated by the MOSSAD - and the MOSSAD appeared to still be working for the BRITISH ILL system...I am not sure what is going on here...
Suffice to say - the whole thing worried the CIA in Switzerland.
ACKERMANN appeared to have been running many, many companies of which OLIVETTI and TOSHIBA were only a small but significant part...
I had another message upon my ORANGE mobile this morning - from ORANGE.
The first letter code runs as follows:
I do not know what it might mean but obviously ORANGE programs its ILL SLAVES with this type of innocuous message by the 'easy to pick up subconsciously' first letter coding.
It was ISRAELI-born NIR who first alerted me to this one - he had worked out the code but didn't know what the acronyms might mean or how to group the letters.
2H DC by VC eo a *
How about the above?
I remember that the VICTORIA CROSS was something that 'fatty arbuckle' (MI5 boss that RIMINGTON murdered in 1980) thought would hold RIMINGTON in check - he told me to show her the medal (after I had told him that she was planning to murder him).
It didn't. She murdered him.
In PRAGUE 1995 - I was going through a huge amount of IMAGERY that was connected to the future...DALDRY and MALCOLM could see and 'understand' it but looking back on all of that now...it is really quite hard to decipher.
This was the opening of the PRINCE CHARLES' 'titty' i.e. his top programmer.
Anyway, I remember telling DALDRY about...I think it was a FRENCH & SAUNDERS sketch.
Where you have this 'am dram' theatre hall - a blacked out stage with a load of middle-class old ladies (in their Midsommer Murders flowery dresses, twin-sets and pearls etc) standing in a ring upon the stage.
The old ladies are all holding guns and they proceed to shoot each other and then to fall over backwards on their tottery heels saying as they do so:
"TAKE THAT - MR PINK" (or MR GREEN or MR BLACK and so on)
It is was an 'interpretation' of the TARANTINO movie: RESERVOIR DOGS.
What I want to know is - was I seeing this for real in the future?
Would all of these colour-coded MR somethings - fight it out at some point?
Or perhaps - those like RIMINGTON?
Okay - so I had breakfast in the 'dining room' where LES COQUELICOTS used to hang - I have already talked about the BOOKCASE in front of the RA TUNNEL in this room - but have I talked about all of the programming objects in the alcove beside it?
There is a large selection of old GAMES and children's books - that sort of thing and a notice saying something like 'please notify staff if you bring children onto the unit'.
RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON programmed with virtually every article within this alcove.
Additionally, every so often (and too often for me to make a note of here) - 'staff' would leave out some more toys/games in this area and remove others. I recognised all of these objects as having been used by RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON in 2004 - they probably dated further back than that...some of them, I recognised from 1980.
The last COLOUR-CARDS that were left here spelt out ECKO - for some reason - this was a TOMLINSON programming command but I forget what it meant.
Anyway, yesterday somebody had left a large mid-dark GREEN games box there - an old one. The MASONIC GREEN - often used to denote the KRAY twins.
Inside of the box and on top of the game boards (a mixed bag of games inside) - was an A4 piece of white paper with the following upon it:
Underneath is a timetable of the 'social workers' at MARTELLO COURT...I scanned through them....PORO....JULIE W....ANN...KATE...SHEILA...MIKE... and then I saw the name JULIET...
I immediately remembered that obnoxious and extremely stressed-out SOCIAL WORKER whom RIMINGTON had programmed to 'keep an eye upon me' and to give me a really hard time. The woman who had been instructed to keep on telling me that I was completely delusional and much worse than that...to make me feel like the worst social pariah out...
So now I know the name of this woman - RIMINGTON kept calling her JULIET.
JULIET had the 'looks' of a mixed race person i.e. very white skin, dark brown eyes and long black curly hair scraped back off her face into a severe bun or ponytail. Thin, of average height and rather 'wiry' looking.
JULIET doesn't know me yet - she will not remember what happened in 2004 but she will act out her programming instructions.
Unless of course, I divert the course of this particular ILL future - which was planned by the sickos RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON in 2004.
Another patient here - gave me an alternative 'route' to go down at this point.
He told me that when I was discharged - I could book myself into any B&B that I chose - I would have to pay my own money first - upfront - but I could then fill in the HOUSING BENEFIT forms (which he showed me) - they have a box for B&B under 'what type of accommodation are you living in at present' sort of thing...you can then claim HOUSING BENEFIT for that particular B&B.
So I do not need to go down the COUNCIL ROUTE planned by RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON at all. I can check myself into anywhere - once I have my discharge papers. The only 'requirement' is that I give a forwarding address - according to TOSHI and DR CARNEY - so that they can make a phonecall (part of procedure) to make sure that I am not homeless. After that, the two of them told me - you are free. We won't check up on you anymore.
I suppose that is the best route that I could take, then. Rather than have the COUNCIL mind control slaves, on my back all the time.
In order to shortcircuit the JULIET crap - I might as well apply for a B&B out of the area - and what better than the B&B accommodation that my father 'arranged' for me - courtesy of THE CROWN in MANNINGTREE?
I have already destroyed the 'electric eel's programming objects behind their B&B 'house' on MANNINGTREE High Street - remember my previous notes on the NAZI black writing (by PAT ANDREW) upon this garden wall - badly covered over with PINK paint?
Anyway, it is worth contacting THE CROWN today to see if they have any free accommodation.
They had the expensive 'B&B' across the road from the pub - and also the 'flat' which was beside the pub - in another small house. The 'flat' was only about £30 per night although the B&B across the road was £40-50 per night.
I had wondered at the time why my father was being so 'extravagant' with money. He had told me that I was now homeless and that he would call the police - I reminded him that this was a 'middle-class' area and that if he wanted everybody to know how he had treated me - go ahead. He relented.
He then booked me into this particular B&B with the ILL programming garden behind it. So I continued with my 'detective' work.
I had just come back from Israel to doorstep my parents - and my father was enraged...but nothing he could do. He had refused to pay the rent (easily affordable) upon my flat during the meantime.
Anyway, I think that this is the best possible solution - find a B&B in MANNINGTREE and get myself back onto the TENDRING 'housing benefit' allowance.
If I run out of money to pay the rent before HOUSING BENEFIT pays up - I can always 'doorstep' my father again.
WATCHERS - I can now see how and why we were the 'heart' of the rebel group at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
We were 'outside' of the RA CULT - looking at these insane people, committing atrocities and trying to force us to do the same.
In the end, what could we do but laugh at them? As my mother said - 'after a while it becomes like beheading cabbages'. What I mean is - you walk into the kitchen and saw RIMINGTON telling everybody that she was making CRABAPPLE JELLY but in fact, she was sieving HUMAN BRAINS and in the end...you had to laugh to stay sane amongst such sick people.
In order to survive - you had to be able to cut off emotionally - we had been trained to do that - our main purpose was simply to 'watch' the RA CULT - that is what we had been doing, all of our lives.
I remember SCARLETT telling me that he wanted me to meet SONIA and MARK - that is why he had arranged for me to go out to KATOWICE, POLAND.
'ANDIE' from my old 'GREEN team' at POWERGEN was also working there. ANDIE was one of those who couldn't disassociate upon the CAROUSEL at all and therefore couldn't be programmed - he kept his memories.
So there was 4 of us in the same place, at the same time...PUTIN then turned up - he was another programmed WATCHER by the ILL.
One can say that we were a small enclave of 'watchers' who would remember what had happened.
The ILL had hoped that we would just be 'data receptacles' and not become conscious of what we knew - what we had watched but this was not to be the case. We all 'woke up' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - MR PUTIN had been waking up in 1993...
With reference to 'nine foot alien' woman who gives the TEMPLARS the strange alien word.
I can remember now - that was me.
I remember quizzing MARK R about that one - how could anybody believe that I was NINE FOOT tall?
"They will...they will" he replied.
So what did he mean? That those who had been RA programmed - were so easily susceptible to any thought - any 'auto-suggestion' that was put into their heads?
With reference to MR PUTIN's small group who met before the main 'events' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE unfolded.
I have already pointed out what a small group of people this was i.e. those who were upon his 'team' in 1980 in Israel...TOMLINSON, DAVID MILIBAND (not his brother), SHANA, myself...and maybe somebody else but I cannot remember who.
PUTIN simply instructed us along the lines of 'you will see terrible things - just try to stay alive and steal anything you can, watch and note everything...etc'.
PUTIN was a true patriot of RUSSIA and so I presume he was thinking about RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE at this point in time...
However, later on - when the REBEL GROUP was formed...PUTIN was still 'leader' but the group had greatly enlarged...so many more people and one couldn't actually say that there was any 'nationality' or 'religious' affiliation to bind the group together - a very mixed bag of people.
It was simply a case of 'those bastards are criminals - trying to make us do obscene things - atrocities with them - and we are going to get them for it'.
I suppose that one cannot talk about any one particular intelligence agency as being particularly 'rebellious' it was simply a case of individuals who had had enough...of the ILL CULT.
However, one worrying point in all of this is the repeated appearance of the RUSSIAN ASHKENAZIM in every 'intelligence set-up'...if one looks at the cross-over of the venn diagrams of US INTELLIGENCE/UK INTELLIGENCE/ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE and so on...one gets the picture that this group was a 'group apart'...but within everybody else's 'intelligence circle'.
Okay, so I have exposed ACKERMANN as the real 'owner' of TOSHIBA.
I might add that the CIA were 'well-known' for using TOSHIBA computers - maybe they still do.
I also know that the CIA were of the opinion that they had 'got' ACKERMANN (I believe his first name was 'BILL').
ACKERMANN appeared to be based in PENNSYLVANIA.
This was the BLACK base.
The ORANGE base - I remember the map but it is unclear - simply to the LEFT of PENNNSYLVANIA - but I have no idea if it were in OHIO or not.
ILLINOIS and IOWA - for some reason - they also suggest to me the BLACK and the ORANGE by their location upon the map. However, the CIA were of the opinion that they were looking at PENNSYLVANIA in relation to ACKERMANN.
Anyway, I also have an 'image' of the dodgy 'office' which acted as a middleman for TOSHIBA INSURANCE in the UK - they were up to no good. I guess they were paid to do it - by ACKERMANN?
Here is an email from 'Sunni' regarding my insurance claim:
Message contains attachmentsSCN0002.jpg (276KB), Fortis All Risks Terms & Conditions.pdf (137KB), SIS Key facts.jpg (387KB), Taking Care of Your Laptop A5 Flyer.pdf (1591KB), Fortis All Risks Key Facts Summary.pdf (96KB)
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your payment of the premium for CompuCover. We attach your Certificate of Insurance, the full policy wording and our Key Facts. Please check the Certificate to ensure that it meets your requirements.
Should this policy not meet your requirements, you may cancel within 30 days of the inception date and receive a full refund (subject to no claim having been made).
Please note that in the event of a claim, we will require you to produce proof of purchase of the insured equipment and that we will act on behalf of the Insurance Company, not yourself.
It is a legal requirement that anyone seeking a new policy of insurance or cover for additional risks or renewal under an existing policy, must disclose any information that might influence the insurers in fixing the premium or determining whether to accept the risk. This includes details of any claims made in the last 3 years for this type of equipment. Under English law, failure to do so may entitle insurers to avoid cover from inception and seek repayment of paid claims. If you are in any doubt as to whether information is material, you should disclose it.
If you have not supplied us with the serial number(s) of the insured equipment, please do so within 7 days to validate your insurance. Failure to provide this information may result in any future claim being declined.
Should your equipment be either, more than 3 months old at the time you purchased CompuCover, second-hand, bought outside the UK, re-furbished or bought from Ebay, please contact us for a refund, as we will not insure your equipment.
In order to constantly improve our customer service, please could you complete our customer survey online at www.compucover.co.uk/customersurvey
Please contact us if further information is required.
Yours sincerely
Anyway, I wondered what the SIS attachment was - just out of curiosity - I have a SIS label upon the pedals of one of my bike and so naturally it doesn't have to be THAT SIS (secret intelligence service)...but in my situation...one has to wonder...
I hope that opening any of these files - will not crash my laptop.
Additionally - have they got my SERIAL number?
Did they ask for it - was it asked for on the website - I cannot remember clearly and so I will email it to them again - just to make sure.
Back to the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - DAVID BECKHAM was staying in the ROYAL quarters. For how long - I have no idea - but he was present during the 'rebellion' in the courtyard.
BECKHAM was one of the favourite ROYAL slaves. He had better watch out. The ILL tend to 'eat' their sportsmen once they have passed their sell-by date. How long have you got, BECKHAM before they sell you off as 'prime beef steak'?
Not so funny - look at the emails that TOMLINSON sent me about the ILL toying with the idea of ROASTING MIKE TYSON.
The message is: get out of the RA CULT now - before they get you.
Anyway, I have booked at THE CROWN in the B&B flat across from the pub from Wednesday night to Sunday morning.
I remember trying to book a B&B in Clacton - in 2004 - but they were all full - it being the 'bank holiday' coming up. I finally got around to calling THE CROWN in MANNINGTREE late on in the day - they said they had a vacancy - I told them I would think about it - rang them up later and it had gone.
This time around - I wasn't going to get caught out again - so booked it immediately.
I had stayed in this B&B flat after coming back from ISRAEL - and so this time around - I know what to expect. In 2004 - I had never stayed at THE CROWN.
The odd thing is that after booking this B&B flat - I went downstairs to the kitchen - and as usual - I looked at the fireplace to see if the LIGHT BLUE bucket which is used to collect wet teatowels in - had been put back in there.
RIMINGTON had told me that this symbolised the 'womb' and that the teatowels put in it - were babies to be sacrificed to the ILL. I can remember her standing there - puce in the face - looking more 'insane' than normal.
She then went on to say that if a LIGHT BLUE teatowel was put in there - that this was 'special' - more money - because it was a 'christ child'.
Anyway, I looked at the fireplace and to the LEFT was another bucket. The LIGHT BLUE bucket had been replaced with a mid to dark GREEN bucket - which had teatowels in it.
I realised that this was a big 'change' to the ILL system.
This type of GREEN is RIMINGTON'S green - her NANCY'S CAFE front in Clacton, is of the same colour - so is FRINTON golfclub and REG'S RESTAURANT up the road from EAGLEHURST.
Anyway, I decided to put this bucket into the fireplace - however 5 mins later - somebody had removed it and put it to the left of the fireplace again.
What is going on with the RED ANTS? Firstly, they keep on putting the LIGHT BLUE bucket back into the fireplace - now they won't allow the GREEN bucket in there...
Anyway, this time around - my plan of action will be this:
To avoid getting 'done' by the COUNCIL in terms of being given a 'mental health patient' B&B (where the ILL try to steal my laptop/belongings).
Secondly to avoid the COUNCIL putting JULIET THE SOCIAL WORKER upon my case.
To avoid both of the above - it is far better to NOT take DR CARNEY's letter to the COUNCIL tomorrow.
I will simply accept the DISCHARGE PAPERS - give THE CROWN as my B&B destination - and leave my mobile phone number (which they already have anyway).
I will then take a taxi - with my belongings loaded into it (about 3 large supermarket 'recyclable' bags) to my parents' house and dump the carrier bags (I cannot take them into B&B and they are not useful at present) in their walled garden/garage.
I will then walk down the road and check in at THE CROWN.
That should please my father. We are back to square one again, aren't we? Just like when I came back from ISRAEL.
My parents are coming back from the STATES upon Thursday and so my carrier bags will be a nice 'surprise' for them.
What I am still so angry with my father about is this: I know that he spent the money that should have been paid to me by the MOSSAD - upon buying my sister a house - after she had graduated from university.
Okay DAD - so you wanted to give HELEN over £120,000 in order to give her a roof over her head. I do not mind that at all - what I do mind - is that you used MY MONEY to do it.
I could have had a roof over my head - some security in my life, from my late teens but I had none of that. You are to blame and at some point - you will pay me the money back.
Your father told me to treat you as the 'enemy' because you are so 'brain-damaged' but that does not excuse your behaviour towards me and I will not let you off the debt.
Who told me that you had done this to me?
SCARLETT and COLLIE - so if you want to 'quibble' about it - go and 'quibble' with MI6.
Anyway, for the time being - I can use the measley £60.50 p.w. that I am now getting in terms of 'Employment and Support' benefit to pay for B&B but that will not last long. I have very little saved up.
However, by getting a B&B outside of CLACTON - that puts me out of the clutches of JULIET's 'social worker' remit.
I have filled in the HOUSING BENEFIT forms to claim back my expenditure upon B&B at THE CROWN and one hopes that this will be paid back. At £35 a night - the COUNCIL wouldn't expect to find much cheaper than that.
I might also add that BASILDON JOBCENTRE still haven't replied to the letter that I sent them - telling them that the GIROCHEQUE was approximately £100 under what they should have been paying me for that period.
I suppose that this all goes back to RIMINGTON telling me that PRINCE CHARLES had ordered that I should only get £50 per week to live on for the rest of my life...and so the ILL ROBOTS must be 'in a jam' about that one...
I might add that SIS told me that DAVID MILIBAND had already told the ROYALS that I had shot 3 of the TASCHMANN brothers.
All I can say is this MILIBAND - the RABBIS will sort you out - you PRETEND JEW.
So DAVID MILIBAND - are you another 'casualty' of the RA CULT like my father?
Are THE SIMPSONS correct in 'stating' that you had YOUR BRAIN REMOVED by DR CRAB?
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