Sunday, 31 December 2006

British Intelligence Torture Techniques

I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly.

Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'.

Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured.

Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all.

When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.

'Cold' Torture

(A survivor's account)

"We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results.

We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect.

When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape.

I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious.

I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged.

Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."

'Hot' torture

(A survivor's account)

"The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery.

The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women.

I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream.

This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water.

Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word.

I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time.

I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened.

Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch.

In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on.

I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital.

I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.


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Black Rabbit said...

I I had already thought...and written about many times, throughout this 5 year journey of recovery and 'exploration' of the ILL CULT in relation to my own personal history...

...that the simple fact is that the top UK terms of the ROYAL FAMILY and their 'friends'...cannot back down...they will never back down...they are simply too mad...too brain-damaged...and they know that without the RA CULT...that they are powerless.

Black Rabbit said...

An odd one...that I had been meaning to post before...but didn't think it significant...

MICHAEL the top ROYAL programmer at MI6 and at FORT MONCKTON in 1980...who was the father of that BBC celebrity 'GARDENER'...what was his name again? (see previous notes)...MONTY somebody...


I then thought about how odd it was that LADY DIANA was supposed to have 'stepped down' to have an affair with a member of the ROYAL HORSEGUARDS...

The Press had made this man out to be a 'nobody' and of 'no considerable rank'...and yet within the ILL CULT, this guy was MASSIVELY important...somebody who knew just about every single mind control command in the ROYAL ILL book...he knew how to programme the 'gee-gees'...the 'horses' of the ILL CULT...

Now 'horses' are a big thing with the ROYALS and their ARISTOCRACY...HORSES as animals, are probably far more well-treated than their ILL SLAVES who are 'gee-gees'...

What was his name again? I cannot be bothered to look it any rate, this ROYAL HORSEGUARDS guy behaved like a ROYAL shit to LADY DIANA, in respect to what he then said about her, after her death...

Anyway, this man is generally presumed to be the father of HARRY.

My MOTHER has remarked upon this often - she was ADAMANT that HARRY was the son of this man...and this was ODD because my mother normally doesn't have any interest in the 'celebrity news'.
She doesn't read OK or any other such magazine...she buys no magazines at all.

A short note here: in 1991 DAVID DABYDEEN told me that BASSNETT and COLLIE - along with all of their WARWICK UNIVERSITY department were obsessed by these magazines...even ordered them to be delivered to their own homes and almost constantly gossiped about why would that be?

Most people find these magazines 'interesting but expensive trash' - only to be read, when you visit the dentists' and have to sit for an interminable amount of time, in the waiting room.

Anyway, I would now like to add the other interesting point - that I have found out that the UK MILITARY is programmed to NEVER attack either PRINCE PHILIP, PRINCE CHARLES, OR PRINCE HARRY...

However, they can be programmed to attack PRINCE WILLIAM.

Why is that?

What did WILLIAM do, in order to create this state of affairs?

All one can say is that it is 'probable' that the ROYAL HORSEGUARDS had something to do with it...

The 'courtiers' of the ILL CULT...who had decided to push forward...'one of their own'...and in this case, it was the son of 'one of their own' and that was PRINCE HARRY.

The machinations of the 'court' around the ROYAL FAMILY...and from their own 'top programmer' quite incredible...almost extraordinary.

Black Rabbit said...

I had something else to post but I will save that for later...

The only other thing that I would like to point the extraordinary amount of kids diagnosed with ‘autism’ nowadays...

My sister has a child diagnosed with ‘autism’...little LEO...who attended a nursery school for those with ‘autism’ and related ‘disorders’ because he wouldn’t speak...and he didn’t seem to understand what adults were telling him to do...and then...

LEO was the ONLY one, out of his entire class who was ‘elected’ to ‘graduate’ to the PRIMARY SCHOOL for ‘autistic children’...

My mother felt that this was a ‘remarkable feat’...that little LEO had progressed so well...

So what happens to the other kids – who didn’t ‘progress’ so well?

Do they all stay at home?

It is all so odd...because one of our BLACKHEATH ‘friendly families’ in the 1960s...was MIMI SAUNDERS who told my mother openly and matter-of-factly, that her boy, didn’t speak until he was 4 years old...(primary school time) and that it didn’t matter, a jot...her son ended up a very vociferous, lucid and ‘communicative’ head of the STUDENT’S UNION at LONDON POLY in his teenage years...

In short, MIMI’s son wasn’t diagnosed with AUTISM...and he isn’t autistic now...yet little LEO was ‘diagnosed’ with autism at the same age and put into a ‘special school’...and now is so ‘lucky’ be allowed to attend an over-subscribed school for ‘autism’ and other ‘disorders’ within his area...

There weren’t these ‘special schools’ in my day, my generation, born in the 1960s...MIMI looked after her son at home and then he joined ‘normal school’ once he had learned to read and write...

If I were my sister...which I am not...if I had a child who had this ‘problem’...I would NOT let him into the hands of ‘COLLIE’ specialists...but I am not my sister...

Black Rabbit said...

When I look at my own JUNIOR SCHOOL and the 'remedial class' in operation...and how these kids were 'shamed' in front of the others...

...and how at SIXTH FORM COLLEGE, SEV had told me that these people were really quite bright...some of them...and he wanted me to meet JAKE who was ex-SAS...who had been a 'remedial student' within my school...and I met him...but we had little to talk about...he didn't talk about much at all...

I suppose that he wanted to help me...he wanted to help us all...yet how could he do it...writing and reading was still a problem for the 'SOLIHULL' slur of not being able to be 'mediocre' in your grades at school (everybody in Solihull education had been programmed to belittle 'dumb down')...and dyslexia meant that you couldn't even hurdle that hurdle...

In brief, the MASS MEDIA communication barrier was the biggest problem for the very people who could defeat neuro-linguistic programming and micro-chipping, in order to free us all.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember a bit more about what happened – in relation to this book being used as a ‘drama script’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

I can remember the ‘boudoir’ scene where I had to lounge around – and then RIMINGTON dressed up as a young girl walks in...sick stuff...RIMINGTON must have been about 70 years old and dressed as ‘baby Jane’...anyway, I can then remember a scene where RIMINGTON struts her stuff on stage as a ‘cabaret artiste’ and ‘FEVVERS’ has to watch this...DALDRY and the film crew then told me to ‘pass comment’ i.e. to ad lib...after RIMINGTON had finished her act and so I said:

“You’ll pass” in a haughty accent which I thought would be in keeping with the character.

FEVVERS is supposed to be impressed but doesn’t show far as I know...

Anyway, RIMINGTON went berserk...completely berserk...’how dare you’ etc...she had put her ‘all’ into this performance and she wanted a bit more than ‘pass’...she was screeching her head off as herself...forgetting her character or script...I tried to explain to her the above but to no avail...she stomped off...

After that...I was brutally raped...I remember DALDRY coming into the ‘boudoir’ and somebody else asking how many men...and he replied 8 or 9...and then they decided to move me to the SEYCHELLES hospital. I woke up in a private room. I couldn’t move. I had thought that I was going to die. However, with a nurse and food available – I figured that I might recover. She spoon-fed me. I remember that the PRINCE OF MONACO was involved – he had a brief word with the doctor.

RIMINGTON came in and screamed at me – she literally said ‘the show must go on’. I told her that I had to recover – I needed at least 3 days. The ILL then used a ‘stand-in’ for FEVVERS.

Black Rabbit said...

So now I know why SUSAN BASSNETT in her own twisted and perverted way - wanted me to read this book NIGHTS AT THE CIRCUS.

Additionally, I now know what to say if somebody like COLLIE asks you:

"Do you want to know WHY you are not working for me?"

"NO, no...I'm GOOD" and a swift march in the oppposite direction, should do the trick.

Black Rabbit said...

Upon I pretty much understand – how this ILL GAME and supposed GROUNDHOG DAY was constructed...I can now begin to understand my role within it:

The UK ROYALS had simply wanted to ‘punish’ me for the shooting of the TASCHMAN brothers.

COLLIE et al – simply hated me – no other reason for the vengeful spite, with which this ILL GAME has been put together.

However, this ILL GAME now has a much wider context.

The CIA wanted the UK at large – to know what they pay their taxes for – what they are funding in terms of what BRITISH INTELLIGENCE really does, most of the time.

Therefore...even though COLLIE’s network are transmitting ‘shoot the BUNNY RABBIT’ this morning...they are unable to do so.

Imagine yourself at a DODGY RIFLE RANGE at the FAIR/CIRCUS...that is where you are...UK cannot shoot me because your SIGHTS are out.

You now have to sit there – like SITTING DUCKS whilst I take pot-shots at the lot of you and my ammunition is all of the disgusting, depraved and criminal activities that you have been up to and are currently up to...and I will continue to post until you give up.

Black Rabbit said...

As you have probably gathered - shooting the TASCHMAN brothers gained me 'brownie points' with the CIA. Additionally with 'MECCA' and probably quite a few other countries...

Black Rabbit said...

...and in case any UK psychiatrists are wondering...this is all good therapy for me...very theraputic I peel off all of the layers of the ILL onion...and discard them.

Black Rabbit said...

Picking up on the BRITISH ARMY network – they have realised that the only one left in BRITISH INTELLIGENCE with a ‘working brain’ appears to be JONATHAN EVANS (and his employees)...and so they are watching him closely – what will he do next?

No use looking at other ‘heads’ such as SCARLETT...or BASSNETT, COLLIE...even less worth the bother, turning to those like RIMINGTON or TOMLINSON...

An interesting turn of events – can EVANS solve the whole lot – what is the solution?

Here is a little list of priorities:

Deal with those like COLLIE who believe in ‘space lizards’...

Deal with the ‘space lizards’ at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...

Reconstruct new PORTALS (in every sense of the word)...

Find out what DRUGS are being used on the lot of you...

(In fact, I had a ‘flash’ on the last one – of JONATHAN EVANS’ crew, constructing a pulley system to get a ‘cradle’ of these drugs out of the building – to be analysed...)

Black Rabbit said...

So JONATHAN EVAN’S crew are winning this ‘sportsday’, hands down...streaking ahead of the rest of the field...the ‘office’ at its best...

COLLIE is still trying to strap EGGS onto the SPOONS of her ‘team’ in order to cheat...

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember more about what had happened in that ‘CIA computer suite’.

I used to sit at a computer with my ‘Swiss controller’ and I would write up – pretty much what I am writing now (from what I had seen whilst remote-viewing the entire ILL GAME and all of those participating)...he would contribute ideas...and a session would go as follows:

“...BRITISH INTELLIGENCE crashing out of the backs of their buildings – I’m not sure if that works...”

“Yes, it works – type that – and then?”

“...with a summary of their entire work in their briefcases...”

Slight smile – ‘good’.

This is how the day used to go...with AMADEUS directing from behind...and BARACK OBAMA coming in to ‘assess the damage’ being done to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE, presumably... and contributing a few lines now and then...

Anyway, the CIA office in the next room – then drew up a SWEEPSTAKES upon the white board...

They were placing bets – and quite a lot of money, upon who would pull through first – out of all of the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE departments.

‘johnny intelligence’ as JONATHAN EVANS was then nicknamed...was by far and away the most likely winner - as far as the betting was concerned.

Unless COLLIE managed to ‘cheat’ her way to the finishing line...but will she get her staff to be able to remote-view again? That is the question...

Anyway, this morning...I had a ‘flash’ of SHANA (who was part of the ‘johnny intelligence’ crew) saying ‘but we must all work together’.

How true. How unlikely though – I mean, who wants VIPERS like COLLIE on your team?

Did she tell any of you that she was attempting to use her remote-viewers to balls-up the game? She had them on the floor of the office in ‘NDES’ to try and get them to ‘see’ again...unsuccessfully, so far...

In all seriousness – this wasn’t just a ‘fun test’ for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE set by the CIA.

In point of fact, if the CIA had simply set you all free – you wouldn’t have been grateful – nor would you have learnt how to act like a real intelligence network, outside of ILL control. That is the task now being set you all.

Black Rabbit said...


This morning...I went for another walk down by the sea...and coming up from the pier...and under that WHITE BRIDGE...I passed an Italian-looking woman...I ‘downloaded etc’...and she telepathically told me:

“You STINK. We are finished.”

My programming ‘title’...a SAINT a ‘pen and ink’ slave.

I located where her ‘network’ was based and it was in the North-East of the right – a large province. This was probably the last ILL MOSSAD mafia base to be found...(to be distinguished from the rest of them, who are currently liaising with the CIA, in Israel).

Anyway, in summary – BRITISH INTELLIGENCE could only really learn their lessons – if they had to learn them, themselves - and the hard way – the main lesson being, how to break out of ILL control.

How many people were the CIA betting on? I cannot remember but quite a few...8 or more...however, there were 5 main contenders...I cannot remember all of their names now because I had probably never heard of some of them anyway...and so the nicknames sometimes made sense and sometimes not...

Black Rabbit said...

‘COLLIE DOG’ on the network:

“I’ll get you for this EMILY GYDE...”

All I can retort to that one is:

“Don’t take it personally – it is just a ‘test’, that is all – where is your ‘famous’ sense of humour? You know the one – the one that you used, whilst planning out this ILL GAME to torture me...”

I can see that certain members of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE are planning to have me shot, as soon as possible...

All I can say is this: ‘don’t shoot the messenger’. It wouldn’t be wise.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just had breakfast – and I should now point out something about the TEA.

It faintly tastes of BERGAMOT but isn’t EARL GREY.

I know that BERGAMOT is supposed to be a ‘memory suppressant’.

BERGAMOT is used in herb medicine, to suppress unpleasant aid relaxation.

Anyway, when I first began to stay at this B&B – I used to be given a pot of tea for one – with two teabags in it – far too strong to drink – even for somebody who likes NAFTY (spelling?) i.e. WWII British Army ‘strong tea’.

I didn’t complain (as I was supposed to do) – I simply left it. Eventually the owner queried what was wrong and offered to put in only one teabag. I could then drink the tea...and I have had two cups of tea everyday...for some time now...except that TODAY...I was given a pot of tea, so strong that it looked like treacle.

Naturally, I left it.

I then decided to do, something that I had been thinking about yesterday. The COASTER under the MILK JUG...with the BLACKBERRIES, CORN, LEAVES and ROSEHIPS.

I turned the coaster over to read PIMPERNEL upon a dark blue background. I left this coaster, overturned – upon the dark blue place mat.


It’s just too easy, isn’t it.

“Confound her, confound her...”

I heard SCARLETT saying upon the network.

Ha, ha...we certainly found you out, didn’t we SCARLETT?

So yes, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE if you would like to know your biggest MOLE, in relation to the ROYAL FAMILY...look no further than the SCARLETT PIMPERNEL...and that would include the biggest ILL MOSSAD ‘mole’ too...formerly the biggest KGB ‘mole’ and so on...

Anyway, before breakfast – I paid up my usual weekly £13.13 which the COUNCIL had told me that I had to pay...and that was that...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA told me that if I wanted to be strictly accurate - the SCARLETT PIMPERNEL had been more of a MILKMAN than an EGGMAN.

Black Rabbit said...

“More of a f***ing pervert’...retorted ‘johnny intelligence’ to his OFFICE, at large.

I might as well out you for that remark, JONATHAN EVANS because your whole office heard it.

...and NO...less of the ‘kill the bunny rabbit’...that is puerile.

Black Rabbit said...

Let me see...

SCARLETT posing as PINKPLANET upon the ‘jonathanevans’, what was he up to there?

I have a correction to make – concerning some of my earliest emails that I had sent to DAVID ICKE amongst others...around 2005...and this is all about SCARLETT’s toddler son.

It was DALDRY and RIMINGTON who stole the child from the fairground and took him to that secret barracks – where a member of the SAS was on guard. However it was SCARLETT who actually buggered his young boy – after he had been hung upside down and was in a comatose state.

I do not understand why the lot of them went to such extraordinary lengths to do this...SCARLETT could have just taken his toddler son to BUCKINGHAM PALACE and they would have hung him upside down etc.

Was it all simply to frame me up?

For those of you who haven’t read this account – for the record, I was then blamed by RIMINGTON for having ‘lost the child’ at the fairground. DALDRY and RIMINGTON had taken me there, with the boy – in order to kidnap him. This all happened at the time when I was at POWERGEN in 1980. I had no memories of the event whatsoever and therefore when questioned – couldn’t answer any of the questions. I had been too severely electrocuted afterwards.

Anyway, fast-forward to the ‘intelligence court’ in New York – and I was sitting next to SCARLETT in the was a circular one – around the main stage.

SCARLETT was openly weeping – I took out a tissue and gave it to him. I felt no sympathy for him whatsoever. I now know why – he was faking the whole thing - putting on an act, for the rest of them.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so who wants to 'get' SCARLETT?

The CIA told me that if you are interested - and would like to know more about what SCARLETT has been up to...


No. 1237
29th May-11 June 2009

The biggest 'clue' is this:

The mysterious "Colonel" COLIN PRITCHARD was none other than JOHN SCARLETT.

Black Rabbit said...

It’s a laugh isn’t it?

In retrospect...and around about now...SCARLETT must be realising what a BIG mistake creating that ‘jonathanevans’ blogspot was...and how.

...but then he was banking on me not waking up at all...’two wires up the nose’ be then herded around this sick ILL GAME and eventually killed off...relatively unseen and unheard...apart from the vipers and vultures spying on me...

Black Rabbit said...

Apparently the deaths at CASTLE PEAK POWER...were due to a 'POWERGEN' type operation...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, you have got a photograph of PRITCHARD on your files and it doesn’t look like SCARLETT (but it wouldn’t, would it?). Where did that photograph come from?

Where was he buried/cremated?

Check out all of his documentation...check out SCARLETT’s trail of intrigue and deception...

It will lead you to the OIL CULT and all of its diabolical machinations...

The US freely admit that they cannot do all of this on their own and they need your help...but first you have to get all of the information together...

You have got a lot to do, haven’t you?

You also have that ‘priorities’ list...but then, US INTELLIGENCE likes to keep you on your toes...keep you active...keep those brain cells jiggling...

(On the network - I can hear TOMLINSON's slaves 'we can't do it, we can't do it' little children. Okay, so we knew that you 'can't do it' - you were never serious contenders in this 'race'.)

Black Rabbit said...

Quite remarkably – TOMLINSON appears to be back in business at BRITISH that what you meant, saying that you wanted him to recover so that you could ‘play’ with him again?

I heard ‘johnny intelligence’ shouting at TOMLINSON - that he and his BIMBOS had to take the lead...why?

Is TOMLINSON still the ‘almighty’ of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?

I am not sure about that one...perhaps relegating this ‘department’ to the ‘entertainment sector’...using them as your ‘entertainment’ troupe, in their corsets...with TOMLINSON upfront with a flower in his hair (dressed as Rambo) – might this keep morale up?

No, it might lower it...but one wonders why the CIA let him back in again...if this is to be a serious operation?

Perhaps it isn’t that serious...the CIA already have all of the information that they need...but they would like BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to investigate and come up with similar order to back them up.

Black Rabbit said...

An independent investigation...

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘bimbos’ are really upset, upon the network:

“They can’t talk to us like that...”

‘johnny intelligence’ responded ‘of course they can, you stupid bastards – they’re the CIA or didn’t you notice that?’

So some of the ‘bimbos’ are men?

Black Rabbit said...

So TOMLINSON – stop all of this nonsense about ‘shooting the bunnyrabbit’...that isn’t an option and you have far more serious issues to deal get your bimbos in line and start tap-dancing...

Black Rabbit said...

The POLICE network are muttering about the ROCKY HORROR SHOW...

Black Rabbit said...

I can almost confidently add that I feel myself to be in no danger from the UK ILL at this point in time...none of them would dare to come near me...just in case it might give credence to the fact that they have been persecuting me for such a long time...

Black Rabbit said...

I am getting the suggestion here...and SCARLETT was probably the one who suggested 2004...that he had chosen the name PRITCHARD for a reason... was linked to M R JAMES the ghost-story writer...

So is there a character called PRITCHARD within these stories?

M R JAMES' ghost-stories were used as programming materials - at POWERGEN e.g. 'whistle to me and I'll come to you'...or something like that...all about 'waking the dead' by whistling to them...

Anyway, after looking up M R JAMES upon amazon...the book has a GREYSKULL upon the front isn't that one of the things that MAGGIE says to KRUSTY in the last SIMPSONS comic?

SCARLETT also wanted me to think...because he told me that he was 'KEEBLE' in the bbc radio play based upon M R JAMES' life...I am sure that cannot be true...I haven't bothered to look KEEBLE up...but there again, who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, this Friday – I went off to SAINSBURYS to do another shop and to use my NECTAR card...I bought some sushi (and ate the lot – every single ‘seed’ – delicious)...and thought about how odd it is to walk around CLACTON and to be able to ‘download etc’ from everybody...two passersby in particular:

Firstly a old Jewish guy who telepathically told me that the Jews controlled EXXON...were they SATANISTS...of course they were SATANISTS...aren’t we all, nowadays?...additionally, he told me that the Jews controlled the OIL CULT...

Secondly, I caught the IRISH ILL network...apparently based in CORK...I got ‘mercelin’ but no idea what that means...

Before I set out upon this journey through town...somebody started to play a pop-song, I could hear it on the street below, from across the road...and I remembered that PRESIDENT OBAMA had especially chosen this one, himself...a Black American singer is chanting ‘get him out, get him out’ a jaunty way...and I ‘knew’ that this referred to SCARLETT...a very catchy song...something of an anthem?

I also passed the CRAZY GOLF which has a special section for GOLFERS ONLY...where you have to shoot into a massive SKULL...SCARLETT had taken me round this golf course in 2004...I remember in 1980 – only the graduates were allowed to play in this section...

Black Rabbit said...

I was looking at DAVID ICKE’s site again and wondering why the US allowed his talks - relished them...and then I realised...the CIA would be quite happy for COLLIE and SCARLETT’s mob to have as much publicity as they liked, regarding ‘alien space lizards’.

Okay, so it is now time to ‘out’ a diabolical piece of poetry about PRESIDENT OBAMA upon Mr Icke’s site.

Mr Icke’s friend ‘Credo Mutwa’ didn’t write it – although he might think that he did.

Dear, dear BRITISH INTELLIGENCE: ‘nylon wings of hope’ – cannot any of you do better than that?

This poem is ‘courtesy of’ COLLIE’s dirty tricks department:

An actor walks upon the floodlit stage of life
wearing a mask of an angel beneath a demon's gown.
Pretence smiles upon the crowded hall of life
holding out hope as bright as it is false.
Son of a woman in whose veins flows the blood
of ancient Ireland and dark Africa's plains.
You are Obama, nick-named the standing king
You are Barack, oh, son born to deceive
The suffering hoards of Africa look up to you,
See a black saviour where nought but a Judas strides.
An entrapper of nations, bringer of dismal war
Behind the robes and the nylon wings of hope
Oh, may those who look upon you, see you as you are.
May those who hope in you behold you as you be
A prince deceitful to bring down Africa's shrines
A siren who leads Africa's ships onto rocks of obliteration.
Your rule my lord will not be one of peace
Your reign my king will not be one of smiles
Even as we speak in caves both dark and dank
Enraged fanatics plot your dark demise
They will put around your head a bloodwet martyr's crown.
Oh black Kennedy following the one before
May God forgive thee and thy fiery spouse
As you walk in silence from the stage of life
Barack Obama, blessed son, Oh standing king.

(The instruction above this poem is 'please circulate widely' - please do and thank COLLIE'S department within that circulation email - for their appallingly funny attempt at writing 'African poetry'.)

Black Rabbit said...

The 'fiery spouse' BRITISH INTELLIGENCE? I do not think that will please MRS OBAMA but I get the feeling that she found this attempt at what you percieve to be 'African poetic style' incredibly funny.

It has YOUR hallmarks all over it.

Take another look. Read your own work back to yourself.

Black Rabbit said...

Apologies to CREDO MUTWA (and MR ICKE) - you weren't the first and you probably won't be the last to be used and abused by COLLIE's mob.

I can now remember who was the 'main author' of that poem (although it was a 'dirty tricks department' group effort, as whole):


She had told me - whilst I was in that office with SCARLETT...regarding lines like 'nylon wings of hope' that it was such bad poetry that this would make it look suspicious...

Check out SONIA's contribution to the 'jonathanevans' blogspot to see a very similar style of writing.

Black Rabbit said...

I then ‘heard’ something very odd – COLLIE telling the ‘monstrous regiment’ of her department...the ‘truth’ behind why they had all been chosen...and programmed in the way in which they had been...

She told them that they were ‘true Jews’.

Very upsetting for the staunch Catholics and perhaps those who had been brought up in the Islamic faith...but they were less vocal about it...

She then explained that a genetic strain had been identified...she gave it a name and a number...’they’ had thought that this was the ‘true Jew’ genetic strain upon the DNA but she voiced doubts upon that one...she was now unsure...but that is what they had believed...

Anyway, children with this genetic strain were especially picked from families with no known Jewish make sure that this experimentation upon this supposedly ‘true Jew’ strain was ever brought to light. In point of fact, it was JEWS who were amongst those who had started the experimentation off.

So now the ‘monstrous regiment’ are facing the same ‘identity’ dilemma as myself...

Anyway, the idea behind picking out this ‘genetic strain’ was that these children would be better remote-viewers...although AMADEUS cast doubts upon that one...these children were simply put through far more torture than the rest...they could ‘fly’...disassociate more easily...

So now the truth is out about that one...brought to the light of day.
Now I know why MR D’AJANI and his associates called me a ‘white Arab’...and why I was described as being a ‘bedouin’ and having ‘desert eyes’...a euphemism for remote-viewing capabilities...we were all on an ILL list, which is entitled WHITE ARAB because of this genetic strain.

PRESIDENT OBAMA knows all about this ‘genetic strain’ because he was also identified as having it...and programmed one can say that as the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is ‘one of us’...then we should be in for a good time...unless he hates his ‘genetic strain group’...which means we could all be in for a bad time...who knows?

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON was drafted in by COLLIE to also talk to the ‘monstrous regiment’ – and this was TOMLINSON at his urbane best during this question and answer session:

“, I don’t give a shit about any of you...I was born a Muslim...I only worked for the JEWS because they paid me enough...sorry, can’t help you there...”

Is TOMLINSON representative of Islam in general or is this a general indicator of his own particularly warped personality? The latter, I would assume.
I can now understand why SCARLETT and TOMLINSON got on so well.

Why did this whole ‘talk’ take place?

Was it supposed to induce the ‘monstrous regiment’ into successfully remote-viewing because they appear to be having difficulties at present...I suppose that it was...

However, it only appeared to make them angry...satisfied...vindicated...alternate emotions but probably none that the ILL were hoping for...

The CIA like MR TEENY now – they figured that her responses were the best, given the situation. She said that she didn’t mind at all...and started to sing ‘if I were a rich man’...making light of the whole situation.

Black Rabbit said...

I just got a telepathic message from TOMLINSON telling to shut up...or there would be trouble, they were in enough trouble already...I do not know TOMLINSON...there is so much ‘trouble’ around...could it conceivably get worse, whatever I say or do?

I also got a message from the CIA...’somebody’ was saying ‘it does get worse...we are so sick’...and laughing their head off...this is making even myself, a little nervous...

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘monstrous regiment’ are now calling OBAMA a ‘sexy beast’.


Is that a reference to BEAST programming? The ‘beast’ that protects the CROWN JEWELS?

SEXY...that reminds me of BORAT...and his ‘sexy times’...

I do not know if ‘taunting’ OBAMA in this way, will help matters.

Remember how TOMLINSON reacted to being called a ‘monster’ upon his blogspot? He flew into the biggest was quite alarmingly funny.

Anyway, the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network have finally put their cards upon the table...apparently they do not wish to end the ILL CULT...and RA programming...they want it to least their heads of service do...and so the game continues to the ‘next stage’. Apparently I thought this one up – according to the CIA...but I cannot remember anything about it, at all...

So the croupier is at the table your bets...

Various ‘old boys and girls’ on the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network, are saying that this is the best game that they have ever played in 15 or was it 50 years...they are too mad too care...

The CIA are now singing ‘nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen, nobody knows but Jesus...’

Who are they referring to? Who is currently ‘Jesus’ at this point?

I suppose it could be me but I cannot remember what ‘troubles’ are next to hit BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...

Alternatively it could be MARK R...or DAVID ICKE...or NIR...who knows?

Mr SHAYLER was reported upon some BRITISH INTELLIGENCE website as having declared himself to be JESUS recently...but then, we were all ‘son of G-d’ programmed...

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘monstrous regiment’ has contacted the MOSSAD to help them with their ‘communication systems’ i.e. they want to block me – so that I cannot spy upon them anymore. Sounds like a serious mistake to me...but there’s no telling them, is there?

They have been told to ‘tune me out’ of their frequency band levels.

It hasn't worked.

Black Rabbit said...

Apparently, the amount of verbal abuse is due to the fact that the ‘monstrous regiment’...and the rest of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE are now a sort of ‘networked’ BORG...and that the centres in their brains which produce ‘abuse’...have been ‘wrongly’ activated...hence their speech, thoughts and behaviour...or that is what SCARLETT was told and he believed, I wouldn’t believe that sort of thing...but there you go...

The amount of abuse then went up terms of general fights breaking got rather tedious in terms of the shouting of “bastards... perverts... bastards, ...perverts”...being bandied all and sundry...I couldn’t make out who was shouting at whom, in the was this the ‘trouble’ then?

If you didn’t want me to ‘listen’ to you all (and to tune in and watch you) – then why did you microchip me, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?

I am now listening to a rap version of AMADEUS...outside of my window, down below in the street...

Did I mention the fact that AMADEUS had especially chosen this name because he said that it meant:
A MAD GOD...and he liked the aptly described one of the ‘gods’ of the ILL CULT.

The true ‘director’ of this entire ILL GAME and ILL FILM.

My ‘imaginary friend’ - according to BASSNETT and SCARLETT.

Black Rabbit said...

The BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network is quite subdued now...but then it is after 9pm in the evening...

Anyway, one point that I haven't talked about is COLLIE quizzing me upon what the 'pink aliens' looked like...and from my description of them, she got her graphic designers to come up with a rough image.


However, it is a bad doesn't match.

Why did COLLIE want to reproduce this 'image' in a programming script for young children?

I suppose that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE are hoping to train young children into searching for this the hope of 'entrapping' one of these people?

Who knows...

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember precisely what happened before TOMLINSON attacked NIR...

We were in the upstairs room – we had both ‘gone up’ – SONIA and MARK had been there to oversee it...we had begun to remote-view together.

NIR took me to his ‘secret place’ where he went to relax, unwind...this was an ILL illusion – a visualisation put in by MARK R and I ‘knew’ it...a place of recovery...from ILL torture...rather like what I had been told as a visualise a ‘fountain’ to take myself there and get into order to recuperate.

I looked at it and I knew that the visualisation was ILL...but NIR regarded this place as his refuge...I asked if I could find him there...i.e. if he wasn’t anywhere else...I would have a way of contacting him...he said ‘yes’...then something happened...we were under attack...

What had actually happened was that MARK R and TOMLINSON had walked into the room – SONIA and MARK had fled...they had been supposed to be watching over us...they didn’t alert us, bring us out of our ‘trance’ state...

I sent out a signal to the ‘pink people’...I immediately got a location for their planet – asked NIR if he could see it...I visually gave him the ‘map’...and we ‘flew’ there...we entered the atmosphere of the planet...we were psychicly safe from ILL attack...neither MARK R or TOMLINSON could get us...I could see that this planet was bombarded by this blue to dark blue force...which couldn’t penetrate the atmosphere of the couldn’t follow us in...

MARK R then told TOMLINSON to punish NIR and he savaged him. NIR was taken to hospital afterwards.
Everybody was horrified by this unwarranted attack.

To all intents and purposes, we had simply been in a ‘trance’ state. Nobody quite knew why such a ferocious attack had occurred...except MARK and SONIA...and the rest of the WATCHERS...we all knew what we were up who told? ATI.
ATI had told MARK R - who had allowed TOMLINSON, his ‘dog’, off his leash to savage NIR...and NIR nearly died because of it.

Black Rabbit said...

After NIR had recovered...I had another ‘flash’ of him – he was being interrogated by the head of the MOSSAD. He had been kept in a cell for days without food or water and he was about to go into a coma. The head of the MOSSAD kept asking him about the PINK PLANET – and all NIR could do was to describe the above. He hadn’t actually met the people – we had simply entered the atmosphere of this planet.

A woman dressed in a military uniform was telling this ‘boss’ of hers – that NIR would die if he wasn’t allowed food and water...the head told her to give him another sugar solution injection...she replied that this wasn’t enough...he would die if she couldn’t give him some food and water. Eventually he relented and she was allowed to give NIR some food and water. She had to hand-feed him – he was too weak to raise an arm.

So now I can understand why NIR was ‘cold’ to me in Shanghai – I am surprised that he was brave enough to speak to me again. He must have known that TOMLINSON the rabid dog, was in the vicinity and that the same sort of attack, might easily happen again.

I have nothing in my heart and mind but disgust for TOMLINSON...for what he put us all through...and I can only say that it is a shame that the CIA didn’t put him out of his misery, a long time ago. Mad dogs should be shot.
I will always love NIR. The only person that I have shared with – my most secret ‘treasure’ of all – the ‘pink people’ planet. I feel guilty...very guilty for what happened...I should have done something to stop the attack...and I did jump on his back...I can remember that now...but it was useless – when TOMLINSON was in ‘rabid dog’ mode...he was just that... a rabid dog. Imagine a berserk rotweiller and you have just about got it...the type of dog that savages a child...that is what TOMLINSON was doing...and I couldn’t stop him.

Why was the MOSSAD so interested?

Had they realised – a little bit too late – too far down the line – that the possibility of alien life and alien contact was real?

I can also remember MARK R afterwards...he was extremely nervous - both NIR and I had disappeared off their RADAR completely at that point. Whilst we were at the ‘pink people’ planet – we had literally disappeared.

The ILL knew how to track souls...they had a sort of Geiger counter machine to do so, in 1980 – MOSHE DAYAN and his associates...and by would assume that the equipment had grown a lot more sophisticated...and we had disappeared off their ‘radar’ entirely. They wanted to know where we had gone.

I can tell you where we had gone – to a place where the ILL beams couldn’t track us. A place of real ‘safety’. The blue beams were blocked...they couldn’t track or trace us...they couldn’t get near to us.

This planet and these people are far more powerful than the ILL or anything that they could use against them.

Black Rabbit said...

Last night - the images of TOMLINSON crouched over NIR's inert body...blood everywhere...TOMLNSON was growling - baring his bloodied teeth...he was to all intents and purposes...a dog...he thought he was a dog...he believed he was a some mad ape...on all is something terrible that will now always live with me...I cannot erase this image...that is what ILL programming does to human beings.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember PRESIDENT OBAMA talking to me about how he had joined the ILL CULT – he didn’t want to – but he described himself as just an ordinary guy who wanted to take a wage packet home...that is how it was...he didn’t want to end up on the the end of the day, it was all about had to have it to live...if he hadn’t joined the ILL CULT...he would have been disbarred...he wouldn’t have got a job...wouldn’t have been able to live...that’s how a lot of people get conned into joining the ILL. You are young, you want to prove yourself in life – you are told that you will ‘never get a job’ if you don’t...the ILL prove how powerful they want respect from your family and friends, you want a good job...and so eventually, you join.

What was the answer? ‘Get rid of money’ he laughed.

Black Rabbit said...

I watched the ALEISTER CROWLEY movie CHEMICAL WEDDING last brief, SCARLETT had taken the role of HADDOW...who is ‘possessed’ by CROWLEY...I had been made to play the part of the red-haired young woman – my hair dyed especially for the part...I was thinner than fact, I had to play two roles...that of red-haired woman and her blonde flat mate...I was hanged as part of the ‘torture’ within this enactment...

NIR played the technician in the lab...Irish MARK played the student/academic in the office...where the photocopier is...I can remember now, at this point in the ILL proceedings...MARK R had shown me ‘’ and I had chosen a layout for MARK and SONIA to use as a website, to ‘out’ the ILL at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...this was all part of a longterm ‘planned game’ for some reason...

At one point in the film – the red-haired woman tells the student/academic that she has set everything up for him, on the computer in that tiny office.

I suppose the basic idea was that anybody and everybody who then used that website...was so off their heads at that point in time...that the BLOG would look completely insane...not if you get into the ‘mind-set’ of the people who were using it at the the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...and you have to have ‘context’ to do that – all I can do, is to provide as much context as I can.

I am now getting the picture that this ‘enactment’ was the reason why AMADEUS paid a call to the TEMPLAR CASTLE...the ILL had decided that I was their ‘MARY’...and he wanted to find out the truth of the matter...and what he presumably found out about was the ‘pink people’ and the ‘pink planet’, coupled with the fact that NIR and I had gone off the ILL RADAR. For no apparent reason, our ‘souls’ whilst remote-viewing, had entirely disappeared. We had gone ‘somewhere else’ in the Universe.

The DVD reviews – one review describes this film as a ‘guilty pleasure’ and that is what SCARLETT described it as, in 2004 – he probably also meant his starring role, within the enactment at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

One thing which I find particularly disgusting and repulsive about MARK R was that he quizzed me – after what had happened to NIR and he told me that I must have found watching the whole scene of carnage ‘a guilty pleasure’. MARK R obviously enjoyed watching people being savaged. All I can say is that this is probably linked to what I call the ‘hanged man erection’ – the ILL associate torture and watching torture, with sexual highs. If you find being helpless on the floor watching somebody that you love being savaged, a ‘guilty pleasure’ – then, you desperately need psychiatric help – that is all I have to say upon the matter, MARK R.

What I did find ‘fascinating’ was how TOMLINSON had become an extremely dangerous animal – because he truly believed that he was this ‘animal’. That is what transfixed me...I was in the presence of a mad rotweiller – if he had been a real rotweiller – I would probably have been frozen to the spot, in the same way. I was transfixed by a ‘mad dog’ and not by a human being. Once I had tried to stop him and he had thrown me off – I knew that this ‘dog’ would have savaged me also.

MARK R had set his savage ‘guard dog’ upon a human being and there was nothing I could do until ‘help’ came...and it came too late. I knew that I had to survive...I knew that TOMLINSON had nearly murdered me, many times before...I knew that I had to be sitting here, writing the future.

Black Rabbit said...

There is probably little else that I can say about this movie apart from the fact that SCARLETT viewed it as a ‘guilty pleasure’ and the above explanation as to why he would see it as a ‘guilty pleasure’:


The ILL get their rocks off upon extreme torture and NDEs – by either watching it or experiencing it – or both.

For the record, I don’t.

Their brains have been ‘re-wired’ to crave this sort of experience – through countless ‘extreme torture’ and ‘sexual abuse’ sessions – stemming back to early childhood.

I suppose at some point in their young lives...rather like MR PUTIN and his self-inflicted ‘masochistic acts’...the switch is flicked...

The child decides that he/she cannot put up with the extreme torture/sexual abuse any longer...and they begin to ‘enjoy’ the pain...they then begin to ‘enjoy’ watching pain inflicted upon is a way of surviving, within the ILL CULT.

The basis of all of this, is the feeling of helplessness...HANGED MAN’S is a demonic reversal of the positive, powerful, healthy emotions and feelings, which are normally associated with experiencing an erection...

For my own part - when I was forced to watch extreme abuse or abused in this way - I had found a way to simply 'switch off' all emotion and feelings. That is how I survived within the ILL CULT.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember now - the CIA had got hold of NIR – they wanted us both to find the ‘pink people planet’ again but the ‘way’ was not open . We were not allowed. We both went ‘up’ – upon CIA instruction to try to find our way back – it was blocked.

I knew that NIR now distrusted me – we no longer had a ‘connection’. This was part of the problem. However, I knew that the aliens were aware of what was going on and no ‘contact’ was allowed. I couldn't go and I couldn't bring him with me.

MARK R had told him that I was to blame for his injuries – because TOMLINSON was ‘just a guard dog’ who wouldn’t have attacked me. He did attack me. If a guard dog is attacking somebody – it will attack you if you try to stop it.

I knew that if I continued to try to stop the guard dog – it would only make it worse – it might even kill me off and then go on to its intended prey.

To remedy this ‘distrust’ the CIA got NIR to go back and to view it all through my eyes. He then understood better what had happened, from my point of view. He told me that I had registered no emotion at all. That is correct. In that sort of situation – I simply closed down all emotions and feelings. He told me that he didn’t blame me anymore but that things could never be the same again. I acknowledged that one – it was painful but we both had to now leave the matter, at that – the ‘bond’ between us, had been broken.

I suppose I could say that now that I have written, pretty much all of what I knew I had to write in order to expose the ILL and to defeat their sick cult....I would defend NIR against a 100 TOMLINSONs....shoot them all like dogs, if I could...but one cannot go back and change the past. It happened. The bond of trust between us, had been broken by that single, terrible act. MARK R setting his ‘guard dog’ upon NIR and me being unable to stop it.

I am sure that NIR will be able to find his way back one day...if he wants to...the ‘pink people’ now know his ‘presence’.

I do not trust the ILL one bit –their interest in alien life-forms...particularly one, far more powerful than themselves...was obsessive. I would therefore assume that any other ‘meeting’ with NIR would bring them all out of the woodwork again, to spy on track us by I do not think that I will meet NIR again. Everything was decided in New York...I do not even trust the CIA upon that one...or the CATHOLIC CHURCH...those stupid notions of MARY and the CHRIST CHILD abound...even in the highest circles...and one can only say that if NIR and myself were ‘classified’ as such...then it is best that we keep our ‘secret’ safely hidden.

Black Rabbit said...

Well, the ILL can only kick themselves for that one, can’t they?

I can 'see' the head of the MOSSAD swearing his head off...yes, you are was that sick bastard MARK of your ‘people’...who mucked up the greatest potential breakthrough in modern science...and now that door is firmly will NEVER be given the opportunity again.

I do not suppose that this will stop the COLLIE DOGS of this world and their PINKY PONKS...their NIGHT GARDENS and IGGLE PIGGLES...torturing young children into the ground...into NDEs and then telling them to go and find the ‘pink people planet’...

The ALIENS do not want ‘contact’ with this planet. They have labelled it BLACK SHELL BEACH. Get it – or are you so supremely sick and stupid - that you are still having difficulty with that one?

Additionally, I can remember OBAMA telling me...he was present during the remote-viewing session with NIR...that he was amazed that I could have sacrificed somebody I loved...simply to ‘out’ the ILL in the future...I told him that it had to be done...and he appeared to be impressed by my conviction.

I suppose that is why I am sitting here now, typing this all up...

In point of fact, I didn’t ‘sacrifice’ NIR – I was simply acting in ‘self-preservation’ mode.

My guilt now – consists of thinking that I could have attacked TOMLINSON more than I did...I could have continued until he had done me a real injury - rather than just throwing me across the room. I was used to that – I could have stood a lot more. I could have pushed it further but I didn't. I guess every 'veteran soldier' has had a similar experience, upon a battlefield.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now reveal what the CIA thought about MR TEENY...they had been watching her on CCTV in COLLIE’s department...they were watching all of them after the revelation that they were all ‘true Jews’ or at any rate, they all shared the ‘desert eyes’ DNA strain...the vast majority of them were shell-shocked...they all felt negatively, as a result.

MR TEENY somewhat alienated her CATHOLIC and ISLAMIC colleagues by empathically stating that she didn’t care a bit...and then she began to sing ‘if I were a rich man...’ back at her computer.

The CIA spotted this one immediately...OBAMA called in a remote-viewer to ‘read her mind’ just to make sure...and they had their assessment, confirmed:

Simply, that her child alter had ‘grown up’. She had seen through the ILL GAME of playing off different religions and religious identities...and she was now ‘above it all’. Her entire state of mind had changed.

Her colleagues viewed her with suspicion – her background was ISLAMIC. MR TEENY didn’t care – she had attained a new state of ‘peace of mind’. Her child alter had become an adult one. She could now view things from ‘above’ rather than from within a child’s turmoil of emotions.

MR TEENY went on from strength to strength after that ‘tipping point’ had been reached. However, she was the only one within that department to do so.

That is not to say that MR TEENY had any intention of becoming ‘Jewish’ – she certainly didn’t. She could just see religious divisions and conflicts for what they were...and rise above them.

Additionally, she then broke with TOMLINSON, her main ‘master’ – she broke with him upon every level – intellectually, emotionally...and very quickly indeed.

This ‘feat’ has taken me years to do – I needed to regain my memories in order to understand why this man had done what he did to me.

Black Rabbit said...

When I look back at TOMLINSON - I see a man torn in two ways:

Firstly - now and then - he couldn't stand being RIMINGTON's slave. He would have massive, violent emotional eruptions.

Secondly, he loved the ILL CULT. He loved the 'dirt' - he loved the violence. Upon this side of the mirror - he loved boxing and other violent sports.

He had been brought up to believe that the ILL CULT had 'saved' him.

He never mastered his emotions - his child alter never grew up to be an adult one. He therefore, remained a slave.

People like this were then used in UBER ROBOT WARS.

Remember that WIMBLEDON MENS' FINALS MATCH the other year? I watched it thinking...if this match doesn't end of the players will drop dead on the court, of a heart-attack...the human body and mind can only stand so much stress.

Watching this made me think of the ILL CULT in general - the struggle for domination between various warring organisations...and how the whole thing had reached such terrible proportions that it was akin to the last terrible 'ROMAN GAMES' and bloodsports, held in the arenas...before the fall of the ROMAN EMPIRE.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I can now remember a little more about the aftermath of getting NIR in to remote-view with me. His mother was also there – although I didn’t meet her. I was told by the CIA that she had ‘pleaded my case’ with them i.e. that I shouldn’t be punished for ‘harming’ her son.


This is probably the most shocking thing that I have remembered in some while...

However, the CIA then told me that the JEWS had wanted me to be punished for it, regardless of his mother's 'plea'.

IF that is the case, DAMN the lot of you. May you all rot in hell, for that one – all of those who were ‘responsible’ for that particular decision – and do not worry – I will find out who was responsible.

I am ALLOWED to give vent to the full force of my ‘emotions’ now and then.

So MARK R and his ‘guard dog’ TOMLINSON were not held to be responsible?

How sick are you?

So the MOSSAD was not ‘held to be responsible’ after they TORTURED NIR and nearly to DEATH after the remote-viewing ‘incident’ and subsequent GUARD DOG attack in order to find out what he knew?


No wonder I have no faith in any of you at all – I have broken with the lot of you.

Additionally, I can remember AMADEUS telling me that it was actually more NIR’s fault than mine – because he hadn’t ‘trusted’ me enough.

What planet are you off, AMADEUS?

I then ‘saw’ OBAMA – he was grinning with embarrassment with his CIA aides...they were discussing MARK R in the following terms:

“ of the top FBI programmers...shame about him...he really messed up, didn’t he?”

Time to break into the FBI again and REALLY screw up their systems, this time...

Maybe I need a little ‘alien’ help...

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, I can remember a brief conversation with NIR upon this very subject – he told me that his mother had asked him to say that I must write about what the MOSSAD had done to him he was closer to death, after what they had done to him, than after TOMLINSON’s attack...she had not been allowed in – although she knew where he was being kept...sympathetic MOSSAD operatives, had told her what had happened to him, afterwards...they wanted no part in it. They wanted her to know - to make it public.

So MOSSAD – were you the ones who asked for me to be ‘punished’ for a crime that was YOUR CRIME and not mine?

YOU were in charge of the TEMPLAR CASTLE at that point...YOU were in control of MARK R...despite him being an FBI programmer...YOU let MARK R set his ‘guard dog’ upon NIR HOFFMAN...YOU then nearly tortured NIR HOFFMAN to death...
...and then you said that I should be punished, for what you had done.


Or is the CIA lying through their teeth? Was it the FBI covering up for MARK R – to save his face?

You tell me MOSSAD.

YOU have got a lot of explaining to do.

Just how 'under the control' of the CIA are you?

Black Rabbit said...

The MOSSAD has not had a ‘good record’ as far as I am concerned.
Firstly the JEWS of the ILL CULT decided to give my work – my HARRY POTTER books to their ugly and untalented offspring – the ASHKENAZIM J K Rowling.

Secondly, they paid my ‘slave-driving’ father for the ‘operation’ that I had successfully carried out for them, in the LEBANON. I was not given a penny and when I complained – I was told that the MOSSAD wasn’t interested in helping me, by ‘Sharon’ – one of the KATSAV ‘Levite’ family.

Thirdly, they blamed me for their CRIMES – in relation to NIR ,at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Fourthly, they planted a BOMB in my luggage – which might have blown up an entire civilian plane.
I think ‘4’ is enough times to begin to think that I am now going to work against you, in every possible way that I can, don’t you MOSSAD?

Although as I have pointed out many times...according to the ‘medical records’ of the ILL – I am a REAL biological JEW and most of you are not...and therefore the ‘inference’ that because I am ‘not Jewish’ in MOSSAD terms, I deserved this sort of particularly offensive and disgusting.

Maybe we REAL JEWS should form a group – call ourselves an ‘ethnicity’ and oust the lot of you FALSE JEWS from Israel?

PRESIDENT OBAMA – the ball is in your court (as you know full well -you are one of this particular 'desert eyes' group).

Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact, that is a really good idea...going back to the TEMPLAR CASTLE and the WATCHERS...

We are the ones who were truly 'blessed' by G-d.

You were not.

We are the ones who have these extraordinary gifts.

You do not.


You are not.

Anonymous said...

oh yes we are

Anonymous said...

and - Oh no your not

Anonymous said...

rethink everything

Anonymous said...

retrace your steps

Anonymous said...

you still have time

Anonymous said...

but dont leave it too long

Anonymous said...

are you sure about these rememberings

Black Rabbit said...

Okay so the MOSSAD network has responded to that one in the following terms:

“Totally insane.”

Now what might they be describing?

Themselves or their behaviour – it is difficult to assess, in terms of having a ‘false ID’ as a group of people and the aberrant behaviour which grown out of and accompanied that false ID, and for such a long time now...

Answers on a postcard...

Anonymous said...

once more, think again

Black Rabbit said...

I now have 5 new posts to 'moderate'- I will copy them (just in case some of them will not 'publish') and post that up first.

So how come you are so interested, all of a sudden?

Something I said?

Or is this just another stage in the ILL GAME i.e. whatever I posted up today - I would then get some crazy messages from kittenjane113 and the monstrous regiment...

Anonymous said...

its not MOSSAD
and you know it

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so the amount has just gone up to 9 posts - here are the headings (just in case they disappear):

Publish Reject 1 – 9 of 9
its not MOSSAD and you know it (Anonymous) 04:10
once more, think again (Anonymous) 04:07
are you sure about these rememberings (Anonymous) 04:06
but dont leave it too long (Anonymous) 04:06
you still have time (Anonymous) 04:05
retrace your steps (Anonymous) 04:05
rethink everything (Anonymous) 04:04
and - Oh no your not (Anonymous) 04:03
oh yes we are (Anonymous) 04:01

Publish Reject

1 – 9 of 9
Select: All, None

Anonymous said...

we are not the monstrous regiment...

Black Rabbit said...

I will now press 'publish' and depending upon what time these posts were sent - they should appear, interspersed around the former posts.

Anonymous said...

these are not crazy messages
pay attention

Anonymous said...

moc ca pgna tnem nmtgena

Anonymous said...

thats all for today
you can relax
but dont forget

Black Rabbit said...

Well, MONSTROUS REGIMENT or the MOSSAD for that matter:

ORTHODOX JEWS do not write emails upon the Sabbath and so we can safely rule out any ‘real Jews’– in terms of the people who are writing these posts...if we are to define JUDAISM as a 'religion' rather than an 'ethnicity'...

In fact, the monstrous regiment have been spying on COLLIE this morning...and they say that they suspect that the posts came from her...

Black Rabbit said...

Naturally, retracing one’s steps is a good thing and trying different diversions to look at the terrain in general...not bad advice...

If one were to go back a little...where did I get the idea of the ‘cloak of invisibility’ for the HARRY POTTER books?

That is essentially what both the MOSSAD and the CIA were interested in – as ‘souls’ NIR and I had both gone ‘off the radar’ whilst remote-viewing – for whatever reason – we had become ‘invisible’ to their monitors.

NIR had found a ‘higher altitude’ frequency with which to reprogram ILL computing scripts. However, the above, is not quite the same thing.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now see that MARK R had chosen NIR as his 'protege' - his little HARRY POTTER. He wanted NIR to learn all about electromagnetic frequencies and computer scripts...until he realised that NIR was using it against him...and then he set his 'guard dog' upon him.

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, I had a 'flash' of a RABBI ringing up the HEAD OF THE MOSSAD - in respect to this blog.

He shouted at him that they didn't want any more bad publicity from the MOSSAD. The HEAD asked what he should do?

"Just deal with it immediately"...the RABBI then re-thought what he had the MOSSAD it would sound like he wanted me dead and that the MOSSAD would take action to do just that...he then rephrased his wording...just make sure that there is no more trouble as peacefully as you can.

He then told the MOSSAD to get that money off that 'fat pig' and to give it back to me.

The HEAD replied that he couldn't - the BANKERS were refusing to countenance such a decision.

Black Rabbit said...

"thats all for today
you can relax
but dont forget"

I remember this programming session with the involved them 'joking around' with a SKULL and one of them was called DR DEATH...the 'dont' forget' relates to calling them terms of remembering SKULL AND BONES I presume...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'dont forget' message is at 4.27...I just published it.

Black Rabbit said...

My ORANGE mobile phone has just rung...

Somebody on 07909965059 has just left a message...I will check it.

Black Rabbit said...

The mobile number...that is an odd one...the text stated that somebody had just rung and left a message...but the last message was from my mother in France, on Thursday...and she wouldn't use a mobile for that...she would use the landline...a little odd...but what's new in my life?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay DR DEATH of the CIA...I am ready and waiting for you...remember that I have your 'cloak of invisibility' (if you remember the old HARRY POTTER myth)...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can remember all joked around because you 'didn't like doing this bit' was programming for me to expect you to kill me, if I disobeyed you...

So what have I done that has particularly annoyed you?

I would imagine, nothing much...what I have said will have annoyed your PUPPET-MASTERS though, won't it?


Black Rabbit said...

I remember showed me a phonebook...and a page with all of the major US banks upon it...

...I wanted to know who financed you all...where the money came from...

...and you jokingly showed me a telephone directory...and a long list of main banks... said 'they are all a CABAL'...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that I should be 'worried' but I am not...

It is now CRYSTAL CLEAR as to where the POWER in this world rest...and it is with the remote-viewers and those who understand remote-viewing.

Those who own the BANKS may think that they 'own' the CIA...and the MOSSAD...but they do not 'run' them...these shadowy figures...they are stuck in their offices, thinking up new ways to steal money from the power...and to elevate those who kiss their arses...within the SATANIC CULT.

So all one can that this could be a decisive turning point in history?

I mean, we ALL hate the BANKERS, don't we?

Black Rabbit said...

'power' not 'poor'...I read my mistakes and wonder, sometimes...

Black Rabbit said...

There is a comment left on the 'richard tomlinson' blogspot...I wonder...

Black Rabbit said...

I would like to comment upon this offensive little post by ‘anonymous’ left upon the RICHARD TOMLINSON blogspot:

“Putin is a puppet? Oh, really? Then who is the puppet running this blog?

When a "source" of information runs against the wall of conflicting information, he is usually revealed as a puppet running for some master.

So, who is the puppet master who gave this "information" about Putin to be spread around? Is the puppet of this blog allowed to reveal that?

No? Didn't think so.

By the way, nice code you've got there. Too bad it's worthless.”

Let me analyse this one to show you the illogical ‘linguistic’ workings of an ILL mind:

Firstly the conflation of two completely unrelated items.

1. You are calling PUTIN a puppet – therefore you must be one.

2. You are calling this paper tissue a paper tissue and therefore you must be a paper tissue also.

The second sentence is dependent upon quasi-imagery of a wall – which ones hits when one is in possession of certain information.

The ‘wall’ represents the information that OPPOSES the information which you are carrying.

The ‘wall’ then talks to you and tells you that you are a PUPPET.

The point is - would you believe a 'talking wall'?

Again, this is absolute nonsense.

The poster then asks who the ‘puppet master’ is who has allowed this information to be exposed.

I can answer that one easily – the whole lot of them – CIA, MI6, MI5, MOSSAD because none of them have actually managed to murder me for doing it.

The ‘nice code’?

The poster is referring to the one at the MI HOTEL. It may well be ‘worthless’ now that it has been exposed, granted but it was in operation previously to program RA SLAVES.

By the way, I am aware that MI6 referred to the MASONS as THE WALL.

Are the MASONS aware that this person has decided to act as their ‘spokesperson’ upon this blog?

If they are not...maybe they should check this person out...

Black Rabbit said...

Guess who wrote the post?

I can 'see' who did it - come on down DAVID MILIBAND.

It just had to be you, didn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

wasn't j k rowling's dad a banker?

they used to live in a big house

is that why she is protected by the bankers?

Black Rabbit said...

The 'regiment' have done their homework on rowling...tell me some more...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - not that I want you to conflate two entirely different things, MONSTROUS REGIMENT...but I have a little information for you, now:

The room in which the CIA danced around with their SKULL had the telephone directory in it...after they had done their DR DEATH routine - I asked them who funded them...I never took this type of play-acting seriously and wasn't to be put off.

They picked up the phonebook and pointed out the major BANKS - a whole list of them.

So do I think that I am in any danger from the CIA after they had sent me the DR DEATH message?

Funnily, enough, no.

What they were basically saying was that they had just had a call from the BANKERS who had ordered my murder.

Whether they carry this out - or 'muck it up', is up to the CIA.

Black Rabbit said...

So monstrous regiment sent me another I was walking back from the is weird but you do not actually ‘hear’ a voice...but you see a face in the department...and the telepathic thought is transferred as if they were saying it...which they are...but on an indiscernible frequency to the human ear, for most people...

Anyway, in relation to the topic of the ‘pink planet’ and ‘pink people’ I got:

“...the jews are spiritually bankrupt, as a community and they know it...the pink planet business...they know all about it...jewish kabbalah...mysticism...they know that the door has finally been closed upon them...this is the death knell for the jewish community...”

Okay, so I do not know about it.

What do you mean by the ‘pink planet and pink people’ having some special resonance for the Jews, ‘monstrous regiment’?

What have you been doing your homework upon? Tell me the books to read...

Apparently it is ‘folklore’...what the monstrous regiment mean by that is 'oral history'...passed down but not necessarily written down...odd because I haven't heard it...but then I wasn't brought up a 'Satanic' sense...but maybe this particular 'folktale' is only talked about to 'satanic initiates' that what you are saying?

Are you trying to tell me that the SATANIC JEWS were trying to force a way into another dimension...possibly 'Jewish heaven'...and they didn't get there?

...but that NIR and I did?...and that was why AMADEUS had protected me...the JESUITS knew about this 'phenomenon' of the 'pink planet' within Jewish mysticism...but even then...nobody told me...anything.

Okay, so the Jewish community is finished as far as the ‘monstrous regiment’ is concerned.
What I am now concerned about is how to deal with the UK TOP ILL.
I have a few suggestions to make, MONSTROUS REGIMENT:
You know how easy it is to microchip people.
You know how easy it is to make them ‘radioactive’. To send the ‘furies’ after them i.e. the supposed ‘voices’ and so order to drive them crazy.

So why the hell haven’t you been doing this to the JEWISH BANKERS...and any other ILL BANKERS?

Why the hell have you been doing it to me?

You pretend to be ‘good guys’...and I know that some of you are...and I know that in order to complete my ‘mission’ to expose the ILL CULT in many and diverse ways – playing this ILL GAME was all part of the ‘deal’ as far as I was concerned.

However, now is the time to turn your interests to more productive areas, MONSTROUS REGIMENT...start microchipping the BANKERS...of every and any ETHNICITY and RELIGION...send them completely barking mad.

Personally, I would start microchipping at BUCKINGHAM PALACE but you can draw up your own hierarchical list...

Black Rabbit said...

It is so easy and you know your a why not get going and get the real villains of the piece?

Has TOMLINSON been made ‘radioactive’ yet? Are you all hissing down the tannoys at him?

I would LOVE to have a go...yes, COLLIE and MI6...if you are now going to target the right people...I will be there with the best of them....hissing down the tannoys...what fun.

Actually, I have to admit an error in the above...the ‘monstrous regiment’ doesn’t have tannoys...only MI6 does (and BUCKINGHAM PALACE)...the ‘monstrous regiment’ are simply microchipped slaves upon the network...and their constant ‘chatter’ has kept me ‘informed’ and ‘occupied’ for some while now...

When I home in on a particular comment from one of them...I ‘see’ a face...but usually it is ‘chatter’ coming from many of them...

The biggest problem with these frequencies is this one...

The ROYAL FAMILY have tapes of all of the voices of the ‘monstrous regiment’...and they have a ‘voice modifier gizmo’ which can simulate a person’s voice, to quite a high degree...this is all about ‘hiding’ is an intelligence manoeuvre which I ‘outed’ when I published that BIRDS programming website that TOMLINSON used to of the ‘birds’ is a can imitate all sorts of ‘bird calls’ can different remote-viewing slaves...and the accompanying equipment used to send out radio signals to slaves, can also ‘mimic’ voices...that is the extent to which this whole microchipping radio experiment has gone...

I have noticed for some time now...that in order to find out where a ‘voice’ comes from...I have to ‘hack’ first...and often as not...I find myself back at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...once I have homed in on the location of the frequency and seen the images...

SCARLETT and BASSNETT took me to the ‘monstrous regiment’ department – presumably to get me to target them as my main persecutors...and they had all been asked to contribute ‘scenes’ and ‘situations’ to cause me psychological and physical damage, within the ILL GAME...

However, the main ILL GAME HQ was still run by the ROYAL FAMILY...and through MI6 – SCARLETT’s mob and their ‘radio room’.

‘Collie’s children’ at the dirty tricks department...were kept under such heavy sedation and made to do such terrible things to people...and on a daily basis...that one can only say that the ILL wanted as much on these people, as was humanly possible.

The only advice I can give to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE is this:

Get rid of the ROYAL sympathisers...get control of the drugs and the microchipping...and do what GEORGE MILLAR once told me:

“Learn their techniques and use them back upon them.”

A strategy that worked for the SOE - in WWII.

If you want to win against the ILL – the above is a tried and tested way of doing it. (I would guess that JONATHAN EVANS’ crew are already onto that number...)

Good luck.


Black Rabbit said...

The CIA did what they could for you - after analysing your 'state of affairs' - they wanted to shock you out of 'complacency' (and for that read the usual - being drugged and abused out of your minds) and into action.

I had to 'kick' you quite a bit - in order to achieve that.


Black Rabbit said...

Their intentions were good but those who are still steadfastly ILL - are in a fury...ATI is a case in point...

Black Rabbit said...

"...oh please don't let me be misunderstood'...a refrain from OBAMA'S office.

Black Rabbit said...

It's now or never - the whole world has to either change or submit to the biggest catastrophe that is waiting to happen - the ILL BANKERS' NWO.

Black Rabbit said...

So much came back yesterday...I can only hope that these are the last of my memories:

Firstly – more came back from when I was in the USA...

AMADEUS had been put through a ‘brainwashing’ process – just like myself...he was annoyed about it...he told me to remember this and to expose how the CIA treats the CATHOLIC CHURCH...he told me that he wouldn't remember anything afterwards...

We were both made to get into baths in a small military-looking basement room – side by side...and to put on headphones...AMADEUS objected to what was being said on the tape at some point and ripped them off in anger...

It was all silliness to me...I didn’t object to it...just the CIA saying things like ‘relax’ and ‘I am god’ or the ‘devil’...or just about anything really...perhaps that was the say that they covered just about everything...

AMADEUS wanted me to talk about the dogs who pee and defecate upon the sidewalks...the ones who smear us all...who have created this filthy mess...

Anyway, my next memory is of a place that I was taken was in the could have been any state...the countryside looked looked English...and the huge building that I was driven to was called the DUTCH INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGY.

I remember AMADEUS (who was ‘watching’ me although he wasn’t present)...saying GET THE NAME...LOOK AT THE PLATE...

I was barely conscious at the of the CIA told a person within that building that I was barely conscious but I could still walk around...

Anyway, I was shown inside and around the building...and as far as I was all about the history of the USA...about the Pilgrim Fathers...about some sinister Protestant cult...related to the Dutch?

I was then taken outside and for a walk up a country road...there were massive chains to the left of this road...for haulage or something like that...and the man with me told me that they were the ‘chains of slavery’...the chains of those who had built AMERICA...we then came to a WOODSTACK of logs at the end of this road before the fields...and he said “this is the WOOD which we burn to keep ourselves are but a twig on our bonfire...”

Why did the CIA take me there? It was rather like a Freemasonry place in its way...was it their ‘white brotherhood’ Freemasonry lodge or something like that? It looked more like an antiquated museum inside...a massive country house...perhaps it was their ‘ORANGE’ base...I have no idea...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, regarding the CIA...whilst they were doing their DR DEATH routine...they had all taken a line of something upon the table and were dancing around like little fact, one of them was MARK R...I didn’t speak to him and he didn’t speak to of others said to him ‘glad to have you back MARK’...they must have all been in little boy alters...I wasn’t threatening to them...I was a sort of ‘MARY’ figure...they knew that I wasn’t out to harm them...but they had been told to put in this ‘death threat’ if I disobeyed their orders...afterwards, I asked who funded them and was told the ‘banks’ in no uncertain the CIA is a privately-run figures...they couldn’t run such a massive organisation upon government grants...the tax-payer could never afford it...

So now I know why the ‘Jewish order’ had sent to them to ‘punish’ me...

I do not suppose it was really about is far more likely to have been about the TASCHMANS...because MILIBAND had told the ROYALS...and they would have told the BANKERS...and so on...the word would have got out...

Additionally, I had another memory back..and this time it was of being in ISRAEL and by the a sort of military-style bungalow...with a long corridor...I was sharing a bedroom with NIR...there was a noise in the middle of the night...and I immediately got out a mobile phone...I had been told to press 1 then 2 and then case of an emergency...1 alerted the military...2 turned all the lights on outside...and 3 sounded the general alarm...

I then picked up a rifle in the bedroom...NIR had a gun...I had been told to protect I opened the door and began to walk down the corridor...

It was then that a young man appeared at the end of it...he was dressed in military, uniformal green...and he had dark goldish hair...he was short...probably blue-eyed...and tanned...I had never seen him before...he began to say to me...that it was okay, put down the gun, he was a ‘friend’...but I didn’t believe him...I kept telling him to stop...

I was pointing the gun at him...he wouldn’t stop...he began to walk quickly up the corridor towards me and so I shot...

...the end of the corridor exploded into a ball of fire... it turns out...this man had been a suicide-bomber...he had been sent in to blow the pair of us up...

...the military commander who was in charge of us...questioned me thoroughly afterwards...he then decided that it wasn’t safe to keep the pair of us there anymore...

...I have no more memories after that...apart from being back with AMADEUS who told me that NIR was upset for a while but he got over it...he now had a new girlfriend and so he was much happier...

I cannot put a year upon the above...but I am assuming that it was around the time of the USA visit...or just afterwards...after what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

...this is all so bizarre...I then ended up living back in the UK...I returned to ISRAEL...and I had wanted to go to the Northern coast of ISRAEL for some reason...but I didn’t have time...I had that image of the ‘military bungalow’ by the sea...but I had no idea why...

I was relatively safe in ISRAEL until the last few days there...another bomb...

Even more bizarrely...I had a ‘flash’ of the ROYALS at one of their hunting lodges...having a meal...PRINCE CHARLES was discussing my case...saying that he couldn’t bear ROWLING...his sons replied that they couldn’t either...they liked their ‘bunny rabbit’ and didn’t want him to kill her...they could see why I had written the stuff that I had about them...they deserved it...CAMILLA agreed with them in relation to saving me and taking action against the a change of heart then?

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so this morning...I had a lot to much information in such a short time...

I was also aware of the fact that as I have gone through this game...I have noticed things...symbolic ILL things - at different stages in the ILL GAME...when they were necessary for me to analyse...I noticed things that I had previously overlooked.

This morning...I was in the bathroom...and I remembered TOMLINSON pointing to the radiator – it is painted white...a small rack one...with 4 white plastic nobs on of them had been torn off to reveal a GOLD screw underneath it. These were all symbolic of something...4 groups or people.

I then came up to room 14 – my bedroom which is called ‘heaven’...and noticed something that I should have mentioned before...the chest of drawers has 4 drawers and each has a WHITE plastic ‘O’ as a handle.

In 2004, I had hung a tea-towel upon the top ‘O’ and RIMINGTON had gone berserk...I wasn’t allowed to hang anything upon these ‘O’s.

They were sacred to the ILL CULT.

Okay, so as far as I can see – CASTLE POWIS was an ‘O’ base. What about the others?

TOMLINSON appeared to believe that one of these ‘O’ bases had been outed in 2004.

Anyway, I put out an ORANGE SAINSBURYS bag of rubbish this morning...remembering as I did so...that somebody had left a used ORANGE toilet roll upon the top of the toilet, this morning...

Now, in 2004 – RIMINGTON had told me that I should take the WHITE toilet roll from under the U-BEND cistern and put it on top of the toilet...this was to show that her WHITE group were paramount. I didn’t.

So all I can say is that in symbolic terms – I appear to have now finished with the ORANGE and that I am now onto the WHITE in terms of 4 bases.

I can leave the MOSSAD alone now.


I took a walk the beach, this morning...and thought about what I had seen at the DUTCH INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGY...

AMADEUS was trying to get me to stand still in front of the plate, so that he could read it – to the right of the door...I was wobbling all over the vision was blurred...the man that I was with told the man who opened the door that I wouldn’t be able to read anything for safety reasons...and that he would have to read out aloud anything that he wanted me to know...

So had AMADEUS given me a secret camera? I am assuming that this must be the case...AMADEUS and probably the CIA behind him...wanted to get pictures...

Anyway, once inside the building...the exhibits made me think of that old Town Hall in Neuveville...the whole thing had a sort of Swiss feel to fact, AMADEUS found out that the building had been founded by the Swiss...however, he figured that this was a general Protestant cult...a European one...

I can remember the man pointing out the FRUIT in a bowl, on a long dark table...everything had a sort of Netherlands Dutch painter ‘feel’ to it...

Black Rabbit said...


This morning...I woke up to find that almost overnight...three of my fingers upon each hand...had white skin peeling if I had caught Athlete’s Foot upon my hands, overnight...

I checked my feet...nothing there...I have a bath every morning...and I was worried that I might have caught it off somebody else...

I then remembered RIMINGTON making me carry heavy bags around town all 2004.

The peeling skin is consonant with carrying heavy bags I looked at my laptop and pink/white striped bag which I use as a ‘holdall’...both go over my shoulder...I hadn’t carried anything in my hands, I can only conclude that this is another ‘body memory’ from 2004.

RIMINGTON had wanted me to show these signs for a specific show the ILL CULT that I had worked hard...that I had callouses on my hands?

This is all about some sick PROTESTANT ‘work ethic’ cult...

I remember in Switzerland 1980...RIMINGTON talking about how hard the SWISS worked...what good slaves they were, for the ILL CULT...uncomplaining, used to hard work...

RIMINGTON herself used to complain endlessly about how hard she worked...compared to others who did nothing...which was a complete lie...she was one of the laziest people that I have ever met...she spent most of her time, working out how to delegate any given work to others...


Anyway, all I can conclude from all of this is that the CATHOLIC CHURCH/CIA wanted to find out what was going on in that ‘Protestant cult’ building...and presumably they did. They now want BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to work it out...

I suppose this is all about some antiquated ‘BURGHER’ cult...the merchants of the NETHERLANDS/HOLLAND...

In fact, this morning...whilst down by the sea...I picked up on two men...downloaded...and one of them told me that it was all very secret...they couldn’t really talk about it...but that it was all about the NETHERLANDS...and the other said that the PRINCE OF MONACO was the head of this cult...he was a ‘pretender’ and not of Royal descent...he was actually the head of this ‘Protestant merchant’ cult...

Black Rabbit said...

I can ‘see’ one of JONATHAN EVANS’ employees doing his own interpretation or rather, what he imagined to be the ‘DR DEATH’ dance of the CIA, around the office...with a jingle to go with it ‘Dr Death, Dr Death’...and I can ‘see’ PRESIDENT OBAMA saying ‘at least we entertained the office’...

For the record – you were quite near...the CIA were all doing their own a group – about 5 of them...dancing around...not a ‘coordinated dance’ movement...freestyle.

The CIA appear to like ‘the office’...they tend to point out humorous incidents on CCTV as being just like the comedy show THE OFFICE...

Black Rabbit said...

Other news – MR PUTIN appears to have contacted US INTELLIGENCE to tell them that he also wants to stop this mind control cult – and he will come to the table for talks.


Why did THE SIMPSONS portray ‘MAGGIE’ as a ‘cannibal with literary pretensions’ i.e. with turquoise hair and a bone through it...just like SIDESHOW BOB...or was it MEL?

Why is she being given to KRUSTY – who looks very alarmed at the prospect?

I think that I now have enough information to attempt to answer those questions – from the CIA and also JOHN SCARLETT.


ANDREW MARR was the original ‘sideshow Mel’...

However, MAGGIE has now replaced him i.e. me.

Who ghost-wrote TOMLINSON’s book ‘THE BIG BREACH’?

Apparently it was ANDREW MARR, upon JOHN SCARLETT’s orders.


MI6 had decided that TOMLINSON should be on the ‘run’ be thrown out into the cold...


...because of the plans to murder LADY DIANA...they needed a scapegoat...a renegade MI6 officer who would be in the country i.e. the time...

Why would KRUSTY be so alarmed that I am his new ‘scribe’...writing his ‘real biography’...well, I suppose that goes without saying, doesn’t it?

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL MAIL in my inbox:

10:40 AM 9KB
Unread mr ibrahim mike FROM THE DESK OF MR IBRAHIM MIKE, Sat, 30/5/09 5KB

Date Size
Unread Ibrahim Mohammed TREAT AS URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL.þ Fri, 29/5/09 6KB

Black Rabbit said...

...and another:

Unread Rightmove Newsletters Rightmove's May on the ocean wave, climbing the ladder and more Thu, 28/5/09 34KB

Black Rabbit said...

Another stage in the ILL GAME – planned by RIMINGTON in 2004.

She wanted me to vacuum this room – and to use the ‘red robot’ MERRY on the first has MERRY upon it in large RED letters.

Why did RIMINGTON want me to do this in particular? I am not sure but she reminded me of a girl called MERRY in HELEN BROWNE’s class at school...this girl had been particularly abused – rather like DEBORAH MCDONOUGH. I can remember now – MERRY had decided not to be ‘best friends’ with HELEN BROWNE and had publicly turned her down – in preference to LAURIDA REDDI...

Anyway, this class of girls – decided – upon RIMINGTON’s instructions, to pair up and to become ‘lesbian couples’. They even got ‘engaged’ to each other...and before morning lessons began...I remember one girl throwing a dramatic scene...throwing her ‘gold’ ring at another and shouting that the engagement was ‘off’...

SUE WHALLEY didn’t find any of this amusing...mainly because her mother and sister were bitching at her, at home...about being a ‘lesbian’ because she didn’t have a boyfriend...DEB MCD laughed a lot at the above...just another ‘day in the life of...’ at LANGLEY SENIORS.

So I am still not quite sure what the MERRY vacuum is all about but figure that I was probably supposed to electrocute myself upon the lead or something like that...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, MERRY – you learnt the hard way – not to cross HELEN BROWNE.

As far as I can remember – MERRY’s class reported...around that time...we were all about 14 years old...that MERRY had had a ‘nervous breakdown’ and that her parents would now be educating her at home. She had left the school at that point and never came back.

RIMINGTON was behind that one – the CIA know the whole story – TOMLINSON was also involved...and of course, the ‘spurned’ HELEN BROWNE.

At least MERRY survived and appears to be working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE (which is how the CIA know all about her)...unlike the teenage girl that RIMINGTON took a fancy to, in her youth...and subsequently murdered her...RIMINGTON was later picked up in the equivalent of ‘juve’ MI5...who for reasons, best known to themselves...were recruiting ‘murderous teens’ rather than soldiers who had been in active service...

How come so many Solihull teenagers ended up in BRITISH INTELLIGENCE? I suppose that the major reason must have been POWERGEN...

Black Rabbit said...

I know what happened – I have the images now – it was in the gym – RIMINGTON had lined HELEN BROWNE’s class up to laugh at MERRY who was made to perform like a RED ROBOT – a vacuum cleaner and so on...the reason given – that she had ‘hurt’ HELEN BROWNE by her rejection of her ‘friendship’.

TOMLINSON was also present at the time – he later befriended MERRY - told her that he was trying to help her – he didn’t agree with any of it etc...MERRY became his willing so many women were to become...he was lying, of course. As he recently admitted – he hated the lot of them – despite how much they ‘loved’ him. The reasons he has given are that he was basically homosexual – he hated heterosexuality and being made into a ‘sex god’ by these women.

So it was important to ‘out’ MERRY at this point in the ILL GAME as one of TOMLINSON’s devoted slaves.
I ‘saw’ the images, with the CIA, of what would happen...the ‘panic attacks’ that MERRY would experience at having been ‘outed’ ...and the advice that her colleagues would give her...just to stay with it...until the ‘game’ was over...

Her colleagues were of the opinion that the CIA were doing a ‘clean-up’ of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...still weeding out those who were faithful to ‘BORAT’...and the RA CULT, as a consequence.

Anonymous said...

no mention of andrew marr please

Black Rabbit said...

I can now begin to see why the CIA thought it would be a good idea to set me up as the ‘chronicler’ of the life and times of RICHARD TOMLINSON...I was exemplary – as an adoring slave of this man...and it must have been quite funny to read what I was has taken me 4 years to remember and then to try to understand why that man did the things that he did, to me...and I kept veering one way and then the other...I started off supporting him upon his blogspot in 2005 but after that...I kept on lurching from ‘you complete bastard’ to but ‘maybe he was trying to help me’?

I even began to joke about it, in the end – writing that every time I gave him the benefit of the doubt – I then remembered a new horror – and would plummet again into ‘you complete jerk-off’ etc.

I can now see that the situation was very clear indeed – TOMLINSON hated being a slave of RIMINGTON and my line of thinking, then assumed – ‘that means he is against the whole system’ – he wasn’t. He simply hated being a slave of RIMINGTON. He also used me to try to escape from her control – in order to get a leg-up the ILL CULT.

TOMLINSON loved the ILL CULT – he loved working for MI6 – his bruised ego was encapsulated perfectly by ANDREW MARR – in his version of TOMLINSON’s life-story in THE BIG BREACH – TOMLINSON’s personality and attitude was captured to a ‘T’...MARR knew him very well indeed.

I can now see that the above – is probably what most people tended to think...when confronted by TOMLINSON.

“He attracts a lot of monkeys” as RIMINGTON was to say of him...that worked to her benefit...finding out who was plotting against the ILL.

As far as RIMINGTON was concerned – all of the terrible things that she had done to me – TOMLINSON obviously approved of the whole lot...he had most probably been behind most of it too...a co-conspirator in creating the most miserable conditions possible, within my life. He pretty much admitted that – in CHRISTCHURCH PARK, IPSWICH 2002...shouting at me that this was my ‘punishment’ – which I deserved - for disobeying them.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay - so I see no reason to mention ANDREW MARR anymore - I have just published the above post from anonymous...I do not suppose that ANDREW MARR will be putting THE BIG BREACH upon his CV and so no need to talk about it again then, eh?

Black Rabbit said...

Come to think of it - I could have flogged BORAT's soiled boxer shorts on the ILL auctioneering market (but somebody emptied the wastebin in the bathroom).

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so I have just watched an amusing video on from a link upon MR ICKE’s website entitled:

Black Pope gets questions from WeAreChangeLA

You could have renamed it ‘the Jews are fighting back...’

However, I ‘know’ that this was produced by the CIA...but the reasons are unclear – perhaps, for this ILL GAME?

The CIA calling cards are listed at the end: WEARECHANGE.ORG and INFOWARS.COM...perhaps one could re-name that one ‘’?
Now I have no idea about the JESUITS’ secret oath – for all I know – it may be a real historical document.

The ‘actor’ who was used to play the SUPERIOR GENERAL of the JESUITS...obviously hadn’t seen it before in his life...and as an actor...that is quite understandable.

The whole video sequence was a farce from beginning to end...including the breakaway shot of the supposed ‘general’ making a grab for the little girl to the left of camera...

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember BASSNETT and SCARLETT questioning me upon this very video...and so it must be at least 5 years old...they wanted to know if this man was AMADEUS...I said ‘no’ but a shadowy person behind him, might have been but far too blurred to make out...

Would the CATHOLIC CHURCH really allow their SUPERIOR GENERAL to be interrogated and upon camera, in such a setting? Very dubious indeed...

The whole thing was a good laugh, anyway...

The one awful point was to be found within the text of this supposed SECRET JESUITS’ OATH:
Apparently HERETICS, PROTESTANTS and LIBERALS were singled out to have their wombs split open...battered against a wall...all sorts of nasty...and to be exterpitated...or whatever the word was...


Now, wasn’t that the HPL2 or HPL12 that I had been given as a code to mess up ILL computers?

It’s all a ‘laugh’ isn’t it?
This code was supposed to mess up MY computer – once I had clicked onto an HPL site, run by SCARLETT’s mob...and downloaded some dreadful virus...

Anyway, I suppose I come under ‘liberal’ in terms of this supposed oath...although if the Catholic Church believes that I might be a ‘MARY’ of some description...then that should keep me safe...on the other hand, they might not...

Black Rabbit said...

What is far more serious here – is that I am beginning to suspect that PRESIDENT OBAMA and his FBI/CIA associates...those like MARK R...have come up with their own religion...based upon ‘true Jews’ DNA strain...but they are keeping it under wraps, at present...

Black Rabbit said...

I suspect this because of MARK R's previous comments to me upon the subject and his 'dictates' to myself:

1. We are the 'sons of G-d'.

2. We are the 'body of Christ'.

3. Inference being: I am it's HEAD.

4. You are to be a CHRISTIAN MARTYR to the cause i.e. we get you to sacrifice yourself for ZION.

5. You are not allowed a choice of any other religion...

6....not sure yet but one can see that MARK R had already surrounded himself with his chosen few...his 'disciplels' who all came out of the closet at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...I got a 'walk on' part with a basket of RUE to throw upon the 'repentent' during MARK R's 'service'...

Black Rabbit said...

Even more dodgy - you then had JONATHAN EVANS 'in a box' on the altar as the LORD...and TOMLINSON 'on his cloud' as the ALMIGHTY.

A recipe for disaster, I would have thought.

Black Rabbit said...

You then had JOHN SCARLETT posing as ALEISTER CROWLEY as the BEAST 'in another dimension' although he could also 'possess' people in a new generation...

You had TOMLINSON not only posing as the ALMIGHTY on his cloud but also BAAL the sacrificer of just gets worse, doesn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R and the FBI/CIA (and their ‘chosen ones’ status):

I can now see a parallel to what the WATCHERS had decided and the the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
The ‘watchers’ had decided that we were the CHOSEN ONES – in the face of ILL oppression.

We were the people with the extraordinary ‘spiritual’ gifts and not our ‘masters’.

However, unlike MARK R -we did not have the power of an organisation like the FBI to back us up.

We had to meet in secret, avoid the CCTV cameras and generally avoid detection when we ‘went up’ to remote-view.

I suppose that if we had had a bit longer...we might have decided to form our own religious cult too. Although I doubt it somehow – the personalities were too diverse – we were all in child alters – having a good laugh – most of the was all ‘exciting’ and ‘dangerous’ in the main until things got very nasty indeed...once MARK R and his minions, had realised what we were up to...what we had done.

Anyway, all I can say is that it is an obvious development – once you realise your potential powers – and that you are being denied access to them and being used as slaves – to begin to claim the status of being the true CHOSEN ONES.

So who were the FBI/CIA rebelling against?

Who had been their ‘masters’?

Black Rabbit said...

In 2004 – my programmers wanted me to watch a DVD set of THE OWL SERVICE - a serialised GRANADA production which was first shown in 1969.

Now, in PRAGUE 1995 - I had told DALDRY:

“She wanted to be FLOWERS but you made her OWLS – no wonder she goes a’ hunting.”

DALDRY was rather stunned by that one. He said as much.

I was referring to THE OWL SERVICE - and this key phrase summarised the tragedy of the above novel - this modern ‘fairytale’ which had been used as part of my programming – it contained the keys to all of it. Why I had been used and abused in the way that I had been – and by whom.

As a young child – whilst at Primary School in Blackheath – I had read this ‘modern fairy story’ – it had made a deep impression upon me then – as had the other ALAN GARNER book ‘THE WEIRD STONE OF BRISINGAMEN.

So what was it all about?

The plot in brief:

A man who is a little ‘less’ than a gentleman (CLIVE) – marries above his station – he marries an upper-class widow (MARGARET) who lives in a very ‘spooky’ house in Wales.

This man has a teenage son ROGER.

The widow has a teenage daughter ALISON.

The widow has a Welsh housekeeper called NANCY.

She has a teenage son called GYNN.

The widow also has a gardener called HUW – who is one of those ‘fey’ characters who ‘know’ all about the spooky things that are going on...and gives various ‘hints’ now and then...

According to the booklet which came with the DVD – the main ‘plot’ really hangs around the MOOD SWINGS of the TRIO of TEENAGERS more than anything else...and this is quite true. The mood swings of these young adults, is what gives the whole narrative, a DIABOLICAL edge.

What is the actual plot?

There is a major theme upon which 3 other strands are based:

A legend from the MABINOGION.

The mother of GYFFES (remind you of YELLOW BANANAS?) swears that her son will never marry a human being.

The wizard GWYDION makes a woman out of flowers but calls this ‘flower-woman’ BLODEUWEDD.

BLODEUWEDD means OWLS – so one can guess that this ‘wizard’ is up to no good and from the very beginning.

GYFFES marries BLODEUWEDD but she isn’t happy.

BLODEUWEDD falls in love with another man called PEBR.

BLODEUWEDD and PEBR plot to murder GYFFES.

GYFFES isn’t murdered but turns into an EAGLE.

(Now why would that be? No mention is given of how they actually try to murder him. An important point – why the ‘transition’ into an EAGLE? A loaded term, in the ILL CULT.)

GWYDION the wizard then changes PEBR back into human form.

GYFFES then confronts BLODEUWEDD and PEBR – he wants to murder PEBR.

PEBR pleads for mercy. He asks to put a STANDING STONE between him and the ‘blow’.

GYFFES agrees to that one.

GYFFES then takes a spear and throws it THROUGH the STONE to kill PEBR – this apparently breaks his BACK.

(In the film, this STANDING STONE is represented with a circular hole through the top of it...odd though, that a spear through this stone would break somebody’s back...that isn’t likely, at all. Even in a fairytale...therefore the injury is ‘symbolic’ in some way.)

GWYDION the wizard then turns BLODEUWEDD into an OWL.

(Well, he had wanted to do that in the first place, hadn’t he? That’s why he called her an OWL and not FLOWERS).

GWYDION has decided to ‘punish’ her too – and apparently all of the other BIRDS OF THE AIR then hate this ‘owl’ and OWLS in general.

Now – guess what my programming was – in relation to the above.

Black Rabbit said...

I was made to play the part of ALISON (BLODEUWEDD) in 1981.

TOMLINSON was made to play the part of ROGER (GYFFES).

MARTIN GILL was made to play the part of PEBR (GWYNN).

JOHN SCARLETT played the part of CLIVE.


‘LOWRY’ played the part of HUW.

STELLA RIMINGTON played the part of NANCY.


Before I begin to unpack all of this – because the story resonates with my entire life...I will simply put down my they came back...of this ‘dramatic enactment’...

Firstly – I had been kidnapped from ESSEX UNIVERSITY to play this part – GILL had been kidnapped from MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY – and had to go back soon or else his parents would have complained – he was supposed to be an academic ‘high-flyer’.

The rest of the ‘crew’...I have no idea why they decided that any of it was a ‘good idea’...only that RIMINGTON had muttered to one of them that GILL had apparently ‘not got over me’...he had been one of the SOLIHULL PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS who had sexually abused me – however he had also appeared to have a ‘crush’ upon me. This programming story was supposed to ‘cure’ him of having any feelings for me.

The GILL family were a JEWISH one, in Solihull.

Anyway, I might as well start with the only ‘comic element’ in the entirety of the psychologically and physically damaging proceedings...

ALISON starts the narrative off by finding PLATES with a FLOWER pattern upon them. She becomes obsessed with tracing the patterns, re-arranging them to form OWLS – cutting the patterns out and making OWLS.

She does this to ACTIVATE the entire narrative...the ghastly tragic story of BLODEUWEDD, GYFFES and GWYNN.

The teenage TRIO of ALISON, ROGER and GWYNN then begin to enact this horrible myth as if they are ‘sleepwalking’.

Having read this story as a young child – I figured – I know what to do in order to stymie this entire project:

I BROKE all of the plates, on the quiet and before they could stop me.


‘Where are we going to find another set at such short notice?’

SCARLETT commented that he thought it looked like a ‘bad omen’.

They eventually decided to carry on filming the narrative – without the plates.

Even funnier – at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...whilst RIMINGTON was reprogramming me as a 16 year old – she asked me what my favourite childhood books had been (as if she didn’t know)...and I named THE OWL SERVICE as one of them, for a laugh...she replied angrily:

“We won’t talk anymore about that one.”

Not a ‘programming script’ that she wanted to re-visit.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, THE OWL SERVICE is quite difficult to unpack – there are so many things to say about it.

Therefore I will just list my general impressions of the ‘entire package’ first:

As far as I can see this story was a product of a conflict between SLAVE-DRIVERS.

I was on ‘one side’ and GILL was on another.

I had been ‘married’ to TOMLINSON in a demonic ILL ceremony, the year before – in 1980.

The actual SERIES which went out in 1969 – is of its period.

As soon as I began to see the opening titles...the motorbike revving...the ORANGE circle – I ‘saw’ the word MOSSAD.

I then thought about my flashbacks to this time...LOWRY as the ‘gardener’ who ‘knows it all’...the mad gardener who knows that he is the ‘wolf in everyone’s brain’...the outcast...the hated one...the sheep hate the ‘wolves’...the predators in their short, the JEWS.

This script is all about 1960S ‘angry young men’, extreme MISOGYNISM and ‘Jewish angst’ isn’t it?

Naturally, ALISON/BLODEUWEDD gets to carry the can, for the whole lot...despite the fact that the WIZARD GWYDION had set-up the game beforehand – marked all of the cards – so that it would play out, in exactly the way that he had wanted it to...

This is a script that is all about PRE-DETERMINATION...a pre-determined world...where everyone is but a ‘player upon a stage’...where some ILL fucker, has written the script – is trying to play G-d -and is now trying to make everybody else act it out...

I said that I wasn’t going to have another ‘go’ at the MOSSAD...but this makes me very angry indeed...or maybe my rage is misdirected...this is all about the BRITISH JEWS, isn’t it?

However, upon reflection...I then began to think of the upper-class widow called MARGARET...and then the STANDING STONE...and the WOOD which one can see through the circular hole...

Was this really about a ‘fight’ between the ROYAL FAMILY and the ROCKEFELLERS as to who owned which slaves? They then dictated whom their 'slaves' could marry...have affairs with...the whole lot.

What about the WOOD? AMBASSADOR WOODALL was a ‘staunch CATHOLIC’...although a family with Jewish roots...rather like AMADEUS then...

The HOUSE OF ‘O’...THE HOUSE OF ORANGE...POWIS CASTLE in WALES...owned by the ROYAL FAMILY...the TASCHMANS and the ROYALS were running the JEWS...the MOSSAD at this point in time...and therefore, this particularly ILL script would have come from their stables...or did it?

We have three main contenders here: WOOD (Catholic), STONE (Rockefellers)...English upper-classes/Royalty which comprise the ORANGE ‘O’...the Jews appear to have been puppets at this point, in the ILL chronology of the ILL CULT changing hands...

All I can say is that if you were on a slave list for a particular group – no ‘liaison’ was possible...and you were then punished for it...although GILL got off lightly...I had to carry the can, as ever...TOMLINSON was his usual petty, narcissistic, ‘woman-hating’ self, during it is not a ‘love triangle’ in any sense of the word...this is all about ‘EGO’...bruised egos...battling for position within the ILL CULT...

‘This is not a love story’...this is about warring ILL FAMILIES who are poaching each other’s slaves...and then punishing the slaves for these psychologically damaging scripts...making them enact out these sick tales...

Black Rabbit said...

RIMINGTON loved playing NANCY, the hardened and embittered Welsh house-keeper. She put her ‘heart and soul’ into it. I wondered at the time, why this particular part resonated with her so much.

NANCY...a name that she used upon her website...she has used the pseudonym NANCY more frequently than other names...she told me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE that she loved this name...

So what is it about the character NANCY in the OWL SERVICE?

NANCY had hooked a young ‘squire’ in her youth and was just about to marry him when his family intervened...and appear to have engineered a ‘motorbiking’ accident, in which this squire dies. NANCY shakes her fist in fury at that one...she had missed her chance to change her ‘station’ in life – the inequity of the British Class system...those bastards had even killed their own son, to prevent her from marrying him...

One might say that this is simply about CLASS WAR but to RIMINGTON in NANCY mode...this was more than just ‘class war’...she identified as a ‘Jewish outcast’ of the ‘wolves’ in the brains of the ‘sheep’...make of that one, what you will...

One might also add that the ENMITY between NANCY and MARGARET is massive...MARGARET is unaware that NANCY has got in the ‘backdoor’...decades later...and is now posing as her HOUSEKEEPER...MARGARET is one of the guilty party...who engineered the squire’s death...

So what does that tell you about the relationship between RIMINGTON and MANNINGHAM-BULLER?

Black Rabbit said...

The main images which are repeated over and over every single episode of this long series...are:


The circular hole – the ‘O’ in the STONE.

A shot of a COPSE – a WOOD on a hill – seen through the CIRCLE of the ‘O’.

These three shots are so significant symbolically – that they are used repetitively, to drum in some sort of message – but what?

In addition to the above shots – you also have an ORANGE circle and a MOTORBIKE revving...and that brings up the ILL programming word ‘MOTO’ for some reason...
Finally you have the ORANGE FLAME of a candle, flickering...a ‘candle in the wind’...this is ILL SYMBOLISM for those like MARILYN MONROE and LADY DIANA...

This is also a KABBALISTIC image – the idea being that the ORANGE FLAME within itself is evil...because it is the combustion of matter...the burning away of evil...the ‘purity’ of a candle exists above the flame...the slight ‘rainbow’ effect and then darkness above the flame...once the evil has been entirely burnt off...

Dare one say that in respect to those women who were called ‘candles in the wind’...those ORANGE flickering flames...that these women had been deemed ‘evil’ because of their feminine power? Is this simply all about extreme MISOGYNISM?

The ORANGE MAGDALENES...those used and abused women...who had the sanctity of their wombs violated...broken the most evil ways imaginable...
ISLAM is generally seen as the most MISOGYNISTIC religion within this world...but one also has to look at JUDAISM in respect to the above...

Why aren’t there any ORANGE JESUSES - then, MARK R?

CATHOLICISM has been attacked for stereotyping women into either VIRGINS or WHORES...but as AMADEUS pointed out...this is an age-old ‘movement’ against the SATANISTS who try to violate the wombs of their victims...the banner of the ‘sanctity of motherhood’ is one of the CATHOLIC CHURCH’s greatest symbols...

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that ALISON in the series...she wears almost the SAME colour and in every episode...and the booklet describes this colour as SCARLETT.

Okay, all one can say in summary is that all of her clothes are an ORANGEY RED.

Black Rabbit said...

In the context of my life – this ORANGE MAGDALENE role, has been the most damaging single thing – this disgusting ‘label’...all of the SLAVE-DRIVERS knew that it meant that they could use and abuse my womb in any way that they matter what religious denomination.


I remember RIMINGTON’s word for DEB MCD and myself...we had been in that sportshall – where MERRY was being abused in front of her class...RIMINGTON had told us all to pair off and to ‘hold hands’...DEB MCD and I were asked if we ‘loved each other’ and we both said ‘yes’...we were then told to go...presumably because we were not in the same class as the rest of them...this was L class...we were H class...all of class L were far as I know...the boys included...but it was quite a small group...and so maybe not all of them...

Anyway, DEB MCD and I, got to the door and RIMINGTON shouted at us to stop...we froze...she had forgotten to give us the ‘closing down’ command:


Once we had heard that – at the door of the sportshall...we walked out and ‘switched alters’...we now had no memories of what had happened in there, at all.

This was a command from the KHOMEINI slave-driver manual...and therefore suitably ‘Arabic’.

I remember that I then said this mind control command ‘Allah Kazam’ – class, one day...under my breath...

DEB MCD asked me to repeat it and I wouldn’t – suddenly very embarrassed...she put her head next to mine and said ‘tell me’ and so I whispered it...

DEB MCD found it very amusing and started to say it loudly, over and over again...laughing loudly...SUE WHALLEY looked at her...told her to shut up...DEB wouldn’t...she was pretending to be a ‘magician’...conjuring things up on her desk...and SUE said ‘I think that I am going to be sick’...and ran off to the toilets.

Black Rabbit said...

Getting back to another subject:

Who were the previous ‘masters’ of the FBI/CIA?

I am getting the picture here that it was probably the CATHOLIC CHURCH.

The FBI/CIA had a ‘coup’ and got top CATHOLIC CHURCH programmers under their control – such as AMADEUS.

Although it might not have happened that far as I ‘CIA Swiss controller’ told me that it was POPE JOHN PAUL and AMADEUS who had decided that the ILL CULT had gone far enough...and the very last minute...and just before POPE JOHN PAUL died...they had made plans to finish it...

CARDINAL SPELLMAN was arrested...and the CATHOLIC CHURCH began to clean up its act and not just in NEW YORK – upon an international basis.

The CIA just had to ‘poke fun’ at the JESUITS though, didn’t they?

Hence the ‘disinformation’ video about the SUPREME GENERAL of the JESUITS...being asked about some ancient JESUIT oath...if it was for real...and why shouldn’t it a historical sounds plausible enough...

I can now see that MARK ROCKEFELLER had been serious about his new ‘body of CHRIST’ was no ILL joke...

Anyway, I ‘saw’ the aftermath of writing about AMADEUS, in relation to him getting angry about having to go through CIA brainwashing, in the bathroom basement ‘this is how the CIA treats the CATHOLIC CHURCH’...

I then ‘saw’ AMADEUS later on...after he had come back from SOUTH AMERICA...into the waiting arms of the CIA...and he was laughing about how ‘I did throw a wobbly at that point, didn’t I?’...they all appeared to be ‘friends’ again.

One can see that the PINK PANTHER is now firmly under PRESIDENT OBAMA’s control.The ILL CULT hierarchy constantly changes...wars break out...and so it is probably a tenuous situation.

Anonymous said...

good morning - we will have more to say later in the day

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON and his programming of me as a ‘zygote slave’.

He tortured me whilst telling me to clamp my vaginal muscles together – he kept torturing me and shouting at me to do the above until I passed out.

This was to ensure that I couldn’t physically ‘open up’ to any man other than the men that the ILL had chosen, to use me as a sex or zygote slave – and it worked.

At 19 years old – I was raped by IAN HEROD and bled all over the sheets.

Within the same year - I decided to conquer my fear of sex with a lovely boyfriend...somebody who was gentle and kind...I couldn’t ‘open up’ at muscles had completely frozen up.

At 19 years old...I believed that the ONLY sexual intercourse that I had ever had – was that rape by IAN HEROD.

If any man so much as looked at me – I knew that TOMLINSON would punish me and also them – after that I didn’t have a boyfriend for years. The psychological trauma within my subconscious mind was too much.

I didn’t turn to lesbianism because women didn’t sexually arouse me. So that programming never worked.

At the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001 – I told TOMLINSON that I had had a boyfriend and that I had had sex whilst at DARTINGTON COLLEGE OF ARTS – at 23 years old. He was horrified. He hadn’t known.

I must have kept that one pretty secret then – or maybe I was too far away from ILL eyes...tucked away in DEVON. TOMLINSON obviously believed that only he had the mind control command ‘keys’ to my womb and vagina and that even if I attempted to have sex, that it would be impossible – with somebody of my own choosing.

Black Rabbit said...

I have just found a new 'comment to be moderated' but will it publish when I press 'publish'?

It states 1.35 as the time and so it should 'post' just after my previous post.

Wait and see...

Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
good morning - we will have more to say later in t... (Anonymous) 01:35

Black Rabbit said...

It did post...and so all I can say is that I can 'see' an image of MARK ROCKEFELLER waggling his finger at me and saying 'no'.

I assume then, that this was a CIA command to stop posting.

I will NOT stop posting.

You will come to the table and you will resolve this IN THE OPEN.

Anonymous said...

we are not the CIA

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON and OBAMA are very similar in the way in which they had been programmed.
They are completely ‘split-personalities’ in terms of being JEKYLL and HYDE characters – they can play both entirely convincingly because they believe it themselves. They are either ‘angelic’ or ‘demonic’.
This is particular to ILL MUSLIM programming as far as I can see...
MARK R wasn’t programmed in this way...when he gave me a choice of the ‘birds of the air’...meaning microchipped radio contact with other slaves upon the ILL network, during this ILL GAME...I told him that I ONLY wanted ‘angels’. MARK R therefore chose those who were the least ‘evil’ i.e. the least brain-damaged by the ILL CULT, to advise me upon what to do.
He told me that he usually only gave slaves a ‘devil’ upon one shoulder and an ‘angel’ upon the balance the ‘effect’...
MARK ROCKEFELLER was playing ‘god’ i.e. he saw himself as being beyond ‘good’ and ‘evil’...he was not under were not allowed to judge him.
Whenever I view TOMLINSON and get a flash of one or the other...the ‘angelic’ or the ‘demonic’ sides of their personalities...and they are remarkably similar in this way.
For example – TOMLINSON wanted to know whether or not his obsession with myself was only about BEAUTY AND THE BEAST programming...because he was of the opinion that he had really fallen in love with me...but that as a zygote slave...he had to treat me in this sick way...this was his ‘angelic side’ talking to me...and he appeared to sincerely believe that he had loved me...despite the incredibly evil things that he had done to me...then his ‘demonic’ side took over...and it told me that it hated me...and that it was glad that it had done all of those evil things...entirely split personalities.
So you begin to wonder how MARK ROCKEFELLER got back into the FBI/CIA top programmer bracket so easily and so quickly...
How did OBAMA get to the top...he is probably a puppet of MARK ROCKEFELLER...and after MARK had been picked up in Switzerland...after he had recovered...he then probably remembered the mind control commands to assume power again...within the ILL CULT, back in the USA.

The CIA in Switzerland had been of the opinion that it would be safest to kill him off and wanted to do so but his father was too powerful. They had to send him back - hopefully to jail.

Black Rabbit said...

But MARK ROCKEFELLER didn't go to jail, did he? Or not for long...

Black Rabbit said...

When I wrote my ‘ludicrous’ fairytale – during that fateful SPRING SOLSTICE in 2005...

I talked about the BIRDS OF THE AIR...I talked about how they would all attack the ILL...apart from those ‘LONDONER pigeons’....those associated with BRITISH INTELLIGENCE programming, in particular...COLLIE’S birds...the pigeons would hold out until the end...but all of them would die...the BIRDS OF THE AIR would get them all, in the end...

This is what I had been warning DALDRY about in PRAGUE 1995...when I told him ‘She wanted to be FLOWERS but you made her OWLS – can you blame her if she goes a ‘hunting’?’

I then added ‘I will hunt ALL of you down’...

I was talking to his PRINCE CHARLES ‘alter’- DALDRY appeared to be remote-controlled by him...I was opening up one of PRINCE CHARLES’ top programmers...
FLOWERS is a CATHOLIC CHURCH expression for being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT...I am assuming here that OWLS is a demonic inversion of that one...the predator...the night-bird who is the ‘wisest’ of the lot...additionally OWLS are associated with the MEDICAL PROFESSION...the doctors of the ILL CULT...that Hotel Harder-Minerva...the ‘owl hotel’...I went to ‘free’ it from ILL control...

So far the BIRDS OF THE AIR have all backed me up (as far as ‘radio contact’ is concerned) the PIGEONS...only those programmed with ‘PIGEON’ appear to have acted against me...

I begin to wonder if this is all about MARK ROCKEFELLER...and his ‘body of CHRIST’ cult...he had recruited his ‘disciples’ from BRITISH INTELLIGENCE in the main – I do not know about NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH but he could have been working for MI6 too, for all I know...he was in POLAND at the same time as at Hotelu was JONATHAN EVANS, SONIA and MARK many of us...

The UK appears to have been MARK ROCKEFELLER’s favourite ‘playground’...his human zoo.

So who were the disciples?


Black Rabbit said...

The image of PRIMA VERA...

I haven't talked about this one yet.

My SWISS grandmother had a reproduction in her DARK BLUE dining room.

As a child, she showed me the framed picture - pointing out the woman in the middle - 'SPRING'.

She told me 'that is YOU'.

FISHWICK also told me the same thing in 1980 - 'you are the SPRING'.

'SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER' I would suppose...

The image of this SPRING 'lady' is discovered upon a wall in the 'spooky house' of MARGARET - THE OWL SERVICE.

However, even though she is wearing the same garb, same face and hairstyle...around her eyes...there are large ORANGE circles...and dark shadows...

This is the demonic version of SPRING.

It is colour-coded as JEWISH - the MOSSAD at work.

Okay, hands up who thinks that this is the SATANIC CATHOLIC ROCKEFELLER family at work again?

I am thinking about the WOOD...and also how Jewish men who convert to Catholicism really screw up...and how the ROCKEFELLER family have Jewish roots...and so on...

Black Rabbit said...

Why did I spell it PRIMA - VERA?

Because one of RIMINGTON's favourite pseudonyms was also VERA...

The woman in the painting appears to be a 'white Arab'...

Black Rabbit said...

A new post in 'comments to be moderated' has just appeared and it made me laugh. Is this person going to tell me who they really think that they are, then? (...and in terms of ILL slaves, how can they really know who is running them?)

It will appear quite far back in my posting because my last post was timed at 03.01

Anyway, I will try to publish it.

Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
we are not the CIA (Anonymous) 02:27

Anonymous said...

you must find your way to us

Black Rabbit said...

I had a nap at lunchtime...and I dreamt...

I dreamt that I was back in New York again...with the CIA team...we had gone t o a whiskey bar and had a shot there...

In my dream...I was ‘retracing my steps’...and so that was a CIA command...I went back to this upstairs whiskey bar...ordered a shot, sipped it down quickly and then left...

Whatever this ‘elite group’ around PRESIDENT OBAMA call themselves...they are his top aides and mind control programmers...

I then found myself in a swimming pool...but I didn’t go for a swim...(brainwashing?)
I then found myself in the presence of OBAMA and he was playing a sort of ‘mad king’...he told me that I was one of his favourite slaves...we were in that underground CIA department...and then he asked me to ‘bat’ for him...I wondered where the ball was going to come from...he quickly left – to the right...into a room – and shut the door...
I was left alone in a largish room that opened up into a corridor...and beyond I knew that there was an exit from the building...through the double-doors...everywhere was white and clinical with a potted plant here and there...a typical office or hospital type interior...

It was then that a ‘bomb’ rolled along the floor to looked a bit like a COCONUT because it was BROWN but it had holes in it...and it was a BOWLING BALL...rather like the symbolic ‘bombs’ in MAX AND LARA’s FLYING CIRCUS...

I knew that I had a certain amount of time to deal with it...and so I figured that I could use it to blast my way out of the building...I began to gently roll it down the floor...TRACING its original ‘path’ as I did so...firstly to JONATHAN EVANS’ set-up and then to a man called MACKENZIE...

I forgot to mention that I knew that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE would be experimenting with ‘remote-viewing’ at this point...and that one of them would set in motion a ‘cause and effect’ problem which could result in the assassination of PRESIDENT OBAMA...I had warned them of this previously...

I continued to roll the ball but it went askew...not down the corridor but into another room...this was the clinical room...the CHEMISTRY LAB...and I figured...that’s even better, isn’t it? No more drugs...I waited for it to explode...and then woke up...I associated this ‘lab’ with it could be in the UK...who knows?

Upon waking...I then realised that there might be a much bigger ILL GAME of the 13th One going on (than the one which included TOMLINSON and myself)...and that PRESIDENT OBAMA was also a ‘13th One’...and that his aides had realised this...

I then thought about the ‘clinical/chemistry lab’ if that is in the UK...shouldn’t somebody with at least one working brain cell – close it down now? Who knows what might be in there...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so this post was in 'comments to be moderated'when I turned on my computer at around 2.35pm (around 6.48 by Israeli time I suppose - because I created this blog in Israel):

"Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
you must find your way to us (Anonymous) 04:45"

The odd thing about the time is that when I look at this blogspot...the last post on the first page - is talking about MI5 and the 'cabal' within it - responsible for the Asian Tsunami (Manningham-Buller) and 7/7. This was posted at 04.45

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, the comment has been posted:

"Anonymous said...
you must find your way to us"

Okay, so I know where ALL of you are now and let me tell you this:


I know where OBAMA and his aides are - I know where MACKENZIE is - and I have no desire to go anywhere near any of you.

Black Rabbit said...

You can come to me.

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL MAIL in my inbox - a Japanese variation upon the MAD HATTER?

Date Size
Unread sukamo hatta Your Assistance need 10:48 AM 4KB

Black Rabbit said...

I might add here - that in the EYE TO EYE small ads of the latest edition of PRIVATE EYE - there is an ad which SCARLETT had pointed out to me in 2004:

"SOUTH OF FRANCE. Mid July. Slim, attractive, prosperous and entertaining couple (40's) holidaying in beautiful private villa seek broadminded and minxy female playmate. You will assist us in keeping the fridge well stocked, peeling the odd prawn and making ripples in the pool. We have occasional visitors, so good conversation, dinning out and late nights are to be expected - naturally. And you will look forward to discovering or further developing your 'bi' side. Fun and relaxation guaranteed. All expenses paid and remuneration."

Now - this particular advertisement made JOHN SCARLETT giggle a lot...he asked me:

"Do you remember peeling prawns?"

As if it were some S/M dirty joke...which it most probably was...or something much worse. Luckily, I had no idea what he was talking about.

He suggested that I answered this advertisement.

Black Rabbit said...

This small ad is loaded with ILL references and reading back through it now...I can remember that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON flashed up in my mind, in I was reading through it.

SCARLETT obviously knew that the pair of them had set up this ad.

They were planning another TEMPLAR CASTLE event.

I even got the vague understanding that this type of advertisement had been put out to many of the 'slaves' who then attended the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001. They had all answered some ad - after having been told to do so, by their mind control programmer.

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, this ties in with what MARK R had said to me in 1994:

"...we pick you up in the SOUTH OF FRANCE - you seem very upset for some reason..."

MARK R had planned for me to answer this small ad?

He had then instructed SCARLETT to 'push it' to me in 2004?

Another stage in his ILL GAME?

My answer is obviously NO I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING (I can only hope that the FRENCH POLICE will...)

Black Rabbit said...

...'dinning out'...

DINNING is not a misspelling.

I forgot to mention the CACOPHONY of the TEMPLARS at the CASTLE...MARK R had given them all 'troubador' musical instruments, which none of them could play. The noise was awful.

TOMLINSON and CAMERON were the loudest and the worst out of this 'band'...

The ROYAL FAMILY used to do this to children...after they had hung them upside down, at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...deafen them by blowing trumpets into their ears...that sort of thing.

I remember that this CAC-O-PHONY used to terrify NIR...he used to run out of the hall, every time the TEMPLARS began to play these instruments...

The big DIN.

Anonymous said...

only then will you find peace

Black Rabbit said...

Okay – so after this ‘dream’ – I knew – having been told by the CIA that the next stage was CRAZY GOLF.
No, I am not joking. SCARLETT had taken me upon this SKULL ‘crazy golf’ set-up in 2004, with SUSAN BASSNETT to accompany him.

GOLFERS is a term for programmers.
In 1980 – they buried you – and then pretended that your head was a GOLF BALL. The programmers then hit it as hard as they could with a golf club – so that you disassociated. TOMLINSON hit my head so hard that even RIMINGTON was alarmed – she didn’t want me brain-damaged.

Anyway, in the ILL GAME there is actually NOTHING which states that you have to use a GOLF CLUB.
The UK ILL had decided that I had to get round the GOLFERS ONLY part of this ‘crazy golf set-up’, I think that I have mentioned this previously – only the graduates were allowed to play within this section, in 1980.

The CIA therefore advised me to do the course by simply dropping the ball into every hole- which I then did, whilst carrying the GOLF CLUB. I heard the woman at the kiosk stutter something like ‘crazy’ as she watched me.
I then went back to the kiosk – handed her the golf club and informed her that in order to be a GOLFER, one didn’t have to use a GOLF CLUB and that I was just finding out how it all worked.

I telepathically picked up ‘doesn’t compute...doesn’t compute...’ from her child alter.
I then went and bought food from SAINSBURYS...AMADEUS had decided that I should pick certain things...checked out the new jewellery on display, with Solihull telephone numbers in the barcodes...I am used to this sort of ‘craziness’ is all part of the furniture of my life, at this point...

I then went on to the POST OFFICE...and I saw a manager behind the glass – spot me and get on the telephone...I then got some money out and as I was leaving, a woman marched in...this man spoke to her...she walked quickly down the POST OFFICE, to the end kiosk where one puts the parcels through...this man had been expecting her...I ‘downloaded etc’...and got the ESSO codes, to my astonishment...I then had a flash of OBAMA, MARK R and his aides dancing, jumping up and down with had worked...100% bullseye...

So one can only conclude that the ‘doesn’t compute’ at the CRAZY GOLF had somehow precipitated this event...

Anyway, I then began to walk back home...and was passed by one of TOMLINSON’s slaves, who was whistling...he had a radio message to pass on to I ‘downloaded etc’...and found out that ALL of the ‘colours’ were now down...except TURQUOISE and WHITE...but their systems were now crumbling...

For some reason...because I then ‘saw’ TOMLINSON...he didn’t look too worried...he was mentally humming ‘tum te tum te tum’...he was thinking ‘push it as far as it will go’...

Black Rabbit said...


In the booklet that goes with the DVD - it says on PAGE 9 that:

"...the three main characters should adopt the then international wiring code; red for Alison, black for Gwyn and green for Roger."



I can now remember talking to the SAS captain about the old army slogan that he usd to use:

"No more ARGY BARGY around here" to quell any dissent in the ranks...any quarrelling amongst us.


I was wondering if this colour-coded signal meant NO OWL SERVICE...whatever that meant and oddly enough, he agreed with me...because at the time, I 'knew' what it all meant...what I was talking about...this was before the ILL GAME began...

NO OWL SERVICE...that means no fighting between SLAVE-DRIVING families...I suppose...

Black Rabbit said...

CLIVE was allocated BROWN...

So SCARLETT was 'brown'...that figures...why I had always thought of him as 'faun'...

Black Rabbit said...

Finally and most disturbingly...very disturbing for myself because I almost immediately recognised what I had written under mind control, with RIMINGTON at my elbow...suffice to say I didn't put my 'heart and soul' into it...

Two of the actors give their recollections of an "exceptional project for all of us" to Chris Lynch

GILLIAN HILLS (2008)..."

The actress who played ALISON then apparently puts into words, her rather strange experience of filming the series, which was aired in 1969...however, GILLIAN HILLS didn't write this particular 'blurb'...I did...and in 1981.

RIMINGTON told me what she wanted me to write it is all false...not what I really felt at all...whilst being forced through a re-enactment of this series...which was also filmed.

It is ghastly fey makes me squirm to read it:

"Think of Wild Sargasso Sea, of Jane Eyre, Alice through the Looking Glass. Puberty with all its ramifications, exasperation, discomfort and rage."

I was trying to write like a 'luvvie' whilst following RIMINGTON's instructions of what to mention...

Black Rabbit said...

Another comment has appeared in 'comments to be moderated':

Publish Reject 1 – 1 of 1
only then will you find peace only then will you find peace
Publish Reject (Anonymous) 08:24

I can tell you now - I have already found PEACE of MIND.

...or would you be talking about 'pieces' or 'peas'?

Black Rabbit said...

I have yet to watch the SECOND DVD of THE OWL SERVICE to find out how it all ends up...although I read the book, as a child...and had to enact various scenes from the series for that dire BRITISH INTELLIGENCE 'film'...oddly enough...I cannot remember how the book finishes...

The thing about the ILL is that they always liked you to get 'trapped' within a script e.g.

...within ALICE IN were always supposed to be trapped in WONDERLAND...never to get out of the rabbit-hole...never to become a 'queen'...

The same sort of thing applied to DOROTHY in the WIZARD OF OZ programming sessions...

So I will watch the ending episodes of THE OWL SERVICE tonight.

Black Rabbit said...

I have been told that I am not to mention the REAL AUTHOR of the boy's own adventure THE BIG BREACH...and so I won't...however, what I will say is this, it became a bestseller in the States and 'that bastard took all of the money' according to the real author.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention that I received another text upon my ORANGE mobile phone today and the first letter code is as follows:


In point of fact, looking at the body of the message too - I can remember what I had been programmed to read...the last three lines are as follows:

I had been programmed to look at the 'ORANGE ad *'

That would be the one in PRIVATE EYE for that 'private function' in France...where I would then be picked up afterwards by MARK R's people 'very upset' etc...etc...

He had told me in 1995 - 'you do not win the game - you chicken out'...that was his plan for the entire ILL GAME...

So MARK R was planning yet another hideous event in FRANCE?

FRANCE - you have been warned...WACO summer ahead...

Will I be there?


Black Rabbit said...

Let me think...maybe we should all join the BRITISH TERRITORIAL ARMY this summer...with a view to getting posted in the SOUTH OF FRANCE...

Or what about an adventure holiday with a twist?


“we supply the guns, you supply the suncream – you get to have an enjoyable time, attacking a TEMPLAR CASTLE and routing the insane as the ROYALS come out with potato sacks upon their heads...marvel at the ‘white cloud’ that appears over the castle as the whole thing burns to the ground, tastefully silhouetted against the nightsky...”

...and so on.

I suppose we would all have to plan out an ‘immediate’ strategy i.e. before the TEMPLARS get around to actually murdering anybody...but it could all be ‘good therapy’ be on the ‘right side’ of the fence, for once.

Black Rabbit said...

By the way...I can remember now...

RIMINGTON use to refer to this website URL as 'evil' spelt be read by 'looking glass' people...

Black Rabbit said...

I can also remember what SCARLETT and RIMINGTON told us about the MABINOGION...SCARLETT referred to bibles which had been written and 'edited' carefully...apparently MABINOGION had been written by the was essentially a forgery...more fake than real folklore...and that it had been carefully edited in order to be used as 'early mind control' programming scripts...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so I decided to look up MABINOGION upon WIKIPEDIA to see if the CIA had anything to say about it...apparently not...nothing in RED...

However, I was still suspicious...I had remembered that THE DREAM OF RHONABWY related to myself in some way...I had been shown it before...I then found this page:

You should read this...I am almost sure that this is the 'ending script' to the whole ILL SAGA...and it ends in CORNWALL...with KING ARTHUR...head of the Round Table.

I quickly read through this odd 'dream vision' of a story to find two characters that made me laugh because of their names:


That reminded me immediately of 'Deputy Dawg' as DALDRY used to call CHRISTINE DARG (although it must be a Welsh name...)

Secondly, the spelling in this particular article of SIR KAY:


I then looked up SIR KAY and found that the Welsh spelling was: Cai, Kai, or Kei, or Cei;

Latin: Caius or Gaius; French: Keu; French Romance: Queux; Old French: Kès or Kex

However, this anagram of the CIA made me rather suspicious...I had read this article before and in 2004...

I then looked at the SIR KAY webpage:

To find that the following were in RED:

Girart d'Amiens' Escanor

The poem Pa Gur

Durmart le Gallois

Let me this the CIA telling BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and the ILLUMINATI in general, that they know their own programming scripts, in relation to WELSH folklore and the MABINOGION?

So this is all about the ROUND TABLE then and this is where you can find the most pernicious ILL programming scripts of all?

Black Rabbit said...

Look at this for a CIA 'ROUND TABLE' programming script:

"Superhuman abilities are attributed to Cai in much Welsh literature; the poem Pa Gur mentions he had battled the monstous cat Cath Palug, and the Welsh Triads name him as one of the "Three Enchanter Knights of Britain", claiming he had the ability to grow as tall as a tree. In Culhwch the stubborn Cai has a falling out with Arthur, who writes a song poking fun at his killing of Dillus the Bearded, but elsewhere he is Arthur's loyal companion."

The CIA say 'we got it all out of MARK in the end...'

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can see how the CIA might not have found this funny:

"Scholars have pointed out that Kay's scornful, overly boastful character never makes him a clown, a coward or a traitor, except in the Grail romance Perlesvaus, where he murders Arthur's son Loholt and joins up with the king's enemies. This strange work is an anomaly, however, and Kay's portrayal tends to range from merely cruel and malicious, as in the Roman de Yder or Hartmann von Aue's Iwein to humorously derisive and even endearing, as in Durmart le Gallois and Girart d'Amiens's Escanor."

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I can see how the CIA might not have found this funny:

"Scholars have pointed out that Kay's scornful, overly boastful character never makes him a clown, a coward or a traitor, except in the Grail romance Perlesvaus, where he murders Arthur's son Loholt and joins up with the king's enemies. This strange work is an anomaly, however, and Kay's portrayal tends to range from merely cruel and malicious, as in the Roman de Yder or Hartmann von Aue's Iwein to humorously derisive and even endearing, as in Durmart le Gallois and Girart d'Amiens's Escanor."

Black Rabbit said...

The Dream of Rhonabwy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Dream of Rhonabwy (Welsh: Breuddwyd Rhonabwy) is a Middle Welsh prose tale. Set during the reign of Madog ap Maredudd, prince of Powys (died 1160), it is dated to the late 12th or 13th century.

It survives in only one manuscript, the Red Book of Hergest, and has been associated with the Mabinogion since its publication by Lady Charlotte Guest in the 19th century.

The bulk of the narrative describes a dream vision experienced by its central character, Rhonabwy, a retainer of Madoc, in which he visits the time of King Arthur.

The frame story tells that Madog sends Rhonabwy and two companions to find the prince's rebellious brother Iorwerth. One night during the pursuit they seek shelter with Heilyn the Red, but find his house filthy and his beds full of fleas. Lying down on a yellow ox-skin, Rhonabwy experiences a vision of Arthur and his time. Serving as his guide is one of Arthur's followers, Iddawg the Churn of Britain, so called because he sparked the Battle of Camlann when he distorted the king's messages of peace he was supposed to deliver to the enemy Medrawd (Mordred). Iddawg introduces Rhonabwy and his friends to Arthur, who regrets that Wales has been inherited by such tiny men.

Iddawg reveals that Arthur's men are assembled to meet the Saxons at the Battle of Badon Hill. However, Arthur is more concerned with a game of gwyddbwyll (a chess-like board game) he is playing against his follower Owain mab Urien (Ywain). While they play, messengers arrive declaring that Arthur's squires are attacking Owain's ravens; when Owain asks that this be stopped Arthur only responds, "your move." Finally Owain orders his ravens to attack Arthur's servants; when Arthur asks him to call them off, Owain says "your move, lord." Eventually Arthur crushes the chess pieces into dust, and the two declare peace between their forces. After this the Saxons send a contingent asking for a truce, which Arthur grants after consulting his advisors. Cai (Kay) declares that any who wish to follow Arthur should come to Cornwall. The noise of the troops moving wakens Rhonabwy, who realizes he has slept for three days.

There is no consensus about the ultimate meaning of The Dream of Rhonabwy. On one hand it derides Madoc's time, which is critically compared to the illustrious Arthurian age. However, Arthur's time is portrayed as illogical and silly, leading to suggestions that this is a satire on both contemporary times and the myth of a heroic age.[1]

Rhonabwy is the most literary of the medieval Welsh prose tales. It may have also been the last written. A colophon at the end declares that no one is able to recite the work in full without a book, the level of detail being too much for the memory to handle. The comment suggests it was not popular with storytellers, though this was more likely due to its position as a literary tale rather than a traditional one.

^ Roberts, Brynley F. (1991). "The Dream of Rhonabwy." In Lacy, Norris J., The New Arthurian Encyclopedia, p. 120–121. New York: Garland. ISBN 0-8240-4377-4.

Bromwich, Rachel (2006). Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Triads of the Island of Britain. University Of Wales Press. ISBN 0-7083-1386-8.
Gantz, Jeffrey (translator) (1987). The Mabinogion. New York: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-044322-3.
Lacy, Norris J. (Ed.) (1991). The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. New York: Garland. ISBN 0-8240-4377-4.

Black Rabbit said...

I do not know why but I smell a 'fake' here and a BIG RAT...

So this is a 'literary tale' is it? That is why nobody has heard of it and the 'literary criticisms' begin in 1987...

What is 'literary' a euphemism for - in SCARLETT's book?

Black Rabbit said...

"Rhonabwy is the most literary of the medieval Welsh prose tales. It may have also been the last written."

Well, it would have been if you wrote it, CIA.

"A colophon at the end declares that no one is able to recite the work in full without a book, the level of detail being too much for the memory to handle."

Now that is a strange one...from the Greek KOLOPHON 'the finishing touches'...

"The comment suggests it was not popular with storytellers, though this was more likely due to its position as a literary tale rather than a traditional one."

...and that's the bit that makes me laugh...the use of the word 'literary' in this context.

Black Rabbit said...

This tale survived because somebody had remembered it from the ‘oral history’ of the CELTS and written it down? Even though it was too detailed for anybody to remember it? (And nobody liked it anyway – hence the ‘obscurity’ of this ‘literary’ tale).

So this tale 'survived' because it was noted down during the time of 'writing' or would that be the time of 'word-processing'?

Black Rabbit said...

Yes I know that the CIA wrote it...or they admitted to it, anyway...but I do not know WHY...

'Wait and see' is the enigmatic answer...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes...POWIS...the RED would that be the one stolen from COLLIE'S office...that RED 'manuscript' - whilst the monitors were off?

Black Rabbit said...

It wasn't me - this time - I would just like to point that one out.

Unlike the time that RIMINGTON got me to steal her own programming manual from her office at MI5 (because she didn't dare
- for reasons, I am still unclear about...)

I wasn't in on the planning of this one, either - I was just put here to report events AFTER they had happened.

Black Rabbit said...

I can now 'hear' MARK R saying that this was 'his dream'...The Dream of Rhonabwy...

What sort of difference would that make?

Is it still going to happen or not?

The 'retainer' at mean PORTMADOC...near to where THE PRISONER was filmed?


Black Rabbit said...


As a code and moved one letter on:


I remember somebody called POB at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...who did he nickname that...was it me?


I remember that RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and MARK R had decided to call me POB...MARK R told me a nickname...whilst they were reprogramming me to be part of the ‘standing joke’ family...and I never took much notice if any, of what names they called me.


I have forgotten to mention that one of the worst ILL tortures – and it was psychological mainly because it didn’t really was a needle slightly into the IRIS of your eye...they held back your eyelid and put the needle in...the reason why so many ILL slaves have black spots, or discolouration in their IRISES.
B means ‘king’ in ILL-speak...POINT OF THE KING

SI – POB – CX - Z
‘point of king’...that meant me, then...the ‘needle’...RIMINGTON also called me ‘needle’ because I was so thin...and she had difficulty finding me around the castle sometimes...’needle in a haystack’...

I remember RIMINGTON making me do this ‘operation’ upon an adult slave and I told them not to worry – it didn’t actually hurt and they would be able to see afterwards...

RIMINGTON had let me do the least harmful torture (it was mandatory to torture them in some way)...she snapped at me not to tell them that...apparently, as children – this was the quickest way to make a child stick a needle in the iris as their pupil watched...

I had been through it so many times in my life, that I had no fear of it...the eyeball is jelly...I remembered my mother telling me beforehand, as a child: ‘it’s not painful at all and over quickly’ as RIMINGTON’s daughter...I had become ‘the needle’...

Black Rabbit said...

Other notes:

I do not understand this DREAM OF RHONAWY...

So ‘Arthur’ has to get rid of his ‘chessboard’ and a few of ‘ravens’ have had what?

Additionally, his ‘reign’ goes down in the history books as ‘silly’ and ‘illogical’ could go down as much, much worse...



This was about the NEEDLE stuck into the eyeball to make the victim disassociate – unlike the ‘NEEDLE THROUGH THE EYE’ which was performed by an ILL doctor and through the upper eyelid...i.e. a lobotomy.

I only had one victim (that I can remember) – and that was MIKE WEALE...he looked as terrorised as it is possible to be – although in retrospect the only danger was that I was a ‘trainee’ – rather like a ‘trainee dentist’ at this particular torture...and I didn’t do him any harm – reassured him first etc.

This gave me an insight into what it was like to be a ‘torturer’ because often the torturers would laugh their heads off at the extraordinary expressions that people could pull, whilst terrorised out of their minds...

I remember how my mother as a doctor, would say to us as children ‘don’t worry this isn’t going to hurt’ and she would be highly amused at the time, at our expressions, finding it difficult not to laugh (in fact sometimes she would start laughing and then tell us to keep still) but then she would hug us after the cleansing of the wound, bandage, injection etc...and so we always trusted her...

So in order to survive and to remain in MARK R/RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON’s good books...I became ‘the needle’...after running all over the castle myself, to avoid it...being chased by my father...but then I think that in this instance, it was a NEEDLE THROUGH THE EYE rather than the lesser torture of IN THE IRIS...

SI POB CX Z...I was probably our names...MARK R had called himself SIMON MAGUS...I was POB...RIMINGTON was CIXI...therefore TOMLINSON would have been Z....

Yes, it was our why are we linked to the above...THE DREAM OF RHONABWY...

I suppose that MARK had thought up a way of bringing PEACE...i.e. getting KING ARTHUR to stop making his ravens fight the other guy’s ravens and to get rid of his CHESSBOARD.

Would this be something to do with TOMLINSON being set-up as PRINCE CHARLES' arch-enemy?

I would guess that it the pair of them are playing chess...killing off each other’s RAVENS...and MARK R had planned the get rid of the entire ILL GAME...the CHESSBOARD.

Black Rabbit said...

So CIA – you want me to go to CORNWALL to see MARK R bring PEACE?

I do not trust you one bit...none of you...I am not going anywhere - particularly NOT FRANCE, this summer...


I watched the end of THE OWL SERVICE last night...and remembered that dreadful ‘writhing on the bed’ scene that I had to go seemed interminable...I had no idea what it was all about...TOMLINSON telling me ‘you are FLOWERS, Ali and not OWLS’...not reassuring at all...

I didn’t want to be either...I didn’t feel that I was was all stupid play-acting and torture...

Looking back at the dialogue involved within this scene...was this all about REMOTE-VIEWING and the BIRDS...?

ALI is constantly told that she isn’t OWLS...but also BIRDS...this was a way of terrorising a slave into not remote-viewing, wasn’t it? Because in my dreams...I often remote-viewed...

At DARTINGTON COLLEGE OF ARTS...I met a lot of students and townspeople who remote-viewed but they called it the NEW AGE phenomenon of OBEing....of ‘flying’ in their dreams.

DALDRY explained to me that these people talked of a CORD attaching themselves to their bodies because some programmers had used this visualisation in order to pull them back again...get them back into their bodies before the 4 ½ minutes were up.

Black Rabbit said...

Finally, I can remember that there were two OIL CULT references in this film...the R-WELL (‘are well’)...and the OWL... O- WELL....or would that be OR-WELL...would that be ‘gold’?
So the TASCHMAN’s OIL WELL was called T-WELL...they were the TOWELLS of the ILL CULT? Or was that ANTONY RADCLIFFE who was called ‘TO’...

It’s an odd one but SONIA and MARK told me of a funny TEFL drama workshop which all of the top BRITISH COUNCIL members had attended...where in groups, they all had to act out a radio drama, behind a white sheet for the rest of the assembly...having made up a play within a given genre...a 5 minute play which had to include a it a murder mystery, ghost-story, romance, cowboy name it.

Black Rabbit said...


In THE OWL have the shot of the HOLE in the STONE...and I can now remember that MARK R had shown me extracts out of this series, the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

He showed me the lines around the HOLE and told me that it was meant to symbolise an ANUS.

You looked through the ANUS and you saw...the WOOD...what does that mean?

Alternatively, through the HOLE you saw ORANGE...and heard a MOTORBIKE revving...

ORANGE is the symbolic colour of evil being burnt off, within the flame of a candle...of matter being burnt off...

I am back to my old theory that the ORANGE MAGDALENES...the MARYS were women who had been put on a list because it was thought that they were of JEWISH descent...even though many of them had become nuns...such as those at the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX COMPOUND in EIN KEREM...

So symbolically...through the ANUS is ‘evil’ is ORANGE and it is WOOD...bonfire wood....for HUW HALF-BACON’s ‘bonnyfire’...

BONNYFIRE is what the gardener calls his bonfire...and this line is reiterated in the booklet of his ‘strangeness’...

The BO KNEE fire...

Who or what is the BO?

I watched the ending of THE OWL SERVICE last night...and the stuffed EAGLE in its glass case has a plaque underneath it, which states that the...was it a GOLDEN EAGLE...I cannot remember but it can be called a variety of other names...BO...BOO...BUBA...(I shall look them up on the internet).

Now my EAGLE couldn’t be caught...I had let it loose in childhood...and in 1979...the SEPHARDIM tried to call it back and my ‘eagle’ which was invisible (but visible to those who have been sensitised to such phenomenon) suddenly appeared, in that valley - surrounded by dived upon the man and it pecked out the man’s left eye...he felt the attack...but didn’t manage to ward off the large bird...its beak had gone straight into his eye...but of course, this was all ‘metaphorical’...he didn’t really lose the sight of his eye...but he had ‘lost’ something...

MARK R and NIKOLAS had called TOMLINSON ‘BOBO’...’BUBA BOOEY’ they were calling him ‘eagle’...

You see this image of the STUFFED EAGLE in the second DVD...near to the end of the entire series of THE OWL SERVICE...and TOMLINSON’s character ROGER was made to look at it by SCARLETT’s character CLIVE...all part of his programming.

So THE OWL SERVICE was really a way of telling both TOMLINSON and myself that we were NOT allowed to be BIRDS...we were NOT allowed to remote-view...

I was given a dichotomy...FLOWERS = the ‘holy state’ of beauty and femininity...and OWLS/BIRDS = impurity and the demonic.

Yet my ‘eagle’ wasn’t was simply a part of myself which had been split off. The primal essence, energy and force of a early ‘split’ in the separate myself off from my spiritual ability to remote-view.

So TOMLINSON had been programmed by an EAGLETON too? I would guess that each programmer was related to a BIRD...and probably because of their surnames.

In essence, THE OWL SERVICE is simply a script to torture ILL SLAVES who have been remote-viewing on the side...without the permission from their programmers.
The big threat is that remote-viewing is characterised as DEMONIC and associated with...ANAL...ORANGE...BONFIRE WOOD...BONNYFIRE...BO-KNEE-FIRE...the threat of being burnt like firewood...if you remote-view...

Black Rabbit said...

I get the idea now...remember COLLIE instructing all of those people at the TEMPLAR CASTLE, within their child alters...that the SOUL comes out of the ANUS...

The SATANISTS wanted their remote-viewers to be DEMONIC...for their soul to leave their body via the anus and not the head...

However, ‘john waters’ had taught me how to escape in other ways...through the lacrimose glands of my eyes...through the nose...

In point of fact, the above is all an can simply ‘walk’ through the skull...but nobody knew that, at this point in time, that all matter was an illusion – their remote-viewers had difficulty with denser matter such as bone, stone and metal...

However as ancient ‘enlightened’ texts point is simply the degree of illusion that you are under, as to what types of MATTER you see as real...and impassable...

So in point of fact...the SATANISTS were saying: when your soul looks through the sees the WOOD which is for the bonfire...and it sees ORANGE and hears a MOTORBIKE revving...

So ORANGE was a direct ‘death threat’ to the remote-viewer...and so was a motorbike...

That brings back GEORGE MILLAR’s story that MI6 had murdered his wife in a motorbiking was this murder people in this way?

Black Rabbit said...


AMBASSDOR WOODALL and his knitting needles...the MOSSAD and the colour ORANGE...RIMINGTON who thought of herself as a ‘working class Jew’ in comparison to those like ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER...I had no ‘friends’ anywhere...did I? All of them were as bad as each other...

...and it was all about keeping the knowledge of REMOTE-VIEWING secret...that is all it was...various SLAVE-DRIVING groups/families who didn’t want the secret let out to the general public.

All I can say about BUBA BOOEY is that he had probably let his EAGLE go fact I can remember telling him about a ‘child alter’ one couldn’t keep it strapped to one’s arm for weeks on end without feeding it (which is what the programmers used to do – tell you to ‘see’ it strapped to your arm – when they wanted to use it)...they wouldn’t know...just let it go when they let you see it again because it came back, I knew because I had ‘seen’ it again - free...his ‘little boy alter’ thought seriously about that one...I have no idea what he did...

Black Rabbit said...


To make matters worse...there is some EXTRA material upon this DVD...

It is of the supposed author ALAN GARNER.

I felt badly let-down, in a way...once MARK R had told me that this man was a ‘very good actor’ and NOT the author of books like THE OWL SERVICE.

This man was a friend of MARK’s and one of those who were most into SATANISM.

However, that wasn’t MARK R’s main point in showing me this ‘extra material’ – he wanted me to study the FARMHOUSE...

‘ALAN GARNER’ tells a story about a farmhouse that he can see out of his window...he tells the viewer to study it...the gable (black and white triangular APEX) and the line of the STONE WALL behind and then the field and the WOOD above...

You get a long shot of the triangle of the roof and the ‘Tudor’ black and white...
MARK R told me also to ‘STUDY IT’...

‘ALAN GARNER’ then tells the story of how the farmer had murdered his daughter ‘by accident’ knifing her...she then ran out of the farmhouse...across the road...and into a neighbouring house where a relative lived...apparently her death was very ‘dramatic’ indeed...according to GARDNER and he was using this story as ‘inspiration’ for his next book...

MARK R wanted me to envisualise my own the hands of my father...

I suppose he meant TOMLINSON...who was supposed to be my father at that point in the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

So was MARK R planning my death at TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON’s new place in FRANCE, this summer?

Would my murder by TOMLINSON, be the ‘inspiration’ for the new book to be ghost-written for ALAN GARNER?

Or was MARK R thinking about my real father and his VIEILLEY ‘farmhouse’...although it is classified as a ‘chateau’ because it has a belongs to a courtyard of farmhouses...and farmers...

So was he planning upon me going back there for a holiday...whereupon my own father is programmed to knife me...I stumble across the road to another house...I know various people in the village...whereupon I die horribly?

I would guess that this is the I won’t be going to FRANCE in the near future, then...if ever again, until this whole horror is finished and done with.

Black Rabbit said...

Another pernicious note about the programming within THE OWL SERVICE is the 'Jewish' programming - which is personified by the characters of HUW and GWYNN.

GYNN is supposed to find the torturing of ALI sexually arousing and he blatantly begins to masturbate, quite violently as she is writhing upon the bed...

HUW is supposedly in despair, saying things like 'this is always the way it was and always the way that it will be'...

I suppose this 'scene' has some basis in reality...

Some people, once they are in touch with their remote-viewing alters will NOT give them up...

Then there is the danger that the secret will be let out...

These people were then hideously order to give up any idea of being 'BIRDS' or OWLS in this instance...

Black Rabbit said...

MARK R showed me the final scene...where the children are walking towards the STANDING STONE with the HOLE in it...

MARK R loved this scene...he told me that these were like the children at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...coming along to be programmed...I suppose by the ROCKEFELLERS...

This is all about what THE SIMPSONS called the 'stone-cutters'...or would that be MASONS?

Are the ROCKEFELLERS a very high-up FREEMASONRY family of 'stone-cutters'?

No wonder MARK R pointed to the WALL behind the farmhouse (where apparently I am to be murdered)...the WALL separates you from the WOOD and then the BLUE SKY beyond...the freedom of remote-viewing...and the POWER of it all...

ALAN GARNER makes a BIG point when he tells a lousy, made-up story about how his great-grandfather created this WALL in the village...that runs up behind the farmhouse...

MARK R told me that HIS PEOPLE had especially designed the 'DATE' in the is a FORGERY...

...and NO...ALAN GARNER'S great grandfather didn't build that wall...a complete LIE.

Black Rabbit said...

One final point about this scene within the ALAN GARNER interview...where the children walk up to the STANDING STONE with the HOLE in it...

MARK R pointed out some stones around it...and also the YELLOW flower garland that is put upon it...this was symbolic of something...

Additionally, I cannot remember where now...perhaps within this 'extra material' see a DAISY CHAIN which has been laid upon a style...

So this is about that US military base which is near to LA?


Black Rabbit said...

I am now beginning to see what a ‘can of worms’ this whole ‘asking for the HARRY POTTER’ money back is...

I mean...when one looks at how many novels and books were ghost-written by ILL PI SLAVES...and particularly those which became BESTSELLERS (no more mentions of the real author of THE BIG BREACH)...

By exposing the entire ILL SYSTEM behind this use and abuse of PI SLAVES...if my case were successful...that would open the can only begin to imagine how many cases...the lawcourts would be full of them...

Who wrote the ALAN GARNER books then?

GARNER in his interview...describes the experience of being microchipped...i.e. listening to voices which one cannot ‘hear’ in the proper sense of the word...people who ‘tell him things’...’seeing’ the scenes...

However MARK R told me that the script that GARNER had learnt, in order to make this biographic short film about himself as the ‘author’...was in fact, all highly calculated...

GARNER hadn’t written a word of those books...he hadn’t sat there and been ‘fed’ what to write by microchip...

However, this was an example of what the ILL are up to now...the microchipping - the ‘neuro-linguistic’ technology was was being tested out in 2001...upon the slaves at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

In future, MARK R hoped that slaves like GARNER and ROWLING would simply have auto-suggestions via that their programmers would be truly ‘invisible’...i.e. no more human contact.

Any psychologists/psychiatrists who would like evidence of how it feels to have a neuro-linguistic microchip implanted in your ear – need only study the ‘interview’ with ALAN GARNER in ‘extra material’ upon the recent THE OWL SERVICE DVD.

He tells you, pretty much, all you need to know - in terms of ‘signs’ and ‘symptoms’.

Black Rabbit said...

I had another microchip in my breakfast this morning...which I chewed up – they are small, black and quite brittle...I can now remember MARK R telling me NOT to chew the food, whilst I was at this stage in the ILL GAME...

Black Rabbit said...

‘MACKENZIE’ and others – this is a plea for help...if you want to save yourselves then you have to save this man: I do not know his name but he was the CIA ‘boss’ in Switzerland...

TOMLINSON knows who he do all of the TEMPLARS – he was at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and attended that RITE OF CAIN...

I do not know his nationality – his English accent was neutral...could have been either British or American but he was fluent in he could have been Swiss...

Anyway, MARK R and his people have planned this man’s assassination...he is one of the elite group of men around PRESIDENT OBAMA...if you do not save him – you will not be able to save yourselves.

I can now remember going through what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE with this man – he had wanted to know why the RITE OF CAIN had happened...and why he had been part of it...

I took his hands and I looked back at his entire life history and traced it back to his childhood...he had been put in a ring with other children and told to fight to the death...rather like myself, but in my case, only one child died out of about 6 of us...however, it was much worse for him...5 out of 10 children had to die...and they had been killed by the others...

I explained to him the endomorphin ‘high’ that the 5 children who had survived, had experienced after this horrific event...and then the ‘natural bonding’ that occurred between these children...this was their ‘rite of passage’ entry into the ILL CULT.

This was what was then re-enacted in the RITE OF CAIN – where the TEMPLARS beat to death, with canes...all of those children, running around them.

Anyway, this man was the most helpful to me, out of all of OBAMA’s aides...he is now in danger, from MARK R who has planned his assassination...there is a split in this group of aides...he cannot help you if you do not help him and he is brilliant at this sort of ‘operation’...

MACKENZIE and others...all you have to do, when you remote-view is to also make sure that you check the LONGTERM future as well as the short-term event, in terms of that you want to happen...

Black Rabbit said...

To underline this point - one young man at breakfast this morning...and the 'workmen' who are doing up that huge 'hotel' of a building upon the seafront corner of EDITH ROAD...had a discussion...

The discussion was about 5 ASIDE FOOTBALL teams.

Apparently these matches are held at the SPORTS CENTRE behind the railway station...

These men are telling me...where the 5 'aside' ILL children's 'death matches' used to be held or are still being held...

So it happened in this country too...

Black Rabbit said...

This morning...and before breakfast...I was thinking about the different BIRD models, used for remote-viewing alters.

I then thought about PAT ANDREW at FORT MONCKTON in 1980 - who had complained that she was treating SPARROWS like EAGLES...she was being given SPARROWS when she 'knew' that these young people were really EAGLES and she didn't know what to do, the whole situation was impossible...

So what was PAT ANDREW really saying?

She was saying...different groups of programmers have different techniques.

If she tried to get a remote-viewer to 'go up' and then she tried to call them back again...she had to know how they had been programmed to respond...and that meant knowing whether she had to tell them that she was going to pull them back in by a CORD...or whether she should use a WHISTLE...or whatever it was, that the original programmers had used...

Somebody had mixed her records up, for some reason...and she was having big problems in terms of testing out the new 'remote-viewer' recruits...

Black Rabbit said...

I was thinking about PULLING CORDS in relation to the 'remote-viewer' programmer technique and then saw PULL TAPES upon the FIRE BLANKET red box upon the wall.

I then flashbacked to TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON taking this blanket out...putting it over my head...electrocuting me...telling me that this WHITE shiny blanket (with ROYAL BLUE tags) was my SOUL...and that I must NEVER touch it was only to be used by them and in 'emergencies'...

So programmers must have found the BIRDS technique too faulty...and had decided upon the FIRE BLANKET option instead.

Black Rabbit said...

As I left my room to go down to breakfast the side of my room is a FIRE DOOR...and the owner had just unlocked it and was closing it again...coincidence?


The above is in RED and WHITE in diamond, upon the door...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I then remembered ISRAEL 1980...I had told TOMLINSON that he could 'free' his EAGLE...and that if he didn't tell anybody...they wouldn't know...they hadn't found out about mine...not for ages...and only because I had told them that it had 'disappeared'...which it hadn't...I didn't tell them that.

TOMLINSON then came back to me...presumably after he had been used as a remote-viewer...and told me that he had also set his EAGLE free...he looked worried...

I reassured him that it would all be all right but we would have to cover ourselves...he thought about it...and told me that he would have to get a stun gun, in order to ECT/program 'silence' into me...

He then went off to tell RIMINGTON that I had gone against my programming and needed to be reprogrammed...

I stood in the bedroom...and looked pleadingly at TOMLINSON as RIMINGTON screamed at me...ECTing the nape of my neck...SCARLETT laughed...he said 'look at her pleading eyes'...

I was in telepathic contact with TOMLINSON...this was our way of making sure that nobody could ever get TOMLINSON's secret out of me...I would forget that our conversation about the EAGLES had ever happened...

At the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...TOMLINSON had obviously remembered something about that one...when he got angry with me in the gardens and shouted at me...'you can't remember anything can you...what you look at me with your pleading eyes'...

Black Rabbit said...

At the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 - I was in that little kitchen, down a long corridor...JONATHAN EVANS and myself - had been ordered to cook the lunch...

EVANS had put a huge pan on the stove...half-filled it with oil...

Neither of us had watched it and suddenly it began to smoke and burst into flames...

I was completely naked although EVANS wasn't...that was part of my 'punishment' at that point whilst being re-programmed as a young child...

I can remember thinking 'I am not going near that - I am naked - a damp teacloth wouldn't put that blaze out - it is his fault - he can deal with it'...

EVANS started to shout at me to do something...I froze...he told me that I was 'useless' and ran off down the corridor to fetch help.

It was at that point - that I realised that I was alone in the kitchen WITH the telephone...

The 'connection' in my brain, had been made.

FIRE on the STOVE...a damp teacloth wouldn't put that out...what would?

So whilst the FIRE was blazing away on the stove and several feet high...I rang the FRENCH POLICE and told them words to the effect of 'WACO...PEOPLE ARE KILLING EACH OTHER...TRACE THIS PHONECALL..."

...I can now see that this was all about FIRE BLANKET programming, wasn't it?

Getting in touch with your PRIMORDIAL strength...your soul...your higher self...whatever you want to call it...whatever had been 'split' off, as a child.

After the TEMPLAR CASTLE horror - TOMLINSON told me that he had been in contact with the FRENCH POLICE and that they had told him that they thought that this call had been made a by a retarded French child...they thought that I was retarded and French.

I suppose that the reason that TOMLINSON didn't suspect me, at that point in time...was because we were nearly all RETARDED CHILDREN at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...all in child alters...and he didn't think that I knew enough French to communicate...but I first exposure to a very young child.

Black Rabbit said...

For the record - here are the details that might have been used in anybody's programming in terms of FIRE BLANKET:

BS EN 1869:1997
SIZE: 1.1.m x 1.1m











(a) Withdraw Blanket from container
every 12 months and unfold.
(b)Check for damage or discolouration
(c) Check handle fixing.

Discard if any evidence of damage

...and upon the actual blanket:


PATENT No 0 508 773 GB

For use refer to
upon container one can say that the remote-viewer programmers...only checked up on your FIREBLANKET every 12 months?

Correct...that is what RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON told just in case, tell them that you still have your 'fireblanket'...even if you have now 'set it free'...ha, ha.

Black Rabbit said...

The ORANGE 'daisy chain' group...that was ALAMO wasn't it?

The ISRAELI AIRFORCE tried to bomb them out...

So MOSSAD wasn't ORANGE...or not by that point...

This is all making a lot more sense now...

When I was in that 'military barracks' by the sea, with NIR...

The man dressed in military green...the one with dyed goldish but thick, curly hair...the one who appeared to have a BRITISH ENGLISH accent but I picked up AMERICAN from him...he had been at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he had been one of MARK R's closer friends...

So this man had infiltrated the ISRAELI ARMY...and had been sent to blow us up...he must have been Jewish...he must have spoken HEBREW at any rate...

Did MARK R send him to blow us up?

I can remember that the HEAD of the MOSSAD...had been at that base...or am I confusing two I thinking of a military head...I do not know...

All I know was that the ISRAELI ARMY was protecting us...but that it became too dangerous for us to stay there...

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember the details now...I had nothing to do all was like a prison...but it was in fact, a place of safety...the freedom to walk around the building but that was about all...

I asked for books and was told by the military that I should have had enough of them by now...I presume that they were talking about ILL programming scripts...

I was given a set of tapes to learn HEBREW but that was about all...nothing else to do...NIR had his computer to amuse himself...

I then ate his favourite food in the fridge...he was all non-dairy because of his allergy and the fact that his mother liked him to be ORTHODOX whilst living in Israel (no mixing of milk and meat in the fridge)...and so I rang the mililtary contact...and he said that he would send somebody out when they had time to do some shopping...I asked if they could replenish what we had already had with the same...I didn't care what I ate...NIR then complained that I should have asked for some new things...but I had no idea of what to ask for...

I 'knew' that I had met NIR before but I had no memories of where, why, how...I didn't know why I was in that building...but knew that it was for my 'safety' was all really grim.

I remember the Swiss controller laughing about that afterwards and saying that I had painted a 'colourful picture of life on an Israeli Military base'...

Black Rabbit said...

Now all of the memories began to fit together.

Now I know why I had all of the images..I was 'flying' behind the planes...the ISRAELI planes under cloud they came in over ALAMO and bombed it...

That is why I was overcome by their bravery...sheer bravery in attacking the USA...that most evil of all military bases...

I had been used as a remote-viewer in my usual capacity - as a WATCHER of note it all down...

So that has really let the cat out of the bag, now...hasn't it?

I also knew the aftermath of this heroic attempt...the pilot who 'missed' and got 'handed over' a sop to the AMERICANS.

The ISRAELI AIRFORCE were quite how they were handling everything...

So upon reflection...I do not owe you apologies for being so rude about ISRAELIS and the MILITARY in general...because I didn't have all of the information at the time...and without memories...or because they only come back in drips and drabs...I couldn't get the whole picture...but now I am getting it...and I am so glad that I was able to help you within that 'operation'...

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL mail in my inbox:

Subject Date Size
Unread Anita Williams MY HEART CHOOSES TO BLESS YOU.BUT DO AS I SAID. Mon, 1/6/09 11KB

Now, I cannot remember who sent this but I distrust it.

Let me update what 'multi-options' I have been given in this ILL GAME - in terms of 'do as I said':

So far, I have been told to:




Any more 'options'?

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember what the above email was all about.


I remember having a conversation wtih her about Anita Harris - that children's TV presenter from the 1960s...the only 'Anita' that I had ever encountered.

So - what did RIMINGTON want me to do at this stage in the ILL GAME?

Look at a few more properties.

Properties that I had no chance in getting even though they are within my price range of up to £500 p.m.

For example - there is a lovely set of large buildings upon the seafront - which are divided up into flats:

These houses are all the same - a cream/pink colour - with 'O' windows at the top of each triangular roof...the bay windows are picked out in white and there are lawns where young families enjoy the front of the building, looking out onto the seafront.

Anyway, look at the advertisement:

Marine Lodge, 19-25 Beach Road Clacton on Sea CO15 1VG

£60 per week:



Now look at that strange phrase:


RIMINGTON had added that clause - it means NOT ACCEPTED.

I cannot rent anywhere that doesn't accept the Council guaranteed deposit scheme - whereby the Council pays your deposit.

RIMINGTON cackled about that one, in 2004 - the aim being to dispirit me even be turned away from yet another place.

Anyway, I have written an email to this OMEGA agent - stating my terms clearly i.e. I am unemployed and will be claiming Housing Benefit etc.

I do need to prove that I am looking for accommodation - to stay on the right side of the COUNCIL at this point. Even though I know that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had made sure that I would not find any property to rent, anywhere.

I have therefore sent of a lot of emails today - to state the above, requesting that the agent ask the landlord beforehand - if they will accept the unemployed, upon housing benefit because I do not wish to expend upon agency fees (as I did with the Letting Shop) if there is no possibility of renting the accommodation.

Black Rabbit said...

Here is another flat that RIMINGTON took me to see in 2004.

Again, OMEGA is renting it out...these flats appear to have a view of the CRAZY GOLF COURSE...upon MARINE PARADE..the building is actually called PARADE HOTEL.

Here is the RIMINGTON 'clause' that she put into this advertisement:

The Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order or fit for the purpose. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. References to the Tenure of a Property are based on information supplied by the Seller. The Agent has not had sight of the title documents. A Buyer is advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor. Items shown in photographs are NOT included unless specifically mentioned within the sales particulars. They may however be available by separate negotiation. Buyers must check the availability of any property and make an appointment to view before embarking on any journey to see a property.

1 Bedroom"

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I have applied to view all of the one-bedroom flats in CLACTON which aren't on the ground floor and so I shall now see if I get any real 'offers'.

Black Rabbit said...

I just got an image of the ‘Swiss controller’ trying to throw a NET over NIR whilst he was in his ‘area’ his hyperspace...let us this was a trick, was it?

You were trying to get him to help you and then to trap him?

It didn’t work...we dissolved the nets...and can now out another piece of dire ILL programming:
As children and remote-viewing...the ILL used NETS to trap the ‘little FISHES’...

So Swiss were the one who said to MARK R ‘glad to have you back’ as you were doing your DR DEATH routine...

So tell me...what ‘discord’ is there going on between OBAMA’s aides or are you all run by ORANGE/DAISY CHAIN ALAMO neo-cons?
I am beginning to wonder...tell me, is that where you are all really at?

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