I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly.
Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'.
Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured.
Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all.
When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.
'Cold' Torture
(A survivor's account)
"We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results.
We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect.
When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape.
I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious.
I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged.
Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."
'Hot' torture
(A survivor's account)
"The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery.
The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women.
I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream.
This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water.
Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word.
I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time.
I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had happened...it was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened.
Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch.
In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on.
I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital.
I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.
Sunday, 31 December 2006
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«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 9989 Newer› Newest»Ha ha...it is almost funny now in retrospect...the letter that I had written to the JOBCENTRE concerning the PRINCELY SUM of £803.79
I am sneezing heavily as I type this (and MARK R told me that this would be a 'signal' of getting rid of programming)...of course...that was a bit of mind control programming that I had missed...designed to get up the noses of the BENEFITS staff - who would then look into how much had been actually paid and then set the FRAUD SQUAD onto me...
Although I do not see how they could be involved...I mean I was raising the basic issue that a WRONG amount had been paid...for good or for bad...
So all I can say here is that the whole piece of programming was designed to make me look like a lunatic and it almost worked.
You can see how the ILL try to set you up...
I mean DAVID ICKE was made to go on public TV - on the TERRY WOGAN show and to state that he was 'TURQUOISE' and the 'SON OF G-D'.
I do not personally understand why or how the ILL could have found that so 'amusing' but I also know that this would have appealed to their sick sense of humour.
However, I was a 'non-entity' as far as the media is concerned - so it would have been pointless to put me on public display - on prime-time TV because nobody would have known who the hell I was and so the 'public humiliation' tactic wouldn't have worked that much.
The ILL had to try and think of other more covert ways of doing the same thing.
Upon the subject of DAVID ICKE:
MARK R told me that the ILL loved MR ICKE because of his 'crazy brainwave' pattern.
They kept MR ICKE on because they couldn't work him out - he was a CURIO to them all. A lovable 'oddity' because his brainwave functioning was so 'odd' to them.
What the ILL didn't get was that MR ICKE was a phenomenon - an example of a sophisticated form of human EVOLUTION - whereas they jus thought of him as the guy with the 'funny brainwaves' that you could watch upon the screen.
I saw the brainwave patterns - MARK R showed me a video of MR ICKE's brainwaves and they were rather similar to PC GREEN's.
The ILL were to discover - and far too late - was that what they were viewing as a 'curio' was what would in fact, defeat them in the end.
Yesterday, I had agreed with JAMES to go to a CAFE called STILLETO in CLACTON.
Oddly enough, I still do not know where this cafe is - although JASON (Peter Mandelson's 'boy') had also asked me if I wanted to go there - some months ago - whilst he and I were on the PETER BRUFF ward.
JASON also seemed to think that it was very important that I should take a trip to STILLETOS.
Anyway, I remembered enough this morning to realise that JAMES had been programmed to make a big public scene this morning - whilst having tea/coffee with me - somewhere in town.
In 2004, I had figured that something like this had been planned and so talked JAMES into going to the seaside cafe instead of STILLETOS. He created a scene there and threatened to have a fight with one of the assistants. Therefore he was still enacting out what he had been programmed to do - except that it wasn't in STILLETOS - where presumably, the POLICE would have been called.
I can now see that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were out to get JAMES as much as they were out to get me.
JAMES was supposed to have been blamed for the theft of my laptop.
In 2004, the POLICE blamed him because they had seen him entering the MARINE VIEW HOTEL on CCTV.
The above, coupled with the next programmed 'incident' at STILLETOS would have probably landed him in court or worse...
Anyway, my phone call to JAMES was to cancel any meeting today - and also having 'supper' at PENFOLD LODGE (which I had also agreed to do this evening).
In 2004, I had also cancelled this 'supper' and then went on THURSDAY instead - RIMINGTON was still around and did something horrible that night...I have yet to remember what...and so it is better if I do not now have anything to do with JAMES until this is all over - for his own safety as well as mine.
This is an odd one – I remember that in 2004 – SCARLETT was very interested in - or pretended to be interested in - the POST OFFICE slip which I received after my POST OFFICE account card was refused from the machine – because of the wrong pin-number.
This is the information that is on the slip:
“Post Office Ltd
Your Receipt
11/05/2009 15:54:45 TP:01 BP:04 SU:AA FAD: 0061166
Clacton on Sea
High Street
Clacton on Sea
C015 1NP
Card account
Card Number: **** **** **** 4799 Issue:
Auth Code: C23460
Application ID: A0000001850002
From: Expiry: 02/23 PAN Seq No:
Transaction ID: 44-6116-5-4603542-1
You may wish to contact the card issuer.
Please retain for future reference
This is not a VAT receipt”
Now I am beginning to get it – to be able to tie up another strand – that penpal who had solicited me (I hadn’t written to him) on that JEWISH dating site – before I went to CHINA.
I had two men who wrote to me for quite a while – one of them was the ‘Chicago Orthodox Jew’ whom I now know to have been DAVID MILIBAND (whom I then met in Shanghai) and the other man who wrote to me, who gave me a potted history of his ‘family’ which sounded just like the MILIBANDS.
He also sent me a photograph of himself which looked rather like one of the TASCHMAN BROTHERS. Additionally, he told me that I could check his ‘credentials’ by looking at a report that he had just written for the government upon the FRANCHISING OUT of the General Post Office – which had been published upon the INTERNET.
It all seemed ‘bona fide’ at the time but I was very suspicious –this guy was DESPERATE to meet me before I went to CHINA and I refused to meet him (I had also refused the first guy above – who wanted me to stop off in LOS ANGELES before I went on to China) – why the hurry?
I wonder now, in relation to the above and RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON trying to involve the BENEFITS FRAUD SQUAD in relation to my old Post Office account within this ILL GAME...what was really going on here?
SCARLETT seemed to think that the 'only hope' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE was that I should try to contact the 'pink aliens' again.
This seemed laughable at the time - but then we had all been drugged and tortured - SCARLETT was no exception to that general rule.
However, another strange memory has come back - it was of the history of this 'alien' people. They had told me that their civilisation had once been like ours but that they had since evolved.
The basic idea behind this was that they had also faced the horror of neuro-linguistic 'slavery' and had therefore taken steps to wipe it out. They had progessed 'by default' as it were.
I can now see that this is what is happening within the 'human brain' or 'mind':
We are at a crucial stage in the development of human beings as a species. It is akin to SPACE ODYSSEY 2001 - we have people who can use the electrical circuitry of their brains in a highly advanced way - as a REACTION to neuro-linguistic programming and microchipping. These are the people who will survive - these people are the future of the human race.
The JEWISH ORTHODOX were the first to spot this new phenomenon - whilst caring for highly disabled children.
Children who couldn't communicate without some sort of 'ouji board' in order to help them spell out basic messages.
The messages that came through - were of quite extraordinary things - 'alien worlds' and 'angels' were mentioned...all sorts of things.
It became clear that these children were 'in touch' with something but what?
TONY GREEN and PAT ANDREW went to a 'learning disability' conference at the STEINER SCHOOL in Switzerland to attend some workshops and there was a lecture given upon the subject above.
GREEN was highly sceptical - PAT kept saying 'I don't know...' and shaking her head.
I suppose that GREEN just wanted to talk about 'fringe stuff' in the pub for a laugh and that was why he had gone along and scoffed at the above phenomenon...but the ORTHODOX appear to be taking it very seriously indeed.
I think that this is about the time when SCARLETT attempts to explain what he was made to do - to an 'august' body of people.
I 'saw' him admitting the lot - telling this 'body' that they had been told that neuro-linguistic programming and microchipping was the ONLY future for the human race - and how they had all been sorely misled.
He told them about how 'they' as in 'intelligence' all knew that I was telling the truth (even though I had got my dates wrong now and then).
He also told them that he was a broken man - privately he was thinking about his son - who had ended up being murdered by the ILL.
Cheer up - SCARLETT.
If you look at it in terms of the survival of the human species - this is what I told DALDRY about in 1995 - the big U-TURN before it is all too late.
This 'gene' or 'ability' to have a 'crazy brainwave pattern' is now in the general population and so we are saved.
However, the main problem to be faced now is the fact that so many sick people have invested billions or more - in neuro-linguistic programming and microchipping - so much money that they will not be 'keen' to stop these 'projects' to put it mildly.
That can only be done by OUTLAWING and EXPOSING the whole lot.
As far as I can remember – the ‘august body’ that SCARLETT was addressing - looked very much like THE HOUSE OF LORDS.
Anyway, I had a ‘tough time’ from DR CARNEY but I still feel him to be somewhat sympathetic to my ‘cause’ – he dismissed me as ‘yet another conspiracy theorist’ but also advised me NOT to get into any further ‘trouble’ (by which he meant the POLICE) or they would get me re-sectioned and then I would be forcibly drugged and kept in hospital for 6 months (or more).
He personally, wouldn’t have any options after that point in time...for some reason. After leaving hospital – a Community Order would ensue - which would mean that I would be under close observation by whomsoever Mental Health and Social Services might choose to ‘survey’ me.
All this – and he pointed to my laptop – was because of what I was writing upon the INTERNET. He didn’t think that my appearance or behaviour, was part of the ‘problem’.
He also told me that he was very angry about what I had written upon the INTERNET in relation to himself (maligning his professional reputation) and stressed the point, that he had NEVER met me before 18th December 2008.
This gave me pause for thought – he didn’t appear to remember a thing.
Additionally, regarding the issue of OLANZAPINE and ELI LILLY in relation to his mother – I wonder now, if RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had fed him a whole load of lies to tell me - in 2004. I had met him with MRS BROWNE – who had also been geared up to lying through her teeth about just about everything to me.
Anyway, seeing as I will probably never see DR CARNEY again – he expressed that wish i.e. that I would not be back under the Mental Health ‘umbrella’ in future – I can now promise that I will never mention his name again in this blog. He has been very pleasant in all of the ‘reviews’ and ‘appointments’ that I have had so far – I can see that many people have been unwillingly dragged into this whole ‘horror-show’ of an ILL GAME.
One piece of information was interesting – and that was a couple of A5 pieces of cream paper which hadn’t been filled in (they had faint pink type on them) – within my file. DR CARNEY referred to them as ‘discharge papers’ from DR YOUNG - but that they could be dealt with later on.
I queried that one –and he assured me that I had already been discharged – however, these papers needed to be sent to my next GP.
The name YOUNG again - no relation to IAIN YOUNG? This is all getting rather silly, isn’t it?
Anyway, I explained again that my BLOG was my way of keeping ‘safe’ by exposing everything that has been happening so far.
JIM GIBSON was also there and he began to question me about recent events e.g. what had happened in MANNINGTREE in relation to my parents and the POLICE...but I closed him down with a ‘let us not cover old ground’ sort of thing and he took it rather well.
They appeared to be happy with the simple facts e.g. that I now had a roof over my head – that I had ‘got over my fear of authority’ as in the COUNCIL- in order to get some temporary accommodation –that was the way in which this was phrased...how very odd...I have never had a fear of authority or of the Council...anyway, this had all been discussed in 2004 and so we were just covering old ground. The same ‘phrases’ were used. This time around – in 2009 – I didn’t bother to contest any of these peculiar ‘understandings’ or assumptions.
Anyway, they then let me go – as they had done in 2004 – and I begin to wonder now – so when is the ‘re-sectioning’ event planned to happen?
Obviously it begins with the POLICE picking me up for something ‘contrived’ - then driving me to the ‘LAKES’ for yet another assessment.
Perhaps that is why I have to be very careful not to see JAMES again – if he got violent in public as RIMINGTON had programmed him to do – then, if I were in his company - I might easily be arrested by the POLICE too. As the POLICE are programmed to do this to me, at some point – they will use any pretext, imaginable.
So I now have an indeterminate length of time before the programmed POLICE pick me up for something – whereupon I will be re-sectioned and forcibly drugged i.e. INJECTED.
It should be interesting to note what that ‘pretext’ is. However, once sectioned again – it is unlikely that I will be able to tell anybody who did it and upon what pretext.
Therefore I shall go on as normal and publish/post everything that I can until the programmed robots eventually manage to ‘get’ me and one assumes that they will at some point...unless ‘other people’ get their act together fast to stop this.
I am rather hopeful of the outcome – no worries at all. This is all now one big laugh, for me.
Que sera sera...
Anyway, what else...JIM GIBSON gave me some advice, regarding getting a GP in Clacton...the pair of them thought that the surgery upon WASH ROAD was the nearest and most convenient to make a ‘temporary registration’.
I walked down the road to this surgery...and flashbacked to 2004 - to RIMINGTON walking me into this very surgery – she had programmed the woman at the desk NOT to let me register.
The very same thing happened this time around – the woman was very convincing – I didn’t need to temporarily register because I could make an appointment to see a doctor any time that I wanted...I didn’t need to fill in the form at this point in time (apparently the temporary registration only lasts for 3 months anyway) and so I should leave it until the day that I felt sick and came in.
I have no idea why this woman was programmed by RIMINGTON to say this to me...but I figure it will have something to do with yet another ‘evil event’ that she had planned to come...
DR CARNEY had told me that it was important to register temporarily with a surgery – or else there was only the ‘minor injuries’ unit at the General Hospital in Clacton – other than that – I would have to get myself to COLCHESTER hospital A&E.
So I can guess that RIMINGTON had planned some sort of serious illness or injury at this point in her sick ILL game...
I have managed to get past the ‘paraplegic’ staged horror – and also the ‘suicide’ staged horror – heaven only knows what was next upon her sick list...but I should imagine that it was the last thing – before my planned ‘re-sectioning’ and dying of cancer, alone in a Council ground-floor flat.
Upon that note – within the JULIET/SOCIAL WORKER scenario at that groundfloor flat, RIMINGTON had planned for me to be disbelieved when I said that I was in pain, to my local GP – this is often the case with Mental Health patients – as I had found out at PETER BRUFF.
One woman had been in extreme pain for years – but the psychiatrists had told her that it was an ‘imaginary’ illness. It didn’t help that she called the pain, one of RIMINGTON’s programming words i.e. a ‘bursting’ (she used this word as a noun rather than an adjective). She herself was half-convinced that it was ‘all in her mind’ – but that didn’t make the pain go away and the psychiatric drugs that they were giving her, didn’t take away this ‘imaginary’ pain.
RIMINGTON had planned for me to get cancer – then to suffer alone, without drugs to ease the pain because my GP would have been told that I was delusional and that any pain that I talked of – was ‘imaginary’. RIMINGTON had made me stay one night in this COUNCIL flat – and she had injected me with something that made me ache all over. JULIET then burst in – in the middle of the night – she had let herself in the front door – and she then marched into the bedroom – demanding (inconceivably) why I was awake...I tried to answer that the only reason that I was awake, was because she had let herself in, in the middle of the night...but JULIET wasn’t listening....she was behaving like a complete robot.
So that is what I have to ‘look forward’ to – if this ILL GAME continues to go ahead.
No wonder RIMINGTON had told me that it would be ‘quicker and easier’ if I died of the paracetamol overdose.
What can I say – but again – like the RABBI, who told his friends that he knew that DAVID MILIBAND would murder him – it is very important to go through this ILL GAME, in order to expose it.
Finally, I remember the CIA in Switzerland telling me that it 'would be all over' by the time that I reached 10:20.
I questioned that - because the first thing that came to mind was 20:20 vision - and I was told 'no' and just to remember 10:20
I can now see why - at post 1020 I had finally realised and posted the last stages of the ILL GAME that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had planned.
Additionally, I went on to blogger 'google stats' to have a look at my account and to see who was viewing my blogspots.
I found a viewer in this location:
Oberrohrdorf is a municipality in the district of Baden in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland.
I then remembered my father, who used to laugh at me when I read children's comics like TAMMY where the cartoon 'heroine' says 'AAARGH...' in response to some dire threat.
The canton of AARGAU?
I wonder if my father was referring to some mind control command?
In addition, he used to say: 'AARGH, SNARL, BAWL'...to demean me if I was upset...pretending that I was a 'drama queen' who was acting out some comic 'fantasy' as if I were the 'heroine'.
None of the cartoon characters used to say 'snarl' or 'bawl' and so I wonder if these could possibly refer to other cantons?
Anyway, the CIA boss in Switzerland also told me that at the end of this ILL GAME that I would find a photograph of them all (his office) when young - on some trip - under an image search for Oberrohrdorf.
I remember remarking at the time that it didn't look anything like them at all - but he said that they had all been 'much younger' then.
Here is the image url:
I wonder now - were they really CIA or Swiss intelligence? They appeared to be run by the CIA though...they were certainly in touch with them (as in the order from 'Washington DC' to make me go back to GROUNDHOG DAY and the main guys had American accents.)
He also told me to remember this place - it has a swimming pool - because we had been there - but I cannot remember at all, as yet...maybe tomorrow.
Who did we meet there? Why did we go? What happened?
I also remember this diagram and know that it was related to my programming but why?
I remember that the CIA boss told me that I had been programmed with that diagram in particular, for some reason.
I can also remember now - 'Amadeus' was staying at that particular 'haus'.
What was going on?
Why should I remember this now?
I was also told by the CIA boss that I could have a look at this website 'for a laugh'- it was all related to the ILL for some reason:
I suppose that I should be able to recognise one or two of the criminals that the Swiss police are looking for...
I am getting back a horrific memory here - of RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON setting me up with some guy - whilst in Switzerland. I can recognise myself vaguely in one of the photographs:
27th July 2002
in CH-Luzern
I can remember the pair of them taking me into this store - but my memory is vague of what I was supposed to do there...I suppose walk out with a computer or something...and naturally, I then got picked up - as one can see in the photograph.
However, I wasn't arrested because they were all mind control slaves around me - and controlled by RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON.
Yet the CCTV here...shows a woman - who appears to be myself - being walked away by the man that RIMINGTON had introduced me to, in that store.
So what was the whole point of this, CIA?
Why did you spring this one on me now?
I suppose it must be because RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON didn't want me to ever visit SWITZERLAND again...or else the police would pick me up...but then...they wanted me to go back...in order to complete the ILL GAME...RIMINGTON had planned all of those scenes around INTERLAKEN...so I do not get any of this, one bit.
The CIA boss also told me to 'recognise' other people that I had met in Switzerland - from the photographs upon this website...he thought it all a good joke...but I didn't...even then...in 2004...I couldn't remember who the people were in the photographs...
All I can say is that the CIA were waiting in Switzerland to pick up TOMLINSON, RIMINGTON and MARK R...in order to get 'AMBASSADOR' Woodall - they were therefore CCTVing their every move...and naturally picked me up on camera too.
I still do not understand who I was supposed to remember here and why...was 'Amadeus' that guy in the photograph which is described as:
24th December 2006
in CH-Schinznach Bad
I remember you pointing out that one and saying 'you must remember him' - in order to write about it now, I suppose and yet I cannot remember well enough...what is the point of all of this?
Misuse of a computer
27. März 2007
in CH-Oberrohrdorf
You also found this one hilarious but I have no idea who they are...I didn't in 2004 and I don't now...so sorry, can't help anybody here...but maybe that isn't the point, is it?
I suppose this is for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE or INTERPOL to solve...what is going on here?
Why didn't you put up any photographs of TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON?
You wanted me to comment upon who I thought they were - whilst I was in your office and I had no idea...therefore I can only do this 'for laughs' now:
The guy to the left looks a bit like MR PUTIN doesn' it?
25th May 2007
in CH-Stetten
Additionally, who else was in Switzerland around that time...OSAMA BIN LADEN in his red bandana...so perhaps this is photograph of him:
1st December 2007
in CH-Würenlos
What else can I say - until more memories come back?
The first photograph:
24th April 2009
in CH-Leutwil
The photograph above, looks really 'digitally enhanced'...and you said laughing 'you must remember him'...well the only person that I can vaguely remember looking like that is the DALAI LAMA but he certainly wasn't wearing a 'hoodie' sort of outfit. He was in his ceremonial monk's robes (does he wear anything else?).
28th December 2008
in CH-Schinznach Bad
The above - I remember now - you said that this was one of you lot (CIA) picked up by accident upon CCTV - so what had he stolen?
Anyway, I cannot seem to see a photograph of the 'WOOD' on here? Surely that would be the most important photograph...but seeing as you had already 'got' him...and thrown him off a mountain...what more can I say?
I remember now - he had stolen something minor from the hotel and it wasn't a big deal but obviously to the Swiss police - it is a big deal...and you had all found that funny. I did to - was it a light fixture or something - I had no idea why he had wanted to take it as a 'souvenir'. Perhaps it had some other significance.
Why were we all there then? I know that it was to meet AMADEUS...this was the 'rengli haus' wasn't it?
But I cannot remember what was 'discussed'.
13th May 2005
in CH-Luzern
You told me that I had met these people and I vaguely remember RIMINGTON introducing me to them but thankfully, I didn't have to do anything 'illegal' with them - they were all part of some scam of hers...but I forget what...was it to do with a hotel? I remember her introducing me to them in a hotel...
Unsolved murder
in CH-Spreitenbach
A reward of CHF 50'000.-- is offered
I remember you talking about this woman's father who was extremely wealthy and how 'cheap' he was being about the reward offered to find her murderer.
24th May 2004
in CH-Interlaken
You laughed your heads off at this one - the camera was in a glass jewel cabinet under the rim, apparently...and their expressions are rather amusing...
4th January 2007
in CH-Suhr
I said that this one looked like GRIESZEK from KATOWICE and as far as I can remember, you agreed with me...but perhaps you just meant that it looked like him...these photographs are very difficult to 'read'...I mean, I look very different from the woman in the 'computer theft' photograph but I am quite sure that it was me...because I can remember what RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were up to in that department store...
Additionally, the photograph of YOU is the last one, isn't it? But again, digitally enhanced so that nobody would ever really recognise you...
Also the only one that looks even remotely like the WOOD...is this one:
Misuse of a computer
27th March 2008
in CH-Frick
Were they all MOSSAD agents in Switzerland then?
I can remember now - you pointing out the one of TOMLINSON but it doesn't really look like him:
13th January 2000
in CH-Wetzikon
I found the above site upon a google image search for Oberrohrdorf.
It appears to be 'kosher' but is it really?
Particularly as I saw it first in 2004 - and so how can it be? Surely the Swiss police would have far more 'criminals' upon their books than this motley crew?
Are you the people below?
Federal office for police
Nussbaumstrasse 29, CH-3003 Bern
Tel. ++41 (0)31 323 11 23
Last modified: 29.04.09.
I found the Swiss canton above upon 'google stats' for blogger and this came up for POLAND:
Kedzierzyn Kozle
So what happened there then?
I presume that all of the current world locations have some ILL meaning attached?
Shall I list all of them?
Are you showing BRITISH INTELLIGENCE where you picked all of these people up?
The PINK HOUSE - who did this belong to then in Kedzierzyn Kozle?
You wanted me to mention this place in particular and it was linked to 'Amadeus' was it not? Didn't he own it?
ul. Bolesława Śmiałego 2
47-232 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
You wanted me to mention this: Kędzierzyn-Koźle railway station hall
It is the CLOCK isn't it?
We had been through this railway station in 1980 and the CLOCK was all part of ALICE programming - the WHITE RABBIT...or something like that? No...something else...the clock is dangling down from the middle of the archway...
You even got me to write something - to post up a comment upon this site with your 'help' in phrasing it - why?...and you thought that the PETER COOK name would be funny:
elwisty1 (no longer updated) [deleted] says:
The emptiness is indeed great. It feels like a moment of the day when the previous train is long gone, taking all the passengers milling about with it, and it's a long wait till the next one. That one person and the clock there, and the emptiness. 'How long slowly the time goes...'
here are the rest of my 'google stats' for www.beautyandthebeastpower.blogspot.com which is where I normally get CIA 'information':
1. Maryland
2. Missouri
3. Arkansas
4. New Jersey
5. Indiana
6. Washington
1. London
2. Birmingham
1. Sydney
2. Melbourne
1. Oberrohrdorf
1. North Shore
1. Kedzierzyn Kozle
28th December 2008
in CH-Schinznach Bad
The above - I remember now - you said that this was one of you lot (CIA) picked up by accident upon CCTV - so what had he stolen?
Anyway, I cannot seem to see a photograph of the 'WOOD' on here? Surely that would be the most important photograph...but seeing as you had already 'got' him...and thrown him off a mountain...what more can I say?
The article below – is one that I copied from DAVID ICKE’S headline articles, some time ago, now. However, after my recent ‘tangles’ with the medical profession – it seems far more pertinent to me now. Plus the fact that my parents are retired doctors and that they have always been part of a ‘cabal’ which bred me to be a ‘human slave’ – to be ‘harvested’ for my eggs.
The article below is truly scary but not as scary as the REALITY of implementation of the demonic NWO (which I have lived through and have described in detail – see previous notes) - which followed such ‘free’ but plainly insane, NAZI thinkers, from the 1960s.
My own slavery began within my own family in 1963, the year that I was born – my family and the ROYAL ILLuminati programmer cabal, who were living around Blackheath, in the early 1960s.
As a young child, I was programmed with ALICE IN WONDERLAND and taken for my first trip to BUCKINGHAM PALACE as a very young child – a toddler, who couldn’t walk far – my father had to carry me most of the way there. ‘They’re changing guards at Buckingham Palace, said Alice’...I knew the rhyme by heart. We were led through many rooms by ROYAL GUARDS – until we got to a hall – an ‘inner sanctum’. It was there that I saw other toddlers, like myself – hung upside down from a bar – like chickens or pigs in a charnel house. My father and his friend, RAY FISHWICK laughed their heads off. The children were being mind control programmed – not slaughtered, as far as I know. I was then also hung upside down, until I lost consciousness. Members of the ROYAL FAMILY were abusing and torturing these children as they were hung upside down – they looked insane – they were behaving like mad people.
In 1980 – I was kidnapped and forced to attend a BRITISH INTELLIGENCE mind control course at POWERGEN in Solihull (see previous notes). During this period – STELLA RIMINGTON took us all to MI5 and there I met two of her OFFICERS who were researching ‘fringe groups’ – these numbered the NWO, OTO and NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM. I had never heard of any of them before and was curious. RIMINGTON was privately laughing at her officers – they had no idea that they were under mind control, only allowed to find out certain things and closely monitored in their ‘progress’. I have no idea what happened to them.
Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan isd this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world's population to a "sustainable" level "in perpetual balance with nature" by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planne Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the world's population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.
NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM: the New World Order
New Order of the Barbarians
The New Order of Barbarians is the transcript of three tapes of reminiscences made by Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, of a speech given on March 20, 1969 by Dr Richard Day, an insider of the "Order," recorded by Randy Engel in 1988. Dr Dunegan claims he attended a medical meeting on March 20, 1969 where Dr Richard Day (who died in 1989 but at the time was Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York and was previously the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America) give "off the record" remarks during an addressed at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society to a meeting of students and health professionals, who were destined to be leaders in medicine and health care. In TAPE THREE, recorded by Randy Engel, Dunegan details Dr Day's credentials and what is clear from this is that Day was an ESTABLISHMENT insider privy to the overarching plan of an ELITE GROUP that rules the Western world, as well as having a massive influence across the rest of the globe, for the creation of a World Dictatorship. This Global Tyranny is usually called the NEW WORLD ORDER which contains a secular and a spiritual component: the One World Government and the ONE WORLD RELIGION.
Before he began his talk, Dr. Day asked everyone to turn off all tape recorders and stop note taking so that he could tell them, the prospective leaders of organised medicine, what was going to happen in the future. Dr. Dunegan sensed Dr. Day's message was important, disobeyed the request and recorded what was said as notes on napkins, later writing up these notes, which were the basis of the interview with Engel, the National Director of the US Coalition for Life. The notes taken by Dunegan reveal not just what is planned for the entire world's people but also how this evil cabal intend to carry out this plan. For, those who understand such things will recognise that Day's remarks are merely reiteration of the secret agenda of the GLOBAL ELITE to wipe out swathes of humanity by promoting ill health and spurious medical treatments while suppressing effective treatments for diseases as well as the deliberate introduction of man-made pathogens, like AIDS, into the human gene pool.
Throughout is talk Day justifies his observations by using a philosophy founded upon a SPURIOUS THEORY made famous by the English natural scientist Charles Darwin (1809-82) vis-Ã -vis evolution by "natural selection." That is, a posited natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment pithily described by an ardent supporter of it, the English philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), as the "survival of the fittest," who then promptly applied the theory to human societies. And while Darwin restricted his formula of organic evolution (wherein new species arise and are perpetuated by natural selection) to the animal kingdom others followed Spenser and extended it to human society. This theory, often called Social Darwinism (whereby human society mimics the jungle and only those best able to cope with the many testing dangers survive and perpetuate their characteristics into future generations and so ever increase the degree of separation of human society from the degenerate) is the scientific basis of eugenics and everything it connotes.
The German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) best remembered for his concept of the "superman" and for his rejection of Christian values is one of the philosophical giants of this movement. Dr Day, an ardent atheist, was thus a spokesman for those who view human existence as merely an extension of the jungle and whose self-appointed task is to safeguard what advances have been made by humans, epitomised by Western Christian Civilisation, by rooting out "weakness" and "degeneracy" from the human gene pool. Moreover, in so doing, not only preserve what advances humanity has made in this evolutionary process but also to "help" it along. It is this pernicious philosophy, wholly inimical to the true purpose of Creation wrought by the Will of God, and of the Natural Moral Order therein, which lies barely concealed in much of the wicked works of those who strive to build their NEW WORLD ORDER. It is also part of the reason why a major component of the plan for the NEW WORLD ORDER is not only eugenics but also POPULATION REDUCTION and GENOCIDE. Moreover, it is the reason why people like Dr Day hate Christianity, which in its truest form concretises Natural Moral Order, and seeks its destruction here on Earth as a spiritual reality.
Although Day knew and spoke of the secret agenda within organised medicine to CULL THE WORLD POPULATION, he was also privy to the wider goals of the conspirators working to bring about WORLD DICATORSHIP under their direct control. In his introductory remarks, Dr. Richard Day commented that he was free to speak at this time (1969) since, even a few years earlier, he would not have been able to say what he was about to say. However, he was now free to speak at this time because the ancient ambition of the secret societies, the closely guarded "Closed Conspiracy" was now an “OPEN CONSPIRACY” because as Day crowed:
"... everything is in place and nobody can stop us now."
Amongst the hitherto Secret Plans Day outlined were the morals revolution that had shook Western society to its foundations and the ushering onto the world's stage a New World Religion, the One World Religion of the New World Order, which would be brought about by the churches themselves, especially the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, he discussed "bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war" and the cynical control and use of "terrorism" to bring about World Government and the New World Order. Topics Day discusses are:
"Population control; permission to have babies; redirecting the purpose of sex - sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex; contraception universally available to all; sex education and carnalising of youth as a tool of world government; tax funded abortion as population control; encouraging homosexuality ... anything goes homosexuality also was to be encouraged; technology used for reproduction without sex; families to diminish in importance; euthanasia and the "demise pill"; limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating elderly easier; medicine would be tightly controlled; elimination of private doctors; new difficult to diagnose and untreatable diseases; suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control; inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination; education as a tool for accelerating the onset of puberty and evolution; blending all religions ... the old religions will have to go; changing the bible through revisions of key words; restructuring education as a tool of indoctrination; more time in schools, but pupils "wouldn't learn anything"; controlling who has access to information; schools as the hub of the community; "some books would just disappear from the libraries"; changing laws to promote moral and social chaos; the encouragement of drug abuse to create a jungle atmosphere in cities and towns; promote alcohol abuse; restrictions on travel; the need for more jails, and using hospitals as jails; no more psychological or physical security; crime used to manage society; curtailment of US industrial pre-eminence; shifting populations and economies -- tearing out the social roots; sports as a tool of social engineering and change; sex and violence inculcated through entertainment; travel restrictions and implanted I.D. cards; food control; weather control; know how people respond - making them do what you want; falsified scientific research; use of terrorism; surveillance, implants, and televisions that watch you; home ownership a thing of the past; the arrival of the totalitarian global system."
Tape One
Is there a Power, a Force or a Group of Men Organizing and Redirecting Change?
There has been much written, and much said, by some people who have looked at all the changes that have occurred in American society in the past 20 years or so, and who have looked retrospectively to earlier history of the United States, and indeed, of the world, and come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy of sorts which influences, indeed controls, major historical events, not only in the United States, but around the world. This conspiratorial interpretation of history is based on people making observations from the outside, gathering evidence and coming to the conclusion that from the outside they see a conspiracy. Their evidence and conclusions are based on evidence gathered in retrospect. Period.
I want to now describe what I heard from a speaker in 1969 which in several weeks will be 20 years ago. The speaker did not speak in terms of retrospect, but rather predicting changes that would be brought about in the future. The speaker was not looking from the outside in, thinking that he saw conspiracy, rather, he was on the inside, admitting that, indeed, there was an organized power, force, group of men, who wielded enough influence to determine major events involving countries around the world. And he predicted, or rather expounded on, changes that were planned for the remainder of this century. As you listen, if you can recall the situation, at least in the United States in 1969 and the few years thereafter, and then recall the kinds of changes which have occurred between then and now, almost 20 years later, I believe you will be impressed with the degree to which the things that were planned to be brought about have already been accomplished. Some of the things that were discussed were not intended to be accomplished yet by 1988 but are intended to be accomplished before the end of this century. There is a timetable; and it was during this session that some of the elements of the timetable were brought out.
Anyone who recalls early in the days of the Kennedy Presidency. . the Kennedy campaign. . when he spoke of "progress in the decade of the '60s"; that was kind of a cliché in those days - "the decade of the '60s." Well, by 1969 our speaker was talking about the decade of the '70s, the decade of the '80s, and the decade of the '90s. So that... I think that terminology that we are looking at. . . looking at things and expressing things, probably all comes from the same source. Prior to that time I don't remember anybody saying "the decade of the '40s and the decade of the '50s. So I think this overall plan and timetable had taken important shape with more predictability to those who control it, sometime in the late '50s. That's speculation on my part. In any event, the speaker said that his purpose was to tell us about changes which would be brought about in the next 30 years or so . . . so that an entirely new world-wide system would be in operation before the turn of the century. As he put it:
"We plan to enter the 21st Century with a running start. Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now . . ."
He said – as we listened to what he was about to present – he said:
"Some of you will think I'm talking about Communism. Well, what I'm talking about is much bigger than Communism!"
At that time he indicated that there is much more cooperation between East and West than most people realize. In his introductory remarks he commented that he was free to speak at this time because now, and I'm quoting here:
" ... everything is in place and nobody can stop us now."
That's the end of that quotation. He went on to say that most people don't understand how governments operate and even people in high positions in governments, including our own, don't really understand how and where decisions are made. He went on to say that... he went on to say that people who really influence decisions are names that, for the most part, would be familiar to most of us, but he would not use individuals' names or names of any specific organization. But, that if he did, most of the people would be names that were recognized by most of his audience. He went on to say that they were not primarily people in public office, but people of prominence who were primarily known in their private occupations or private positions. The speaker was a doctor of medicine, a former professor at a large Eastern university, and he was addressing a group of doctors of medicine, about 80 in number. His name would not be widely recognized by anybody likely to hear this, and so there is no point in giving his name. The only purpose in recording this is that it may give a perspective to those who hear it regarding the changes which have already been accomplished in the past 20 years or so, and a bit of a preview to what at least some people are planning for the remainder of this century so that we – or they – would enter the 21st Century with a flying start. Some of us may not enter that Century. His purpose in telling our group about these changes that were to be brought about was to make it easier for us to adapt to these changes. Indeed, as he quite accurately said, they would be and he hopes that we, as sort of his friends, would make the adaptation more easily if we knew somewhat beforehand what to expect.
"People will have to get used to change . . ."
Somewhere in the introductory remarks he insisted that nobody have a tape recorder and that nobody take notes, which for a professor was a very remarkable kind of thing to expect from an audience. Something in his remarks suggested that there could be negative repercussions against him if his... if it became widely known what he was about to say to... our group... if it became widely known that he spilled the beans, so to speak. When I heard that, first I thought maybe that was sort of an ego trip, somebody enhancing his own importance. But as the revelations unfolded, I began to understand why he might have had some concern about not having it widely known what was said, although this... although this was a fairly public forum where he was speaking, [where the] remarks were delivered. But, nonetheless, he asked that no notes be taken... no tape recording be used – suggesting there might be some personal danger to himself if these revelations were widely publicized. Again, as the remarks began to unfold, and I saw the rather outrageous things that were said – at that time they certainly seemed outrageous -- I made it a point to try to remember as much of what he said as I could, and during the subsequent weeks and months and years, to connect my recollections to simple events around me, both to aid my memory for the future in case I wanted to do what I'm doing now - record this. And also, to try to maintain a perspective on what would be developing, if indeed, it followed the predicted pattern - which it has!
At this point, so that I don't forget to include it later, I'll just include some statements that were made from time to time throughout the presentation... just having a general bearing on the whole presentation. One of the statements was having to do with change. People get used … his statement was:
"People will have to get used to the idea of change, so used to change, that they'll be expecting change. Nothing will be permanent."
This often came out in the context of a society of... where people seemed to have no roots or moorings, but would be passively willing to accept change simply because it was all they had ever known. This was sort of in contrast to generations of people up until this time where certain things you expected to be, and remain in place as reference points for your life. So change was to be brought about, change was to be anticipated and expected, and accepted, no questions asked. Another comment that was made from time to time during the presentation was:
"People are too trusting. People don't ask the right questions."
Sometimes, being too trusting was equated with being too dumb. But sometimes when ... when he would say that and say, "People don't ask the right questions," it was almost with a sense of regret, as if he were uneasy with what he was part of, and wished that people would challenge it and maybe not be so trusting.
The Real and the "Stated" Goals
Another comment that was repeated from time to time ... this particularly in relation to changing laws and customs ... and specific changes ... he said:
"Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people; and second, is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it."
Frequently he would say:
"There is just no other way. There's just no other way!"
This seemed to come as a sort of an apology, particularly when ... at the conclusion of describing some particularly offensive changes. For example, the promotion of drug addiction which we'll get into shortly.
Population Control
He was very active with population control groups, the population control movement, and population control was really the entry point into specifics following the introduction. He said the population is growing too fast. Numbers of people living at any one time on the planet must be limited or we will run out of space to live. We will outgrow our food supply and we will over-pollute the world with our waste.
Permission to Have Babies
People won't be allowed to have babies just because they want to or because they are careless. Most families would be limited to two. Some people would be allowed only one, and the outstanding person or persons might be selected and allowed to have three. But most people would [be] allowed to have only two babies. That's because the zero population growth [rate] is 2.1 children per completed family. So something like every 10th family might be allowed the privilege of the third baby. To me, up to this point, the word "population control" primarily connoted limiting the number of babies to be born. But this remark, about what people would be "allowed" and then what followed, made it quite clear that when you hear "population control" that means more than just controlling births. It means control of every endeavor of an entire... of the entire world population; a much broader meaning to that term than I had ever attached to it before hearing this. As you listen and reflect back on some of the things you hear, you will begin to recognize how one aspect dovetails with other aspects in terms of controlling human endeavors.
Redirecting the Purpose of Sex: Sex without Reproduction and Reproduction without Sex
Well, from population control, the natural next step then was sex. He said sex must be separated from reproduction. Sex is too pleasurable, and the urges are too strong, to expect people to give it up. Chemicals in food and in the water supply to reduce the sex drive is not practical. The strategy then would be not to diminish sex activity, but to increase sex activity, but in such a way that people won't be having babies.
Contraception Universally available to All
And the first consideration then here was contraception. Contraception would be very strongly encouraged, and it would be connected so closely in people's minds with sex, that they would automatically think contraception when they were thinking or preparing for sex. And contraception would be made universally available. Nobody wanting contraception would be... find that they were unavailable. Contraceptives would be displayed much more prominently in drug stores, right up with the cigarettes and chewing gum. Out in the open, rather than hidden under the counter where people would have to ask for them and maybe be embarrassed. This kind of openness was a way of suggesting that contraceptions … that contraceptives are just as much a part of life as any other items sold in the store. And, contraceptives would be advertised. And, contraceptives would be dispensed in the schools in association with sex education!
Sex Education as a Tool of World Government
The sex education was to get kids interested early, making the connection between sex and the need for contraception early in their lives, even before they became very active. At this point I was recalling some of my teachers, particularly in high school and found it totally unbelievable to think of them agreeing, much less participating in, distributing of contraceptives to students. But, that only reflected my lack of understanding of how these people operate. That was before the school-based clinic programs got started. Many, many cities in the United States by this time have already set up school-based clinics which are primarily contraception, birth control, population control clinics. The idea then is that the connection between sex and contraception introduced and reinforced in school would carry over into marriage. Indeed, if young people – when they matured – decided to get married, marriage itself would be diminished in importance. He indicated some recognition that most people probably would want to be married ... but that this certainly would not be any longer considered to be necessary for sexual activity.
Tax Funded Abortion as Population Control
No surprise then, that the next item was abortion. And this, now back in 1969, four years before Roe vs. Wade. He said:
"Abortion will no longer be a crime. Abortion will be accepted as normal"
… and would be paid for by taxes for people who could not pay for their own abortions. Contraceptives would be made available by tax money so that nobody would have to do without contraceptives. If school sex programs would lead to more pregnancies in children that was really seen as no problem. Parents who think they are opposed to abortion on moral or religious grounds will change their minds when it is their own child who is pregnant. So this will help overcome opposition to abortion. Before long, only a few die-hards will still refuse to see abortion as acceptable, and they won't matter anymore.
Encouraging Homosexuality. Sex, Anything Goes
Homosexuality also was to be ENCOURAGED.
"People will be given permission to be homosexual."
That's the way it was stated. They won't have to hide it. And elderly people will be encouraged to continue to have active sex lives into the very old ages, just as long as they can. Everyone will be given permission to have sex, to enjoy however they want. Anything goes. This is the way it was put. And, I remember thinking, "how arrogant for this individual, or whoever he represents, to feel that they can give or withhold permission for people to do things!" But that was the terminology that was used. In this regard, clothing was mentioned. Clothing styles would be made more stimulating and provocative. Recall back in 1969 was the time of the mini skirt, when those mini- skirts were very, very high and revealing. He said:
"It is not just the amount of skin that is exposed that makes clothing sexually seductive, but other, more subtle things are often suggestive,"
… things like movement, and the cut of clothing, and the kind of fabric, the positioning of accessories on the clothing.
"If a woman has an attractive body, why should she not show it?"
… was one of the statements.
There was not detail on what was meant by "provocative clothing," but since that time if you watched the change in clothing styles, blue jeans are cut in a way that they're more tight-fitting in the crotch. They form wrinkles. Wrinkles are essentially arrows. Lines which direct one's vision to certain anatomic areas. And, this was around the time of the "burn your bra" activity. He indicated that a lot of women should not go without a bra. They need a bra to be attractive, so instead of banning bras and burning them, bras would come back. But they would be thinner and softer allowing more natural movement. It was not specifically stated, but certainly a very thin bra is much more revealing of the nipple and what else is underneath, than the heavier bras that were in style up to that time.
Technology. Earlier he said … sex and reproduction would be separated. You would have sex without reproduction and then technology was reproduction without sex. This would be done in the laboratory. He indicated that already, much, much research was underway about making babies in the laboratory. There was some elaboration on that, but I don't remember the details, how much of that technology has come to my attention since that time. I don't remember … I don't remember in a way that I can distinguish what was said from what I subsequently have learned as general medical information.
Families to Diminish in Importance
Families would be limited in size. We already alluded to not being allowed more than two children. Divorce would be made easier and more prevalent. Most people who marry will marry more than once. More people will not marry. Unmarried people would stay in hotels and even live together. That would be very common - nobody would even ask questions about it. It would be widely accepted as no different from married people being together. More women will work outside the home. More men will be transferred to other cities, and in their jobs, more men would travel. Therefore, it would be harder for families to stay together. This would tend to make the marriage relationship less stable and, therefore, tend to make people less willing to have babies. And, the extended families would be smaller, and more remote. Travel would be easier, less expensive, for a while, so that people who did have to travel would feel they could get back to their families... not that they were abruptly being made remote from their families. But one of the net effects of easier divorce laws combined with the promotion of travel, and transferring families from one city to another, was to create instability in the families. If both husband and wife are working and one partner gets transferred the other one may not be easily transferred. So one either keeps his or her job and stays behind while the other leaves, or else gives up the job and risks not finding employment in the new location. Rather a diabolical approach to this whole thing!
Euthanasia and the "Demise Pill"
Everybody has a right to live only so long. The old are no longer useful. They become a burden. You should be ready to accept death. Most people are. An arbitrary age limit could be established. After all, you have a right to only so many steak dinners, so many orgasms, and so many good pleasures in life. And after you have had enough of them and you're no longer productive, working, and contributing, then you should be ready to step aside for the next generation. Some things that would help people realize that they had lived long enough; he mentioned several of these... I don't remember them all... here are a few: Use of very pale printing ink on forms that people... are necessary... to fill out, so that older people wouldn't be able to read the pale ink as easily and would need to go to younger people for help. Automobile traffic patterns - there would be more high-speed traffic lanes. . traffic patterns that would ... that older people with their slower reflexes would have trouble dealing with and thus, lose some of their independence.
Limiting access to affordable Medical Care makes Eliminating the Elderly Easier
A big item – [that] was elaborated at some length – was the cost of medical care would be burdensomely high. Medical care would be connected very closely with one's work, but also would be made very, very high in cost so that it would simply be unavailable to people beyond a certain time. And unless they had a remarkably rich, supporting family, they would just have to do without care. And the idea was that if everybody says:
"Enough! What a burden it is on the young to try to maintain the old people … then the young would become agreeable to helping Mom and Dad along the way, provided this was done humanely and with dignity. And then the real example was - there could be like a nice, farewell party, a real celebration. Mom and Dad had done a good job. And then after the party's over they take the "demise pill."
Planning the Control over Medicine
The next topic is Medicine. There would be profound changes in the practice of medicine. Overall, medicine would be much more tightly controlled. The observation was made:
"Congress is not going to go along with national health insurance. That [in 1969, he said] is now, abundantly evident. But it's not necessary. We have other ways to control health care."
These would come about more gradually, but all health care delivery would come under tight control. Medical care would be closely connected to work. If you don't work or can't work, you won't have access to medical care. The days of hospitals giving away free care would gradually wind down, to where it was virtually non-existent. Costs would be forced up so that people won't be able to afford to go without insurance. People pay... you pay for it, you're entitled to it. It was only subsequently that I began to realize the extent to which you would not be paying for it. Your medical care would be paid for by others. And therefore you would gratefully accept, on bended knee, what was offered to you as a privilege. Your role being responsible for your own care would be diminished. As an aside here – this is not something that was developed at this time ... I didn't understand it at the time -as an aside, the way this works, everybody's made dependent on insurance. And if you don't have insurance then you pay directly; the cost of your care is enormous. The insurance company, however, paying for your care, does not pay that same amount. If you are charged, say, $600 on your part, they pay $300 or $400. And that differential in billing has the desired effect: It enables the insurance company to pay for that which you could never pay for. They get a discount that's unavailable to you. When you see your bill you're grateful that the insurance company could do that. And in this way you are dependent, and virtually required to have insurance.
The whole billing is Fraudulent
Anyhow, continuing on now... access to hospitals would be tightly controlled. Identification would be needed to get into the building. The security in and around hospitals would be established and gradually increased so that nobody without identification could get in or move around inside the building. Theft of hospital equipment, things like typewriters and microscopes and so forth would be "allowed" and exaggerated; reports of it would be exaggerated so that this would be the excuse needed to establish the need for strict security, until people got used to it. And anybody moving about in a hospital would be required to wear an identification badge with photograph and … telling why he was there … employee or lab technician or visitor or whatever. This is to be brought in gradually - getting everybody used to the idea of identifying themselves- until it was just accepted. This need for ID to move about would start in small ways: hospitals, some businesses, but gradually expand to include everybody in all places! It was observed that hospitals can be used to confine people ... for the treatment of criminals. This did not mean, necessarily, medical treatment. At that ... at that time, I did not know the word "Psycho-Prison" as in the Soviet Union, but without trying to recall all the details, basically, he was describing the use of hospitals both for treating the sick and for confinement of criminals for reasons other than the medical well-being of the criminal. The definition of criminal was not given.
Elimination of Private Doctors
The image of the doctor would change. No longer would he be seen as an individual professional in service to individual patients. But the doctor would be gradually recognized as a highly skilled technician ... and his job would change. The job is to include things like executions by lethal injection. The image of the doctor being a powerful, independent person would have to be changed. And he went on to say:
"Doctors are making entirely too much money. They should advertise like any other product."
Lawyers would be advertising too. Keep in mind; this was an audience of doctors being addressed by a doctor. And it was interesting that he would make some rather insulting statements to his audience without fear of antagonizing us. The solo practitioner would become a thing of the past. A few die-hards might try to hold out, but most doctors would be employed by an institution of one kind or another. Group practice would be encouraged, corporations would be encouraged, and then once the corporate image of medical care ... as this gradually became more and more acceptable, doctors would more and more become employees rather than independent contractors. And along with that, of course, unstated but necessary, is the employee serves his employer, not his patient. So that's ... we've already seen quite a lot of that in the last 20 years. And apparently more on the horizon. The term HMO was not used at that time, but as you look at HMOs you see this is the way that medical care is being taken over since the National Health Insurance approach did not get through the Congress. A few die-hard doctors may try to make a go of it; remaining in solo practice, remaining independent, which, parenthetically, is me. But they would suffer a great loss of income. They'd be able to scrape by, maybe, but never really live comfortably as would those who were willing to become employees of the system. Ultimately, there would be no room at all for the solo practitioner, after the system is entrenched.
New Difficult to Diagnose and Untreatable Diseases
Next heading to talk about is Health & Disease. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable- at least for a long time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, "Is this ... was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?" Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a MANUFACTURED DISEASE.
Suppressing Cancer Cures as a Means of Population Control
He said:
"We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."
Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.
Inducing Heart Attacks as a Form of Assassination
Another very interesting thing was heart attacks. He said:
"There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack. It can be used as a means of assassinates."
Only a very skilled pathologist, who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish this from the real thing. I thought that was a very surprising and shocking thing to hear from this particular man at that particular time. This, and the business of the cancer cure, really still stand out sharply in my memory, because they were so shocking and, at that time, seemed to me out of character. He then went on to talk about nutrition and exercise, sort of in the same framework. People would not have to ... people would have to eat right and exercise right to live as long as before. Most won't. This, in the connection of nutrition, there was no specific statement that I can recall as to particular nutrients that would be either inadequate or in excess. In retrospect, I tend to think he meant high salt diets and high fat diets would predispose toward high blood pressure and premature arteriosclerotic heart disease. And that if people who were too dumb or too lazy to exercise as they should then their dietary... their circulating fats go up and predispose to disease.
And he said something about diet information -about proper diet- would be widely available, but most people -particularly stupid people, who had no right to continue living anyway- they would ignore the advice and just go on and eat what was convenient and tasted good. There were some other unpleasant things said about food. I just can't recall what they were. But I do remember of ... having reflections about wanting to plant a garden in the backyard to get around whatever these contaminated foods would be. I regret I don't remember the details ... the rest of this ... about nutrition and hazardous nutrition.
With regard to Exercise. He went on to say that more people would be exercising more, especially running, because everybody can run. You don't need any special equipment or place. You can run wherever you are. As he put it, "people will be running all over the place." And in this vein, he pointed out how supply produces demand. And this was in reference to athletic clothing and equipment. As this would be made more widely available and glamorized, particularly as regards running shoes, this would stimulate people to develop an interest in running and- as part of a whole sort of public propaganda campaign- people would be encouraged then to buy the attractive sports equipment and to get into exercise.
Again... well in connection with nutrition he also mentioned that public eating places would rapidly increase. That ... this had a connection with the family too. As more and more people eat out, eating at home would become less important. People would be less dependent on their kitchens at home. And then this also connected to convenience foods being made widely available -things like you could pop into the microwave. Whole meals would be available pre-fixed. And of course, we've now seen this ... and some pretty good ones. But this whole different approach to eating out and to previously prepared meals being eaten in the home was predicted at that time to be brought about -convenience foods. The convenience foods would be part of the hazards. Anybody who was lazy enough to want the convenience foods rather than fixing his own also had better be energetic enough to exercise. Because if he was too lazy to exercise and too lazy to fix his own food, then he didn't deserve to live very long.
This was all presented as sort of a moral judgment about people and what they should do with their energies. People who are smart, who would learn about nutrition, and who are disciplined enough to eat right and exercise right are better people -and the kind you want to live longer.
Education as a Tool for Accelerating the onset of Puberty and Evolution
Somewhere along in here there was also something about accelerating the onset of puberty. And this was said in connection with health, and later in connection with education, and connecting to accelerating the process of evolutionary change. There was a statement that:
" ... we think that we can push evolution faster and in the direction we want it to go."
I remember this only as a general statement. I don't recall if any details were given beyond that.
Blending all Religions …. The Old Religions will have to Go
Another area of discussion was Religion. This is an avowed atheist speaking. And he said:
"Religion is not necessarily bad. A lot of people seem to need religion, with it's mysteries and rituals – so they will have religion."
But the major religions of today have to be changed because they are not compatible with the changes to come. The old religions will have to go. Especially Christianity. Once the Roman Catholic Church is brought down, the rest of Christianity will follow easily. Then a new religion can be accepted for use all over the world. It will incorporate something from all of the old ones to make it more easy for people to accept it, and feel at home in it. Most people won't be too concerned with religion. They will realize that they don't need it.
Changing the Bible through Revisions of Key Words
In order to do this, the Bible will be changed. It will be rewritten to fit the new religion. Gradually, key words will be replaced with new words having various shades of meaning. Then, the meaning attached to the new word can be close to the old word. And as time goes on, other shades of meaning of that word can be emphasized, and then gradually that word replaced with another word. I don't know if I'm making that clear. But the idea is that everything in Scripture need not be rewritten, just key words replaced by other words. And the variability in meaning attached to any word can be used as a tool to change the entire meaning of Scripture, and therefore make it acceptable to this new religion. Most people won't know the difference; and this was another one of the times where he said:
"... the few who do notice the difference won't be enough to matter."
The Churches will Help
Then followed one of the most surprising statements of the whole presentation: He said:
" ... some of you probably think the churches won't stand for this [and he went on to say] The churches will help us!"
There was no elaboration on this; it was unclear just what he had in mind when he said, "the churches will help us!" In retrospect, I think some of us now can understand what he might have meant at that time. I recall then only of thinking, "no they won't!" and remembering our Lord's words where he said to Peter, "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and gates of Hell will not prevail against it." So ... yes, some people in the churches might help. And in the subsequent 20 years we've seen how some people in churches have helped. But we also know that our Lord's Words will stand, and the gates of Hell will not prevail.
Restructuring Education as a Tool of Indoctrination
Another area of discussion was Education. And one of the things in connection with education that I remember connecting with what he said about religion was – in addition to changing the Bible – he said that the classics in Literature would be changed. I seem to recall Mark Twain's writings was given as one example. But he said, the casual reader reading a revised version of a classic would never even suspect that there was any change. And, somebody would have to go through word by word to even recognize that any change was made in these classics; the changes would be so subtle. But the changes would be such as to promote the acceptability of the new system.
More Time in Schools, but they "Wouldn't Learn Anything."
As regards education, he indicated that kids would spend more time in schools, but in many schools they wouldn't learn anything. They'll learn some things, but not as much as formerly. Better schools in better areas with better people -their kids will learn more. In the better schools, learning would be accelerated. And this is another time where he said:
"We think we can push evolution."
By pushing kids to learn more, he seemed to be suggesting that their brains would evolve, that their offspring would evolve -sort of pushing evolution- where kids would learn and be more intelligent at a younger age. As if this pushing would alter their physiology. Overall, schooling would be prolonged. This meant prolonged through the school year. I'm not sure what he said about a long school day, I do remember he said that school was planned to go all summer, that the summer school vacation would become a thing of the past. Not only for schools, but for other reasons. People would begin to think of vacation times year round, not just in the summer. For most people, it would take longer to complete their education. To get what originally had been in a bachelor's program would now require advanced degrees and more schooling. So that a lot of school time would be just wasted time. Good schools would become more competitive. I inferred when he said that that he was including all schools -elementary up through college- but I don't recall whether he said that. Students would have to decide at a younger age what they would want to study and get onto their track early, if they would qualify. It would be harder to change to another field of study once you get started. Studies would be concentrated in much greater depth, but narrowed. You wouldn't have access to material in other fields, outside your own area of study, without approval. This seem to be more ... where he talked about limited access to other fields ... I seem to recall that as being more at the college level, high school and college level, perhaps. People would be very specialized in their own area of expertise. But they won't be able to get a broad education and won't be able to understand what is going on overall.
Controlling who has Access to Information
He was already talking about computers in education, and at that time he said anybody who wanted computer access, or access to books that were not directly related to their field of study would have to have a very good reason for so doing. Otherwise, access would be denied.
Schools as the Hub of the Community
Another angle was that the schools would become more important in people's overall life. Kids in addition to their academics, would have to get into school activities unless they wanted to feel completely out of it. But spontaneous activities among kids -the thing that came to my mind when I heard this was sandlot football and sandlot baseball teams that we worked up as kids growing up. I said the kids wanting any activities outside of school would be almost forced to get them through the school. There would be few opportunities outside.
Now the pressures of the accelerated academic program, the accelerated demands, where kids would feel they had to be part of something – one or another athletic club or some school activity -these pressures he recognized would cause some students to burn out. He said:
" ... the smartest ones will learn how to cope with pressures and to survive. There will be some help available to students in handling stress, but the unfit won't be able to make it. They will then move on to other things."
In this connection, and later on in the connection with drug abuse and alcohol abuse, he indicated that psychiatric services to help would be increased dramatically. In all the pushing for achievement, it was recognized that many people would need help, and the people worth keeping around would be able to accept and benefit from that help, and still be super-achievers. Those who could not would fall by the wayside and therefore were sort of dispensable -"expendable" -I guess is the word I want. Education would be lifelong. Adults would be going to school. There'll always be new information that adults must have to keep up. When you can't keep up anymore, you're too old. This was another way of letting older people know that the time had come for them to move on and take the demise pill. If you get too tired to keep up with your education, or you got too old to learn new information, then this was a signal – you begin to prepare to get ready to step aside.
Some Books would just Disappear from the Libraries
In addition to revising the classics, which I alluded to awhile ago -with REVISING THE BIBLE he said:
"... some books would just disappear from the libraries."
This was in the vein that some books contain information or contain ideas that should not be kept around. And therefore, those books would disappear. I don't remember exactly if he said how this was to be accomplished. But I seem to recall carrying away this idea that this would include thefts. That certain people would be designated to go to certain libraries and pick up certain books and just get rid of them. Not necessarily as a matter of policy – just simply steal it. Further down the line, not everybody will be allowed to own books. And some books nobody will be allowed to own.
Changing Laws
Another area of discussion was laws that would be changed. At that time a lot of States had blue laws about Sunday sales, certain Sunday activities. He said the blue laws would all be repealed. Gambling laws would be repealed or relaxed, so that gambling would be increased. He indicated then that governments would get into gambling. We've had a lot of state lotteries pop up around the country since then. And, at the time, we were already being told that would be the case.
"Why should all that gambling money be kept in private hands when the State would benefit from it?"
… was the rational behind it. But people should be able to gamble if they want to. So it would become a civil activity, rather than a private, or illegal activity. Bankruptcy laws would be changed. I don't remember the details, but just that they would be changed. And I know subsequent to that time they have been. Antitrust laws would be changed, or be interpreted differently, or both. In connection with the changing anti-trust laws, there was some statement that in a sense, competition would be increased. But this would be increased competition within otherwise controlled circumstances. So it's not a free competition. I recall of having the impression that it was like competition but within members of a club. There would be nobody outside the club would be able to compete. Sort of like teams competing within a professional league ... if you're the NFL or the American or National Baseball Leagues, you compete within the league but the league is all in agreement on what the rules of competition are -not a really free competition.
Encouragement of Drug Abuse to create a Jungle Atmosphere
Drug use would be increased. Alcohol use would be increased. Law enforcement efforts against drugs would be increased. On first hearing that, it sounded like a contradiction. Why increase drug abuse and simultaneously increase law enforcement against drug abuse? But the idea is that, in part, the increased availability of drugs would provide a sort of law of the jungle whereby the weak and the unfit would be selected out. There was a statement made at the time:
"Before the earth was overpopulated, there was a law of the jungle where only the fittest survived."
You had to be able to protect yourself against the elements and wild animals and disease. And if you were fit, you survived. But now we've become so civilised -we're over civilized- and the unfit are enabled to survive, only at the expense of those who are more fit. And the abusive drugs then, would restore, in a certain sense, the law of the jungle, and selection of the fittest for survival. News about drug abuse and law enforcement efforts would tend to keep drugs in the public consciousness. And would also tend to reduce this unwarranted American complacency that the world is a safe place, and a nice place.
Alcohol Abuse
The same thing would happen with alcohol. Alcohol abuse would be both promoted and demoted at the same time. The vulnerable and the weak would respond to the promotions and, therefore, use and abuse more alcohol. Drunk driving would become more of a problem; and stricter rules about driving under the influence would be established so that more and more people would lose their privilege to drive.
Restrictions on Travel
This also had connection with something we'll get to later about overall restrictions on travel. Not everybody should be free to travel the way they do now in the United States. People don't have a need to travel that way. It's a privilege! It was a kind of a high-handed way it was put. Again, much more in the way of psychological services would be made available to help those who got hooked on drugs and alcohol. The idea being, that in order to promote this -drug and alcohol abuse to screen out some of the unfit people who are otherwise pretty good- would also be subject to getting hooked. And if they were really worth their salt they would have enough sense to seek psychological counseling and to benefit from it. So this was presented as sort of a redeeming value on the part of the planners. It was as if he were saying:
"... you think we're bad in promoting these evil things -but look how nice we are- we're also providing a way out!"
The Need for More Jails, and Using Hospitals as Jails
More jails would be needed. Hospitals could serve as jails. Some new hospital construction would be designed so as to make them adaptable to jail-like use.
[end of tape one]
Okay – so I have just been down to breakfast upon the 13th MAY 2009 – and it was all GROUNDHOG DAY again...the workmen who were sitting on the table beside me...a whole group of them...they had the SAME conversations as before. One of them talked about how his mother was ill and now in hospital but she had people to visit her.
In 2004 – I had voiced sympathy with him and he had bitten my head off – along the lines of ‘I don’t want false sympathy from anybody’. These robots had all been programmed to be rude and/or to harass me, if I entered into any sort of conversation with them – that is why, this time around – I give everybody a wide berth and if anybody tries to initiate a conversation with me – normally I just smile and walk on. ‘No response’ is the best response – it closes them down.
Then the owner of the hotel – SUE – walked in and started to talk about her house and their ‘spiral staircase’. I immediately had the image in my mind – this SUE and BARRY had a ‘mansion’ in the countryside – they were paid well by the ILL to run this rundown B&B. RIMINGTON had walked me right up to the top of this white, metallic spiral staircase and then she and TOMLINSON had threatened to throw me off the top of it.
SCARLETT was later to remind me of this visit to SUE and BARRY’s house. In 2004, I could hardly remember – now it is as clear as a bell.
So – the big question overall now – is:
Why is this GROUNDHOG DAY being replayed again for the THIRD time?
Firstly, because this is the ILL FILM and for real – not some ‘walkthrough’.
Secondly because this was supposed to be a IT WC test i.e. to test how the HIVE was operating and if there was any ‘trouble-shooting’ to be done.
Thirdly – to sort out the ‘loopholes’ within the WC HIVE network – if and when they occurred.
This morning – I remembered meeting the MILITARY in 2004 – they were very angry with BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and the MONARCHY in general. They had got together with the MASONS and had posed an ULTIMATUM to SCARLETT – to take back to the CROWN.
Regarding neuro-linguistic programming and microchipping: the ultimatum was along the lines of “we can take ALL of the BT TOWERS down in 24 hours – we can then rely upon our military radio networks and the ham radio systems of the MASONS. We will do this if you do not back down and come to the table for ‘talks’.”
I wonder what happened afterwards?
This had all happened in 2004.
Anyway, this morning – one of the workmen started to talk about how he had recently met up with the SAS who had sent two helicopters out to SNOWDONIA in terrible conditions. Apparently something terrible had happened there but I do not know what. The first helicopter had crashed and so they needed to send out a second in order to rescue the people from the first one.
Is this what SONIA and MARK had foreseen upon their blogspot – they mentioned a ‘helicopter crash’ but I didn’t know which HELICOPTER CRASH, in particular, they had ‘seen’ and were writing about – at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
Just what is it about SNOWDONIA then?
Is this the location of another underground base like GYSSBACH MOUNTAIN?
All I can say is this: the workman mentioned the VERY SAME STORY in 2004. It had happened in 2004 and not ‘the other day’ in 2009.
Although, as this is GROUNDHOG DAY – one can see that the same pattern of events, might have re-occurred.
In 2004, I remember SCARLETT looking rather sly as per usual and telling me softly...that this workman had been ‘helping’ me when he had put this story to his friends, at the breakfast table.
HELPING ME? None of this is ‘helping me’ one bit and you know it, SCARLETT.
You also know that if the MILITARY and the MASONS had taken down the BT TOWERS and finished with the ROYAL radio control over this country...that we would have been in a state of ‘martial law’. This might easily have resulted in the ROYAL FAMILY, GOVERNMENT and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE being ‘up for the chop’ in TRAFALGAR SQUARE...a revolution...akin to the FRENCH REVOLUTION in terms of getting rid of the SUN KING...or would that be the mad SWAN KING, in this instance.
In 2004, the UK was on the brink of ‘revolution’ yet it didn’t happen. Why not? What happened next?
All I can say is that somehow – everybody suddenly ‘went to sleep’.
Anything to do with the TAP WATER, Scarlett?
So we can say that there were TWO BIG LOOPHOLES that were found by the ILL in 2004:
Firstly, EVOLUTION had occurred in ways that the ILL hadn’t anticipated and they then had to re-evaluate what they meant by ‘superman’ etc in relation to the human brain defending itself against neuro-linguistic programming and microchipping.
Secondly, that the MILILTARY and the MASONS had been left so far out of the general ILL plans that they were threatening to bring the whole country to a standstill if they were not included in discussions.
I remember now...it was COLLIE who told me that she and her colleagues had persuaded the TOP ILL to ‘stay their hand’ whilst they researched ‘linguistic disorders’ and ‘learning disabilities’...
This was only to be for an ‘interim period’ before the ILL decided to go full-steam ahead with the NWO plans.
So what am I going to do?
I am left in this rundown B&B - faced with an indescribably awful future.
My only option is to go to Switzerland and see what happens...
Therefore, this makes me think that the trip to SWITZERLAND, that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had forcibly taken me on, circa 2004 – had had a place in the chronology of this ILL FILM.
In brief, I wasn’t supposed to go there BEFORE I had ended up in this B&B.
I was supposed to go to SWITZERLAND at this point in the ILL GAME...after I had got to the MARINE VIEW B&B.
I was then supposed to ‘remember’ all of the terrible things that had happened in 1980 – whilst in INTERLAKEN – I was supposed to do all of the things that NAZI RIMINGTON had instructed me to do e.g. washing HANNI GLOOR’s feet...which carried some ILL symbolism...and then I was supposed to return back to the UK – with nowhere to live...be homeless for a while until the COUNCIL granted me that ‘maisonette’...and then the whole JULIET/GP horrorshow would begin...as I slowly died, in agony, of cancer - alone.
So in point of fact – this last stage of the ILL GAME...I was never supposed to go back to SWITZERLAND at all, was I?
I begin to wonder now...if the ‘plans’ that had been made by AMADEUS, the CIA and also TOMLINSON at that ‘rengglihaus’ hotel...were all about changing the order of the scenes in this ILL GAME?
I mean – it was on TOMLINSON’S blogspot that I saw the post advising me to go to ISRAEL in 2006 and to look under TEMPLE MOUNT...
After that, I cannot remember why I thought it important to go to SWITZERLAND in 2008 other than the fact that I wanted to see my godmother HANNI...who was quite surprised at my visit...I must have been ‘early’ in terms of the stages of the ILL GAME.
I then met the CIA BOSS on the train from INTERLAKEN and asked him for the TIME. He looked at his watch.
Why did I think that was a good idea? Because I knew who he was – he didn’t appear to think that I would recognise him. I wanted to see if he would continue any sort of conversation but he didn’t.
I was also ‘reversing’ what had been my own programming ‘wake up’ command. Programmers used to come up to me and ask ‘have you got the time’ and I would immediately flip over onto the other side of the mirror.
So I suppose the devilish part of me had wanted to take the piss out of the whole scenario. I was making fun of it all by asking him ‘for the time’ and he looked slightly shocked but then looked at his watch and gave me the time. I had no need to ask – I had my own watch.
So what are my real options now?
I cannot stay in the UK or else I will end up dying of cancer – after having been re-sectioned and injected.
I have no money to start a new life abroad.
Therefore all I can say is that I would like to have the LAST LAUGH by completing the ILL GAME and daring them to come and get me – having exposed all of this upon the INTERNET.
At least that way, it will be more fun than dying alone of cancer, without pain-killers.
Of course, realistically – I will then get deported (no money, nowhere to stay) and the ILL will probably attempt to do the above to me, regardless, once I am back in the UK – but at least then, I will have had the last laugh.
This all brings me back to something that MARK R had told me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 about the ROYAL FAMILY and in relation to the new beach-huts being added, upon DOVERCOURT BAY.
He had basically told me ‘they think that the ILL GAME that they have set you is too easy – they are now trying to set up more stages, so that they will win.’
What are the practicalities of leaving the UK?
As per usual – I do not think that I will be allowed to go via a BRITISH AIRPORT (because the ILL will stop me) and so AMSTERDAM SCHIPOHL should be my best bet.
Additionally, as far as I am aware – if I leave this B&B and even if it is only for one night- I lose my place here. All part of the ILL GAME. Therefore, once I have gone – I cannot come back to a roof over my head.
I have very little money to plan any sort of journey but I should be getting 3 lots of approx £121 from that POST OFFICE account.
This is hardly enough to cover a FERRY and FLIGHT as well as the railway fares in Switzerland.
Even if the above did cover the one-way journey there, because I managed to get a cheap flight – I wouldn’t be able to afford a room in a B&B in Switzerland. One has to wonder if any of this is worth it.
However, one has to say that the ILL have effectively closed down my options of staying in this country.
I will think about it and make a decision later on. I will not do anything without posting it first – just to keep ‘safe’.
What can one say but THOSE SICK PERVERTS...the sooner action is taken against them...the better.
I can remember now...the CIA boss in SWITZERLAND...whilst we were standing by the hotel...where those teenagers had stood by the roadside...he told me that the ILL would close down everything for me, in the UK...I would be forced to return to SWITZERLAND...he saw that as an inevitability although he didn’t tell me why...he didn’t tell me about the cancer or the injections...but now I can see the whole thing in perspective...that is exactly what the ILL are threatening me with.
Apologies for spelling 'Oberrohrdorf' wrongly but I type everything I can up as fast as I can and rarely edit it - no time to go back and look up things...
The above has to be a bogus website because I had seen it and all of the supposed 'crimes' and their DATES in 2004.
Unless SWITZERLAND is as much as a controllable and manipulated ILL HIVE as the UK...that is the worrying thing...as RIMINGTON had told me...SWITZERLAND was an example of an ILL HIVE that had worked...whereas the UK was NOT.
6th December 1999
in CH-Langenthal
I remember being in the CIA office and the superimposition of another person's face upon the face of the CIA boss...and he remarked that it still quite looked like him and one of his female colleagues walked by laughing 'no it doesn't - nobody will ever recognise you'.
The face that appears to be have been superimposed - is that of IAN RICKSON.
Why would they chose him?
RICKSON was the person who according to the CIA boss - had alerted them to the fact that NASA was in touch with 'aliens' - which had got them interested and they had begun to investigate...so IAN RICKSON was a remote-viewer too then...
The CIA boss also told me that the person below:
13th January 2000
in CH-Wetzikon
...was an image of TOMLINSON...the actual image looks like a cross between GEORGE BEST and TOMLINSON...so what was the whole point of this 'joke SWISS POLICE' website?
Anyway, I cannot do anything for about another week - no money (the POST OFFICE may or may not give me a new pin-number in order to access that account which was being checked out by the BENEFIT FRAUD SQUAD in 2004) - so I might as well relax a bit, in the meantime and hope that I do not get arrested/re-sectioned upon false charges.
I have just been into the COUNCIL 'homelessness' department at the TOWN HALL in order to inform MS FARLEY that the POST OFFICE will be sending me a statement to prove that I am receiving EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT benefits and that 3 amounts have gone into my JOBSEEKER'S ALLOWANCE account.
I gave the message to the receptionist who didn't make a note of it but assured me that she would pass on the message.
She won't pass on the message.
This had all happened in 2004 - and I remember SCARLETT following me out of the building laughing to himself - he then pointed out that the message wouldn't get through and I would be in even more trouble with the COUNCIL.
Sure enough - that is precisely what happened in 2004.
MS FARLEY then told me that no such message had been passed on and queried who I had given the message to - I suppose I will now have to go back in again and give a written note to this assistant - of course, she may lose it but I shall therefore have to ask for some sort of 'receipt'.
I am now getting an overall and very basic understanding of the situation in the UK - regarding the NWO.
MARK R and his NWO people - wanted the UK to be destroyed and in no uncertain terms.
All of their plans and 'eventualities' led to this one point:
The annihilation of the UK.
One can see, in retrospect that the ILL loved SWITZERLAND because it functioned perfectly as a HIVE.
The UK does not - for whatever reasons.
It is therefore seen as expendable.
It is also seen as highly disruptive and generally an 'unwanted country' within the planned NWO.
Some more Ill mail in my inbox:
Stela Mbogo I AM INTERESTED IN YOU Tue, 12/5/09 10KB
Fadela Sebti AS-SALAAM ALAIKUM. 5:16 AM 12KB
So what am I to do?
I have to ensure, firstly that MS FARLEY doesn't make me homeless again because she hasn't filled in the HOUSING BENEFIT forms - because she needs that statement from the POST OFFICE regarding that POST OFICE account - that 'promise' to send the 'details' i.e. the 3 amounts that have supposed been put into that account.
That is my first priority - not to be made homeless before I decide upon what to do next.
So - I have bought some washing up liquid, washing up powder and a minimal amount of food to last me until tomorrow.
It is difficult carrying a heavy TOSHIBA laptop around with you – wherever you go – but I can see that in order to be able to type up my notes and get them onto the internet with ease – I had better not let this get stolen.
Every time I leave my room now – I come up the stairs to see people walking away from the door of my room. The mind control slaves are obviously getting a bit desperate about pinching this laptop (and I might add the mobile phone – that also disappeared in 2004).
Anyway, my further thoughts - upon what is happening to me now:
Firstly, I had a ‘flash’ of the angry face of MS FARLEY upon receiving the note that I had left for her at the ‘homelessness office’.
“Right – she’s got until FRIDAY then.”
The thought in FARLEY’s mind was that she had been obstructed from making me homeless again – now she would have to wait until FRIDAY. This is because I had written in the note that the POST OFFICE had informed me that it took 4/5 working days to get the statement out to myself and so I gave FARLEY a possible date of 16th MAY – this Friday – to get the statement to her, in order for her to fill in the HOUSING BENEFIT forms for this MARINE VIEW HOTEL accommodation.
In 2004, RIMINGTON had told me that MS FARLEY was obsessive about TOMLINSON – she was his willing slave and would do anything that he wanted. Obviously he had wanted her to make me homeless on two occasions and the second time was to be when she hadn’t got the statement of ‘proof of my benefits’ from the POST OFFICE.
Therefore, I have bought myself some time by ensuring that she got the ‘note’. I asked for it to be put into an envelope too – SCARLETT had advised me to do this – they might ‘ignore’ a note.
Obviously ENVELOPES carry great significance with ILL SLAVES – and he would know.
A job for life at the COUNCIL...
In comparison to what the SAS had told me upon the 1980 course – you have an unpaid ‘job for life’ within BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and ‘nobody gets out alive’.
I can now see that COUNCIL employees are put under a specific mind control program – they are local extensions of central government...and as such – they have their own specific mind control commands.
The same is true of other ‘public bodies’ such as the POLICE and POSTAL workers.
I was thinking about the BEIT DIN again and remembered another ‘flash’ of discussion and this time it related to the killing of the 3 TASCHMAN brothers. I was ‘cleared’ of this ‘offence’, primarily upon the grounds of ‘THE SINS OF THE FATHERS’ i.e. look at what the TASCHMANs did to my family. It is the ‘will of G-d’ that this should happen to their family.
My father – whenever I see him now – is dark red with anger – he is in his ‘evil little boy’ alter – he smirks and snarls at me. This takes me back to my childhood – at 4 years old, I told him off - for abusing my little sister – whom he had handcuffed to the children’s seat – with her nappy full of urine and faeces. My father is now displaying the same characteristics – every time that I have seen him, lately.
I wonder now – is this ‘age’ i.e. approaching senility/dementia or is it simply because this ‘hidden personality’ of his – is no longer hidden because ‘it’ knows that I know that it exists. ‘It’ therefore comes out and attacks me – whenever possible.
Or one could say that his ‘front alter’ i.e. normal personality – has lost the battle for the control of his mind.
This all reminds me of the TEMPLARS in general. MARK R liked to have people around him that could make him laugh.
DALDRY...TOMLINSON...JONATHAN EVANS...these were all people who could make others laugh...as DALDRY was to say to me in PRAGUE 1995 ‘I was the saddest clown ever’...
JAMES made me watch a DVD called KILLER CLOWN – a horror movie, the other day...I would suppose that this was MARK R’s favourite type of personality...a person who could make him laugh whilst being a ‘killer’ under mind control.
The TEMPLARS were a motley crew – an assortment of people who had ‘attracted’ MARK R to them...he had chosen them as his ‘court’.
Even though I have never seen myself as a comedian and cannot tell jokes – I remember the ROYALS at the Prague British Council DTO – telling the assembled staff of the DTO to be opened that we had all been chosen because they liked to ‘watch’ us i.e. upon CCTV – we were their favourite characters.
The PRINCES then produced a videotape of ‘classic moments’. This was to be the second time that I had viewed the ‘clip’ which showed me defending myself against a komodo dragon with a bicycle, after having run over it – apparently this was one of the PRINCES’ all-time favourite video clips.
The CIA in SHANGHAI and in SWITZERLAND were a ‘pack of jokers’ too – rather like being at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...maybe ‘gallows humour’ is a way of coping with such terrible circumstances.
Whilst filling the kettle – I remember MARK R telling me NOT to drink the water...whilst I was playing this game...”or you’ll regret it.”
Now – in FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE – I did actually have the time and the strength to buy in bottled water but now I do not...particularly not now I have to carry a laptop around.
So I begin to wonder now – it was the TAP WATER – wasn’t it, SCARLETT?
I have been looking for information upon OBERROHRDORF upon the internet and there is precious little to be had...
There was NOTHING for a 'spa'.
I then began to remember...my family had stayed in the OBERROHRDORF when I was quite young...my younger sister and brother were about 4 or 5 years old.
My father had rented a small chalet from a farming family that he called the OBERE'S. I have no idea of the spelling of the name but it sounded like OBEAR.
Anyway, we had to catch a bus up to this chalet which was some way up a mountain - the only people who lived there were the Swiss - my father only spoke French and so it was a big problem to communicate with the OBERE family who only spoke Swiss German.
The other families around were all self-sufficient Swiss in their chalets - we were told that when the snows came - they sometimes got snowed in for months on end but could survive upon everything stowed away under their chalets.
Anyway, we used to sometimes walk down to the valley below but I cannot remember if there was a railway station or town there...or even a river...but I do remember that we were in the 'back of beyond'.
I have no intention of going back there to find some non-existent 'spa'.
Anyway, the other thing that I can remember about my FATHER upon this holiday was that he had decided to 'loan' me out to the OBERE family as a farm-worker.
I spent the morning in the baking hot sun - halfway up this alp - collecting hay in a field - until my back was aching and I thought that I was going to get sunstroke because I had no hat. Therefore when I saw the rest of my family come up the road - I ran to meet them and refused to go back and work in the field.
The OBERE father 'farmer' then got very annoyed - apparently he had had an 'agreement' with my father that I should work for the day in that field.
I had burst into tears by that point - I was extremely tired and thirsty and had no intention of working in the midday sun. I was also getting extremely sunburnt.
Anyway, I wonder now - is this some SICK ILL joke upon myself, regarding ILL slavery for children?
Or is this simply about my father having made a 'deal' with this farmer - to make money out of me as a child?
Why did the CIA take me back to a place that they have decided to call OBERROHRDORF (although it might not be, for all I know) and to put this photograph up for me to find...and then to tell me that I have to make my way back there...in order to find some non-existent SPA and to drink the waters?
What sort of shitty joke is this?
The only 'waters' that I remember visiting are when my mother and younger sister and brother went off to find the source of a river...it might have been the same holiday (see above) and we managed to find it but my mother got scared because we were so far away from anywhere...and started crying...my sister refused to walk anymore and I had to carry her...but we made it back in the end...having crossed the river at the source...which was higher than normal because of the heavy rains and the ice/snow melting...we then made it back to meet HUMPHREY and my FATHER who had basically done nothing all day...they had sent the rest of us off upon this strange journey to find the source of the river...
If this is the ILL intention...that I should hike back upon my own...to some source of a river...where they can then murder me...they are sadly mistaken.
I won a long time ago and YOU ALL KNOW IT.
Okay - so once I have pulled one thread in this ghastly ILL tapestry of a sick game...I get so many more memories back.
The first one was of relating to TOMLINSON and others - this particular 'holiday' which had resulted in my mother being severely frightened - whilst walking to the source of this river - down a valley into the middle of nowhere...in the alps.
It WAS the same holiday - every day - my parents used to take us on these really long hikes over mountains - sometimes we would take a bus or cable car...or whatever was available to get up there...or we would have to walk up there...but normally we used to walk down...
Anyway, I remember telling TOMLINSON all about this particular event at the SOURCE of a river...
He then began to set up the ILL GAME scenario with the other TEMPLARS...RIMINGTON kept chirping 'MANON DE SOURCE'...
The basic plot was this:
As PRINCE CHARLES' 'champion' TOMLINSON would be there, waiting for me at the SOURCE and murder me there.
So I get it all now - PRINCE CHARLES was too cowardly to take on the 13TH ONE i.e. myself in place of TOMLINSON.
He was so badly frightened of taking any part in his 'heroic rite of passage' that he had decided to send TOMLINSON along instead.
What a cowardly, cringing little dog of a man.
For the record - as I have plainly stated before:
This now brings up the question of HOW the CIA knew about this ILL GAME scenario and WHY they had decided to give me the 'clues' in order to try and shunt me along it.
MARK R was the one who had put me in touch with the first guy 'MACDONALD' in SHANGHAI...and then his 'mate' (the CIA mind control 'specialist')who had flown in from presumably WASHINGTON DC.
In brief, MARK R had 'arranged' for all of these interested parties to be involved.
He knew that I would meet 'his friend' in SHANGHAI - in order to 'hand over' the information.
He also knew that NIR would be present to give me the mind control signal - in order to do so.
NIR was a friend of MARK R's too.
So what can one say?
Where did PRINCE PHIIP'S NAZI GOLD end up, then?
I am getting the feeling that this was 'payment' for the ROYAL FAMILY'S safety - in relation to the imminent annihiliation of the UK as a 'dysfunctional hive'.
So MARK R was in fact, entirely correct - you do NOT move to the last square of this ILL GAME.
That is what he had advised me in 1994.
That raises another question: had it always been 'planned' that I should take TOMLINSON's role as the 13TH ONE?
Thursday, 14th May.
I had a dream that I was back in TOTNES in a flat which didn’t look like my old flat at all but in my dream it was supposed to be the one that I had shared with JADE during my last year at DARTINGTON COLLEGE OF ARTS.
JADE had kept the flat on, for some reason and various people were ‘staying the night’ – various hippie-type people.
I wasn’t happy to be there at all.
Two men were looking through the keyhole of this flat and I could ‘see’ them outside of the door – one of them was MICHAEL PHILPOTTS – he had attended both LANGLEY JUNIORS/SENIORS and SOLIHULL 6TH FORM COLLEGE.
I know little about him – about from what HELEN BROWNE told me – because she lived opposite. His father used to beat him severely – he grew up rather isolated – a loner – despite being very popular at JUNIOR SCHOOL. I think that his father was a member of the POLICE but I am not sure.
I have no idea what this dream was about – apart from the emotional feeling of being ‘trapped’ and under surveillance. Upon waking, I decided never to go back to live in TOTNES again.
I know that a mate of M PHILPOTTS , from school – JONATHAN VEALE – joined the POLICE eventually – after having been a DRUG REP because I had met him, whilst under mind control – at the deathbed of DEBORAH MCDONOUGH, who was dying of Cancer. I have never met her, upon this side of the mirror since my early twenties, that is, whilst my family was still living in SOLIHULL and so I have no idea if the above is really true but I suspect that it is. MARK R had taken me to see her, before she died.
I met SUE WHALLEY and her husband as well as DEB’s husband, at the time. I met them in several locations in and around the hospital and they told me different things – about how they now knew about ILL mind control and how they were coping with the after-effects, within their own lives. Each and every ‘meeting’ with these people, carefully arranged by MARK R.
Was any of the above real or was it all some horrible set-up? Designed to make me look crazy...so many of us were under mind control...and the ILL had decided to pull out all of the stops, in order to make me look crazy. If it was all one of MARK R’s sick set-ups, then DEB MCD is alive and well somewhere – therefore there is always a positive side to all of this.
All I can do is relate what happened –as I remember it – whether or not the ILL had set up the entire exercise e.g. DEBORAH MCDONOUGH’s ‘deathbed’ in order to make me look crazy, by talking about what I had seen, afterwards.
I know that it is quite possible to set-up because the ILL had control of so many medical staff – they could have easily gained access to a room in a ward – and I know that my peer group at school, was nearly all heavily under mind control.
When my psychiatrist told me that NONE of it was true – in terms of what I had written about him and what he had said to me in 2004 – I began to wonder if the ILL had made a concerted effort to set up scenarios – to force their mind control slaves to feed me with lies – in order for me to recite them later – whereupon the mind control slaves, who would now be ‘asleep’, would not remember what they had said to me – they would then get annoyed and angry about what I was saying.
I can only relate what I saw and experienced – I know the difference between a ‘dream’ and reality.
The times when I cannot distinguish between what is true and what is false – is when I have been put into a ‘set-up’ by MARK R and his sick people – in order for other mind control slaves to feed me with lies – and then to conveniently ‘forget’ that they had ever done it.
When I look back at just how under mind control, the BIOS staff at the LSE were – how none of them could see MARK R at their Xmas party – until they actually reached out and touched him.
I begin to wonder what sort of ‘sophisticated’ mind control exercise, the above was? I mean, one can see this sort of thing on stage during a ‘hypnotism act’ but when one sees it in a public location – on the street or in a University – it is quite extraordinary and scary.
The BIOS staff quite literally couldn’t see MARK R until he had given them a mind control command for them to see him and even then, they didn’t really look at him – they simply looked ahead whilst taking in his new instructions. As if he were an ‘unseen’ theatre director.
It was only when I had told one of them – to reach out and touch MARK R – cornered as he was, at the back of their kitchen – that she really opened her eyes and suddenly ‘saw’ him. She then quickly informed the rest of the staff about this ‘phenomenon’ and they all had a meeting in the kitchen – after having tied MARK R to a chair. They then locked him into a room whilst they decided what to do - but unfortunately, RIMINGTON then managed to find him and pick him up before they could take any further information.
The only evidence that I can find, of the above – is the photograph of MARK R which was taken in front of a BIOS LSE bookcase (which was then sent by email to as many people as possible to alert them)...or at any rate, there is a very similar photograph of him (it might not be the same one) – and that was then placed upon a WINSCONSIN UNIVERSITY ‘forestry’ website. The photograph that I then used and posted up on my blogspot – because wherever the guy is located (when the photograph was taken), this is a photograph of him.
I have remembered a little more about this one – we were all at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – a meeting had been convened – an ‘ideas meeting’ for how to end this ‘game’. The TEMPLARS were planning out the stages of it.
Because none of them thought that I would remember a thing (two wires up the nose and extreme abuse/ECT) – they had included me in on discussions. I suppose so that my subconscious mind would carry some idea of the sequence of events and ‘follow them through’.
I ‘knew’ TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON only too well and so it was me who contributed the idea of MANON DE SOURCE – a French film – to RIMINGTON.
I knew that she would love the idea – because she and TOMLINSON had been trying to reprogramme me as their daughter. The plot centres around a father and daughter scenario – as far as I can remember but I didn’t bother to watch carefully – my father had got both films out - in the ‘series’ - to watch on DVD, a few years earlier.
Unfortunately RIMINGTON hadn’t seen the film and so somebody had to find a copy for her to watch. It was amazing how the TEMPLARS had so much money and so many contacts – that they could quickly send out, for just about anything they wanted and get it, at short notice.
Anyway, I also knew that TOMLINSON would fall for this one because he would immediately identify with the ‘father figure’ within this scenario – GERARD DEPARDIEU – the handsome ‘hunk’ of a FRENCH actor. I was right – TOMLINSON loved the idea – he was hooked. He had already seen both films (a second film was also available, about the same story).
RIMINGTON was slightly embarrassed and excited because she hadn’t seen the films and immediately wanted to see them – all of the TEMPLARS had already seen them – they had all loved the movies. I suppose it all chimed in with being at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in the FRENCH countryside at the time, that ‘rustic environment’.
For my own part – I figured that if I had as much to do with the planning of this ‘scenario’ as possible – that I would have more of a chance of remembering the ‘final stage’.
The ILL had always relied and depended upon me as an ‘ideas person’ and so I naturally fitted into my usual role, within their meetings.
I then added my own childhood experience of getting to the SOURCE of a river – within the SWISS ALPS – with my mother and younger sister and brother.
The TEMPLARS quickly found the location of this ‘SOURCE’ from my father and decided that this should be the ‘ending location’ for the final stage of the ILL FILM.
I had to find my way there – and then TOMLINSON was appointed to be waiting for me – in order to murder me.
Naturally, there was a lot of going back and forth – to ratify the above ‘plot’ with the ROYALS and MARK R but in the end – the TEMPLARS all decided that this was to be the FINAL STAGE of the ILL GAME.
PRINCE CHARLES had decided not to be involved – cameras would be set up at the SOURCE and the whole filthy game would follow its course.
I would be ‘prompted’ at various intervals – as to the next ‘stage’ in the ILL GAME.
I wasn’t present – when they contacted the CIA to be part of the programming and ‘prompting’ team – who were in on this game – but I can now see that they were ‘commissioned’ to take part.
What sort of ANIMALS are these people?
Anyway, having OUTED the FINAL STAGE of this sick game - this doesn't appear to have stopped the mind control slaves with continuing on their way...prompting me with the stages leading up to the 'FINAL STAGE'.
For example, JAMES rang me last night to arrange another meeting.
In 2004 - he had invited me round this THURSDAY evening (pizza evening) for supper at PENFOLD LODGE.
RIMINGTON had instructed the main support worker/nurse to treat me as if I were a backward child at this dinner. I sat through the most hideous patronising statements and questions.
I will not bother to go through that one again.
Additionally, yesterday afternoon - the owner of this B&B came upstairs with 3 letters that had apparently just arrived (after 4pm in the afternoon - questionable) and they were from the POST OFFICE.
In one of them - there was my new pin-number for my post office account.
I can now access the £300+ amount within this account.
Anyway, I immediately saw this as suspicious - the ILL were giving me a tiny amount of money in order to try and attempt the journey to the SOURCE.
For the record, I have NO intention of going, whatsoever.
I shall stay in this country and continue to OUT the lot of you.
Additionally, the POST OFFICE had NOT sent me what I needed most i.e. the 'statement' required by MS FARLEY.
Therefore, I will wait until tomorrow and then go in to MS FARLEY and give her an update - otherwise she will try to make me homeless again - as she was programmed to do.
Anyway, one can see that the ROYALS and their TEMPLARS have not given up on their sick game yet - they are now trying to proceed with the ILL GAME of the following stages:
1. making me homeless again.
2. getting me to go for 'help' to MARTELLO COURT in order to force the COUNCIL to find somewhere for me to live.
3. MS FARLEY then finds me a 'maisonette'.
4. At some point, I will have been re-sectioned and 'injected'.
5. JULIET and the 'GP' then tell me that I am delusional about my extreme pain (from the Cancer which has rapidly developed) and I end up dying alone in this maisonette.
What can one say?
Except that I hope that MARK R's people bomb the lot of them and as quickly as possible.
I had seen this as the real future, so many times - that I do not think that any of the ROYALS or their TEMPLARS have any chance of survival whatsoever.
I now know that this is the META-GAME which was being played out – the top ILL had decided that the ROYALS, the TEMPLARS and the UK all had to go.
My repeated demands to have back the money that the ROYALS and their TEMPLARS had stolen from me – has fallen upon deaf ears. As I knew that it would.
However, in 2004 – the MILITARY and MASONS did try to stop this whole ILL GAME by deciding to take down the BT TOWERS and to put this country under ‘martial law’ – whereby they could then deal with the ROYALS and TEMPLAR ‘class’.
But you put a stop to that, didn’t you, SCARLETT...by 'messing around' with the TAP WATER...
One can see that the top ILL have decided to get rid of this country and that I was simply a pawn in this whole META-GAME to show just how disgusting the people are, who run this country and how little they deserve to survive.
I have consistently seen this country blown up – the ROYALS, TEMPLARS...even my own family...dead...and I have ‘seen’ this repeatedly - from 1980 onwards.
I also know that the former HEAD of the FBI – also had this ‘vision’ in mind and had done so for a long time. He was not alone in his thinking either – other extremely powerful ‘bodies’ and ‘countries’ were of the same mind.
I also know that PUTIN had some hopes of ‘annexing’ this country at some point but now he has decided to ‘leave it be’ – to its fate.
I also know that the lynchpin of this game was the ‘certainty’ that the ROYALS would never pay my money back.
I have consistently heard upon the ‘TEMPLAR network’:
“We cannot pay her money back because the ROYALS have forbidden it.”
C’est la vie.
I also know that I do not end up dead – from Cancer – in a maisonette – the ROYALS and their TEMPLARS do not get to play this part out – of their ILL GAME.
I have to make a point, here – a mental note to CHECK MY DATES.
SCARLETT ‘knew’ that I would have a problem with this, whilst playing this ILL GAME and so I now need to make this conscious and to check every date that I enter upon this blog. This will be quite hard to do because I am not accustomed to checking dates – I never carried around a diary, for example – or one of those ‘personal organisers’ because I have simply never had that sort of lifestyle.
SCARLETT obviously knew that I would have been programmed to ‘get the dates’ wrong and so far, I have consistently made mistakes, here and there. The last one being FRIDAY 16TH MAY as far as I can recall.
It is, of course, the 15TH MAY on FRIDAY.
I had also written the wrong date 16th MAY in my ‘note’ to MS FARLEY.
Therefore, I will have to be a bit more careful with the above but after a lifetime of not having to check dates because even as an EFL teacher – you have your timetable and that’s it – you do not need to pay too much attention to specific dates – you don’t write them up on the blackboard, for example – just knowing ‘it’s Thursday and I have such and such a class at this time’, is enough – and so I have no ‘habit’ to fall back on.
In fact, at the PRAGUE BC DTO staffroom – we had a blackboard where all of the ‘important meetings’ were listed, with the DAY, TIME and DATE specifically written up – otherwise it was well known that teachers would say ‘I forgot’.
When I think back upon the 'profession' of English Language Teaching abroad - we were all such 'easy prey' for foreign intelligence agencies.
When I think of 'RACHEL' the US 'English as a Second Language' teacher (the Americans call this profession ESL)...and how MR PUTIN and his men couldn't resist kidnapping her and then attempting to mind control programme her with their soundwave machine...which incidentally, could be heard by the entire building and the Chinese receptionists and guards all complained of the almost unbearable high-pitched sound - they appeared to have no idea of what was going on...
I begin to see how we were such 'easy prey'...the whole thing scares everybody and it certainly scared the Chinese staff, present at that Academic Center.
However, it probably only amused the CIA and CHINESE INTELLIGENCE who had had the whole building bugged out.
That was the SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNVERSITY 'Academic Center' for the record - in 2003.
I can now begin to understand what happened in 2004 - in relation to receiving the SAME messages from ORANGE upon my mobile again.
The IT WC MOT one, is a case in point.
I can now see what probably happened:
JONATHAN EVANS had decided to 'pass' this country in terms of the MOT for a HIVE.
This meant demonstrating to the 'powers that be' that this country could be run as a perfect 'BT TOWER -MIND CONTROL SLAVE - HIVE'.
However, anybody with half a brain should know that you are never going to make the UK into a 'SWITZERLAND' or into a 'SWEDEN'.
Freedom of thought and freedom of speech, are far too important.
Besides, the UK has a particular 'history' which means that it couldn't behave as the above countries...it has no culture or tradition to behave as a HIVE - a respectable model of a 'perfect country'.
JONATHAN EVANS was on a hiding to nowhere and he should have known that.
However, he had too much too lose - he had gained so much from the ILL system of 'benefits', perks and privileges.
The UK is therefore undergoing another MOT inspection...and the results will obviously not be 'good'.
If the UK ILL had been 'clever' - they would have realised that one in 2004.
They would then have let the MILITARY and the MASONS do their business, in terms of taking down the BT TOWERS.
They didn't.
I mean - they basically had two options:
Try to get the UK to conform to MOT mind control standards or 'fight' the entire mind control system.
As I have said before, anybody with half a brain would know that however much mind control programming that you inflict upon this country - it was never going to work...the POLICE could tell you that one...it doesn't work...look at the streets of the UK...look at the gangs, look at the general 'warfare' being fought out in everyday life...between the people and the 'system'...the local councils, and central government...the whole mind control system doesn't work in this country...and it never will.
What I am saying is that the UK ILL of this country should have chosen to 'fight' at that point...and to have made public, everything that was going on...but they didn't...and so now this country is going through the IT MOT inspection again...GROUNDHOG DAY...
I do not know how to write this without sounding foolish but I’ll try:
There is a series of computerised commands which had been labelled ‘DIA-BOL-I-CAL’
Picture yourself at the TEMPLAR CASTLE surrounded by all of these insane fools, who truly believed that they were ‘wicked witches and wizards’ who had been given the responsibility of running the UK HIVE. In times of ‘great danger’ they had been given the modus operandi to activate these DIA-BOL-I-CAL commands.
Once the WATCHERS had found out about these DIA-BOL-I-CAL commands – we set to work ‘neutralising’ them with our own more powerful ‘spells’- ha, ha.
DAVID MILIBAND was supposed to be a ‘dark arts master’ in DIA-BOL-I-CAL commands. Even funnier.
I start to feel like my grandfather GYDE - perhaps he felt rather like I do now - standing up in that assembly in the NEW YORK court room to talk about the SOE UFO...in front of a whole load of people who were not allowed to know the details of this 'transgression' of US MILITARY LAW.
As 'ericswan' stated - this is all about the power of belief...and at the end of the day...people choose to believe what they WANT to believe...
...and so you can talk about how the SOE made the UFO in the first place but there will be some people who will prefer to believe that it was a real UFO...there are also those people who will prefer to believe that RIMINGTON was an 'interdimensional space lizard' and so forth...it is perhaps more 'colourful' than the truth...less threatening.
...and what is so ‘diabolically’ clever about this whole ILL SYSTEM of microchipped slaves?
Their conscious minds do not register what their ‘back alters’ are talking about, upon the ILL radio system.
It is their ‘back alters’ (split personality – or rather ‘compartmentalised personalities’) which are linked into the network via microchipping.
They are not necessarily conscious of any messages or thoughts that they relay or pass on to other slaves upon their network.
Nevertheless, they will act upon whatever commands come through the network. They can ‘hold conversations’ with each other – conversations, that their conscious minds will not necessarily ‘register’ at all.
They only become ‘conscious’ of this ILL network – after having been given a mind control command by one of their ‘controllers’.
Even so, they may not be high enough up – in order to have been allowed to know about this ‘microchipped network’, at work.
At the TEMPLAR CASTLE, all slaves were instructed to see ‘microchipping’ and mind control commands as ‘magic’. We were all in ‘child alters’. It really depended upon how ‘practical-minded’ you were as a child – your capacity for ‘fantasy’ and your general gullibility in terms of believing what ‘authority’ told you – as to how far you were ‘trapped’ by the ILL SYSTEM of mind control.
If I put it even more succinctly – I would say that there is a ‘child’ at the back of every TEMPLAR’S head – one who is heavily under mind control and easily manipulated by whatever radio message comes in.
This ‘child’ then ‘runs’ the entire mind and body of the person, in question – from the ‘back’ – this ‘child’ is generally un-noticed and unseen – even by the ‘front personality’.
On a plus note – everybody who is in contact with their ‘SOUL’ and that means just about everybody – the ILL could only fragment and chip parts off a person’s soul – I do not think that they could get rid of the entire entity...can remote-view.
They can fly as high as they are capable of and I suppose there are many factors involved...but everybody has the capacity to ‘fly’ and to ‘remote-view’.
The ILL tried to con their slaves into thinking that they had signed away their soul to the devil – this is patently untrue. Nobody ever ‘lost’ their soul.
Your soul is your greatest strength and at a PSI level – this is a real strength.
When I talked about the POLICE having the ability to be telepathic and also to be able to have ‘total recall’ of a given situation (like a virtual reality tape going backwards) – this was because they were in an MI6 environment where these things are possible.
I do not know whether this was because of ‘drugging’ or radio waves but it is clear that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE buildings have this type of ‘facility’ for their staff.
It is therefore most probably the case, that everybody in this world has the above abilities – given the right environment.
I do not know why MARK R picked out that particular ‘group’ of us to be WATCHERS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE because it is clear to me that to a certain extent, everybody is capable of the above – to a greater or lesser degree.
The human mind is an extraordinary and exceptional entity – and we all share the same potential abilities.
I forgot to note that MR RUSSELL – the ‘homelessness manager’ at CLACTON COUNCIL had given me an instruction to tell DR CARNEY that he should fill in the report that MR RUSSELL had sent him and then return it to MR RUSSELL:
Mr RUSSELL smiled and then laughed after he had said this word.
I asked him what it meant.
I had never ever heard of this word before.
I then guessed what was going on:
It was a mind control command – the ILL had realised – from 1980 onwards that it was dumb to use ‘lesser frequency words’ e.g. PLEDGE
They therefore had to use the lowest frequency words imaginable and make sure that they didn’t enter ‘common parlance’ (see my notes upon the CIA and their new mind control command for ‘remote-viewing’ – given to me again, in that NEXUS magazine – they did so because they figured that MARK R’s command was now a ‘dodgy one’ – they didn’t know that we WATCHERS now had the ability to ‘go up’ whenever we needed or wanted to do so) or to simply make up as a ‘brand name’ e.g. MIRAGLO.
So MR RUSSELL was giving DR CARNEY a crucial command:
EX-PO as in ‘uncontrollable microchipped slave’.
I have yet to figure out what to do about that NHS SURGERY down WASH ROAD...
In 2004, I fell ILL and had to call this surgery out of hours. Not something that I will do again – but at the time, I needed to see a doctor and so called their ‘out-of-hours’ number to then be told that as I wasn’t registered with the surgery – that a doctor wouldn’t call.
RIMINGTON had instructed her mind control slave at the desk to tell me that I needn’t fill in the NHS ‘temporary services’ form because I could do so at the time of making an appointment to see a GP.
I queried this in 2009 – asking the mind control receptionist (same woman as in 2004) if the same would be possible if I had to make an out-of-hours appointment with a doctor on call?
The receptionist replied that this would be perfectly possible.
In 2004, it wasn’t possible at all. What is the betting that it isn’t now?
I suppose that my best bet here is to go back to this surgery and to register as a ‘full-time’ patient.
Both DR CARNEY and JIM GIBSON had told me that I only needed a ‘temporary registration’ at this surgery but seeing as I will be in CLACTON for the foreseeable future – there is no point in only a ‘temporary registration’. I need a full one.
How and why did I fall ILL in 2004?
RIMINGTON had injected me with something terrible - and then told me to say that I had SWINE FLU.
In 2004, I felt like I was dying. In 2009, they won't get me again, this time around the block.
The POST OFFICE has sent me TWO letters – both with the same documents in – a request for me to supply NEW ‘security information’ for my POST OFFICE account.
For the record, I shall give the following information:
MEMORABLE NAME e.g. the name of a relative
MEMORABLE TOWN/CITY e.g. the place of your birth
This is all GROUNDHOG DAY to me – I had to do the same in 2009.
I am now back at CLACTON LIBRARY again - typing the following...on one of the internet computers.
I have just been to register at ST JAMES SURGERY, WASH ROAD, CLACTON and it was relatively easy to do so. I had all of the necessary information. I was told by the receptionist that I could now call an 'out-of-hours' emergency doctor if I needed to do so.
That is a load off my chest but one hopes that it will not be necessary anyway.
Let me now talk about what actually happened in 2004:
RIMINGTON got hold of me and jabbed me with a syringe of something but I have no idea what. She did this in room 14 of the MARINE HOTEL.
I then began to develop the most awful flu symptoms imaginable.
The POLICE TEAM then called round - they were a 'daily event' in my life at this point. I didn't question that one because I knew that they were working for SCARLETT...this is where things become muddled between RIMINGTON's 'walkthrough' and SCARLETT's walkthrough.
They both appeared to 'intertwine' at this point in time i.e. I knew that SCARLETT was pretending to 'help' the POLICE but that the whole lot of them appeared to be working against me - rather than to really help me, in any way.
I therefore didn't question their presence at MARINE VIEW HOTEL and their 'interrogation' of myself.
The POLICE asked me what was wrong with me and all I could tell them was what RIMINGTON had told me i.e. that she had injected me with SWINE FLU.
The POLICE found that hysterically funny. Nobody had ever heard of SWINE FLU in 2004.
It wasn't funny - because I was severely ill and they were laughing at the 'name' that I had been given, to call this particular illness.
They kept on questioning me incredulously:
'SWINE FLU - what is that? You must be making it up. You must be delusional.'
I assured them that I wasn't and that I was really sick. I am normally a very healthy and relatively fit person but nobody would take me 'seriously' at all.
Additionally, I told them that I had not heard of such an 'illness' myself and being a 'doctor's daughter' I normally prided myself upon knowing more about medical complaints than most people - but that this was the name of the illness, that RIMINGTON had given me.
I then had to get myself to COLCHESTER A&E - I was half-dead when I got there.
Anyway, what can one deduce from the whole horrific ordeal?
That the general public did NOT know about 'swine flu' in 2004.
Also that RIMINGTON had a syringe full of some horrible virus and had injected me with it.
All I can say now is that at least I have antibodies to 'swine flu'. I survived it.
The most important point of all is that this is a MANUFACTURED virus.
The UK ILL are now threatening the general population with it and scare-mongering.
Whether they will release it into the public domain through air vents/air-conditioning or some other method - is anybody's guess.
I was a bit worried this morning in relation to the following:
Firstly that I hadn't woken up to what the BROWNE mother and daughter had done to me i.e. the '7 sisters' scarring with a hot needle until the 'pentagon' and 'stars' had actually shown up upon my thighs.
When the red scarring appeared - there wasn't much that I could do about it - the 'histamine' had kicked in again - into my bodily system and the scars had raised themselves again - a bodily 'memory' of it happening.
Secondly, the insect bites which began to rise upon my forehead, just before I entered MR RUSSELL's office in 2009 - where, in 2004 RIMINGTON had put those insects upon my brow, in order to bite me.
In both cases, I hadn't remembered beforehand and so my bodily memories kicked in and repeated the pattern of events.
This time around - I have remembered the 'swine flu' and injection BEFORE it actually happened and so have therefore, not developed any symptoms as such. One hopes that I will not do so.
Anyway, after registering at the ST JAMES clinic - I then went to the POST OFFICE (GROUNDHOG DAY again - same people in the queue - particularly the rowdy guy behind me)...
...and I gave in my new 'security information' form to the cashier...and then used my new pin-number in order to get a printed statement of what is in that POST OFFICE account.
The cashier told me that he couldn't print out a form of the various amounts that had gone into that account and that I would have to wait for the 'letter'.
Anyway, I then went to the COUNCIL and managed to meet MS FARLEY briefly to show her the receipt of how much was in that POST OFFICE account - she had a look at it and told me that she still needed the statement but that it wasn't a problem...she knew that the POST OFFICE normally took a week or more to get these statements out and therefore, she was happy to wait until that time for me to bring in the statement.
These are all quite big changes from what happened in 2004.
Finally, this is the day that the ILL finally managed to steal my briefcase.
I can remember the POLICE coming round to the B&B - basically to take the piss out of me - telling me that I might have left it on the beach...that sort of thing.
At that point in this ILL GAME - I was past caring...I knew that they were all against me - I was being drugged, battered and abused, right left and centre.
All I could hope for was that I survived the whole ordeal.
With respect to my grandfather GYDE and his incredible life-story – I would like to make it clear to the SPIELBERGs of this world that the STORYLINE and the PLOT of the ‘FAKE UFO’ is patented and owned by the SAS involved, as well myself. You are NOT going to thieve this one, SPIELBERG.
I mean, it would make a tremendous movie – wouldn’t it?
Firstly you have the scenes of the SOE in their rented LONDON accommodation – around the wooden table – throwing forth ideas of how to get the AMERICANS into the war.
You then get the TEAM who created it e.g. the GERMAN engineer and his companions who came from every different nationality (the SOE was mainly composed of refugees from NAZI occupied Europe) - those who made the whole design of the UFO into a reality –complete with Mesopotamian cave drawings upon the side of it and a few sheets of fake blueprints inside etc.
You then get the SCOTTISH SOE members who managed to get it shipped over to the USA on the quiet...now let me remember...did they do it this way...as far as I can recall...they shipped over various parts but not the whole thing...to reconstruct it later on in the USA...that is correct.
Anyway, after constructing the damn thing...they then had to get a few people involved, in the USA...they hired a helicopter and winched the UFO over the desert...to drop it in an isolated area.
They then left the USA and returned to LONDON – in order to ‘make the calls’ and ‘send the letters’ to residents living near to the desert - informing them of the UFO’s actual location.
Naturally, they didn’t dare to go back again, in order to lead people to the site.
Unfortunately this failed –despite their many attempts – they failed to drum up any interest.
So the SOE decided eventually, to give it up as a ‘bad job’. All of that time and money wasted.
About 10 years later or so – the UFO was then found.
This was after WWII had finished and the old SOE members were to then learn that the US government was expending huge amounts into researching this ‘NAZI UFO’.
They therefore decided that it would be better to come clean about the whole thing. BIG mistake.
The court case then ensued in NEW YORK.
“It was a FAKE UFO, SIR, a FAKE UFO...”
My grandfather attended the trial of one of the SCOTTISH SOE and stood up in the middle of it to loudly make it clear, to all and sundry - that the ‘top secret military matter’ was in fact about a FAKE UFO – nobody had died, nobody had been murdered, nobody had even been harmed and so on...he got them all off the hook by doing so – nobody was imprisoned or not for long...but they were all more or less, bankrupted.
I owe this to my grandfather to get this story out...and if possible to have a brilliant film made of the whole thing – even if he was murdered afterwards because of it – in that New York hotel.
MOSHE DAYAN got hold of the fake UFO blueprints after WWII and found the whole thing a scream. So many scenes in this movie script to conjure with...
Anyway, I am finding it impossible to get onto www.blogger.com – my internet connection isn’t working at all. Perhaps one can surmise that SPIELBERG’s lawyers are already onto this one – the ILL stole all of the HARRY POTTER books off me and the film rights (apart from the last book)...but they aren’t going to get away with this one...and if you want to complain to anybody about that one, SPIELBERG...about how you have been PREVENTED from stealing this particular script...talk to the SCOTTISH FREEMASONRY RITE...I am sure that they will be ‘happy’ to hear from you.
(But as you can see - I did manage to get on in the end...after managing to send the above by email instead of straight onto 'blogger' - moi, paranoid?)
Anyway, now I am 'online' I can add a few more notes:
I had talked this over previously with the SAS who were related to the men who had been my grandfather's friends and colleagues in the SOE.
Therefore the story/plot etc is all PATENTED.
Additionally, I can tell the future - just one of my strange 'quirks'.
I remember MARK R laughing about this bit of the future - SPIELBERG is driven crazy by the fact that he cannot get his greedy little paws upon this particular script (and he won't be able to do so).
For some reason - it then breaks his heart - he loves old WWII stories and this one, was the best of the bunch, to his mind. He will never direct it - TOUGH.
At about 7.20 this morning – I pondered on whether to go to the toilet – which is located outside of my room and down the stairs. There is a toilet upon this floor but the room is so small that it is difficult to use. I always take my bag whether I go, now.
I was undecided before I left – did I really need to go – because I would rather type up these notes first.
I therefore took my one of my little keys and one of the big keys out of my bag – to unlock the two padlocks (one large and one small) upon my laptop case which is currently locked to a waterpipe – the waterpipe is a couple of inches off the floor. I was wondering if I should unlock it first and begin typing.
I thought better of it – I left the keys on the side by the microwave (which is so rusted inside, you wouldn’t believe) – I would only be a couple of minutes downstairs.
When I came back from the toilet – both keys were gone.
So I shall now OUT all that I know about the people who are planning to steal it. I ‘saw’ them all – whilst remote-viewing with the CIA and I could identify them in any ‘identity’ parade.
SCARLETT had specifically told them to steal my laptop and had positioned this ‘team’ of his, around my room. They are all in the other rooms. They do not come down to breakfast – they were told not to be seen.
The young man who actually stole the laptop in 2004 – is currently living in the room to the right of my own – his room is between mine and a tiny toilet (which I didn’t use – I used the larger one in the bathroom below – more space).
There is a small alcove or hall before his door – where there is a fan switch that has been taped over. I went out of my room – told them all softly that I knew what they had done and that there would be ‘consequences’ to their criminal behaviour. I then switched on the fan – to really piss the guy off – the fan is in his room. He then came out to switch it off, muttering under his breath ‘f***ing bitch’.
I now have ‘proof’ if I ever needed any - of who stole my laptop in 2004 and who will now try to steal it again in 2009.
All I have to do now is to buy a new padlock.
SCARLETT’S team have FAILED – they will not get paid and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE will punish them for it.
Additionally, in the first floor bathroom – I found the TRIGGER that RIMINGTON had told her slaves to leave – to trigger SWINE FLU symptoms. I remembered it immediately. A GREEN AERO bar wrapper. It has GREEN BUBBLES upon it and RIMINGTON told me to imagine those bubbles as a virus.
So the ‘timetabling’ of these slaves around me – is somewhat askew. This was supposed to happen yesterday.
Additionally, they were supposed to steal the LAPTOP yesterday but failed to do so.
The sequence of events in 2004 ran as follows:
It was a very hot day – the owner came into the breakfast room to tell the workmen that the weather report is that it would be the hottest day for a long time.
The workmen had a conversation about what had happened the evening before, along the lines of ‘what were those lights outside of the building last night’...’I thought it was a UFO or something at first...’then I realised it was a photographer’...’he was taking photographs’...’strange’...
I then went upstairs – to see that for the first time since I had been here – that the radiator was working – I then went downstairs to ask the guy if he could turn it off – he then came upstairs and said that he couldn’t – he didn’t know which way to turn it.
I then went to the COUNCIL and was dismissed by MS FARLEY who got very angry that I hadn’t got the statement. I then bought some food and went down to the beach. Upon coming back – I was met by a member of the press who asked me for an interview. I told him that I was putting up all that I knew upon my blogspot and that there wasn’t really anything else that I could tell him.
I returned to find that my laptop had been pinched.
RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were waiting for me with the syringe.
The POLICE then came round to tell me that I must be ‘delusional’ and that I had probably left the laptop upon the beach.
By this time I was feeling severely ill – I couldn’t remember RIMINGTON injecting me with that poisonous virus because I had been severely electrocuted afterwards.
The POLICE made fun of my symptoms and the name that RIMINGTON had told me to remember to call it. I had no idea the term ‘SWINE FLU’ had come into my head – it just kept popping up and I couldn’t tell them where I had heard it before. RIMINGTON had told me to tell the POLICE that it was ‘swine flu’.
I then had to take a bus to A&E – feeling as if I might lose consciousness at any moment. I had no idea where it was...only that I had to get to Colchester by bus from CLACTON because the ‘emergency’ doctor from ST JAMES surgery refused to call. I wasn’t ‘registered’ and that disqualified me from that surgery. The receptionist had lied – upon RIMINGTON’s instructions.
Well – you already know what happened in 2009 – yesterday.
Very little of the above, happened at all.
Yet I still listened to the owner talking about the hot weather – I still asked if the radiator could be turned off – he didn’t come up to my room – he simply told me that the system would switch off in the entire house with an hour.
The workmen had the same conversation about a photographer outside, the evening before.
However, I DIDN’T go to the beach – I DIDN’T meet the member of the PRESS and none of the rest of it happened afterwards i.e. my laptop was stolen, the POLICE didn't come round and I didn't develop 'swine flu' symptoms.
Anyway, yesterday evening – I began to think back to the meeting the SCOTTISH SAS in 2004.
The guy who had been the CAPTAIN whilst we were upon that programming course in 1980 – the one who taught us MARTIAL ARTS...(he was also the ‘star’ of the LIBYAN EMBASSY siege according to a documentary report upon a cable channel – was it Discovery Channel?)...he was one of this rebel group.
This was the SAS CAPTAIN who had known my grandfather GYDE well – he had been one of the party who had arranged the meeting with him – circa 1980 or most probably afterwards – all I know is that I was very young – a teenager.
He and other members of the SAS had followed their SOE grandfathers and fathers into the SAS which was supposed to be the ‘natural extension’ of the SOE - after it had been disbanded.
However, these guys were heavily chipped and under mind control – the SAS now came under the ROYAL aegis – they were seen as a ROYAL service and no longer independent.
However, even in 1980 – this CAPTAIN hated ROYALTY –he hated the ENGLISH in general but he hated the MONARCHY even more. I remember him seeing us lined up, waiting to be driven to the ROYAL DINNER (see previous notes upon this repulsive affair) and had laughed at us all – he told us that he never paid any attention to and wanted no truck with ‘Royalty’.
So I suppose that this ‘opening of the PI’ (putting me through this sick ILL GAME) means that ROYALTY wants me to ‘out’ all of these people, who are rebels to the CROWN.
Why not?
Why not be OPEN about the fact that we ALL HATE THE MONARCHY – they are just a bunch of sick and putrid, insane perverts.
Anyway, in 2004 – the SAS decided to send out a warning to all SAS members. They had decided that enough was enough – they were now going to stand and fight the ILL CULT. They did so by radio.
Has it happened again in 2009? I do not know but I would figure that – yes, it has. The radio-waves changed last night – SCARLETT and EVANS knew that they were on their last legs. They had FAILED the IT WC MOT.
I was also thinking about who constitutes a ‘hero’ and who doesn’t last night...I remembered the SAS guy whom I had met with JASON in 2004. He was the one who was most constructive in getting the message out to the rest of the SAS.
I then thought about ‘AMADEUS’ – this guy was a ‘gay paedophile’ and yet he had managed to free the souls – a plan thought up by himself and the late POPE JOHN PAUL, just before he died...the VATICAN was involved in a massive U-TURN against the ILL CULT...
So we also now have a ‘gay paedophile’ as a HERO...what next...surely the first one in history...this is all beginning to make me laugh...but one can see that one has to have different ‘assessment criteria’ here...it solely depends upon how much harm you want to do to humankind...and AMADEUS did brilliant things to help humanity in general...opposed to the ILL CULT who want to basically destroy life on this planet as we know it...and to create a SLAVE EMPIRE...of soul-less robots.
DAVID ICKE and his ‘space lizards’...I have been thinking more upon that one...like me, he has never said or written that he has actually experienced one ‘in the flesh’ so to speak...and I cannot remember any of the WATCHERS talking about that sort of phenomenon...only COLLIE ‘helping’ ICKE to write a book...she was the one who had pushed this idea of ‘interdimensional space lizards’ and given it a ‘folklore’ and mythological context...
However, when I think of those ugly and insane ‘reptiles’ – the TASCHMAN family...I begin to wonder about my early childhood experiences of ‘flying’ into the COSMOS and visiting different planets.
Now - the planet where you had these orc-like, reptilian/’armoured-dinosaur’ humanoids, upon two feet...bipeds...was near to extinction. They were just about to destroy their entire civilisation and planet.
I begin to wonder now...because aliens appear to have souls in a similar way to humankind...if this extremely war-like and evil alien race...had become ‘floating intelligences’...which then left their planet...in order to try to colonise another one. After destroying their own planet (and bodies)...they might have had souls, which then drifted...towards our own planet.
If so, how would they be able to take over a mind of a human being? That is the big question...
I then remembered a ‘telepathic conversation’ with AMADEUS...who was making his peace with G-d and he told me about it...how one has to be truthful...G-D understands everything (and I am not talking about TOMLINSON’s ‘Almighty’ who fell off his cloud and started ranting at me, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE)...
AMADEUS was telling me that it wasn’t an entirely ‘saintly’ act...he had also enjoyed the destruction, degradation and humiliation of the ILL CULT...but then, that was what he had always liked...in terms of paedophilia and the ‘debasement’ of young priests...in a sense, it was his final ‘pleasure’ to turn against those whom he had once counted as ‘friends’...to bring them down and to drag them through the mud – whilst doing a ‘good act’ in the eyes of G-d.
If AMADEUS had been possessed by this ‘alien species’...then he had defeated it and managed to ‘control’ it, within his own mind – to redirect this ‘energy’ to a positive purpose and use.
Anyway, yesterday I bought a PRIVATE EYE magazine and also the new SIMPSONS comic.
I will talk about the new PRIVATE EYE edition 1236 15th May – 28th May, first.
I saw this VERY SAME copy at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001.
I have NOT had this phenomenon happen –with other issues of PRIVATE EYE. This edition was especially prepared by the ILL and it is chock-a-block with programming commands.
In earlier notes, I have described how, in 1980 – RIMINGTON and SCARLETT had pointed out, that they would be posting messages to us all, through the small ads – particularly through EYE SAY.
In 2001 – MARK R had the very same copy of this magazine – the one I have by my bedside, in 2009. It had been ‘saved up’ for this point in time and then released. Why?
I am trying to work that one out – all I can do is to point out what I can remember, of what I was told about it:
Firstly – there are many columns about SWINE FLU and also a letter...mainly taking the piss out of it.
I then looked at the PHOTOGRAPH which has apparently been taken from a ‘public information’ poster (which I have not yet seen – if it exists) and remembered who the man was...in the photograph.
The man is shot against a black background and he is coughing some sort of ‘white mist’ from out of his mouth, with his hand in the way of his mouth.
This might seem almost unbelievable – but MARK R and his people – had used stage make-up upon DAVID CAMERON to make him look middle-aged (his face as well as his hand). They had found it hilarious. DAVID CAMERON was much younger then – this was 2001 and so it was quite a difficult job to make him age, decades.
Why did they choose DAVID CAMERON for this photograph?
I can only guess at the answers – DAVID CAMERON was the leader of the BLUES at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and he was supposed to be defeated by the REDS i.e. BROWN, MILIBAND...and so on.
Another thing that I remembered about this PRIVATE EYE magazine...
The ‘joke article’ by CRAIG BROWN – a pastiche of PETER HITCHENS DIARY- THE INDEX:
MARK R had pointed out the first entry which states:
“Aardvark: deliberately engineered offensive animal genetically modified by leftist medics 12-14.”
Now MARK R had told me that the ‘medics’ and in particular, the psychiatric and psychology profession had begun to make ‘mind control slaves with a conscience’ and that my brother ED was an ‘Aardvark’. This had annoyed those like HITCHENS who were ‘true blue’ public school boy ‘fascists’. MARK R hated HITCHENS.
Anyway, in 2004 – SCARLETT also had a copy of this PRIVATE EYE magazine (before it was published) and he told me that the NUMBERS were very important, within this index. I can see that they are (programming numbers) – SCARLETT referred me to this ‘index entry’ in particular as being particularly pertinent to myself:
“Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit, Run, Run, Run: or you will be preyed upon by left-wing Islamic pederasts 25,34,57-8,92,97,109,167-8”
So one can assume here that SCARLETT was still fighting RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON’s ‘Islamic NWO’ brigade.
The CIA must have put him and JONATHAN EVANS up to it in order to clean up ‘SALADIN’S ARMY’.
Additionally, I can identify the SWISS CIA’ s entry in this magazine but it is not within this particular article:
They told me to look at the SMALL ADS and in EYE SAY there is the following:
“hermes trismegistus and chris rosencreutz at www.sochero.org.uk"
I haven’t looked this website up yet and so I have no idea of what it is about – however, from the very reference to ‘magicians’ and ‘magic’ – we are talking about the CIA calling themselves the top mind control programmers, of the lot. They had 'invented' the name of this website whilst I was in their office in SWITZERLAND 2004.
Anyway, a few more points about the CIA ‘boss’ of that office in Switzerland.
AMADEUS quizzed me closely upon what had happened upon the night that I stayed with this ‘boss’ in the renggli-haus – and I told him what had happened.
The guy had offered me a line of white powder which I assumed to be cocaine – and I refused it – I was actively frightened of taking drugs – I had only ever taken speed at university and had made a promise to myself – never to touch any drugs, whatsoever, ever again.
He told me that it wouldn’t harm me at all and in fact, it would make me feel better – and so I relented. He had already taken some and looked okay. I was in a very bad place in my head at the time - having been through so much torture and general abuse, at the hands of RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON. I needed a 'tonic'.
After sniffing the drug – I immediately felt warm and comfortable – a bit sleepy and so I curled up beside the sofa, where he was lying. He cuddled me a bit – then he told me that ‘they’ as in those back at WASHINGTON DC had told him his ‘future’.
I queried that one – I had changed his future for the ‘good’ in CHINA. I had made sure that he would meet up with and get back together with the first love of his life – back in the USA – because the ILL didn’t normally allow anybody to be with somebody that they had naturally fallen in love with.
He told me that this ‘didn’t work out’ and that now I was to be his significant other. I didn’t question this at the time – although I figured that this wasn’t true.
Anyway, he then told me that he wasn’t going to have sex with me because I was to be his ‘wife’ and that he respected me – so we slept apart in the bed.
I related this all to AMADEUS in the morning...he was pleased...he told me that this guy was one of his favourites and basically homosexual.
Additionally, this guy was a friend of MARK Rs...and when MARK R had planned out a future for me...to end up in a CIA rest-home in San Francisco – this guy was also present, there...as were some of the men that I had met in POLAND...who had been acting as MARK R’s US PEACE CORPS team.
All I can say is that people like MARK R, were pretending to control the future but only very few of us really can see the future or change it.
One can also see that ‘control of a person’s fate or future’ is a hugely manipulative device – that was used on every ILL SLAVE.
I do not know if all of the articles in this PRIVATE EYE edition are the same (how could they be – in terms of relating to current news/affairs) but certainly quite a few ‘floating articles’ cartoons and items which are ‘timeless’ were definitely the same – including the front cover ‘joke’: PARLIAMENT’S SHAME.
I can even remember RIMINGTON pointing out to me the ZURICH advertisement upon the back page of a baby under a mobile and telling me ‘that’s you and that’s us’...she was pointing to the penguin, rabbit, bear and elephant hanging off the mobile – my childhood programmers.
Additionally, she also pointed out what she called the ‘EMILY THE ELEPHANT’ cartoon – which is a pisstake of some children’s book that I have never read (probably published much later than my own childhood).
The cartoon is based upon this multi-coloured elephant who doesn’t fit in with all of the grey elephants and a ‘LITERARY PSYCHOLOGIST’s report in socio-psycho babble...about how this elephant can integrate back into the herd again without the ‘Freudian defense of humour’.
The LITERARY PSYCHOLOGIST gives his/her signature as SIONE BRADSHAW.
Here is the blurb for this cartoon:
“E the Elephant was born with a disfigurement and has always been regarded as ‘special’. He seems to have adept social skills and is popular. Lately he has worried that the laughter is of a mocking nature – is he popular or a joke? He has a marked paranoid tendency which is heightened as he fears he is valued as a token coloured elephant. Efforts to blend in have left him depressed as he craves attention, thought he despises those who laugh at him. He has subsequently found other ways to draw attention to himself. Positive role models are being sought to help him develop a more integrated social self without the Freudian defense of humour.”
Is this a sick ILL joke specifically designed to target myself or all of those slaves at the TEMPLAR CASTLE who were seen as dissenters, to the ILL CULT. I would assume the latter. In fact, I can remember now, SONIA telling me that she had also been shown this multi-coloured cartoon elephant.
It is interesting to note the AMERICAN (?) spelling of the word ‘defense’...or is this a normal term in Freudian circles i.e. ‘the defense of humour’. However, ‘humour’ isn’t spelt ‘humor’, as it is in the US.
A businessman in a pin-striped suit has just come round to check on this room – very suspicious – he had a clipboard with some nonsense written upon it. He was with the owner of the B&B – I opened the door and he didn’t even bother to come in – just had a look at part of the room from the threshold. I asked him what he was doing – and he replied that it was for ‘insurance purposes’ and then left quickly. I asked him if he wanted to see the CRACKS in the walls...that sort of thing...I had said the same thing in 2004...just for a laugh...normally ‘insurance’ wants to have a look at the building in terms of a proper inspection. This man didn’t.
MARK R also pointed out the LETTERS page in this edition of PRIVATE EYE.
Read this one entitled:
This letter is about a CIVIL SERVANT who apparently only earns £12,000pa and has to work in some sort of cramped portacabin...the list of atrocious working conditions goes on...including no inclusive pension and so forth...
Anyway, let me tell you who wrote this particular letter and in 2001 – it was STELLA RIMINGTON – the entire letter is completely fictitious.
The only reason that she was asked to write it by MARK R was because of two programming commands – easy to spot – look at the two words in BOLD:
In ILL-speak, this means AMBASSADOR WOODALL CAN...i.e. he ‘rules’ the ILL CULT.
Additionally, MARK R also referred me to the letter-writer entitled ENA B PREPARED.
MARK R told me ‘that is you’. ‘You have to be prepared’.
He didn’t really tell me anymore than that but one can see from the letter – that this is all about SWINE FLU...and the fact that MARK R knew that I would be injected with it, at some stage in this ILL GAME.
What more can I say? SWINE FLU is a biologically engineered virus and that in 2004, RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON injected me with it.
One wonders how many more people will be injected with it? Is it contagious? I suppose that all flus are...
Of course, now that I have OUTED the ILL for this upon the internet...they are stupid but not that stupid...they will most probably use a different strain to the one that they injected me with...or possibly a new virus entirely...
So one can assume that when I go in for my ‘nurse appointment’ at ST JAMES surgery – next WEDNESDAY that the UK ILL will be able to take a blood sample as well as a urine sample in order to look at the pathogens in my blood.
Can you believe these sick people? Why leave it so late – I obviously have antibodies to the first ‘swine flu’ prototype – but for some reason, these sickos have to do everything ‘undercover’ and to pretend that none of it is happening.
Is this all about the medical profession not daring to break ranks?
Okay then, try this for size: I am registered with that surgery and I do NOT have to go in for a ‘nurse appointment’ – therefore I will test out you bastards - and pull you out of the woodwork – I am going to CANCEL that nurse appointment and put it off until whenever...until one of you f****** comes out and admits it all.
What is the betting these bastards will then attempt to section me again and get a blood sample that way?
I remember now - MARK R at the TEMPLAR CASTLE telling me that it wouldn't be a good idea to tell anybody about the above because they would probably drain me dry of blood...
I have some of the most valuable blood in the UK, at this point in time...
So this has all added an interesting new twist to the proceedings – a MEDICAL CULT – something that I had touched on previously in my notes in relation to my parents and their ‘VIEILLEY CHATEAU’ party and ‘demonstration’ of my powers within a young child alter (or so they thought) to their medical colleagues – their peer group from the LONDON medical training hospital. I OUTED NALLAN in particular – he seemed to be ‘head of ceremonies’.
I might also add that I know that JONATHAN MILLER (turned theatre director) was also part of this clique but apparently reneged upon them, in the end.
Additionally, has anybody stopped SIDNEY BRICHTO from practising yet?
Anyway, I can now see more clearly, what was going on in 2004:
So much so, that they could walk into surgeries, hospitals and ‘care-homes’...as well as Mental Health units – to use and abuse the staff and patients, alike.
TOMLINSON used to particularly like posing as a ‘doctor’ (see notes on Dr Bettle and the Ardleigh surgery). TOMLINSON had been doing this since 1999.
How and where had the pair of them, got the mind control commands to do so? Who supplied them with this sort of power or did they steal it?
Remember the ILL mind control manual that RIMINGTON got me to ‘steal’ from her office because she was unable to walk out with it, in 1989? She gave me her ‘lift code’ for the second to top floor – she was one of the three heads of department below the ‘boss’ at the time. I then brought the manual to her and her ‘MI5 officer’ in his small flat in LONDON.
By 2004, RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had started to drum up their SALADIN’S ARMY...and that had got up the nose of the CIA who then decided to help MI5 and MI6 to defeat this ‘army’.
SCARLETT hated the CROWN just as much as the SCOTTISH SAS captain did but he also works for the CROWN as Head of MI6. (Does anybody in ‘UK intelligence’ actually like the Royal Family?)
It was his duty to help defeat RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON’s mind control ‘army’ within this country.
So now we have the strange situation of RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON controlling the medical profession in this country – whilst SCARLETT and presumably JONATHAN EVANS try to get these mind control slaves, back under CROWN control.
Do I take sides in this? NO.
My ‘role’ in this matter, is simply to OUT the lot of them upon the INTERNET – for everything.
Sometimes I feel like a newswire...API calling...REUTERS at your service...
Yet I can see that one of the main reasons why I am now being watched closely...is to see which members of the medical profession will be employed to try and take my blood...nice.
I find this amusing...at least it gives me more to think about than the previous planned scenario ‘dying alone, of cancer, in a maisonette in Clacton’.
I now have probably some of the most valuable blood in the UK...blood which is 5 years down the line, from infection with ‘swine flu’, the virus which had previously been injected into me by RIMINGTON, in 2004...
So I now have to watch out for the ‘bloodsuckers’...and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and the POLICE will be watching closely too - that is, anybody working for the CROWN and ‘commissioned’ to be upon this ‘top secret’ operation. HA HA.
Gallows humour...it’s all that keeps me going, sometimes...
MARK R had told me not to tell anybody about this twist in the ILL GAME and had used ‘scare tactics’ to ensure that I didn’t...’they drain you dry of blood’...
However, I feel that it is much more fun to OUT the whole thing...what do I care anymore?
This scenario is much more fun than the ‘dying alone, of cancer, in a maisonette in Clacton’.
I now have the most deadly enemies upon my tail...if MARK R is to be believed...those clinical ‘robots’ who will drain me dry of blood...
I would guess that SCARLETT is hoping that I will meekly go along to give a blood sample upon WEDNESDAY in order to have the lab test it etc...NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
You will only get a blood sample by force. I am furious – more than furious with this sick game and you will pay me back my money before you get a drop of my blood.
Anyway, I have just found out some very important information:
I was on my way out of the door – when I saw the silver metal construct above the door – a sort of large ‘hinge’ – I am not sure what the name of this is...on the tip of my tongue...
It had a word in GREEN upon it – a stick which read:
Upon the silver metal ‘hinge’ was a string of what appeared to be numbers but some of them were backwards – rather like a child who sometimes writes letters upside down...or in this case, upside down and back to front.
This is the string:*
It looks like a computer address perhaps...
Anyway, I remember TOMLINSON telling me to look at this and to look at the string from the right...this made the star turn upside down...into a demonic 5-pointed star.
The 2 is upside down...the 6 could be a 9...the 1 was upside down...the 2 was upside down...the 8 was as normal...the 1 was upside down...and the 3 was normal...but looked like it was toppling backwards.
Anyway, I remember TOMLINSON ranting at me during this time...about BEAUTY AND THE BEAST programming...
Let me take you back to 1980.
TOMLINSON had decided that he was madly in love with me...he couldn’t bear to torture me upon the course, anymore...and so he had decided to leave...SCARLETT was hiding in a room with RIMINGTON and laughing his head off about the whole thing...he kept saying ‘he’s off to join the FOREIGN LEGION’.
DALDRY then told us that TOMLINSON had gone off to join the SAS.
BRITISH INTELLIGENCE had allowed him to do so.
In 2004, this is basically what TOMLINSON was screaming at me about...his time in the ‘foreign legion’...and how it had all been my fault.
He didn’t make the connection between LEGIONAIRE’S DISEASE and the injection that RIMINGTON had given me...but I can now remember hearing MARK R say something about this...’they will never find out what it is until it is too late’...
As far as I can recall...LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE died out in this country...early last century? However, it does have intense flu-like symptoms as far as I can recall...a FEVER...and in the desert, if you are dehydrated...you can die easily.
So what is the betting that this so-called SWINE FEVER/FLU is a complete and utter lie...the medics would be far better off researching LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE and its possible mutations...
I feel no sympathy with TOMLINSON whatsoever- I can now see that I was used to these ‘histronic’ scenes...rather like the one where I had woken up in a bed, with him, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...to find a dead baby in the basin beside the bed...I am quite sure that it wasn’t mine (I was never that far gone before the ILL aborted me)...and TOMLINSON then began to scream at me...that I had killed ‘our baby’. RIMINGTON had murdered a child and put it there – to set up the whole sick scene. TOMLINSON was involved and acting the part – for all he was worth. To hurt, harm and humiliate me – to break me.
I have yet to note, what I found this morning:
I pushed the TASHIKO tv set forward (I had turned it with its screen to the wall, in case of a hidden camera) and found a small pink card with a code upon it.
I turned it over and found that it was from MACDONALDS. Not so unusual you might have thought...
I then flashbacked to RIMINGTON telling me what I had to do with this card.
On the front of it - underneath the M in yellow (the background is dark blue) are the words:
On the other side of this card (upon a pink background) are the words:
"Your unique online code is:
Go to www.mcdonalds.co.uk/cinema and enter your code by 30th November 2008 to claim your 2 for 1 cinema voucher. Remember to keep this sticker to validate your voucher. Rules apply.
2008 MacDonalds."
Anyway, in 2004 - RIMINGTON made me type in the code upon the back - online - she then told me to go to the cinema.
What is interesting about the above is firstly that this 'freebie' is dated 2008 and only valid for 2008.
Was RIMINGTON expecting me to turn up in room 14 MARINE VIEW HOTEL in 2008 and not 2009?
Anyway, one can peel off the front of this card to reveal another number:
This is the ODDITY - I peeled off the front of the card but of course, there is no code.
Somebody had already peeled off the pink back and reversed the card...
...but even then, that doesn't make sense..because the back of the card hasn't got a code on it...and the sticky side to stick the two pieces of paper together...is on the back of the pink card...which has the code on it.
In brief, you have the M on a blue background and you turn the card over to read the code on the back...which is another piece of paper which has been stuck onto the M card...
What is all of that supposed to mean in ILL symbolism.
Frankly, do I care?
One more note aboutPRIVATE EYE:
I seem to remember MARK R having a hand in the EYE READ small ads column:
Everyone's way out of a recessi2on.
I have sent the following email to the director.studies@sochero.org.uk
- as the CIA apparently wanted me to do - to cause yet more 'embarrassment' for myself - and so I have worded it rather carefully:
"I could be sadly mistaken here - but the CIA in Switzerland gave me your address - and so if you are NOT a 'mailbox' for the above organisation - please disregard the following email:
To all concerned,
As you already know - I will NOT be coming to OBERROHRDORF in the near future and have NO desire to hunt out the 'source'.
However, I drop by and visit your offices - although I presume that you have packed up and moved out by now.
'Black Rabbit'
This has all come back thick and fast...
After TOMLINSON had ranted about the LEGIONAIRE upon the door...
SCARLETT visited me in this room and asked what had happened...I told him...about the number on the 'hinge'...about my thoughts upon TOMLINSON and joining the foreign legion...
We then looked up legionnaire's disease upon the internet...
I then met...with SCARLETT...a number of doctors who were working upon this...they had discovered something about how the pathogen count was similar in the so-called 'swine fever/flu' to that of legionnaire's disease...
Anyway, how dare those IDIOTS - TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON...make me struggle into Colchester A&E whereupon I might have infected anybody with this potentially fatal illness?
More to the point...somebody must have had an antibiotic handy...but I do not know...because I passed out there...and have no memories of what happened next.
I remember my mother - whilst she was a director of PUBLIC HEALTH in Birmingham in the 1980s...talking about how they all knew that there was still legionnaire's disease in this country...on the filters of the hospital water supplies...but that the filters were successfully blocking it...
"Legionnaires Disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia which can affect anybody, but which principally affects those who are susceptible because of age, illness, immunosuppression, smoking etc.
It is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila and related bacteria that can be found naturally in environmental water sources such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs, usually in low numbers. As they are commonly found in environmental sources they may also be found in purpose built water systems such as cooling towers, evaporative condensers and whirlpool spas.
If conditions are favourable the bacterium may grow creating conditions in which the risk from legionnaires' disease is increased. It is therefore important to control the risks by introducing measures outlined in the Approved Code of Practice & guidance document Legionnaires' disease - The Control of legionella bacteria in water systems (L8)[5]."
So I was right about the TAP WATER then, eh SCARLETT?
I do not quite understand something...how SCARLETT wasn't at all surprised about what was happening...even at the hospital...I remember him there now...he was joking around about how the virus would only kill off the elderly and so not to worry about me infecting people in there...
So SCARLETT knew about the whole of this ILL GAME...but of course he did...it was a ROYAL GAME...commissioned by the ROYAL FAMILY.
I might add...that on my way out of the COLCHESTER hospital - a 'certain psychiatrist' was with SCARLETT and he kept saying to him (regarding myself):
"I cannot bear what you do to people. I cannot bear it."
SCARLETT just laughed it off.
I have just gone out - bought some food at M&S because it is the nearest food shop and I cannot walk far with a laptop...and decided to give 'number 6 till' a miss...because an assistant there, who had verbally abused me loudly, in the shop, upon RIMINGTON's instructions...I recognised him immediately and decided to change queues.
Anyway, I bought some chocolate covered RAISINS which RIMINGTON had instructed me to buy at some point in 2004...because the barcode ends in 33...a son of G-d number...who cares? I like chocolate raisins...I wonder what that signified to the 'robots' around me?
I then came back to type up my notes...and remembered the landlord telling me this morning that a very nice 'young woman' had just moved into the room opposite to mine and that I should have a 'nice chat' with her.
This 'young woman' is a nasty piece of work...one of RIMINGTON's slaves who had been told to move in and pester me, continuously knocking on my door...and yet when I eventually did the same to her...she told me that I was 'mad' and that I scared her...
So I am going to give this 'young woman' shortshrift, this time around. I will tell her that if she needs anything to ask the landlord and that she must on NO ACCOUNT knock on my door.
I got a 'telepathic message' from 'AMADEUS' this afternoon which ran along the lines of:
"They have lost billions and it serves them right."
He was talking about the 'drug company' deal concerning SWINE FEVER/FLU.
I asked who he meant...
THE ROYAL FAMILY - who else?
Another quite extraordinary memory came back this evening...it was of the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...
A ‘DEMONSTRATION’ had been arranged...people had made banners...they had instruments...they all met in the ‘great hall’...and it turned into a fight...
The principle of the demonstration was to demand that the ILL gave my money back...my ‘cause’ had become a ‘banner’ for everybody else...despite the fact that all of them must have had their money stolen from them too...
The CAT’S EYES programmers and the top ILL in general were targeted...
For some reason, this bunch of people were all seen as JEWS...by the large group of people who were demonstrating...
It all got very nasty indeed...the SAS moved in with guns and started shooting to scare people out of the hall...
I remember SONIA and MR ICKE as being the most vocal...standing on table tops and shouting at the tops of their voices...it was really brilliant...but I was horrified at the time...I suppose that I was in a young child alter...the young girl who had been told by my great-aunt COLLETTE that I was a REAL Jew and not a ‘pretend’ Jew...like those Satanists at the TEMPLAR CASTLE....the ROYAL FAMILY included themselves in the Jewish group at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...they had told everybody that they were ASHKENAZIM...
In the end, I just sat down and cried on the floor...SONIA had no idea why I was feeling that way...she kept shouting and cheering...and telling me to join in but I couldn’t...
Whilst certain people were the most ‘vocal’...MR PUTIN was the most dramatic...he launched himself up the back of the hall...I am not sure how he did it...but the back of the hall was draped with the ILL’s favourite emblems...I cannot remember precisely what...but it looked like a sort of MASONIC hall...he managed to pull the whole lot down in one... curtains...swords, cups...whatever was up there...
I kept on ineffectually saying ‘you mustn’t call them that...’
I had no idea. How wrong I was.
Within my own mind – I had been born a ‘real JEW’ and that was my biological heritage – unlike the Ashkenazim.
However, years later...in 2006...to go to Israel and to find it quite plainly spoken about...’JUDAISM is now a club and you have to have money to join’...
To be treated in the way that I was there...despite the MOSSAD knowing precisely who I was...to be told that I had to ‘pay’ in order to become an ORTHODOX ASHKENAZIM Jew (not my heritage anyway) if I wanted to become a citizen of Israel...when the pretend Jews had stolen all of my money...those sick, twisted pigs like SPIELBERG...those Satanists...those evil pigs who had told me that I hadn’t ‘earnt’ the money from my work because I hadn’t been ‘obedient’ enough to their sick cult...it almost beggars belief. However, the RABBIS now know the ‘curse’ in operation...and it falls upon all of those who have touched the HARRY POTTER money...
I suppose that the WATCHERS were the most vocal at this demonstration above...because they had been ‘touched by G-d’ and given the most extraordinary powers...whereas the pretend Jews hadn’t...yet these sick pigs were pretending to be the ‘chosen ones’ and trying to make slaves of the rest of us...something had to give...and it did. The WATCHERS then began to reprogramme ‘world history’...we took it in turns, to watch over each other as we ‘went up’...
This leaves me with the question of GROUNDHOG DAY and why it is being replayed for the third time.
There are quite a few possible reasons for this:
1. The CIA in Switzerland 2004, told me that they had orders from 'on high' to send me back to GROUNDHOG DAY in the UK.
2. The first two 'walkthroughs' were simply rehearsals for the 'real thing'. The 'real thing' being the TEMPLAR 13TH ONE game - which the TEMPLARS and the ILL had planned at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2004.
As far as I can see - SCARLETT and his associates wanted me to get through this ILL GAME - exposing it every step of the way - which is what I have done - sometimes under terrible circumstances.
The last and most evil threat - not only threatened myself but the entire country - 'swine flu'.
It makes me wonder if those so-called swineflu antidotes will be effective at all?
Or are they just Erythromycin repackaged and sold at a much higher price?
An interesting point:
SHARON told the HEAD of the MOSSAD that he couldn't stop the 'program' and was shot through the head for it.
What 'program' was this?
Was it related to the GROUNDHOG DAY program (microchipped slaves activated all around me) that I am currently walking through now?
If SHARON really couldn't stop it then who could?
He must have been lying because before he died - he managed to stutter something about the money - how he wanted to get paid.
This 'program' must have been created for and run by the TASCHMAN BROTHERS.
The TASCHMAN BROTHERS who were the 'best friends' of the two PRINCES and the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY, in general.
The TASCHMAN BROTHERS who ran one of the two BEEHIVES of EUROPE.
The other BEEHIVE was run by the PRINCE OF MONACO - another 'good friend' of the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY.
It must be difficult to be ASHKENAZIM nowadays. So many people believing that you are a FALSE JEW.
I have sympathy with the RABBI who looked ASHKENAZIM - the RABBI who took the MOSSAD apart, during the cross-examination, before the BEIT DIN.
I can now remember what we WATCHERS were doing – at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...in order to defeat the ILL and it is quite simple:
There is an odd correlation but anyway: the ‘higher up’ you could fly...the better a person you were...the WATCHERS were the nicest bunch of people I have ever met...people in whom I could trust...no wonder I have always put my trust in MR PUTIN...the other WATCHERS were the same...and they could all fly so high...not many people could...everybody could ‘fly’...but the others couldn’t reach the same heights.
Basically what we did was this – we put in a METASYSTEM over and above the ILL SYSTEM...where we knew that the ILL couldn’t fly...
In essence, we had reprogrammed the HEAVENS.
However, if you wanted to talk about this scientifically – you would have to talk about the essence of a soul as a type of ‘NOBLE GAS’ interacting with the radiowaves and whatever other ‘energies’ might be in the upper atmosphere.
We had all learnt enough about the ILL COMPUTING SYSTEMS...and we hacked the rest...we then set about writing our own program.
We knew what powers we had – that is why I treated SHARON so scathingly in ISRAEL – in relation to him calling himself a ‘true Jew’ and one of the ‘chosen people’...I knew that he couldn’t fly as high as myself...he was a ‘servant of the priest’...and I was a ‘priest’. A ‘levite’ to a ‘kohanim’.
16th May 2009
Back to GROUNDHOG DAY i.e. what the people who were controlling this world had planned:
RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON gave me a couple of A5 pieces of white paper with a some text upon them...these texts had been written by MARK R.
MARK R wanted to bring down BP and ESSO – to reinstate SHELL.
I was instructed by RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON to look at these papers at breakfast...they had put them on the photocopier in the breakfast room. The OWNER of the hotel was then instructed to come up to me and to ask me what the PAPERS were about...I was to tell him that it was a very good idea...
MARK R’s scheme was basically to manipulate the MASONIC network into boycotting BP and ESSO – and to relay that message on to everybody that they possibly could – thereby ensuring SHELL’s supremacy.
So, guess what I did this morning?
I picked up the papers and sat down...the OWNER came in and asked me what they were about...and I told him that they were telling you to boycott BP and ESSO but in essence, they were some really DODGY PYRAMID scheme that he didn’t want to go near.
He replied ‘NOT one of my schemes then’.
I replied ‘NO definitely not’.
That was it. Mission accomplished.
An example of how the WATCHERS work.
So TOMLINSON was a ROYAL DUTCH SHELL slave...he would have been behind this scheme too...
Was MARK R lying to me when he said that he wasn't a SHELL slave...or had he been got by them?
I cannot remember if SCARLETT or RIMINGTON had told me to write about this and so I shall just state it baldly (although it was probably SCARLETT):
Somebody had told me to suggest the idea that if a bank decided to offer 0.8% interest in general – upon all services – they would have the custom of the entire world.
The other banks would then either try industrial espionage (try to blow them up etc) or they too, would have to undercut their interest rates and offer say 0.7%
At any rate, one can see that the above idea would appeal to the NWO – how easy to create a ONE WORLD BANK...just be the only one to offer 0.8% on all services.
I am now at the library at an internet computer and GROUNDHOG DAY continues...the same people have come in...queued or sat at computers...I can 'id' everyone of them as being the same people - doing the same things - at the same time -as they did it in 2004.
This is quite phenomenal, isn't it?
How far the 'making of a hive' has become.
It started off with small organisations such as MI5 HQ in London...and then progressed...until larger and larger amount of people could be programmed as a 'hive'.
They could all then be programmed to repeat entire swathes of their lives. How is this done?
Every human being has the capacity to remember every second of their lives. You just put them on a 'time loop' and give them a command to 'repeat' that period of time. They then go through everything that they did, within that period of time. Second by second.
However, there is always hope...and that lay in what the WATCHERS did at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
They reprogrammed the entire future and the results of this will be:
The abolishment of the MONARCHY in the UK - the abolishment of the current banking cartel and so on...many, many things.
MARK R was terrorised...once he had found out what the WATCHERS had done.
He didn't know what we had done but he suspected the worst.
This is the 'funny' bit:
He supposed that we were all in 'child alters' and that we would agree to a 'game'.
SONIA asked him what the game was...and he told her that it would be a computer game.
Apparently, we had to win enough times in order to win the entire ILL GAME and to get our money back.
MARK R thought that he could 'fool' our child alters by this sort of idiocy. He fooled nobody.
MARK R - I know that you can tamper with computers and make them do silly things - that is the extent of your 'magical power'.
GUESS what we can do.
I am still laughing about that one...MARK R thought that if he tampered with all of our computers...once we had left the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and that when we played games...if we lost...that meant that we had lost the ILL GAME and wouldn't get our money back...and that 'thought' would be lodged in our subconscious minds...
The above is an example of the growing insanity and desperation of the ILL who had lost control of the WATCHERS, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
What can I do but laugh? (Whilst I am playing Spider Solitaire)
Yes, you can piss around with computers MARK R...but you cannot reprogramme the heavens...
This article is rather amusing.
Now, I do not know if the virus that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE 'rogue robots' released - is in fact, LEGIONNAIRE'S DISEASE.
All I can say is that it is a manufactured disease that has been introduced into the general populatin with malignant intent and that it is probably Legionnaire's disease.
(It was in 2004 so who knows?)
It is interesting to see that GLAXOSMITHKLINE are the Satanic monsters behind this one - why? Because they are supplying the 'vaccines'. Will the 'vaccines' work? Wait for the next installment...
"Swine flu: Government signs up for 90 million doses of vaccine
Ministers have signed agreements to secure up to 90 million doses of swine flu vaccine despite the fact that a pandemic has not yet been declared, it was announced today.
The deals with pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Baxter will secure “early supplies” of a vaccine for the newly identified H1N1 strain.
Enough “pre-pandemic” vaccine has been ordered to protect at least half of the population by December, at an estimated cost of £100 million.
This is in addition to the purchase of 500 million doses of anti-viral drugs that have already been stockpiled to help treat illness and deals to procure vaccine in the event of a pandemic.
Related Links
Free Mexico holidays for swine flu victims
Swine flu Q&A
Breakthrough in search for swine flu jab
So far 85 cases of the newly identified H1N1 strain have been confirmed in Britain, with all those infected showing only minor symptoms. Four new cases were reported in London today and three in Scotland.
However, experts predict that swine flu — which is actually a recombination of existing animal and human flu strains — could cause a second wave of more widespread illness in winter.
The Department of Health said that today’s agreement could provide enough vaccine to protect health workers and the most vulnerable patients before a pandemic arrived, without affecting the normal supply of seasonal flu vaccine.
The jabs could be given as a priority to the elderly, patients with chronic conditions as well as NHS and social care staff.
It may be that the vaccine would be supplied in two or more doses, necessitating the order for more treatment courses than the total population of Britain.
The Government has already signed agreements worth £155 million to supply up to 132 million doses of vaccine to inoculate people in the event of a pandemic.
It has also procured enough anti-viral drugs to cover 80 per cent of the population, at a cost of more than £500 million.
But it refused to disclose the additional cost of the new contracts signed today.
The World Health Organisation’s official alert level remains at phase five out of six — one step away from declaring a global pandemic. But France, Belgium and Finland are among other countries that are stockpiling doses of potential vaccine as a precautionary measure for such an event.
The vaccines used before and during a pandemic would almost certainly be the same unless the strain mutates sufficiently to require an entirely new vaccine to be made.
Alan Johnson, the Health Secretary, said: “The localised cases of swine flu found in the UK have so far been mild, and our strategy of containing the spread with anti-virals appears to have been effective in reducing symptoms and preventing further spread of infection.”
But, he added: “Scientists tell us that as yet we don’t know enough about this novel strain, or whether it’s likely to mutate, but that this virus has the potential to become a pandemic and we can’t predict how serious that would be.”
Mr Johnson told the House of Commons that it could take four to six months before a vaccine could be manufactured in the event of a pandemic and more than a year until it would be available in sufficient quantities for the whole population.
“We have an opportunity to secure vaccine in advance of a pandemic wave... These additional arrangements provide the opportunity by December this year to have enough pre-pandemic vaccine to protect at least half of the population from swine flu.”
Yesterday evening...was GROUNDHOG DAY...like any other day in the last few weeks...but with one startling difference:
What I remembered last night...was something that I hadn’t shared with SCARLETT...I do not remember telling anybody else about it...but if anybody should know about it...it would be SCARLETT because I had ‘seen’ him at this assembly of people...I was remembering remote-viewing what appeared to be a Senate ‘courtroom’...
The first person that I saw, who stood up to talk – was SCARLETT...he mumbled a few words...he didn’t look up much...and then a few others...what was the subject?
What the MOSSAD had done at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – it appears that they had been running the whole show and were in the ‘dock’ for it.
Various people from Israeli Intelligence were being cross-examined, in front of a whole host of Illuminati – PRESIDENT OBAMA was presiding over the events...he actually had one of those ‘hammers’ which a judge carries, to pass sentence...
I then saw DAVID CAMERON stand up - probably chosen by SCARLETT as one of the more eloquent and persuasive ‘speakers’, available in British Politics – but then, of course, CAMERON was connected with BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and this appeared to be an ‘international intelligence’ courtroom – he was next to cross-examine one of the MOSSAD...he took the ‘humane’ angle...he began to ‘plead’ with this Mossad member in the dock, in terms of SCARLETT’S son...telling her that ‘normal people’ had feelings for their children...SCARLETT’s son had been needlessly murdered...he was an innocent...he was also SCARLETT’S favourite son...caught up in the terrible events that had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...did she have no understanding of how the rest of the world, had reacted to the atrocities that had occurred at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?
DAVID CAMERON’s line of questioning was to try to open up her ‘human side’...to see if she would talk as an emotional human being...but she wouldn’t...her first and only answer to these questions was...
“It doesn’t compute”
I suppose most people in that ‘courtroom’ assembly thought, at that point – that her English was simply bad...but CAMERON naturally picked up upon it...and repeated it back to her, as evidence of her lack of human understanding, of the terrible nature, of what had happened.
CAMERON eventually sat down and ‘AMADEUS’ stood up – to give the most extraordinary speech, in quiet but friendly terms. What he was to say – stunned the entire assembly.
He was mainly addressing PRESIDENT OBAMA...
Now, I know that in 2004 – BARRACK OBAMA wasn’t President...and that what I was ‘viewing’ here, last night...had in fact, probably happened around 2004...because this is GROUNDHOG DAY and like everybody else involved...I am re-experiencing what happened in 2004...and so I can only guess that he was especially chosen...probably by the CIA...to preside over this assembly (unless I was seeing the future but in this case, it is unlikely).
Anyway, ‘AMADEUS’ began to state plainly and simply...and rather quickly, some astounding ‘facts’ from his own experience...and from the general history of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...
Firstly – he addressed the woman in the dock – he demonstrated a few simple mind control commands and the woman obeyed like a robot...this was his point – she was a ‘robot’...and more to the point, he knew her mind control commands...despite being a member of the VATICAN.
‘AMADEUS’ then told the ‘courtroom’ assembly that ‘they’ as in the CATHOLIC CHURCH ‘bred’ them like that.
He explained that historically, the JEWS had been seen as ‘troublesome’. They had therefore been put under mind control by the CATHOLIC CHURCH. This was quite easy to do. The ethnicity was isolated – often in small ghettos/villages – one simply picked out a team of the top men in a given group and put them under mind control – they then went back to their community, to program them.
AMADEUS made no apologies for what he was saying – he simply stated the facts.
He made it clear that the JEWS as such, were now so programmed that they had all gone crazy because of centuries of mind control abuse. It had been passed down generationally. They had begun to programme their children – under the watchful eye of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. This was his line of argument, with respect to those that had been responsible for the TEMPLAR CASTLE atrocity.
These ‘robots’ had simply gone entirely out of control.
He then talked of how the CATHOLIC CHURCH in recent years, had made a discovery, relating to mind control and remote-viewing. This was along the lines of what I had experienced as a child – he briefly talked about my ‘story’ and how he had protected me for all of my life...because of what the CATHOLIC CHURCH had learnt...the ‘contact’ with aliens...and how the VATICAN had begun to change its mind about many things...and that included ‘mind control slavery’.
I do not know what ‘verdict’ the courtroom reached...it was more of a revelatory experience...a ‘fact-finding’ exercise by all of those involved...and what they all found out...must have stunned most of them...AMADEUS was exceptional, under the circumstances...as he walked out of the courtroom, I contacted him telepathically and told him not to let anybody make a ‘martyr’ out of him...the Jews were crazy enough, to murder him too...
He laughed and told me not to worry...he would be safe...he also made a ‘joke’ which was rather off-colour, given the circumstances - in reply to my calling him a ‘hero’ and incredibly brave for the above speech...he replied ‘that’s over –I’m off to bugger a few more little boys then’... grinning to himself as he walked down the steps...
I have to point out here...that whilst I was viewing AMADEUS, I was aware of what I have briefly noted before...that ‘angels’ can shine through human beings...and during that time in the courtroom it was as if G-d was working through him...but human beings cannot be ‘good’ all of the time, we are a mixture of ‘good’ and ‘bad’...and after he had finished his ‘good act’...he was back in character again...
I had queried him upon the JEWS in general, considering his background...whilst we were travelling around FRANCE...and this is what he had told me:
His family were one of the founding families of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...they were in fact descended from the FISHERMEN...the brothers...the two disciples of JESUS...this was his ‘Jewish heritage’...his family could trace themselves back to these two disciples...these two disciples were practising Hebrews, as was Jesus – Jesus was to become their RABBI...he had used Hebraic occultic ideas to form this ‘strange sect’ – a sect that was to become a major world religion...(one shouldn’t mix one’s terms here...’Jew’ is a modern term and I should use ‘Hebrew’ in this context)...
This is all about Hebrew occultism and mysticism – according to AMADEUS – this was what the ‘Early Christian Church’ was all about...but as the whole movement became more popular...this type of esoteric knowledge...became reserved for ‘initiates’.
From an early age – AMADEUS had hated the ‘Jews’. They had treated him badly in his youth...he felt no remorse as to what had been done to them by the CATHOLIC CHURCH...
Additionally, he must have also identified with them, to a degree...he knew his own family history...he knew that there was a connection...historically, his family had been a Hebrew one...but that they were now part of the fabric of a much greater and more powerful entity...
I suppose that perhaps AMADEUS felt something along the lines of what I had felt...upon being told by COLLETTE (as a young child) that we were ‘true Jews’...this biological identification...I wonder if that is another reason as to why he warmed to me...apart from the fact that I had come up with some astounding stories of other planets and alien species, as a child...whilst remote-viewing.
Anyway, I forgot to mention that after the ‘courtroom assembly’ I asked AMADEUS if SCARLETT would remember what had happened within the ‘trial’ and he basically said ‘no’. Some people were there to be witnesses, others to cross-examine...but mostly it was a ‘fact-finding’ exercise within which people could supply evidence and opinions...this was all that had mattered...it wasn’t ‘necessary’ for certain people to ‘remember’ what had actually occurred, afterwards.
So is this why I am going through GROUNDHOG DAY again, SCARLETT?
Because you wanted to remember...to find out what the final point was, in this whole sorry saga...and now you know.
I might also add that AMADEUS also briefly told me about the 'creation' of ISLAM - this was an early Illuminati idea...by the Hebrews...two opposing forces...he didn't say it was a mistake, exactly...but he didn't look happy about it...
Anyway, something far more mundane also came back last night...I was remembering what I had ‘seen’ in 2004...the interest in my ‘case’ as it were...and I saw GERMAINE GREER with a couple of other people, discussing what I had talked about...she was saying ‘stuff and nonsense’ about certain things...she got particularly defensive about what I had said about ISLAM...I had written that this ‘House of the Sword’ according to AMADEUS, had been set up as the ‘aggressive’ component to ‘Jesus the Lamb’ martyrdom – the Illuminati juxtaposition of opposing forces...and she was furious...one could see that emotionally, she had identified with ISLAM...and this wasn’t demeaning to Islam so much, as herself...aren’t people funny?
I then thought about how GREER reminded me somewhat of HEATHER KEMPSON from the PRAGUE DTO...both Catholics as far as I am aware...I thought about how KEMPSON had never really talked about religion but often as not – wore a cross around her neck...I wondered what the pair of them would look like in burkhas and then nun’s habits...and then decided that KEMPSON would be more scary in a burkha because of the weapons she could hide under it...although a nun’s habit could be put to the same use...I then remembered two things simultaneously...the ‘meeting’ between my father and RIMINGTON on Liverpool Street station...RIMINGTON coming through the barrier from a train...in her nun’s habit with a large leather bag with many pockets – all zipped and locked up...and my father recognising her and laughing...he then addressed her tentatively:
“Good day...Sister”
They stopped to have a chat...and began to flirt with one another...my father told me to get lost and so I wandered around the station for a while...
This had been RIMINGTON on her cocaine run...in the mid-1960s...
It was rather like a CARRY ON film...I suppose that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE were ‘funnier’ in those days...but then came TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...
Anyway, I then remembered HEATHER KEMPSON telling me a story about how she had been drunk on a train once, in a nun’s habit...I questioned that one...was she going to a fancy dress party? She didn’t answer, just cackled...but when pushed to talk about it a bit more, told me that she had sung a few songs to the conductor.
I figured that of all the people who might dress up and pretend to be a nun on a train...HEATHER KEMPSON was the least likely to pull that one off...but as a drunk Catholic nun...the possibility was there.
I can now see that this was KEMPSON’s way of getting out of doing anymore ‘cocaine runs’. Clever.
I then thought about how I had got into so much trouble at ST CLARE’S in Oxford. That IB (EFL) college...where I had sat with JAY BLAKENEY and the owner of this college (and his companion who looked very like Eliza Manningham-Buller) and how I had mentioned ‘waiting for Godot’ in relation to BLAKENEY being late...and the whole table went suddenly silent...
Afterwards, BLAKENEY went berserk at me:
“I have been really trying to help you and then you go and say that...”
I hadn’t a clue what he was talking about...it was an ordinary phrase that people sometimes used...
I then thought about how HEATHER KEMPSON had got trapped...she told me that she had answered the small ad ‘waiting for GODOT’ in PRIVATE EYE...a job advertisement...ring this number...
My father had pointed it out to me in my early twenties...”you want a job – why not ring this number”.
I didn’t – I somehow ‘knew’ that all was not good – something very fishy going on...
In 1997, Eliza Manningham-Buller told me briefly what had happened to Heather Kempson...’too many language packs...unfortunate...” Apparently Kempson had been part of her generation...a generation which had been experimented upon in relation to cramming their brains with as many languages as possible...under drugs and mind control.
I had had a narrow escape in relation to ‘waiting for GODOT’.
So now I know where ‘BORAT’ came from...now I know why my Swiss family were so ‘crazy’...and why my father and Swiss grandmother were always seen as ‘eccentrics’ or just plain mad...although they had lost their religion...they were still Jews...and real Jews...the bloodline...and the mind control programming.
I begin to understand why SONIA began to tell me of her experiences with a Jewish boyfriend...as an example of why she hated Jews...he had taken her out to a restaurant and then obsessed over the menu and how much each item cost...even though he was ‘wealthy’...and then decided that he could afford to buy her certain items...she walked out. Never saw him again.
The only jobs that JEWS were allowed in Europe and for centuries...was that of ‘money-lender’...usurer...no wonder they obsess about money. It is all part of this ghastly heritage...historically, they were the ‘damned’ (thrown out of Israel by G-d) and treated as such...the ‘demonic Jew’...
I begin to understand now...why every time I have viewed the MOSSAD...the ‘most evil’ characters have tended to be Sephardic...even MOSHE DAYAN didn’t trust them at all...they had been the most heavily programmed historically...they were the most heavily under demonic mind control.
This is an odd one...but looking at DAVID ICKE’s site yesterday and seeing a photograph of BARRACK OBAMA in a kippa...with the caption that he valued the US Jewish population for their contribution to the making of America...perhaps, if one looks at it in the above context...this is the kindest thing that he could do...and ‘no’, I do not think that he is a ‘Zionist puppet’...he was in charge of the court case against the MOSSAD...
However, it doesn’t detract from the fact that these people will need a very long time to ‘heal’...we are dealing with some of the most programmed ‘robots’ on earth, in relation to those chosen to be in the MOSSAD...and so on...the Jewish banking system...no comment.
So was I a descendent of ‘MARY’?
If so, which one? The MAGDALENE?
Israel 1980 – I was programmed to be a ‘MAGDALENE’ along with ‘Jesus’ and his ‘disciples’ and therefore, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – when AMADEUS asked me if I was the ‘MARY ‘ as the TEMPLARS were calling me – naturally I told him that this was a fantasy that those like RIMINGTON had created...in order to do their disgusting, perverted acts.
However, if AMADEUS could trace his family tree that far back...then it is possible that the VATICAN could also trace every woman connected to the ‘MARY’ line...and that would mean a lot of women...as I found out in ISRAEL 1980...all of those poor women, locked up in that Russian Orthodox compound convent, in EIN KEREM.
We were all ZYGOTE SLAVES...forget the mysticism...that is what it was really all about.
So those fools at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...those ‘pretend Jews’...RIMINGTON and ‘goblin-programmed’ TOMLINSON...they were all programmed to believe that they were ‘demonic Jews’?
The old stereotype of the JEW as being a murderer...a kidnapper of Christian children...whom the Jews then ate as the ‘Christ child’...
It is a SUNDAY today...I am quite sure of that one...it says so on this computer...Sunday 17th May...and yet downstairs...I have to sign in the ‘book’ to have breakfast (in the ‘office’) and this book states SATURDAY as today...I have been signing in this book, every day of the week...in the table for the weekdays (as has everybody else)...so why was I started off a day early...just a mistake?
What is going on? The white card with the black number upon it – at the top of the stairs states 17...the date today...
I viewed the future, with MARK R at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and he seemed to accept his ‘fate’...he also told me about this ‘courtroom’ scene, regarding the revelations of AMADEUS...he told me that AMADEUS was channelling G-d...
I am not so sure of that one now...AMADEUS was acting like a DEVIL’S ADVOCATE in many ways.
MARK R told me that the reason that I had remote-viewed his eyes as sort of BLACK HOLES...was because he was in touch with EIN SOF...the unknowable ‘darkness’...
For my own part, the BLACK HOLES as eyes...for example, DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995...he wasn’t channelling EIN SOF...he was being used as a mouthpiece for PRINCE CHARLES...he was a, microchipped mind control slave. BLACK HOLES and BLACK BUTTONS...these are ALICE programming devices...a programmer points to a black button upon their jacket in order to punish an ‘alter’, of their victim...
So my next question is: who was ‘running’ AMADEUS?
I can only see PRINCE CHARLES and ACKERMANN behind him - tracking the computer connections...
The act and ‘intention’ behind what AMADEUS said was good...he was putting up a defence of sorts, for the MOSSAD – revealing their ‘limited responsibility’ in terms of what they had done.
My own personal belief is that G-D is in control of the DEVIL within this world...and that a good action is always from G-d...and what AMADEUS did was extraordinary...to finally let the truth out, to this world...even if he was playing ‘devil’s advocate’.
Because what AMADEUS was basically inferring was this:
“We must have sympathy for the Jews but on the other hand, they are a pack of highly programmed and dangerous robots - which are increasingly going out of control – maybe we should kill them all?’
It was all very much a double-edged sword.
The most awful part of all of this...is that I can now remember that I was there in this courtroom...and quite a few people, Jewish members of the ‘audience’ talked to me about it afterwards...they knew that I would write about this later on (although I wasn’t really aware of that at the time – but they were treating me like a ‘reporter’)...they were keen for me to express their doubts and fears...regarding what AMADEUS had said. I can only express my own and they are summarised above.
In fact, I can remember meeting BARRACK OBAMA and his wife, briefly...she told me that she could see how difficult it would have been to have had me as the public author of the HARRY POTTER books because of my character (they both laughed)...on the other hand, she added that ROWLING was another of those faceless robot, with nothing to say -that they had to meet so often. Deadly dull.
She also told me that they had seen the ‘portrait’ that I had given DAVID DABYDEEN at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and she had liked it. They must have seen the tapes. They knew everything.
So when a programmer’s eyes go BLACK...what does it mean? This must be something to do with quite a few factors:
My perception – obviously AMADEUS’ eyes were not really ‘black holes’.
Why would I perceive his eyes as such?
Because he was being ‘remote-controlled’?
Is this something to do with the use and abuse of ‘dark matter’?
I was reading through the titles upon DAVID ICKE’s headlines yesterday and came across an article upon LUCIFER...and I tried to open the link but it wouldn’t download...
I do not know how to phrase this...but my personal belief is that positive energy and negative energy have to be relatively balanced...but that positive energy’s natural mode...is to be slightly dominant – to keep the negative energy in check...and that when this is reversed...terrible things happen.
So was this another ILLUMINATI ‘show’?
Was AMADEUS playing to the crowd?
This morning...after breakfast...I watched the owner of this hotel – move the ‘wood’ in the fishtank...a dark little fish swam out from underneath it...
I walked up to the fish tank and saw that there was a larger fish of the same type...it was black and white striped...although the smaller fish had more of a ‘faun’ colour than a white colour to its stripes...
I then got to the top of the first set of stairs to stop and look at a painting.
It was a watercolour of a town in the alps – it looked rather old – as if it had been painted a century or so, ago. No modern buildings around.
I then remembered that RIMINGTON had told me several things about this painting, in 2004. Firstly, that this was INTERLAKEN (I have no idea), secondly that the house of AMBASSADOR WOODALL was the ‘castle house’ in white, to the left of the picture and on the outskirts of this town (I remember his chalet as looking quite different but maybe he had more than one house – quite likely)...
Thirdly, she showed me that the NAMEPLATE of this painting had been removed (for identification purposes of the painting, I suppose)...and also that a bit of WOOD had been chipped out of the carved frame...to show that one ‘WOOD’ was down but that the rest were not out.
So RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were obviously furious that they had been ‘set-up’ by MARK R and myself – in order to catch and kill the AMBASSADOR. This ‘WOOD’ was part of a network of ‘WOODS’ who are still out there...that was the general gist of RIMINGTON’s furious outbursts upon the subject.
Somebody left a WOODEN fish and chips ‘claw’ outside my door last night, I noticed it this morning. Coincidence? I think not - not in this hotel...and not whilst going through GROUNDHOG DAY...
Anyway, the mountain at the back of this painting, has a PLATEAU.
Funny – but a mountain with a PLATEAU was the first image to ‘greet’ me when I turned on this laptop for the very first time –a MICROSOFT screensaver.
There is a FISHERMAN’S wooden quay which juts out into the middle of a lake in the form of a T...and behind that you have forest...and then this PLATEAU on top of a mountain, upon the horizon.
This plateau slightly reminds me of the one in TIBET...do the ILL like PLATEAUS for some reason?
I remember in 1980...back at POWERGEN...DALDRY pointing to a picture of a plateau and saying ‘remember this?’ Even in 1980...I couldn’t remember what he was talking about...or which country we had visited to be programmed on top of a plateau...that must have been the case, mustn’t it? PLATEAU programming...it was something to do with being a ‘flock of wild geese’...this is in the I CHING...one of the changing lines...the GEESE have found a safe but temporary place to reside before continuing on their journey...I bet that wasn’t the ILL meaning though...it might have been linked but it would also have been connected to some terrible torture or atrocity, committed on top of a plateau...
The Masonic image of the PYRAMID with the ‘head’ chopped off...I can guess what happened during ‘plateau’ programming. To be beheaded like a ‘goose’ upon a plateau.
I remember RIMINGTON, whilst taking me on that busride from MANNINGTREE to CLACTON...she pointed out a pub/restaurant on the way, called THE FAT GOOSE...and she said:
“That’s you, that is – the fat goose”
In relation to the CATHOLIC CHURCH programming the Jewish settlements...I had suspected as much in terms of DR MENGELE programming JEWS in the death camps...but I hadn’t suspected just how far back this had gone...I am sure that AMADEUS was telling the truth, about that one.
One can say that the JEWS were
doing the same upon the INDIAN RESERVATIONS of the USA during the 1980s and probably before then...as I was to discover via MURIEL LASKIN...
TOMLINSON had told me, in 2001 – that one of the few ethnicities that had been untouched...were the Mayan descendents...but that they were virtually the only human beings left...who had not been programmed. Nobody had bothered with them – that high up in the mountains.
However, by 2006 – these people were being rounded up – converted to JUDAISM and flown over to ISRAEL.
What I feel compelled to say is that AMADEUS was and still is, as far as I know...the right-hand man of PRINCE CHARLES –that mad ‘swan king’.
AMADEUS has been part of this ROYAL Satanic religion...probably from birth...
SATANISM is a religion apart...and it involves the worship of dark matter...dark energy...
Luckily – the CIA marched in and stopped what was going on at CERNE...one can only hope that the CATHOLIC CHURCH has really done a U-TURN regarding ‘dark matter’...
I do not want to impugn SONIA's character in terms of 'anti-semitism'.
When I first met her and MARK (Irish/Australian) in POLAND...she told me that she HATED the Catholic Church...I was really surprised because I had never met a Catholic who so vehemently expressed their anger against the Church...
Additionally, she also HATED the Welsh...a fact that our Director James Forrest picked up on when she refused to say Welsh names in a Welsh accent 'because I HATE the Welsh'...'but you are Welsh - you were born in Wrexham weren't you?' etc.
One can only say that SONIA had had a terrible childhood with the Catholic Church in Wales...and had had such bad experiences with Jews in general...that she hated the lot of them.
SONIA was always good-humoured and one of the funniest women I have ever met...simply very forthright in her opinons...anyway, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE it was SONIA and ATI who really sussed out MARK R and what was going on...SONIA was the one who organised the WATCHERS into a rebel group and devised strategies to keep us safe 'don't look at the numbers when he gives you the magnifying glass' sort of thing...
I am remembering a lot more now...here are some snippets from 2004:
SCARLETT and TOMLINSON introduced me to one of the TASCHMAN brothers who had apparently survived...I didn’t trust him an inch...but they told me that he had ‘reformed’...that he was now working against the ILL...
Now – TOMLINSON had shopped AMBASSADOR WOODALL and RIMINGTON to the CIA in 2004...presumably because he wanted to be free of their control...the ‘only way is up’ in ILLUMINATI culture...and he had climbed the tree so far and so high...why not make it to the top?
TOMLINSON had also been part of PUTIN’S rebel group at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001- part of the planning/strategies team to kill the TASCHMANS...
The TASCHMANS would have been another obstacle in your way, to the top – TOMLINSON?
The TASCHMANS controlled the MOSSAD...they controlled MECCA...they controlled AMSTERDAM...I do not have a map of how many territories they controlled but the list must be extensive...the TASCHMANS were one of the two BEEHIVES...along with the PRINCE OF MONACO...in that demonic triangle...with the ROYAL FAMILY at the apex...
So, TOMLINSON – after the shooting of the TASCHMAN brothers – did you become the HEAD of the MOSSAD?
Did you become the HEAD OF MECCA? (and other ILL territories)...
You became the ALMIGHTY...we all knew that – I walked in on your ‘performance’ and got my head bitten off for it...read SONIA/MARK/SCARLETT’S blogspot for their version of your ‘Almighty’ status...
So where did you disappear to – after 2004?
In 2009 – this time around the block...this GROUNDHOG DAY...I am completely alienated...none of the people who were around me in 2004 have shown their faces...apart from certain members of the POLICE TEAM...but not one of them referred to having seen me before in 2004...and DR CARNEY was at pains to point out that he had NEVER met me before 2008...
In 2001 – the aftermath of the TEMPLAR CASTLE...TOMLINSON had taken me to his small ‘white house’ on the coast...I am now quite sure that this was just over the border from the South of France...into Spain.
He was attempting to reprogram me with computer commands. He had the ‘ancient’ TOSHIBA laptop which he was showing me – in order to program me with the events that would happen – once I had got back to MANNINGTREE. I was to pick this TOSHIBA up for £5 off the CO-OP noticeboard...and I picked it up in 2006 – just before I went off to ISRAEL.
After threatening to kill me if I refused to go along with his ‘plans’...he then asked me what ‘reward’ I would like – if I followed his instructions to the letter. I replied that I wanted my FREEDOM from ILL control.
He thought about that one a little...and then replied that there were so few people in this world who were not under mind control...that it was an unpleasant experience...it was a lonely experience to be the only one who wasn’t...he then told me about the MAYAN descendents etc...after that, he said upon reflection...it would be boring for himself to be the only person who wasn’t under mind control and so he agreed to my request.
So TOMLINSON – what really happened to you?
SCARLETT and BASSNETT were of the opinion that the videotape that the MOSSAD had leaked to MI6...mightn’t actually be you...they couldn’t be sure...that CIA tape which had been sent to the MOSSAD.
So what is going on now?
Why has nobody approached me yet about any of this?
SCARLETT and others had told me that ‘once the game begins – we cannot contact you – we have to wait until it is all over.’
Nobody actually bothered to tell me WHY they had to ‘wait’. What are you waiting for?
The ‘game’ is finished – to all intents and purposes.
The MONARCH jigsaw game stated that I had to ‘wake up in time’ and remember the ‘future’ that I had seen in the ‘past’ in order to get through this evil game.
I have done all of that – avoided the ‘last stage’ in the game i.e. what the TEMPLARS had planned – my murder at the hands of TOMLINSON, at the ‘source’ in Switzerland.
So what now? The game is finished.
The ‘rules’ of the game – as I recall – were that the MONARCHY then had to pay my money back – every single penny. So what gives?
I am left in this dire ‘bedsit’ of a room in this B&B...with no foreseeable future and no money...so what’s new?
I am going to go and get myself a good Sunday lunch and a glass of wine – and forget about all of this – how can I exist, thinking about the future –when to all intents and purposes – I do not have one. Best to enjoy the moment.
I know that as WATCHERS we all changed the future –and perhaps that is what the ILL now want to find out about.
Let me tell you this: do you think that I would be sitting here now – under ‘observation’ – if I could tell you?
None of us were that stupid.
We all did what we wanted to do as far as the ‘future’ was concerned. We all had our ‘bete noires’ as it were – I cannot tell you with any veracity what any of us did – including myself –and to be brutally honest – even if I could tell you, I wouldn’t. Naturally, I locked this all up inside of myself – so that no SIS chip could trace my thoughts upon the subject. We did this so that the ILL could NOT change the future that we had programmed into the heavens.
Blogger is showing up ‘big black dog’ as a website to be visited...on its frontpage...and this made me think of the ‘big black dogs’ in that dark room – the mechanical ones with ‘red eyes’...that the programmers had used to terrorise us in 1980...I wasn’t terrorised...I knew that they were fake...and I had never been frightened of dogs.
Anyway, I can remember RIMINGTON pointing out a guard dog upon a balcony in 2004...upon one of these roads near to the seafront...she told me:
“He will remind you of PC GREEN – who will always be on your trail and he is NOT ‘friendly’.”
What can I deduce from that one? That TOMLINSON had set his ‘dogs’ upon me...the very image of the ‘big, black dog’ is meant to suggest some sort of demonic attack...and I suppose one could say that TOMLINSON is now the biggest and blackest ‘dog’ of them all.
So I wonder now...do I have to expect another ‘harassment’ incident from the POLICE? I cannot see why or how – I haven’t done anything wrong but that doesn’t seem to matter does it? One can get picked up for throwing away gum in the street, nowadays and particularly if one is known to have a 'mental health' record - even if in my case, it was only a 'section 2' for 28 days.
I suppose that the last time that I was ‘harassed’ was in relation to being ‘re-assessed’ and then let go again after reporting my ‘dongle’ as being missing...this was yet another GROUNDHOG DAY piece of ‘harassment’ by the programmed mind control slaves in this area...so what can I say...has TOMLINSON planned yet more harassment for me?
The young woman in the other room, hasn’t bothered me yet...I seem to be emitting the right vibes...besides, she has already passed the ‘date’ when she should have begun to pester me (when she first moved in) and therefore I do not think that it is likely that she will begin now.
Anyway, the more that the ILL harass me within this ‘ILL game’ in the hope that I will tell them what we programmed...the more they will FAIL.
All they will do is to make me angrier and angrier.
The future will be, what it will be – you have no choice in the matter.
Here are some notes that I wrote yesterday - they are a bit disconnected but then I am juggling a vast amount of information and trying to make sense of it:
I could now isolate many different ‘smaller points’ in relation to this GROUNDHOG DAY:
For example – the M&S socks which I bought yesterday... a pack of three in ORANGE, FAUN, BROWN and YELLOW...differing patterns and combination of colours...SONIA had advised me to buy this pack, in 2004...
The point here was that everything that I did in this GROUNDHOG DAY scenario (the real film 2009) - would radio out a message to the mind control slaves, around me, in CLACTON – ‘the TRUMAN SHOW’ location.
I forgot to mention that in 2004 – SONIA and MARK had told me that they had lived in FRINTON for a while – the ‘gentile area’ of this Anglian coast – I envy them, now. They had had to sell their car and therefore walked around the programming sites down this Anglian coast, in order to bring back their memories back – at least I had my bike – that made things a little bit easier...an odd one but JASON fell about laughing when he saw my ‘green SIS’ bike, as I wheeled it through PETER BRUFF ward...he just kept saying...”when I saw that I KNEW!”...and he would fall about laughing again...JASON wouldn’t tell me what he ‘knew’ but it seemed to cause him a lot of merriment...
So I was using a SIS bike to find out what was going on...and now that I know enough...SIS are not allowed to know anymore...they are not allowed to interfere anymore...they should understand that one, if they are really ‘intelligent’...i.e. the ‘WATCHERS’ were really good people...whatever they had programmed the heavens to be/do...will be a good thing for the human race...they should now leave me alone...stop hounding all of us...although I do not suppose that MR PUTIN is too bothered by them...and they will not gain anything by hounding me...only acrimony and upon a world level of public scrutiny will be the result of all of this...if SIS do not stop hounding me...they have only themselves to blame.
The WATCHERS only knew one way to transmit their findings and to the general population...LOCK UP YOUR MIND...we sent the message out everywhere with the ‘CC’ attached...to the young souls who had recently inhabited bodies...we had no idea what they would do...but I can see what the effect of this message now was...all we could say was: lock yourselves up...the only way to keep safe...whatever came into our heads at the time...
The result was...so many souls received the transmission...it meant locking themselves up as a barrier against neuro-linguistic abuse...neuro-linguistic programming and microchipping.
In short, I know that so many of these people are not ‘brain-damaged’...they are living the life of the soul, within a body (a ‘shell’) upon this planet...and they will not come out...until BLACK SHELL BEACH is abolished.
They are ‘pearls’ – the ‘souls’ who have deliberately refused to let anybody open their ‘oyster’.
I can also see that the ILL have destroyed a certain amount of these children’s brain circuitry...in order to prise their ‘pearls’ out.
COLLIE and her contacts within the medical profession – and therefore one has to say she must have known the top ILL – at least, within the medical profession (although she didn’t dare to attack the ROYAL FAMILY)...she made the medics ‘pause for concern’ in relation to DAVID ICKE’S ‘crazy brainwaves’...and yet there is so much more...
The ‘resistance’ to the ILL CULT has now spread to so many children, by 2009...
1 in 4...human beings are a network -like any other species upon this planet – we ‘transmit’ but in a far more sophisticated fashion than birds or komodo lizards)...it isn’t so much 100th monkey syndrome as much as ‘once one of us gets it, we all get it’ and all human beings get it immediately because we are all naturally telepathic, whether we choose to register that one, or not...
We were all once ‘oysters’ with our PEARL...the WATCHERS managed to hold onto their PEARLS because we were too high above the ILL beams...ILL soul-trapping abusers...
The answer is: ILL PROGRAMMING
The ILL are increasingly desperate to maintain and control a slave base...and whatever they are doing or have been doing...had got to epidemic proportions...by 2004.
So many of these mind control slaves had been programmed to ‘watch’ me in a particular location – mainly in shops.
I had an inkling, this morning...as I choose a pair of the new M&S socks, to wear...what this was all about...I asked AMADEUS telepathically...and he was laughing but wouldn’t tell me...I hummed and haaed about the choice...and eventually chose ORANGE and FAUN...he said that he thought that it was probably the ‘right choice’...I still do not know yet what this was supposed to signify but I wore the socks with my Chinese-style ‘martial arts’ leather sandals on...(you could see the orange toe and faun ankle)...to breakfast.
AMADEUS had also told me to buy the light SALMON PINK teeshirt from M&S which I have worn many times – since I bought it – just before moving in here...
Remember the ‘alpine town in the alps’ watercolour at the top of the first staircase?
Above it is a CADBURY’S advertisement - which I know was used as a PROGRAMMING image, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
It is a 1940s picture of a schoolboy batting at cricket stumps...the main word on the advertisement is PURE...I AM PURE...the little boy conflated with CADBURY’S COCOA...the value of ‘purity’.
So many of the TEMPLAR SLAVES were programmed with being ‘pure’...for example, DAVID CAMERON and DAVID BECKHAM...
MARK R laughed openly about that one – behind their backs.
They had all been led to believe that they were ‘untouched’ by mind control – whereas in fact, they were some of the most heavily programmed slaves.
DAVID CAMERON was touchingly ‘gullible’ – acting out his role of CAPTAIN ‘CAC’ within the ‘watcher’ drama.
Anyway, the little boy upon this poster has an identical tee-shirt to the one that I am wearing...precisely the same colour and design...SALMON PINK...
I guess it was quite important to transmit to other slaves, that I was ‘pure’.
Why the colour SALMON PINK?
All I can link up with that one is HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN – remember the SWEDEN fairytale...and the NAZIS who have locked themselves up in their fortress with the SALMON bashing at the main entrance (presumably from a river)...but the NAZIS do not think that the salmon will get in...
So this is a metaphor...the SALMON = the ‘pure’...i.e. those who are not under mind control or who have woken up from mind control...
Perhaps – public school boys are told that they are ‘pure’...the little boy batting...is a public school boy...
However, they are NOT pure. They are probably more under mind control than the rest of the population...because they are ‘groomed’ for higher office.
The higher you get, the more under mind control you are...that is what SCARLETT knew...and he realised his mistake...and told the WATCHERS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...that he had hoped to defeat the ILL CULT by getting as high as he could...but that had left him too damaged...those who were at the lowest levels were the only ones who could effectively rebel...
AMADEUS told me about ‘English Public School Boys’...how they were given ‘slaves’ from the general population...as a family member might give them a ‘small pet’ to keep them amused whilst at boarding school...
AMADEUS told me that the person who had been given me...was not ‘impressed’ with me...and so hadn’t bothered to ‘use’ me...I then ‘viewed’ this point in time...the young teenager who had been allocated me as a slave...the Public School Boys had all been given photographs of their slaves...and my ‘fat’ young self...was not impressive...the other boys laughed at this young man – some of them had been given real ‘lookers’...he was therefore too embarrassed to have anything to do with me as a slave, after that one...’very lucky’, added AMADEUS.
Whoever had been ‘given’ DEB MCDONALD as a slave...must have been a real bastard. How much money did he make out of her as a child – selling her to the paedophiles (this is all about money and ‘investments’), whilst he was still at school?
One can see that the ILL CULT begins to worm its way into the conscious minds of the ‘elite British classes’ at a very young age. They are ‘conditioned’ to accept the ILL CULT as a way of life.
I suppose that the US teacher had given me the right advice...in my last year at Langley Juniors – at 10 years old...”get as fat as you can...that will save you from any un-necessary attention” i.e. paedophile attention...I was being kept ‘safe’...
If I were to recount how many memories have come back of small things...of minutiae...things that I had remembered...or heard telepathic messages ‘upon the wind’...or simply spotted something and flashbacked...not to mention all of the programmed people that I had to either ‘avoid’ or ‘trigger’ in order to get to the next stage in this sick game...I would be here for a week and a half or more...
Everywhere that I have been...I have to ‘download, quarantine, analyse’ to see what message a person has...as if it were all a computer game...and then look around the area...to see what programmed objects there are...move or remove things, where necessary...or simply analyse what they were supposed to symbolically mean...
On top of that...the memories of the two ‘WALKTHROUGHS’ were coming back in drips and drabs...from so many different quarters...so many people had tried to program me or to give me advice in terms of how to get through this ILL GAME...
INFORMATION OVERLOAD –you might say...
What could I do apart from to keep my sense of humour at the absurdity of it all? LOOKING GLASS WORLD UK...the hive of mind control slaves...horrible but also funny, at times.
Meeting SONIA and MARK in POLAND in 1994...really changed my perspective upon things...they found so many things riotously funny and communicated an infectious sense of humour...
SCARLETT had obviously thought that they were a ‘good thing’...and told me subsequently that he had arranged this ‘meeting’ with them in 1994...why?
Because he had found out that those programmed with FBI WATCHER...could remember things...that we could ‘wake up’...and recount so much...we could also ‘see’ so much...
Other people staying at HOTELU ASYSTENCKI could also see the ‘humour’ of ‘looking glass world’...like MARK GLAVINSKY and also JONATHAN EVANS, to an extent...but he was in a bad way, at that point in his life...he had had too much contact with SCARLETT and BRITISH INTELLIGENCE in general...he was the ‘boss’ of SONIA and MARK...he had been in Berlin with TOMLINSON and PUTIN...hence the ‘transvestite night on the town’ CCTV...
It would be interesting to know his story – his version of events.
What can I deduce from the above in relation to ‘FBI watchers’?
That SCARLETT appeared to be saying (at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001) that he didn’t know that much about the ILL CULT...which, in many ways, must be a lie...but one can see that if what AMADEUS was saying about the ‘courtroom’ drama was true...in that SCARLETT had no memories of this ‘MOSSAD cross-examination’ afterwards...nor would CAMERON, presumably...then US INTELLIGENCE was making sure that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE didn’t know what the hell was going on...at all.
So what I had effectively told MR PUTIN in SHANGHAI...that the ILL CULT had been staged, managed and produced by the FBI...from 1913 onwards...was most likely to be true...that is what I ‘knew’...that is what I was trying to communicate to the man that I had always trusted the most...NOT the Jews per se...US INTELLIGENCE.
...and the FBI head of ‘drugging and mind control’ in 1994 (if there is a politically-correct and ‘governmental’ way of saying that, I do not want to know it) was in fact a staunch CATHOLIC called LOEHRMANN who hated the UK...and was planning its imminent demise...
So is this all about the JEWS or the CATHOLICS?
I am stymied upon that point...AMADEUS was being ‘run’ by PRINCE CHARLES (the ROYAL FAMILY call themselves ‘Ashkenazim’ but then PRINCE CHARLES was also pretending to back ‘Saladin’s Army’ – the Royal Family can blow either way – or any possible way)...and ACKERMANN who was (and maybe still is – although I have already had ‘flashes’ of his death)...a Jew.
This is an important point...because AMADEUS was up in court...to give his contribution to the general event...but the CIA...(and within that ‘intelligence service, I would include the OBAMAS)...these were people who knew ‘everything’...and they joked about it.
Neither Barrack Obama or his wife...as far as I know...have either Jewish or Catholic backgrounds...
They appeared to be ‘neutral’...the ‘nice guys’...the ones who could understand and see the whole horrible mess...
But were they really?
I have already stated that GEORGE BUSH was just a mind control slave ‘puppet’ as much as everybody else...so why shouldn’t BARRACK OBAMA be too?
Once you get to be upon a world stage...you are generally a ‘puppet’...that is the way that ILL culture has been for so long...from 1913, at any rate...have times now really changed or not?
If any academics are reading this...chew this for size...I was programmed as a teenager to believe that if anybody put anything in brackets, that it was NOT to be believed...
ILL PROGRAMERS allow authors ‘slight criticism’ of the whole ILL system, and we were told (at school and under mind control) to put these minor criticisms in ‘BRACKETS’ but nothing more than that...
After this programming session at LANGLEY SENIORS– nobody used brackets in their writing – except me and a few others – Sue Whalley was of the opinion that you should dispense with brackets altogether – just say what you knew...
This ILL way of programming me as a PI SLAVE worked to an extent i.e. if your subconscious mind really wants to write about the ILL...you were programmed to put brackets around what you say....and as RIMINGTON told me in 2004...”you love brackets, don’t you – you will have them around your legs – once we have made you paraplegic”.
I have spent virtually my whole life...reading ‘bracketed’ information...and ‘footnotes’...in other people’s texts...in any magazine and newsletter I picked up...
In point of fact, given any article...I do not bother to read any of it, except to scan for ‘important words’ to get the general gist and then I read, word for word...what is listed normally below...a habit of a lifetime i.e. if there is a ‘footnote’ then it is important.
No wonder I had such ‘fun’ with COLLIE and the other RA slaves at WARWICK UNIVERSITY with my dissertation...I do not suppose that they had had a dissertation submitted, with so many footnotes before.
In point of fact, the subject was far too interesting for me and I had no time to go further...and so my foot-notes were general ‘guidelines’ to those who wanted to understand why and to how far wide the ILL CULT had spread...
Additionally, two things came back this morning...MONDAY 18TH MAY 2009...
Firstly, I remembered SCARLETT in 2004 - asking me where I thought TOMLINSON was...and I remote-viewed him in what appeared to be some sort of 'Eastern European' control tower...he was in charge of a large amount of monitors...
It could have been for all kazakhstan know...but SCARLETT didn't appear to believe me...and I wasn't at all sure myself...
Additionally, I had a 'flash' this morning of walking up the river to the SOURCE...instead of taking the mountainous pathway through the forest...
I was with certain members of the CIA...we had chosen to wade up river...during the summer whilst the river was at its lowest ebb...in gumboots...instead of taking the far more long and winding forest path...
Additionally, I could 'see' TOMLINSON in the forest...he was stalking us and furious...he couldn't get us...or rather he couldn't get me.
So therefore I can categorically state that I have ALREADY gone back to the SOURCE and TOMLINSON didn't manage to kill me.
The CATHOLIC CHURCH really makes me laugh...although I shouldn’t be laughing at all...in relation to what has happened to me.
AMADEUS’ speech at that ‘intelligence court’...was so funny...it showed the hatred of the CATHOLIC CHURCH for the JEWS as their mortal enemy, in no uncertain terms...the battle lines were drawn yet again...as they have been drawn, for centuries.
...he was really saying ‘let’s kill them all off – they are far too dangerous now’ - in a way, wasn’t he?
The problem that I am facing now is the fact that I asked for the HARRY POTTER money back from ostensibly JEWISH COMPANIES...so many constellated around the HARRY POTTER phenomenon...and made massive amounts of money from it...the ROYALS who count themselves as ‘ASHKENAZIM’...the SPIELBERGS of this world...so many of them...the TEMPLARS then began paying their top UK slaves off with what they called ‘HARRY POTTER’ bonuses...a million extra, a year for ‘loyalty’ to the CROWN...
That is most probably why the MOSSAD then tried to blow me up...coming back from ISRAEL.
So from my own point of view – obviously this type of person is an insane money-grubbing robot...ROBOTS which are now dangerously out of control...but one also has to see the wider picture...and this is what COLLIE had realised about me, in 2004...that I had foreseen all of this, as a sort of ‘trap’ to exterminate the JEWS from this planet...and in effect, they have all trapped themselves, willingly or unwillingly. This was the most upsetting factor, in all of this, for me.
ROBOTS who push their own into elite circles...those like the ASHKENAZIM ‘Rowling’...who were considered ‘deadly dull’ by those like the OBAMAS but a fact of life, that one had to put up with...this is the ILL SYSTEM at work...they steal from the ‘talented’ to give to their untalented offspring...
It makes me think back to that OSBORNE children’s book...the one about the fairytale PRINCESS POSY...the PP...a Jesuit acronym...
In this fairystory...the MAGPIES (Ashkenazim symbol) have stolen from PRINCESS POSY and they have to give back everything that they have stolen...and they do, in the end...PRINCESS POSY ends up in a castle that looks rather like the KREMLIN. Everybody ‘makes friends’ again.
Is this a summary of what will probably happen? It looks like the best ending to me...
Additionally, if one looks back to the beginning of CHRISTIANITY...to Jesus and his disciples...one can see that the public exposure of what I can only term as ‘reaching for the stars’ in terms of mind control research...was probably a good thing...something that the HEBREWS didn’t want to be exposed...they wanted to keep the whole ‘programming of the heavens’ to themselves.
The CATHOLIC CHURCH became a serious rival in many ways...to ultimate power, within this world.
MR ICKE has pointed out in an article...how the JESUS myth has been replicated many times...and can be traced back to many different ancient civilisations...the idea of life, death and rebirth...this is all about being put into an NDE and then remote-viewing...’reaching for the stars’...the EYGPTIANS were supposed to be ‘adepts’ at this practice.
As far as I know – the CATHOLIC CHURCH then realised that we were all in big trouble...upon this planet...because the ‘aliens’ had termed it ‘black shell beach’...so many ‘robots’ around...so many soul-trappers...not to mention what HAARP and CERNE were up to...
I have yet to fully understand what ‘alien lockdown’ upon this planet means, with respect to what ‘ericswan’ had said about this...but one can see that this entire planet has been endangered by the practice of ‘soul-trapping’...
I suppose that the early Christians weren’t really interested in ‘soul-trapping’...they wanted to explore the heavens...however, it soon became a ‘slave trade’ because this was also a way to create mind control slaves. The ROMAN EMPIRE was famous for its slave-trade...
Looking at my ‘welcome’ letter from ST JAMES SURGERY and the appointment with a ‘nurse’ upon it:
WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY at 3.40pm
I was struck by the fact that my last appointment with DR CARNEY had been at the odd time of 3.40pm and that he had been reading my blog and had decided to tell me that ‘it was your parents’ money and they are allowed to spend it in any way that they wish’. Echoes of what my mother had said to me – as a teenager.
SHARON had made me furious in ISRAEL –when I talked about this money – the insincerity was palpable in his every expression and movement...he told me ‘perhaps you couldn’t be trusted with such an amount of money and that your father has been keeping it’...he then told me that the MOSSAD had paid MI6 and that whoever had been ‘paid’ within MI6 – would have kept the money. Apparently there was no onus upon them to pay the person who had actually done the work and there was nothing that the MOSSAD could do about it.
This lunchtime I had the odd ‘flash’ of a previous conversation...was it with SCARLETT? At any rate, this person had said ‘the JEWS only paid your father because they knew that they could take the money back off him’...
Anyway, this WEDNESDAY I have to see the nurse...and I have to take a urine sample in...and as far as I can remember...the receptionist told me that I would have to give a blood sample. No problems with either of those two – I now realise that the severe illness that RIMINGTON had injected me with in 2004 – was in fact LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE and that this is easily curable with ERYTHROMYCIN.
I have no idea what SWINE FLU consists of nowdays – but RIMINGTON was calling LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE ‘swine flu’ in 2004. However, these people were born liars, out to make me look ‘crazy’ and so it is probable that SWINE FLU is a ‘new’ type of virus but one can bet that it was manufactured by ‘intelligence’.
The receptionist at ST JAMES SURGERY told me that they would register me with DR GUISEPPINA TABBONE Dott. Med (MB ChB) DFFP. Registered 1996, Palermo University, Italy.
I have just read her entry within the pamphlet I was given which lists all doctors for the surgery.
My next major concern is the fact that RIMINGTON had planned to have me injected with some cancerous substance.
Any of the doctors at this surgery might have been programmed to inject me with cancer...and the list of surnames is long: MANN, GRANGE, LINEEN, RAJA, TABBONE, STEWART, ARORA etc.
Additionally, one could say that any of the nurses might have been programmed to do it. There are 5 qualified nurses at this practice. I am thinking here – the poisoned tip of a syringe, used to take blood, for example. One thinks of the warnings given to drug-users who inject, about the possibility of getting AIDS if they share needles.
So I am getting the picture here...that RIMINGTON was hoping that if I woke up to this one...that I should look at where DR TRABBONE studied medicine – i.e. SICILY...and then think ‘this is the MOB...they are going to inject me with cancer...look at how the MOB were involved within the ‘clock’ scam, surrounding my grandfather’s murder in that New York hotel room’...
Therefore one has to think that upon reflection...DR TRABBONE is probably the least likely to cause me any harm at all...if I know RIMINGTON’s way of thinking, she liked to use unobtrusive people such as secretaries...and so it is most likely that she would have set-up the nurse to do it under mind control...
I will therefore not think about changing my doctor...DR TRABBONE is probably ‘good news’...but I will have to watch out for the nurses...so upon reflection – I shall not be giving a blood sample to the nurse, upon Wednesday – I shall simply refuse.
To be on the safe side - the time 3.40pm worried me - and so I shall go along this afternoon and change the appointment to another time - thereby missing the 'programmed' nurse...if this was the case.
Once you have blocked a certain move in the game - one hopes that the programming 'vanishes' i.e. that this person does not attempt to do what they have been programmed to do (if it was linked to a certain time and date) - this may not be the case though...
So I have changed the appointment to 8.30am upon Friday.
Having just been back in that surgery - I remembered RIMINGTON's thoughts...I can remember her saying to herself that it didn't matter what appointment I booked - that her 'nurse' would get me - the nurses worked both afternoon and morning shifts.
So one can say that I will have to face a programmed nurse at this surgery - however, now that I have OUTED this hideous stage in the ILL GAME. One hopes that I will not be injected with cancer. Surely the ILL will not go ahead with their sick plan? I will have to take my chances.
I would very much like to know what blood group, I am.
I have already written about this (see previous notes) how my fathe, who is a retired Consultant Haematologist - didn't know which blood group I was...nor was he clear about what blood group either he or my mother was...
He has given me different answers at different stages in my life...firstly, he thought that they were both O- type(rhesus factor) but recently he changed his mind about that one...he thought that he was O- but my mother was either an A or B blood group...however, he was still sure that they were both 'negative' i.e. rhesus factor. He had no idea what group, my blood type was...
Nor did my GP at ARDLEIGH SURGERY...she didn't have my blood group on her screen and therefore didn't put it down on my medical form application for a work visa in China (she didn't bother to take a blood test)...nor did the Chinese Embassy in London complain...when I handed in these forms without this crucial piece of information...odder and odder.
So it would be a really good thing to find out at long last...what my blood group is...because I am now thinking that it might not be 'negative'...although it should be...if both of my parents have 'rhesus' type blood.
So RIMINGTON was basically trying to get me to BLAME the MOB and to annoy them a lot...by claiming that they were trying to inject me with cancer...
Yet another ILL plan OUTED, then.
After the murder of 'GIORGIO' the MOB BOSS at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - I do not think that the MOB are particularly 'enamoured' with the ILL, at present...
Next up - I went into the TOWN HALL to the 'housing/homelessness' department - to hand in the POST OFFICE statement, which arrived this morning.
It has the 3 amounts of benefit, stated clearly upon this light 'mauve' form with that RED insignia of the POST OFFICE.
Now, I know that I am dealing with a large amount of mind control slaves around me, here...and therefore I tend to study their reactions carefully. The 'reactions' were quite severe, today:
I showed this POST OFFICE STATEMENT to the receptionist through the glass and told her it was for MS FARLEY and could I have a photocopy made of it?
The young woman's eyes almost popped out of her head, when she saw it, quite literally.
She looked like she had had a really big shock. She was gawping at the POST OFFICE statement, with her eyes almost out of her head...
She then went off to photocopy it.
I looked for a chair to sit down on and saw that another COUNCIL official had come in to talk to two men, who were sitting down by the vacant chair.
This COUNCIL official had dropped half of a BLUE CRAYON in front of the chair that I wanted to sit down upon.
I remembered RIMINGTON telling me that I had to pick this BLUE CRAYON up and give it back to this guy. I didn't.
Instead (and upon AMADEUS' suggestion) I kicked it hard and it lodged itself under the doors into the PRINCES' THEATRE.
I then sat down.
It was at this point that another woman appeared at reception and I recognised her as one of RIMINGTON's main slaves (was she the 'BEALE'?).
Her eyes began to almost pop out of her head too - she was scanning the floor to see where the BLUE CRAYON had gone...and then she saw it under the doors to the PRINCE'S THEATRE.
She hadn't seen me kick it - but she then looked at me...and I 'knew' that she was entirely awake.
She knew what I had done and why.
She could hardly believe her eyes. She almost burst out laughing and then quickly disappeared.
So what was the symbolism of this BLUE CRAYON? I am not sure but it was obviously quite a severe threat to myself but now it has been re-directed at the PRINCES.
SONIA and MARK...I had a 'flash' of them with AMADEUS...had he picked up all of the WATCHERS?
I suppose he would have particularly liked SONIA and MARK for obvious reasons...in terms of personality, extreme bravery...as well as being Catholics.
Anyway, one can say that the WATCHERS were all from different religions...and therefore, whatever happened to the 'heavens' in relation to reprogramming them...will be a mixture of very different points of view...however, by the end of the horror at that TEMPLAR CASTLE...we were all working together...to destroy the ILL.
We arranged to meet and to watch over each other 'going up' - only where the CCTV cameras had been smashed...the ILL had no idea of what we were doing, until it was too late.
Some more ILL mail in my inbox:
Mrs Sarah Criswell ***You Have Won*** 8:43 AM 4KB
Microsoft Office Try one of the most popular 2007 Microsoft Office system trials Sun, 17/5/09 10KB
Unread Ahmed Musa FROM DR AHMED MUSA/CONFIDENTIAL Fri, 15/5/09 16KB
Unread Mr.Ibrahim Omar WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU AS AN URGENT Fri, 15/5/09 6KB
The prize for the 'best laugh I have had today' goes to PRAVDA, for this article (it reminds me of the 'spaghetti harvest APRIL FOOL that PANORAMA inflicted upon the UK in terms of cutting the spaghetti off trees).
Didn't SONIA, MARK and SCARLETT all term the MOSSAD as the 'mice' upon their blogspot?
Additionally, PRAVDA has already taken the piss out all 'mice' everywhere in relation to their joke website:
PRINCE CHARLES was supposed to be one of the elite MICE of this ILL kingdom.
Anyway, here is the article:
Scientists learn to milk mice
A unique milk farm was created at the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Instead of cows there live … mice.
“This is a stage of a global experiment conducted by the Unified State of Russia and Belarus ,” the supervisor of this project Igor Goldman says. “The goal is to create effective and biologically safe medicines of a new generation as well as sound baby food. The basis for such products is human protein. We are going to reproduce it from animal milk, for instance, of goats or mice.
The latter are the most suitable creatures to test the production of the expensive substance. By “order” of scientists they produce the protein of woman’s milk – lactoferrin. One such mouse costs $3,000.
“Our mice are transgenic. The first mouse of this kind was born here in 2001. We start to milk them when they deliver babies. The lactational period lasts 21 days. During this time we take milk two times only, for the babies must get their food too. One she-mouse gives a drop of milk at a time. A study has revealed that this milk is just like woman’s milk and even excels it in some aspects,” scientist Elena Sadchikova says.
How are mice milked? Some researchers cut mice’s nipples and squeeze the valuable liquid out, others use special crucifixion machines or put she-mice to sleep with ether.
“In our laboratories there is no cruelty,” researcher Tatyana Ermolkevich said. Previously she sucked milk out through a thin tube, but it was a very difficult and slow procedure. Seeking to mechanize the process they decided to adapt a peristaltic pump, which is used in medicine for blood transfer.
The living conditions for these valuable rodents are perfect. Mice live in absolutely clean cages. There is a plate on each cage with passport data of the inhabitants. A small group of mice lives in each cage. She-mice are isolated from babies two hours before milking. Then scientists induce anesthesia and inject a special relaxing medicine, so that she-mice do not resist being milked.
“Our scientists together with their colleagues from Belarus have learned to extract from 15 to 40 grams of human lactoferrin from one liter of transgenic mice’s milk,” senior scientist Aleksey Deykin says. “It is much more than a breastfeeding woman can give. There is no such an effective technology of producing this valuable protein anywhere else in the world. No more than half a gram is extracted from the same milk volume abroad. We received evidence that these methods can be applied in experiments with goats. As a result, two transgenic goats were born,” he said.
Scientists plan to create a flock of 500 transgenic goats. Human lactoferrin taken from them will be used for producing breast milk substitutes for newborn babies receiving no mother milk. The new substance will guard babies from bacterial, viral and fungal infections. As a result, child mortality can be considerably reduced. Moreover, the milk of transgenic animals will give an opportunity to make cheap and highly effective protein-based medications, which are very expensive now.
Express Gazeta
This is also an 'interesting' article...the photograph of a tornado...
"Violent storms tore through four Midwestern states, killing three people in northern Missouri, damaging dozens of homes and leaving thousands without power, The Associated Press reports
© AP"
One wonders where the next one will hit, eh Mr PUTIN?
A large amount of WOODEN houses, went down, didn't they?
People in 'wooden' houses, shouldn't throw stones...in case we send a tornado your way...
I am now back at the B&B typing up my notes...
I got back to find that I had a ‘missed call’ upon my phone.
Now, seeing that I do not normally switch it off – and it has a very loud ring – it is odd that I am missing so many calls – I have missed all of Sue Farley’s calls so far.
Yet they then appear as ‘missed messages’ upon my mobile.
In fact, today – my mobile did ring twice and I heard it – but figured that most people would let it ring for more than two rings...and so doubted whether I had really heard it at all.
Anyway, I then got back here to find this 01255 686438 number on my mobile as a ‘missed call’ and tried to ring back at about 4.30pm – nobody there – and no ansaphone – after a while – the phone just cut off. I checked the number – and it was for ‘HOUSING SERVICES’ at Clacton Town Hall.
Therefore I got hold of a letter which SUE FARLEY had originally given me – which was to say that my application for ‘housing assistance’ had been denied...dated 6th May (although the Manager then reversed that decision)...and saw that she had an email address:
I therefore tried to send the email below to MS FARLEY but YAHOO! couldn’t sent it.
Apparently there was something wrong with the formatting of the above address – this is usual when you have typed an address wrongly or if the address is unknown.
I then flashbacked to 2004 – the same problem had occurred...I had therefore typed into GOOGLE search, the following string:
I had then sent an email ‘for the attention of Sue Farley’ to whoever I had managed to get an email address for, at the time...
Anyway, this time around...I did the same thing...to see who I could pull up...because I can see that this was all part of the ‘game’ with CLACTON COUNCIL...
I pulled up a very odd spelling of TendRingDc.gov.uk
I then thought about the paedophile/drug rings and thought...I remember...RIMINGTON telling me that her MAIN JOB was to ‘tend the ring’...the mafia rings in TENDRING.
Anyway, here is the email that I wanted to send SUE FARLEY but couldn’t (below) and also this strange TendRingDc.gov.uk...with a website attached to it...which I do not think that I will bother to look at...it looks a bit dodgy to me:
Dear Sue
I noted that I had missed a call upon my mobile and that the number was 01255 686438 – if it was you – is there anything that I need to know or to do in the meantime (apart from looking for a flat to rent) before you have finished your ‘assessment’ report, upon my case?
I handed in the POST OFFICE statement to the ‘homeless department’ receptionist at the TOWN HALL this morning (Monday 18th May) – this has the three amounts of Employment and Support benefit upon it. The receptionist made a photocopy of it and stamped it. I therefore assume that you now have received this.
Best wishes
Emily Gyde
1. TendRingDc.gov.uk - AboutUs Wiki Page
From AboutUs: See what information we have on TendRingDc.gov.uk and share your knowledge.
www.aboutus.org/TendRingDc.gov.uk - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
So what is this all about?
One quick point about that jewellry that is currently on sale in SAINSBURYS...it was all used as 'costume jewellry' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
I remember being given various items e.g. headbands, necklaces and ear-rings and bracelets to wear...during different programming modules e.g. when my role was 'Egyptian queen' or as a 'watcher'...
Therefore today, I looked at every single barcode on the backs of those pieces of jewellry...in order to find out everybody's programming numbers...we had all been programmed with the barcodes.
I then remembered MARK R laughing...he figured that all of these people in 'child alters' would find it easier to remember their childhood telephone numbers...and there were quite a few people at the TEMPLAR CASTLE who had been brought up in SOLIHULL...
Therefore there are a lot of pieces of jewellry...which have as the last 7 numbers...
706 (and then 4 digits)
705 (and then 4 digits)
Additionally, I can now remember what happened to the first receptionist that I met in the 'Housing Services' department in the Town Hall.
In 2004, TOMLINSON was standing behind her as she saw the POST OFFICE form through the glass(I was holding it up)- he then instructed her to 'lose it' and then he electrocuted the nape of her neck.
Her eyes popped out of her head - she was still looking at the POST OFFICE form in my hands.
Today - in 2009 - this woman did precisely the same thing - her eyes nearly popped out of her head - as she looked at the form.
This all takes me back to LANGLEY SENIORS - in our first year - in the Xmas grotto - where the GEOGRAPHY teacher and MR BIGGS had repeatedly electrocuted SUE WHALLEY (she was only 11 years old) because her eyes popped out of her head, when they did it and it made them laugh like drains...
I guess an stun gun applied to the back of the neck, has that effect upon some people.
Okay - so upon a more 'esoteric' level I can see that SCARLETT and COLLIE (MI6 elite) believed that the top ILL had been taken over by that war-like and highly destructive race of 'lizard aliens' - who had destroyed their own planet and become a 'floating intelligence' i.e. a bunch of evil souls, roaming the universe. All I can say is that the possibility is there but I personally, have no idea.
What makes me laugh now...is that PRAVDA (read Russian Intelligence) obviously thinks that PRINCE CHARLES is a 'MOUSE' - which means a member of the MOSSAD...in fact, more than that...he is ROYALTY in terms of the MOSSAD (mouseland), according to www.mouseland.org
So what can we say?
PRINCE CHARLES is an interdimensional space lizard who is running the MOSSAD...or at any rate, a MOSSAD member?
I am really laughing now...but all of the evidence is pointing that way...
I have received the same message twice, upon my ORANGE mobile...the one coded:
Anyway, the actual message is about winning a ticket to THORPE PARK...
I remember being made to go there by the POLICE who were pretending to investigate this case of ILL ABUSE in 2004.
I was severely beaten/abused/ECT'd whilst I was in this park...and so I have NO intention of responding to these THORPE PARK messages, at all.
The young woman (of ‘Goth’ appearance) who is supposed to pester me...at this B&B...
I have just seen her outside of this building...taking ‘advice’ from two Ashkenazim guys in a DARK ORANGE car...parked outside of the house.
I saw one of these men (maybe her father) this morning...he was just about to let himself into the building with a front door key...
I know that she is Jewish because she told me so, in 2004...
The guy that I saw this morning...reminded me in appearance, of the head of the MOSSAD...similar type...heavy-set, paunchy, large build but scrawny legs...grey/white thick hair inclined to be curly...he was of medium height...
I am now used to people turning up who ‘look like’ other people that I have met – people who worked for ‘intelligence’...
I first got used to this ‘occurrence’ in 2008 - whilst waiting for the plane at SCHIPHOL airport to take me to Switzerland...where I saw the MARK R lookalike, with the same dull green expensive woollen suit on and the German passport in his hand...I was then to meet the SIDNEY BRICHTO lookalike in Switzerland, who said ‘HELLO BELLE’ whilst standing upon the threshold of the HARDER-MINERVA hotel...
Anyway, I could write pages upon how many ‘lookalikes’ I have seen recently...luckily, this time around...in 2009 I am NOT drugged...not losing my balance, nor ‘normal’ gait or slurring my speech and so I can quite easily see what is going on...
Getting back to those two men in the car...they were drinking cans of STELLA and so that doesn’t bode well, does it? That had quite a few cans in front of the car and both men were drinking it...I do hope they won’t be driving afterwards...
The young woman was taking some form of instructions from them...she was smoking ferociously...the cigarette stub between her black nail-varnished fingers...she then raced into the B&B...and has now gone back into her room – opposite mine. This looks like trouble to me...but I figure that having outed her (and those two men in the car), that I should be safe...
I now know what that strange dream about that FERRIS WHEEL was all about...the one where PRINCE HARRY 'saved me' from this old and rusted circus ride...
I was in a 'funfair' presumably the one at THORPE PARK...and the two PRINCES were there, in cognito but surrounded by their body guards...PRINCESS ANNE was also present...
They were there to use and abuse me...I remember one of their conversations...they were thinking up terrible things to do to me...upon the spot...
One of them suggested that there had to be a 'hero' in all of this - in case I did wake up to it all eventually...as WATCHERS are known to do...almost everybody is able to wake up at some point...if they haven't had 'two wires up the nose' or a 'needle through the eye'...
They therefore chose PRINCE HARRY to pretend to rescue me from the FERRIS WHEEL...those sick bastards...
PRINCE CHARLES wasn't present...but he had instructed his sons to be there...to do what they did...it was hideous...those disgusting animals...the lot of them.
The idea being, that this would confuse my memories of the whole sick event...I would have no idea who to blame or why...
Additionally, I forgot to mention an important point about the BATHROOM downstairs.
RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had taken me in there - and RIMINGTON had instructed TOMLINSON to use his brute force, upon the cold tap over the basin. He twisted it as hard as possible - to make sure that nobody could ever turn it on again.
He also knew why RIMINGTON had instructed him to do this. He told me:
"This is to show you that you can NEVER 'watch' again."
He meant 'remote-view'.
How wrong he was.
I remote-viewed many times after that particular event in 2004.
I was in touch with my soul then and I am now. That is all you need to be able to do - to be in touch with your soul.
Despite the amount of torture, drugging and ECT - the ILL had not managed to prevent me from remote-viewing.
I have no idea why the fixing the COLD TAP so that it wouldn't work symbolised 'no more WATCHING' but as usual, I figured that the ILL were simply insane, and best not to question that one...and to continue as usual...without telling them.
I have also to point out that NIR was a 'watcher' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (his father was Ashkenazim and his mother Sephardic) but he didn't want to help the JEWS one bit...but he felt that he would have to give them a chance to redeem themselves...he therefore programmed something into the heavens...in order to give them that chance.
I remember in 2004 - SCARLETT and COLLIE telling me that it was a 'battle for hearts and minds' that MI6 was now fighting...
They told me that even though I had not experienced the 'alien lizard' phenomenon...that many people (those at the TEMPLAR CASTLE) had done...and that in terms of 'picking up' things...I hadn't picked up on the 'alien lizard' images...but I had picked up on 'pure evil'...it was simply a question of perception.
That is why they had begun this 'fight' in relation to DAVID ICKE publicising their 'evidence' and 'findings'...it was not 'propaganda' - it was all based upon factual experience.
They also told me that there were a lot of people - in the general population - who had this type of 'sensory perception' and that just because I wasn't picking up this particular way of 'seeing' these people (who were 'possessed' by this alien force)...didn't mean that it didn't exist.
So MI6 at its best then, eh?
Finally fighting back and endorsing everything (or almost everything) that MR ICKE is putting out into the public domain...
I have just received another text from ORANGE - here is the first letter code:
This is quite easy to read:
I forgot to mention that a computer consistently tries to gain access via GOOGLE to my laptop - and the IP address is shown (with a query - do you want to let it gain access or block it)...I should have made a note of it before blocking it...anyway, there is always a next time.
I thought that I would spare MR PUTIN this one...but upon second thoughts I need to investigate this further...
In BORAT- you have the 'naked wrestling' scene.
The CIA told me that this scene was based upon a real-life event - one that had happened in my room 311 at HOTELU ASYSTENCKI in 1993.
The two 'characters' involved were PUTIN and TOMLINSON.
The 'taste my arse, you bastard' or words to that effect, were said in RUSSIAN.
I can expand upon this 'scene' in terms of what really happened:
PUTIN'S men (as well as TOMLINSON and MILIBAND)had decided upon various sparing matches...they began fully clothed - to do martial arts - they moved the furniture back to do so but people were still hitting the walls and creating a commotion...
I heard SONIA and MARK outside - laughing with fear...they were walking back to their room...scared...they didn't knock upon my door.
Anyway, the men then decided to do 'naked wrestling' which got nasty.
It is a credit to MR PUTIN that he managed to get TOMLINSON down on the floor - considering that he was half his size and under-nourished (remember the food famine in St Petersburg) - so no he wasn't a 'big fatso'.
Anyway, MARK R knew all about what had happened in room 311...my torture and rape there...plus the 'funny scenes' of naked wrestling etc.
So who had access to the hidden video camera?
I had formerly thought that this was only BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...yet when one looks back at this now...the CIA was to tell me about their copy in 2006...MARK R appeared to be working for the MOSSAD...is there a black market for these tapes or were they all in on it together?
Additionally, why did the CIA choose to cast PUTIN as TOMLINSON's 'manager' in the BORAT movie?
The 'manager' who leaves him in the end...
Whereupon BORAT rises to fame as this crazed individual with a penchant for exhibitionism...
So what was that all about CIA?
The shame is all yours.
I hope that 'interdimensional space lizards' are not another 'intellgience joke' MI6.
Because if it is - remember that the SOE learnt the hard way - and my grandfather was murdered for it.
There gets to a point when 'jokes' aren't funny anymore and then the war begins.
So how did MR PUTIN take the 'BORAT' joke, then?
One can see that despite PRAVDA talking about a huge build-up of US military aggression towards RUSSIA in general and the threat of WWIII...
The Russians have got their eye on the ball and that is the MICE and MOUSELAND.
Wait and see.
The MICE and 'mouseland' - the fifth column - in every country.
Okay, so my GOOGLE taskbar keeps on trying to connect with an IP computer address of: 80
It may be nothing...on the other hand...somebody does keep trying to change the 'profile' upon this computer and being blocked from doing so...
Reading through the jokey posts about KAZAKHSTAN building an ALIEN EMBASSY and looking at the BORAT jokes involved...I came across one that immediately brought back a memory from 1980:
Whilst we were all 'on the run' in order to test out how effective the microchips in our teeth were in relation to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE radar - RICHARD TOMLINSON had decided to sleep rough around OLTON MERE but then decided that it was too cold and wet to do so and therefore he had come up our back garden...my father put him up in his study.
I showed him the bathroom - my father had had a bidet installed (an unusual feature in the UK at the time but then my father was more 'European' than British) and TOMLINSON switched it on and began to drink from it before I could stop him...
I am beginning to see how every little bit of information was saved upon us...how the programmers wanted to know everything that happened...
Here is the article:
"Kazakhstan: Government to build UFO base and alien embassy
Michael Cohen
All News Web
Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:04 UTC
The Republic of Kazakhstan in Central Asia is in the process of building the world's first alien embassy according to some local media reports. If these reports are to be believed, the authorities have already allocated a large plot of land in the city of Almaty for this ambitious project. Facilities to be built within the complex will include a guesthouse, theatre and translation service. A purpose built UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be attached to the embassy.
Kazakhstan's government believes open contact with aliens is imminent and by being the first nation to specifically create such facilities they are convinced they will reap enormous financial and economic rewards. The Kazakhstan Government also see this as a chance to demonstrate their nations forward thinking policies.
Currently it is generally accepted that aliens are making use of an underwater UFO base in the Caspian Sea which Kazakhstan borders. Fuad Gasimov, the head of neighbouring Azerbaijan's national Aerospace Agency has confirmed this to be the case and has gone on record stating the old USSR constantly monitored alien spaceships regularly entering the water but kept this a military secret. Gasimov himself was involved in this secret monitoring of UFOs when a department heat at the USSR's science academy.
In addition to this, numerous UFO sightings occur in Kazakhstan where it is believed aliens take an interest in their massive natural resources. As recently as last year a UFO was reported as having crashed into a river in Kazakhstan.
The head of Kazakhstan's space agency, Talgat Musabayev, is said to be heavily involved in the embassy project. Musabayev is an ex-cosmonaut who has spent many hours in space and is an ex-colleague of Gasimov. It is believed that he possesses a large amount of information on the aliens currently visiting earth.
Kazakhstan's acceptance of the reality of alien visitors to earth has won it the admiration of many ufologists, especially those in the west, who wonder when their countries will follow this example.
Source: Express K , UFO evidence
Source : http://www.sott.net/articles/show/18...-alien-embassy
Another poster has commented:
"They are preparing for sexy time yes?"
Oh crap...looking at this photograph of the 'control tower' that I saw TOMLINSON up (with the monitors inside) - for SCARLETT and COLLIE...it does look rather like the one in this photograph of KAZAKHSTAN...a similar model - it is called THE SUN TOWER:
However, it wasn't GOLD at the top...and it had a lift shaft which was hidden...therefore this 'model' is far more accurate in terms of what I saw:
"The company has its own Teleport in Almaty, Kazakhstan, located on TV Tower.
STS is an engineering and service satellite company, providing the most powerful and reliable systems in the telecommunications industry. We offer our service for several years to our customers in most difficult environment. Highly trained engineers and technicians will support all your telecommunications and IT needs with the fast response to any customer of any size."
However, the control tower that I saw was in a very similar location to that of the SUN TOWER...think of this image - where the SUN TOWER is - in that built-up urban area and you have got pretty much what I saw...is it possible that when I remote-viewed this...circa 2004...they hadn't built the SUN TOWER by that point...but had a TV TOWER there which looks like the above one (see url)?
Additionally, upon this site which is apparently the official Kazakhstan embassy site in the UK:
...I saw a LOGO which was on a light blue background...for THE BRITISH-KAZAKH SOCIETY...and in the righthand corner...it looked like two BLACK LIZARDS around a British flag with a YELLOW SUN upon the British flag...
...I immediately 'knew' what the 'symbol' for these 'friends of Kazakhstan was...I had seen this programming in the auras of so many people in the UK...always MASONS but I do not know from what denomination...and it was an image of a BLACK DRAGON...a flying lizard of types...
So I clicked upon this link:
The logo that I had seen on the advertisement for THE BRITISH-KAZAKH SOCIETY then changed...the 'black lizards' then turned LIGHT BLUE and one could see more detail...they appeared to be FLYING LIONS...
I now get it - TOMLINSON was programming so many members of the UK to be 'black lizards/dragons'...
I have met so many of these mind control slaves around Clacton...and as far as I can recall, they were mainly, if not all, men.
So the CIA weren't joking then - they had done their research upon BORAT.
I can now remember...I had the son of one of the biggest if not the biggest mafia bosses in KAZAKHSTAN in one of my English classes in Oxford circa 1989...he told the class that KAZAKHSTAN was completely lawless...and entirely run by mafia gangs. Anybody who crossed him, ended up dead at the bottom of a river - his father made sure of that one.
Additionally, I met TOMLINSON at this point - in OXFORD - and he told me that he had been checking up on the young thugs who had beaten this student up on a bus, in the town centre...this student was always getting into fights...
This student was a real 'BORAT' in that way...he was so crazy...although he didn't look like BORAT...he was tall, thin and blond...he would talk to anybody and 'crazy stuff' in terms of what Europeans accept as 'sane behaviour'...therefore he was often picked on, in the street...he used to flash his money around...he used to carry a large wad of notes in his wallet and would buy YSL designer products...nothing was too expensive...silly money...
The official language in KAZAKHSTAN was Russian...and this student's best friend was a Russian young man from Moscow...but in general, the Russians kept aloof from this student...
That was 1999 and not 1989...TOMLINSON was obviously this guy's 'minder'...and he told me not to get on the wrong side of this student...what did I care? Mafias didn't worry me...why should this student get 'special attention'...
Additionally, the official embassy website is decked out in YELLOW and LIGHT BLUE...
These two colours came to my attention firstly in FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE, HARWICH...
These two colours then appeared in the 'doghouse' of the MICROSOFT office 'help dog' who is chained up in a kennel but keeps trying to escape...
I associated the 'kennel' and FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE together...my mother and RIMINGTON had decked out that flat (which was already colour-themed in YELLOW, LIGHT BLUE and GOLD)...with only objects in YELLOW/CREAM, LIGHT BLUE...
...therefore naturally I thought of this flat as a MARY flat...because of the hideous abuse (the 'hangings') that had gone on in there...
...but now, I can see that it was a BORAT/KAZAKHSTAN 'flat'...the colours of the KAZAKHSTAN flag and the EMBASSY logo...
So is KAZAKHSTAN now the home of the RA CULT? Is this the SUN KING'S HQ?
Who is British LORD FOSTER who apparently created the SUN TOWER?
Any connection to MUNRO & FOSTER - the PR 'NHS government money' company that my brother used to work for?
Or are we talking 'DR FOSTER, WENT TO GLOUCESTER...' as RIMINGTON chanted in 1980...every time we had to go to another horrific 'medical examination' or torture...demonic blood transfusions etc.
The Inaugural Reception of The British - Kazakh Society
(A photograph of PRINCE ANDREW and the Co-Chairman Lord Fraser of the bksociety)
Of course, the BRITISH ROYALS were in there immediately - look at that evil little toad PRINCE ANDREW - sliming around KAZAKHSTAN...is the PRIME MINISTER of this country, another of your 'robots'?
"In his speech to the reception, the Duke of York made reference to the importance of building the relationship between the two countries still further. He stressed the role of the Society in this mission, and advised members that he had made a five year commitment to the Society to get it up and running. He also said how welcome he had been made to feel on his recent trip to Kazakhstan."
What a JOKE.
So is this where the ROYAL FAMILY has decided to build its ideal RA CULT country? KAZAKHSTAN?
I wonder whose idea that was?
The great KHAN - aka RICHARD TOMLINSON, of course.
You have the 'SEVEN SISTERS' oddly shaped architecture of those 7 tower blocks...looking like 'crystals'...but more than likely to be all about what HELEN BROWNE and her mother were up to, in DUBAI...I wouldn't stay there on a business trip, if I were you...
ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had told me in 1997 - that PRINCE PHILIP was obsessed by the idea of aliens...and so it wouldn't surpise me at all if the above 'Cohen' article from DAVID ICKE's site is true - the one about 'contact with aliens' being attempted...
I tried to copy and paste - the article and photographs from the 'vigilant' website - upon which was the article 'sinister sites' - the link can be found on page 2 of DAVID ICKE'S headlines, on his website www.davidicke.com
Anyway, I ran into big problems - firstly MICROSOFT WORD tried to connect with another computer IP: 80
It was blocked.
Then INTERNET EXPLORER was attacked by another IP: 443
...and that closed down...
I have yet to actually read this article and look at the photographs...
Yet was is plain to me is this: THE ROYALS spent all of the 'HARRY POTTER' money upon creating a RA CULT city in KAZAKHSTAN...
I have no idea if they are all infected with the 'alien lizard' brain lack of intelligence but it seems highly probable...that or just plain red-neck lizard brains...the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY have never been noted for either 'good manners' or 'intelligence'.
My computer internet connection will not work anymore...and so I will continue to type up notes on WORD until I have put my laptop through an AVG scan.
I might add that I can now remember TOMLINSON pointing out this very LOGO on the Kazakhstan EMBASSY site...he actually called his mind control slaves ‘BLACK LIZARDS’...that is why I particularly saw that image first...he then clicked onto the ‘bksociety’ advertisement and showed me how the image changed from ‘black winged lizards’ to ‘blue winged lions’...this was symbolic of something...the ability of these slaves to hide and to pose as LIONS for some reason.
Is this a MASONIC thing...e.g. the BRITISH LIONS who are secretly ‘black lizards’ at a deeper level of programming?
Last night I became ‘aware’ that SIS had tracked a computer which was attempting to hack mine – right back to BUCKINGHAM PALACE.
The evidence is mounting...they are harvesting it all in, now.
All phones and frequencies are now being tapped - the ROYAL FAMILY is under-fire.
What can I say but that after writing the above about where the HARRY POTTER money had gone...the RA NETWORK then exploded in anger...so I was right...
That means then that I OWN most of the capital city...or all of those new architectural buildings...through MY work...the HARRY POTTER books...how amusing...I am now the QUEEN of Kazakhstan...I do not like the architecture though...I think that I shall knock it all down – what do you think about that then, eh TOMLINSON?
Yet another computer tried to hack in, whilst I was posting my last post: 80
The TOWER OF BABEL - didn't the WATCHERS tell you about that one, TOMLINSON?
The TOWER OF BABEL - didn't the WATCHERS tell you about that one, TOMLINSON?
The TOWER OF BABEL - didn't the WATCHERS tell you about that one, TOMLINSON?
I was taken to this very SUN TOWER...I have a distinct memory of being told to place my hand in this ‘mould’.
Alternatively I could have been remote-viewing through TOMLINSON’s eyes but I distinctly remember TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON being there...when had they taken me here?
A mind control slave whom I had a ‘chat’ with recently – told me that he had stayed in the RAFFLES HOTEL...this is another pyramid ‘hotel’ – a photograph is upon the above site about KAZAKHSTAN...in comparison to the pyramid installed here...
So the RAFFLES hotel...and now the whole symbolism of the ‘eye’ which is chopped off the top of the pyramid....
...and yet the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY were nothing but debased animals...how any of them dare to think that they are ‘enlightened’...it is quite beyond me.
They were just a pack of brutish animals who were using people like me... we had been trained as WATCHERS to programme the heavens for them...yet the ROYAL FAMILY were so spiritually inferior to us all...they were like dirty little animals, grubbing around in their own filth...and when the WATCHERS broke free from their slavery...things really began to change...worldwide.
Check out this FILTHY LITTLE ANIMAL too:
"'George Osborne today returned home from a three-day visit to Washington where he held meetings with Tim Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, and Larry Summers, director of the White House economic council. The Shadow Chancellor also had formal talks with Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, World Bank President Robert Zoellick and IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, as well as using his attendance at the White House correspondents' dinner on Saturday night to speak to Mr Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.'
Every single one of the names mentioned here are Zionists who have their prime allegiance to Israel."
Another computer has tried to hack mine - IP address: 443
Another computer has tried to hack mine - IP address: 443
Some more memories are coming back now...as they tend to do once I have got hold of a 'strand' and pull it...
The ROYAL FAMILY were sitting at a long table - rather like a 'last supper' table...underneath the EYE...in that KAZAKHSTAN pyramid...supposedly contemplating their 'enlightenment'...
Yet to me - all I saw were filthy swine at their trough...their piggery, pretentiousness and sheer idiocy is almost alarming...any of them 'enlightened'? - I could fall off my chair laughing...
Looking at these photographs of the new architecture of KAZAKHSTAN brings back so many more memories:
For example, RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON took me to see this building:
Khan Shatyry Entertainment Center (The World’s Biggest Tent)
...and predictably (remember the programming script about the BRAINS and the GREAT KHAN?)...TOMLINSON informed me that this building was named after himself...in fact, he 'owned' it.
"This unfinished odditiy is designed, once again, by Sir Norman Foster (he basically designed the whole city). Underneath the tent, an area larger than 10 football stadiums, will be an urban-scale internal park, shopping and entertainment venue with squares and cobbled streets, a boating river, shopping centre, minigolf and indoor beach resort. It has been said that this structure is made to look like a tabernacle, on par with the Temple of Solomon."
Additionally, the text also has this to say underneath a painting of the tabernacle and tents...
"These portable places of worship, composed of tents, were used by Jews during biblical times. Initiates attribute to these ancient settlements an esoteric meaning."
TOMLINSON was 'serious' about being the ALMIGHTY then, wasn't he?
I really want to laugh but this insanity has gone too far...
So who is 'delusional' now, DR CARNEY?
You should be sent on a especial mission to 'treat' the ROYAL FAMILY, TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON...
The money that they stole, went to their heads...if they had a brain cell left, to conjure with...
In point of fact, the KHAN SHATYRY Entertainment Center is quite 'entertaining' to look at...
It is a symbol of 'a needle through the eye'...
What it basically symbolises is the taking away of all memories from mind control slaves - so that they can continue to be run as slaves...
This is NOTHING to do with the tabernacle or any religious inference, whatsoever...this is a CITY all about SLAVERY...based on slavery, built upon the money of slaves...glorifying SLAVERY.
In point of fact, I can remember a conversation between RIMINGTON and the ROYALS – it was about me and my ‘perception’ of this ‘stunning city’ that they had created in KAZAKHSTAN.
RIMINGTON was of the opinion that because I had been an ‘art student’ and loved beautiful things that I would never want to take the whole lot down...she was assuring the ROYALS that I had been so impressed by what they had done...that I would naturally think it all ‘far too beautiful’ to be destroyed.
This is a CITY which symbolises SLAVERY and in no uncertain terms.
Every icon and image, is representative of SLAVERY.
Now, if one looks at the ‘age of enlightenment’ – and all of the art and architecture of that period – one can also pose the same question:
Should one destroy it all because it is redolent with signifiers that point to SLAVERY?
The art and architecture of the ‘age of enlightment’ was mainly funded by COLONIAL slavery.
My answer to that would be ‘no’ – mainly because it stands as a monumental testament to the fact that this period occurred within our history...and that it is now generally seen as a terrible mistake...a terrible indictment against humankind...and we should learn from our mistakes...SLAVERY is WRONG.
However, to make the SAME mistake TWICE...and to create an entire city which blatantly glorifies SLAVERY...
...and to know that it is the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY who master-minded (if that is the right term)...the entire project in KAZAKHSTAN...then I say:
As Lady Windermere said in THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST...something along the lines of ‘to make a mistake once, is tolerated...to make it TWICE is not’...
Does anybody really want another tower of Babel?
Does anybody really want these sick slave-driving Satanists to ‘rule the world’?
In fact, it was LADY BRACKNELL ha, ha...if I am going to quote, I might as well get it right...
DALDRY, MALCOLM and I, laughed over this quote regarding the 'baby in the handbag' - in PRAGUE 1995...we had all seen the 'future' upon this account...and how I would respond to the ROYALS:
"Lady Bracknell: Are your parents living?
Jack (né Ernest) Worthing: I have lost both my parents.
Lady Bracknell: To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
I had loosely translated the general intent behind this famous quote to mean that one can make a mistake...but after that, any repetition of that mistake is NOT tolerated...
This play THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST - had many ILL meanings attached and so DALDRY and MALCOLM 'got it' immediately...what I was saying, in relation to the ROYALS and their repetition of one of the most deadly mistakes in history.
To make a mistake is 'unfortunate' but one can learn from it...to make the same mistake TWICE...now that just looks like plain old 'carelessness' doesn't it?
...and we all know now that the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY put no value upon human life, whatsoever...they do not 'care' at all.
In brief, during your childhood - the ILL tortured one or both of your parents in front of you...whilst quoting the above from THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST.
The basic message being: we will kill both your parents - one after the other - if you do not obey us.
DALDRY's father died an agonising death of cancer - DALDRY was 16 years old, at the time.
His father mistrusted doctors and wouldn't take any drugs.
Some more ILL mail in my inbox:
Date Size
Unread Dagani Benson VERY URGENT Mon, 18/5/09 9KB
Anyway, that is why I twisted the ILL meaning of this programming phrase back upon the ROYALS.
You can murder my parents if you wish - YOUR shame, your guilt, your crime but I will NOT obey you - any of you and I WILL OUT YOU for every obscene, criminal act that you have done.
Finally, I can now remember the brief meeting with LADY DIANA...before she was murdered.
She told me that as far as her sons were concerned:
‘I wash my hands of them’
She said it pointedly – underlining her decision to cut off from them – because they were no longer saveable from the MONARCHY – they had become damaged little Satanic robots.
I used this phrase ‘I wash my hands of the lot of you’ in 1997 – after LADY DIANA'S murder – to MI6 i.e. JOANNE COLLIE and ANDREW MARR in her WARWICK UNIVERSITY office – they were trying to send me back to an almost certain death, abroad.
I thought the phrase, given the circumstances, lady-like and polite...but I couldn’t remember whom I had picked it up from and why it seemed ‘appropriate’ at the time.
I suppose I could relate LADY DIANA’s decision to cut off from her sons – to leave them to their fate at the hands of the ROYAL FAMILY – to my own grandfather’s decision to leave his wife and son OSCAR HUMPHREY...my father.
However, grandfather GYDE did remain in contact with his other son, ARNOLD.
“You have to now regard your father as the ‘enemy’ – he was too damaged by them.”
One can see how one has to discard people who are no longer retrievable from the sewers and dustbins of ILL CULT – it hurts but one has to move on.
She wanted her sons to know why she had taken this decision.
PRINCES - so now you know. You opened up this ‘bunny rabbit’ slave and you now know what your own mother, really thought of you.
She wanted to start up a new life – to start a new family – she was maternal – she wanted children who were NOT under ILL mind control – evil, little robotic slaves of the ILL CULT.
The MONARCHY never gave her that chance but then they wouldn’t would they?
LADY DIANA had been publicly abused in front of her sons – her sons had been told to treat her like an old whore – to be used and abused by anybody. They believed those sick lies.
No wonder she left.
She had precious little contact with any of them afterwards.
If you want anybody other than YOURSELVES to blame, PRINCES...
Why not look in GEORGE OSBORNE'S direction...him and his family...
A little bird tells me that you 'do not remember' him being at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
I wonder why?
My laptop has just been hit twice by two IP addresses attempting to connect to it: 80 443
No, SCARLETT - you didn't know about that one, did you?
But then, you can't know everything - can you.
This meeting with LADY DIANA was not 'arranged' by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE (but that goes without saying, doesn't it).
...and yes, you are correct, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...this is the 'superior vision' of the CIA who studied the tapes to find out that the OSBORNES had, let us say...a disproportionate amount of power, exercised by giving mind control commands...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
I will have to look up this family's 'illustrious' history...not bed-time reading, I would suppose...
...but then MARK R had already told me that the OSBORNES were the most SATANIC family in the UK...topping even the ROYAL FAMILY, one assumes...
...and then there was the matter of those OSBORNE children's programming books...used on the 1980 course...
I would say that the 'winds of change' are now blowing from WASHINGTON DC and that they no longer 'tolerate' slavery...
I might add that OSBORNE approached me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...lying through is teeth...telling me that he could get all of the HARRY POTTER money back but that I would have to work for him...naturally I didn't agree...but gave a neutral response, at the time...
Additionally, MARK R (see previous notes) had laughed about OZZIE OSBOURNE's statement about the rest of his extended family...how they were much worse...far worse SATANISTS than himself...biting heads off chickens on stage, was 'tame' compared to the rest of them...
MARK R had said that the above, was all quite true...
Looking up this name upon the internet...WIKIPEDIA has this to offer:
So one can say that the OBSBORNE clan, has quite a few different spellings...
The DANVERS lineage is highlighted in RED...makes me think of REBECCA and the 'road to Manderlay'...the slave-route.
SARAH BYNG is also highlighted in RED...why? I remember MARK R telling me that she was an elite ILL CULT WITCH.
What was it about COLONEL BEDFORD'S REGIMENT then? That is also highlighted in RED.
Here is the article:
"Early life
Osborne was born on November 17, 1715, at Chicksands village (Shefford, Bedfordshire, England), which was the seat of the Osborn family. His father was John Osborn, eldest son of Sir John Osborne, 2nd Baronet (see Osborn Baronets). Of the previous four generations of paternal relatives, two grandmothers (Lady Doroty Danvers and Lady Eleanor Danvers) had belonged to the Danvers lineage. Osborne's mother was Sarah Byng. Her father was George Byng, the 1st Viscount Torrington, whereas her brother was the Admiral John Byng. Both Byng relatives were prominent figures against the Jacobite rising. In 1720 he succeeded his grandfather in the baronetcy.
Osborne was married to Lady Mary Montagu, on September 25, 1740. She was of the 8th generation of Henry VIII's lineage. Her father was George Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, whereas her brother George Montagu-Dunk became the 2nd Earl. Osborne begot two children, of whom one was named George. However, in 1743, Lady Montagu died after delivering the second child whereas Osborne was quite affected by this for the rest of his life. During the subsequent years, Danvers Osborne was a guest, often, at the Montagu-Dunk's manor of Horton (Northamptonshire).
[edit] Political career
When Charles Edward Stuart rebelled in 1745 (Rebellion of 1745) in behalf of the Scottish House of Stuart, Osborne raised troops to support the King George II, commanding such forces into battle, within Colonel Bedford's regiment, under the Duke of Cumberland.
Subsequently, Osborne represented Bedfordshire as a Member of Parliament (1747-1753). In 1750, following the 2nd Earl of Halifax, who was presiding the Board of Trade and founding the city of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Danvers Osborne traveled to Nova Scotia for six weeks, integrating into Halifax' early Council (August). Therein, many issues were attended by Danvers Osborne, like the supplies of the new settlers, the remuneration of the construction workers of the royal projects, and the regulation of the local trade, which was functioning then on Sundays despite the biblical precepts. Indeed, attending so many local matters, Osborne became very esteemed by the settlers. Back in England, in December, he was discussing the issues of Halifax, with the official functionaries of trade and plantation.
In May of 1753, the Board of Trade recommended that Danvers Osborne should be the next Royal Governor of the Province of New York. In July, it was approved. After his arrival (October 6), Danvers Osborne was welcomed officially by the mayor and the assemblymen of New York, assuming then as Royal Governor (October 10). His personal secretary was the Englishman Thomas Pownall.
[edit] His Death
However, on October 12, 1753, the dead body of Osborne was found in the garden of the house, in which he was lodged and which belonged to a local councilman. The cadaver presented evidences of strangulation. James De Lancey was his successor as Royal Governor and, to the Board of Trade, he depicted that Osborne had had a melancholic demeanor, which evidenced a great psychological disorder. Historically, such instability of Osborne, which would have provoked a suicide, is attributed to the grief of his lost wife.
Initially, the remains of Osborne were interred at the Trinity Church of New York but, in 1754, they were brought back to Osborne's native parish of England (Chicksands)."
We also have GOVERNMENT OFFICES underneath this article where several other names are highlighted in RED:
Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bt
Sir John Chester, Bt
Member of Parliament for Bedfordshire
with Thomas Alston
Thomas Alston
The Earl of Upper Ossory
George Osborn
Anyway, I can remember now - the CIA had done their research into SATANISM in 'high office' - regarding their NEW YORK COLONIAL GOVERNORS...and from the table below - had picked out the names ABOVE...as SATANISTS.
Government offices
Preceded by
George Clinton Colonial Governor of New York
1753 Succeeded by
James DeLancey
Parliament of Great Britain
Preceded by
Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bt
Sir John Chester, Bt Member of Parliament for Bedfordshire
with Thomas Alston Succeeded by
Thomas Alston
The Earl of Upper Ossory
Baronetage of England
Preceded by
John Osborne Baronet
(of Chicksands)
1720–1753 Succeeded by
George Osborn
The CIA pointed out this particular passage to me - in relation to what the researchers had been on the 'lookout' for e.g. the OSBORNES conducting trade upon a Sunday in what was a highly religious era and within highly religious communities...
"...many issues were attended by Danvers Osborne, like the supplies of the new settlers, the remuneration of the construction workers of the royal projects, and the regulation of the local trade, which was functioning then on Sundays despite the biblical precepts. Indeed, attending so many local matters, Osborne became very esteemed by the settlers."
Fascinating...here is another page upon which, the CIA have highlighted certain items, in RED - that is Sir John Osborne, 1st Baronet (c. 1615-1699) and also Sir George Osborn, 4th Baronet (1742-1818) :
Osborn Baronets
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Osborne, later Osborn Baronetcy, of Chicksands in the County of Bedford, is a title in the Baronetage of England. It was created on 11 February 1662 for John Osborne, subsequently Remembrancer to the Treasury from 1674 to 1698. The baronetcy was in recognition of the sufferings the family had suffered for its support of Charles I. Osborn was the son of Sir Peter Osborne, Governor of Guernsey, great-grandson of Peter Osborne, who acquired the family seat of Chicksands Priory in 1576 and was Remembrancer of the Treasury to Henry VIII, Keeper of the Privy Purse to Edward VI and Commissioner of Ecclesiastical Affairs to Elizabeth I. The third Baronet was the son of John Osborn, eldest son of the second Baronet, who altered the spelling of the family surname to Osborn to avoid confusion with the family of the Duke of Leeds. The third Baronet was Governor of New York and Member of Parliament for Bedfordshire. The fourth Baronet was a General in the British Army and also represented Northampton, Bossiney, Penrhyn and Horsham in the House of Commons. The fifth Baronet was Member of Parliament for four constituencies and served as a Lord of the Admiralty under the Earl of Liverpool.
Dorothy Osborne was the daughter of Sir Peter Temple and sister of the first Baronet.
[edit] Osborne, later Osborn Baronets, of Chicksands (1662)
Sir John Osborne, 1st Baronet (c. 1615-1699)
Sir John Osborne, 2nd Baronet (c. 1650-1720)
Sir Danvers Osborn, 3rd Baronet (1715-1753)
Sir George Osborn, 4th Baronet (1742-1818)
Sir John Osborn, 5th Baronet (1772-1848)
Sir George Robert Osborn, 6th Baronet (1813-1892)
Sir Algernon Kerr Butler Osborn, 7th Baronet (1870-1948)
Sir Danvers Lionel Rouse Osborn, 8th Baronet (1916-1983)
Sir Richard Henry Danvers Osborn, 9th Baronet (b. 1958)
We also have another webpage and whole new list of 'baronets' under a slightly different spelling: OBSBORNE
Ballintaylor is highlighted in RED.
Sir Richard Osborne, 2nd Baronet (d. 1685)
Sir John Osborne, 7th Baronet (c. 1697-1743)
Sir William Osborne, 8th Baronet (d. 1783)
Sir Thomas Osborne, 9th Baronet (1757-1821)
So were this lot the original ROBBER BARONS or much, much worse?
Here is the full article:
Osborne Baronets
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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There have been three Baronetcies created for persons with the surname Osborne, two in the Baronetage of England and one in the Baronetage of Ireland. One creation is extant as of 2008.
The Osborne Baronetcy, of Kiveton in the County of York, was created in the Baronetage of England on 13 July 1620. For more information on this creation, see the Duke of Leeds.
The Osborne, later Osborne Baronetcy, of Chicksands in the County of Bedford, was created in the Baronetage of England on 11 February 1662. For more information this creation, see Osborn Baronets.
The Osborne Baronetcy, of Ballintaylor in the County of Tipperary, was created in the Baronetage of Ireland on 15 October 1629 for Richard Osborne. The second and seventh Baronets both represented County Waterford in the Irish House of Commons, the eighth Baronet represented Carysfort while the ninth Baronet sat for Carysfort and Enniskillen. The Conservative politician George Osborne is (as of 2008) the heir apparent to the baronetcy.
Contents [hide]
1 Osborne Baronets, of Kiveton (1620)
2 Osborne, later Osborn Baronets, of Chicksands (1662)
3 Osborne Baronets, of Ballintaylor (1629)
4 References
[edit] Osborne Baronets, of Kiveton (1620)
see the Duke of Leeds
[edit] Osborne, later Osborn Baronets, of Chicksands (1662)
see Osborn Baronets
[edit] Osborne Baronets, of Ballintaylor (1629)
Sir Richard Osborne, 1st Baronet (d. c. 1667)
Sir Richard Osborne, 2nd Baronet (d. 1685)
Sir John Osborne, 3rd Baronet (c. 1645-1713)
Sir Richard Osborne, 4th Baronet (c. 1714)
Sir Thomas Osborne, 5th Baronet (c. 1715)
Sir Nicholas Osborne, 6th Baronet (c. 1685-1719)
Sir John Osborne, 7th Baronet (c. 1697-1743)
Sir William Osborne, 8th Baronet (d. 1783)
Sir Thomas Osborne, 9th Baronet (1757-1821)
Sir William Osborne, 10th Baronet (1817-1824)
Sir Henry Osborne, 11th Baronet (d. 1837)
Sir Daniel Toler Osborne, 12th Baronet (1783-1853)
Sir William Osborne, 13th Baronet (1805-1875)
Sir Charles Stanley Osborne, 14th Baronet (1825-1879)
Sir Francis Osborne, 15th Baronet (1856-1948)
Sir George Francis Osborne, 16th Baronet (1894-1960)
Sir Peter George Osborne, 17th Baronet (b. 1943)
The Heir Apparent is the present holder's eldest son George Gideon Oliver Osborne Esq. (b. 1971) who is currently the Conservative MP for Tatton and serves in the Shadow Cabinet as the Shadow Chancellor.
[edit] References
Kidd, Charles, Williamson, David (editors). Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage (1990 edition). New York: St Martin's Press, 1990.
Leigh Rayment's Baronetage Page
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne_Baronets"
Categories: Baronetcies
Here is the full article:
Osborne Baronets
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
There have been three Baronetcies created for persons with the surname Osborne, two in the Baronetage of England and one in the Baronetage of Ireland. One creation is extant as of 2008.
The Osborne Baronetcy, of Kiveton in the County of York, was created in the Baronetage of England on 13 July 1620. For more information on this creation, see the Duke of Leeds.
The Osborne, later Osborne Baronetcy, of Chicksands in the County of Bedford, was created in the Baronetage of England on 11 February 1662. For more information this creation, see Osborn Baronets.
The Osborne Baronetcy, of Ballintaylor in the County of Tipperary, was created in the Baronetage of Ireland on 15 October 1629 for Richard Osborne. The second and seventh Baronets both represented County Waterford in the Irish House of Commons, the eighth Baronet represented Carysfort while the ninth Baronet sat for Carysfort and Enniskillen. The Conservative politician George Osborne is (as of 2008) the heir apparent to the baronetcy.
Contents [hide]
1 Osborne Baronets, of Kiveton (1620)
2 Osborne, later Osborn Baronets, of Chicksands (1662)
3 Osborne Baronets, of Ballintaylor (1629)
4 References
[edit] Osborne Baronets, of Kiveton (1620)
see the Duke of Leeds
[edit] Osborne, later Osborn Baronets, of Chicksands (1662)
see Osborn Baronets
[edit] Osborne Baronets, of Ballintaylor (1629)
Sir Richard Osborne, 1st Baronet (d. c. 1667)
Sir Richard Osborne, 2nd Baronet (d. 1685)
Sir John Osborne, 3rd Baronet (c. 1645-1713)
Sir Richard Osborne, 4th Baronet (c. 1714)
Sir Thomas Osborne, 5th Baronet (c. 1715)
Sir Nicholas Osborne, 6th Baronet (c. 1685-1719)
Sir John Osborne, 7th Baronet (c. 1697-1743)
Sir William Osborne, 8th Baronet (d. 1783)
Sir Thomas Osborne, 9th Baronet (1757-1821)
Sir William Osborne, 10th Baronet (1817-1824)
Sir Henry Osborne, 11th Baronet (d. 1837)
Sir Daniel Toler Osborne, 12th Baronet (1783-1853)
Sir William Osborne, 13th Baronet (1805-1875)
Sir Charles Stanley Osborne, 14th Baronet (1825-1879)
Sir Francis Osborne, 15th Baronet (1856-1948)
Sir George Francis Osborne, 16th Baronet (1894-1960)
Sir Peter George Osborne, 17th Baronet (b. 1943)
The Heir Apparent is the present holder's eldest son George Gideon Oliver Osborne Esq. (b. 1971) who is currently the Conservative MP for Tatton and serves in the Shadow Cabinet as the Shadow Chancellor.
[edit] References
Kidd, Charles, Williamson, David (editors). Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage (1990 edition). New York: St Martin's Press, 1990.
Leigh Rayment's Baronetage Page
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborne_Baronets"
Categories: Baronetcies
Here is an amusing one for OSBORNE on WIKIPEDIA - it makes me wonder - not the 'Emett' that I had met in Jerusalem at the MI HOTEL?
Emmett Osborne
Birthplace of Country Music Museum
"George W. Osborne
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George W. Osborne (1927 in Castlewood, Virginia – 1998 in Bristol, Tennessee) was an early band member and opening act for the bluegrass group the Stanley Brothers.
He never played Bluegrass, and was well-known for his Western-style music. Fans describe his voice as extremely similar to that of Tex Ritter, the 1930s and 1940s singing cowboy. According to a 1990 interview with Osborne, Ritter came to WCYB radio station, the station both the Stanley Brothers and George Osborne played on, in the mid-1950s, and was so impressed by George's rendition of his song, "Ballad of the Boll Weevil" that he visited George's house and ate dinner with him and his mother.
With the 1966 death of Carter Stanley, George broke out on his own, performing locally in the hills of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. In 1984, he began playing with his half-brothers, Uncle Charlie Osborne and Emmett Osborne, continuing to do so on a semi-regular basis until Emmett's 1990 death and Charlie's 1992 death. George mostly retired in 1992 to a quiet life in Bristol with his wife, Eula, although he occasionally gave performances locally and later at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, Virginia.
George relished his position as a Dean of the Mountain Music society in the Blue Ridge Mountains, having mostly changed his style after Tex Ritter's 1974 death.
George owned 40 acres (162,000 m²) of riverfront property in rural Mendota, Virginia, which is still owned by his wife.
In August 1998, George was to make a phone call to a family member. When he didn't call, family became worried, calling the police to his home. He was found dead of natural causes in his small home in Bristol, Tennessee.
George W. Osborne was buried in a small cemetery in Washington County, Virginia. Although he is gone, fans in the Blue Ridge Mountains still recall his singings of "Rye Whiskey" and others.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Osborne"
If you would like to contact GEORGE OSBORNE Conservative MP for Tatton - Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Treasury (since 20 May 2005) with a view to joining his SATANIC CLUB.
Please email him, using this website:
Does SATANISM really work for you? I am none too sure about that one...but I might email GEORGE to find out...
The BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network do not seem too overawed by the revelations about the OSBORNE family...I suppose they take it as 'read'...
However, they still haven't got over AMADEUS' courtroom appearance and I keep overhearing the same conversations along the lines of:
"CATHOLIC CHURCH - we wouldn't have expected anything less of you" and then huge guffs of laughter...they all found that performance quite the best of the lot...
Of course, AMADEUS embodied more than just the CATHOLIC CHURCH over the centuries...to my mind...at that point in history...he had demonstrated what I personally believe is true about this world...that good and evil are two opposing forces...but that good must keep the evil in check...and AMADEUS demonstrated that one with sheer charisma...
I suppose that the JEWS are always beaten when it comes to SOPHISTRY...this is part of the Jesuit tradition and they are masters of it...the softly spoken performance of dramatic intensity...
The CATHOLIC CHURCH has been there and from the beginning...as far as ABRAHAMIC faiths are concerned...the two fisherman disciples of the Rabbi Jesus...Hebraic/Babylonian/Egyptian mysteries...Chinese astronomy and astrology...you name it...the Jesuits were there and researched it...dabbled in it...
I have just had a telepathic conversation with TOMLINSON - regarding quite a few points of interest...blood out of a stone...and a lot of effing and blinding at first...particularly in regard to taunts about his 'harem' and 'BORAT, BORAT, so good they named him twice' etc...
Anyway, apparently they haven't trapped any aliens as yet, in KAZAKHSTAN - the whole 'alien' thing was just a carrot to get PRINCE PHILIP interested...and so no 'ghost in the machine' of the RA CULT in KAZAKHSTAN just 'business as usual' on the mind control slavery black markets...
So what is TOMLINSON'S status now?
Apparently he is SIR PERCIVAL of the ROUND TABLE.
I queried that one - he was called LAUNCELOT by RIMINGTON at GYSSBACH MOUNTAIN by lake Thun...but apparently this was just one of RIMINGTON's fantasies in relation to her being QUEEN GUENIVERE (how does one spell that?).
Anyway, what was the ROUND TABLE all about?
A bunch of criminals...a group of 'one-armed bandits'...or rather 'one-eyed bandits' in respect to mind control.
I questioned whether they should change their recruitment policy then and start a GOOD 'Round Table' instead of a SATANIC one...and I was told off for being facetious.
PRINCE PHILIP is at the head of this 'august' body.
So what was my role in all of this?
I had substituted for TOMLINSON - I was supposed to be the 13th KNIGHT who would sit at the SEIGE PERILOUS.
Apparently not.
No women allowed.
I had been disqualified and from the beginning. So this whole thing has been a complete, bloody farce.
I told TOMLINSON that it was a good thing...he replied that it was indeed...the basic procedure with the 13th KNIGHT who was the 'pure knight' was that he was made to sit in the SEIGE PERILIOUS - his chair was then electrocuted...and he was fried to a crisp whilst the rest of them pissed themselves laughing...nice.
So for any MASONS who would like to be a 'pure knight' bear the above in mind...
Additionally, there is some 'blood-letting' after the 13th ONE 'ceremony' for those who are interested in that sort of thing...
I can remember the whole lot now...and this 13TH ONE rite was first talked about in hushed tones...within the rebel group at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
Firstly DAVID MILIBAND began to talk about his experience of it...he had been a KNIGHT of this demonic ROUND TABLE...an old ROTHSCHILD was also there (I cannot remember which one but I remote-viewed it – all of the WATCHERS must have gone ‘up’ to watch this grisly event, at some point)...and various other friends of PRINCE PHILIP...
Anyway, MILIBAND stated that it was particularly horrible to watch because the PURE KNIGHT who was led in...and he had no idea of what to expect...yet one can see that it is all rather obvious now...
If you weren’t a ‘pure knight’ according to the myth...a bolt of lightning would strike you dead...and that is basically what happened upon this ‘electric chair’ - to every man who was foolish enough to sit on it...frazzled to the core. The ILL punishment for being a ‘good person’...PURE also meant that you were no longer under mind control...
So all one can say to those who were termed PURE at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...those like DAVID BECKHAM...be very wary of any appointment at ST PAULS with the ROUND TABLE...
Apart from that...other ‘KNIGHTS’ also talked about their experience of this sick event and word quickly spread around the entire TEMPLAR CASTLE...
I had difficulty trying to get the last post up because my laptop was hit 5 times by the following IP addresses (which were all blocked): 443 80 80 443
I forgot the last IP address: 80
Just as well I'm a 'lady' then, isn't it?
"She's a ladee, she's a ladee"...HA HA.
The blood-letting was optional - MILIBAND stressed that he hadn't taken part in this 'after the main event' ceremony...
Looking at this ROYAL MILITARY practice...one that the PRINCES particularly enjoyed...the getting naked, cutting each other and then sucking each other's blood...
I am not psychologist or psychiatrist...but I can see that CUTTING oneself is linked to 'self-harm' issues...
Normally people 'cut' when they feel bad...'cutting' releases the tension...
So from my 'fly on the wall' perspective as a remote-viewer...these men felt very bad indeed afterwards...and so they had to give vent to these feelings in an organised 'self-harm' group...in order to assuage their 'bad feelings'...
I have just been for a walk and come back...down the beach, under the pier and into the ‘children’s fairground’ pavilion...
I remembered that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had told me that they were NOT allowed to go in there, for some reason...during their ‘walkthrough’ in 2004...
Secondly, as I walked into this pavilion...I remembered having been in there with AMADEUS who knew the ‘future’ as it were...and how the final stage of this ILL GAME had been constructed. Worse was to follow – MRS OBAMA was of the opinion that she was my ‘backseat driver’ within the final stages of this game...so she was CIA as well as her husband...it figures...is PRESIDENT OBAMA now the new wizard of OZ and is she his WIZARDESS?
AMADEUS told me that I should only pick one game to play and that should probably be THE SIMPSONS...the game wouldn’t work...I shouldn’t have another go at it...
Upon reflection...in 2009...I figured this was a good idea but also that the downside to that one was that the mind control slaves around me registered ‘radio-active’ ‘remote-controlled’ slave...which I am NOT – I do have a choice in the matter...
As I have already pointed out...the microchipping DOESN’T work in terms of ‘remote-control’ – it is the torture, drugging and electrocution which works...which makes a slave follow a predetermined route...or course of action – without consciously realising it. Luckily – because I didn’t have ‘two wires up the nose’ in 2004 – I have regained my memories to the point where I can look as if I am not under any sort of control at all...because I have remembered what the ILL wanted me to do and then I CHOSE whether or not to do it...depending upon how I feel at the time...and what effect it will have upon the other mind control slaves around me.
So after leaving this pavilion...I had been told to walk through the gardens past the current top programmers of the ILL CULT in CLACTON...a man that they called ‘MR WISTY’...a black woman...a woman who looked like that dyed blonde, middle-aged woman at the Council and so on...I decided NOT to walk past these RA CULT slaves...all ‘top programmers’ but all still slaves...
However, I did walk past the one who wasn’t seated – the dyed blonde hair woman who was walking through the gardens...I have to say here that AMADEUS had asked me to view the future after his ‘walkthrough’...and I had told him that I would do this because she was less evil, than the rest of them...there was some hope for her...he didn’t have a say in it...
I am doing this because I am making several points about mind control - firstly that I am NOT a mind control slave...secondly that just about everybody around me is...thirdly that those like AMADEUS appeared to want me to appear to be a mind control slave...fourthly, that it is quite easy to get out of mind control...just get back your memories...fifthly, that you can enjoy life far more, OUTSIDE of mind control, than under it...which most of the robots do not appear to understand...odd, isn’t it?
Oh, I forgot...the reason why TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON were not allowed into that pavilion is because the ROYALS loved it as their own playground...they had ‘lock-ins’ there...and they didn’t like to think that they were using mind control programming games...or to be reminded that they were under mind control themselves...according to AMADEUS.
I have also to mention the SAS who wanted to know what happened to the 13TH ONES in the ROYAL ILL game.
They all had different ideas as to what had happened to these men - usually 'war heroes' - military men.
They figured that they got a large lump sum of money and disappeared off to the BAHAMAS or something like that...
This was the point - ALL of these men disappeared afterwards.
The MASONS were then told that the 'hero' in question had 'gone on to a higher plane' - something like that.
So now you know, SAS - what really happened to your friends.
I might add that the ROYALS - who have never earnt any of the medals upon their chests in military ceremonies...let us put it this way: could JEALOUSY be a factor in this sick 13th ONE game?
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