I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly.
Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'.
Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured.
Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all.
When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.
'Cold' Torture
(A survivor's account)
"We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results.
We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect.
When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape.
I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious.
I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged.
Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."
'Hot' torture
(A survivor's account)
"The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery.
The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women.
I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream.
This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water.
Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word.
I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time.
I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had happened...it was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened.
Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch.
In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on.
I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital.
I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.
Sunday, 31 December 2006
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«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 2000 of 9989 Newer› Newest»I can remember being with the ISRAELI military leader...and AMADEUS...and NIR and his mother...and we were discussing our futures...
NIR and the ISRAELI military leader were annoyed with me...I didn’t fit into their pattern of thinking...NIR’s mother was there and she was laughing ‘she’s a woman, NIR – you have to understand that’...
Neither of the two men could understand why I didn’t want to be radical socialist (in the best sense of the word), a social reformer, working tirelessly for the good of the entire world...until order had been restored, after the ILL had been destroyed...they were both highly political...they talked about how one had to ‘suffer for one’s soul’ and for the entirety of one’s life...and I began to get a much clearer idea of ISRAELI identity, in general...Jewish identity perhaps...
Eventually, the ISRAELI military leader said defeatedly and rather snidely ‘you’re just a nice middle-class English girl, aren’t you?’...and I took a deep breath and said ‘yes’ and then tentatively, that I was also proud of it...I was a fighter when things were badly wrong...but after that...
I had told him that I was conservative with a small ‘c’...I just wanted a big house with a garden in the countryside...pets...and a vegetable garden...no stress...nothing much to do...I had done enough for my soul, in this life...I felt very guilty about not wanting to work tirelessly for the Third World...for equality in this world...but I had just had enough...I had done enough...
They had asked me if I wanted any family...and I had said to them ‘look at my family, you know them...no, I don’t...I would rather be on my own...but have a nurse when I get older...medical insurance, that sort of thing...’
The military leader said ‘NIR, she’s going off you...’ and laughed. He could be really mean but he could take it back...for example in a previous conversation, I had asked for body lotion for flaky skin and he had told me that this was a military base...and I said that one had to keep one’s body in tiptop condition...and that he had a bit of shaving foam on his face...he replied ‘so she’s got a sense of humour then’ to NIR.
Anyway, AMADEUS started laughing...I suppose that I was in a ‘child alter’ whilst trying to explain how I wanted the rest of my life to pan out...I had cited SWITZERLAND as a possible country to live in, once it was all over...the military leader looked pensive...’we might have to bomb that’...apparently SWITZERLAND is awash with the ILL and it is possible that this country may be targeted as a consequence, in the future...AMADEUS suggest ITALY...and they agreed...so the CATHOLIC CHURCH was definitely going to save ITALY then, from any ‘bombing campaign’...
The military leader then called me a ‘HOBBIT’...and I agreed...although I didn’t like it at all...interesting how THE LORD OF THE RINGS was being cited as the international‘script’ at that point...but it has always been that way, with the ILL CULT...all of the international MAFIA RINGS...and the ‘ONE RING’ to control them all...
The delicacy of diplomatic relations...AMADEUS fascinates me...he was ‘there’...in some many different places and circles of people...
In a way, this makes me think of the ad hoc meetings between various interested parties, before WWII...
...and the CATHOLIC CHURCH is in the thick of it...making sure that ITALY is left alone...or doesn’t bear the brunt of whatever is going to happen...smoothing the waters...resolving the conflicts...
I mean, AMADEUS was on very friendly terms with PRINCE CHARLES...PRESIDENT OBAMA and his aides...the ISRAELI MILITARY...the ‘international intelligence court’ in NEW YORK...an ‘essential delegate’ to any given meeting...
So AMADEUS’ summary of the MOSSAD could easily have been applied to the ISRAELI MILITARY as well as the MOSSAD...including BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...all robots...how terrible.
The way in which I was kept in captivity there...even though I was involved in a ‘good operation’ i.e. the bombing of ALAMO – the captivity, was what made me confront them all, in the only way that I could...I stopped eating and refused to get up.
I was being kept there with no memories...nothing to do except the tapes (and remote-viewing operations)...nowhere to go...no-one to see...
NIR didn’t make it any better by saying that I wouldn’t fit in anywhere, anyway because I wasn’t Jewish and didn’t know their language or customs...and that made me feel so alienated...an alien amongst robots...they were like simple, fixated and obsessive animals, around me...I felt superior in a way because I had emotions...because I wasn’t ‘autistic’ in that ‘military’ way...it was all deeply, deeply depressing.
NIR told me that I had nowhere to go – that my family didn’t want me...which was more than likely to be true...and that I had to stay there – nowhere else to go.
Maybe that is what AMADEUS wanted me to learn about the Israelis...how it would never be possible to fit in...and I realised at that point, that I didn’t want to...I didn’t want that identity.
Eventually, a British doctor turned up and told them that I had gone into a serious decline and that unless they let me go...that I would die. They had to let me go.
I can laugh about it now but it was a f***ing nightmare, at the time.
It’s an odd thing love, isn’t it?
It doesn’t necessarily stop the racism, stupidity and misogyny, does it NIR?
I remember now...I was left alone for a weekend...3 days on my own in that ‘flat’ upon the military base...with no human contact...you had been allowed ‘home’ but I wasn’t even allowed out for a walk...and nobody would go with me...you had told me that I couldn’t come with you because I wasn’t Jewish and that I wouldn’t fit in...and when you came back with your mother...I was exhausted, crying on the bed...I wouldn’t speak to either of you...and you said to your mother in HEBREW, after she had asked you what the matter was with me:
‘She’s just an animal’.
Yes, I had learnt a little more HEBREW, than you had thought.
After that – I had nothing to do with you, or anybody else upon that base...until the doctor came and I was released.
You all repulsed and disgusted me – this inbred race of robots – whom the ISLAMICS term ‘not quite human’...and it was true...you were the ones who were behaving like robotic animals...
The ISRAELIS are quite happy for anybody with a lot of money to buy their way into JUDAISM but it wasn’t all right for me...now why would that be...and the answer isn’t just because I didn’t have a lot of money, is it?
You have to learn to be a bit more objective and self-reflective as a ‘people’...
For example – AMADEUS openly talked about what the CATHOLIC CHURCH had done to the JEWS as a people...how you were now, little more than SATANIC ROBOTS...although RIMINGTON claimed otherwise...she believe that SATANISM was the true although secret religion of the JEWS...but it wasn’t...and the CATHOLIC CHURCH knows that...all I can say is that you are a very DE-LUDED people...LUDOS...the game...played by those like LUDI CROSS.
AMADEUS must have loved me...what a pawn to pay with, in this game of LUDO...the JESUITS know about every religion upon this Earth...and he claimed to be from the ‘fishermen’ Jewish disciples...his knowledge of JUDIASM down the ages, must have been ‘extensive’...and what the CATHOLIC CHURCH had done to the JEWS...
AMADEUS must have known the folklore about the ‘pink planet’...and how this ‘biological Jew’ had managed to get to ‘Jewish heaven’...and how that would upset the ‘inbred SATANIC ROBOTS’...really throw a spanner in their works...and it did, didn’t it?
I am beginning to suspect that this is what it was really all about...letting the ISRAELI ARMY have me for a while...so that I could see what those ‘robots’ were really all about...and to recoil in disgust...at their treatment of me...all ‘fun and games’ for the CATHOLIC CHURCH, I suppose...and you all played right into their hands, didn’t you?
I feel sorry for the JEWS...I have always felt sorry for them...but I feel even more sorry for them now, than ever before.
They shun anybody who cannot pay their way into their ‘money club’...attracting the criminals and lowlifes of this world...and the CATHOLIC CHURCH just loves it...time to finish them off then...now that the world hates them so much...isn’t that your line of thinking, AMADEUS?
I do not suppose that you are ‘proud’ of any of this, CATHOLIC CHURCH – how could you be?
So where now, AMADEUS?
Are you going to support MARK ROCKEFELLER’S new SLAVE-DRIVING religion with a ‘soft touch’ i.e. the Body of Christ or would that be MICROCHIPPED MIND CONTROL SLAVE ‘Sons of G-d’?
Are you going to ‘back’ him - when he wants to get up on stage as the MESSIAH, in his forthcoming Hollywood production?
I have now worked out what is most likely to happen in MARK’s calendar, this summer...
The ‘monstrous regiment’ gave me the best clue when they began to call PRESIDENT OBAMA ‘sexy beast’...
I then looked back...I remembered reading both TOMLINSON’s and OBAMA’S minds...and realised that they had both gone through almost identical programming...
So now I know what is going to happen...
TOMLINSON is a bit long in the tooth to play BAAL /MOLECH – murderer of children...as well as the ALMIGHTY on stage, isn’t he?
You’ve got PRESIDENT OBAMA lined up for that one, in your next production, haven’t you - MARK ROCKEFELLER.
However, MARK R was at the beck and call of other ‘faceless figures’...such as those in the MOSSAD and GOLDMAN SACHS...who had commissioned the TEMPLAR CASTLE tapes in the first place...not to mention LORD LEVY who had ‘loaned’ his castle to the ROYAL FAMILY.
However, the subtle yet dramatic ‘entrance’ of AMADEUS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE –turned it all into a CATHOLIC production, didn’t it?
So when are you going to play your hand, this time AMADEUS?
I am so angry with all of you...but I am rising above it...everybody that I have written about is so ‘mad’...that there is more laughter than tears...as far as I am concerned...
Mad but dangerous though...surely now that the world is in such peril...now, would be the time to stop the LUDICROUS games?
When TOMLINSON bit the top of NIR’s penis off...(MI6 made a joke about this in the CYCLOPS crossword of PRIVAT E EYE)...he was a ‘mad dog’...and he believed himself to be a mad dog...
Tell me AMADEUS, who would do that to a human being – create a ‘mad animal’ out of them?
MARK ROCKEFELLER would...and he is still creating them...and planning another ‘TEMPLAR CASTLE’ event this summer...and this time, I am guessing here...but the major attraction is likely to be PRESIDENT OBAMA...
BARACK OBAMA...for some reason...no idea why...I kept dreaming that his name was spelt OBAMER...
The CITY OF BAM in Iraq...I wrote at the time that it was hit by an earthquake and fell to the ground ‘walls of Jericho’ time...that I suspect sound-wave technological warfare.
I didn’t mention an important detail – the cross-questioning of myself – ‘friendly’ informal cross-questioning, I might add...by the CIA and OBAMA in that underground suite.
They wanted to know why I hadn’t done more to save NIR during TOMLINSON’s attack...OBAMA said that he suspected that I was still tied to him...i.e. that I still had some residue of the ‘master/slave’ bond.
I didn’t. I was working in self-preservation mode.
In retrospect, OBAMA was probably thinking along the lines of ‘she’s a Christian martyr mind control slave i.e. ‘son of G-d’ programmed – she should have sacrificed herself for NIR – NIR has more ‘value’ than her, in the ILL system’.
He had more than a ‘residue’ of the ILL programming system, within himself.
Although at the time, I figured that like my Swiss controller had said – TOMLINSON would definitely try to murder me at some point because that is what all ‘beasts’ were programmed to do – murder the ‘beauty’ to their ‘beast’...that was why the CIA were ‘worried’ about me and the questioning had centred around that area.
NIR obviously did have a lot of ‘value’ in the ILL system – after the attack – DALDRY, RIMINGTON, SCARLETT, BASSNETT even the PRINCES, were horrified. The PRINCES paid for his ‘reconstruction’ job.
All I can say is this: MARK R knew full well what TOMLINSON was like – mainly because he had known him for years and had programmed him, himself. MARK R had set TOMLINSON upon NIR and in retrospect – it was simply lucky that NIR had survived. The odds are that he wouldn’t have done.
It is a miracle that he did. NIR survived and he still has a penis – what’s the big deal?
COLLIE butchered me at 16 years old – but I still have a bit of a vulva left – so NO big deal.
Nobody kicked up a big fuss after she had told her surgeon to remove what was ‘un-necessary’ concerning my vaginal lips. I survived.
Yet at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...it was a big deal...now was that because NIR was Jewish...or was it because this was mainly seen as a PHALLIC attack...the heart of the sickness of the ILL CULT...phallo-centricity. It is ‘okay’ to remove most of the vaginal lips and vulva of a woman but NOT okay to take off the top of a penis.
How about a bit more ‘equality’ around here, eh ISRAELI military leader?
Why the big fuss about nothing at all...he survived...he’s still got a bit of a penis...NO BIG DEAL...or else you are simply a bunch of wilting flowers... so grow up...you want to be ‘tough’...you want to ‘save the world’ and work towards ‘equality’...well get over being cowardly, terrorised, wilting flowers, over your penises.
But I forgot...the ILL CULT are a bunch of ‘tortured penises’ in the main, aren’t they? That is one of the hallmarks of the cult...your greatest weakness...look at how ROWLING, RIMINGTON and DALDRY tortured TOMLINSON’s penis...and IAN RICKSON described the CHICAGO ASHKENAZIM to the CIA as SCARLETT’S ‘tortured penises’...for some reason...(okay, CIA...you never told me...why did he describe them as that?)
MARK R knew full well that TOMLINSON had a history of attacking any man that went near me...he knew what would happen when he put TOMLINSON into ‘rabid dog’ mode...and TOMLINSON turned into a ravening animal...not ‘guard dog’...a mad animal...a very young child alter who was in a frenzied rage...a tiny child that had been taught to behave like a wild animal...
All I am saying is that MARK R knew full well what TOMLINSON would do and he wanted him to do it and therefore it is simply a miracle that NIR survived the attack...MARK R had wanted him dead.
Why did the ‘jews’ blame me for this attack?
NIR had followed me around the castle for ages...SONIA had come up to me and said ‘he likes you for some reason’...she found it funny. Eventually he had asked to have sex with me. I let him. I had been made to feel that anybody could use and abuse me sexually and at any time, at that Castle.
It was no big deal to me...one simply had to concentrate upon survival - that was all. I saw all men as ‘animals’ and they liked to do that – I felt as if I were above them all and I was...I knew it. My mother had said that to me from an early age – ‘just open your legs and let them get on with it’...her disdain for them was palpable. It was no big deal for her either. They were just like stupid, obsessive animals and she felt some affection for them but she also had their basic ‘number’.
NIR was annoyed with my lack of emotion or my lack of interest in sex. He told me to look into his eyes...and when I did...I began to fall in love...there was a ‘soul connection’. We then spent a lot of time together – staring into each other’s eyes and the rest of those at the Castle thought this amusing...we were not stopped.
SCARLETT and BASSNETT were to tell me in 2004 that they had all seen this as ‘first love’ and they were ‘enchanted’ by it. How very ‘sweet’. This gives you an indicator of the psychological sickness, amongst those at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
So why did the ‘jews’ blame me for this attack?
One has to say that it was because I was a ‘woman’ who had ‘tempted’ NIR into ‘sin’ – I was a ‘beast of burden’ who would be naturally blamed for everything – no matter what.
There were 3 men involved in the entire event: MARK R, TOMLINSON,NIR.
None of them were blamed by the ‘jews’.
What sort of religion and religious culture is this?
I would guess that one has to say phallocentric to the third degree and a ‘religion’ that I want no part of...certainly not ILL JUDAISM (although I want no part in ILL ISLAM or ILL CHRISTIANITY either)...a religion constructed to use and abuse women...particularly women who are not in their particular grouping.
Ill JUDAISM allowed those men to behave like animals to me. I was the only HUMAN BEING out of the lot.
ILL-programmed men abuse women – they are terrorised by female sexuality – female reproductive cycles, female power.
They then designate women as ‘animals’ so that they can abuse them –whereas, in point of fact – the men are the ones who are behaving like ANIMALS. Mindless, obsessive animals.
According to AMADEUS – CHRISTIANITY was started off by the JEWS. I do not doubt this – of course it was – a breakaway group. ISLAM was also started off by the JEWS – I do not doubt this either – another breakaway group.
I have decided that I want no part in ABRAHMIC religions anymore...they are all too infiltrated by the ILL and are simply constructed to allow men to behave like ANIMALS towards women.
AMADEUS told me recently – about what he knew of the early practices of JUDAISM. He told me that his family were ancient...and that he knew of the origins of Christianity...he told me that early JUDAISM was basically SATANISM...it was a demonic religion which got a ‘whitewash’ historically speaking...with the publication of the bible and so forth...
I have no idea if this is true or not...coming from a mouthpiece of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...it begins to make me laugh, almost immediately...the hatred between the two groups is quite obvious...
However, it is an important point in terms of the fact that if early JUDAISM was SATANIC...CHRISTIANITY and ISLAM were both created by JEWS...born out of early JUDAISM...then what does that make them as religions?
Are CHRISTIANITY and ISLAM simply offshoots of an early SATANIC religion? That would make them pretty DEMONIC themselves...
When I look at the ZOHAR and the incredible amount of knowledge concerning how ‘souls swarm’...the ‘rainbow’ and the refraction of light...it doesn’t read as SATANIC...it reads more like a manual on something like ‘nuclear power’...you can make a bomb with it...or you can use it to make energy for more ‘positive’ uses...
An interesting point from AMADEUS and we were in ITALY as far as I can remember...outside a restaurant and eating spaghetti...
I apologised for the fact that even though I was winding it around my fork with a spoon...I couldn't swallow down whole lumps of strands...and AMADEUS replied that it was 'faintly disgusting' to see this...there was no reason why he should lie to me...I could read his mind...ITALIAN children were taught from an early age...how to eat spaghetti without getting tomato sauce anywhere...and without having to cut it up...or bite it off...
He then told me about how he and his 'people' had seen women like me...
He told me that 'they' liked us because we had something that they hadn't found in men...
Women sometimes had this 'morality' that no man possessed...they hadn't seen it in men at all...when forced, with their backs to the wall...some women would really fight for 'good'...opposed to 'evil'...something that they had found men never did...men always had the 'self-interest' factor involved...
I wondered if he was talking about women like LETITIA BATTAGLIA...FRANCO ZECHHIN had told me how she had won the respect of Sicily...
Last night...I ‘heard’ enough on the networks...cursing and swearing from some quarters...to know that I was correct...PRESIDENT OBAMA had been chosen as the ‘sex god’ for the ILL summer ‘rites’...and they were furious that I had exposed that one...
I then wondered if PRESIDENT OBAMA had more than a residue of ILL programming left in him...perhaps he would actually enjoy this ‘role’...would he resist it...would he go along with it...
I know that there was a big temptation for TOMLINSON to go along with it...because it meant more power within the ILL CULT...and ‘the only way is up’...you stay at the same level...more people above you, have a chance of killing you off...you go up the hierarchy and the amount of people who could actually harm you, diminishes...
I also ‘saw’ PRESIDENT OBAMA with his aide – telling him to get hold of MARK R now...and the aide coming back and telling him that MARK R was ‘unavailable’...OBAMA then said ‘send security’...but the aide replied that MARK R would just send them back...
The problem – when you are dealing with high level ILL CULT programmers is that they have the mind control commands of all of the Security Services...
So what would one term MARK R's new religion?
MARK R didn't believe in any 'god'.
It is loosely based upon the idea that as programmed 'sons of G-d' they are now 'rulers of the Universe' and have formed the BODY OF CHRIST.
This reminds me of those ILL pigs at SAINT BASILS...who were trying to make our splintered souls form the BODY OF ADAM KADMON.
So this is a third generation DEMONIC OFFSHOOT of JUDAISM.
When I first met MARK R in POLAND...he told me that he used to work in BANKING.
He had been an undercover agent for the IRS - which was a department of the FBI.
His position was second to the top of the heap at the MIDWEST BANK - the largest bank in the USA.
He knew all about finance, accounting and every possible way to 'cook the books'.
So one can say that MARK R had a big connection with BANKING and the SATANIC BANKERS in general?
What a viper to your bosom, PRESIDENT OBAMA.
I might also add an afterword to NIR – it was unfortunate that I had to use you as an ‘example’. You didn’t deserve it in terms of being one of the ‘better people’ involved in the ILL CULT – however, needs must – I needed an example and you fitted the bill, perfectly.
So all I can tell you is this:
I got over it and you must too – don’t ‘die of shame’ – get bleakly depressed or consider committing suicide – rise above it. I will not take any responsibility for your state of mind, that is your own problem – it is up to you if you want to be ‘bigger’ than the ILL CULT – or not, as the case may be.
If you want anybody to blame – or anybody to take revenge upon – trying calling your old ‘friend’ MARK ROCKEFELLER. You know, as much as anybody else – that he was the one who was responsible for what happened to you.
The way forward is simply to look at the ILL CULT objectively - to know that you are far better than them - to leave them behind and below you.
Last night...I had a flash of RIMINGTON in one of the very worst rages that I have ever seen her in...addressing an assembly of the ILL...telling them all that she could no longer stand their cult...she hated all of them. It was all very dramatic. She is a 'tour de force' as an actress, when focussing her rage.
DALDRY was suitably impressed afterwards - he walked out with her saying:
"You were wonderful, darling - you really told them."
He was trying not to laugh...he had found the whole thing hilarious...but he admired her...he had always had a big soft spot for RIMINGTON.
AMADEUS defined ‘good’ within the context of - good for CIVILISATION...COMMUNITIES...and from the earliest of times...when women saw their communities go off the rails...and in danger of extinction...they became ‘leaders’ and got their communities back on track...they briefly took over from the men in order to stop the rot, so to speak...they took over the male roles, for a while.
He didn’t see the EMANCIPATION of women as a good thing at all...in brief, women had strayed from their own power base into the male power base...the men wouldn’t really let them in...and then the men began to encroach upon the female powerbase...and women were left holding very little of the power left, out of either base...yes, they had loud voices within the media nowadays (which has led to accusations of the ‘feminisation of culture’) but in fact, they had very little real power, at all.
He referred to such women as 'amazoni'...'we call them amazoni' he said.
So the CATHOLIC CHURCH wins hands down, then...so far, as far as I am concerned - in getting the whole picture and in a 'moderate' and considered way of understanding the whole thing.
I still do not quite understand my own role in all of this. I was thinking last night that I had been deliberating stopped from having any real sort of identity at all.
For example - in order to have a strong national identity - you need an invested interest - a 'home' to fight for, money in the bank - your children growing up around you - friends and family - a community at large.
In order to have a religious identity - well I was never brought up in a religious way and have subsequently found two entry points i.e. JUDAISM and CATHOLICISM blocked, within this ILL GAME.
AMADEUS had told me after SCARLETT and BASSNETT had put me through that sick enactment with the priest in 2004...that in point of fact, the priest would have then questioned me further to find out if the voices, that he believed I was hearing (courtesy of SUSAN and ED)...was either FLOWERS i.e. HOLY SPIRIT...or DEMONIC...
Well, what would you call the 'alien lizard' radio frequency?
One can see which way that would have gone, almost immediately.
So I was to have no real national identity, no real religious identity...in order to make me less biased, in reporting what I had seen and heard, as a whole?
This is a game called EMPIRE and the ROMANS/ ITALIANS/CATHOLICS have been playing it for centuries – far longer than anybody else.
I put it to AMADEUS that his main concern was to protect ITALY.
He laughed and said ‘that’s my job’.
The ILL NETWORK are now screaming at me:
I say 'scream' but as ever it is 'on the breeze'...and not actually audible...check out the ALAN GARNER interview, for the phenomenon of being microchipped and hearing 'voices' which are not actually audible...either in your head or outside...
I can now remember RIMINGTON adding...in 2004...'and we shall make you do some Community Service'...i.e. unpaid work for the ILL...probably cleaning up for them, in some way...
Anyway,I have been aware for some time...whilst looking through the DVDs in the library...that there is an Indian film that MARK R said to me:
"It has a sexy cover - you don't like sex and so you will not get it out."
This film appeared to be key to something and so I shall get it out today...
I watched a DVD last night...called ANIMATRIX.
I had realised that if one takes the GREEN spines of the DVDs as a coded reference...the most important ILL films are colour-coded with a GREEN spine.
The one above, is no exception.
I also took it out and watched this ANIMATRIX DVD in 2004.
Additonally, I also watched this DVD with NIR upon the Israeli military base.
It had just been produced but had not been released.
The Israeli military leader told me - 'that's you'...he was pointing to the YELLOW eastern goddess who holds up digitalised lotus boxes of 'knowledge'...
He also told me that 'they' had produced this film as a response to what NIR and I, had remote-viewed for them. A glimpse of the future to come...
The short animated film of the schoolboy escaping from school after the men in black give chase...apparently NIR had really done this...done a runner from his school, escaping out of the window...
In short, nearly all of the cartoons upon this DVD...were about us or about what we had told the Israeli Military...whilst remote-viewing.
Watching it, yesterday evening...I remembered the above...and got very angry indeed...I kept thinking 'robots producing animations about robots'...unfair maybe...but that was the way that I was feeling, last night.
In fact, one of the cartoons is all about the top ILL...doing something similar to what NIR and I had to do, with the Israeli Military i.e. to 'plug in' within a circle, in order to experience 'group thoughts'...
However, this group of semi-robots...all get murdered by the 'machines' in the end...
Guess who the 'machines' are?
LOBSTERS...with RED eyes and very thin black spindly legs...yes, the CIA breaks in and murders the lot of us...
According to ANIMATRIX - the basic ‘vision’ appears to be this:
You have a group of HUMAN BEINGS who start to create ROBOTS out of all of the HUMAN BEINGS around them – turning them all into complete ROBOTS.
These HUMAN BEINGS then begin to experiment upon themselves with the new technology and they become SEMI-ROBOTS.
The SEMI-ROBOTS are controlled by a complete and utter ROBOT with GREEN eyes.
There is no explanation given in the text as to why these HUMANS/SEMI-ROBOTS are controlled by a complete ROBOT but I think that I can guess...
DR MENGELE was a complete ROBOT...or DR GREEN as he preferred to be called, at work...
Now, the Swiss controller at the CIA told me, words to the effect of...
’I don’t really believe you but I will put your point across anyway...that it was ROYALTY/ARISTOCRACY who started to create the JEWISH ROBOTS off in the first place...because of the ILLUMINATI program...the COLONIAL programme...’
Okay, so it is a moot point...I now have to include the CATHOLIC CHURCH in that one, too...after AMADEUS’ admission at the ‘international intelligence court’.
DR MENGELE was a NAZI ROBOT...that is what the ANIMATRIX film is basically saying, as a subtext...he was a GREEN ROBOT who created JEWISH ROBOTS like the ROTHSCHILD, who was then allowed to start off the ROTHSCHILD banking empire...from scratch...he was penniless when he left the NAZI camp...
So my question to the CIA is: who was controlling the MENGELE ‘DR GREEN’ ROBOT?
My point of view was always that it was EUROPEAN ROYALTY...they used to milk their merchants for every penny that they could...okay, so they were not directly involved in the slave-trade...but there is a brilliant passage in one of DAVID DABYDEEN’s novels...where he describes an aristocratic ‘LADY’ as being created out of all of the goods of the ILL colonial trades...she however, can act above it all...because she is at the top of the ILL hierarchical tree...she can be ‘affectionate’ to her black slave...whom she treats like a pet monkey...
If one tracks the MONEY across the Atlantic...then one ends up at the doors of those like the ROCKEFELLERS and the BUSH clan...and further...to any ILL family involved in the OIL CULT...
Anyway, the basic ending to the ANIMATRIX collection is that the SEMI-AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS are set upon by the more basic but also more aggressive ROBOTS (coded CIA)...who overpower and murder them...leaving the GREEN ROBOT helpless...he is overpowered, as well. The AGE OF THE ROBOT has truly begun...and of international HIVES of complete ROBOTS.
You also have an interesting little animation (9 in total) called:
The detective looks rather like TOMLINSON...he sees himself as the WHITE PAWN who is hunting for the RED QUEEN.
TRINITY makes contact with him - think more the CATHOLIC CHURCH rather than the sexy woman in a black jumpsuit...because AMADEUS told me that 'TRINITY' was in fact, himself...
Upon their first meeting, TRINITY then shoots the detective, upon a train...before he can find the RED QUEEN...
Not much of a detective story then, eh?
A rather abrupt ending.
However, the ending of this very short animation is of the detective, apparently surviving TRINITY's gunshot...sitting back, waiting for the MEN IN BLACK to turn up (would they be coded as the RED QUEEN?)...whilst using his ZIPPO lighter...which looks like the barrel of a gun, for no apparent reason...
I have also got out another GREEN SPINE DVD - which I watched in 2004 - as part of the ILL GAME:
'Welcome to the not-too-distant future, where implanted microchips record every single moment of a person's life. Upon death, the job of a 'cutter' ...is to edit down the deceased's entire lifetime into a fitting memorial film."
I will watch it again, tonight but it looks quite self-evident.
All ILL SLAVES can look back at every second of their lives...but whether the ILL have the ability to transfer this to DVD - I have no idea. Probably not - yet.
Some more ILL mail in my inbox:
Unread Danladi Musa Hello Please Read Carefully. 2:52 AM 11KB
Unread myhome@property.home.co.uk Home.co.uk: Home.co.uk enquiries ignored by agent Wed, 3/6/09 4KB
I have no idea what the latter is - but I tried to open it - having used this 'RIMINGTGON' site (home.co.uk) before and the email wouldn't open and so I closed my browser down - it was probably trying to download something.
I was reading through this article which tells us that fluoride may harm the pineal gland by calcifying it...
The article then goes on to say that the main cause of the propaganda to put fluoride in water...began with workers at a nuclear plant, where fluoride was necessary to ENRICH uranium...who were told that the fluoride left over in the water...was not only harmless but actively good for you...
...and a ‘little bird’ said to me...FLUORIDE ENRICHES URANIUM....
So what are we saying here...URANIUM MICROCHIPS in your pineal gland?
The fluoride in our water systems is to keep these microchips functioning properly?
I have NO idea of any of the ‘science’ behind any of this...
Here is the article in full:
A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever
Tuesday, June 02, 2009 by: Paul Fassa, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO's and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.
Understanding the Different Fluorides
There are two types of fluoride. Calcium Fluoride, which appears naturally in underground water supplies, is relatively benign. However, too much consumed daily can lead to bone or dental problems. Calcium is used to counter fluoride poisoning when it occurs. This redeeming factor indicates that the calcium in naturally formed calcium fluoride neutralizes much of fluoride's toxic effects.
On the other hand, the type of fluorides added to water supplies and other beverages and foods are waste products of the nuclear, aluminum, and now mostly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. The EPA has classified these as toxins: fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride.
For this article, the term Sodium Fluoride will include all three types. Sodium fluoride is used for rat poison and as a pesticide. According to a scientific study done several years ago, Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds, industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride.
Health Hazards of Sodium Fluoride
Generally, most fluoride entering the body is not easily eliminated. It tends to accumulate in the body's bones and teeth. Recently, it has been discovered to accumulate even more in the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain.
This consequence of dental fluorosis, which seriously harms teeth, from daily fluoridation has been documented. Yet, the American Dental Association (AMA) continues beating a dead horse, promoting fluoride. There is a refusal to admit that instead of preventing tooth decay, fluoride causes even more dental harm.
The flood of sodium fluoride in water and food also creates other more serious health problems that are not widely publicized, even suppressed. Nevertheless, in addition to fluorosis, independent labs and reputable researchers have linked the following health issues with daily long term intake of sodium fluoride:
*Genetic DNA Damage
*Thyroid Disruption - affecting the complete endocrine system and leading to obesity
*Neurological - diminished IQ and inability to focus, lethargy and weariness.
*Alzheimer's Disease
*Melatonin Disruption, lowers immunity to cancer, accelerates aging, sleep disorders.
*Pineal Gland, calcification, which clogs this gland located in the middle of the brain.
Article cont'd:
How Did We Get Stuck With Stuff?
According to investigative journalist Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, getting large quantities of sodium fluoride into the water and food system was a ploy of public relations sponsored by the industries who were saddled with getting rid of the toxic materials.
Fluoride was necessary for the processing or enriching of uranium. The pro-fluoride propaganda was started during the Manhattan Project to create the first atom bombs in the 1940's. The spin was to convince workers and locals where the largest nuclear plant was located in Tennessee that fluoride was not only safe, it was good for kids' dental health.
In the early 1950's, the notorious spin master and father of advertising, Edward Bernays, continued the campaign for adding fluorides to water supplies as an experiment in engineering human consent! Then the AMA picked up on the dental issue and endorsed sodium fluoride's addition to water supplies. The few dissenting health studies and reports were usually squashed. Those dissenting voices were dismissed as quacks regardless of their credentials.
Approximately 2/3 of the USA water supply is laced with sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is a common pesticide. So that residue is in some foods. Some sodas, packaged orange juices, and even bottled drinking water for babies contain fluoride additives. Buyer beware. Read your labels carefully.
Avoiding Fluoridation
Keep in mind that boiling only increases the concentration of fluoride to water more. But removing fluoride from tap water is not so difficult. Reverse osmosis works well for removing fluorides. If you own your home and can spring for the bucks, you can have one installed under the sink in your kitchen. That makes things very convenient for your fluoride removal from tap water.
If this is not your situation, grab a couple of large jugs and fill them up from reverse osmosis machines in health food stores, supermarkets, and other locations. There are several such machines around, usually labeled as using reverse osmosis, and they usually take coins. So it is the most accessible and cheapest way to go if you can't install one where you live.
Article cont'd:
How Did We Get Stuck With Stuff?
According to investigative journalist Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, getting large quantities of sodium fluoride into the water and food system was a ploy of public relations sponsored by the industries who were saddled with getting rid of the toxic materials.
Fluoride was necessary for the processing or enriching of uranium. The pro-fluoride propaganda was started during the Manhattan Project to create the first atom bombs in the 1940's. The spin was to convince workers and locals where the largest nuclear plant was located in Tennessee that fluoride was not only safe, it was good for kids' dental health.
In the early 1950's, the notorious spin master and father of advertising, Edward Bernays, continued the campaign for adding fluorides to water supplies as an experiment in engineering human consent! Then the AMA picked up on the dental issue and endorsed sodium fluoride's addition to water supplies. The few dissenting health studies and reports were usually squashed. Those dissenting voices were dismissed as quacks regardless of their credentials.
Approximately 2/3 of the USA water supply is laced with sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is a common pesticide. So that residue is in some foods. Some sodas, packaged orange juices, and even bottled drinking water for babies contain fluoride additives. Buyer beware. Read your labels carefully.
Avoiding Fluoridation
Keep in mind that boiling only increases the concentration of fluoride to water more. But removing fluoride from tap water is not so difficult. Reverse osmosis works well for removing fluorides. If you own your home and can spring for the bucks, you can have one installed under the sink in your kitchen. That makes things very convenient for your fluoride removal from tap water.
If this is not your situation, grab a couple of large jugs and fill them up from reverse osmosis machines in health food stores, supermarkets, and other locations. There are several such machines around, usually labeled as using reverse osmosis, and they usually take coins. So it is the most accessible and cheapest way to go if you can't install one where you live.
Article cont'd:
The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland
During the late 1990's in England, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke undertook the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.
Because of the pineal gland's importance to the endocrine system, her conclusions were a breakthrough. Her study provided the missing link to a lot of physiological damage from sodium fluoride that had been hypothesized but not positively connected. A veritable root source for the chain reaction of blocked endocrine activity had been isolated.
Good news though. Frequent exposure to outdoor sunshine, 20 minutes or so at a time, will help stimulate a fluoride calcified pineal gland. Just make sure you take off your hat. This is more important than most realize, because the pineal gland affects so much other enzyme and endocrine activity, including melatonin production.
The 2012 Connection
First a bit about 2012, a date many have heard about. According to Carlos Barrios, anthropologist, historian, and investigator who was initiated as a Mayan ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, "Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions . . . but they do not read the signs correctly. . . . Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed."
Carlos Barrios goes on to say that the transformation will be both spiritual and physical. The transition started in 1987. He says that we are in a spiritual transition from the rule of materialism, greed, and enmity to a new period of cooperation and peace - but not without difficulty. The current oligarchy is happy with what they have and don't want to give it up, and they are powerful. The Mayans claim that 2012 marks the end of the period of the fourth sun and the beginning of the fifth sun.
Carlos points out that adversarial revolution against the ruling class will not work. It is up to those who want this shift to connect with others of like mind and begin actively creating networks of real cooperation. The old will crumble. The new period will dawn with its growing pains, the severity of which depends on our ability to accept what is happening and go with the flow. This, he says, requires evolving to unconditional love, with an open and simple heart, forgiveness, and cooperation with less ego competition.
Article cont'd:
Connecting the Pineal Gland to This 2012 Matter
Well, what does all this have to do with the pineal gland? A lot. It is considered a portal to the inner or higher self by yogi masters, including Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. Psychics consider it to be the link for inter dimensional experiences. It is associated with what many call the third eye or sixth chakra, which is a doorway to higher consciousness and bliss.
And it is vital for supporting intuition, an ability that will be needed during hard times. So it is necessary to evolve spiritually in order to help create better understanding, acceptance of our fellow humans, and easier group cooperation. Meditation is a part of this evolving. That and a little sunshine, good rest and food, can cause a calcified pineal gland to loosen up and allow that portal to open.
An unusual psychiatrist, professor of medicine at University of New Mexico, and practicing Buddhist, Dr. Rick Strassman, MD, has written a book based on actual human studies of people under the psychedelic drug, DMT, titled DMT, The Spirit Molecule. He has discovered, among other things, that the pineal gland is a source of DMT production during birth and at death, and during near death or mystical experiences. This chemical approach corroborates the idea of the pineal gland as a portal, where the spirit passes through to other dimensions, either entering this physical realm or leaving it.
South American and Central American shamans use Ayahuasca, an herbal potion that stimulates DMT for psychological healing and spiritual initiation ceremonies. They have expanded their ceremonies with Ayahuasca by traveling throughout the world or opening their local facilities to non natives. They are doing this urgently in anticipation of 2012. Their desire is to jump start and expand individuals' consciousness so the transition of consciousness will be facilitated and incorporate as many as possible.
This information is meant to link the physical realm's pineal gland to higher states of awareness and other realms. The point is not to advocate or discourage psychedelic drug use, but to encourage health, meditation and spiritual growth by maintaining a fluoride free pineal gland. 2012 is approaching. Time to get in shape!
Fluroide: Friend or Foe? By Devid De Santo (www.lewrockwell.com)
Germans and Russians Used Fluoride to Make Prisoners Stupid and Docile, by Devvy Kidd
Fluoride Accumulates in the Pineal Gland, by Sepp Hasslberger of Health Supreme (www.newmediaexplorer.org)
Transcribed interview of journalist Christopher Bryson: The Fluoride Deception: How a Nuclear Waste Byproduct Made Its Way Into the Nation's Drinking Water http://www.democracynow.org/2004/6/...
Article by Ingrid Nairman highlighting Mayan lecture in Santa Fe, NM by Carlos Barrios
The Pineal Gland: Interface Between the Spiritual and Physical Planes?
The Fluoride Debate - (www.fluoridedebate.com)
Another very interesting article which I have seen 'before' - I shall post it here - as well as the 'comments' because I have 'seen them before' too and know that some 'very important' people wrote them (despite the pseudonyms):
The New Paradigm
Our paradigm or worldview is how we "make sense of the world." It provides a framework to organize new information. We filter out what doesn't fit. We can't seem to learn what doesn't conform to our paradigm, i.e. prejudices or "education."
Paradigms can be liberating or prisons, depending on how true they are.
About ten years ago, my paradigm began to change when i realized that the government, media & education were actively sabotaging society. I had imbibed feminist and Illuminist propaganda (i.e. "sexual liberation") and was confused and dysfunctional. When I couldn't question feminist shibboleths in a university setting, I knew something was very wrong.
Until this recognition, I had seen government, education & media as relatively open, benign and democratic. I attributed evil to random conflicts between classes, nations, races and religions. Evil was unorganized, a default mode due to human fallibility. History was determined by "great" men. I was involved in the political process.
The atrocities of 9-11 and the bogus "war on terror" revealed that evil is highly organized and centralized. It is not accidental but the product of a planned long-term conspiracy to degrade, demoralize and enslave humanity using wars, depressions and depravity. History is determined by straw men, i.e. banker front men.
They want us to believe wars are caused by nations, races and religions in order to dissolve these collective identities and create one homogeneous mass, easier to control.
Cabalist central bankers need a neo-feudal world government to protect their monopoly on government credit. They hate God, humanity and freedom and wish to domesticate mankind to serve their interests. They want to supplant God and define reality.
We are supposed to be like children who leave important decisions to them. We are being infantilized. For eg. Hollywood movies were based on novels; now they're based on comic books.
Article cont'd:
My writing is dedicated to the "new paradigm," unearthing information about the conspiracy and showing how it is unfolding in our daily lives.
With others, I believe that an heretical Jewish sect, the Sabbatean-Frankists are responsible. The Jewish bankers belonged to this sect and established a secret society, the Illuminati, which took over Freemasonry in the 1780's. They were chameleons, intermarrying and infiltrating every other group. Wearing different hats, they were responsible for the wars and revolutions that have plagued the human race. They could mouth any ideology or religious belief. They were concerned only with power. War was their way of waging war on the human race.
They soon dominated the economies, religions and politics of Europe and America. They inherited the mantle of earlier cabalist bankers who funded Cromwell and were responsible for the English, French, American and Russian Revolutions, all designed to overthrow the Old Order (church and aristocracy) and to empower themselves.
The real meaning of revolution and the "Enlightenment" is Luciferian and satanic. Its purpose is to defy and supplant God, i.e. the natural and spiritual order -- what is conducive to health and happiness for humanity. Modern western "culture" is a psy-op designed not to glorify man in the image of God but to degrade him. This is the true meaning of "progress" and "progressive" -- i.e. leading to the Luciferian New World Order.
This is why the heavy propaganda against the word "God." Even the conspirators are sophisticated enough to know that God is synonymous with GOOD, and TRUE, but they'd rather you believe He is an outmoded superstition.
This is the Judeo Masonic conspiracy. The plan is outlined in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" which is genuine. "Anti-Semitism" is a red herring, a ruse to divert attention from the dire seriousness of this conspiracy. The vast majority of Jews are not aware of the machinations of the conspirators, and are manipulated like everyone else. The Protocols say they use anti-Semitism to manipulate their "lesser brethren."
Most people who are successful (in the public realm) are witting or unwitting collaborators. Evil (or stupid) rises to the top. This has ceased to be strictly a "Jewish conspiracy." But like everyone else, Jews need to know about it, or be manipulated and used forever. They need to know that anti-Semitism is caused by the out-sized role other Jews, half-Jews and crypto Jews have played. Zionism is an instrument of banker world government.
We have a faux society. The central bankers (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs and the rich) control the media, politicians, professors, journalists. Those who deviate from the script are quickly marginalized. Our social, political and cultural life is a charade. The latest example: "Family Secrets," a new book exposing the Bushes' role in this conspiracy can't get reviewed in the mainstream media. In a healthy society, this book would be in the headlines.
There are hundreds of universities offering thousands of courses but the conspiracy paradigm is not one of them. The true consciousness of humanity is kept alive by a few score private scholars who are like monks in the Dark Age.
This invasion was carried out by money and propaganda, not soldiers and planes. They control us through our minds.
Article cont'd:
Confucius wrote:
When things are investigated, knowledge is extended.
When knowledge is extended, the will becomes sincere.
When the will is sincere, the mind is correct.
When the mind is correct, the self is cultivated.
To which I add, the correct mind requires the correct paradigm. Until we understand that the world has been colonized by satanists (cabalists), we will not function in a healthy way.
We need to make sense of the world. When we have the right paradigm, we stand on solid ground. We know that we can better listen to our heart, instincts and common sense than to what the mass media, education or government tell us.
Related- Rockefeller Official Revealed NWO Plot in 1969
Comments for "The New Paradigm"
Armado said (June 2, 2009):
Yes there is something odd with Mankind on this Planet. Why have we not found a solution to our common problems from the very beginning. It's been more than 10,000 years that should have been enough? The evil forces claim to control
the nation-states. In the "camouflaged" masonic lodge (Quinta da Regaleira) at Sintra (Portugal) they claim they have always controlled all kings and all Republican presidents. I believe them. If you visit the castles and do a bit o
research you will find confirmation of the Masonic link in the architecture of Castles of the 1400 and and previously on the Roman Empire buildings. If you can decode the signs, you will find the signature of Evil. The advertisements
on the street, TV, Music and culture are Satanic if you can decode it.
I was raised in a christian-family, but christian just in title. For a time being I believed the "Annunaki" theory regarding God of Zecharia Sitchin. And I explored the Egyptian "Miracle of Man". I only managed to discover and
believe in God already in my Middle age. After reading a lot about all religions (Good and Evil), I converted to Islam where I believe it's closer to the truth than any other. Maybe the only one not sabotaged, that's why the
Satanic "Western" powers view Islam as dangerous, the truth is dangerous to the evil ones. And Islam it's the only compatible relegion on my view of mariage, spouse and childreen. My wife is Muslim and love her more for that.
No European wife, would do, unless she accepted and comprehend fully Islam.
Regarding your piece "The New Paradigm", I offer my tip: http://thearrivals.blogspot.com/ (Although I disagree with some aspects, here
it is the all powerful truth about the most of it). It requires effort to see
all these videos, but it's worth it!
I am positive and confident about the future, the Power of God is immense. I
believe Salvation for Europe and the United States is in Islam. Time will tell.
Comments cont'd:
Mac said (June 2, 2009):
This has to be one of your best, especially how you evolved from ten years before. It's my story also/
Peter said (June 2, 2009):
Great article!
I really believe we are in the last days and you are one of the "Watchmen"
God Bless you
"I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace
day or night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence
Isaiah 62:6
Jay said (June 2, 2009):
Henry, There is no doubt in my mind that you are gifted with the "Holy
Spirit"And even though you don't mouth "Jesus,Jesus,Jesus"In my mind you
are a TRUE christian.I'll take the truth any day even when it hurts ME.I
am so glad I got out of the church system!..
Comments cont'd:
Mr. Wallace said (June 2, 2009):
It is always a pleasure to read your thoughtful and well-written articles, even when our opinions may diverge. I admire the way you have attempted to deal with the demise of the family and its connection with so-called Women’s Liberation. In your article entitled ‘The New Paradigm’ however, you conclude with some lines you wrongly attribute to ‘Confucius’. The attribution should probably be to the philosopher’s grandson, K’ung Tsi’g-si’g「孔子思」. ‘Confucius’ is not even an approximation of the great thinker’s name by the way, being a pseudo-academic Latinization of an old term of respect, i.e. K’ung Futzu「孔夫子」, that can bed roughly translated as the venerable or reverend master K’ung.
What surprised me, in light of your subject, was that the extract you give was woefully incomplete, and so I have enclosed my own version. The study of classical Chinese provides much that is of profound interest, especially in its freedom from Judeo-Christian bias, although this is always prevalent in its translation. One example I think is particularly relevant to your own thinking is the fact that according to Chinese history, civilization developed from the institution of the contract of marriage, the indigenous people living in a state of savagery at that time. I believe this to be a momentous occurrence, and one well worth looking into in more detail. At any rate, my translation runs as follows,
One of the clearest theoretical expositions of this complex problem that is probably to be found anywhere, and not just in the literature of ancient China, is the classical text referred to as, ‘The Great Study’「大學, Dar-hok, mod. ‘Ta-hsueh’」. In this short but seminal work, the fundamental correspondence between the methods of national government and self-discipline, together with their mutual principle of Lucid Discernment are clearly outlined, as should be easily understood from the following extract,
MR WALLACE' comment cont'd:
“Of old, those desiring that The Means Of Elucidation
Should be made clear throughout the realm,
First had to minister to their own domains.
Desirous of National Government
They first had to harmonize their families.
Desirous of Domestic Order
They first had to cultivate themselves.
Desirous of Personal Discipline
They first had to regulate their hearts.
Desirous of Emotional Rectitude
They first had to be veracious in their thoughts.
Desirous of Rational Probity
They first had to be comprehensive in their perception.
Cognitive Perfection lies in Distinguishing Phenomena.
The Discernment of Things thereby developing comprehensive perception,
Perfect Discernment permits of veracious consideration.
Rational Probity facilitating the heart’s regulation
Emotional Rectitude is conducive to self-cultivation.
Personal Discipline being productive of family harmony
Domestic Order promotes the state’s administration:
National Governance thus promulgating Universal Peace.
The words in italics are all specialized terms, and really require annotation to give a proper idea of what is implicit; nevertheless, I think the concept of Domestic Order or family harmony which, was based on the marriage contract and all that such implies as I mentioned, is not something to be cavalierly edited from your ‘Conclusion’, anymore than any of the other points the original text brings up. As you yourself say,
“the correct mind requires the correct paradigm.”
On the subject of paradigms, and also regarding your remark,
“When we have the right paradigm, we stand on solid ground.”
it is amusing to note that the Philosopher Loeg, or Lao Tzu, stated that,
“The paradigm of Man is The Earth
That of Earth being The Sky,”
I agree that we need to make sense of the world, but frankly I don’t think that there is much of it to be found in quoting bowdlerized translations of classical Chinese philosophy? Whatever the case, I look forward to reading your future articles,
Comments cont'd:
Doug said (June 2, 2009):
I have learned a great deal over the past few months - I have been reading Unified Commercial Code and I have learned that reading the King James Bible is a great way to learn the Unified Commercial Code. Our courts function in reality on the Unified Commericial Code and the liars in our courts keep that from us and make us think we have something like common law. This is why they are liars.
The pen is mightier than the sword and we can beat them at their own game, many are doing this already. I suggest for people to look at the free PDF, "Introduction to The Law Merchant". It can be found online and is about 50 pages. It explains how the law is constructed and why.
The globalists want to replace this (The UCC) with feudalism, and the UCC is the ideal tool for that. The pen is mightier than the sword and we can win society back.
Carter said (June 2, 2009):
I have experienced a grand change in my world view directly attributable to your research. In my younger years, I always wondered why one could always count on perverse legislation that actually embraced crises. Now I understand. Moreover, I am duty-bound to deliver those around me from their mental bondage. With your help, that is what I shall do.
Thank you, very kindly for your sacrifice. Please, help me to do the continuing work of spreading your message to the large numbers of simple people who are not on the Internet and may never be.
Frank MD said (June 2, 2009):
Love your stuff, but, they control everything. In fact their technology or access to such is many hundred years advanced. I don't fight it any more , I withdraw from it and take my precious children and grand children with me. No, I'm not a coward.
Tracy said (June 2, 2009):
Your most recent article, The New Paradigm, has spoken to me as no article of yours has. It burns with the fire of sincerity and shines with the brilliance of love. Thoughtful, analytical, compassionate, and uncompromising, you illustrate how our dreams of tomorrow can't be constructed from the sordid and intentionally corrupted thoughts of yesterday or today. Humanity has been hijacked by a cabal of bloodthirsty, satanic power mongers, and the first front being fought in this sham, duplicitous "War on Terror" is that waged against consciousness.
Your message is clear: unless we win the battle for our minds, hearts, and souls, our demise is certain.
Thank you for your most important and powerful words. I am roused and inspired as never before.
Jerry said (June 2, 2009):
Thank you Henry for another installment.
You really do "GET IT".
Every day I speak with random pedestrians ... and I am NOW convinced that
the common man knows that something is VERY WRONG.
Now what can we do?
I cannot see defeating them, by becoming just like them.
For I, abhor them and their ways.
I don't think there will be a divine intervention.
This is not God's problem to solve. It is ours.
I am very much trying to LEAD by example.
"I agree that we need to make sense of the world, but frankly I don’t think that there is much of it to be found in quoting bowdlerized translations of classical Chinese philosophy?"
'MR WALLACE' states that he 'frankly' doesn't think that...etc
He uses the word FRANKLY.
Now that is a word that the CIA picked up on, with me...in relation to TOMLINSON and his 'BEKS' cult.
'Frankly I don't give a damn'.
How we give ourselves away - if we have been brainwashed by this cult?
That would be 'French Jews' to you and me, eh CIA?
Is that why you re-made THE PINK PANTHER movie, to tell the FRENCH JEWS that they no longer had the 'jewel in the Crown' i.e. the CATHOLIC CHURCH in their pocket?
It is an odd number - which is probably why it stuck in my mind:
Before I left for INDONESIA in early 2004 - my father and I had lunch in the Jewish quarter of Paris. I was to fly from Charles de Gaulle airport, later on in the day.
My father found a restaurant and he appeared to have a particular one in mind.
Having never consciously walked through this quarter before - I was surprised to find a certificate in the window of this restaurant, stating that all of the food had been passed and blessed by the top RABBI of France.
Anyway, we went in - there was a buffet-style spread - and my father chose the PRAWNS - a large container of them - it was the special meal, that day. Rice and prawns.
I couldn't believe it - PRAWNS?
Surely shellfish were not 'kosher' and forbidden...so what was going on?
I also noticed that all of the Jewish school children party (most of whom looked Sephardic), who then came in for 'lunch'...none of them bothered to either wash their hands or bless their food...yet this was THE kosher restaurant upon that street...
My father made a big point of relishing eating his prawns...and then we left.
What point was he trying to make to me?
I am quite sure that there was one...
Another excellent article upon the ROCKEFELLER 'LUCIFERIAN' designs within their building...
The statue of PROMETHEUS immediately brought back memories...
AMADEUS had taken me in there... and as we approached this statue - he asked me what I thought it was all about...
It was a young naked man, standing on top of a large GOLD RING...with what appeared to be a lump of seaweed in his hand...AMADEUS said 'not seaweed'...and so I tried again...'somebody's hair'...'no, try again'...and I couldn't work it out - until AMADEUS told me that the statue was of PROMETHEUS and therefore I could then guess that he was holding FIRE...
What was the purpose of this visit?
I suppose to visually show me that the ROCKEFELLERS now thought that they controlled the ONE RING OF POWER...the RA CULT...
A sort of 'MR ICKE' comment from the above website 'stoning' the LUCIFERIAN intent of the ROCKEFELLERS:
"For what I know, The God of the bible “Jehovah ” has a problem (many have noticed ) Jealous, cruel, warrior, etc..
I have come to accept a true God a universal one the one that is ALL THERE IS in other word the energy that keeps the atoms active .It is an harmonic vibration, It is in every thing and in us all
Quantum physic recognize the existence of other dimensions (invisible to us )we can only see with our eyes 5 % of the light spectrum. This tells us that a”spiritual ” (invisible )life is credible and could well be our true eternal home .
We are only here in 3D for a short span to experiment all the dilemmas of duality until we realise the value of love and compassion.
When this happens our density thins out and we become (automatically,no judgment necessary )eligible to rejoin with the spiritual harmonic levels
These NWO doers are running an illusive staged scenario where Money and fear of debts keeps us busy with an education and social system based on competition/failures ,pride,deceptions, etc.. just creating enough constant fog in a manner that we forget WHY we are really here for.
All we have to do is concentrate on our objective and avoid at all cost to be their tools as without our participation
they can not execute their agenda."
Okay - so I read all of these comments left below the article, before...or at least the first few...mainly because I wrote one of them upon the behest of the CIA...who laughed at it...I was pretending to be a childish Christian blogger who wasn't under mind control...and not on the payroll of the ILL...
We were all writing up our own comments to fill up the comments page.
It is important to point out that although some of these are 'disinformation' comments upon the page - that was just to 'bulk it out' - some of them are for real. Here are the last few comments:
Guy June 2nd, 2009 6:03 am :
To Chris ,
your quote “this age of darkness and chaos.”nothing got to that stage by accident It is the result of policies applied by the powerful . America was designed to be used as the police state it is by it’s creators (Anglo/dutch) empire
Using their men inside (free masons) their agenda is on the back of the dollar note.. The Pyramid with the eye in the cap stone.At the base of it it says” order out of chaos”. Meaning, we will create chaos to make the NWO acceptable (deception)
D.Rockefeller is admitting in his memoirs his work toward one world government .He is also supporting the idea of drastic population reduction ,as well as prince Charles. What we have is the crowns of Europe all linked by blood ,this include a good deal of American leaders such as the Bush, Clinton,Kerry, and many more(over 30 previous presidents)in bed with the Rockefeller and Rothschild These super rich control Most of the big corporations an MEDIAS. They use the Masons and Zionist as their delegates. The motto of “mossad” Israel zionist state intelligence is “by way of deception we will make wars”
Zionists are not Jews, not Semites as they originate from Slavic eastern Europe (converted to Judaism )
That is an other deception. So when these people claim to bring light you can be sure it means DARK
They represent 1% of the world yet they own FIFTY per/cent ,Half of the world wealth. No wonder the rest is struggling , and they want all .They move by launching fears one after an other because they know human docile nature . In a state of fear human psyche can be tamed to believe a rain of lies , it is called Problem(fear) reaction, solution . After the initial Problem Say 9/11/2001 the rain of lies from the medias convinced the majority of a presence of Muslim terror coming from Afghanistan .The “solution” to invade was in fact a program in place prior to the attack to install an important pipe line(from the black sea and restart the opium business that the Taliban banned. Now Afghanistan supplies 92% heroin of the world market.
It is the same for Climate change, Gore(an other kin )has set up himself to profit from the carbon hoax and most likely the planet is cooling and many in poor countries will die (just as expected)
john June 2nd, 2009 10:28 am :
to: lyg June 1st, 2009 9:44 pm :
good article, they intend to make all of us slaves
INTEND? you and I already are slaves. there’s NO door out, turn around. see…
A. Magnus June 2nd, 2009 5:38 pm :
The Luciferians have indeed long since taken over the church. Nothing about the Council of Nicea, the Inquisition, the Jesuits (including the ‘Alhumbrados’ or ‘Illumined’ ones) or any of the Church’s exploits in the New World have anything to do with Christ’s teachings. Burning people at the stake and torturing them is as Satanic as it gets. Accumulating wealth pillaged from other nations is also Satanic. So is cutting out the words of the Most High from man so that mankind must dwell in darkness where the ‘church’ is needed to enlighten souls. The books of Enoch and Ezra were cut out of scripture for a reason, and it has nothing to do with mankind’s benefit. These same evil bastards then created other groups like the Bavarian Illuminati in order to have a ‘good cop/bad cop/ dynamic with which to continue leading mankind astray.
Remember that Sodom is the spiritual Egypt, and that New York, Rome, London and Washington DC all have obelisks showing the triumph of spiritual Egypt in this world. And to those who would defend Rockefeller Center as purely ‘art,’ if Hitler commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design his gas chambers would you defend them too? What about the massacres in Rwanda, if they were done with ornamental machetes that are pretty to look at would you say we’re being too hard on the murderers?
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Yes, the CIA researched and wrote the article too...suck on that, ROCKEFELLERS.
I say the CIA...what I mean is: top 'intelligence mind control programmers' surrounding PRESIDENT OBAMA.
So why did they allow MARK R back then? There must have been a deeper plot at work...at large...
The videos begin under this heading upon the above website:
The Other Israel...From the Talmud to the Khazars
It is the TALMUD which apppears to be to blame for most of it...heavily influenced by BABYLONIAN Satanism...and the videos make clear that a lot of Jews have no idea of what is actually written in the Talmud...even though it is now their sacred book.
The last video, contains AMADEUS' comment, underneath.
"The other Israel(3/7)Khazars
...and now it all comes back...or quite a lot of it...I had wanted to know ‘life, the Universe’ etc...and I got it...courtesy of the VATICAN...
My ‘SWISS family Robinson’ were descendents of the SADDUCES...this ‘priestly class’ disappeared after the fall of the second Temple...the LEVITES took over...and the rest is pretty much history. The term ‘JEW’ is a new one – a modern fabrication.
Within my family history – we were SADDUCES, priests of the Temple – Hebrews. So no, not by any stretch of the imagination, could I claim to have a ‘Jewish’ identity or family tree. A distant Hebrew heritage, yes – Jewish, no – a modern, invented term and identity.
I can now understand why I continually looked down upon SHARON – I never took him seriously when he told me that I wasn’t a ‘Jew’. Although once in Israel – he had said it SO many times...that I just turned around and told him sharply:
“I am KOHANIM – you are a LEVITE – a servant of the Temple. You do NOT tell me anything (what to do, who I am, that sort of thing).”
Spiritually, I always knew that I outranked him and therefore I didn’t take him as seriously as perhaps I should have done.
Besides, being a descendent of the SADDUCES is a rather dubious ‘pleasure’...it means ROMAN COLLABORATOR.
Doesn’t history have a funny way of repeating patterns?
So I can leave JUDAISM firmly behind and in the incompetent hands of those Babylonian Pharisees, like the KATSAV family - close that door and walk on. I hope that I never have to open it again.
On top of that...I then ‘knew’ what the whole HARRY POTTER saga had been about...the Jewish Satanists had been hoping that I would write a tale which would be used as a script to continue HOGWARTS...they had chosen NIR as their little HARRY POTTER...and now I have slammed that door closed in their faces, too.
I showed NIR ‘Jewish heaven’ and he treated ME like an animal – that stupid, ignorant little boy.
My feelings have changed considerably, about a lot of people, over the last few years...and as I was walking by the seafront this afternoon...I realised that TOMLINSON, SHARON and NIR were very similar in my affections...they were like pet dogs of mine...you are very affectionate to your ‘dogs’...but when they bite you...you cannot get rid of them fast enough...(I ‘heard’ JONATHAN EVANS say ‘pack them off to the vet immediately’)...that is how I now feel about the lot of them.
Yes, apparently quite a few people, whom I met in Israel 2005/6, knew about my family history (as AMADEUS was to tell me)...
I am quite sure that SHARON did...hence the antimony...if you look at it all, baldly...the SADDUCEES paid their way out of Israel after the fall of the second Temple...and ended up either with safe passage to Italy or a ‘decent villa’ somewhere in the ROMAN EMPIRE...and of course, the CATHOLIC CHURCH kept tabs on them...all histories recorded.
The rest of the HEBREWS were forced to flee back to BABYLON, in the main – the country where they had formerly been enslaved.
No wonder SHARON went on and on about how I wasn’t a ‘true Jew’ and he wasn’t exactly lying...it was quite true...he belonged to the BABYLONIAN Pharisee religion...he had even told me when we first met, that his family had originated in BABYLON. He was so proud of being part of the LEVITE tribe...
He was basically telling me ‘we control the remanent of what was once the HEBREW ethnic group’...’you are unwelcome...we will not take you back...’...the ‘servants of the Temple are in control now – piss off’...
It was all very unfair because I was in the dark...I had no real idea of what I was searching for...in Israel 2005/6...and to be treated in that way...and now I know. It is a huge relief...and I can start again...leave the past behind.
So it wasn’t just the money...or it was the money...that was the problem...those like the KATSAV family of SATANISTS had relished every moment of using and abusing my family...settling scores with the priestly class...trying to degrade us in every way possible..but they didn’t manage it in the end, did they?
Every one of them exposed...
The CIA got the keys to the best synagogue library in the USA and went through every single book...scanning every line...they traced everything back...did all of the necessary research within the MIDDLE-EAST and beyond...compiled the definitive but 'alternative' JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA...
So, watch the videos...and find out what their considered conclusions were...
No more illusions and no more lies...
The books are now about to be re-written, republished...everything.
I have just received an email from somebody TOAD...about Flat 3, Eagle House in my YAHOO!mailbox...which I will not be replying to...why?
Because I know that it is from RIMINGTON...I remember her laughing about my nickname for EDWARD as a child, in 2004 – as she was planning this ILL GAME...
In fact, we all called him it, as children...HUMPHREY probably thought it up in the first place...MR TOAD...of course, I could open it but I won’t bother...because I know it is ILL. I suppose that it must be in connection to EDWARD in some way but I cannot think why as yet...anyway, I shall delete it.
Date Size
Unread rowan toad flat 3 eagle house 5:30 PM 3KB
AMADEUS first told me about my secret Swiss family history at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
I wouldn't believe it at all - at first but then NIR backed him up - he had 'seen' it all. He was excited about it - he didn't think that it was a 'bad' thing. I did.
I wouldn't be convinced - I didn't want to know.
So NIR forgot about all of that pretty quickly - once he was back in ISRAEL - something fishy going on there...
I can now see why there has been so much ILL interest in that Swiss family - why they had been so programmed - watched...and not just by the CATHOLIC CHURCH...the Jewish Satanists knew their secret as well...this family has been continually persecuted by the lot of them.
Going back in history - as ROMAN COLLABORATORS they must have been seen as safe enough, to be allowed to live...but on the other hand...not allowed any autonomy...the highest 'spiritual' class of Hebrew...and then there was the addition of my grandmother being born blonde...out of a family of dark-haired and dark-eyed people...something that the Sephardim saw as 'special'...
I can now see why this family were so 'crazy'...having been targetted by so many interested 'parties'.
If I went further...I could say that unlike the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY...this family could claim a probable direct line of descent to...well, you can name them...
How many other families were there, like this?
AMADEUS didn't say...he didn't give me a number at any rate...but he said 'not many'...it was all rather frightening.
He was treating me as if I were one of an 'endangered species'...it was all so odd and very uncomfortable.
The political machinations of this are quite incredible...
Firstly I have SHARON in ISRAEL – giving me the round-around in a really calculated and evil-minded way...all of those so-called ‘tips’ for conversion courses with the very worst people out...until I eventually told him where to go, on that one...
Secondly, the remote-viewing with the CIA...of the RABBIS who came up with the ‘anti-Monarchy’ arguments from GENESIS...Beresheit...
I am now beginning to see why...if my family really were from the SADDUCEE aristocracy...that means that their line of descent was from those like KING SOLOMON...
Was the CATHOLIC CHURCH threatening the BEIT DIN with exposure of these family trees...the SADDUCEE line of descent?
No wonder...I immediately backed away from that one, when AMADEUS and NIR told me...no way was I descended from the SADDUCEEs...I immediately ‘knew’ that this was a very bad thing...a very dangerous thing to claim...whether it was true or not...
I was in the TEMPLAR CASTLE at that point...the ROYAL FAMILY were there...claiming to be ASHKENAZIM and in a rather contradictory fashion, also claiming to be descended from MOSES, not to mention JESUS...then there were the TASCHMAN ASHKENAZIM brothers...MOSSAD surveillance...
I was surrounded by people who were claiming to be the ‘true descendants’ of the HEBREWS even though most of them, quite patently obviously weren’t...some of them were ROYALTY...but with no real ‘credentials’ to be so...others had simply taken over the ILL CULT by being the biggest bastards out...
...and then AMADEUS lands the bombshell...that my family had been recorded as being descended from the SADDUCEE class...the ruling class...the real MONARCHY class of the HEBREWS...
Since I began to wake up...from about 2005 onwards...I had deduced that my Swiss grandmother had some ‘Royal’ connection to Spain...and that is why the ILL were persecuting that side of the family...the little blonde Spanish Contessa painting in her dining room...and the PRIMAVERA reproduction – the Italian connection... and the idea that I was supposed to represent ‘Spring’ to the ILL...what I had no idea of...was the possibility that this connection, wasn’t Christian Royalty...this could have been Hebrew Royalty in exile...an entirely different matter.
I mean how to be the most unpopular family out...and with everybody...this SADDUCEE class...and line of descent...threatened all of them...I guess that the whole applecart fell over, at that point...
The CATHOLIC CHURCH had the records of the SADDUCEES...that must have really turned the whole of the ILL CULT into a bun-fight...(some of them...not all of them...AMADEUS was just in touch)...
I am spaghetti-suspicious of all of this now...
The PINK PLANET...I can remember down the stairs to the kitchen of the MANDELSONs in Blackheath (before my mother banned me from going round there) and the father looked over his newspaper and said jovially:
“Have you found the PINK PLANET yet?”
This was a Jewish family who sent their children to private Jewish schools...and said prayers before meals...
So nearly all of my friends’ parents were part of this ILL BLACKHEATH group...and they were all looking for the PINK PLANET...SCARLETT, ‘john waters’...TONY SMITH, FISHWICKS...you name it...they must have all been looking for the PINK PLANET...
Now was this all the idea of SCARLETT and ‘john waters’ or had somebody else put them up to it?
Somebody like the PINK PANTHER or JEWS in general?
The ‘jewel’ for the JEWS is the PINK PANTHER...the PINK PLANET...
Yet the PINK PANTHER means the VATICAN in so many words – the PP – the JESUITS – the POPE...so why is the VATICAN the ‘jewel in the Crown’ for the JEWS?
I think that I found my answer to the above last night.
I had got out a large book from the library entitled:
9 780714 111704
Now I found this book ‘on the bonfire’ in the library...i.e. on top of the other books in the bibliography section...and I ‘heard’ AMADEUS say ‘good, the MASONS want to burn it’...and he told me not to touch it...but I wanted to borrow it...I ‘knew’ that there was something there that I should root out...AMADEUS was with the CIA, they had a quick discussion, changed their minds...then told me to take it out but to be careful...the entire book was loaded with programming...
The front cover is of the same LION frieze upon that dull TURQUOISE colour (previously mentioned as dark arts ILL CULT ‘magic’) which was also upon those SAINSBURYS shopping bags...(also previously mentioned)...
On the back...there was that famous painting of THE TOWER OF BABEL...
The very same painting and image of the TOWER OF BABEL that used to appear upon the front of the prospectus for BASSNETT’s research Centre (translation etc) at WARWICK UNIVERSITY.
I read the barcode and instantly remembered TOMLINSON programming with it – at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
In iqbl it spells out backwards:
TOMLINSON told me that this referred to RABBI HILLEL – one of the most revered ASHKENAZIM RABBIS of the lot...I think that he was ASHKENAZIM at any rate...I read so much about him upon the Internet...used by CHABAD.ORG a lot as a ‘model’ of good behaviour...a very ‘wise man’ and teacher etc.
Last night...I began to study the painting of the TOWER OF BABEL...and as I did so...I remembered TOMLINSON and others, taking groups of us, to study this book...we had to look hard at the painting and to describe everything that we could see in it...
I can now see that this book would have been used with every ILL SLAVE...I can even see the POLICE who were around me in 2004...they were also shown this image upon the back of this book and told to study it and then tell TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON what they could see...I can remember TOMLINSON telling me that the MASONS had also been told to do so...why?
I suppose the simplistic answer is that TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON were programming everybody to expect a TOWER OF BABEL to be built at some point...in BABYLON...now would that be LONDON, UK or KAZAKHSTAN?
Anyway, RABBI HILLEL and the building of the TOWER OF BABEL...put that together with the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES – the LEVITE class of RABBIS who now control modern JUDAISM...and what do you get?
Not a pretty picture.
I studied this painting of the TOWER OF BABEL last night...and I wondered about why you have this WHITE/CREAM fortress of walls...which are rather like a TELESCOPE shape...the walls look like they could concertina up and down...but inside...you have this delicate SHELL PINK colour...the inner building is this SHELL PINK...
I remember now – TOMLINSON telling the POLICE ‘you are the walls...you protect what is within’ i.e. what the ILL are up to, behind the walls...
I can remember TOMLINSON at the TEMPLAR CASTLE pointing to the KING who is to the left of the painting, telling us all ‘that is me’ and then to the slaves/servants/workers, on bended knees ‘that is you’.
RIMINGTON pointed to the figure in red, who is watching the KING and said ‘that is me’.
So what was this PINK SHELL inner sanctum supposed to represent?
It could be a number of things:
PI-ON-EER’ microchipping
Maybe it represented all of them and more...
I remember how I came up with the name LOEB behind DUTCH SHELL and was told by MRS BROWNE in 2004 – that I was WRONG – I hadn’t worked out the anagram upon my ‘Royal’ GIROCHEQUE properly...but I was sure that I had...
I then thought back to my early childhood experience of the PINK PLANET and the PINK PEOPLE...
The original TOWER OF BABEL was an attempt to build a building so high that it reached HEAVEN...it was an attempt to break into HEAVEN...and it failed...G-d sent the whole lot crashing down and then, to make sure that nobody tried to do something like that again...he created many different languages...so that people would argue, misunderstand each other...fight...to keep them from trying to build another such tower.
Was PI-ON-EER chipping a way of creating a ‘common language’ with which to harness and control the human brain energy of everybody upon this planet?
I know that this was what CERNE was up to...harnessing the negative brainwaves of all of their microchipped slaves...in order to ‘break on through’ to the other side...
...and I am the only one who appears to have done just that, according to the CIA...when I took NIR to the PINK PLANET...we disappeared off the ILL RADAR...and the CIA said that they had interpreted this as disappearing from this UNIVERSE...we had simply ‘gone’ somewhere else...we had ‘broken through to the other side’...and the ILL couldn’t follow us...their ‘blue rays’ were forbidden entry...
The most evil part of a burning FLAME of a candle is the BLUE...just under the ORANGE...the Kabbalists call this colour, the epitome of evil...
I then thought about how ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had asked me various questions in 1997 about a man cloaked in black...how I had been given symbolic items by him...
She recognised the SCEPTRE and the ORB...even the SWORD...but the ‘cloak of invisibility’?
That wasn’t normal for ILL ceremonies...but I can remember now...being asked for a ‘wish’ and that is what I had asked for...in one of the ILL ceremonies in 1980...I had always wanted to be invisible...and I was given a symbolic ‘cloak’...
Funnily enough...I had become ‘invisible’ as a small child...by visiting the PINK PLANET...but the ILL didn’t know it at that point, in my early childhood...yet they found out at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...when NIR and I disappeared off the radar...
I remember AMADEUS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he was with me in a sitting room...and I was in the very same ‘child alter’ that I had been in at 4 years old or less...I was in my school uniform and I was very nervous...he was laughing at me...I suppose it was because I was acting like a child...climbing over the arms of the armchair...but my legs were so long (which is why I remember it)...that it must have looked funny...this was the sort of thing that I used to do as a very young child...climb over the furniture...
..[this all reminds me a scene in that terrible TV film SYBIL...where SYBIL does the same thing, in a child alter...I have already pointed out that SALLY FIELDS is an ILL SLAVE...she was so convincing within the role of SYBIL (the multi-personality disorder patient) because she was in a child alter, within this scene]...
AMADEUS had taken me back to that time...in ‘john waters’ house...to find out what had really gone on there...what I had found out...
First of all, he had to win my trust as a child...and that took some time...hence the climbing over of the furniture...and my threat to ‘fight’ him, if he came to close...that made him laugh a lot and he assured me that he didn’t want me to fight him...and he stopped fooling around in terms of chasing me around the room...as one might, a child...so I calmed down and we began to talk...
I can now see how it is possible to take a person back to a certain stage in their life...rather like the POLICE tracing back every single previous action in that MI6 computer room...all you have to do is to go much further back...and that person can recall every single thing...even if it is at an age of 4 years old or less...
I still distrust the whole business about the SADDUCEE ancestors...I cannot remember viewing this myself...NIR and AMADEUS very much wanted me to be convinced...and I rebuffed them...it couldn’t be true...but I have no memories of what could be true, either...as yet.
Additionally, I can now remember COLLIE’S monstrous brood...who had set-up most of the stages of this ILL GAME...and NIR was part of their set-up...he had chosen the young woman in the opposite room, within this B&B A)because he fancied her B) because of her negative energy i.e. considered to be a high-cult witch...feeding CERNE with negative energy...that TOWER OF BABEL...
She was put in here to torment me...I have already outlined what she was supposed to do...i.e. to pretend to be friends with me...and then to tell me that I was ‘mad’ and to leave her alone...
So to remedy that situation – I have completely ignored her and from the beginning. I have ‘hacked’ her computer brain and she is a complete robot – her basic file instructions are ‘I am a ZIONIST robot, working for ZION.’ She is run by the MOSSAD.
I wonder now...whilst I was at the ISRAELI MILITARY base and told by the military leader that I was the ‘YELLOW’ eastern goddess within the ANIMATRIX film...
This appears to be more about what ‘john waters’ had done, regarding the DALAI LAMA.
I can now remember JOHN SCARLETT saying that after having eaten, a bit of that ‘human heart’...that ‘john waters’ had gone completely crazy and for some time...quite a long period...he had completely lost it for a while.
This also reminds me of the central COLOUR of the ILL MICROCHIP:
That was the crux of the matter, wasn’t it?
To eat the heart of your beloved...and then to commit suicide by jumping from the castle walls...that is what the ‘lady’ does in the story, after her husband has fed her the heart of her lover...
I jumped from the TEMPLAR CASTLE walls...and I can now remember MARK R in his most evil ‘dark alter’ suggesting it to me...he wanted me to plummet to my death...but I didn’t...I survived...AND I shot all 3 TASCHMAN brothers...MARK R had simply wanted to kill me off, at that point. Afterwards, with NO videotape of any of it...he couldn’t point to me...but he must have known who it was...
In point of fact, MARK R hadn’t put this idea into my head, to jump - in relation to shooting the TASCHMANS...he had told me that if I wanted to escape...that I had to jump out of the window...into the moat...and only the highest windows overlooked the moat...I kept looking out of those windows...thinking about the ‘jump’...it was a constant thought within my mind...escape through the window...jump...but I was too scared at first...I had to psyche myself up to do it...work it all out beforehand...where to jump...how the wind was blowing...how to position my body weight...what angle to jump at and how far away from the wall...I had been thinking about it for some time, before the ‘rebel group’ asked for plans upon the ‘perfect murder’...and so when that came up...it was my chance...I could escape and get rid of 3 of the most evil ILL men at the CASTLE, at the same time...
The PINK SHELL inner sanctum of the TOWER OF BABEL...
The PP...
The POPE...
All of these appear to be associated with what one could call 'breaking through to the other side'...disappearing off the ILL RADAR...and ending up...where?
All I know is what I experienced as a child...
...this was interpreted as 'HEAVEN' by the JEWS and ROCKEFELLERS (and other interested parties) who were practising SATANISTS and trying to break into heaven with their modern-day CERNE laboratories...but they didn't succeed and they never could have done...because the FORCE-FIELD around the PINK PLANET was so strong...none of their EVIL BLUE 'flames'...their negative energy, could penetrate the atmosphere of this planet...NIR and I were 'safe' there...and I told him so...
Yet I 'sense' that the VATICAN knows more than it is telling...
Have they had remote-viewers who also managed to 'break through to the other side'...others who found the PINK PLANET?
Is that why the JEWS wanted to control the 'pink panther' so much?
One has to say that the two camps have been arch-rivals for centuries...
Both interested in the same thing...spiritual power...
Did the CATHOLICS break through...who came up with the very idea of the PINK PLANET in the first place?
MA VIE EN ROSE...the title of a French film about a young boy who likes dressing up as a girl...it is a skit upon the other film title – a biography of ‘je ne regrette rien’...what was the name of that French singer...I saw the film as a DVD in the library the other day...I had a tape of her songs at ESSEX UNIVERSITY...COLLETTE had adored her...IAN RICKSON stole my audio tape...he told me about it later on...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...the name has completely escaped me...a ‘torch singer’...EDITH PIAF...she regretted nothing...presumably her fight against the ILL CULT...
MY LIFE IN PINK...is that what happens to us all...the ILL do not seem to be able to kill us off...but we lead terrible and tortured lives...
THINK PINK...the rendition upon the DEREK JARMAN film...
PINK is a colour that was taken up by the US GAY community and popularised as a ‘banner’...an emblem...of their movement...being in the pink...having rosy cheeks...being healthy...unlike the ILL who are bloodless, white-faced...because of the demonic Porhyria blood transfusions...this is all such a muddle.
EDITH PIAF was of Jewish descent, wasn’t she?
The old story was that she used to inject heroin into her eyeball...having messed up all of her veins...I can understand what she was running away from....emotionally...
PETRA PHELPS was told, under mind control – that her missing eyeball (replaced by an imitation one, in stone – a perfect replica of her other eye)...was because she had attempted to do the same...inject her eyeball, as PIAF had once done...it was a complete LIE...but PHELPS was made to feel guilty about ‘self-harming’...in point of fact (see previous notes) the graduates had been told to take out one of her eyes...whilst using her as a ‘dartboard’...in that pub...in 1980. We had all been made, one by one...to stand in front of the dartboard...whilst each of the graduates threw a dart at us...and we watched as the graduates threw darts at each other...and then it was PETRA PHELPS’ turn to stand in front of the dartboard...
I can remember now...TOMLINSON patiently explaining to me...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001, that it wasn’t ‘rape’ when he raped small children...the RABBIS had told him so...because the child wasn’t fully formed...and that the sexual organs would therefore, develop afterwards...it was a JEWISH CULT...a BABYLONIAN PHARISEE cult...
So yes, 'monstrous regiment' - that's the JEWS sunk...or the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES at any rate...because my great-aunt COLLETTE described herself as a 'true Jew'...and I am sure that she was right...whatever 'ancestry' or heritage, she might have had...
So I went down to breakfast and the ZIONIST SLAVE young woman was having breakfast with the workers – the head bloke appears to fancy the pants off her...so is this the MASONS...yes, it is the MASONS...they are doing all of the stonework upon the building at the end of this road...and they are being seduced by her...by the MOSSAD in point of fact, this is all ‘symbolic’ isn’t it?
I looked outside at the SUFFOLK PINK of the walls of the building, surrounding the enclosed garden behind this building...and then I looked at the light PINK of my tee-shirt...and the SHOCKING PINK of my pink and white striped bag...and then I remembered how RIMINGTON often wore this light PINK whilst at POWERGEN in 1980...and then I heard her say ‘just like me’...I was in a very similar position to her, at 46 years old...
I then looked at the ornamental walled, pool in the garden and a PIGEON alighted upon it..and I ‘heard’ it say: ‘look at the pool’...I asked what was in it...I could only see the tops of WATER LILIES...’KOI CARP’ it replied...ORANGE FISH I surmised...BRITISH JEWS/MOSSAD...so ‘who owns the garden’ I asked the pigeon...’BRITISH INTELLIGENCE’ it replied...
A BLACKBIRD then alighted upon the wall of the pool and said ‘NO, that isn’t true...’ I asked why...it didn’t reply – it then said ‘we are trying to save you’...I asked ‘who’ they were...’Public School Boy network’...I asked the bird to give my money back ‘we can’t – PRINCE CHARLES has forbidden it’...
Anyway, all crazy stuff...so I finished my breakfast...and was walking out as the ZIONIST SLAVE began to talk about her ZEBRA picture (she had some pictures in a pad)...as I was holding up my large pink and white STRIPED bag...she began to talk about how it was definitely a ZEBRA...look at the black and white stripes...the MASONS expressed doubt...
I knew what the inference was...ZEBRAS are the programmed performers of the ILL CULT...it was a put-down remark, aimed at me from the MOSSAD...relayed to the MASONS.
Anyway, earlier on, a few minutes earlier...the owner of the B&B had shouted down the corridor, from the front door...that the POLICE were cleaning out a building down the road...apparently of ‘cango’ (spelling?) guns.
I wasn’t interested – I didn’t bother to go and look.
I went upstairs and got my laptop out of its bag and began to type...
Anyway, I was then interrupted by ZIONIST SLAVE speaking through the MASONS’ loudspeaker upon the front lawn...she was saying something along the lines of ‘the POLICE are watching you’...as a joke. They had all gone out the front – having finished their breakfast.
So the basic conclusion to be drawn here is that the MOSSAD are telling the MASONS that I am a ‘big act’...unlike themselves, of course - and their brethren in HOLLYWOOD...
Just keep following your GREEN ROBOT, straight to hell, MOSSAD...what do I care...you are the CHOSEN PEOPLE of the DEVIL (and you know it).
Just keep on following the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES they know every signpost down that YELLOW BRICK ROAD, leading to hell...
Funnily enough...looking back at the conversations that the MASONS had with this ZIONIST SLAVE...they told her that her hair was dyed dark brown and she retorted that it wasn’t (yet it is obviously dyed – she would have light to mid-brown hair naturally)...they were telling her that she was a ‘fake’ in so many words...she told them that she used to have it highlighted blonde and that it looked natural (it wouldn’t – wrong skin tones)...I suppose she was trying to say something about my streaked hair which looks natural...mainly because within the sun, it streaks naturally...and that is what the MASONS retorted to her...that the sun streaks hair...
This is a fascinating game to watch...the MASONS are more on the ball, than I would have thought...
This is interesting...so RIMINGTON was another ‘white Arab’ like me...I can see that one...all dressed in PINK...did she visit the PINK PLANET too, as a child?
Did the ILL Babylonian Pharisees then make an OWL of her and send her hunting?
Was that her punishment for getting into ‘heaven’ - Jewish heaven, from which they were all debarred?
Is that the punishment that I am supposed to expect...to be made into an OWL...a MOLECH cult member...a paedophile ring member...
Yes, AMADEUS - I can now see why you phrased your speech so very ‘carefully’, at that intelligence court in New York...
Additionally, somebody had let themselves into my room, whilst I was out, yesterday.
This had also happened in 2004.
I have a long PINK Cashmere jumper - given to me by my mother - I use it to keep warm, when reading in bed...
Somebody had used scissors to snip the cuff of the left sleeve. Somebody had cut a line up it.
I immediately knew what this meant within the ILL GAME - the ILL were hoping that I would sew it up...and what do I have in the way of COTTON?
The only reel of cotton that I have...is the GREEN COTTON that I had bought in the market - where the BUDDHAs were...the emblem of TOMLINSON...
RIMINGTON had instructed me to buy this GREEN COTTON whilst I was in there...and she had also instructed the seller to recognise me again and sell it to me...
So for the record, I will not be sewing up this SLEEVE with GREEN cotton...I will find an exact match of LIGHT PINK...
Symbolically, this means that the GREEN ROBOT is trying to hitch a ride, with me...
It reminds me of NIR - whilst udoing his ILL programming...he couldn't get out of the PERSPEX BOX...and so I had told him to get onto my back...I would walk through it...carry him out of this prison...he couldn't break through the illusion himself...
So the GREEN is now trying to climb onto my back...or in this case, up my 'SLEVE' (as TOMLINSON put it upon his blogspot)...
All I can say to you sad robotic freaks is:
Regarding the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES who are now in control of JUDAISM worldwide:
You are perhaps, not the worst of the SATANISTS...I do notknow...
The CIA videos make it clear that you tried to hold onto your original religion whilst living in BABYLON but you also picked up the SATANIC PRACTICES of the BABYLONIANS.
So one has to conclude that the BABYLONIANS were a lot worse than you.
What is the general picture today, then?
What is going on in IRAN?
ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER's family lived in IRAN during her childhood and this is where she picked up her SATANIC beliefs and practices - by rubbing shoulders with the elite SATANIC Iranian families. She told me that they were both JEWISH and ISLAMIC as a 'front' - but in reality, they were the best of friends...the elite class.
No discrimination between them - a solid 'group' identity.
I can now remember what happened before I went to meet AMADEUS in the 'great hall'...of the TEMPLAR CASTLE...this was rather like the interior of a church..there were steps leading to an altar...and AMADEUS was standing upon them...
He was there alone...then NIR ran in...AMADEUS told him to wait until he had had a chat with me...and then to run in again...and to tell me that he had seen it all...to impress the point...
So I can see that the whole thing was a plot between both AMADEUS and NIR (as a ZIONIST ROBOT)...to make me believe that I was really a descendent of the KINGS...
Whether NIR had really seen this or not is a moot point...neither of them talked about whether it was actually true...just the idea that I had to be convinced that it was true...and that the whole thing had been carefully staged.
ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER told me in 1997...that she had also made the trip back to ISRAEL...and that she had also stayed at the MI HOTEL...and that she had also wanted to convert to JUDAISM...but that the ‘conversion course’ had been too hard...she had run out of money...her family and friends wouldn’t send her any...they just kept on telling her to give up...she got a job as a cleaner at the hotel...eventually she couldn’t bear the amount of work and the studying involved...but more because of the humiliation of it all...I could see that she was talking about the shit that she had had to put up with in terms of what might politely be called ‘penitence before G-d’ during her course...
I am guessing that ASHKENAZIM Sarah Vorst (liver) had a part to play in this...that evil old witch that SHARON had tried to send me to, in 2006...and I just ‘knew’ that it was a terrible trap...the woman beat her pupils...forced them to shave their heads...
I got very angry with SHARON at this point...telling him that I wasn’t going to shave my head...I was not an AUSCHWITZ survivor and that is what it would make me look like...what sickness did VORST have in her head, to make her pupils do that?
I would bow to G-d but I would not obey sick little vermin like VORST...besides...my family roots were SEMITIC and not ASHKENAZIM...VORST was ASHKENAZIM and so what the hell was he playing at?
He then told me that the SEPHARDIM didn’t do conversion courses...you were either born it or you weren’t...besides, I was the wrong colour of skin...I wouldn’t fit in...
I can now see that ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER was denied entry into JUDAISM...whatever her family roots were...even the ASHKENAZIM had no intention of taking her...they were simply pissing her around ,in the cruellest way imaginable.
I can now see that this was because they were all SATANISTS...confronted by people that they saw as ‘true Jews’. This scared the shit out of them. One day, we would all find out.
And we did.
Courtesy of painstaking CIA research and the ‘help’ of the VATICAN library – records and files.
So did ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER and STELLA RIMINGTON also have family records which could be traced back to SADDUCEE roots? Go and ask the VATICAN...apparently their lists are not extensive but they can give you a rough idea...
I can now see...and it makes me laugh...how my mother’s character came out in me...whilst in ISRAEL...
My mother, as her mother before her...always tested a piece of cotton for the ‘quality’...rubbing it between finger and thumb...no ‘crud’ for either of them...and so it was with me and the offer of the ‘Sarah Vorst’ product...naturally, I rejected it. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well – no inferior products tolerated (and no ZIONIST robots accepted either).
...and there I was...confronted by one of the worst SATANISTS of the lot...from the very worst Satanic family in Israel...SHARON...a member of the KATSAV family.
I should have bitten the tip of his penis off...ha, ha.
There’s always a next time (although there isn’t – if the MOSSAD really did shoot him through the head, as I was then to ‘see’ recently).
I bet the CIA are loving this...I can ‘see’ some of them wiping their mouths...trying not to laugh...yes, I can now understand PRESIDENT OBAMA’s comment ‘we are so sick...’ regarding their plans for this ILL GAME...the sickness was all about the ‘tip of the penis’ exposure, wasn’t it?
You must like TOMLINSON for what he did, then – in some warped way, huh? A symbolic act...
What can I do but laugh? I am now beginning to see the symbolism and what it meant...
Any more 'penis' jokes to come?
Yes, I can now see the full gallows humour of that one.
To the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES who control modern JUDAISM:
You want to soul-trap?
We bite off the top of your penises.
Get it?
I can remember another conversation with the CIA...and this was how to deal with the severely brainwashed ILL at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...those like SUSAN BASSNETT who loved the cult...the idea of witchcraft...the whole ‘package’...and I suggested that they could simply show them the tapes...and say things like ‘that’s you that is’...in particularly unflattering ‘scenes’...in order to give them some perspective upon what they had really looked like, whilst doing the obscene things that they were doing...instead of letting them remain in their fantasy worlds, inside their heads...
However, in terms of an example of this type of de-brainwashing working...I cited HEATHER KEMPSON who had been filmed by her boyfriend whilst she was off her head...and her behaviour during these times (see previous notes)...and the result of that was that she was very subdued for about 2 weeks...within the PRAGUE DTO...and then she was back to her ‘normal’ outrageous behaviour...
“ONLY two weeks?”...the CIA looked incredulous and then pensive...yes, the effect had only lasted for two weeks...so not much good then...
Even though probably one of the most disturbing and disruptive forces with the PRAGUE DTO...HEATHER KEMPSON was also one of the ‘favourites’ because she was so entertaining...she kicked the system...kicked the manager...kicked the TOP DIRECTOR of the entire BRITISH COUNCIL...and just about anybody and everybody else within reach...
However, UNLIKE the ILL – she wasn’t exactly chopping up people and putting them into bags...
Therefore one can say that this wasn’t a good example, in point of fact...simply an example of how to change a person’s behaviour by making them watch themselves...and it only worked for a short while with HEATHER...she soon realised the ‘trick’ and got over her ‘self-consciousness’...
Memory and how it works...
Perhaps I should write a little bit about this , as far as I am concerned:
For example, upon this side of the mirror...when I looked back at 2001...all I could think of was...let me see...I was probably still living at GARDEN COTTAGE, East Bergholt at that point...although on the other hand, I might have moved to IPSWICH...to that bedsit by Christchurch Park...as far as I can remember...I wasn’t doing much at GARDEN COTTAGE after I had stopped work for COUNTYWEB...and I was unable to get anything apart from a few part-time secretarial jobs at agencies..for a couple of weeks, now and then...around Ipswich...and so I wasn’t doing much there, either...
After 2004...when my memories began to come back...the door had been opened to the other side of the mirror...and now I begin to see...what had been stored away, at the back of my mind...I had been carrying all of this, within my subconscious mind...or rather locked away within ‘containers’ of compartmentalised memory...sealed by trauma, ECT stun gun abuse...
Getting the keys to the back of your mind...I had so much stored away...rather like a vast library of files...but without dates upon them...and the job was then to sort it all out...try to file it into some sort of order...to amalgamate this information into the above...to put both sides of the mirror, together...
SHARON – now one information source told me that he was now based in PAKISTAN...and then that photograph on BBC NEWS of somebody who looked very like SHARON...who had been executed as a terrorist bomber...
SHARON spoke ARABIC...his family had come from IRAN...which he called BABYLON...because I was looking at a map of BABYLON at the time in late 2006...old maps...near to the ARMENIAN museum in Jerusalem...he said that his family had come from BABYLON and then quickly changed this to ARMENIA...and weeks later, ‘forgot’ that this conversation had ever occurred...
RIMINGTON had told me that I would meet him again...a year or so before I went to ISRAEL – whilst she was reprogramming me around this area...
He was with that member of ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE in 1980...the man who was apparently his father...he was about 14 years old, at the time...
Now, ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE must want to recruit those like SHARON...those who can speak ARABIC and those who ‘look the part’ i.e. who can pass for Semitic...
Yet those like MOSHE DAYAN distrusted these people immensely...
So did the Palestinians in Jerusalem...
Anyway, MARK R...in 2004...I had ‘read’ his mind and seen him in the very same bedroom...as I was to inhabit...at the MI HOTEL...I had seen him with SHARON...MARK R hadn’t wanted me to know this...it had all been very embarrassing for him...
It appears that MARK R had been walking through the same ILL GAME...and his ‘escort’ had been SHARON...
Before I went to ISRAEL in 2006...RIMINGTON knew the whole set-up...she knew that SHARON would meet me again in ISRAEL...she even told me the location...just under the bridge...and before the ARMENIAN MUSEUM...
ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had tried to convert to JUDAISM but I get the feeling that RIMINGTON never had...she had never gone back to ISRAEL...
So who was she in touch with?
Why was she in charge of the construction of the ILL GAME in ISRAEL – complete with organising the meeting with the ‘escort’ SHARON?
SHARON and NIR were good friends...
In 2003 I read NIR’s mind and saw a flash of SHARON...NIR was talking of a ‘friend’ of his who worked for the MOSSAD...he then lied to me about SHARON...telling me that his friend was computer-illiterate...whereas in fact, SHARON was so computer-literate that the other MOSSAD members had great difficulty in unravelling the ‘program’ that he had put in motion...I do not know if they had any success with that one...SHARON was shot for this...or was he? I only ‘saw’ this recently...
MARK R wanted TOMLINSON to attack NIR...I wonder if this was a planned attack?
I know where SHARON worked...he wasn’t a member of the SEPHARDIC SCHOOL...or if he was...he didn’t ‘live’ there...his main base of operation...let me see...you go past the wailing wall...out of the main gates...walk across the road...and down a little...and then turn right...and you find yourself on the road which has an entrance to the KING DAVID complex...you keep on going down that road...until you reach a dead end...a locked door in a wall...and a large building behind it...Israeli Intelligence HQ...
Looking at DAVID ICKE’s website this morning...there is yet another article telling us all that the whole lot orginates out of BUCKINGHAM PALACE...
This is what the animation in one of the CIA videos upon the OTHER ISRAEL by TED PIKE was also pointing out...it all emanates from BUCKINGHAM PALACE...
...and so do not get sidetracked by the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES...they are all just part of the ROYAL GARDEN...
The ‘lizard frequency’ is still in operation and after saying the above to myself...in terms of working it all out...before typing it up...the lizard frequency opened up and went nutty ‘how DARE you...how DARE you...’
Piss off – I dare.
TOMLINSON may have given the CIA a ‘good laugh’ by biting off a BABYLONIAN PHARISEE’s penis...however, he was not entirely blameless either...
TOMLINSON wasn’t on the side of the PHARISEE JEWS and nor was he on the side of the ISLAMICS...he was a BABYLONIAN SATANIST through and through...and probably still is...working for the CROWN.
After I have got over the immediate horror of a complete set of memories...it is extraordinary how quickly, I can leave it all behind – emotionally speaking...laughter is the best remedy for most things at this present time...
KRUSTY THE CLOWN strikes again...why does TOMLINSON, no matter what he does...always tend to come up smelling of roses?
BORAT, BORAT...so good they named him twice, BORAT, BORAT, all the scandal and the vice...
COLLIE told me that I had to taunt TOMLINSON during this ILL GAME – because I was the one who annoyed him the most – the old BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ‘con’ – I do not much like doing it because it leaves me with quite a negative feeling...but on the other hand it gets results...
He cannot control his emotions – and it is no good (OBSBORNE take note) telling him not to get angry...he cannot help it...the CIA were banking upon that one....they had his number.
ALISON STONIER made him lose his rag in a rather spectacular fashion with the chant ‘who is that coming over the hill – is it a MONS-TER...is it a MONS-TER?...upon his blogspot in 2005.
So one can say that the above, does not just apply to myself.
Anybody can do it –given the right ‘tools’.
Why did they all want him to lose his rag?
RIMINGTON didn’t appear to be aware that this was the basic idea...behind what we were all doing...how stupid is she?
Sometimes the ILL really frighten me...it is the old LAPD ‘psychopath test’...it makes me think ‘okay so I have seen an example of how a psychopathic mind works...but I couldn’t work out the riddle...and if you gave me another one...I probably wouldn’t be able to work that one out either...and so this is all deeply depressing, in a way...’
I am now interested in RIMINGTON’s state of mind.
I am quite sure that she doesn’t believe me, about the fact that she might be of SADDUCEE descent..but let us put it this way...
Why did the ILL make you play QUEENS all the time?
How come the MOSSAD and the TASCHMAN brothers put you up on stage at the TEMPLAR CASTLE as CIXI, the powerful ROYAL matriarch of the last dynasty of IMPERIAL CHINA?
You were their ‘PUPPET’ on stage...the TASCHMANS, who controlled the MOSSAD...wanted all of the ILL ELITE to know that you were their ‘puppet’ to whom they whispered ‘revelations’...as if you were of some priestly class...
Think about the psychology of the people who put you there...
Think about the ROYAL FAMILY, who also used to torture you upon stage (and throughout your life – you were young when they started doing that – ‘young and beautiful’)...you told us all about it...how it ‘didn’t hurt really’ but it wouldn’t, would it – like the rest of us, you could disassociate easily...
You just had to mouth a few prophecies...after having been tortured, naked, on a rack - on stage...in front of the ROYALS and their friends...and forced to spout ‘prophecies’ that were not your own...lies concocted by the Royal courtiers...
Think about the psychology of the ROYALS – those who state that they are descended from MOSES...
Think about ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER...and how you were jealous of her...because she came from an aristocratic background and you didn’t...
...but you thought that you were a QUEEN didn’t you?
In your heart, you ‘knew’...
You ‘knew’ that you had it in your blood...that the rest of them were ‘upstarts’...and then the ILL poisoned your blood by demonic blood transfusions...and you developed the very worst case of Porphyria that I have ever seen...
Maybe you were wrong about ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER...she was of English aristocracy...and most of them are ‘pretenders’...but in relation to the SADDUCEES...maybe she has a similar ancient family history to you...
All I can tell you...is to find ‘AMADEUS’ and check it out at the VATICAN...I have no idea how...
What conclusions can I draw – except that this is how the ‘priestly class’ of SADDUCEES were treated by the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES...after the fall of the second Temple.
None of us knew – we were all picked off – one by one.
The CATHOLIC CHURCH knew – and heaven knows what they were up to...
“SATANISM – we can do it better than you” AMADEUS upon the difference between the VATICAN and the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES...
(He was joking around at the time but even so, I never quite ‘got’ his jokes...until they were explained to me later on, by the CIA i.e. ‘that was a joke’ and ‘he’s joking’ in relation to various conversations and remote-viewing experiences).
AMADEUS told me not to worry about that one...a lot of people didn’t get his ‘jokes’...he added that it was rather like me...a ‘private sense of humour’.
I have always thought that I was ‘crystal clear’ but the ILL never thought so...
TOMLINSON studied me obsessively...
I mean, how obvious can I be? Look at how I used to open those CASTLE windows, so high up and stare out of them, with a plaintive look upon my face...and wouldn’t come away when called...
I can see that there is a gulf of ‘misunderstandings’ between me and the ILL.
Shall we talk about the psychology of the people who persecuted this ‘class’ of SADDUCEES in this way?
Where does one begin?
What group of people does one begin with?
What point in history does one begin at?
All I can say is that from my own personal history – whether I was a SADDUCEE descendent or not – NIR (who had hacked the MOSSAD computing system as well as the general ILL one e.g. the MOONBASE in ‘hokkaido’) thought that I was...so the ISRAELIS must have had a list of us...and then persecuted every one of us...
AMADEUS and the VATICAN, had my family on the SADDUCEE list...and I wonder how that was ‘leaked’ to the JEWS...or perhaps ‘leaked’ is not the right word...as AMADEUS told me...the CATHOLIC CHURCH had been started off by dissident HEBREWS...those who followed RABBI Jesus...
...and the fact that certain Christians, Muslims and Jews, all knew of my genealogy, whilst in ISRAEL in 2006...would suggest that this has all been ‘old knowledge’ and for a considerable amount of time...
I had never remote-viewed that far back...all I knew was ‘I am a true Jew’ because great-aunt COLLETTE had said so, in my early childhood...and with immense conviction.
However, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - I knew about the SADDUCEES and I knew that this was an even worse group to be a member of, than even the occupying ROMAN forces...during the time of JESUS.
It seemed like NIR and AMADEUS...the two people, who had shown me kindness and respect...had turned against me...
They thought that they could make me believe this...but I wouldn’t.
I have no further information upon the matter...I haven’t ‘seen’ anything to prove it, either way...
The VATICAN has records though....no doubt about that one...a ‘class’ of people that were kept under scrutiny for centuries...
In circumspect, it does make sense...
MARK R had asked me for the initial ideas for THE SIMPSONS cartoon series...and I gave him ideas based upon my own family...drawings, colours...characters.
The degradation and simplicity of a ‘once-noble’ line...reduced to laughability.
I suppose that is how the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES saw it...
They have proved their point.
So what does the future really hold?
The future will expose the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES (and their families)...in all of their true colours.
So who has the last laugh, now?
(I would bet that you are not as amusing as THE SIMPSONS and relegated to some night-time, almost obsolete cable channel. Go and sweep the Temple – you worthless gourds. Dream about the PINK PLANET in your ‘cartoon’ dreams...)
I can now understand what the CIA were doing...in relation to myself.
I used to sit at a computer (after having seen the future)...
One of them would sit with me as an 'editor'...but they wouldn't tell me what to write...
I would know from the expression of the 'editor' whether something worked or it didn't...and if I was unsure, I would question them...
They were my censors in that way...but in point of fact...I didn't actually come into collision with them...but then as a PI WRITER, I wouldn't...I knew what was expected of me...my whole history was of writing, under mind control...and being told 'NO, you cannot write that... change it'.
The CIA never told me once 'no, change it'...they told me 'maybe there is a better way to word that one'...
They wanted to be 'enablers' and 'facilitators'...but without intrusion...
If you give somebody the facts...as they gave me...you show them everything...then, that person will write an approximation of the truth, as it is generally seen by those who have access to all of that information...given their own personal biases...
The personal biases were many...as can be seen by the CIA websites, exposing the ILL, that I have recently visited...e.g. TED PIKE 'comments' left after the videos...
The CIA were responsible for the first few...to start a discussion off...
They were 'fabricated' but at the same time...represented REAL differences of opinion within the CIA teams, that I was dealing with, at the time...
They were laughing and joking about it all...but there were real differences of opinion...
Even after AMADEUS had exposed so much 'knowledge' to them, from the CATHOLIC CHURCH...and given them the keys to so much...
I was not sure about whether to do this but I might as well state it...once exposed, you are generally safer than not...
The CIA informant within the ‘google link’ off the AMADEUS post ‘who’s a joo, now’...was in fact NIR’s mother.
She had had enough of the whole lot of them. ‘He was brought up that way, it is a shame’...and regarding the ISRAELIS ‘they used to say that I was mad’.
Hence the information given to TED PIKE – I do not suppose that I need to say that she knew what she was talking about.
Whilst in Israel 2006/7 – I asked SHARON what possible reasons there could be for my slavery – who had done it and why...and he came up with something odd, something that made me very angry indeed.
He told me that I must have had NAZIS in my family – some sort of NAZI history.
If we substitute the word KOHANIM for NAZI – what do you get?
Was he really saying ‘we know that your family were of SADDUCEE descent. We decided to enslave the lot of you. Your family (e.g. COLLETTE) worked against us, during WWII.’
Meaning that because she had fought the NAZIS who were part of the ZIONIST plan – to force the Jews to run to Israel...because of this, she had been targeted for persecution – and not only her – the entire family.
COLLETTE was of the opinion that the JEWS should not have gone back to ISRAEL – that they should not have followed the ZIONIST plan.
I can see why now – and presumably the BEIT DIN can too.
The ZIONIST plan was always primarily a CHRISTIAN one.
At the end of the day, there will be a Christian takeover of ISRAEL and the JEWS either convert or die.
Those foolish Jews who followed the ZIONIST plan – were signing their families’ own death warrants.
That is why I wrote about the future, at the Spring Solstice in 2005 – regarding how the few Jews left – would have to worship in mosques. That is where the Star of David would hang, in future (it is already part of Islamic design).
It puzzled me at the time – where and when had I ‘seen’ all of this?
With AMADEUS. It had been kept hidden.
Yes, the Kohanim knew what the ZIONIST plan was all about – what the Christians were really up to – but you were too stupid, weren’t you LEVITES.
You wouldn’t listen to any of us and now you will pay with your lives.
We will not help any of you. I have no desire to lift a finger – none of us do.
Look at what you did to me and my family. Ask yourselves –was it really worth it?
BABYLONIAN Jews – you sit upon your stolen piles of money...so stupid...you cannot take it to heaven...the doors have now been closed, anyway...you watch your investments on a computer screen...but they can and will disappear tomorrow...you place your faith in money...you have no other real faith at all...what a godless people. You deserve everything that you will now 'receive'.
Yes, reading between the lines BABYLONIAN JEWS – the majority of the Kohanim have now become Islamic. This is now the true religion of G-d – the Hebrew G-d.
You ‘servants’ had better keep your house in order – that is all you can do – before the bulldozers come to call...to demolish your worthless buildings, your worthless ‘temples’.
Personally speaking, I will not be converting to Islam (far more attractive a religion for men, than for women)...but you get the general picture.
You lost a long time ago – and now you are just beginning to realise it – look back upon your treachery to the Kohanim...look at what you did to us...and know that whatever happens now...you deserved it...it is G-d’s will.
When I took SHARON to the ITALIAN SYNAGOGUE museum in Israel...
He was scared.
He didn’t want to go, at first.
Why? I couldn’t understand it – he had said that he was ‘Sephardim’ – that means Spanish Jew, historically speaking.
Surely ITALY and SPAIN were not worlds apart, in terms of Hebrew culture and tradition?
I felt at home there – it reminded me of my childhood in Switzerland – the same old furniture, carvings...I felt that I had ‘come home’. For the first time, within a synagogue – I felt at home...
I explained this to myself, in my notes, at the time...that this was simply because the design and decor was ‘European’...
Now I know that it was more than that...the true Hebrews had gone to SPAIN and to ITALY...they had created synagogues...and in SPAIN, they all had to convert to ISLAM eventually...and then Christianity...in ITALY...they converted to Catholicism...
The BABYLONIAN JEWS such as Sharon – began to create a demonic religion...in Iran...
The KHAZARS...the Eastern European Jews...they based their Judaism upon the BABYLONIANS...and the existent animistic KHAZAR religions...
Do you now see what happened?
NIR’s mother was at the ‘intelligence court’ in New York.
She was being cross-examined by an ugly little toad of an ASHKENAZIM LEVITE – who was basically telling her that I was being held to blame for what had happened to NIR. She firmly put him in his place.
Afterwards, she went to talk with the CIA.
So it wasn’t just the racism within ISRAEL that had made her turn against them – her husband had told me, in PRAGUE 1995 – that their whole community had turned against her and told her that she was ‘mad’ – because she had dared to speak out against their practices.
The entire family – then had to move country. They were forced into exile.
NIR’s mother is Semitic – from the SEPHARDIC tradition.
Surely the very concept of an ASHKENAZIM LEVITE is wrong?
How can these people be from the tribe of LEVI?
They are KHAZARS - 'converts' to Judaism.
What a pack of LIARS...these people are.
no time for explanations - see
will contact later if possible
best of luck
My Swiss family was an odd one – because they managed to not declare any religion and up until the end of the 19th Century - where they were then ‘found out’ and the father of my grandmother was then forced to get baptised into the Protestant Church, in the canton.
They had managed to escape notice for so long because they were the ‘bigwigs’ of the town of Neueville...the Mayors, doctors, lawyers etc.
However, a town clerk noticed that no religion was stated upon this great-grandfather’s file, whilst getting the papers together for his marriage to my great-grandmother and so ‘shopped’ him for it...
COLLETTE (her oldest sister) knew the family history and was proud of it – despite having been forced to get baptised.
AMADEUS knew all about this family.
What is this?
A PHP file - will it crash my laptop?
I will have a look at it upon a library internet computer.
I get the feeling that whatever it is...this is 'not good'...have I poked the viper's nest enough times, for them all to rear their ugly heads?
I can now remember seeing those psychiatric files before...they were written about my great aunt COLLETTE...I cannot remember what they said now...but they included ECT...I suppose they might look rather like my files from PETER BRUFF...’delusional’...prescribed OLANZAPINE which is normally prescribed for ‘psychosis’, ‘hallucinations’ and ‘delusions’...
I remember COLLETTE telling me that the ILL had kidnapped and tortured her after WWII...but she wouldn’t give in and wouldn’t back down...nor would she stop talking...how very alike we were...
I can remember my parents discussing her funeral to be held in Paris, as far as I can recall...they were discussing whether or not they should take me...that was an odd one...why out of all of us were they arguing about whether they should take me or not...had COLLETTE expressed that wish before she died? Anyway, they decided against it – only my parents and my grandmother went, in the end.
COLLETTE had also told me, before she died - that the ILL continued to periodically kidnap and torture her...but she was so old now...she was used to it...she didn’t feel a thing...
She had a large group of friends in PARIS and they all protected each other from such attacks...she used to eat a macrobiotic diet...she had a very healthy, strong body and mind...and I can remember that the whole family admired her for it - she looked years younger than her actual age - exercised regularly...
I haven't actually read the files yet - but they appear to be from Germany - how come COLLETTE ended up in a German psychiatric hospital?
What year was that?
I will have to check this out at the library...
I wonder if it was posting up that STEPHEN TIMMINS letter - which got me into a FTAC centre to be 'assessed' in terms of whether I was a danger to myself and/or others?
All I had said about this letter was that government 'regulations' were not LAW and could not be enforced by LAW...
That was all...
TIMMINS studiously avoided the point...
So even though the government is well aware of that one (and all of their related PR STAFF)...they were not too happy about me broadcasting that one...
Going to send me back to another FTAC centre, TIMMINS?
Go on - I DARE you.
Some more ILL mail in my inbox - this name reminds me of that cleric who became infamous for speeches at that London Mosque...I wonder who gave him the 'hook' instead of a prosthetic?
abdul hamza FROM:MR ABDUL HAMZA Thu, 4/6/09 11KB
A few more, to add to the pile - I never open any of these emails sent to emily_gyde@yahoo.co.uk just in case they might crash my laptop...
Unread madawi atassi FROM THE DESK OF MADAWI ATASSI 9:29 AM 11KB
Unread issaka oued URGENT REPLY NEEDED Thu, 4/6/09 8KB
Unread Rightmove News See price-reduced properties in your area, from Rightmove Thu, 4/6/09 13KB
This ‘desert eagle’ Israeli Military gun – I can remember it – I was programmed with it at some point – was it supposed to represent NIR? Was he supposed to trap and control the ‘desert eagle’ i.e. myself?
He didn’t manage it – rather like his SEPHARDIC predecessor – who had tried to entrap my ‘eagle’ in 1979. I was far more powerful than any of them.
I wonder now...the CIA in Switzerland had described themselves as ‘eagle scouts’ and that I was now ‘one of them’...
Yes, I remember now...the message from the EAGLES ran as follows:
“You will treat us with respect or we will turn the ‘gun’ against you.”
This morning - just before breakfast - I was told that I couldn't leave rubbish where everybody leaves it...down a grass verge beside the B&B - just off the pavement.
So whose land is this then?
I remember BASSNETT and SCARLETT checking that one out in 2004 - it belongs to the owner of the building, that the MASONS have been contracted to do up - on the corner of EDITH ROAD - the building faces the seafront.
So the owner is getting 'shirty' with me, is he?
I will leave my rubbish on your land, if I so please...(I know who you are).
I understand it now...this building is supposed to symbolise BABYLON HQ...and the MASONS have been commissioned to re-build it...
Are you going to re-paint it a delicate SHELL PINK?
This sickness has gone far enough...
So who had SCARLETT and BASSNETT found out, owned the building at the end of EDITH ROAD?
A certain 'Jewish gent' of dubious reputation...who was a 'good friend' of the ROYAL FAMILY.
Okay - so I can remember the CIA questioning me upon my choice of the word 'GOURD' (see previous post).
To recap - everything that I have written here (almost) had been planned and decided beforehand, with the CIA.
I simply replied:
"They will know what it means."
The CIA didn't question me further - the implication being - the SERVANTS of the TEMPLE will get it immediately...
What I was basically telling them was this:
In ancient HEBREW -a 'gourd' is likened to a human SKULL. I was calling them 'empty heads' - shells of human beings...robots.
My soul knew the true Hebrew traditions and SHARON knew it...as he sang to me in 2006...'your soul understands, even if you cannot'...
How we give ourselves away...
In point of fact, I have been too harsh upon SHARON.
I can remember now - he had sacrficed himself.
He had once been a member of the rebel group within ISRAEL - but he had then been brainwashed, tortured and made into a 'son of G-d' as well as an ILL CULT 'abortionist' - just like TOMLINSON.
He had nothing left to live for and he believed in the life of the soul.
I 'saw' him - caught a flash of a memory - he had found the PINK PLANET and he was communicating this to me - so wherever he is now, he is much, much happier.
I cannot be sad about that one - once you have known the freedom of the cosmos - and have visited the PINK PLANET - death is nothing to you. Human life is short - nothing in comparison.
Why wouldn't he stop the ILL program from running?
There are two ways of looking at that one e.g. for as long as the program ran...every day, more and more information would be exposed...and the MOSSAD would get more and more embarrassed...
NIR called me the REMENANT whilst in Shanghai...I asked him what it meant...the diaspora of Jews...those who had been hidden for so long...
The word comes up again...in TED PIKE's videos...those who will survive the destruction of ISRAEL - a country that he likens to the woman astride the beast...
After having watched all 6 of these videos...I got a better idea of what the BEIT DIN is currently about...
...the videos state that at present, the plans have been drawn up for the new TEMPLE...and that a 'kohanim'...a collection of priests are now being chosen...
...and who might they be?
One supposes that the BEIT DIN fake LEVITES will have put their names top of the list...
What sort of insane joke is the 'chosen people' becoming?
No wonder the CATHOLIC CHURCH counterattacked with a REAL list of KOHANIM descendents...
So COLLIE - that scientific title that you gave to the supposed DNA strain which BRITISH INTELLIGENCE appeared to think was the 'true Jew' or 'desert eyes' genetic trait...
Are you sure that it was a DNA strain?
Or are we simply talking about VATICAN records of those descended from the priestly, ruling classes of ISRAEL - the KOHANIM...those descended from KINGS...
The SADDUCEES who all bought their ROMAN passports to get out...when the going got rough...
Let’s have the ‘monstrous regiment’ in there...as the new KOHANIM of the JEWISH TEMPLE upon TEMPLE MOUNT...could they do any worse than those who would otherwise be elected?
If I am a SADDUCEE descendent...there is no reason why the rest of them shouldn’t be...
I mean, I am beginning to see what was in the back of my mind, when I told the WATCHERS that we were now the ‘Kohanim’...and explained this HEBRAIC term to them...
If the above is true, then at least we are the ‘real thing’...
I just had a nap and dreamt...it was a surreal dream – which was again, covering up memories of what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
I was in a room opposite to where two young boys were living...they were below 4 years old...one of them had hung his FAUN/light brown RABBIT up on the front door and then it went missing...and they wanted to find it...I said, have this ‘toy’...a doll...I told him ‘it’s called TIM’...and then we all went to look for the missing RABBIT...which I presumed that somebody had taken in a certain direction...we began to walk down the corridor...found a way through a blockade...and saw my father, RIMINGTON, COLLIE and a few others – upon a balcony above us...they were having lunch and discussing programming...they called themselves JEWS and top programmers...
They asked us what we were doing – we replied looking for ‘his rabbit’...it was ‘ALICE’ programming...but this time the RABBIT was the colour of SCARLETT...his usual light brown/faun colour...we then walked around, jumping down into spaces that were vertiginous... and then climbing up...I would guess that we were all quite spaced out/drugged..or that this was a stage-set of some description...I can see now that the two little boys were full-grown young men...and that the toy doll ‘TIM’ was HELEN BROWNE’s slave....taught to be a ‘doll’...we had wandered into the programmers’ quarters but because we were looking for the ‘rabbit’...they didn’t mind.
Upon waking...I remembered fast-forwarding into the future...before the CIA could bring me out of my ‘trance’ i.e. NDE whilst viewing the future...and I had ‘seen’...AMADEUS with a group of men...telling them that ‘of course she is the woman upon the beast...we have to control her in order to control the beast’...
Now what would he have been talking about?
Upon the TED PIKE videos...the CATHOLIC CHURCH spells out in no uncertain terms that the present State of Israel is the WOMAN UPON THE BEAST...
I begin to wonder again at the name JOHN SCARLETT...SCARLETT women upon the BEAST...
How much of a coincidence is the name SCARLETT for the head of MI6?
Anyway, there are also the BEASTS...and they would number TOMLINSON and OBAMA...the ‘scarlett women’ and the ‘beasts’...
...and those like my father, RIMINGTON and COLLIE who thought of themselves as ‘Jews’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
So, had they paid their subscription fees to this MONEY CLUB, then?
Who is a real ‘joo’ now?
I can even remember TOMLINSON showing me a picture of this WOMAN UPON THE BEAST...it is in the BABYLON: MYTH AND REALITY book...by the BRITISH MUSEUM...
This book shows a very unhappy woman...sitting uncomfortably upon the back of a BEAST with many heads...it rather reminds me of TOMLINSON in ‘guard dog’ mode...he said ‘that’s you that is’...and I thought privately ‘NO that’s not’...p183 THE WHORE OF BABYLON by WILLIAM BLAKE...
Additionally, there is a painting upon P153 ‘BY THE WATERS OF BABYLON’ EVELYN DE MORGAN...
MARK R made us all act that one out...as HEBREW SLAVES beside the river...we all had to pose, in costume for a stills camera...TOMLINSON was the one, who is hiding his face...I was the woman in GREEN...
This book was also used for BELSHAZZAR’S FEAST programming and that was used upon the PRINCES...i.e. your time is up...the writing is on the wall...
I also had to pose as the WHORE OF BABYLON...so did RIMINGTON and quite a number of women...P181.
I was shown the BABYLONIAN word ATAPI on P191.
I suppose that meant ‘PI SLAVE on tap’...
Anyway, regarding the WHORE OF BABYLON...this is all SAINT JOHN’S GOSPEL again, isn’t it?
Back to the SAINT JOHN cult, then...
Today, was GROUNDHOG DAY – like any other, walking about town...as usual I had to avoid the programmed ‘traps’ that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had set for me...for example, in BOOTS – in 2004, I had just bought an umbrella which I couldn’t open...because RIMINGTON had instructed me not to be able to...and so I had left it in a BOOTS basket...whereupon two COMMUNITY POLICE officers picked me up for it...the usual ‘harassment’ then ensued...upstairs in a BOOTS office...
Today, I bought the same umbrella – worked out how to open it...and then went to BOOTS...saw the COMMUNITY POLICE officers walk in and go upstairs...
This is how my life now is...and every single day. Hell on Earth.
The umbrella, for what it’s worth – was made in China – it is black with a plastic handle that looks like a lizard’s tail curling around.
Manufacturer is UBL
8 409730 012666
It is called a ‘mens umbrella’ and I remember some of the men at the TEMPLAR CASTLE being programmed with it...so many products which were then to come out on the market in later years...were at that TEMPLAR CASTLE...and not just the books and films.
Anyway, I encountered various SPIELBERG slaves today – there were 3 of them in SAINSBURYS...the nastiest lowlifes out...they all ‘smelt’ of Uncle Bobby...that type of mealy-mouthed ‘marmot’ as my mother calls him...I picked up on them, in the usual way by ‘downloading etc’...
They were all very depressed – after hacking their thoughts, the general gist was ‘we’ve lost this’...
SPIELBERG is their ‘god’...apparently he had got right to the top of the ILL tree and nowhere further to go...sick as a dog, that man...
Staging ARMAGEDDON by the HOLLYWOOD JOOS – is that what it came down to?
I was wondering what SHARON meant when he told me that he had seen the future...that I would have a baby...and that he would be there, in the hospital with me...I asked him if it would be his baby and he said ‘no’...but that he would be there...because he was my friend...
This is all very suspicious...I laughed at him, at the time...telling him that this wasn’t going to happen...and I certainly haven’t changed my mind upon that one...
...but I know that there was something else...perhaps SHARON knew that he was going to die...NIR appears to have had something to do with this ‘future’...SHARON wanted to die because he wanted to move on...to experience other worlds...and then a terrible idea began to dawn upon me...was SHARON going to be reincarnated?
Had the BABYLONIAN PHARISEES told him that he would be reincarnated as my child?
I know that I ‘saw’ his death in the future...but did it really happen CIA – or did you change it?
Surely you changed it...
Tell me that you changed it...
'Wait and see' was the CIA comeback upon that one...
I can remember now – NIR’s mother had been taught KABBALAH by her father – who was obviously a lot more advanced than his contemporaries – this had set her apart from her community, in general.
She was annoyed with her son – who had started to exhibit the ignorance and racism of his peer group.
I am now beginning to understand what happened...
In my earliest notes – sent by email...I talked about how it was now up to the SEPHARDIM...they had the power to reprogramme the heavens but that I also knew that they were forbidden to do so...this was G-d’s domain – they had the keys but they were not allowed to do so apart from upon His authority...
What the SEPHARDIM needed to know was why the SATANISTS were persecuting us and in this way...
Once they had found out that this was the SADDUCEE class...the ‘remanent’...this had provoked many discussions...should they intervene...only upon G-d’s will...and would He give permission...the difficulty in deciding whether or not it was G-d or the devil – who has given you the ‘message’...
Eventually, they decided that in order to save the Jewish faith from the Satanists – that they would have to intervene...and they intervened...SHARON was in great danger...and so they protected and hid him...he is still alive...thank G-d.
In fact, even stranger – that dramatic event within the MOSSAD office did occur – the reading of that little known law – it is just that the blood trickling down from his mouth – took the attention away from the fact that there was no bullet wound in his head...it had been one of those fake blood capsules.
This was to ensure that everybody thought that he was dead.
So that’s the MOSSAD back on track then, eh?
Even fooling the remote-viewers...
I had a ‘flash’ of PRESIDENT OBAMA saying to this aides: ’ a good day’s work done – the Sephardim are happy...’ (when did that happen...again I have no ‘date’)...
They knew and they approved of what was going on...
Apparently TOMLINSON had tried to murder SHARON – unsuccessfully...
Another ‘flash’ which I received recently:
MARK R had eventually been brought back before PRESIDENT OBAMA – within his office. He was walked into the office, by two aides...
The PRESIDENT smiled at him – no, beamed, is more the right word...and proffered a chair...and offered him a cup of tea.
A delicate, bone-china tea cup and saucer...upon the desk.
MARK R said ‘oh...no...oh, no...’
‘Oh yes,’ the PRESIDENT replied...still beaming at him.
The aides took his body away, afterwards.
Comment 1948...rounding up the NAZIS time, or not as the case may be...the CIA had laughed at the 'coincidence' of getting through the years, upon this blog...WWI...then 1945...and now 1948...
...a war in the heavens, this time...imperceptible to those who haven't been microchipped...
Yesterday evening...I pondered how the microchipping system...the PIONEER system worked...
I ‘heard’ and got a ‘flash’ of JONATHAN EVANS and his staff...he had just read out one of the CIA’s comments posted under either the ROCKEFELLER building website or a Ted Pike one...and EVANS was bawling:
‘...differences of opinion?...differences of opinion?...pack ‘em all off to the vets’, that's what I say...'
Immediately afterwards, I got a ‘flash’ of PRESIDENT OBAMA, sitting back in his chair with his hand to his chin, looking pensive...and telepathically saying back ‘JONATHAN...we like you...remember that’...
I then thought back to the ‘death’ of MARK R I had seen, in that room...the teacup incident...it had had that touch of the Italians...I could see how Black America now had the Pink Panther in its pocket...
The above also reminded me of a Polish phrase...a loved one is told ‘carry me in your pocket’...told to somebody who is going for an exam, or going away for a while...
The microchipping system...I do not know if this is particularly the PIONEER system...because I have been chipped many times, over the years...some have been removed and some haven’t...all I can say is that when you are ‘radioactive’...you can pick up on a lot of networks...you get ‘flashes’ of conversations which you cannot ‘hear’ but experience anyway...and you get brief images, within your mind...
I watched AITRAAZ last night...the GREEN-spined Indian movie from the library...
MARK R had told me that this film contained everything that I needed to know – if I wanted to work it all out (it certainly does) but that I wouldn’t take it out of the library because it was ‘sexy’ and I didn’t like sex.
For the record, it is ‘sexy’ but no actual sex in there at all – nobody even gets naked...it is the dancing which is sexual. How refreshing – I normally go to sleep, during Hollywood sex scenes.
Anyway, as soon as I began to watch the first main dance scene at a party given by a mobile phone Presario...I remembered where I had seen this movie before:
At the TEMPLAR CASTLE – I had been told that this was RIMINGTON’s favourite movie. Why? Well, she had adored GREASE as a movie in 1980 and we had all had to act out parts in this movie (I had played ‘teenage high-school dropout’ to MILIBAND’s Johnny Cash)...naturally RIMINGTON had taken the main part, played by Olivia Newton-John (called Neutron Bomb by the ILL, for some reason – maybe a reference to the chip in her head)...
This movie is within that sort of genre...an updated GREASE...
This time however, RIMINGTON had taken the part of the ‘bad girl’...here is the basic synopsis of the plot:
RAJ works for a mobile phone company – he needs a maid to look after him at home...he has a lawyer friend, who lives opposite, his lawyer friend needs a secretary...they conspire to recruit two women...but the women go to the wrong houses for the job interviews...and so RAJ recruits the educated secretary and his lawyer friend recruits the maid...but it all works out...both are very happy...in fact, they both marry the women that they had formerly decided to employ...
RAJ is expecting a promotion at work...there is a sort of AGM meeting where the boss turns up with his new wife SONIA...who is now handling the entire company...she tells RAJ that he has been promoted to the board of directors...good news?...not really...bad news...because RAJ knows this woman very well...he had an affair with her in CAPETOWN, 5 years before...where he was working for a subsidiary of this mobile phone company...and SONIA still bears a torch for him...despite their affair ending badly...
Why did the affair end badly?
SONIA was a model, who was using her looks, her female power...to get ahead in business...she didn’t want to get married or to settle down...she aborted RAJ’s baby...he then left her...however, she regretted losing RAJ...and she then decided to get him back...but on her own terms...
As the new boss of the mobile phone company...she tells RAJ to meet her at her house (whilst her husband is away)...
RAJ wants to talk to her about a TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY with the new batch of mobile phones...i.e. when you call one number...the phone also calls two other numbers...creating a sort of party-line...and so RAJ has halved production until it is all sorted out...
SONIA doesn’t want to hear about any of that...she just wants to seduce him...
RAJ rings up his BANK MANAGER upon his mobile (one of the new ‘faulty’ ones)...it drops to the floor...SONIA proceeds to try to seduce him...and the mobile phone picks it all up...upon the floor...and sends it on to various ansaphones...
SONIA is so enraged by RAJ’ rejection of her advances...that she plans her revenge...
She claims that he tried to rape her and tells her husband to make sure that RAJ hands his resignation in, immediately...
RAJ tells his wife PRIYA and also his lawyer friend...they decide to take the matter to court...
They win the day, in the end...because of the ‘faulty’ mobile phone...which has recorded the entire conversation between SONIA and RAJ upon two ansaphones...
SONIA then commits suicide by defenestrating herself...jumping out of a window...
Okay, so the basic scenario at the TEMPLAR CASTLE was that TOMLINSON played RAJ...
...and all of TOMLINSON’s ‘wives’ took turns to play his wife PRIYA...
So TOMLINSON had his harem to back him up...
RIMINGTON was on her own...apart from her ‘defence’ in COURT...and that was led by MARK ROCKEFELLER...
As far as I can remember, ATI played the ‘lawyer friend’ of TOMLINSON (playing RAJ) in court.
That ASHKENAZIM Spielberg lookalike was on set, throughout all of the different stage sets...
...and I can only really remember 3...firstly that ‘party’ which has a NAUTICAL/PIRATE dance theme...
...secondly, the interminably long COURT scene...
...and thirdly, the ‘wife’ who prays with RAJ, in front of what appears to be a very comical ORANGE goddess...with half a plastic ORANGE wedged on top of her head...so that they win the court case...which they do...
Anyway, I remember being told to put on a long black ‘lawyer’ gown and to start the cross-questioning of SONIA in the dock...PRIYA is qualified to do this...and she has decided to defend her husband...but I ‘lacked conviction’ according to the film crew/director and was quickly replaced by Sonia Fisher...who played the part much better...not because her heart was any more in it than mine was...she had no great love for TOMLINSON...but probably because she liked the idea of being verbally vindictive to RIMINGTON in the dock...
Sonia Fisher (to be distinguished from the main character SONIA) made the part her own...strutting up and down the courtroom in a gown that swamped her...shaking her finger at RIMINGTON and shouting her out...
RIMINGTON who was playing the temptress SONIA, looked visibly upset...
RIMINGTON had previously stalked on ‘stage’ in stilettos and a long black wig...playing the part of SONIA, the wife of the boss of the mobile phone company...the whole courtroom erupted...they loved Sonia Fisher’s energetic interpretation of the cross-questioning lawyer...ATI was jumping up and down with excitement...and TOMLINSON looked like some zombified child, upon the front row...dazed and confused...
I can also remember the ‘disco dance’ scene where MARK ROCKEFELLER pointed to all of the women and told me that these women were all of TOMLINSON’s wives...and that we all had to defend him...that was the basic plot...unlike the movie...we then all had to take turns in playing the wife PRIYA...
So what was MARK ROCKEFELLER and his film crew up to?
It was all very ALICE IN WONDERLAND to me...an insane courtroom...and upon reflection...I suppose that the sickos who had commissioned this film...liked seeing these adults in ‘child alters’...trying to play adult roles...
I guess that somebody, somewhere...got their rocks off, on that one...
In a way it is like this...an ILL CULT paedophile has his or her ‘favourite child’...and he/she doesn’t want them to grow up...and that child is frozen in time...that child can be ‘invoked’ to take the body of the adult...and suddenly the child reappears...
I know, from many overheard conversations of the ILL...about how they ‘loved’ certain ‘children’...certain adults who were behaving as they used to behave as children...
Programmers would say things like:
...‘oh, he/she was always like that’...
I remember SCARLETT talking about MR PUTIN...after he had managed to get all of the decor off the back wall of the hall...by climbing up it and then sailing down on the drapery, as he dragged it off the wall by his body weight...along with all of the cups and various other objects...
“He was always like that as a child...if he wasn’t getting enough attention...”
Additionally, one can say that the faulty MOBILE PHONES were a metaphor...for PIONEER microchipping.
The ‘partyline’ which records the scene...
As far as I can see...and I can only go upon what happened to me...the microchips were faulty...
Let me put it this way...instead of the microchip being able to control you and your thoughts and behaviour...you could use it the other way around...instead of being remote-controlled...you have the freedom to ‘party-line’ upon any network...
It was like...’you’ve had the INTERNET as an information highway...here is the new ‘microchipped information highway’ and that is unregulated...you can use any network...listen in, to anybody, anywhere and at any time – to anybody who has been microchipped – you have a connection to all of them...’
Every time ‘one computer brain’ receives a package of information upon this ‘microchipped internet highway’...it stores a memory of it...just like the INTERNET that we know today...there are copies of every single conversation...every image...everywhere...in the microchipped brains of those ILL SLAVES...
I can now remember a very important fact...whilst in conversation with the CIA, PRESIDENT OBAMA and AMADEUS...I told PRESIDENT-to-be OBAMA that it was very important that he remained radioactive...AMADEUS immediately agreed...I asked the CIA if they had drugs which would alleviate this for short periods if it all got too much...they said that they had...they then asked me if I wanted them...I said ‘I’m not the President’ and that it wasn’t necessary...OBAMA said ‘quite’...the CIA then said that they would use the drugs when OBAMA was off on State visits and giving important speeches...that way, he could concentrate upon the job at hand...and then go back to being radioactive...it was very important that he ‘lived through’ this phenomenon...that he understood what it was all about...picked up on all the networks...learned how to deal with that much information...so a lot of us went radioactive at that point...because we knew that the networks couldn’t control us...and that we would be privy to a massive amount of information...except that I didn’t have the drugs to alleviate it, when things got too much...although not having a stressful job during this time...it hasn’t been as bad as it might have been...
Anyway, that is how I can ‘see’ PRESIDENT OBAMA replying to JONATHAN EVANS in relation to the ‘pack ‘em all off to the vets’ remark...it is all networked...an alternative form of ‘communication’...
important (coded) message follows in 55 minutes
Looking at AITRAAZ' entry upon wikipedia - there is a spelling mistake:
RAJ buys a millionnaire's bungalow...just before his promotion...
Is this MARK ROCKEFELLER's people saying that TOMLINSON is 'bunging the law' with his unregulated 'mobile phones'?
INDIAN FM radio is highlighted in RED...
...so was TOMLINSON using MI6/Indian technology - supported by the MITTAL family?
The ORANGE goddess - who might that be - ORANGE is a very big 'group' worldwide...
Additionally, the 'lawyer friend' of RAJ - his name is:
Barrister Ram Choitrani
Now, when I tried to remember this name...I didn't come up with the above (it isn't on the back of the DVD)...and I thought:
Silly approximation...or was my mind giving added associations?
KALINKA (Russian song, used in ILL child programming about a 'tree').
All Jewish associations...and specifically Russian Ashkenazim...
I can now see how TOMLINSON's 'wives' = 'unregulated mobile phones'...
We were to report back to him, upon this microchipped network...to keep him safe.
Additionally, I can now remember what happened to SHARON...
Apparently I had cried so much, after remote-viewing with the CIA...once I had seen his murder...that the CIA decided to change that one...the SEPHARDIM intervened...and he survived.
He is now in an unidentified 'Muslim' country - and for your information, TOMLINSON - he has a 'harem'...and is very happy indeed...
you wont be getting any messages from the catholic church - that line of communication has been cut
This is getting more and more bizarre...
For example, I just looked out of the window and saw a NATIONAL GRID van with SKANSKA on its side ‘GAS ALLIANCE’...
I ‘knew’ that it had some spying equipment in it...because of the radiowaves and I noted the presence of the van outside, by saying it out loud, within my room...I then heard ATI say:
“The BITCH has got us, TOMLINSON”
He often refers to me as the BITCH when he gets annoyed...and he tends to virulently hiss, down the network.
I then decided to ‘hack’ the equipment and found an image of AMADEUS...he was quite perturbed...’don’t worry about me – I’m re-arranging something’...he appeared to be at some control board network...so he was doing something to this equipment within the van (but obviously he wasn’t in the van)...I then hacked at the equipment again...traced the network and found the man responsible...a blond-haired bloke and the name ALPHONSE LATIMER came up...it probably isn’t his real name...something that he was called at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
After ‘outing’ where SHARON is now based...with his harem...the MOSSAD network went nutty:
...‘little bastard’ etc...
SHARON’s boss had saved him but the rest of them hadn’t been in on the ‘joke’...two of them had had to carry his body out...to a waiting ambulance, whilst it was still ‘warm’...he was really quite a good actor...but then he had automatically gone into an NDE state which would have been very convincing...the boss had worked it all out with him, beforehand...
SHARON was on the network to me, last night...telling me that I could join his harem, if I wished...no I didn’t wish to do so...
Better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t...
Unless I was assured that I had citizenship/human rights within that country...it could be a case of from the frying pan to the fire...
Okay, so I am not in a ‘place of safety’ now in this country either...the last time I reported a theft to the POLICE...I was taken to a FTAC centre to have my mental state re-assessed...and DR CARNEY has told me in no uncertain terms that if the POLICE get me again...I will be facing 6 months in a locked ward, forcibly drugged.
The POLICE called THE LAKES FTAC centre a ‘place of safety’.
I suppose it is a bit safer, than in the old days...where such a ‘centre’ was simply the first stage upon the route to an enforced LOBOTOMY.
So I obviously do not have any real rights, now, within this country either...
If I were to go to the POLICE and upon any account...I would most probably find myself back at that FTAC 'place of safety'.
The general 'gist' that I am getting here is that all of the ILL men that I have met so far - want a society which is based around HAREM...
This sounds very sinister to me...unless the women have chosen to be part of this harem and have citizenship/human rights.
Of course, most men will not be allowed to have HAREMS (even though they have probably been promised them).
Most of the men will have little or no access to women (or children) and have to work as slaves...apart from the men allowed to work in the harems and they are generally castrated in some way and called EUNUCHS.
That is the reality behind the idyllic ILL system, for men.
Here are two more messages in 'comments to be moderated' - just in case they 'disappear' after I have attempted to publish them:
Publish Reject 1 – 2 of 2
you wont be getting any messages from the catholic... (Anonymous) 02:01
important (coded) message follows in 55 minutes (Anonymous) 01:06
Publish Reject
you wont be getting any messages from the catholic church - that line of communication has been cut
Publish Reject
(Anonymous) 02:01
important (coded) message follows in 55 minutes
Publish Reject
(Anonymous) 01:06
I get the coding now:
This is rather like exposing a spy’s manual...the first letter coding...the instruction that was given years before to act as an aide memoire...but not something I should normally remember consciously...
For the record, I knew that I had missed something out – in relation to talking about AITRAAZ...
It was all about RIMINGTON’s affairs...
Apparently she was nicknamed VERITY by the CIA...and quite a few others...
She had ‘married’ the boss of this microchip company and then gone on to sexually abuse TOMLINSON...but nobody could really quite believe it...although it was quite true...
Was RIMINGTON responsible for his sacking from MI6?
Indubitably – say the CIA.
Did she leap on him and do a ‘fingernails down the back’ job?
'Yes, we have the video footage.'
So PM says to look at TY...now I can remember:
...and I can remember the video footage – RIMINGTON was wearing that pink suit – that she had worn in 1980...and so...how long does it take to wear out a suit? It would have happened after 1980 at any rate, although I cannot put a year upon it...it was in an office environment...they were alone...RIMINGTON went for him...in a slightly more indelicate way than SONIA does in the movie but the same general effect...was she off her head on drugs at the time...who knows...he rejected her with the ‘inevitable’ consequences...
VERICORP is seriously scary stuff...
What made me laugh about their website was the menu upon the left which cites:
SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY and DRUG-TESTING amongst other items of interest.
So I take it that the MD - as in RIMINGTON - is exempt from the above?
If a man gets 7 years for attempted rape, in India – what does a woman get?
How about in the USA or in the UK?
Or is that not the point?
It is difficult to prove ‘attempted rape’ by either a man or a woman – far better to go for the blackmail angle...and the kidnapping, the brainwashing, the torture and the MICROCHIPPING – all done, in an attempt to create a mind control slave.
I can remember MARK ROCKEFELLER pointing out this very website to me, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – he found it all hideously funny:
Welcome to VERICORP
Information is power! Take just a few moments to see how screening your potential applicants will save your company valuable time and dollars. Employment screening is fast becoming the norm, not the exception in the new millennium. Companies both large and small are realizing the value of hiring right the first time! This reduces turnover and training costs that have a ripple effect throughout the company. Automation frees up employees so they can be more productive as well.
Work place violence and lawsuits can be minimized allowing individuals to enjoy a safer environment leading to higher output. Dramatic incidents involving workplace violence can shatter a company’s moral and lead to due diligence lawsuits that could incur a financial burden, that in some cases is too large to overcome. Recovering and attracting quality employees after such occurrences can also be insurmountable.
Introducing VERICORP, Inc.! A company that utilizes the latest in technology coupled with the personal service necessary in today’s business environment. With years of experience gathering employee information including criminal, credit, motor vehicle and more, our staff offers the knowledge to provide data that will help you evaluate your applicants quickly and concisely.
The following options will allow you to sign up and have access to a variety of reports. We are competitively priced and offer quick turnaround time on the reports typically averaging 48 hours for county criminal information. Express reports are returned in an average of 5 minutes for Credit and Social Security Searches.
Years of experience and technology have propelled our company to a front-runner position. See why VERICORP does so many VERIfications for CORPorations nationwide. Information is power, but harnessing that power is your choice.
We welcome your call to discuss your specific needs. Evaluate how our services can benefit your company today and in the years ahead. Building a solid team of quality employees can only ensure success!
Corporate Offices
Post Office Box 436054
Louisville, Kentucky 40253-6054
Voice: (800) 416-2769
What about the company called VERISIGN which apparently helps you to trust your favourite sites, upon the INTERNET.
Could they be related to VERICORP?
More unread mail in my inbox\;
Unread AFerry.co.uk Experience Fantastic Events in France this Summer! Sat, 6/6/09 39KB
Unread NHS Jobs Vacancy Service NHS Jobs Jobs-by-Email Alert Fri, 5/6/09 7KB
NO, I do not think that I want to 'experience fantastic events' in France this summer...
Would that be the VERICORP summer holiday camp, MARK 2?
...but I'll watch the tapes of the rest of you...
So we are upon comment 1980...
All the way from '0' and the birth of Christ...up to the year that I was programmed at 16 years old...how 'very' symbolic.
I have a memory of this year - after having been programmed - which I haven't written down yet - it fills me with digust, for my father.
I was prostrate, upon the floor - the parquet of the living room, of 14 St Bernards Road.
My father was standing over me.
He was trying to guide his elderly mother - my Swiss grandmother, in her tottery winkle-picker shoes, to stand with her legs around my head.
She kept going off balance...she appeared to have no real idea of what he wanted her to do.
Eventually she stood on either side of my head.
My father instructed her - telling her that I could see her upside down in 'Wonderland' - she now had to tell me that she was my master and that I had to do everything that she said.
My grandmother kept getting it wrong - she appeared to be very confused and disorientated. All I could see was her blank face, towering above mine, coming in and out of my vision and my father standing to the side, holding her in position.
After he had done that - my father called in my younger brother and sister who had just come back from school...he ordered me to see them as my 'masters' too. He told my brother and sister that I was now their SLAVE - I was to be a SLAVE to the entire family.
They were really embarrassed...they appeared to have no real idea of what was going on either. They stood in the corner of the room and then quickly disappeared into the kitchen to get some tea...I could see them through the door, from where I was, upon the floor.
I have another memory to add from this year.
14 ST BERNARDS ROAD was near to the beginning of this mile long road - near to OLTON RAILWAY STATION.
TOMLINSON had rigged the 'record-player' and 'speakers' that my father had engineered. My father had originally built the entire set, from scratch - one of his 'projects'.
Basically, what would happen was this:
I would be playing a record - and the music would be coming out of the speakers...but when a POLICE CAR began to come down the road...suddenly the POLICE RADIO would blare out, through the speakers - it was SO loud - it was scary.
However, once this had happened a couple of times - and with my friends in the room - I got used to it - the whole thing became a laugh.
I had no idea why this equipment was picking up POLICE RADIO and found the whole thing a big joke.
However, upon the other side of the mirror - TOMLINSON had a specific reason for doing this.
He had told me to ring him up - every time I heard anything important.
I can now remember doing this - only once - it was about a POLICE RAID within the area.
TOMLINSON told me afterwards - that this had been 'one of our houses' and that he had got the 'tip-off' just in time - to ring those in the house to warn them...
I have no idea what was actually going on in that house...
That nasty little ‘wizard lizard’ frequency came on again...after the last post...the ROYALS are really angry...that I attacked their TEMPLAR SYSTEM of ILL abuse, again...in relation to outing my father for his extreme abuse of me...selling me into slavery...allowing the ROYALS to use and abuse me as they wished...to be rented out in general, upon the ILL slave market...and for my father to get a cut in the deals that were subsequently set up...
What is particularly disgusting to myself...is that, upon the other side of the mirror...my whole family knew...and treated me as the ‘family slave’...they treated me as a slave upon this side of the mirror as well...and when I complained about this...they would pour scorn and disdain upon me...I was exaggerating...I was insane...
NOW I would just like to put a few little matters straight...
As far as the ILL SYSTEM is concerned...I am a god.
Not a ‘son of god’ but a god, no less.
Those like the ROYALS and MARK ROCKEFELLER didn’t believe in G-d...they only believed in themselves and their ‘powers’...
Now my powers are far greater than theirs – so much greater in fact, that in their little bubble ILL world...I was (and am) a god, to them - even though they tried to treat me as a slave.
You all stand corrected.
I will not tolerate any more crap, from any of you.
ROYALS – you have seen the ‘writing’ upon BELSHAZZAR’s WALL...
Personally, I do believe in G-d.
However, one has to look at the puny belief systems of the ILL – they believe that they are ‘sons of G-d’ who share in the ‘body of Christ’ because of their ‘miraculous powers’ but they do not believe in any ‘god’.
They think of themselves as the top of the tree.
Well, that makes me a god then, doesn’t it? I was head and shoulders, above the rest of you and your disciples.
The ILL NETWORK is as ‘usual’ this morning...
RIMINGTON screeching that ‘we discovered the PINK PLANET’ and that I had no right to withhold information upon it...
Yeah, right – you discovered it – in the same way that you ‘wrote’ the HARRY POTTER series because you edited the books after I had written them...
Listening to the ILL is rather like listening to the most spoilt, greedy, stupid and ignorant children alive...
So go to hell, the lot of you.
No more information will be forthcoming (rather like the CATHOLIC CHURCH).
Of course, you could all ponder what the PINK PLANET means...
The ISLAMIC network is screeching that it is all a MOSSAD plot...but then, they would be, wouldn’t they?
All I can say is that whilst I was remote-viewing in OUTER SPACE...I came across this planet...
It was of interest to the ILL because their instruments couldn’t track me (or NIR) whilst we were in the atmosphere of this planet...
The fact that it has been called the PINK PLANET...is because firstly it was ‘pink’ from my own experience...and the people were ‘pink’...secondly, we have the VATICAN and all of those PP acronyms...thirdly we have the oral tradition of ‘Jewish heaven’...
All I can say to the ILL is this:
You tried to break into a place that contained far higher spiritual entities than yourselves and you are now being punished for it. Think about it. Try to reform your ways.
If there was any ‘war in the heavens’ – then it was quickly resolved by the top few...the CIA, the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the SEPHARDIM (although others might have been involved – this was only from my own experience).
Okay - so I can say with some certainty that there are drugs...CIA drugs which can stop you from being 'radioactive'. I can also say with certainty that OLANZAPINE isn't one of them.
However, once you have got used to 'radioactivity' - it is rather like the INTERNET - life might be rather boring without it - once you have got used to the whole business.
However, who knows what damage the microchips might be doing to brain and body?
I slept nearly all afternoon – until 6pm – I wasn’t ‘tired’ but I knew that I wanted to dream...
I dreamt of a lot of things...and upon waking, realised that what I had dreamt of...was all to do with what I had ‘viewed’ with the CIA – who wanted me to get a bigger picture, upon the whole of it...my life and those around me...who had been in the ILL CULT...
Firstly – I ‘saw’ what had happened to my sister:
She had gone to KING EDWARDS grammar school for girls in Edgbaston. My brother HUMPHREY had gone to the boys’ school – they are Victorian schools – set back in grounds. They used to have to take the school bus from Solihull to Edgbaston every day – it took about ¾ hour or more. To the back of beyond –as far as I can see – isolated and alienated in this suburban area.
My sister used to complain – from 11-13 years old – that sometimes a girl was picked to take a message to the boys’ school – and it always seemed to end up being her.
The other girls hated doing it – some simply refused and would start crying. Anyway, I can tell you what used to happen – the masters’ knew what was going on – a team of 4/5 boys would stalk the girl and jump on her, as she came round the building – they would then use the needle through the eye – to make her disassociate – they would then rape her. The masters’ would make her take some ‘morning after pill’ after she had turned up with the message. They were all ‘in on the game’ – this predatory sport. My father also knew and approved. He hated ‘the feminine’ with a passion.
No wonder my sister started to lose her eyesight within the first few years of being at that school – so badly that she could hardly see the board ‘just a blur’ – yet she was too ‘embarrassed’ to tell anybody about it – according to my mother. Until a teacher realised that HELEN was falling behind so far with her work – because she couldn’t read anything on the board. She was then told to wear glasses, which she refused to wear, for some reason...one can only guess the mental agonies that she was going through...
I now know why her eyes were bright blue as a child...and now – the discoloration is so extensive...they seem more of a dull gold colour in large patches.
Secondly, I remember my sister finding a ‘new boyfriend’ in 1993/4. She had previously been with another boyfriend for about 10 years – and for some reason she didn’t want to break it off with him – even though she had fallen so deeply in love with a man that EDWARD, our younger brother said was ‘completely mad’. Apparently this man was a student of hers...and EDWARD produced a photograph of him. It is in black and white but basically it was a grey blur of BLACKHEATH park hill where the three of them had gone at the weekend...you can see a skateboard below, quite clearly...then a grey/white fuzz of a person on it...and two BLACK fuzzy eyes...like black holes...where the head should be...that is all. A very comic photograph – I had asked to see what the guy looked like...ED had told me that he was from Eastern country...of Chinese extract perhaps...and then he showed me this funny photograph. Anyway, HELEN was heart-broken when this young man, went back to his own country with no forwarding address...she used to cry about it...
I now know who it really was...the man on the skateboard...MARK ROCKEFELLER...he had admitted to it...and the photograph...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
I suppose that everybody who went through deprogramming with him, around that time...fell deeply in love with him...my sister was no exception.
However, what was MARK ROCKEFELLER really up to?
He was recruiting for SALADIN’S ARMY...RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON...and behind that VERICORP.
He also picked me up in 1994 - and like all of the others...I was so grateful at having been deprogrammed from ROYAL ILL slavery...that I asked him to marry me...
The other dreams told me a about a few more things that had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE:
Firstly, that PC GREEN had also been there...and that his programming had been similar to mine –as a CHEETAH.
The basic procedure was this – show the child a photograph of a DEAD CHEETAH, which had been hung upside down – then hang the child up in the same way – upside down...I can remember this happening to me as a child – off the top of the full length mirror – of my parents’ wardrobe. They made you look at your face in the mirror, upside down, until you lost consciousness – to produce a ‘dead cheetah’. This meant ‘cheetah alter’ – the ‘walking dead’ i.e. mind control slave.
What was the point of cheetah? We cheated – that simple – we always won.
Additionally, MARK ROCKFELLER added the misogynistic element – and that was boys’ cheetah programming:
Although, thinking about it now ...ER could also stand for QUEEN ELIZABETH.
Anyway, I then regained a memory of being with PC GREEN in a valley near to the TEMPLAR CASTLE...we had to get through a forest...which I knew had ‘teams’ of other adults in ‘child alters’...who would ambush us...there was one main path through it...
So I suggested that we didn’t go into the forest or down the path but delved into the undergrowth to watch and see who turned up...we buried ourselves in the undergrowth and sure enough...a team of 5 ‘archers’ turned up...they were all dressed in RED.
LATIMER – the blond young man, was head of this team...
I forgot to mention that Green and I, were dressed in GREEN...we were easily camouflaged by the greenery around us...
What is really scary is that these young men had old-fashioned CROSSBOWS in red...they were real enough and they were supposed to use them upon any of the other colour-coded teams.
This team had the same idea as us...but luckily they didn’t come down as far into the undergrowth...they settled about 10 or so yards away...and GREEN checked out where they were...and then stood up and threw a stone near to their camp, then quickly sat down again...the RED TEAM erupted into fear...they attracted the YELLOW team who came charging through the forest and a battle occurred – the YELLOWS were quite numerous and I cannot remember what weapons they had but it was something to ‘beat’ the others with – clubs or swords or batons...something like that...GREEN sat there sniggering...we had won our passage past two coloured teams...I suppose we got back safely...the ‘cheetahs’...we didn’t have any weapons...we had to use our wits.
It is no wonder that GREEN used to be a ROYAL MARINE...
I went for a walk upon the beach this evening...and came back to the B&B to look at the large fish tank in the hall...I opened the two dark wooden doors underneath and saw the mechanics of it...there is a GREEN battery of some description...and an ORANGE switch to work it...
I suppose it is all symbolic...I also saw the WHITE PLASTIC DOORSTOP...which AMADEUS told me represented a microchip to the MASONS...and that I should take it out and use it for my door...which I have done...I also took out the ORANGE calling card of this B&B...which had also been left in there...
I might add that to the left of this fishtank...is an eastern ‘genie in a bottle’ brass ‘teapot’...as soon as I spotted it...I opened it...recently somebody shut it again...and so I opened it again...it looks Turkish/Khazar in design...
As I was waking up from my slumber...going up the brainwave levels...I ‘read’ those young people who are in this B&B...in the other rooms...quite a collection of them – I have seen most of them now...
They all ‘knew’ that I had found them out...what did they know?
When I first moved in here...the owner had told me that ‘electrical equipment’ inspections were necessary because some of the youngsters had faulty STEREOS...that type of thing...even hairdryers...and sometimes they began to smoke and threatened to set the place on fire...
How very odd...EU standards today...do not allow that type of faulty product upon the market...the owner said that people had been tampering with their electrical equipment...he didn’t know why or how...just that he, his wife and the electrician, had found out that it had been tampered with, for some reason...and that it was often dangerous.
This afternoon...I knew who had been tampering with it...TOMLINSON and his SALADIN’S ARMY...they must have been doing a similar thing to what TOMLINSON had done to my stereo and speakers in 1980...I have no idea what TOMLINSON had put in...but it must have involved a microphone and he had linked it up to the speakers and the volume – in order to broadcast POLICE radio...
More to the point, the mind control slaves within this B&B knew that I had found this out...they were all aware that they worked for TOMLINSON...all aware that I knew about their radio network...and it is a network...he is the ‘hub’ of it all...they were interested in the fact that it had all originated in Birmingham...their ‘group identity’ was important to them...this was their ‘history’...where it all began...their rebel group...their rebel cause.
They were all of the opinion that TOMLINSON was protecting me and for no good reason, that they could see...
I wouldn’t be too sure of that one...
I was put in here by the CIA to root out his SALADIN’S ARMY...in a similar way to what JONATHAN EVANS had done in terms of handing over lists of programmed Islamic mind control slaves who had been ‘poached’ by RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON...
VERICORP....and that would be the ORANGE...which runs the GREEN...so are we talking MOSSAD or a bigger group...the NAZI military group in the USA...the main ORANGE base...
Is this all just about a war on the ground – between different ILL colour-coded NAZI teams, jostling for position in the big business market of mind control slaves?
Overview – the whole thing was a lie, wasn’t it?
All of those people that MARK ROCKEFELLER, RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had introduced me to...SUE WHALLEY and her husband...the ‘rebel group’ in HARWICH...the RA MASONS...the Islamic family who wanted their relative back, the journalists...all of these people who wanted to find out what was going on...well, maybe they did...but they didn’t know that their ‘leaders’ worked for VERICORP, did they?
So who owns VERICORP? Apparently RIMINGTON and her husband...
On top of that...I was put through this 13TH ONE game...because the TEMPLARS wanted to murder me...as they tend to murder the 13TH ONE (although as the SAS told me – they won’t let you into the ‘ROUND TABLE’ room at Saint Pauls because you are a woman and so it is unlikely to finish that way i.e. fried on the electric chair)...but nobody wanted TOMLINSON murdered (particularly not RIMINGTON) and so they needed a substitute...
The CIA then step in – to moderate the ILL game...i.e. to help me win it and to expose everything, along the way...
They ‘clean up’ SALADIN’S ARMY...with the help of JONATHAN EVANS...
So that now leaves the DARK KNIGHT game to be played out...because in 1980...TOMLINSON had been programmed to play this role...this dual between him and PRINCE CHARLES...and there appears to be no getting out of that one, is there?
On top of that...the CIA, VATICAN and the SEPHARDIM make friends...
The SEPHARDIM have always lived in Arabic countries and are ‘friendly’ with them...
The Arab countries now appear to be offering an olive branch to the SEPHARDIM in terms of ‘you can live in peace, in our countries’...because you are essentially Semites, I suppose...with the aim being, of what?
To get the Sephardim out of Israel...to ‘get’ the ASHKENAZIM there...
The ASHKENAZIM are such a joke...one can see that once the kingdom of KHAZAR had converted...they didn’t want to see themselves as the ‘proselytes’ of MOSES...this word means ‘convert’, in the Old Testament/books of MOSES...
So the KHAZARS decided to allocate the biblical family names to their kingdom of converts...and that is how you get these ‘convert’ LEVITES around...who claim to be from this tribe, when they are obviously patently not...the KHAZARS had simply decided to model their entire kingdom upon ISRAEL...and that meant having 12 tribes...
However, within the SEPHARDIM and other ARAB Jewish groups...the ‘LEVITE’ tribes have that history...they are the descendents...that is why SHARON was so snobbish about who was a ‘true joo’ and who wasn’t...he didn’t consider any of the ASHKENAZIM to be ‘joos’...
However, in relation to the SEPHARDIM - it is the COWBOY hats that still worry me...picked up as a 'fashion' in Paris...in the 19th Century...the cowboys hats say: GEORGE BUSH and the OIL CULT to me...
They were obviously targetted - more than any other group - for intensive mind control programming...add to that what happened to the Sephardic youth, wihin the early stages of the State of Israel - radiated brains...it is all horror...this group of people have been the most persecuted of all...
Historically – so many of the HEBREWS converted to ISLAM anyway...that one cannot imagine how many people who call themselves ‘Muslim’ today...have a Hebrew genealogy...
The heart of the ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY cult:
In brief, MARK ROCKEFELLER told me that KING EDWARDS for boys, in EDGBASTON – had been under suspicion for many years – quite a few POLICE investigations concerning paedophilia but nothing had ever been proved – or at any rate, it was all hushed up.
I have no idea what the BOYS actually went through there but one can imagine that it was more ‘civilised’ than what my sister was put through as ‘hunted prey’ around the building – set upon by boys who didn’t know how to do the ‘job’ properly i.e. put through sewing needle through her iris – they had probably damaged her pupils, quite a few times.
My brother HUMPHREY attended this school and at about 13 years old...he smirked at me and told me a joke that the Classics master had told his class of boys.
Apparently he wasn’t the master whom the boys generally talked of as the ‘paedophile master’...and so there must have been one master in particular, who was open about his sexual perversion.
This Classics master had told them a joke – a pun upon the biblical saying ‘it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle’.
He had told them something along the lines of:
‘It is easier for a rich man to enter a camel than it is to get a needle into the eye of a camel’.
This is what the RA CULT was all about –running children and adults as CAMELS.
The boys were being taught, whilst at school – and MARK ROCKEFELLER told me this:
‘If you do not have a stun-gun, use the tried and tested traditional method of a ‘needle through the eye’.
The needle through the eye, works upon the same principle as a stun-gun, it makes the victim completely disassociate – they ‘leave’ their body – and cannot remember anything upon either side of the event.
I remember at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...how my father loved doing this practice of a ‘needle through the eye’. He chased me all around the castle, in order to catch me...to do this to me...eventually I found DALDRY and told him that RIMINGTON had already done it...a lie...I was frightened of my father...he was completely insane and entirely untrustworthy.
However, it was TOMLINSON who did it next...and I watched everything. I didn’t leave my body – I conquered my fear of a ‘needle through the eye’.
Once you can remember that, you can remember everything.
The actual practice doesn’t hurt. It is the sheer horror of it all. Watching the needle go into your iris.
Human beings tend to trust their sight more than anything. That is why this is the most horrific torture imaginable.
I can now see how terrible it was for my Swiss grandmother to gradually go blind...she had always had very bad eyesight and my father used to say that it was a ‘genetic problem’ which my sister had inherited. He was LYING. He knew what had happened to both of them – the two blonde little girls.
I feel sick about all of this...one can bear it one’s self and survive it...however, when one looks back at a friend or relative...particularly one’s sister...and see how she was so damaged by all of this and that I was unable to protect her...and my mother backed my father up, all along the way...
I can now see why HELEN BROWNE was right to tell me adamantly before the entrance exam to this school...that we would make a pact to fail it...she ‘knew’ something about that school...she had friends who were boys, who lived in Edgbaston...who were already there...maybe they had warned her...at any rate, HELEN BROWNE convinced me that both of us should make sure that we failed it in order to go to LANGLEY SENIORS which she felt would be a much better idea...we would have all of our old classmates around us...more protected in that way...and so we both failed the exam. Her parents let her off...mine didn’t...they used it as a rod to beat me with, for the rest of my life. How could I have failed? I had the highest IQ in the family – I had been disobedient and I would pay for that one.
I wonder if money exchanged hands – every time my sister was ‘sent with a letter’ to the BOY’S SCHOOL?
MARK ROCKEFELLER told me that this had happened to my sister, upon average, every week.
Anyway, my father got his own back upon me, at 16 years old – I suppose this was his next chance to sell me into the slave racket – to POWERGEN...into the hands of RIMINGTON and SCARLETT.
It is all so shocking, to remember all of this now – it makes me feel sick...and raging...but I know that exposure is simply the best way forward...telling it all...the whole lot.
MARK ROCKEFELLER had chatted to me quite a bit – at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – it all amused and fascinated him...particularly the history of slavery in Birmingham...mind control slavery...his specific interest.
I used to be a ‘sounding board’ for him – I knew enough, never to pass comment unless asked – never to express any emotion. I wasn’t just a sounding board though – I was a ‘recording machine’ too.
Another memory came back last night...just before I slept...
It was of being told by a LANGLEY SENIORS teacher, to walk around the sportshall for a punishment – a small group of boys were there...not the usual...not the smokers...that surprised me...they were all short, normally seen as the wimps of my second year...and I wondered what they were doing there...all 5 of them...
You have guessed the rest...
So all of the girls at this school – or a considerable number - had to go through the same thing as my sister but not ‘every week’...
When I look back at those cowardly little boys – and I can name every one of them...they were all chosen to work for British Intelligence afterwards...
It is an indicator of those now in power, in the ILL CULT...I have said before that these men are particularly cowardly...those who resist and rebel, do not move up the hierarchy of the ILL CULT...only the arse-lickers, those who have a naturally slavish personality...move up the ILL CULT...
Imagine the sort of inferiority complex that these men now have?
Imagine the self-loathing...the self-disgust...
I watched the movie THE FINAL CUT last night...
I had seen it before...and at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...yet another movie, that the ILL had chosen to enact...here is the basic plot (although I could hardly hear the movie being played upon my laptop and so this is very basic):
ROBIN WILLIAMS plays ‘ALAN’ who is a ‘cutter’.
What is a ‘cutter’?
(...and why is ROBIN WILLIAMS always picked to play the 'Spielberg' roles?)
A microchip company produces microchips called ZOE IMPLANTS.
This MICROCHIPS are implanted at birth and they can record every single second of a person’s life.
At the end of a person’s life – their life can be reviewed upon video and edited for the funeral – and also a tape of their edited ‘lifestory’ (as seen through their eyes) can be played on a screen upon their mausoleum.
Anyway, ALAN is up to no good – basically his job as a ‘cutter’ is to edit out all of the RA CULT stuff of the deceased person in question e.g. paedophilia - before the family and friends get to see the tape of his/her life...
Naturally this doesn’t work out – an ex-cutter knows that one of ALAN’S clients was a paedophile who used to rape his young daughter...and confronts ALAN with this...the ex-cutter wants this practice stopped...ALAN dies in the end...he is shot in a graveyard.
Before he dies though...he wants to see his own life and what he did as a child...and so he microchips himself...
He finds out that he watched as his friend plummeted to his death from a plank across a hole in a condemned building...he didn’t extend his hand to pull his friend back to safety.
ALAN has two friends, whom he works with – they are both ‘cutters’ and they have a cutter’s creed e.g. you must never talk about it to anybody else, you must never mix material between different people’s lives...and you must never microchip yourself.
Okay – so first up – guess who played ALAN at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?
ALAN’s two ‘cutter friends’ = TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON
Let me firstly explain a few delusions of those who called themselves ‘cutters’.
The microchips don’t work – or not in the way that VERICORP says that they do.
There is NO microchip which can record your lifestory from the day that you were born until the day that you die. That is a LIE – put around by those like VERICORP in the hope of selling such microchips. Such microchips do not exist.
The human brain is more than a super-computer – or anything that VERICORP could produce. The human brain can and does record a person’s entire life-story – every single second. The complexity of the human brain, its abilities, capabilities and potential – in comparison to the ‘retarded computer equipment’ that the ILL can produce, is so extensive...it is almost limitless...
So first up – this film was probably made as an advertisement for companies like VERICORP who would like you to believe that they can produce such microchips – when in reality, the human brain can do it anyway – and VERICORP can’t.
The ILL chipped us, all over our bodies – at different times in our lives – because the ILL wanted to see if they could try to control us like robots – they failed to do so – every single time.
The microchips that they produce, are almost useless in relation to ‘controlling’ the human brain. As I have said before, the human brain is MORE than a super-computer and it can defeat any ILL microchip.
It was of interest to myself- that this microchip in FINAL CUT was called ZOE IMPLANT.
It brought back the memory of the FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA website:
I was living at GARDEN COTTAGE, EAST BERGHOLT at the time...after having resigned from COUNTYWEB...
RIMINGTON had showed me the above site and told me to enrol upon it and to then ‘help other writers – at least you can be useful that way’.
I spent many hours, out of every day...thinking up positive criticisms for these ‘budding writers’ – most of whom were useless. I never negatively criticised anybody’s work...I would think up new ways of arranging their work – alternative plots, scenes...dialogue...whilst trying to be very ‘delicate’ regarding their feelings...i.e. saying things like ‘your work suggests to me that you were already thinking of the idea of X,Y,Z’...so that they could claim that it all was their own idea, whatever I had given them...when I gave them my ideas to save their work from the dustbin...
Yes, the ILL were still trying to use me as an unpaid writer, critic, editor...and they had succeeded.
I remember getting a flash of one dreadful woman...and yes, she was Ashkenazim...red, frizzy hair...she had criticised one of the two short stories that I had put up...you could put up your own work as well as contribute to the criticism of others...i.e. after reviewing 10 other people’s writing - you put up a short story, novel, film script...
I got good marks and good feedback from everyone who read my 2 short stories...and made some friends...except for this woman...she penned the most hurtful and cruel email to me...telling me that basically one of my short stories was trash...the story in question was a love-story...concerning what had happened to my Swiss grandmother, the Crois de Guerre and her French soldier...I had written it as a ghost story i.e. the two of them meet in a French cafe...and only the blind man can see them (which you find out at the end – the couple are in fact, ghosts)...I had wanted to write a happy ending for my grandmother...
Anyway, I checked out this woman’s writing upon the website and she had got the worst marks of the lot, from her peer group...her writing was complete and utter trash...so I felt a bit better...she was simply rabidly jealous...
I also made friends with a queer sort of gentleman...who lived near CYPRUS or was it SICILY? Looking back upon this friendship now...he could have been AMADEUS...I enjoyed his work because he had a definite style...a polish to his writing...a ‘finesse’ – he was openly gay upon the Internet – his life-story had been tragic in many ways...but when he wrote a story in a different ‘genre’ which glorified ‘black penises’...I wrote to him, telling him that it was racist...we got over that hurdle though...it was nice to have a ‘friend’ upon the internet...
I remember penning in scenes for a film script somebody had put up – who had written to me, to ask me to criticise it...the film then got made...I saw the film a year or so afterwards...a Hollywood movie...
As I was typing the above...the screen changed into ‘book form’ i.e. into page 1 and 2...upon the screen...I hadn’t clicked on anything to do so..but sometimes this laptop reacts, if you simply run the cursor over an icon...
I wondered if this was symptomatic of something...that the ILL can remote-control laptops...that is just about the limit of their powers...and that they were warning me...that they would make a ‘book’ out of my notes...notes that I do not tend to edit in the slightest...that I write off the top of my head...that I do not bother to spell-check and if I forget the spelling of a word...I do not bother to correct it...
What do I care?
I do not...just so long as I get the information out...that is all that matters...it is the MESSAGE and NOT the MEDIUM that is important – Mr McLuhan.
Last night – I went back to ISRAEL 1980 again...
I now know why I developed quite severe varicose veins at 16 years old...I hadn’t had them before – my mother crowed with joy at them...they had been inherited from her, from both grandmothers...it had been ‘inevitable’...
It hadn’t.
I now know what had happened...the graduates had been experimenting upon the backs of my legs – they were encrusted with large patches of dried blood. They had been cutting veins and then electrocuting them as some sort of ‘sport’...or maybe RIMINGTON had told them to do this...
My sister then went on to develop really bad varicose veins in her late teens...I wonder if the same thing had happened to her?
Anyway, MR D’AJANI had seen what they had done to me...he took TOMLINSON aside and told him strictly:
“You will HONOUR your wife.”
Water of a duck’s back...look at what TOMLINSON was to do to me later on...throughout my life...
Some men are simply too ILL to honour or to respect any woman and in any way...
TOMLINSON liked ‘dead dolls’ that he could beat up in any way that he chose – that was his idea of a ‘perfect woman’...he called me his LEGO...something that he could pull apart and play with...
Who else ‘starred’ in this movie?
My brother ED – he was made to play the ex-cutter who ALAN believes is turned against ‘cutting’ because of what had happened to his sister...
MARK ROCKEFELLER showed me this film...and this character...he then showed me the abused little girl...and said ‘that is HELEN’...so was he implying that ED was standing up for HELEN...and that is why the sickos had chosen him to play this particular role in their re-enactment of the film?
If one looks at an overview of this film THE FINAL CUT...what was the basic psychological intent of the ILL, behind it?
I can guess that one, easily:
‘...we can make you look back at your entire life...we can edit out all of the bits where we did those terrible things to you...just before we murder you...so that if you do manage to get to heaven...you won’t be able to tell G-d about what we have done...’
Yes, I am willing to bet that this was the puerile ILL intent behind this film...the sheer puerility of their minds, astounds me...but I know that this is how the ILL think and behave...
That is how their minds work...they say that they do not believe in G-d...but on the other hand, they think that they can cheat G-d...by covering up all of the sick and evil things that they have done...by attempting to ‘edit’ a person’s memory...
How screwed up is that?
The basic idea is...as my father was to say about the paedophile and the Policeman’s advice to him, in one of Proust’s novels...’if you can get away with it – it’s all right – just don’t get caught’.
On the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network, I heard:
"We can see where the CATHOLIC CHURCH is going..."
They were talking about the 'queer gentleman' and the 'black penis' short story...
So because of this 'racism'...in an odd turn of events...Black America benefits by having the PINK PANTHER in its pocket?
This is an odd one - I have just found a post in 'comments to be moderated':
"Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
How dare you assume my Authority? (Black Rabbit) 06/06/09"
Now, I will not publish this comment because it might be confusing for the reader. I can assure the reader that I didn't write this comment.
Yet the poster has assumed my pseudonym 'black rabbit'.
Additionally the above 'comment to be moderated' doesn't have a time attached to it - and all of the other posts did.
This one however, has only a DATE:
That was yesterday...
This is a little difficult to understand...
Some of the 'comments to be moderated' were written by TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON in 2004.
Others were written by the CIA...
All of the above had TIMES after the post...because they had all been written in the past...I suppose...and were then released upon a particular day...to be interspersed within my blog...
Yet this one doesn't...why not?
Was it written and posted within the UK?
As an ad hoc comment and not a 'planned' one?
It reminds me of the good laugh that I had on TOMLINSON's blogspot...taking his pseudonym CUERVOBRILLANTE (and also that of SVINYA)...and making up ludicrous posts under his name...in order to provoke a reaction...
At least, I think that it was TOMLINSON who was CUERVOBRILLANTE...although it could have been AMADEUS and the CIA, for all I know...
I can remember now:
This was during the aftermath of what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and in NEW YORK.
Nir's mother was going to go back to her Sephardic village - she had a message to take - the basic idea was to inform the SEPHARDIM that they were invited to move to certain Muslim countries - to ensure their safety.
It was a difficult choice - NIR's mother was of a similar mind to myself in terms of how people would react:
'...better the devil you know than the devil you don't...'
In relation to the ASHKENAZIM who were currently controlling Israel - at least the Arab Jews knew this particular culture and this type of oppression...but they had no idea of what to expect in another country...
Some more ILL mail in my inbox:
crcc6908@bellnet.ca WINNER, Sat, 6/6/09 3KB
So what does this all suggest?
It suggests an olive branch to all of those in the Middle-East who are Semites...and an evacuation of the Arab Jews from ISRAEL before war begins...
Why wasn’t the same ‘favour’ accorded to the PALESTINIANS?
Because they were not important pawns in the game and the SEPHARDIM/ARAB JEWS are...
The ASHKENAZIM SATANIC BANKERS and their ‘friends’, have brought this upon ISRAEL...by turning it into a ‘money club’...turning JUDAISM into a ‘money club’...where the rich steal from the poor...a SLAVE-DRIVERS club...where the truly sick and diseased at heart, make slaves of the rest of the world...and it isn’t just the ASHKENAZIM who are part of this club are they ROCKEFELLERS, BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY...KHOMEINIS...SAUDIS...the whole lot of you, created this situation.
It is the point of no return...SATANIC BANKERS...they are all going to come for you...
Upon a lighter note...why not just impose the SADDUCEES class as KOHANIM upon ISRAEL – Catholic Church? They cannot do a worse job, than those already in power...I for one, would relish the idea of the ‘monstrous regiment of children’ ruling the world from Jerusalem...children or not - they were born to it...and those who are currently in power, were not...
Or more sensibly, one has to disabuse the ASHKENAZIM of their self-allocated status as the ‘chosen people’ which they are quite obviously not...and take it from there...ISRAELI education needs an over-haul, upon that one...get rid of all of those illusions and delusions...
Mind you, SHARON was just as bad upon that one...as a member of the SEPHARDIM...and that is what the CATHOLIC CHURCH is so annoyed about...they have people who are upon the same ‘spiritual level’ let us say...as those who call themselves ‘chosen ones’...
I feel sorry for the Sephardic LEVITE whom I met in 1980...in his fairytale castle in the BALKANS...he had been programmed to believe that he was an enormously powerful ‘devil’...but he wasn’t...
He tried to overpower me – telepathically, with images of this ‘demon’...but I showed him that it was all an illusion – he didn’t frighten me a bit – perhaps that is why he let me stay in his quarters – locked up, away from the rest of them...and once he had realised that one...we began to talk about his escape plans from the castle and he subsequently freed himself from ILL control...
This man had been a slave of the ILL CULT and in particular, the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY...his main ‘job’ was to act as ‘Dracula’ in his castle...in order to terrorise new victims/recruits to the ILL CULT...
I suppose the thinking behind this, runs upon the following lines:
We understand that the ARAB JEWS have some claim to be ‘chosen ones’...
However, when one considers the point that MOST of the HEBREWS, during the Diaspora...entered the ISLAMIC faith and then the CATHOLIC CHURCH...over the centuries...as well as any other religion they might have encountered...during this ‘wandering’ period...
There is no real validity to the claim that the ‘CHOSEN PEOPLE’ are only to be found in modern JUDAISM...none at all.
I can remember more about the event in that valley, near to the TEMPLAR CASTLE now...it was a bit like playing ROBIN HOOD...we were dressed in that sort of get-up but in different block colours.
The YELLOW team – who were numerous – about 10 of them...after having beaten up the RED team (only 5 of them) – who then submitted...and were told to go back to the CASTLE...
...it was difficult to see from the thickness of the undergrowth – what the RED TEAM were being beaten up with but I think that it was poles – I remember GREEN saying that it was something like poles...the YELLOW team then figured that the next colour team would be on the other side of the path through the forest...and so they all beetled off...
We were left to walk/crawl as quickly and quietly as we could, through the forest – making sure to avoid the BLUE team who was also somewhere around...we veered towards the mountain and into terrain where the trees were sparse...no bushes and about a foot or so of undergrowth...then we spied a YELLOW team member in the distance...they had sent out a recce party just to make sure...and so I said ‘let’s lie down – because if they cannot see us upon this terrain – then they will pass us’...
I remember GREEN giggling a lot – as we lay there...listening to the RED team recce party...with our heads to the ground...semi-camouflaged...eventually, they felt that they had sufficiently checked out the terrain and walked by...
We then managed to get back to the TEMPLAR CASTLE safely...everybody was annoyed...we should have been beaten up...that was the idea...only 2 of us...10 of the YELLOWS...a few less of the BLUES...and only 5 REDS...the game had been fixed.
However, RIMINGTON appeared to be the ‘team leader’ of the GREEN team...and so she told the others not to bother...and we were let go...
GREEN appears to have been RIMINGTON’s main colour...for example, the GREEN of NANCY’S CAFE in CLACTON...this is her specific tone of GREEN...
The basic idea was this: THE ROYALS ran the BRITISH ASHKENAZIM ‘YELLOW TEAM’...and for some reason, SONIA and MARK were upon this team...I do not know why...they were both Catholics.
So I am not sure about who was picked to be on each colour team and why...I had been on the GREEN team at POWERGEN in 1980...and things hadn’t changed.
ALPHONSE LATIMER’s RED team was almost as unpopular with the ROYALS as the GREENS were, then...what else can I deduce?
Remember the organisation that I had mentioned before:
This was the production company who made that 'crazy' video about the SUPREME GENERAL of the JESUITS...in a rather farcical way...and I exposed it, upon the Internet...I know that AMADEUS wasn't too happy about the whole number but he went along with it.
The video basically trashed the JESUITS' 'secret oath'.
I have found another mention of WE ARE CHANGE LA - upon the Internet but this time, in a far more positive light.
For the record - I know that WE ARE CHANGE LA - is backed and supported by OBAMA's aides...the CIA...or at any rate, those who turned up in Switzerland, claiming to be CIA 'EAGLE SCOUTS'...the people who worked in the computer suites (the people that I assumed to be CIA members) in New York...'those people' at any rate, were behind the 'Jesuit' video and also now, something far more 'positive':
Note the 'aum' sign at the beginning of this article...this was at the beginning of AITRAAZ movie:
Out Of Darkness Into The Light
A special presentation from two of the most successful U.S.
government whistleblowers, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips.
Order the DVD from this event to witness their true life story of
extraction & recovery from the CIA 's MK-Ultra Mind Control project
and how we are ALL victims of Mind Control.
Michael Tsarion is apparently of Russian Ashkenazim descent with a keen interest in Aryan/Gaelic/Irish mythology.
One has to ask why?
Watch this video to find out:
Michael Tsarion Irish Origins Civilization Excerpt Coronation Queen Elizabeth II - 58:00 - Nov 24, 2008
Michael Tsarion - www.irishoriginsofcivilization.com
The answer can be found in the section which talks about the origins of the word ARYAN.
TSARION talks about the word SACA...and how this is related to STAG worship...
Now, to my mind...the surname SACHS appears to be vitally linked to STAG worship...
In the HARRY POTTER books – HARRY POTTER has a STAG as a ‘patronus’...his guardian spirit...(but so has ‘Dumbledore’, incidentally – in real life)...
So who were the ‘STAG-WORSHIPPERS’?
Apparently the early DRUIDS of IRELAND and the UK in general...and EUROPE...how far into Europe? Tsarion doesn’t say...but I would guess all the way to the kingdom of KHAZAR.
Who are the STAG-WORSHIPPERS in modern day terms? Same sort of guys – druids and Masons.
TSARION makes it quite clear that the current ROYAL FAMILY are what he terms ‘maintenance people’ i.e. they are the MAIN TENANTS of the MONARCHY who will be replaced, sooner or later by the real RULERS.
Let us now look at JONATHAN SACHS – who is currently the Chief RABBI of the UK. He claims to be an ASHKENAZIM LEVITE.
Or are you the ‘venerable stag’ – the top druid of the lot?
Have I found out who the top DRUIDS of the ILL CULT really are?
TOMLINSON kept on telling me...time after time...’the druids will burn you, in the end’...
...but I had no real idea of what group he was talking about and so figured ‘the Royal Military’ because they appeared to have organised that sick event...near to FORT MONCKTON IN 1980...where these ‘druids’ had dressed up in KKK white robes (faces hidden)...made us watch what appear to be a baby thrown onto a bonfire...and then branded us, with a burning log...
The SACHS family...the SACA...the true ARYAN RACE...currently posing as LEVITES in your area...
(According to TSARION, these ‘ARYANs’ were called ASHA in Iran/Babylon)...
Going to try to burn me, JONATHAN SACHS?
It is funny but last night...I had a flash of the BEIT DIN member who is a SACHS...and also JONATHAN SACHS...and they knew that they had been found out...they were making plans to escape...
(Additional note – RIMINGTON knew of this group – she put a jar of Italian pesto sauce in my cupboard and pointed out the name...similar to SACA but I forget what now...)
...which is why TOMLINSON had to dress up as 'master of ceremonies' with those ANTLERS upon his head (massive)...and his 'queen' RIMINGTON as his TEUTONIC consort wearing her long plaited BLONDE wig...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
'Homage' to the SACHS patrons.
...some people spell SACHS...SACKS...upon the Internet...
Now, why did the image of the PRINCE PHILIP and PRINCE WILLIAM stumbling out of the Templar Castle with SACKS over their heads, suddenly come to mind?
OLIVER SACHS who laughs at mind control slaves who 'mistake their wife for a hat' - part of the family, then?
The Catholic Church would like everybody to know that 'it wasn't them who said it'.
In point of fact, the Arab Jews and their allies - were the ones who found that one out.
So what were you planning MR SACHS?
You have PRINCE CHARLES in Arabic garb, with his entourage, out on the balcony of BUCKINGHAM PALACE with the SURAHS blaring out - whilst you and your KKK brethren, hide in the background, behind the windows - in the shade?
So in AMERICAN MCGEE'S ALICE - she has to not only 'save' the WHITE QUEEN but 'get' the RED QUEEN...
So who might the WHITE QUEEN be?
Is that the puppet QUEEN ELIZABETH?
The 'maintenance queen' - the MAINTENANCE MONARCH - to whom the POPE used to send Papal Bulls...but nowadays...and after Henry VIII - the Royals tend to favour Jewish advice...
So is the RED QUEEN now the wife of 'DR' RABBI SACHS?
The Lady Elaine...
Memories of 67
- Elaine Taylor (now Lady Elaine Sacks) wife of Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks
I left school the summer of '67 and went to Israel on the WUJS [1] scheme. This was a summer ulpan [2] followed by a year at the Hebrew University. Plus tiulim[3] etc.
Anyone who was there that year will know what an amazing time it was to be in Israel. Everything opened up. There we were in Jerusalem. Arabs were coming in but nobody was afraid and nobody was the enemy. They would stand and watch the traffic lights! On tiulim in the countryside, we would buy shiny red apples from local farmers. Some students rented rooms in East Jerusalem - it was ‘cool’ - don’t forget this was the sixties! But no harm came to them.
On the other hand, this was post war. Israeli students had lost friends, and we chalutzniks were aware of our different backgrounds.
Many foreign students were American; a number of young men were studying for the rabbinate to avoid being drafted and sent to Vietnam. They felt this was ok.
We took an amazing tiul [3 ]for a week into Sinai Sharm el Shaik Santa Katerina monastery - in open army trucks before roads were built. The stuff that Gap Years are made of! There were abandoned tanks, personal effects, the occasional arm or leg protruding through the desert sand. We wanted to send papers or photos back to the families but who to?
Yom Haatzmaut [4] 1968 - the 20th anniversary. There was a victory march of soldiers and jeeps through Jerusalem West and East. As I stood with friends on a rooftop in East Jerusalem, watching the parade, I must say that we did feel uncomfortable. It was all splendid but did we have to rub their noses in it? We were teenagers, with barely a political thought between us, but we felt it then. How much more so now?
The music... 'Yerushalayim shel Zahav', 'Nasser mechakeh le Rabin', there was an LP that everyone bought and everyone played all the time. Nothing brings back those memories more than music.
[1] World Union of Jewish Students
[2] Ulpan, is the educational framework of courses set up in Israel for learning the Hebrew language.
[3] Tiul / Tiulim: Walk / Walks
[4] Israel's Independence Day
BACK to Diaspora Recollections
I have just received this new post in 'comments to be moderated':
"Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
we may have to remove at least your more offensive... we may have to remove at least your more offensive blogs.
till next week.
Publish Reject (The Black Rabbit) 05:15"
Bizarrely enough, this poster is using my pseudonym again.
So who is this?
Is this you, CIA?
I remember now...the TSARION video was something that you showed me...but I do not know if you were responsible for it...but you knew about the SACHS didn't you?
I guess that was an easy number - DALDRY knew that the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 tapes were going to GOLDMAN-SACHS...
So why did you target the SACHS more than the GOLDMAN family?
1 – 1 of 1
I remember...because you held this woman (and her ilk), as being mainly responsible, for the appalling abuse that I had suffered and for most of my life...
'the red queen'
An Ashkenazim Khazar pretender 'joo'.
The GREEN team...
I had a ‘flash’ whilst at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...of a MOB BOSS at his desk...saying ‘RIMINGTON always picks the best ones for us...’
The Italian mafia...but he appeared to be New York-based.
I then thought about the GREEN team at POWERGEN – how everybody was encouraged to hate and revile us...particularly during that balloon-popping relay race upon THE NAZE. The rest of the colour teams, all popped our GREEN balloons first...
I then thought about the FOCKERS...and Robert de Niro playing the CIA/Mafioso ‘daddy’ and the conversation with GAY FOCKER about the GREEN colour of his car...which ‘daddy’ tells him that was the most intelligent choice of colour...but he didn’t choose it, did he? His girlfriend i.e. ‘daddy’s little girl’ chose it for him...
The colour GREEN and the CIA/MOB link...
I then thought about BLACK RABBIT...the painting of BLACK RABBIT which I had daubed upon the ‘white rabbit’s wall’...in the upper room of the MI HOTEL – over TOMLINSON’s ‘white rabbit’...
I then thought about MR TOM, the ‘black and white cat’ who had come to call at flat 3, EAGLE HOUSE...my only true friend...
I then thought about JASON STANDING...who reminded me so much in aura and personality of this particular cat...
...and how WENDY had ‘scanned’ him...and suddenly, out of the blue...blurted out an address and told me that he worked for the Italian mafia...she did this almost unconsciously...as if she didn’t even know that she was doing it...
I saw bursts of the future... but is any of it true? I will have to wait and see...
I saw AMADEUS...who started this story off...and so he will finish it...
Another 5 comments have been left in 'comments to be moderated'.
As I surmised (I must be 'psychic') - this appears to be the cosa nostra, telling me that they are, in point of fact, BLACK RABBIT:
Publish Reject 1 – 5 of 5
Cur non ut plenus vitae conviva recedis Aequo anim... (Black Rabbit) 08:15
Quousque tandem abutere, Emily, patientia nostra? (Black Rabbit) 08:12
Vulgo enim dicitur: lucundi acti labores (Black Rabbit) 08:08
I am Black Rack Rabbit you are the deluded impostu... (Black Rabbit) 08:06
we may have to remove at least your more offensive... (The Black Rabbit) 05:15
Publish Reject
1 – 5 of 5
Yes, I think I get the general gist – even though I wasn’t taught Latin at school.
So did one of you marry RIMINGTON? (I thought that was an Ashkenazim company).
Do any of you own VERICORP?
Or is this AMADEUS and the CIA playing around with me, again?
1 – 5 of 5
Cur non ut plenus vitae conviva recedis Aequo animoque capis securam, stulte, quietem?
Publish Reject
(Black Rabbit) 08:15
Quousque tandem abutere, Emily, patientia nostra?
Publish Reject
(Black Rabbit) 08:12
Vulgo enim dicitur: lucundi acti labores
Publish Reject
(Black Rabbit) 08:08
I am Black Rack Rabbit you are the deluded imposture. Ipse dixit.
Publish Reject
(Black Rabbit) 08:06
we may have to remove at least your more offensive blogs.
till next week.
Publish Reject
(The Black Rabbit) 05:15
1 – 5 of 5
I decided to use this free online LATIN to ENGLISH translation service...to translate the above...and it came out pretty much as I had thought (apart from some words which wouldn't translate).
I then realised that this wasn't the point...when you translate a phrase e.g."Ipse dixit"...
If you look at the next webpage upon which the translation appears - you get all of the SYMBOLIC ICONS of the colour-coded ILL TEAMS:
BLUE = 'I' or 'information'
LIGHT GREEN = PAPERCLIP (with LINK written underneath)
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