I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly.
Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'.
Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured.
Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all.
When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.
'Cold' Torture
(A survivor's account)
"We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results.
We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect.
When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape.
I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious.
I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged.
Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."
'Hot' torture
(A survivor's account)
"The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery.
The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women.
I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream.
This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water.
Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word.
I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time.
I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had happened...it was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened.
Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch.
In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on.
I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital.
I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.
Sunday, 31 December 2006
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«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 9989 Newer› Newest»I would also like to add that when the CIA or anybody else, gets hold of a WATCHER - they tend to ask the WATCHER to remote-view all sorts of stuff for them...and the CIA in SWITZERLAND were no exception to that rule...
They wanted me to look at BARACK OBAMA'S early life...and I saw a very tall young man with a briefcase...towering over his peer group...he was the PRACTICAL JOKER of his 'gang' of well-turned out schoolboys - the rest of whom, were about half his height...
The CIA were keen to stress that this was one of the first things that attracted them to a potential recruit...the PRACTICAL JOKER factor...
I can now remember MARK R talking about the 10 year old boy called DAVID THOMAS in the last year of LANGLEY JUNIORS...he wrote all of the funny essays that had the class in stitches...
MARK R checked him out - yes, immediately recruited by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...down on their books from an early age...
Strange but true...the PRACTICAL JOKERS at school end up in 'intelligence'...
I suspect...as I have suspected for a long time now...that the PIONEER MICROCHIPPING experiment was a big CON...it doesn’t work and nobody realistically expected it to...hence the amount of ‘walkthroughs’ that I had to go through...drugged, tortured and ECT’d out of my mind in the hope that this would convince those who were viewing the whole sick game as ‘remote-controllers’ would be fooled into thinking that I was following their instructions via remote-control.
This is all about BIG MONEY – isn’t it MARK R? Lubberly money...you stupid GOLLUM.
I can also imagine that the PRINCES were hoaxed too...rather like that disgusting pair of WEASLEY BROTHERS upon LIVERPOOL STREET STATION with their ‘zapper’ in their pocket...who tried to activate the chip in my neck in order to render me unconscious...and it didn’t work - they FAILED...these stupid pigs had the idea that they could walk into a public space and control people with their remote-control...what a jolly jape eh? Make people do silly things in public with a remote-control...and then go back home to CUT yourself, in order to feel better...you sick, sad fools.
I might add that it didn’t work on SONIA and MARK either...I had a flash of them walking down the promenade and SONIA saying to MARK ‘quick, this way – they want us to go that way...’. They both thought it was a real laugh to piss around with the idiots who were watching them...wrong-foot them all...
When will you sick pigs give up with this PIONEER project? It’s FAILED. Get used to it.
MARK R wanted me to look at the nature of evil – because his a priori thought was that he couldn’t be ‘evil’ without being a member of the RA MIND CONTROL CULT.
How dumb are you, MARK R?
You can be a coke-head paedophile quite happily – and have ‘dirty sex’ (as RIMINGTON used to put it lasciviously) – WITHOUT being a member of the RA MIND CONTROL CULT.
Just give the above a little thought. It makes sense, doesn’t it?
Being a mind control slave and a mind control programmer- is just a un-necessary addition to your sick state of mind.
If you want to be ‘evil’ – go ahead – nobody is stopping you – the point here is that you do NOT need to be a mind control slave or a programmer to do it.
Believe me – peace of mind, outside of mind control is a much, much better state of mind to be in.
Guess what RIMINGTON did to the ‘ice tray’ in my fridge?
She had wanted me to contract LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE again – and so she froze a whole load of it into iceblocks in the freezer compartment. She then instructed me to have an iced drink with it ‘because it will be summer and you will want a cold drink.’ Her idea was that as the iced water warmed up in the glass – that the bacteria would become active again.
SCARLETT told me, later on that BASNETT had actually cleaned out the fridge – their general opinion was that they didn’t want this disease traced back to ‘intelligence’ via this flat.
Anyway, I have cleaned out the icebox thoroughly with hot water and disinfectant – just to make sure.
So what are the OBAMAS up to? They appear to be saying that they no longer support the RA CULT but on the other hand –they are still part of the ILL MONARCHY system and so what are they now going to do with the ROYAL FAMILY?
I can tell you all what to do with the WATCHERS – leave us alone – give us back our money and we will leave you alone. We have exposed the RA CULT and it will now be destroyed. End of story. We have ‘saved the world’ in this way. That is enough for anybody to do in a lifetime. We all want a ‘quiet life’. No more of any of this stupid PSI horror. NO MORE MICROCHIPPING. It doesn’t work and you all know it.
As ever, the ILL are too pig-ignorant to see what is in front of them...more punishment is necessary then.
It is funny in a way - the ILL pigs were trying to become WATCHERS in terms of trying to have our ability to 'see' through another person's eyes and to put thoughts into their heads...
I can do it to any of the ILL but they cannot do it to me...
I could see BARRACK OBAMA's entire life...I could pop into his head and form a thought and he would have no idea, that it didn't come from his own mind...that is our power.
The ILL tried to achieve a considerably lesser power by trying to microchip and run the WATCHERS as their slaves as well as other human beings...but it failed...they then had to pretend that it hadn't failed...hence the 'walkthroughs' and the extreme amount of traumatisation and abuse...yet they failed again...
It is funny in a way - the ILL pigs were trying to become WATCHERS in terms of trying to have our ability to 'see' through another person's eyes and to put thoughts into their heads...
I can do it to any of the ILL but they cannot do it to me...
I could see BARRACK OBAMA's entire life...I could pop into his head and form a thought and he would have no idea, that it didn't come from his own mind...that is our power.
The ILL tried to achieve a considerably lesser power by trying to microchip and run the WATCHERS as their slaves as well as other human beings...but it failed...they then had to pretend that it hadn't failed...hence the 'walkthroughs' and the extreme amount of traumatisation and abuse...yet they failed again...
I was 'waiting' for this IP ADDRESS to show up - an attack from: 80
Guess what?
I couldn't post my file below because this message came up:
"Your HTML cannot be accepted: must be at most 4,096 characters"
My post below is relatively short, considering what I usually write and so some ILL wanker has decided that I should have a 'limit' this time around...piss off...I shall simply cut the text in half...here is PART 1:
..I have just tried to post again and still got the same wanky message...and so I will try to post under 'anonymous' instead.
Okay, it still won't post and I am still getting the same wanky message up and so I shall transfer this blog to my other site 'MI5 and MI6 exposed 2' - I might have run out of 'space' upon this blog but what is the betting that I haven't and that this is just another ILL wanky 'game'?
I have just tried to send that 'post' again and the same wanky message has come up:
Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters.
A new 'rule' on blogger that has just started up?
I wonder...I have just blocked the following computer IP addresses from attacking my computer: 80
Anyway, I will now try to post on the other blogspot...
I got the same message upon 'MI5 and MI6 exposed 2' as well...and so I will just publish a couple of paragraphs at a time to get my next file up...
Yesterday, I watched a DVD that I had borrowed from the library:
APPARITIONS starring Martin Shaw BBC DVD
Lime Pictures Ltd
I was surprised at the lack of ‘detail’ or perhaps research that had gone into the portrayal of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...but looking at the company Lime...figured LIMESTREET...JEWS...had a Jewish company produced this series?
Even I know that most CATHOLICS do not behave like any of the actors/actresses who were playing CATHOLICS in the series – I do not know what I was ‘missing’ to suspect this but it was tangible...I have met enough priests and nuns as well as Catholic people in general, to know...Catholicism has a certain ‘stamp’...and you can sometimes pick up on it before people tell you...I remember the Video Tutor at DARTINGTON who mistakenly picked it up from me...she was a Catholic...she must have been picking up MAGDALENE programming...in short, what I am saying is that there was no real ‘Catholic feel’ to this series at all...and that is what made it quite bizarre...almost a surreal quality.
It had been produced by people who had no real ‘feel’ for their subject at all.
In 2004, I had got this DVD out – upon AMADEUS’ instructions...he wanted me to view it for some reason...he thought that I would find certain things interesting...
Additionally, SUSAN BASSNETT was also very interested in this DVD – when she came along with SCARLETT (after AMADEUS had left – I never saw them together) – she was Catholic...I pointed out LIME...and the implications...she summarised AMADEUS’s concept of the CATHOLIC CHURCH as ‘created by Jews, run by Jews, for Jews’...
Now I can see why...when I saw AMADEUS in that courtroom...and how I could trace the computer connections back (via microchipping) that he was being controlled by the Ashkenazim ACKERMANN and also a connection to PRINCE CHARLES.
The ASHKENAZIM connection to his controllers.
So AMADEUS’ speech was in fact a ‘Jew who hates Jews’ sort of speech...from ACKERMANN/PRINCE CHARLES...now, wasn’t it the CIA who laughed at me and said ‘haven’t you met one of those, before?’ They had obviously met quite a few self-hating Jews.
In fact, if one looks at what AMADEUS was saying in relation to the Catholic church having been founded by the JEWISH DESCENDENTS of the Jewish disciples of the Jewish Jesus...we are really talking about CATHOLICISM as JUDAISM 2 aren’t we?
We are talking about a new strain of Judaism which had emerged – one which wanted to make visible the invisible...one which wanted to make the esoteric doctrine of ‘reaching for the stars’ far more obvious...and what could be more obvious than a guy dying on a cross, only to be ‘re-born’ as few days later.
This is what JUDAISM 1 – really didn’t want the world to know. They didn’t want the knowledge of ‘reaching for the stars’ let out into the general population and for obvious reasons – they wanted to keep the power of programming the heavens – they thought that G-d had given it especially to themselves...they didn’t want the general population experimenting...
‘REACHING FOR THE STARS’ = the ability to remote-view, to see the past, present and future and to change the future...to program the heavens.
Upon that note – whilst I was briefly in RUSSIA (around 2004) to see what MR PUTIN had wanted me to see...ST BASILS...and to remember what the ASHKENAZIM had done there in terms of soul-trapping...and trying to create an ‘ADAM KADMON’...afterwards, I remember MR PUTIN talking to his men...I saw them discussing how many remote-viewers they could get together...to form a sort of ‘army’ of PSI WARRIORS...so the battle was on, at that point...and the Russians were putting their all into it...
Okay, so off the top of my head...what can I say about this APPARITIONS DVD?
The ‘demon’ appears to be a ‘demonic Jew’...a self-hating Jew...who tells the priest that there is a far more powerful one behind him i.e. the DEVIL.
Now who would that be? PRINCE CHARLES? ACKERMANN? Or somebody even more ‘hidden’ within the microchipped network?
Why do we know that this ‘demon’ is a self-hating Jew? His constant references to the holocaust...to lampshades made out of human skin...his likening of hell to a Nazi concentration camp...the script was BAD...it was almost funny in parts...quite surreal...but put in the context of a self-hating Jew as having written it...quite understandable.
The people who get ‘possessed’ want to do things like be homosexual...or they blaspheme in terms of being an ATHEIST and denying G-d...now atheism is position cornered by so many ASHKENAZIM in the academic/literary/media world...one only has to look at JONATHAN MILLER (apparently descended from RUSSIAN ASHKENAZIM refugees in WWII)...and his TV series about ATHEISM...to see the general gist of how an ASHKENAZIM person might feel about the existence of G-d...
These people tend to construct their identity in terms of a flat denial that G-d exists and then an altar laid out to SCIENCE...
The strongest argument of ATHEISM is the emotive one:
If G-d exists in this world – how come there is evil?
I can attempt to answer that one, better than I did in an A Level essay,in 1981...
Firstly, who says that G-d had created the world without evil...no mention is made of G-d telling everybody that he/she/it would create a perfect world...the idea was to defeat the power of evil, in some way...to ‘deal’ with it...
In Abrahamic faiths – the idea of evil – comes from the idea that human beings ‘stole knowledge’ of good and evil (in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve only knew ‘good’)...and now they have to learn how to deal with both...the positive and negative forces of this universe...good and evil...so no use crying over spilt milk...we ‘stole’ the knowledge of evil (in whatever way you want to define it) and now we have to learn how to deal with it...and the lessons haven’t been learnt, as far as I can see...
Secondly, there are those who can programme the heavens – those who have G-d-like powers and they also have to take a certain responsibility for the state that the world is in, today...
Thirdly, there are SATANISTS who are using those with G-d-like powers as slaves, to create even more evil, within this world...
In conclusion, all I can see is that the ATHEIST position has moved on from a flat denial of the existence of G-d, they are now denying that EVIL exists as well...
They rationalise their decisions – in order to create evil – because they say that ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are relative concepts i.e. relatively meaningless...
To an ILL mind: what does it matter if you murder countless people – damage them – harm them for life – if you can say that you were doing it to progress in SCIENCE?
The ILL live in a world where SCIENTIFIC PROGESS is the goal and HI-TECHNOLOGY/SCIENCE is their god.
They do not see ‘evil’ as such in their thoughts and actions. They see it as a ‘meaningless concept’.
They have created a demonic EDEN for themselves, where ‘evil’ no longer exists because they do not wish to ‘see’ it.
Yet, the above isn’t really true – in terms of the ILL that I have met...some of them are scientific atheists/rationalists...maybe all of them are, at heart (I have met enough of them in the medical profession to know)...but when they chose to overlook the evil that they do...and try to ‘perceive’ evil as a meaningless concept...they cannot manage to do it...they are wracked with guilt...they rationalise their guilt...they go and CUT themselves...they fall into deep depressions...whatever way they favour, in terms of self-flagellation...and even then, they do not see their own chosen way to ‘self-harm’ as ‘evil’...they see it as a risqué pleasure...self-medication...that sort of thing...
In brief, if you cannot see ‘evil’...then you cannot protect yourself from it...and the ILL are about to destroy this entire world...as well as themselves...but they ‘chose’ not to see that...
My psychiatrist would probably tell me at this point...but you didn’t ‘look after yourself’...i.e. you didn’t abide by ILL rules...and so you suffered...you are the one who is ‘sick’ and not us...and I would reply to that one:
I am a WATCHER...I have programmed the heavens and I will go back to them...I know that life on this planet is a short one and I am fighting a far greater battle...against the ILL.The battle to stop the ILL from dragging this whole world to the brink of destruction - to stop them from dragging human souls down to hell.
What the ILL are effectively doing is LOWERING CONSCIOUSNESS rather than HIGHERING it.
Remember the GARDEN OF EDEN where Adam and Eve have NO concept of evil?
Once human beings had the KNOWLEDGE of evil...they had evolved...they now had to ‘deal’ with this force, within the UNIVERSE...and holistically...upon many different levels...they had to understand it and to know how to exist with it...without letting it destroy them...
The ILL are dragging human consciousness DOWN...instead of dealing with the reality of evil in this world – they have chosen to overlook it...and yet they cannot...they cannot create their demonic garden of Eden...despite their increasingly insane plans to destroy huge swathes of the population in order to recreate this idea of Eden...and to populate it with their own insane followers...all they are doing is bringing the world down, to the point of Armageddon...the destruction of the entire planet.
MARK R wanted to know what the nature of evil was...his concept of it was like most of the ILL...that it was a ‘relative concept’ intellectually i.e. meaningless...but that in real terms...it was ‘naughty but nice’...he liked being ‘dirty’...
Evil is a lot more than that...it is the most destructive force in the UNIVERSE.
As I have said before – if you want to be ‘dirty’ – whatever that means to you, MARK...then go ahead...nobody will stop you (although the POLICE might get in touch afterwards)...it’s a free country...
However, you do not need to indulge in the greatest evil of all whilst indulging yourself in being ‘dirty’...you do not need to SOUL-TRAP or to MICROCHIP human beings, in order to run them as slaves...this LOWERS HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS COLLECTIVELY...it creates BLACK SHELL BEACH...we become a hazard and a threat, to the entire Universe...
To summarise:
Animals are generally thought of as not having an sophisticated understanding of ‘good’ or ‘bad’...if any understanding of the two concepts at all...they are seen as having no ‘morality’ whatsoever...they just ‘do what they do’ without consciousness or conscience...as part of Nature.
Human beings are thought of as having evolved from animals...to higher consciousness...
Human beings learnt how to care for each other – made laws against killing each other...they developed a sophisticated sense of ‘good’ and ‘bad’...and their consciousness and ‘conscience’ evolved...
Then the ILL came along and said (rather like the TASCHMANNS and the ROYAL FAMILY):
“Hey, it’s much more fun to behave like animals – let us bugger our children and enslave everybody that we can by microchipping, torturing and traumatising them and then fragmenting their consciousness – their SOULS...and let us have NO conscience about any of it at all...
In fact, we ARE just a load of animals and so why not sell off our own children in the marketplace too, like cattle?”
What can you do but laugh – even though it ISN’T funny.
Talk about DEVOLUTION.
This is all about the devolution of human beings, back to the state of being animals – and not evolution.
Except that the ILL do not behave as animals do in the Natural World – they behave like rabid dogs – insane animals.
My laptop has been hit again by the following IP ADDRESSES: 80 443
Anyway, each time this warning comes up - I tick the box which says 'apply this to all other attacks from this IP address without notification'...and so eventually, one hopes that I will not be bothered by these attacks anymore.
I can remember now, RIMINGTON telling me that I would have to let in certain IP addresses - to give them access to this laptop. Presumably to show that I was under mind control and being remote-controlled. So these are all ILL computer operators...
Okay, so this morning – I went down to breakfast to be followed down by the Sephardic-looking guy who was supposed to be part of the ‘relay team’ who made off with my laptop on their blue mopeds parked outside, in 2004. He and his Ashkenazim-looking girlfriend, the dark red, frizzy bush of hair and snub nose...one goes by these ‘impressions’...however this morning...I decided to ‘deal’ with this young man...
Yesterday at breakfast, I had walked past him with my laptop and his eyes popped out of his head...he was staring at it as if he had been electrocuted whilst staring at it – and I can ‘see’ what happened, although I wasn’t present...RIMINGTON had taken this laptop into the breakfast room and walked past him with it – giving him mind control instructions to steal it – whilst TOMLINSON then electrocuted him whilst he was staring at it...
So he had been triggered to steal it...and he will compulsively try to steal it...
Therefore this morning, I decided to ‘read’ his mind and he told me that he was ‘Sephardim’ – as if that meant that he was ‘superior’ to myself...I immediately replied that I was Kohanim and that he would be punished if he didn’t stop what he was doing...I could ‘feel’ all of the other WATCHERS around me. We know how to deal with little upstarts who steal from the Kohanim.
Anyway, this began to make me think about the appearance of ACKERMANN...even though he had an ASHKENAZIM –sounding surname...he definitely looked SEPHARDIC.
This man has been the most enigmatic of all of the ILL so far.
He is the central point of the triangle...of the TASCHMANNS...PRINCE CHARLES...PRINCE OF MONACO...
However, such an evil man as ACKERMANN – would not be able to have the power of a WATCHER...unless he is running others who can ‘fly’ that high...and even then, he wouldn’t be able to know what his ‘slaves’ were actually doing whilst up that high...none of the programmers do...that was the single most important fact that SONIA had found out at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
I then began to think about AMADEUS and how he appeared to have demonstrated that he wasn’t really under the control of PRINCE CHARLES or ACKERMANN whilst in that intelligence courtroom...rather like myself, proving to the ILL now...they simply cannot control the WATCHERS...those who can remote-view so high...
EVIL ties these people to the Earth...they end up as earthbound ‘shells’.
I said this early on in my writings...back as far as 2005...evil people have no real power in the heavens at all...they cannot ‘fly’ high...they are NOT ‘great magicians’...
We had decided to call ourselves ‘Kohanim’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE because G-d had blessed us with such extraordinary powers – the ‘Jews’ at the Castle didn’t possess those powers...they were NOT the ‘chosen ones’ of G-d...we were...(apart from NIR whose family had been treated so badly in Israel – that they had to leave the country...)
This therefore raises the question of who are the CHOSEN PEOPLE?
NOT the Jews per se.
So who?
Whomsoever G-d chooses to bless with such powers and that could be anybody and from any given religion.
Upon a more mundane note - I telepathically asked the workmen if they could tell me anything...who knows what information mind control slaves carry, upon the network...
...and they warned me not to go into town today...they thought that there might be trouble...that the POLICE had been programmed to pick me up or something like that...who knows? So I shall give town a wide berth today...go to the beach...and watch the rest of the APPARITIONS DVD...which has 3 DVDS in the box...
I do not suppose that it is really worth my while looking for a flat anymore...the ILL will try to push their sick game forward, in order to get me into that 'maisonnette' with JULIET coming to call...and so I might as well sit back and enjoy the ride...
The only other point is the nurse at ST JAMES SURGERY on Friday morning at 8.30am but I shall take that in my stride...
Now I do not know the location of this 'image' but I presume that it was in a small room, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...however, seeing as we had done an immense amount of remote-viewing whilst at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...I could have picked up this image anywhere and at any time...
Anyway, it was of GEORGE OBSORNE sitting in front of some electronic device - a largish box - and putting on headphones...he then severely electrocuted himself but continued anyway...he was surveying and also using a tannoy...
This reminded me of two things...
Firstly the 'tapes' that MI6 uses in their 'radio room' where they play the tapes over the airways to their microchipped slaves. They use lots of different people's voices to do this - but sometimes they also use the 'tannoy system' to give a particular message to a particular slave...all of this is picked up subconsciously by the slave(s) in question...
Secondly it reminds me of the 'radio ship' of KRUSTY THE CLOWN during one SIMPSONS episode...where he is onboard his yacht...using an electronic box - very similar to the one that GEORGE OSBORNE was using...but that this electronic device was called an INTERNATIONAL PEOPLE CONTROLLER or something like that...and the funniest thing...that KRUSTY severely electrocutes himself whilst using this box.
Is this a 'normal' occurence then? Whilst using this type of 'wizard of Oz' special effects box?
I have another 'note' to make about AMADEUS - whilst he took me around the pavilion - to the left of the CLACTON pier.
He got one of the attendants to get a hammer...and then he got me to use it on one of those circus 'games' where you hit the base of a sort of 'thermometer' and you have to try to ring the bell at the top...except that there was no 'bell' at the top...
There was a SKULL at the top...
Lower down this 'thermometer' was BAT and then a LOBSTER/CRAYFISH...and finally the SPIDER...
So TOMLINSON and his 'bat people' were near to the top of the ST JOHN cult?
The CIA LOBSTERS were further down...
...and the MOSSAD/FBI spiders came in last?
Or are we saying that the 'bats' are first to be murdered...then the 'lobsters' and finally the 'spiders'?
Which way did this game go?
I, ineffectually, gave it a go and hardly got the thermometer to register at all...AMADEUS appeared to be happy with that 'result'...
I can now see what the CATHOLIC CHURCH meant...down the centuries...by saying to the JEWS:
“We CHRISTIANS are now the CHOSEN PEOPLE of G-d and not you.”
Naturally, the JEWS refuted this one and most people had no idea what to think...anybody can claim to be the ‘chosen people’ but where is the evidence?
What the CATHOLIC CHURCH was covertly saying to the JEWS was this:
“We have far better remote-viewers than you – we can programme the heavens, far more effectively than you. We now have far more ‘godly’ powers than you do.”
I haven’t met the journalist yet, who is supposed to stop me as I am coming back from the beach – to EDITH ROAD...he stopped me on the pavement, in 2004.
However, one can see that it doesn’t matter if these people miss their ‘cue’ in the ILL GAME...they can still be ‘triggered’ into action and so I may meet this mind control slave at some point...
What is becoming more and more obvious here is that this is NOT ‘GROUNDHOG DAY’ at all...
I had already noticed that one in 2004...when SCARLETT remarked that as it was raining that day...as I was about to walk over to FLATFORD MILL...that I should make sure that I made this trip again – when I had to go through the whole ‘game’ again...upon a SUNNY DAY...he wanted the point to be made...that this is not an ‘action replay’ of the past...that the ILL were pretending to have powers that they did not have...
The ILL have no power over ‘TIME’...over the past, present and future...only the WATCHERS do...nor do the ILL have much power over the weather...although they have been experimenting with creating hurricanes and typhoons with ‘shoals of souls’ as the ‘eye’ of the storm...
I suppose that according to SCARLETT, COLLIE, BASSNETT et al (MI6)...they wanted the world to know that the ILL are ‘all mouth’...they have considerably less power than they would want anybody to know about...
On the other hand, the ILL were trying to prove to the WATCHERS...by forcing them to play this sick game...that they were ‘omnipotent’...whilst flexing their non-existent muscles...
I remember now - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – we WATCHERS used to meet in a clandestine group to remote-view together...and it was at one such time...that we all ‘saw’ AMADEUS in that ‘intelligence courtroom’...and then the hilarious laughter afterwards...
“Catholic Church, we wouldn’t expect anything less from you” was actually said by SONIA...the Catholics were the WATCHERS who were laughing the hardest...
We had stolen the whole ‘show’ off the ILL – it had now become the WATCHER show...we were viewing the ILL and laughing about everything that was to come...and considering the grotesque situation that we were all in, this homogenous 'group' became our safety net...our protection against the rest of them at that castle...
NIR wasn’t laughing at the JEWS...he was deadly serious...he took their behaviour far more seriously...but then after how his family had been treated in ISRAEL...it must have all made a deep impression upon him.
Come to think of it – and this is an odd one – I ‘knew’ NIR – the second I met him, as a child (about 10 years old), in the Czech Republic in 1995...and if I had modelled HARRY POTTER upon anybody, in 1983...it would have been this boy, that I was to meet, at that point in time...and then again, as a teenager...besides, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...he really looked like how I had imagined ‘Harry Potter’ to be...despite having brown eyes...but then TOMLINSON had preferred the idea of ‘green eyes’ and so that had to be changed...we discussed it all first...
I am going to write about this...just to cover myself...I ‘saw’ the future and it included MR ICKE telephoning a friend of AMADEUS...and that is HENRY MACKOW...to say that he had finally remembered what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...the whole lot had hit him and he needed to get it down as fast as possible...HENRY told him to get a dictaphone...he didn’t have one to hand...HENRY turned on his own Dictaphone and told MR ICKE to say everything that he could remember, down the phone...to get as much detail as possible...and then to go out and get a dictaphone...so that they wouldn’t lose any details...as is often the case, when the memories hit you...if you do not write it down immediately or record it...you lose details...
Anyway, if this now happens...and presumably it will...because the WATCHERS had planned this to happen, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...and MR ICKE had been elected to be chief ‘WATCHER’ in terms of his ‘crazy brainwaves’...his capacity to store an extraordinary amount of information...and to recount every detail...to access it all again...
...well, if it happens, I shall look forward to reading MR ICKE’S new book...
Although I would like to warn SCARLETT upon this point...no ‘editing’ of it...particularly not if the editing is slanted against myself – as it most probably will be.
I recently found out that you had programmed JAMES to write some awful stuff about me, upon the internet. You did this because you were offended by what I intended to write about you.
SCARLETT - I do not take this lightly...you did so because you were deeply offended by my EGGMAN blogspot about yourself...this is unkind and un-necessary.
However, one has to say that SCARLETT didn’t get to be HEAD of MI6 for nothing, did he?
They are all a bit ‘touchy’ around there...to put it mildly.
I chose to see ‘everybody’ as the enemy and I have written disaparagingly about every single person...almost...because I felt it important to get every single detail down and to ‘take no prisoners’ in this whole mess...
Now, I have apologised to ATI for calling him MALFOY and having an ‘evil look’ to his eyes, in that 1980 photograph upon MARK R’s website midishrine...but I see no reason to apologise to you, SCARLETT...none whatsoever.
So I am warning you, SCARLETT – no ‘editing’ of MR ICKE’s work.
Let the whole lot out. I know MI6 likes to edit MR ICKE'S work...DESIST...and no smearing of my own name in it, at all...I have no idea how you might attempt to do so...but I figure that it is a possibility...
I can see why you have taken offence to a lot of things that I have written – but let me just say this:
YOU wanted me to write all of this, in the first place and so ‘nit-picking’ about what I have written afterwards, is just PETTY.
I do NOT deserve that type of behaviour – particularly NOT, after what I have been put through.
SCARLETT – in 2004 – you scarred my ankle with a burning log – the tip of which was white hot – you did so 3 times – to form a ‘W’ for Windsor upon my ankle (whilst RIMINGTON twittered ‘are you going to Scarborough fair...)
The pain was so intense that I nearly fainted and couldn’t walk afterwards – the burn then developed across my entire ankle – it looked like elephantitis. I do NOT forget these things, SCARLETT...(or as SONIA and MARK called you at the TEMPLAR CASTLE ‘little scar’, for obvious reasons.)
I know that you are quite capable of attempting to use MR ICKE to harm me...we all ‘saw’ it in the future...
You have had a life-time of evil, SCARLETT...so all I am saying now is:
Sorry for the misspelling:
Yes, he is one of the 'resistence' network against the ILL as everybody knows...more importantly he has an important 'insider' friend i.e. AMADEUS.
You never know what COLLIE and SCARLETT might think up, once they get their heads together - regarding myself:
"Three-headed Jewish alien who sucks the blood of young men?"
I mean, the pair of them told MR ICKE all about the ANNUNAKI - presumably knowing that MR ICKE had been made to 'play-act' out being a WATCHER with the rest of us, in the CAPTAIN CAC programming drama of the 'brains'...
Anyway, unfortunately - my act of 'courage' in jumping out of that TEMPLAR CASTLE window wasn't caught on film - obviously not - I had to keep hidden...it had all been planned that way.
I had a flash of OBAMA laughing in front of his computer - the CIA had created a simulated version of the event to show the size and scale of the jump - complete with a tiny figure in a school uniform...which was what the 'rebel group' had seen, from the other wing of the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
The CASTLE must be a ruin now, so presumably they couldn't go back there and get a stunt woman to do it...
Okay – so I have just got back from a walk to SAINSBURYS...a little bird told me that it was now relatively ‘safe’ to go to out to town...but then SAINSBURYS is accessible from the seafront...it isn’t exactly on the main high street...
Anyway, as I walked along...I saw a rather fat woman, striding along – across the road towards me...I was walking along the pavement but I could see that we would be on a collision course before long...so I stepped off the pavement...
I noted that this person was wearing ROYAL purple...I then remembered RIMINGTON in 2004...she had done quite a few ‘walkabouts’ around town, with me...instructing all of her mind control slaves to do certain things...RIMINGTON had instructed this woman to basically push me off the pavement...I would have to step out of the way...
However, today, I TRUMPED that one...by wearing a PURPLE and WHITE tee-shirt...this is seen as a higher ILL CULT colour-coding than just purple...and I stepped off the pavement to boot...
You see, you have to understand how the RA MASON slaves were programmed...from early childhood to respond to COLOUR-CODING and they do so immediately and subconsciously...they would pick up ‘royal purple and white’ knocked off the pavement by ‘royal purple’ – ‘it doesn’t compute’. Another way to ‘scramble’ the ILL GAME colour-coding in this ILL film.
Anyway, another person in RED basically did the same thing...and to ROYAL PURPLE and WHITE...again, another ‘doesn’t compute’ situation.
In SAINSBURYS – a woman in ORANGE and BROWN tried to block me – when I was trying to buy the ROYAL JERSEY POTATOES...she manoeuvred herself, her luggage and trolley in front of the whole selection...a large one, at the end of a row...but I whipped a bag out of the selection, anyway...
I have to say here that ORANGE and BROWN is an interesting combination...I can remember now...SONIA was given the very BROWN/ORANGE stripey socks to wear, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...that I recently bought from M&S.
ORANGE and BROWN...now the little girl in the APPARITION DVD was wearing a tee-shirt of the same stripes...and I remember AMADEUS telling me that I was that little girl...so presumably, was SONIA...the little girl is seen to be ‘touched by the HOLY SPIRIT’ unlike her father, who is ‘possessed’.
Anyway, the POLICE incident, which was supposed to occur today? I can remember when and where it occurred in 2004 – as I was walking back from SAINSBURYS...I saw a large dog upon the pavement...and a few dodgy characters standing around it...as I came nearer, it got up and bit me...RIMINGTON had instructed the owners to get the dog to bite me – she had walked along before me to talk to them first...the police were then involved...they told me that they would put the dog down...the dodgy group of people then started to swear and generally to verbally abuse me...and RIMINGTON screeched her head off with laughter...I had begun to cry because I love animals in general and had no wish for the dog to be put down...
So coming back from SAINSBURYS today...I saw the dog on the pavement...in precisely the same spot...the same dodgy group of characters (I have never seen them or the dog since 2004, around CLACTON)...and so I simply crossed the road...and walked away.
SO...the little CIA ‘bird’ who told me it was safe to go out...this afternoon...was lying through its big fat teeth...
Another sick thing that RIMINGTON had planned to happen today :
As I was walking up from the seafront – down a street full of hotel/B&B accommodation – I passed a cafe/restaurant with tables out front...
The very SAME group of women, were sitting at one of the front tables...
RIMINGTON had told me to wait whilst she talked to them. One of them was a POLICE ‘snoop’.
This woman was supposed to ring the POLICE immediately – as soon as she saw me walk past with my laptop on my back – to tell them that she thought that it was stolen.
Just to add another sick dimension to the terrible things that she had planned to happen, upon that day...
I passed the women...they all subconsciously ‘recognised’ me...then one of them...a really ‘hard’ sounding woman, told the other to make a phone call...
Anyway, even if the POLICE do take this ‘snoop’ seriously – I have the receipt for the laptop as well as the INSURANCE documents for it...
The history of SONIA and MARK...since I last saw them...upon this side of the mirror...in POLAND 1994...
However, on the other side of the mirror – I saw them at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001.
At the TEMPLAR CASTLE – they had both also been programmed as WATCHERS and were part of the group who then met, discreetly – to view the future, with the aim of stopping the ILL CULT.
Now, when I got to CLACTON...and started to go through this ILL GAME – I had flashbacks to viewing SONIA and MARK doing the same thing...
I ‘knew’ that they had lived in FRINTON before...before beginning the ILL GAME...and so I have to deduce that they would have been put in the care of the local psychiatrists at PETER BRUFF/MARTELLO COURT and would therefore have been put into a unit somewhere in the ESSEX area...
I do not think that they would have stayed at PETER BRUFF or EAGLEHURST- just in case, anybody remembered them (particularly the patients who are often at least ‘half-awake’) and started to talk about them to me.
I am guessing here but I think that RIMINGTON would have chosen a COLCHESTER unit for them. I am almost sure that this was the case.
The history of SONIA and MARK...since I last saw them...upon this side of the mirror...in POLAND 1994...
However, on the other side of the mirror – I saw them at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001.
At the TEMPLAR CASTLE – they had both also been programmed as WATCHERS and were part of the group who then met, discreetly – to view the future, with the aim of stopping the ILL CULT.
Now, when I got to CLACTON...and started to go through this ILL GAME – I had flashbacks to viewing SONIA and MARK doing the same thing...
I ‘knew’ that they had lived in FRINTON before...before beginning the ILL GAME...and so I have to deduce that they would have been put in the care of the local psychiatrists at PETER BRUFF/MARTELLO COURT and would therefore have been put into a unit somewhere in the ESSEX area...
I do not think that they would have stayed at PETER BRUFF or EAGLEHURST- just in case, anybody remembered them (particularly the patients who are often at least ‘half-awake’) and started to talk about them to me.
I am guessing here but I think that RIMINGTON would have chosen a COLCHESTER unit for them. I am almost sure that this was the case.
The history of SONIA and MARK...since I last saw them...upon this side of the mirror...in POLAND 1994...
However, on the other side of the mirror – I saw them at the TEMPLAR CASTLE in 2001.
At the TEMPLAR CASTLE – they had both also been programmed as WATCHERS and were part of the group who then met, discreetly – to view the future, with the aim of stopping the ILL CULT.
Now, when I got to CLACTON...and started to go through this ILL GAME – I had flashbacks to viewing SONIA and MARK doing the same thing...
I ‘knew’ that they had lived in FRINTON before...before beginning the ILL GAME...and so I have to deduce that they would have been put in the care of the local psychiatrists at PETER BRUFF/MARTELLO COURT and would therefore have been put into a unit somewhere in the ESSEX area...
I do not think that they would have stayed at PETER BRUFF or EAGLEHURST- just in case, anybody remembered them (particularly the patients who are often at least ‘half-awake’) and started to talk about them to me.
I am guessing here but I think that RIMINGTON would have chosen a COLCHESTER unit for them. I am almost sure that this was the case.
All of this must have been going on, post-2001 -whilst I was living in IPSWICH and then moved to MANNINGTREE...I had no idea that the pair of them, were living in the area, at all.
Anyway, I remember that at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...NIR and I had a conversation with SONIA and MARK about this ILL GAME that we had ‘seen’ in the future...
We had all decided that we had to play it – because it would be an ideal way to EXPOSE the ILL and the sick games that they play with innocent people.
I told SONIA and MARK that as they were lined up to play the ILL GAME first...that they should try to FAIL as much as possible...to make it look like the game was really hard...so that when it came to my turn...the ILL were of the opinion that MARK and SONIA were much brighter than myself...and so the ILL wouldn’t make it too hard for any of us to play...and particularly not, after testing the ‘level of difficulty’, with SONIA and MARK first...
It worked then, didn’t it?
The whole thing...I got to expose everything...just like we had planned.
SONIA and MARK weren’t too happy about that one at first...but as NIR pointed out to them...they were a couple...it would be easier to get by...together. It was going to be far more difficult for myself.
Besides, the TASCHMAN that MARK had shot – had actually survived.
TOMLINSON took me to see this bastard, in 2004...who was pretending to have turned over a new leaf...he was telling me that he didn’t blame MARK for shooting him...and that he didn’t blame any of us. I didn’t trust him an inch – and said nothing in reply.
I know also that it wasn’t ‘easy’ for SONIA and MARK...not at all...they ended up homeless as far as I know...for a longish period...
I do not remember if they had to play precisely the same ILL GAME as myself...i.e. if they were supposed to end up dying of cancer, in a maisonette...but one can imagine that the ILL had thought up something terrible for them both.
What I found out yesterday...was that they had also been in contact with AMADEUS...and that they had gone through the same stage of the ILL GAME i.e. walking past the top CLACTON programmers who were sitting in the park by the sea front...
This must have been a flashback to remote-viewing the whole game whilst at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...because I could see them clearly, walking through the park and then swiftly changing direction...because SONIA had realised that something was afoot...
I do not know if they had managed to avoid ‘two wires up the nose’...but one can see that SONIA ‘knew’ what was going on and trusted her PSI skill...
I do not know what year SONIA and MARK went through this ILL GAME...but it must have been between 2001 and 2004...
Because RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON seemed to know the ropes of the ILL GAME so well...they had all of their mind control slaves lined up...and I can now see in retrospect, that this would have been because they had already put MARK and SONIA through the same thing.
I only know SONIA’s last name which is FISHER...I cannot remember MARK’s second name...only that he was born in AUSTRALIA and was proud of his IRISH roots.
RIMINGTON could have had them sectioned elsewhere...but I figure that she would have made this happen in EAST ANGLIA/ESSEX...more convenient because of the number of her mind control slaves around the place...
SONIA was petite...light-brown eyed and blonde-haired.
MARK was tall and well-built with blond hair and blue eyes.
They were both very good-looking people - vivacious and talkative.
I remember that I 'fell in love' with NIR at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he must have been so young then...he was young enough in SHANGHAI 2003...but then TOMLINSON found out and severely abused and beat him in front of me...I wasn't allowed to leave the room...after TOMLINSON had finished...I said to TOMLINSON "I HATE YOU"...it was the only thing that I could do, given the circumstances...
NIR then remote-viewed everything that was to happen, after the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...he told me 'I treat you quite badly in China because of that...'
In point of fact, he didn't - he was just 'cold'...but I was still in love with him...however, outside of the TEMPLAR CASTLE environment and mind control...I could see the massive difference in our ages...and decided that this love had to be 'maternal'...
Although PUTIN was very inquistive upon that matter...
Looking back on all of this now...of course PUTIN would have wanted to know my feelings upon that score...he had been a WATCHER too...and he obviously didn't trust NIR...but I did...out of everybody...he was the most trustworthy and the cleverest. He was the one who taught me all about computing...and helped me with my maths...
I only say this now because I know that like myself - he needs protection from everybody - particularly from the MOSSAD - for doing what he did.
The MOSSAD will not trust him now - particularly as he has done 'work' for them in the past...
Therefore exposing the fact that he helped to bring their ILL programs down...will hopefully ensure his safety...that if anything does happen to him...it will be most likely by the hand of the MOSSAD.
In 2004 – I can remember that SUSAN BASSNETT had a very good recollection of what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
She told me that ‘they’ had been watching NIR and I – she told me that it was ‘first love’.
What she meant was that I was being reprogrammed – dressed in my 4 year-old school uniform and rapidly made to ‘grow up’ until I was ’16 years old’. NIR was presumably around the same age at the time – in 2001.
She described how we used to sit at the long tables in the hall – with everybody else, for meals and just stare into each other’s eyes. In point of fact, we were communicating telepathically.
NIR had invented a new language and had taught me it – we used to either use this language verbally or communicate telepathically – NIR used to tell me off if I used telepathy instead – he thought it important that we had our own ‘linguistic’ language – complete with new symbols for writing. I was to keep it secret – hidden.
I nearly set a corner of the CASTLE on fire, once - because I was burning a script on a candle...DALDRY had nearly caught me with it.
In 2001, SUSAN BASSNETT asked me if I could remember this language and I couldn’t.
The meals in the ‘great hall’ were designed to look just like a HARRY POTTER set-up.
SONIA and MARK – as well as all of the other WATCHERS – described NIR as ‘HARRY POTTER’.
I remember the ROYALS and TASCHMANS sitting in that hall – then NIR keeled off the bench with severe stomach pains – they had poisoned his food with milk. He was highly allergic to it. They fell about laughing. I stood up and yelled at them. I then helped NIR out of the hall telling him ‘they can’t kill you, you are much too important to them’. Some comfort.
Somebody was then to try and kill NIR in Shanghai – after 2003 – I guess that would be PUTIN’s men – he was obviously furious about the whole thing – what had happened regarding the ‘messages’ that I was supposed to convey...mind you, it could have been any of them – almost all of them, had an axe to grind – MARK R and the CIA, included.
Anyway, I am now suspicious of all of this...MARK R had probably suggested to NIR in a young child alter - that we should create such a language – something that twins or brothers and sisters sometimes do...but did he know what use we would then put it to?
Considering how NIR was keen to keep it all very secret – he obviously didn’t want the majority of people at that TEMPLAR CASTLE to know it – but whether MARK R knew or not – is another question. I was only allowed to practice writing it – in the room where the monitor was broken.
This was the room though – which TOMLINSON had burst into – to find us together and I ‘know’ that this is because of OSBORNE/MARK R who had been in the surveillance control centre – and so they did know something about what we were up to...and those pigs then sent TOMLINSON in, that mindless golem...to beat NIR up.
DALDRY was very upset about it all afterwards – as was everybody else – they all loved NIR (apart from the obvious ‘dogs’ like the TASCHMANS and ROYALS who had taken the roles of MALFOY etc – the idiot public school boys).
Even RIMINGTON went berserk at TOMLINSON for doing so...she was also very worried...in case anybody would find out – presumably the MOSSAD, who was running the whole sick ‘show’.
Eventually, she told me that NIR’s parents had come to collect him – as if he was being picked up from HOGWARTS.
We were all being made to act out HARRY POTTER at this point...the ‘wizard and witch’ school.
I can now understand why, when my father eventually let me read the HARRY POTTER books post-2001 – he told me that I was ‘Hermione’. This came as a big surprise – upon this side of the mirror – but of course, it was all very ‘familiar’ to me.
My father pointed out that he thought I should identify with HERMIONE.
Now, whilst writing the books in 1983– I had begun – identifying with HARRY POTTER...because I didn’t want to identify with a ‘girl’ heroine – too limiting in scope.
Therefore I disagreed angrily with my father...I was no ‘Hermione’...
However, I can now see that my father was thinking back to that TEMPLAR CASTLE event where he had seen me as a ‘Hermione’...with NIR as ‘HARRY POTTER’...that is how I had been framed...by the rest of them...I was ‘Hermione’ whilst living at the TEMPLAR CASTLE during this period of time...during this ‘enactment’...although, the ILL then made us all do scenes out of the ‘new book’ which had just been written...the ‘last book’...and we were all given different parts to play...in the particular drama that I remember having to take part in...Eliza Manningham-Buller had been cast as Hermione...
Error - in 2004 - SUSAN BASSNETT asked me if I could remember this language and I couldn't.
SCARLETT was very perturbed by it all - they needed to know what symbols had been used - they needed to know how the language worked.
What NIR and I had done was to use another language to reprogramme the 'heavens'.
NIR had found a way to 'hack in' and to over-write the existing structure.
This is all done in what I remember him calling 'hyperspace'...this all gets too theoretical for me...
I fast-forwarded through the APPARITIONS DVDs last night - there were 3 in the box.
I was immediately struck by the fact that MARK R had used all of these DVDs for a particular purpose - to programme everybody at the TEMPLAR CASTLE with 'possession'. That is the main theme of this TV series.
I then remembered how we were all made to enact out a large number of the scenes from these stories about 'POSSESSION' by demons.
There is a duality to 'possession' as the main theme.
You can be possessed by the HOLY SPIRIT and therefore smell of FLOWERS.
Or you can be possessed by a 'demon' who appears to be very 'Jewish' in his concerns.
I remember now...the worst bastard of the lot...somebody that SPRINGMEIER & CISCO WHEELER (?) mentions...
STEPHEN FLOWERS...possibly a pseudonym for that MICHAEL AQUINO (ex CIA) bastard whom the FBI tried to prosecute for Satanism and ILLuminati mind control but failed to imprison him...
So we were either programmed with FLOWERS...as SONIA and I were (and presumably all of the other MARYS)...I remember MARK R telling both of us that we had to do so...or you were programmed with 'Jewish demon'...back from the holocaust, Auschwitz of a 'hell' down below...
I am beginning to get a rather odd picture of what might have happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...
COLLIE radios out for help...
ROBERTO CIPOLLA telephones for help...
The VATICAN/MOB walks in as an 'Italian translator'...
The whole 'direction' of this 'programming TEMPLAR CASTLE' then takes a diversionary route...
I am thinking about AMADEUS here...and how he could control the MOSSAD at that 'intelligence court' in New York...
Did he walk in - reprogramme everybody and walk out again?
Did he bring in the new MIND CONTROL SCRIPT aka APPARITIONS?
It is odd - because at one point we were all 'witches and wizards' enacting out HARRY POTTER...and then suddenly we are all in this 'possession' movie...enacting out scenes of POSSESSSION...
I have to talk about the duality or 'multiple personality' of MARK R here.
He had an ASHKENAZIM grandmother...he appeared to be working for GOLDMAN SACHS...
He had been brought up a CATHOLIC.
His chosen religion was 'born-again' CHRISTIAN - where his 'disciples' were all 'sons of G-d' against the ILL.
He appeared to be working for MI6/MOSSAD/CIA/FBI/RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE almost simultaneously.
Anyway, in 2004 - AMADEUS showed me the APPARITIONS DVD and told me to borrow it from the library.
He wanted me to 'find out' various things from it...the DVD would act as a 'reminder'...
Okay, so I can remember some of the most terrible things...
For example, when you see LILIES strewn across the floor down the corridor...these were in fact the dead bodies of women...and LILIES = JEWISH WOMEN...
I remember RIMINGTON taking us for a walk down a long corridor and telling us that every time we saw a dead body...to see a WHITE LILY instead...
The final DVD has a number of people who are talking about how the whole series came into production...
The producer MS LEVY is up first...she was making so many strange and contorted facial expressions that I began to wonder...didn't she get jaw/facial ache after that interview?
...and then I remembered...these people...all of the people upon the last DVD were actors/actresses...
We had all been lined up at the TEMPLAR CASTLE to 'auditon' for the roles...
You had to sit in front of the camera and bluff your way through the questions...
Apparently MS LEVY et al, were best at bluffing their way through the interview...and so they were chosen to be on the main DVD of APPARITIONS.
We had all been forced to watch all of the series - on a big screen in the auditorium - before having to enact out those terrible scenes of carnage.
The third DVD shows you the 'JIM HENDERSON' set-up at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - a 3D modelling suite...where the various stage props and puppets were made...
The idea behind this was that when we were shown this set of APPARITION DVDs - that we would all think that the 'HORROR' wasn't real...that all of the blood had been 'faked'...it hadn't.
It was all REAL.
The amount of bodies that the ARMY and FRENCH POLICE found around the TEMPLAR CASTLE after it had been burnt down - testify to that one.
I might also add that there are 'hidden scenes' upon this DVD - you need only to click onto an episode - for example episode 3 and see the numbered 1-6 scenes upon it - click on the first few to see scenes that are not within the main episode.
Additionally, when I clicked on the 2nd 'scene' (see above) the DVD froze...
...the scene was framed by a DARK ARCH...and underneath...I just 'knew' that this was supposed to be the ROTHSCHILD building in LONDON...where the 'Jewish refugees' had been put up - after fleeing from NAZI Europe.
However, I have always poured doubt upon that one...PRINCE PHILIP only really let in NAZIS on Jewish passports...the 'real Jews' perished abroad or found their way to China...or were lucky enough to get to Israel...there was a REAL holocaust...there is no denying that one.
It must be terrible for British Jews who had grandparents who pretended to be Jews in order to escape to the UK...to know that your whole 'heritage' is a lie...
AMADEUS knew all about it...he was glad that I already knew...MOSHE DAYAN had told me...
DAVID MILIBAND is a case in point.
His true family heritage is NOT Jewish Ashkenazim.
The CIA appear to be saying that it is Spanish Catholic Nazism.
The MILIBANDS were blackmailed about this 'hidden history' by the ILL CULT. I can see how difficult this would have been to live with...to have been brought up JEWISH but to know - upon the other side of the mirror -that none of your family had been Jews.
Why was the theme of 'POSSESSION' so important?
Because it is all about 'hearing voices' and thinking that somebody else is controlling your mind and body.
Guess what?
This was an 'explanation' built into the subconscious minds of those at the TEMPLAR CASTLE - that if they started to feel any of the above because of MICROCHIPPING...that they would conclude that they had been 'possessed'.
HYPERSPACE...that is an interesting concept...whatever it means...
However, I can now see that the WATCHERS had entered the 4th dimension in terms of being able to see ‘time’...to the see the past, present and future simultaneously...and to ‘direct’ it...
The SATANIC systems that had been put in place – had to be changed.
I ‘heard’ AMADEUS laughing about the whole TEMPLAR CASTLE horror...’yes, that’s what we did’...
I am assuming here, that it was the age-old battle between JUDAISM 1 and JUDAISM 2...
I have to add that one can say that whilst this ‘knowledge’ was in JUDAISM 1 – apparently, it was only in the Rabbinical class - at the time of JESUS and any sort of ‘experimentation’ was forbidden...certain powers were not allowed to be used...but the RABBIS still know about them...
This brings back SHARON’s basic idea about political leadership...if you have a bad leader, the whole system is evil...if you have a good one, then it isn’t...politics is secondary...a minor consideration to the first one...
Was he really talking about the power to program the heavens, as in hyperspace – the infinity of the dimensions?
Is that why you have to have a degree in Quantuum Physics (or the like) to work in code-breaking at GCHQ nowadays?
Is that what made me angry...but also made me laugh...after I had broken the XMAS CODE game from GCHQ circa 2005.
I ‘knew’ that I was good at code-breaking – particularly the alpha-numerical code given in the competition...but my subconscious mind knew a lot more than that...and so to be told that I couldn’t work in code-breaking because I didn’t have the necessary qualifications...and to be told to apply for the lowly-paid and over-worked job of ‘information analyst’ (with no career structure) whilst you had dumbo OSBORNE public school types, as managers above you, on far higher salaries...telling you what to do...it made me angry...but it also made me laugh. I didn’t apply. I could ‘see’ the whole system and how it worked. It didn’t interest me – not in the slightest.
BRITISH INTELLIGENCE at their best, eh?
It is almost funny in retrospect...the whole set-up...here was somebody who KNEW who had wrecked their systems and why because she had been implicated within it (although this was all subconscious knowledge, at the time)...and they were telling me that I wasn’t ‘qualified’ to work there...but I could apply to work as a general dogsbody for them...
Apologies to all of those who work as information analysts – I am quite sure – in fact, I know, that you are the most intelligent people of the lot at GCHQ but sadly not renumerated for your work...and that any ‘bright ideas’ that you might have are either pinched by your managers or quashed by their ignorance.
I ‘saw’ the whole lot. In fact, SCARLETT actually took me to meet one of you...remember?
The whole stinking barrel of fish - of the BRITISH CLASS SYSTEM at work and at GCHQ...the PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS and their allegiance to the MONARCHY system which paid their 'voluptuous'wages...off the backs of ILL slaves.
The large, circular open-plan office at GCHQ (with the countryside around - reminded me of POWERGEN in a way) - most of you were on a 'lunch-break' - SCARLETT obviously didn't want most of the people who worked on that floor to see me...except one guy called IAN...remember?
This was all part of SCARLETT's plan to 'remind' me of what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and to find out what the WATCHERS had actually done...he didn't.
You have to understand SCARLETT - that after what you and your pigs did to me - and for the entirety of my life - that I will always be against the MONARCHY MIND CONTROL SLAVERY system and that I will continue to expose it - in every possible way that I can.
Yes, we hacked your systems - yes, we brought down the ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY shipping lines...and there is yet more to do...get used to it.
One note in SCARLETT's favour - he realised (and I am not quite sure how or why) - after things had gone catastrophically 'wrong' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...that help was needed...outside help...
He didn't turn to the CATHOLIC CHURCH or to the MOSSAD...they were obviously fighting it out over the mind control slaves within that castle...
Nor did he turn to any other intelligence agency...or country...
He asked me to get in contact with the 'pink aliens' - whom he knew I had been in contact with, as a small child...growing up in Blackheath, London - in the 1960s.
I could have scoffed at the idea and I found it incredulous...but in point of fact, SCARLETT was completely correct upon that one...
The alien 'vision' of this planet as BLACK SHELL BEACH - was what changed the VATICAN's collective 'mind' upon the whole business...and they took rapid action to turn everything around...
When I first started 'waking up' in 2005 and researching what I had remembered...
I remember looking through various websites on the internet...some of which were labelled 'conspiracy theorist' sites...and some of these sites had some wild claims:
VATICAN IN CONTACT WITH ALIENS being one of them...naturally I didn't click onto this type of link...this was way beyond anything for me...simply ludicrous.
Yet now...the possibility is there...
In fact, tapping in VATICAN IN CONTACT WITH ALIENS now brings up a lot of websites upon GOOGLE...and here is a rather moderate article upon the subject, at the above url.
"The Vatican is widely regarded as one of the most old-fashioned and conservative institutions in the world. So you might have thought it would the last place you would be likely to find an enlightened contemplation of the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. But you would be wrong. In fact, the Vatican has long had a remarkably forward-thinking approach to the issue.
Some Christians refuse to take the possibility of extra-terrestrial life seriously because they view it as incompatible with their religious beliefs. If Jesus died to redeem humanity, they say, the redemption would not have applied to alien races, so alien races cannot exist. The Vatican takes a different view.
In May 2008, news was made around the world when the Vatican declared officially that belief in extra-terrestrial life was fully consistent with the Christian faith. In an article published in the Vatican’s own official newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, and titled “Aliens are my Brother”, Father Gabriel Nunes, said that astrobiology was a perfectly respectable science, and that life might well exist on other planets. According to Catholic doctrine, all humans suffer from Original Sin because of Adam and Eve’s defiance of God and subsequent expulsion from Eden. Aliens, however, speculates Father Nunes, because they are not from Earth, might be free of Original Sin entirely.
Some in the Disclosure Movement believe that this statement from the Vatican is a sign that something big is about to happen. They consider it a measure designed to prepare the public for what they call “Disclosure”, the revelation by the most advanced governments of the Earth that We Are Not Alone, and that contact with extra-terrestrials has been proceeding for some time.
History of Vatican Interest in Extra-Terrestrial Life
The Vatican statement was a very public expression of what UFO buffs had known for some time : that the Vatican was deeply interested in aliens. Did you know, for example, that the Vatican maintains several astronomical observatories of its own? In fact, the pronouncement on alien life was made by the director of one of these observatories.
During the Papacy of John Paul II, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Vatican expert on exorcism, and someone who was known to be close to Pope John Paul II, often discussed the possibility of alien life on Italian television. Balducci said that the Vatican received UFO reports from its emissaries and outposts all around the world. He explicitly said that the UFO phenomenon was not demonic in origin (something occasionally claimed by other Christians) and was not a sign of mental instability.
This open-mindedness about ETs certainly seems curious coming from the Vatican. Can something special have lain behind it? Some ufologists believe that the strange incident in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, which was described at the time as a religious apparition, was, in fact, a UFO sighting. Could this have been what prompted the Vatican to contemplate alien life? Or did some prominent figure within the Catholic Church, perhaps the Pope himself, once have a UFO sighting of his own? Some have even claimed that a curious skeleton recovered during excavation work in the Vatican library was that of an ET.
Vatican and Alien Life – Conclusion
In its long history, the Vatican has often been behind the curve when it came to coping with the consequences of scientific progress. It’s refreshing, then, to see that this time around the Vatican has chosen to adopt a forward-thinking approach to one of the most important issues of our time : the possibility of contact with extra-terrestrial life."
Anyway, I promised SCARLETT that the next time that I went up – that I would try to contact them...and that I would send out a telepathic signal – a distress call...the ‘aliens’ had told me, so many years before...that they would try to find me...but as far as I knew...they hadn’t contacted me since I was a little girl...whilst SCARLETT was present in the room...at ‘john waters’ house in Blackheath.
When I finally made contact with the ‘aliens’...they were ‘angry’ although not emotionally...coolly angry...because two of their ‘people’ had been trapped by the HAARP beams – they had then put the thought into all of the employees at HAARP that there was an ‘emergency’ and that they had to shut down all systems – which was then done – temporarily.
I reported this back to SCARLETT – he was with COLLIE at the time – and they told me that they knew that the systems had gone down at HAARP a few years before...they didn’t know what the ‘emergency’ had been...
I was very uncertain about asking the aliens for help after this and I was reluctant to do so...but SCARLETT told me that it was necessary to plead with them to do something...and so they stayed in the upper atmosphere to help...but I do not know what they did...what I do know is that they sent me a vision of ‘black shell beach’ (because of soul-trapping - mind control slavery)...that is how they saw ‘human life’ upon this planet...they also told me that it was a great danger...the entire planet was an extreme hazard to the Universe...and that put the Earth under threat...
That is all the ‘evidence’ I have...
I also know that in 1980 – SHARON was convinced that these ‘pink people’ were in fact a SEPHARDIC village...because these people had reported ‘alien encounters’ telepathically, during the 1960s...they had also reported the usual ‘angels’ and ‘demons’...
SHARON figured that those like me, who were being programmed in the UK...had somehow ‘floated’ over to ISRAEL and encountered the Sephardim...and then ‘perceived’ them as aliens...
Yet I have to debunk the above...when I remote-viewed, as a child...I didn’t see ‘imaginary things’...I saw real people, in real situations...and I reported this to ‘john waters’ and SCARLETT, factually.
Can I conclude that the MOSSAD/ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE thought that ‘alien life’ was all a big joke – and to their cost (whichever way it works out)?
They didn’t believe their own people and they didn’t believe me either, in 1980...although they had collected all of the reports on it...
So, you want to know who was in control of you, SCARLETT?
The CIA are saying the OSBORN(E) family.
I queried the historical point about the OSBORNE family working upon the SUNDAY – surely they were just JEWS?
The reply was ‘no’ – they were SATANISTS – that is a different religion, entirely.
However, one then has to look at AMADEUS’ ‘admission’ which basically ran along the lines of:
“...historically we programmed the JEWS to be SATANISTS and under our demonic mind control – to fit in with our conception of them...”
You then have to go back even further and say that, bearing the above in mind...if the CATHOLIC CHURCH was founded by JEWS who wanted this ‘reaching for the stars’ knowledge to reach a wider audience...then one has also to say that the JEWS had been practising ‘mind control’ in ISRAEL – long before the CATHOLIC CHURCH came into being...they were programming their own people...
So the question now is: who decided...and when...that it was a ‘good idea’ to start making MIND CONTROL SLAVES using this ‘process’ rather than ‘enlightened’ human beings?
Who decided that the mass production of GOLEMS was a good idea?
Perhaps they all did...and that is how the MONARCHY SYSTEM began...perhaps this MONARCHY SYSTEM went back as far as KINGS in the bible...perhaps it had BABYLONIAN roots...see previous notes upon how G-d didn't want the ISRAELITES to have a 'Monarch' but he allowed this 'evil' anyway...with disastrous results for the HEBREWS...
Today, we have the MKULTRA MONARCH mind control program.
We have countries - HIVES of mind control slaves - all programmed with the MONARCH system.
We have become BLACK SHELL BEACH because of the MONARCHY system. An entire planet of slaves.
Many European countries rebelled - they got rid of their MONARCHIES - only to be replaced by 'presidents'.
What is the solution?
All I can say is EXPOSURE of the whole lot of it - to provoke DISCUSSION.
MONARCH...PRESIDENT...the Satanists changed the goalposts but the 'game' remains the same...
The MONARCHY system of control:
3. SOCIETY AND POLITICS (including the Armed Forces and Police)
...and those 'dark courtiers' of the CROWN...families like the OSBORNES...whom one wonders, didn't take control of the MONARCHY?
The idea of CIXI played by RIMINGTON as the EMPRESS DOWAGER comes to mind...being whispered to by the TASCHMANS through the screen...
I might add - SCARLETT - when we were in GCHQ - do you remember GEORGE OSBORNE being there?
The CIA says that you won't...you will only remember the tall, thin 'public school boy' manager...and not the mind control programmer 'public school boy' - who was considerably shorter, with dark curly hair...
ECHO BEACH (far away in time...)
This was a MONARCH mind control program which left its mark...
We were taunted with that fact, in 1980...and made to listen to this song above...
The gist of it is - after 40 years old - you will begin to wake up...you will then hear the 'echoes' of all of the hideous mind control programming and from every stage of your life...
I would like to correct you upon that one MARK R...you were the one who talked about 'echo beach' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...
Not 'ECHO BEACH' - we are talking about BLACK SHELL BEACH. Think about it.
So you see, TOMLINSON...you and I were two of the most abused children out...MARK R pointed your ‘cartoon image’ out in MAX AND LARA’s CIRCUS RAW LIBRARY book...you were the little boy locked in a cage and I was the little girl ‘frozen’ in a block of ice...
We were trained into PAVLOVIAN DOG ‘responses’ and from an early age...
I can remember what happened within the MI6 BUILDING next to my DEPTFORD nursery to a degree...MI6 were involved in torturing us...reading us ‘nonsense stories’ and getting us to memorise ‘nonsense’ rhymes...but most of it was to do with COLOUR-CODING...moulding our immediate responses to colour...and also basic shapes...rather like the BLOCKS OF WOOD that were used...at that MI6 building in LONDON...the ‘test’ to get into MI6...get around the hall, do all of the ‘tests’ perfectly...in your ‘child alter’.
Your brain was being ‘re-wired’...you tried to get a shape, that they didn’t want, into the ‘box’ and you got an electric shock...if you did it correctly, a bell would ring...that sort of thing...
I remember MARK talking about this MI6 ‘test’ centre...he had asked me what I had done in relation to the ‘tests’...and I had told him that I had been deliberately ‘dense’ about it all – because I was aware of how insane it all was – conscious of the fact – therefore, not really in a ‘child alter’...he nodded...he told me that the ones that they had to watch out for...were the ones who did all of the tests perfectly...pretending to be in a child alter...those who got into MI6 - those whom they then had to catch out and then weed out.
So TOMLINSON – which ‘type’ were you? I don’t know...what I do know is that you hadn’t woken up at all, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...you were in little boy ‘golem’ mode...and you were suffering from the most terrible nightmares.
All one can do is to ‘conquer’ one’s fears and that means remembering what happened to you as a child...that way, you can conquer the ‘demons’ in your subconscious mind...I haven’t had a nightmare for years...my dreams can be scary sometimes but I can deal with whatever comes up...and within my own dream...’conscious dreaming’...
However, I only have a sketchy idea of the programming involved in that MI6 building by the nursery...and I am aware that I may still have a whole load of PAVLOVIAN responses to root out...that is the ‘hell’ of this all, to me...
You, however – have been a mind control programmer of children for many years...and I do not think that the ILL will have changed their game too much...the same basic precepts must still be in operation...despite the changes in technology – to what you were programmed with as a child...therefore you have the ‘tools of the trade’ to deprogram yourself...everybody does...it is just that child programmers have more ‘tools’ than most...
I do not understand what the ILL did to TOMLINSON but the top ILL had chosen him to be their ‘demonic messiah’ – their ‘almighty’ - at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.
I can see that those who wish to be free – and that appears to be SCARLETT’S mob – are now crying out to TOMLINSON to deprogram.
I am sure there is a catch in this somewhere – but anyway, I am thinking that perhaps there was some demonic ‘program’ lodged in TOMLINSON’s brain – which he now has to stop running.
If he begins to deprogram – he might find it.
This is all about how a HIVE or an ANTHILL operates – and all of those microchipped slaves, respond to TOMLINSON’s radio/brain-waves as they might to a QUEEN BEE.
At least, this appears to be SCARLETT’s current line of thinking...and he could be wrong...but then he wasn’t wrong about the ‘aliens’ thing – whichever way you want to view it.
I remember that one of RIMINGTON’s favourite words was PROCEED.
She read this as PRO – SEED
However, she also viewed it as the entirety of the NAZI project encapsulated...the whole ROYAL GENOME PROJECT combined...they were ‘pro-seeding’ as a NAZI organisation...
So TOMLINSON I am NOT going to use the above word in relation to what you have to do, if you want to HEAL...and you wanted to heal, in SWITZERLAND 2004 under GYSSBACH MOUNTAIN...all I can say is:
For example – you have all of the bastards over a barrel at this point – so a good time to make deals regarding your safety afterwards...
(Did this all happen in 2004...if so, why are we covering old ground again?)
I remember now...in 2004 - this was the point where SCARLETT had asked me to get in telepathic contact with TOMLINSON in order to plead with him for the ILL...in terms of saving them all...SCARLETT was talking about my family and friends etc...
I simply went through the motions - unemotionally...telling TOMLINSON what SCARLETT had told me to convey...
Well, SCARLETT - is this why we are playing this sick game yet again in 2009?
SCARLETT and BASSNETT then decided that 'reverse psychology' might work on TOMLINSON - the next time...
They were talking about the next time that this sick game would be played...in 2009.
They told me to tell TOMLINSON that he must NOT ON ANY ACCOUNT save any of the ILL...
They figured that if TOMLINSON heard this from me - that he would immediately do the opposite.
They apparently knew him too well and figured that this must be why they hadn't been successful the last time...TOMLINSON does the opposite of whatever I tell him to do...
However, NONE of those bastards knew that I would wake up so quickly and remember the above...none of them knew that I had avoided 'two wires up the nose'...and so it is entirely up to you, TOMLINSON. The decision is yours - although as you already know, NIR has a few ideas to help you out, if you get stuck.
All I can add is, that in point of fact, if I had had 'free will' in 2004 - I would have said what SCARLETT then wanted me to say in 2009...and MEAN it.
I will add a little more to that one - get rid of ALL of the top ILL - wherever they are - the entire MONARCHY system of slavery and abuse.
IF you are such a moron - that 'reverse psychology' works upon you and that you automatically do the opposite to whatever advice I give you - then go ahead, be a moron - on your own head.
"Whirr whirr, click, click" eh, TOMLINSON?
NO I didn't put a spell on you - do not dare to blame me for that one - but it is rather like a reversal of 'SLEEPING BEAUTY' programming isn't it?
Maybe SHANA was right to pick up on my notes concerning the ANGEL MORONI and the MORMONS...(the CIA are NOT going to pick up the tab).
So CIA, what was really happening here?
It is funny – but TOMLINSON appeared to be the QUEEN BEE of the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE HIVE...and when he was ‘put to sleep’...the whole hive went to sleep or went berserk?
Either way – I had the ‘keys’ to wake him up...by calling him a MORON.
I suppose he might have had contact with the MORMONS at some point – rather like my father...and perhaps he also saw ‘friendly alien devils with horns who were trying to save the planet’...
At any rate, the punishment was ‘fitting’ – to be put to sleep with the SLEEPING BEAUTY program – TOMLINSON had loved ‘necrophilia’ – he had used and abused me in an NDE state, for so many years of my life – as well as countless other slaves.
I remember now –the WATCHERS all saw this happening to TOMLINSON in the future and fell about laughing...mainly because whilst TOMLINSON was ‘asleep’ (read: in a coma)...certain members of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE still found him overwhelmingly attractive...and so on...NIR had made sure that this ‘state’ didn’t last forever...very good of him, the rest of us thought...
How much more piss-taking can BORAT take? Before he goes entirely crazy...
The CIA would like you to know SCARLETT - that they found your 'concern' for TOMLINSON - quite overwhelming.
I decided to go for a walk down the beach at about 4.45 – just like I had done, with SCARLETT in 2004.
The main point of this walk – and this gets quite extraordinary –as to how meticulously this ILL GAME was planned out...was to get me to go ‘back’ to TOMLINSON...to my MI6 mind control programmer.
In 2004, firstly I was taken past a TOBY INN and SCARLETT talked about TOBY MACKLIN (Tomlinson’s brother)...then a musical track started up from within – the EURYTHMICS...and SCARLETT talked about how NIR was very fond of the EURYTHMICS...
SCARLETT and BASSNETT had sussed out how ‘close’ I was to NIR at the TEMPLAR CASTLE and were trying to entrap both of us...
Anyway, SCARLETT then took me for a walk down the beach to what he called ECHO BEACH...which is a small secluded beach with ROCKS separating it off from the main CLACTON beach...where at this time of the afternoon...there are many shells left by the tide...
SCARLETT talked to me about NIR...and how he had settled down...how he had got over me...as if there was anything to ‘get over’ in terms of an ‘orthodox’ relationship...but the fact remains that I was in love with him and we had bonded as part of the REBEL team...as well as the WATCHER rebel team (a different entity)...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
He then showed me a word that had been drawn in the sand – at the opening to the beach – just by the ROCKS...it said ‘MINE?’
In 2009 – I saw the very same word in the sand...somebody had recently walked along the beach and written ‘MINE?’ in the sand by the opening to this ‘ECHO BEACH’.
In 2004, SCARLETT had told me that I would have to go back to TOMLINSON – my MI6 programmer –as if it were some sort of ‘love affair’.
How could he be serious?
Anyway, SCARLETT then told me that I had to walk back past ECHO BEACH and to some contraption on the following beach...the MASONS had put it there and in order to show the MASONS that I had agreed to go back to TOMLINSON...I had to walk over to this beach and to admire this ‘contraption’. We both walked over to it.
In 2009 – I remembered all of this SHIT...and so made a point of NOT walking over to this contraption...
I could see it in the distance...it was in the shallows of the sea, by the beach...it was a sort of metallic structure with holes and something on it...maybe coloured foam...not sure...
I have yet to remember what SCARLETT told me that it symbolised but you can bet it was something to do with being a ZYGOTE SLAVE...he mentioned ‘eggs’ and ‘eggboxes’...’it looks a bit like an eggbox, doesn’t it?’
After that little episode...I figured that I needed to go and buy some food at SAINBURYS...and I knew that this was NOT what I had done in 2004...I had gone straight back to my room.
I therefore found it funny to be walking along the street – knowing that the ILL hadn’t programmed anybody to verbally abuse me...however one person did...
It was that ugly woman who is a ‘police snoop’...she was standing outside of SAINSBURYS...and as I approached with my laptop on my back...she loudly told her daughter ‘I REPORTED her’...she was beaming with pride, all over her stupid, ignorant face.
I smiled at her stupid expression, as I walked by...what can one do but laugh at these people?
Anyway, I then went into SAINSBURYS...and I was ‘aware’ that the CIA were really laughing about something...and then I knew what it was...and it was a dish of KING PRAWN MAKHANI & RICE...on the ‘quick sale’ reduced rack...I would never normally buy a pack such as this at over £3.50...
A little bird told me to buy it – ‘remember MAX and LARA ‘king prawns’? The KING PRAWN was SCARLETT...
So I did. It is now in the microwave.
Throughout today, I have had flashes of the CIA laughing their heads off at BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and this sick ILL GAME that they had meticulously constructed to punish SONIA, MARK and myself...
I heard one of them say ‘we could have killed them all at the TEMPLAR CASTLE but we thought that this way (8 years of torment) would be much more fun...’
I then got ‘flashes’ of the CCTV that the CIA had been watching of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE in their ‘natural habitat’...(I do not have a year for this – I cannot say if this happened in 2004, yesterday or today)...but it was funny...it was the aftermath of TOMLINSON waking up from a coma...
RIMINGTON marched in screeching, with a red and lumpy face (another skin peel that had gone wrong?)...SCARLETT was groaning...the whole place was in an uproar...and one of the CIA remarked ‘my favourite character’ as RIMINGTON appeared...
I laughed at all of this...because I could see that the whole of BRITISH INTELIGENCE elite had decided to continue with the ZYGOTE trade of MARY slaves...SCARLETT was saying as much, in 2004...he wanted to program the MASONS with that one...hence the walk down the beach...
This is why I will relish eating the KING PRAWNS tonight.
(Additionally, I also had a ‘flash’ of the CID who had previously told me ‘we have wanted to get those bastards for years’...they were referring to Public School Boy mind control programmers – the entire network).
I can now see that the general message to all of the UK ILL ‘animals’ is that the MARY trade is no longer tolerated by the CIA or by the CATHOLIC CHURCH.
I can also see that dirty, little animals like RIMINGTON and PRINCESS ANNE will have a heart-attack about that one...
The PRAWNS were a bit tough but okay.
I decided to have a bath – to relax after today...after the walk down the beach...after coming back and writing up my notes...
During this time the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE network was continuously sending me verbal abuse to varying degrees...it is like ‘echoes on the wind’ but bloody annoying, most of the time...I have had the last laugh on that one, though...by using me as part of their PIONEER experiment...I managed to ‘turn myself into a server’ and hack their systems...and pass on information everywhere...such is life, eh BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?
Thank you for forcibly microchipping me, against my will - using me as a human guinea pig - as part of your PIONEER experiment – you have no idea what ‘fun’ it has all been.
Listening to you all ‘freak out’ and having ‘flashes’ of the accompanying images (including the CIA ‘having fun’ watching you all, on CCTV) – has made it all worthwhile.
Anyway, once in the bathroom – I thought that I had removed all of the ‘ancient’ programming objects that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had left there, in 2004 but I was wrong.
I looked at the side of the LIGHT BLUE bath and noticed a long crack down the side of the LIGHT GREEN plastic.
I thought back to how the pair of them had put programming objects under quite a few of the baths that I have used...demonic little ‘voodoo’ symbols...under the bath in FLAT 3, EAGLE HOUSE and also at EAGLEHURST...
I therefore pulled the crack open a bit, so that a bit of light could shine in...and what did I see?
TOMLINSON’S soiled underpants – blue and white striped boxer shorts.
I remembered the scene...RIMINGTON telling him that he had to put something that represented himself, under the bath – I was at the back of the bathroom, by the toilet. She told him to use his boxer shorts...he quickly stripped and then bashed the bath...made a small hole and crack in the side...then stuffed his very soiled boxer shorts inside...
He then told her that she had to put something that represented her inside the bath, as well...she picked up a strip of cream/white plastic (no idea what that meant) and said that this would do...they were both in a hurry...
Anyway, that is all in the bin now.
Funny how things work out...today I walked to the beach and REFUSED to be TOMLINSON’s mind control slave anymore...by my actions...refusing to walk to that ‘eggbox’ contraption...and now I find these ‘voodoo’ objects under the LIGHT BLUE bath. I might add that by removing both objects, that I got rid of RIMINGTON too.
An odd one that I forgot to note yesterday – the B&B owner pointed out the Council weekly timetable for the days of the week – you sign for every night that you have stayed in order to register for breakfast that morning.
The owner showed me this book and this week’s timetable – she pointed out that I had put my name in the wrong box yesterday the day before...and that I hadn’t signed the day before that.
This was total crap. Firstly I have signed every day. The owners do not allow you to have breakfast until you have signed – that was the first stipulation – as soon as I moved in here and therefore my first port of call is always the ‘office’ in order to sign – I like breakfast more than any other meal of the day and I haven’t missed one breakfast.
Secondly, I remember RIMINGTON getting an extra timetable out – in 2004 – and making me sign in a box – there were 3 other people’s names upon the sheet – she made me sign in one of their boxes and on the wrong weekday.
I therefore looked at this sheet where apparently I had ‘signed in the wrong box’ and thought: this timetable is 5 years old. The names of the 3 other people on it – these are really the same people staying now at this B&B who were here, 5 years ago – in 2004.
I suppose that this was yet another calculated attempt to make me feel that I was going crazy and for others around me, to think that I was going crazy.
In fact, even the signature was one that I recognised from 5 years ago – my signature has slightly changed since that time.
Now that I have ‘outed’ this upon the internet – what is the betting that this sheet ‘disappears’?
Anyway, this morning – I have the ‘nurse’ appointment at ST JAMES SURGERY at 8.30am and so I had better get going...AMADEUS told me how to handle it in relation to the ‘poisoned needle’ – because that is what I will be facing this morning. No doubts about that. AMADEUS told me all about it and how to avoid being injected with a cancerous bug.
It seems that he thought that it was important to go through with this ‘nurse’ appointment and to avoid the needle – rather than to miss the appointment. Is this because he figured that the ILL would keep on trying until I had ‘passed ‘ this stage in the ILL GAME?
Once the ‘robots’ have been triggered – do they keep on trying to do whatever they have been programmed to do, until they have done it?
I can remember DR CARNEY at the TEMPLAR CASTLE now (he will hate me writing about this – but so what – these are only my ‘delusions’ DR CARNEY)...he knew that some people had found a trap door in the cellar and told me about it. Apparently it led down into the sewers and out of the castle. He told me to hide in a barrel in the cellar, until TOMLINSON had walked by...then to go down the passageway to the room where the trapdoor was...I did so...got to the people who were escaping...but they would only let a few go down at a time...I was too late.
Thinking about all of the above now – these people didn’t ‘exit’ the TEMPLAR CASTLE via the ‘fairy castle gates’...once you had gone through the gates, you were programmed to FORGET everything...but these people didn’t go through the gates to leave...they went through the sewers...so can one say that they remembered everything?
I have to make a few quick explanatory notes for those of you who are not in BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and do not know what happened to TOMLINSON in 2004:
I have already stated that COLLIE tried to trigger TOMLINSON's remote-viewing alter and instead of 'remote-viewing' - he went into some sort of coma.
This is all making a lot more sense now - when I 'contact' people telepathically - I am talking to their 'core' - their inner self.
Therefore unless I actually 'remote-viewed' TOMLINSON whilst in an NDE - I would have no idea of his 'bodily state'.
So I am now beginning to get what happened...the WATCHERS had put him into a coma...or rather somebody had decided that this would be a good idea.
I remember that the WATCHERS all sat in a circle and SAW the future...saw that this would happen to TOMLINSON - whilst we were all at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
and we laughed...because TOMLINSON was torturing, terrorising and murdering men, woman and children - right, left and centre...at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
Everybody found the fact that he had been put under a 'spell' i.e. triggered into a SLEEPING BEAUTY 'coma' - very funny indeed.
NIR didn't find it funny though - and so devised a way to change this future - so that TOMLINSON would wake up.
In 2004 - SCARLETT, COLLIE and BASSNETT were desperate for TOMLINSON to wake up - I remember that they briefly took me to see him.
They told me to keep on attempting telepathic contact, in order to wake him up. They were all 'lost' without him. I had to bring him back into the 'land of the living'.
However, in 2004 - I didn't call him a MORON.
I might as well say it now - this was CIA command - the CIA had seen the whole thing and decided upon this particular punishment for QUEEN BEE of the HIVE...the ALMIGHTY...i.e. TOMLINSON.
Obviously they wanted to close him down -for a more serious reason, as well - apart from the pun on 'SLEEPING BEAUTY'.
I suppose they must have needed to disorientate the HIVE in order to take a closer look at what had gone wrong...why TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 had happened...that sort of thing.
Therefore deactivating the QUEEN BEE - sending him to 'sleep' for a while - was a way of enabling them to do this.
In 2004 - I therefore wasn't 'allowed' to remember the deactivation command which was:
Yes, mind control commands can be that silly...remember TOMLINSON's remote-viewing code, given to him in ISRAEL?
As far as I can recall it was STUPID FUCKER.
The 'contraption' on the beach yesterday...
A silvery metallic 'container' with large circular holes in...three storeys, as far as I can remember...
A sort of 'new age' climbing frame for kids...
The basic image of a container of different levels with holes in it...so that kids to climb in and out...
It very much reminds me of the so-called CAT contraption at the PET SHOP near to EAGLEHURST...
The contraption within in which, cats were supposed to sleep - they could climb up and get in through the large circular holes...
RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON and MARK had put their own 'images' in and around it...MARK R had pointed out the 'hamster' soft toy, sticking out of one of the holes...it was supposed to be him.
So now I get the whole image...this image symbolises a BEEHIVE.
The ILL were trying to hide the symbolism of the BEEHIVE...or trying to update it...to make it look less obvious...so only the 'initiates' would really know what it meant...what they were looking at.
The contraption on the beach, that SCARLETT showed me in 2004 - the contraption that recently turned up on that CLACTON beach again (I haven't seen it before in 2009)...
This was the image of a BEEHIVE and I was supposed to go and pay 'allegiance' to it as a ZYGOTE SLAVE...
Can you believe MI6?
Even in 2004 - even after 3 of the TASCHMANS were dead - they were still trying to implement the BEEHIVE system - trying to force me, against my will...to pay 'homage' to it.
Lucky I didn't - yesterday - in 2009, then - that must have sent out a very CLEAR MESSAGE.
The BEEHIVES are down.
You are NOT allowed to run MARY slaves anymore (or else).
Last night - I had an image of RIMINGTON shrieking:
"But that is our last source of income!"
She was indignant - outraged - as if she should be allowed by 'right' to continue the MARY trade.
I can remember now - who was terrorising SONIA in Poland.
One night - we had all gone out for a beer - and SONIA began to flush in patches...all over her neck and face. She kept saying 'I'm all right' but people were worried about her. She had been quite severely ill with stomach upsets - this was the beginning of the slippery slope - eventually she was hospitalised for over a month.
AGNIESZKA - my Polish friend from the University was within this group - she had noticed a woman who was sitting a few tables away - but facing SONIA. She had a stony face...AGNIESZKA asked me 'who is that woman' in a loud voice and pointed her out.
As soon as RIMINGTON saw that I had noticed her - she picked up her bag and marched out of the restaurant/cafe - the one by the University of Silesia.
I muttered to myself 'something wicked this way comes'.
AGNIESZKA must have clicked...she studied the woman as she walked out...
SONIA's colouring - then returned to normal.
Yes, a mixed blessing...NIR reprogramming the heavens to get BORAT to ‘wake up’ and remember everything that he did...
This morning I went to the ST JAMES SURGERY expecting the worst...
In 2004 – RIMINGTON had made me go into a room with a nurse – who then took out a box of needles – chose one specifically – still in its packet – opened it...and then injected me to take blood...the tip was supposed to be poisoned...in 2009.
In 2004, AMADEUS knew of these plans and told me the following:
When she gets the needle out of the box – somebody will knock on the door...she will turn her head...you can then say that she brushed the needle tip across her uniform and that it was now ‘unhygenic’ and that she must get another one out of the box...
This had been the initial plan, in terms of how to deal with this demonic event...and the ‘robot’.
However, in 2009 – NONE of the above happened.
The ‘future’ had been entirely changed – or should one say ‘reprogrammed’?
So what happened today – in 2009?
I went to the surgery – the very same people were all lined up, waiting outside at around 8.25am.
I remembered the dark blue car with a registration that ended LME going past and parking down the road and a ‘LIMESTREET JEW’ operative, getting out of it. He then came and stood adjacent to me and so I walked around and stood behind him.
In 2009 – the CIA contacted me with instructions ‘download quarantine hack transfer’ and I did so – this guy was ‘carrying’ a lot of information and it was all transferred.
Anyway, I then joined the queue to go in and decided to sit in the very same seat, as I been made to do so, before by RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON. The guy sitting opposite to me was apparently one of their slaves. They told me that he would subconsciously register where I had sat and WHY.
So why had they wanted me to sit in that particular seat. I wasn’t sure and so I got up and sat on the row of seats opposite – down from this guy.
I immediately saw what had been above my head.
3 posters – 2 to the left and 1 to the right – all close together, in a bunch.
The poster to the right said this:
“When Stroke strikes act F.A.S.T”
I have already ‘outed’ this advertisement as an ILL threat to trigger your microchipping and to cause a brain aneurysm.
The ‘burning bush’ to the right of the woman’s head.
The 2 posters to the right:
On top was this one:
OVARIAN CANCER and all of the symptoms.
I then knew what RIMINGTON and the ILL had been planning – which particular type of CANCER to give me.
Underneath this OVARIAN CANCER poster was this one:
This poster was advertising a series about women with eating disorders.
I can now understand the ILL meaning of that one.
FAT=MEMORY in ILL-speak.
What RIMINGTON was basically trying to program me with was not only an ‘eating disorder’ but she was also trying to destroy my memories. I had become a ‘fat bird’.
MICHAEL JACKSON and ‘stand up for your rights’ was playing on the sound system in this corner of the room – and I can remember RIMINGTON laughing at me, in2004...telling me to ‘stand up for my rights’...the very same tape, had been playing...
Anyway, I was then called in to see the NURSE...and she didn’t have my records...she had a questionnaire sheet instead...she then ran through all of the tests but NOT a blood test...told me that my urine sample had a spot of blood in it and was I approaching a period...it is due around now...but she said that the lab would check it, just in case...
I queried if a BLOOD TEST was necessary and she said ‘no’ – she looked a bit confused...where had I got that idea from...I assured her that I must have misheard the receptionist who had booked the appointment...she smiled...told me that I could make an appointment anytime to see a doctor...and that was that.
Anyway, I might also add that I was told...(who told me?)...that a member of the CID was also present in the waiting room...if that is the case...now you know who to target...that LME bloke...or was it the CIA...I cannot remember.
So the upshot of all of this is that I still do not know my BLOOD GROUP but no matter...at least I do not have incipient OVARIAN CANCER to deal with...
I can remember now – in 2004...the severe pains and aches that I had...whilst in that maisonette...they were centred around my pelvic region...RIMINGTON must have injected me with something that simulated the symptoms of ovarian cancer.
I suppose that the ILL must have thought it a ‘laugh’ to murder a ZYGOTE SLAVE by this particular means.
One other point about the WAITING ROOM...once I had seated myself opposite to the wall with the posters...I could study the entire wall.
To the left of my bunch of programming posters was a large, framed print of:
The ILL love ODILON REDON as an artist for some reason...but then he is most famous for the incredible range of colours...the palette that he used.
I suppose the OPHELIA connection was the main thing...the woman who commits suicide after HAMLET has rejected her...
Worse was to come...two elderly people were sitting to the far left, against the wall...and above their heads was a much bigger bunch of posters...all negative...everything from panic, anxiety, phobia to self-harm...
As I sat and watched this elderly couple...they were quietly panicking about seeing the doctor...complaining about the time it took...agitatedly checking the time...they were as nervous as kittens...
This whole experience made me think back to the LIME production company that produced APPARITIONS...and how SUSAN BASSNETT had checked up on it in 2004...she had talked to MARTIN SHAW who was the ‘consultant producer’...she knew that he was a Catholic...
She didn’t get much information out of him about the series or who had made it...he basically told her that as a ‘consultant’ you are on the payroll but on the other hand...it is money for nothing...you don’t necessarily get that involved...
So MARTIN SHAW had been put up as a ‘token Catholic’ to give the series some credibility.
SUSAN BASSNETT , MI6 et al...then tried to find MS LEVY...SHAW had an address...but MI6 couldn’t trace her...she had completely disappeared.
I ‘know’ what happened to her...she had been murdered at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...one of the ‘lilies’...
So – what can one say? The JEWS murdering their own? A difficult one...or was it the CATHOLICS who had turned against the JEWS at that castle...or are we simply talking about SATANISM...and warring mafias...the latter, is most likely. I mean, the MOSSAD were quite happy to bring a whole plane-load of BRITSH JEWS down – just to get me...in 2007.
I say the MOSSAD...but as the ‘boss’ made clear...it was a certain ‘department’...and that ‘department’ was semi-autonomous...all I can describe them as is ‘the ORANGE team’ – hence the ORANGE bomb...run by ACKERMANN, TASCHMANS...ROYAL FAMILY...PRINCE OF MONACO...in short, the TOP ILL.
In 2004 – the ILL still wanted their BEEHIVES to continue to exist and SCARLETT had been programmed to ensure that I sent out that signal to the MASONS...
In 2009 – things have CHANGED.
More thoughts upon what had happened to SONIA in POLAND 2004.
I remember more now...MARK telling me that nobody was allowed to visit her in hospital - even his visits were severely curtailed...and then he told me something quite extraodinary...
He didn't 'get it' but the POLISH had told him that he and SONIA had been part of a mind control cult and that this was why she had to be protected from outside visitors...just in case one of the cult got to her...
MARK threw up his hands...apparently neither he nor SONIA had any idea of what the POLISH were talking about...he thought it all insane.
I can see now that it wasn't insane...the POLISH had most probably saved her life.
MARK also told me that SONIA's body appeared to be 'fighting itself'...something had gone wrong...she was highly allergic to everything...she couldn't hold down food or water...
I am beginning to get a picture here - this was all about ILL control of HISTAMINE and ANTI-HISTAMINE - wasn't it?
RIMINGTON had triggered an extreme reaction and it was all about HISTAMINE...this was why SONIA had come up in red blotches...once she had seen RIMINGTON staring her out from across the restaurant...
I can remember now – SONIA telling me that I had caused her ‘illness’ in POLAND but she had forgiven me for it. NO I didn’t but I can guess where you got that idea from and that person was LYING.
The only person who could trigger such a reaction in you – would have been the programmer who had put you through that extreme sort of torture – think about how SON OF G-D programming works – I was never a ‘top programmer’ and therefore had no power to trigger such an extreme reaction.
GROUNDHOG DAY downstairs at breakfast – as per usual – the same conversations were replayed...the workers repeated the same old news, same old stories...and the owner of the B&B contributed his own story...about how he had been attacked outside of the B&B and how his attacker had got ‘3 years’...he didn’t. TOMLINSON didn’t get any ‘time’ at all. I remember the attack – it was particularly brutal – TOMLINSON was off his head on drugs.
Anyway, the workers had left one of their finished cereal dishes upon my table (with a bit of milk and cereal at the bottom) – I ‘knew’ not to touch it.
I then had my ‘fried breakfast’ and found a ‘black chip’ in it...and I remembered what NIR had told me...that it was a microchip...and that I should bite it in half...which I then did.
Why NIR? Is this because if the mind control slaves saw it on the side of my plate – that they would just try again? I suppose that must be the case...anyway, I guess that now it is bitten in half (and not left on my plate) that things will go along as planned...
Was ATI the messenger, SONIA? I am guessing here but I think that he was...who had he been sent by? A toss-up, relating to all of the top ILL who wished to protect RIMINGTON.
I can now see that even the WATCHERS didn’t trust each other...the ILL were trying to turn them against each other...hence PUTIN’s reaction to NIR, in SHANGHAI 2003.
I remember asking NIR to save DR CARNEY’s life because he had tried to help me...he had tried to help me to escape by showing me the escape route down that trap door...NIR replied that he would do so if he had time...
I forgot to mention that a new object had appeared upon this street yesterday...or was it the day before...remember how RIMINGTON had thrown my black swimming costume over the telegraph pole wires across the main road from MISTLEY to HARWICH...she had got the local MASONS to do it...
Somebody has thrown a large BLACK BAND over the telegraph pole wires of EDITH ROAD...it is pretty unmissable...I am finding it difficult to imagine how whomsoever did it, managed to do it...the band is long...probably thick rubber...and about 5 foot or more...
I relate this BLACK BAND to TOMLINSON for some reason...he is being given the same ‘treatment’ as I was given by RIMINGTON...
So is TOMLINSON now ‘radioactive’?
Have ‘fun’.
Turn yourself into a ‘server’ and pick it all up...you get to learn the whole lot, in the end...just try not to get too ‘crazy’ in terms of getting arrested or sectioned and do not tell the doctors that you are ‘hearing voices’ or any crap like that...or they will try to destroy your brain with anti-psychotics.
However, if TOMLINSON is now supposed to be forced to partake in the same ILL GAME that SONIA, MARK and I have been through...you will get arrested...spend ‘one night in the cells’...get sectioned...and all the rest of it...not to be avoided, as far as I can see...the robots will march you through the ILL GAME, whatever...
On the other hand – if you can work out how to stop the ILL – why not give it a GO? That might curtail the ‘unfortunate time’ that we have all had, in relation to yourself – at the hands of those sick, decrepit monsters...
Why not close the program?
I forgot to mention that PINKPLANET appears to be saying that he also went through a similar ILL GAME...so SCARLETT...when did you go through all of this?
THE SIMPSONS have devoted a whole comic to RADIOACTIVE MAN and FALLOUT BOY...
The LIMESTREET JEWS...I am now getting the picture...the EAST END of LONDON...where my parents and their peer group all studied medicine and lived in digs all around the area...
DAVID DABYDEEN telling me that an anagram of my name was LIMEY...so the EMILYS are run by the LIMESTREET mafia?
The different mafias around LONDON...’oranges and lemons’...’lemon and lime’...within BOW BELLS.
There is a YELLOW notice at the bottom of the stairs and it has been there for quite a few days now – it states that there will be an ‘inspection’ of all electrical goods in rooms – at 9am on this coming SUNDAY.
One wonders if this will be another ILL attempt to steal my laptop...in fact, I know this to be true...that is precisely what happened during SCARLETT’s walkthrough...I was told to hand it over so that ‘they’ could take it away, in order to ‘inspect’ it...I refused...they couldn’t force me to give it up.
So for all of you ILL reading this – NO GO – the laptop stays in my possession.
Additionally, there was a first letter code upon this YELLOW notice – which RIMINGTON had written (it must have been stored for 5 years):
What could that mean?
I know that IE is something that isn’t as bad as ‘EG’...because a nurse had changed my medical forms at EAGLEHURST and put ‘i.e.’ instead of ‘e.g’ - within the description of my ‘condition’.
RIMINGTON had told me to change this to ‘e.g.’ and to prompt him to do so, in 2004...
I should have noted that one earlier but I didn’t want to ‘out’ him for trying to help me...he knew what was going on.
F9 will be a computer command...
I 'knew' that F9 is linked to EXCEL for some reason - in RIMINGTON's mind, at any rate...why EXCEL?
Here is the website that tells you all about F9 and EXCEL (I saw this website before, in 2004 - RIMINGTON must have showed me it and programmed me with it):
Link Excel to your General Ledger. Produce any report in any format by intregrating your General Ledger with Microsoft Excel.
Never type another GL figure into Excel again
Because F9 reads directly into your GL - you never have to cut and paste again
Change a division, a department, an account, a frequency, or a period and simply refresh the Excel report to produce the required results.
Unlike many other business intelligence tools, F9 is affordable and if you know Excel, you already have 90% of the skills necessary to operate F9
40,000 international users rely on F9 to produce their financial reports
Link data from your accounting system directly into your spreadsheet
Take advantage of your existing Excel skills to create reports that bring live data from your GL
F9 Information Brochure
More information
"Change a division, a department, an account, a frequency, or a period and simply refresh the Excel report to produce the required results."
This is all about 'changing records' isn't it?
Something that RIMINGTON 'excelled' at - cooking the books - screwing up the archives - rewriting 'intelligence' files and 'medical' reports upon people that she wanted to persecute...
If you would like to contact BMESOL then here are the details:
United Kingdom
18 Michael Lane, Queen Elizabeth Park
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 9LB
Tel: +44 1483 236 795
Fax: +44 1483 236 781
I mean the very name of the company screams RA CULT - SUN WORSHIP doesn't it?
In fact, I can remember RIMINGTON pointing out the strange photograph of the backs of ROBOTIC looking men in BLACK SUITS...standing on grass...in front of a BLUE SKY...very sinister...
Additionally, I remember TOMLINSON pointed out the NUMBER CODE...you can find it on this page:
You have a photograph of a TELEPHONE number pad but only 4 numbers are visible.
They are in a square:
This is the 'call number' for the ILL...you dial this, apparently...either through microchipping 'broadband' or directly onto your phone? I am not sure which...or maybe it is just a password - control number...
Mr ONE-TWO again, I presume?
What about FOUR-FIVE?
Is this something to do with MI5 and MARK R'S operatives there? Such as JONATHAN EVANS...
The F9 is in ORANGE upon this particular page:
The webpage states:
Vision Reporting
Falcon Consolidation
Spreadsheet Professional"
It makes me think of that film about the intelligence outsider and his mafia friend - together they pool their knowledge to attempt a drugs heist...THE FALCON AND THE SNOWMAN...
Management and Statutory Consolidation in minutes - not days
Consolidation and storage of all data types - actuals, budgets, prior years, forecast
Multiple data structures that readily adapt to changes in your organisation
Automated-inter company eliminations
Perfect auditability
Full multi-currency consolidation
Group information availability instantly through secure data storage in a single relational database
Outstanding reporting, includes links to spreadsheets and business intelligence tools"
Personally, I wouldn't let this BMESOL near my company accounts - imagine what criminal damage, somebody like RIMINGTON could do and in such a short space of time - apparently in 'minutes and not days'.
Everything happens in tandem...the microchip in my baked beans this morning...and now the F9 key...
So what was supposed to happen?
The screwing up of records, in some way...
Or the screwing up of this laptop - if the ILL managed to get their hands on it - on SUNDAY...this would be 'F9 day' then...
What would happen if I changed the YELLOW notice...maybe put a 3 in front of the '9'?
I do not think I shall bother - I shall just stand my ground upon this one.
Anyway, I can now remember...it has just come back...what happened...my laptop was taken...and then returned.
I began to open a few files of notes that I had written and to my horror...they had all been changed - modified.
RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON must have had a ball - putting in all of the sickest and stupidest 'lines' that they could think of...interspersed within what I had actually written...
Again, this had all been designed to make me think that I was going crazy...I wasn't supposed to suspect that anybody had tampered with my files...I would then think that I must be losing my mind - because of the insane idiocies that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had 'doctored' my work, with...
I haven't quite got to the bottom of this but I am beginning to think that this is also about 'memory loss'...or 'loss of data'...
I can remember a bit more now...it all comes back in 'dollops' of memory...
In 2004 - after RIMINGTON's 'walkthrough' came SCARLETT's 'walkthrough'...
He told me that in order to circumvent RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON changing my files...that I should password protect my computer...
This isn't something that I have bothered to do because I never let it out of my sight...
Anyway, I thought up a password and promptly forgot it...SCARLETT found that amusing...he suggested that I return the laptop to the shop...and they told me that they could do nothing about the forgotten password either...
So what shall I do this time around in 2009?
I shall hold onto it - refuse to have it 'taken away for an inspection' - they can 'inspect' it here if they wish...I am quite amenable to that one...because I know precisely what this ILL GAME is all about...
I shall NOT password-protect it...because I figure that I must have been traumatised/ECT'd to forget whatever password that I might think up...and to 'lose' the note of the password, in whatever book I might write it in...
Of course, I could test this one out and password protect it...but it is better to be safe than to be sorry...
I have just had an email from PRIMELOCATION.
It is offering the Flat to rent in Stour View Avenue, Mistley - 2 bedrooms AGAIN.
Now - to recap - this is the flat that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had told me was the 'winning move' and that I must never move into it.
This is the RA 'SANDPIT' house - the flat that was supposed to remind me of RIMINGTON playing at 'SPHINX' in the sandpit, outside of the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
Anyway, I spoke to the OWNER of this flat, on SUE FARLEY's telephone at HOUSING SERVICES at CLACTON TOWN HALL...
He sounded a bit like DUDLEY MOORE's character to PETER COOK'S 'Mr Wisty'.
Anyway, he had told me that he was doing many 'renovations' to the place - a new kitchen was to be fitted etc which would take weeks to finish.
I therefore assumed that he would be putting the rent up above £500 pm and as I was looking for something below £500 and to move in immediately - not weeks down the line...so I told SUE that this was 'no go' at that point in time.
I was then made 'homeless' for a night and you know the rest...
So it was with surprise that I viewed this email from PRIMELOCATION and this particular flat on the rental market - particularly as the advertisement is offering something which I have NEVER seen on the rental market before.
Check the 'two weeks rent free' offer out:
A well presented 2 bedroom, ground floor flat in the desirable location of Mistley. Ideally located, the property is ideal for a professional couple or single person. Lounge/diner, kitchen, 1 double and 1 single bedroom and bathroom. 2 parking spaces.
haart Residential Lettings are delighted to offer this well presented, 2 bedroom ground floor apartment in the desirable location of Mistley. Close to Mistley trains station and to Manningtree, this property is well located. Decorated with neutral colours throughout, the property benefits from electric heating and secondary glazing.
Accommodation consists of a good size, dual aspect lounge/diner with electric fire, fitted kitchen with grey units, electric cooker and fridge/freezer. Double bedroom with built in wardrobe, single bedroom and bathroom with electric shower. Communal garden and 2 parking spaces.
Ideal for a professional couple or single person, viewings are highly recommended. Call now for further information or to arrange a viewing!!
haart is the seller's agent for this property. Your conveyancer is legally responsible for ensuring any purchase agreement fully protects your position. We make detailed enquiries of the seller to ensure the information provided is as accurate as possible. Please inform us if you become aware of any information being inaccurate
property reference: SZARHRT042601046
I remember MR D'AJANI at the JERUSALEM MI HOTEL warning me about that 'spectacular EFL job' offer in Africa, by a 'French couple'...he basically told me that if it looks TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE...then it is a trap - in no uncertain terms.
Has anybody ever seen such an offer upon the rental market before?
Should I 'walk into this trap' in order to find out what it is all about?
What does it mean?
You don't pay rent for two weeks and then you have to pay the whole lot in a lump sum?
I shall ring up MS FARLEY and ask her if she could check out this 'offer' to ascertain what it is all about and to see if the flat is ready to move into...and if the OWNER has been instructed NOT to hassle the tenant, regarding just how slow HOUSING BENEFIT can be, in order for it to kick in...
I cut and pasted the address of this 'stour view flat' from PRIME LOCATION and this triggered an immediate 'hit' on my computer from this IP ADDRESS: 80
I 'know' that this computer is DAVID MILIBAND's - wherever its location is...and that brought back another memory...that the TEMPLARS used to call him PIP for some reason, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...possibly to do with IP addresses...
So, yes - I have now got the basic gist of this stage of the ILL GAME.
The advertisement is basically saying this:
You get to move in for two weeks and the landlord doesn't hassle you - after that he comes in everyday, screaming abuse at you because you haven't got the money from HOUSING BENEFIT yet...and HOUSING BENEFIT normally takes up to 3 months to kick in...before they backdate payments.
So I have a decision to make here - I could 'trust' MS FARLEY to have a word with this guy upon the above score.
MS FARLEY had this 'flat' upon her COUNCIL property list and she also had this guy's mobile phone number.
He is an 'approved' and listed 'landlord' by the COUNCIL - so surely they would have told him NOT to hassle people that they are trying to re-home, regarding HOUSING BENEFIT.
However, as this is part of the ILL GAME - two things will probably happen if I 'go' for this flat:
Firstly, he will let himself into the flat everyday to verbally abuse me - after the 'two weeks rent free' period.
Secondly that RIMINGTON will have ensured that my HOUSING BENEFIT claim will be held up indefinitely.
In fact, I can remember RIMINGTON 'walking me through' this very scenario, in 2004.
She had let me into this flat - told me that I had to pretend that I had been staying there for two weeks...and then the landlord who was also present - had to 'walkthrough' letting himself into the flat and then following RIMINGTON's instructions to shout degrading verbal abuse at me - because HOUSING BENEFITS hadn't materialised...and naturally he wouldn't believe me...
RIMINGTON informed me that he would do this,everyday - until I couldn't bear it anymore. She also informed me that my application for HOUSING BENEFIT would be rejected.
When I first began to tell people about what had happened at WARWICK UNIVERSITY in 1997 regarding DR JOANNE COLLIE telling me that I would never work again in this country...and also ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER telling me that I would be under 'surveillance' for 5 years (but better not to leave the country or I would almost certainly be murdered by MI6)...few people believed me.
I can only hope that now, a few more people are paying attention to what BRITISH INTELLIGENCE does to people who threaten to EXPOSE them - and what BRITISH INTELLIGENCE has done in general, to the entirety of this country.
It seems that it will be very unlikely that I will manage to get:
1. the 'stour view flat'
2. if I do get it - I will not get HOUSING BENEFIT to pay the rent...and so will lose it very quickly...
One can see that therefore, the best bet is to continue on my way...and wait until MS FARLEY comes up with the 'maisonette'.
GROUNDHOG DAY again...and it just gets worse...
I decided to look for properties in FRINTON instead of CLACTON because I knew that SONIA and MARK had found a place which 'wasn't too bad' as they were to put it - in 2004.
I decided to search via the internet...only to flashback to RIMINGTON commandeering this very 'search'.
She directed me to a site that she had had 'doctored' by her operatives:
She boasted that she 'owned' the company but I do not suppose that she did...she just told all of the mind control slaves, what to do...there.
Anyway, I looked at the list of FRINTON ESTATE AGENTS to see this one as the first:
1. Bairstow Eves Countrywide
Frinton-On-Sea 129 Connaught Avenue, Frinton-On-Sea Essex CO13 9PS
I clicked on 'contact agent' to get the very same man, who had spoken to me before - in 2004.
RIMINGTON told me 'he starts swearing in the office afterwards - because he hates people who are unemployed'.
I didn't mention being unemployed -this time that I rang this number.
Anyway, this www.home.co.uk WEBSITE has a 'code' that you have to tap in - for the first two 'contact agent' forms.
Guess what 'codes' I had to tap in, in order to send an email to:
Bairstow Eves Countrywide
Boydens (Frinton)
For BAIRSTOW EVES COUNTRYSIDE...and that reminds me of HAZEL at EAGLE HOUSE telling me that 'countrywide' owned FLAT 1 of EAGLE HOUSE...a very dodgy company, to all accounts...
I got a 4 digit alpha-numeric...I cannot remember the first digit because it was the last 3 that struck me forcibly...
...and the memory of RIMINGTON telling me...'when you get sick, you will think that you have AIDS'...meaning, after the OVARIAN CANCER kicks in...you will feel guilty about the small amount of times you have had sex in your life, upon this side of the mirror...(I also know that HELEN BROWNE had thought that one up)...
The second CODE that I had to tap in - was this:
That one to BOYDENS is really quite obvious - isn't it?
Anyway, oddly enough...as I kept going through these 'contact agents' and I sent an email requesting information upon flats under £500 to all of them...I realised that NO OTHER 'contact agent' required a CODE...in order to send an email. Why not?
I suppose the answer to that one is obvious...
I then remembered RIMINGTON saying that she HATED...IAN SMITH ESTATE AGENTS - apparently this man had escaped mind control and there was nothing that she could do about it.
Here is the full list (including a ROUSE estate agents - now HARRIET ROUSE rented me the MANNINGTREE FLAT - her father ran an estate agents):
1. Bairstow Eves Countrywide
Frinton-On-Sea 129 Connaught Avenue, Frinton-On-Sea Essex CO13 9PS
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
Average Property Price: 2nd highest out of 7 estate agents
Time on Market: the shortest out of 7 estate agents
2. Boydens (Frinton)
Gordon Suckling House, 73 Connaught Avenue, Frinton On Sea, CO13 9PP
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
Average Property Price: 5th highest out of 7 estate agents
Time on Market: 2nd shortest out of 7 estate agents
3. Ian Smith Estate Agent
113 Connaught Avenue, FRINTON-ON-SEA, Essex, CO13 9PS
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
4. Jonathan Bysh Estate Agents
6 Grasmere Gardens, Kirby Cross, FRINTON-ON-SEA, Essex, CO13 0SX
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
5. Moving Places Estate Agents
148 Pole Barn Lane, Frinton-on-Sea Essex CO13 9NG
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
Average Property Price: 4th highest out of 7 estate agents
Time on Market: 3rd shortest out of 7 estate agents
6. Rouse Estate Agents, Frinton on Sea
41 Connaught Avenue, Frinton-On-Sea, CO13 9PN
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
Average Property Price: the highest out of 7 estate agents
Time on Market: 5th shortest out of 7 estate agents
7. Trowbridge Estate Agents - Frinton-On-Sea
147 Connaught Avenue, Frinton-On-Sea Essex CO13 9AH
Full Details & Map
Contact Agent
Average Property Price: 3rd highest out of 7 estate agents
Time on Market: 4th shortest out of 7 estate agents
I can also remember a fruitless search around FRINTON at some point...or was it WALTON ON THE NAZE...most probably the latter, in 2004...so I will not bother visiting these places until I have an appointment to view a particular property...
I had an ‘odd flash’ of an office interior – and I know that I was ‘viewing’ this whilst with the CIA – they wanted me to get the gist of the whole picture...
I saw an office environment...and I saw HELEN BROWNE seated at a computer...SEV walked past her...he knew what she had done in relation to myself and his passing comment was:
“You sick bitch.”
BROWNE shrugged her shoulders and then replied:
“I have always HATED Emily Gyde.”
As if that were any sort of justification for following RIMINGTON’s orders to persecute me...
One can see that they no longer had the lovey-dovey relationship that they had once ostentatiously shared at SOLIHUL 6TH FORM COLLEGE.
I remember HELEN BROWNE telling me at that DUBAI HOTEL in 2004:
“I’m not jealous...” – she was talking about TOMLINSON – and how he had arranged for me to be there...HELEN was of the opinion that she was his ‘love’ or something like that - she was telling me that he was 'her territory' but that she knew that I didn't represent a ‘romantic threat’ to her (which she obviously thought that I did)...stupid cow. I thought about trying to put her right about TOMLINSON and then thought better...I knew her too well.
I only wish that I had taken the advice of more astute pupils at both LANGLEY JUNIORS and SENIORS in relation to her...not to mention those at SOLIHULL 6TH FORM COLLEGE...where she was widely hated by a considerable number of people.
You have to learn from your mistakes...and it took me a long time to learn to ‘wake up’ and realise what had really been going on, in relation to HELEN BROWNE.
HELEN BROWNE was never academic – nor was she particularly bright...but she was ‘dangerous’..
I can therefore say quite conclusively that you do not have to be ‘bright’ to work for MI6...all I can say is that you should be very wary – be very, very scared of anybody who works for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE, in general.
Of course, there were people who were ‘different’ to those like HELEN...and I think that TOMLINSON might have been one of those – SEV definitely included - those who raced around the ‘child alter’ MI6 entry test, pretending to be in a child alter...who then ‘hid’ within MI6...pretending to be under mind control but in point of fact, still retaining their ability to ‘think’...to question what they were actually doing...but one can imagine that the numbers are few...considering MARK R’s policy of ‘weeding’ them all out...
I went out to get some money out of the POST OFFICE account – noticing as per usual – that the same people were in the queue...as had been in 2004...this GROUNDHOG DAY program really works...
I only withdrew £50 to make sure that any ‘fraud squad’ detectives wouldn’t get the wrong idea...although the woman queried this ‘did you say ALL of the money?...and I replied ‘no’.
I then went to SUPERDRUG to see another GROUNDHOG DAY scenario that had been set-up for me...a woman in a wheelchair and her ‘carer’ were at the only till that was open...RIMINGTON had quickly got hold of the pair of them and set up an ‘ad hoc’ scenario...
In 2004 – the woman in the wheelchair got extremely angry with me because I had said something to her ‘carer’ and not to her...in relation to queuing or something like that – the carer had said something to me and I had replied (upon RIMINGTON’S instructions)...
It was nothing to do with the woman in the wheelchair - but RIMINGTON then instructed her to begin to shout ‘am I not here? Can’t you see me...’ and words to that effect...in relation to me not being politically correct enough to address her first – I had chosen to have a conversation with her ‘carer’ instead...I was apparently ‘ignoring her’ because she was in a wheelchair...RIMINGTON pissed herself laughing at that one ...
It was quite extraordinary how RIMINGTON could get away with these things and in broad daylight...but the shop had been virtually empty and she knew the mind control commands for both the woman in the wheelchair and her ‘carer’...
Today, in 2009 – the shop was busier...because by the time that the woman in the wheelchair and her ‘carer’ had finished at the till...there was a queue behind me...and they both went silently off to the left of the till...
An interesting point...in 2004...there had been no ‘left of the till’ to exit the shop...the woman in the wheelchair had had to back her automated wheelchair out from the till...along the pathway through the displays which was to the right of the till...which is why the ‘carer’ had then started up a conversation with me...as they went by me...
(So I am getting here...somebody called FIONA...who had been ‘activated’ by the CIA to change this part of the future...somebody at MI6... so this wasn’t just NIR...or myself...or any of the other WATCHERS...this was the CIA in this instance...so MARK R was right about just how many people can be involved in ‘changing the future’ and running ILL slaves...)
Anyway, I then went on to M&S to buy my supper...and it was there, that I saw another person in a wheelchair...he only had one leg...the CIA told me...’download, quarantine, analyse, quickly’...I did so...
The man began to tell me telepathically ‘you know what they did to me? They saw off my leg without anaesthetic...’
I asked him how I could get back at the ILL...remembering as I did so...that this was what the CIA had instructed me to do...some time ago.
He replied:
“H9L2...that’ll do it...enter that into their computer systems...”
I then saw a variation upon this alpha-numeric code...H9LI2...that is what it looked like – so I queried the guy in the wheelchair and he replied ‘that’ll work too...’
So I am not sure if it was either H9LI2 or H9L12....it depends upon what font you are using...but this guy appeared to think that both would work...
So, when I look back on these two encounters today...was this all part of the sick ILL GAME...put one person in a wheelchair in, to abuse me...then put the second one in, who has the information that I need in order to bring the ILL computing system down?
Why would I need that anyway? I have already hacked MOONBASE...
So, naturally I then decided to look up on a GOOGLE search:
As I began to type this in...the menu box appeared below what I was typing...
This normally occurs when you are typing in a 'stored search'...and you get your previous 'searches' stored beneath the GOOGLE search box...
I am quite certain, that upon this computer...I have never searched for H9 before...
Therefore it came as quite a surprise to find this 'stored search' registered beneath my GOOGLE SEARCH box:
All one can say is that the ILL wanted me to buy the SAME computer as I had bought in 2004...and perhaps...I did.
Therefore this 'stored search' came up...
However, I do not remember, as yet...if I ever did search for this peculiar alpha-numerical string...
All I can see is that it is a 'mirror'...a 'mirror website'?
That means that a website was copied somewhere else, doesn't it?
I suspect SCARLETT's input within this one...and not a 'good' influence...I am getting back the vague memory that he put me up to typing this particular string in...
Here is the 'first hit' on GOOGLE:
I would warn anybody who is reading this blog - NOT to open this link:
"h9l-2.9.1ng.iso - FTP Mirror Search (Downloads) Download mirrors for h9l-2.9.1ng.iso (661.02 MB): 2005-05-24 ftp://ftp.wh8.tu-dresden.de/pub/hakin9/h9l-2.9.1ng.iso ...
www.filewatcher.com/m/h9l-2.9.1ng.iso.693133312.0.0.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages"
I suspect all of this - entirely.
All part of the ILL GAME.
I remember now...in 2004 and during SCARLETT'S 'walkthrough' - my laptop then crashed completely...it wouldn't work at all.
SCARLETT 'sympathised'...he told me that it was probably because I had been carrying it around everywhere upon my back and it had been bashed around a bit...
What a LIAR.
TOSHIBA laptops are made for 'travel'...having it over your shoulder, in terms of the laptop swinging and hitting your side or back isn't a problem...they are sturdy enough laptops to survive that...
So this is the point in the ILL GAME, where the ILL had decided that my laptop would expire...I wonder why?
This is all FUNNY in retrospect.
I mean the ILL had set up a situation where I would find a telepathic connection to one of their slaves...who would give me H9L2 code...
But in fact, I have just realised that in iqbl this means HPLI2...
Remember HP SAUCE?
HP is the ILL CULT reference to menstruation fluid.
I was supposed to think that I had 'downloaded' the keys to the ILL computing system...whereas in fact, I was 'downloading' a sick 'laugh' about my own programming - compounded by ALICE programming about a MIRROR site (supplied by SCARLETT - after RIMINGTON had done her 'walkthrough' - the old SOFT COP/HARD COP routine...)
A GOOD JOB that I had already given the keys to the whole ILL COMPUTER network to the CHINESE as well as the CIA and the VATICAN...(the last, probably being the most important)...
Additionally, I had also downloaded the entire files of the 'white brotherhood' from the MOONBASE 'Hokkaido' military institution, upon that JAPANESE ISLAND...
So in retrospect...once I had got to this ILL GAME in 2004...I had already done most of what was necessary to bring the ILL down...and their computing systems...but RIMINGTON and SCARLETT didn't know it...nor did their slaves...
It must be very difficult for PRESIDENT OBAMA.
For example – to get to be the TOP ILL PUPPET upon the world stage...you have to be the cleverest and dirtiest dog around...particularly if you haven’t had ‘money and influence’ to clear the path for you...as GEORGE BUSH did.
I ‘know’ that PRESIDENT OBAMA believes that nobody can overthrow the ILL SYSTEM – he has been taught to believe that one, from an early age.
I would urge him to rediscover who he really is. The world perceives him as a ‘black man’ and therefore he should have a commitment to abolishing SLAVERY.
Reading through the ‘influences’ upon MR OBAMA makes interesting reading...from early childhood, he had so many different influences that one feels that there must be enough ‘slippage through the cracks’, in terms of ILL programming not being able to ‘stick’ with him...i.e. the NAZI ideology or the NAZI beliefs...that I feel that he has a chance, above any other ILL puppet...(apart from PUTIN) to rise above the MONARCH system...to be ‘bigger’ than it...despite the many hideous ILL videotapes of him...being forced to commit all sorts of obscene/criminal acts...that the ILL have INDUBITABLY got on him...and have used upon him...as blackmail...from the very beginning of his political career.
If MR OBAMA needs any more convincing...about what he should do...in respect to the MONARCH SYSTEM and ILL SLAVERY...I will tell you this:
The WHITE BROTHERHOOD had decided that there was too much ‘unrest’ in this world...read ‘instability’ for that one...in every sphere: political, religious, economic...RIMINGTON ‘sniffed’ about the fact that the GOLLIWOGS would now be allowed to ‘take over’...although they wouldn’t be allowed to really control anything...but they would think that they were in control – of the entire world. RIMINGTON didn’t personally like the idea but she obeyed orders. The TOP ILL had told her that it was ‘only fair’. It would create a more ‘peaceful’ world environment for all of the ILL plans.
The ‘carrot’ for those like OBAMA?
The idea that the majority of the most abused ILL slaves – would be WHITE and not BLACK.
RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had categorised ISLAM as ‘black’...whereas CATHOLICISM and JUDAISM were ‘white’ religions...
I would like to add here that – ARTHUR ABBAS at our LANGLEY SENIORS SCHOOL appeared to be ‘untouched’ by ILL programming...and allowed to do as he wished...by all staff...including verbally abusing other students...he was allowed MUSLIM ‘prayer time’ during the school day - whilst the CATHOLICS weren’t...and they formed a group to complain about it...including a Jewish student.
Was this just because the ROYAL FAMILY had sold this particular school...these school children, to the KHOMEINI family of slavedrivers...or something else?
I remember asking SHARON about this particular SLAVE-DRIVING family – in ISRAEL 2007...and he replied , to my astonishment...that the KHOMEINI family - since being driven out of their own country...were more powerful and far more richer than before. How could that be? I questioned further...SHARON wasn’t telling. He closed down the subject.
(I am getting a weird feeling...I remember NIR...he knew about the KHOMEINI FAMILY...they were JEWS...he had told me 'we have to protect our own')
What is the difference between the word JEW and MUSLIM and SATANIST in the context of the slave-driving KHOMEINI family?
How dare ARTHUR ABBAS reap the rewards of this family - within our 'programmed school' - when real JEWS like MELANIE GRIFFITHS were made to suffer?
So the ABBAS family were SATANISTS...an obvious conclusion...ROBERTO CIPOLLA should know...he attended the wedding of ARTHUR...in point of fact, he was asked to attend a number of ILL weddings...but that is his story.
I now understand what SVALI had been saying all along – and I can summarise it as this:
The TOP ILL do not believe in any known religion, upon this planet.
They created their own ‘religion’.
They decided to pick and choose out of every religion in order to create a SATANIC religion which allowed them to do precisely what they wanted.
Witness the ROYAL FAMILY deciding that their role in life was to cheat everybody in their country and abroad...out of everything that they could...because they were THE FIRM...as they called themselves...the biggest MAFIA organisation (courtesy of the BRITISH ROYAL ‘mind control slave’ colonial EMPIRE) in the world...
They then decided to manipulate the belief systems of their slaves.
Heaven only knows what the ROYALS might come up with, if they were forced to give a coherent statement upon what their true ‘religious religious beliefs’ constituted but considering the state of the world today – NOT GOOD.
They are just ‘too mad’. That is the biggest problem.
Yet clever enough – like their PUBLIC SCHOOL BOY entourage...to cover it all up. The whole of theILL SYSTEM.
As JASON (the erstwhile ‘son’ of TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON –the ‘boy whom PETER MANDERSON had ‘cared about’ in FRANCE) said to me, whilst as an ‘informal patient’ and undercover agent of the SAS (according to himself and his other SAS mates whom I had met in 2004 – although I doubt if it was a ‘CROWN’ mission – the SAS is now controlled by the CROWN)...and with a note of ‘triumphancy’ in his voice...
’Nobody can ever talk about it...nobody can ever explain it...nobody would ever believe it...’
He was talking about what he knew...and the things that he was coming out with...half of them didn’t make sense at first...but I listened...I eventually worked most of it out...from my own experience. I ‘knew’ what he was talking about but I didn’t ‘know’...I had to first regain the memories...then battle against the fact, that when the ILL had programmed me with all of that shit...that I never believed any of it, in the first place and dismissed it as ‘twaddle’...therefore to ‘understand’ what JASON knew and ‘believed’ about the ILL...was a big hurdle...but I jumped it.
Whilst I was in New York - attending that 'intelligence courtroom trial'...I was also told by the CIA that I should visit somebody that they called 'the devil', jokingly. They meant the ex-SHAH of IRAN.
They wanted me to pick up what I could - telepathically - I suppose.
They told me that they kept tabs on him - watched what he was up to...
Anyway, I was granted an 'audience' - as a mind control slave to a 'king'.
I met him in a palatial room - which was decked out like a church - it had an altar in a dome at the end of the room...
It was immediately clear that this man was completely mad.
He didn't speak to me at all. I had been told beforehand that I simply had to walk to the small steps - halfway across the room and to kneel - which I did.
I observed him telepathically. He came over to me and placed his hand on my forehead.
He then told me telepathically that he was 'god' and that I was a 'serpent' - his old enemy.
In ILL-speak, to be called a serpent is no bad thing. It means you have your soul, control over your own mind and consciousness.
I queried this man further - he thought of himself as a 'sun god', one of the illustrious line of 'sun gods'.
He walked away from me...into the dome, behind his altar...he walked around it...I was picking up disease, pestilence...he was robed in 'death' and I told him so.
He told me to leave.
I told him that I would leave him in 'pieces' and then walked out.
The CIA found that one quite amusing.
I remember now - querying MARK R at the TEMPLAR CASTLE about the ABBAS family at LANGLEY SENIORS - how come they had avoided ILL-programming.
All that MARK R would say was that with a surname like ABBAS - it meant 'FATHER' and this was a sacred name to the ILL.
So what were the CIA and I presume, the CATHOLIC CHURCH – saying about the ex-SHAH of IRAN?
Firstly – they appear to be saying that the RA CULT – the MONARCHY cult – is primarily a ‘Jewish’ one.
Secondly, that this madman was the main ‘transmitter’ of the cult – the uber-QUEEN BEE.
I suppose it is fitting that he used to be the KING OF BABYLON...if one uses the old term...
I do not know but I figure that AMADEUS was behind the ‘I will leave you in pieces’ punning line.
The UK RA NETWORK still ‘love’ their cult...that is what I am picking up here...the programming is too ingrained...they ‘see’ it as ‘sun worship’...and as a ‘positive’ thing.
This is all most bizarre and I can only go on what I know that I experienced...
Looking up the 'shah of Iran' upon Wikipedia:
This guy was supposed to have died in 1980 at the age of 60.
So who did the CIA and AMADEUS introduce me to and why?
Additionally, upon the above webpage - the name ARTHUR ATHERTON is in RED.
The CIA are singling out this man in particular - a photograph of him is shown, meeting MOHAMMAD REZA SHAH PAHLAVI.
I might add - that I know that SONIA and MARK were also given an 'audience' with the ex-SHAH OF IRAN - in New York.
SCARLETT must have known about all of this - he and COLLIE asked us to 'retrace' our steps in terms of going back in time...to recount everything that had happened.
The CIA have also singled out this book for some reason - in RED:
Gholam Reza Afkhami, The Life and Times of the Shah, University of California Press, 2009, ISBN 0-520-25328-0
Additionally, they have also singled out in RED, this particular newspaper:
Brzezinski's role in overthrow of the Shah, Payvand News, March 10, 2006.
I can remember having been shown this webpage before and being told 'this makes impressive reading'...as a joke...this guy was into FREEMASONRY in a big way:
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Crown of Iran-1926
Grand Collar of the Order of Pahlavi of Iran-1932
Collar of the Order of Muhammad Ali of Egypt-1939
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB)-1942
Grand Cross of the Order of the White Lion, 1st Class w/ Collar of Czechoslovakia-1943
Croix de Guerre w/ Palm of France-1945
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Propitious Clouds of China, special grade-1946
Chief Commander of the Legion of Merit of the United States-1947
Knight of the Order of the Golden Spur of the Vatican-1948
Royal Victorian Chain (RVC)-1948
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Zulfiqar of Iran-1949
Collar of the Order of Hussein ibn Ali of Jordan-1949
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Renaissance of Jordan-1949
Order of the King Abdul Aziz Decoration of Honour, 1st Class of Saudi Arabia-1955
Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Bundesverdienstkreuz of Germany-1955
Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Order of Merit of Lebanon-1956
Grand Collar of the Order of the Yoke and Arrows of Spain-1957
Grand Cordon of the Grand Order of the Hashemites of Iraq-1957
Grand Cross w/ Collar of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy-1957
Grand Cordon of the Order of Idris I of Libya-1958
Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum of Japan-1958
Grand Cross of the Grand Star of the Decoration of Honour for Merit of Austria-1958
Knight of the Order of the Elephant of Denmark-1959
Grand Cross of the Order of the Netherlands Lion-1959
Order of Pakistan, 1st Class-1959
Order of Ojaswi Rajanya of Nepal-1960
Grand Cross of the Order of the Redeemer of Greece-1960
Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold of Belgium-1960
Grand Cross w/Collar of the Order of St Olav of Norway-1961
Grand Collar and Chain of the Order of Solomon of Ethiopia-1964
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Supreme Sun of Afghanistan-1965
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Nile of Egypt-1965
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Liberator San Martin of Argentina-1965
Grand Cordon w/Collar of the Order of Independence of Tunisia-1965
Grand Collar of the Order of the Southern Cross of Brazil-1965
Grand Cordon of the Order of Muhammad of Morocco-1966
Order of Mubarak the Great of Kuwait-1966
Order of al-Khalifa of Bahrain-1966
Order of Independence of Qatar-1966
Order of the Badr Chain of Saudi Arabia-1966
Order of the Chain of Honour of the Sudan-1966
Grand Cordon of the Yugoslavian Grand Star of Yugoslavia-1966
Collar of the Order of the Seraphim of Sweden-1967 (Knight-1960)
Order of the Crown of Malaysia (DMN)-1968
Order of the Maha Chakri of Thailand-1968
Commander Grand Cross of the Order of the Lion of Finland-1970
Military Order of Oman, 1st Class-1973
Grand Collar of the Order of Charles III of Spain-1975
Collar of the Order of the Aztec Eagle of Mexico-1975
The 'CIA and IRAN' PDF file makes interesting reading...apparently the SHAH knew how to speak RUSSIAN and TURKISH but not GERMAN or ENGLISH.
The home of the RA CULT - TURKEY...and the 'influence' of the RUSSIAN ASHKENAZIM...
Now why does that address ring a bell?
Now perhaps I should be thinking - how could I have met this man circa 2004 (or before)MOHAMMAD REZA SHAH PAHLAVI -in New York - because the CIA wanted me to have an 'audience' with him for some reason...
The man was supposed to have died in 1980 - he would have been about 84 years old, in 2004.
Yet RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had introduced me to OSAMA BIN LADEN in Switzerland - around the same time...and he was alive and kicking...dressed up to look much younger...and the CIA then found out where he was...and have since 'dealt' with him, presumably...
So, no...I do not have a problem in believing that this man might easily have been MOHAMMAD REZA SHAH PAHLAVI.
I skimmed the article too quickly...in fact, the journalist appears to be the son of GENERAL ZAHEDI...it was his father who only spoke RUSSIAN and TURKISH...
So what am I supposed to make of this?
That IRAN was run by the RA CULT under MOHAMMAD REZA SHAH PAHLAVI and continued to be run by the RA CULT after the Islamic revolution - by AYATOLLAH KHOMEINI?
As far as I can see here, the main topic of interest for the CIA and AMADEUS here, was the exposure of MOSSAD agents...involved in infiltrating the IRANIAN MONARCHY...and precious little mention of themselves.
The CIA have also singled out the RA-programmed children and grandchildren of KHOMEINI:
Mostafa & others; grandchildren: Hassan, Ali Khomeini & Ali, Atefeh Eshraghi
Grandfather: Sayid Ahmad Musawi
Works: Forty Hadith, Adab as Salat (presumably RA programming materials)
Influence: Mohammad-Ali Shah Abadi
The Feyziyeh madrasah is also in RED for some reason...
...and also a colonel in the Turkish Military Intelligence named Ali Cetiner...
...the Tabarie group...
...they have also highlighted the term used to call 'enemies' of KHOMEINI:
mofsidin fi'l-arz (corrupters of the earth)
...also Sahifeh Nour (Vol.2 Page 242)
Anyway, I haven't got a clue about any of this at all...but I can say this...TOMLINSON regarded the ex-SHAH as a good friend and 'protector' of his...
I decided to put the rubbish out and then go for a walk this morning...at about 8.45am...I went down to the beach...a lovely sunny and very hot day...
I had previously made up my mind as to what to do next...
I had remembered what AMADEUS had told me ‘if you want our full protection, then you have to join the CATHOLIC CHURCH’...he told me to take my time to consider this...
I then remembered my GRANDFATHER GYDE telling me ‘the CATHOLICS are always your friends’...I wish I had remembered that advice upon this side of the mirror, or I would have converted a lot sooner...but as it stands...this has been quite true...I have always found my Catholic friends to be the best people of the lot...
I then thought of the ‘literary tradition’ of converting to CATHOLICISM...and how I had always wondered why GRAHAM GREENE and EVELYN WAUGH had decided to convert in later life...and I think that I have a better idea as to why, now...
I then thought about my youngest brother EDWARD and how he had converted...primarily because he wanted to marry SUSAN...he had told me that he was still ‘agnostic’ but I can now remember SUSAN BASSNETT saying that he would have said that to me...as I had decided that I belonged to the JEWISH soul group...and that I wanted to lead a Jewish religious way of life...
After the way in which I have been treated by the pretend JEWS...and throughout my life...despite having far more ‘biological claim’ to the identity than most of them...having found out that in order to join JUDAISM nowadays...you have to PAY to join the ‘money club’...and knowing that they stole nearly all of the money that I had earned by my work and throughout my life...what can I say?
I no longer feel any ‘connection’ to the so-called ‘Jewish’ ILL soul group.
I separate myself completely from them and at every level, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically. I wash myself clean.
So, ‘yes’ AMADEUS...I think that it would be a very good idea to convert to CATHOLICISM and upon many different levels. I shall look into it today. There is a CATHOLIC CHURCH around the corner and it would be ‘good manners’ to ask if I can attend a service, this SUNDAY – I will then take it from there...in relation to the priest and how he feels about ‘conversions’.
EDWARD rather enjoyed the whole conversion process – it obviously meant something to him and being so in love with SUSAN – he would have engaged with the whole thing emotionally, as well as intellectually...maybe I will talk to him again about it...later on...
CATHOLISM – I now see it as JUDAISM 2...where the two paths diverged...
I am not sure about what the TRINITY means to me...SUSAN’s priest told me that this was the fundamental statement of belief...so I will have to work out what it means to me...as a metaphor for faith in God...
Having been through the USSR ‘demonic version’ of the TRINITY in terms of ILL programming...this will need some serious thought...
Reading through the ‘UFO’ article about the VATICAN and its forward thinking in relation to life upon other planets...I particularly liked the bit about how the VATICAN sees that there is a possibility that other worlds have not been touched by ORIGINAL SIN...and that it would be important not to infect them with it...
Now, that was the big bone of contention that I had to pick with HIS DARK MATERIALS...the idea that human beings might infect other worlds with ORIGINAL SIN...and so I can see that the CATHOLIC CHURCH has the sort of forward thinking that I could fit in with...
One has to pin one’s colours to a group in the end...one cannot be always alone...and I can see that out of all the faiths in this world...CATHOLICISM is the most interesting to myself...and I would love to attend a service...I like the ‘traditional’ approach...
As I walked back from the beach...I saw the stone ‘beehives’ as RIMINGTON had called them...the stone edifices by the paths...I then walked into the ‘BELL’ garden...there are black metal arches with a BELL shape, over all of the entrances to this particular garden...I thought of the NAZI bell...and also of BELLE and BEAST programming...
I then found a bench to sit on...knowing that as I did so...that SONIA and MARK had done the same...it had all been part of the ILL GAME...they had chosen to sit on the RANDALL seat...and so did I...
I then remembered what AMADEUS had told me...that I should leave the garden...but not walk under a BELL...to show that I had escaped this NAZI BELL programming...I therefore climbed over the low wall...and walked away...free of the lot of it.
I am no longer a ‘belle’ of the ILL CULT. I do not belong to them at all.
Additionally, I can see how the CATHOLIC CHURCH had extended its protection to EDWARD and SUSAN’S firstborn child...JAMES.
JAMES does not have a ‘red triangle’ etched onto his forehead...as HELEN’s baby girl SOPHIE has...nor does he suffer from ‘autism’ after extreme ILL abuse...like LEO...Helen’s first child...
JAMES is a very fit, happy and healthy little boy.
I suppose the ILL do not dare to touch him...is this what it all comes down to?
I feel sorry for great aunt COLLETTE...it was important for her to tell me what she did...she was fighting the pretend JEWS...and she and her comrades won the battle against the NAZIS...
However, what she had said to me as a young child...severely damaged my thinking...and my beliefs...I formed an allegiance to a group who then decided to use me as a slave...the false JEWS...and now I denounce all of them...
Well, CATHOLIC CHURCH – this is the best recruitment campaign that you have run in a long time – ‘freedom from the ILL CULT’ and I do not doubt that it is genuine – I only have to look at EDWARD and SUSAN’s child – in comparison with what happened to my sister HELEN’s children...but it still makes me laugh in a way...I have renewed respect for CATHOLICS everywhere. The history of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...all over the world...the machinations of it...the JESUITS and what they found out, over the centuries...it is all fascinating.
Well, CATHOLIC CHURCH – this is the best recruitment campaign that you have run in a long time – ‘freedom from the ILL CULT’ and I do not doubt that it is genuine – I only have to look at EDWARD and SUSAN’s child – in comparison with what happened to my sister HELEN’s children...but it still makes me laugh in a way...I have renewed respect for CATHOLICS everywhere. The history of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...all over the world...the machinations of it...the JESUITS and what they found out, over the centuries...it is all fascinating.
Come to think of it – my other brother HUMPHREY must also be CATHOLIC by now – because his wife is - and their first child was baptised into CATHOLICISM recently...
CATHOLICISM appears to b e the way out (of the ILL CULT) and the way forward...to have your family left in peace...
I wonder if my parents...who are currently in VIEILLEY...will go up and visit the local CHURCH...naturally it is a CATHOLIC one...just up the hill...which leads to the small mountain called the ‘white lady’ behind...
My mother has been to services there before...at Christmas/Easter and so forth...
Maybe the whole family will end up CATHOLIC eventually...I forgot to mention that MIKE WEALE’s family are ostensibly CATHOLIC but do not practise...so all of my siblings married Catholics...I hadn’t noticed that one, before...but HELEN hasn’t converted...
I have just sent off an email to OUR LADY OF LIGHT RC...which is on Church Road, Clacton to request to attend Mass tomorrow.
I put in the email that I had been baptised into the Church of England but as my brother had recently converted to Catholicism - that I would very much appreciate the chance to attend a service.
I have just sent off an email to OUR LADY OF LIGHT RC...which is on Church Road, Clacton to request to attend Mass tomorrow.
I put in the email that I had been baptised into the Church of England but as my brother had recently converted to Catholicism - that I would very much appreciate the chance to attend a service.
Some more ILL mail in my inbox:
Ama Ibrahim READ AND REPLY ME IMMEDIATELY. Wed, 20/5/09 10KB
Unread amudu ibrahiim FROM : MR AMUDU IBRAHIM Fri, 22/5/09 6KB
Wed, 20/5/09 8KB
Unread Dagani Benson VERY URGENT Mon, 18/5/09 9KB
I remember now - SONIA telling me that she had been so desperate in FRINTON that she had gone to the SACRED HEART CHURCH there...
...I also remember AMADEUS saying 'we heard her prayers'...
Look at this - somebody just tried to hack into my emily_gyde@yahoo.co.uk email address...
Here is the full address, separated out because it wouldn't post the last time:
I would like to point out that I had my YAHOO!mailbox open at the time of this attempted ‘hack’ (see above) and I was viewing the Bairstow Eves email – from Countrywide at www.home.co.uk, at the time.
A little bird tells me that this attempted ‘hack’ was from GCHQ ‘signals’.
How funny...when this ‘bunnyrabbit’ starts hopping...you cannot catch her but she can catch YOU all out...don’t take it personally...I am simply OUTING every single evil thing that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE has done to me and that includes any so-called ‘surveillance’ at this point in time.
One final point for this morning...a book that I know MARK R used to program various people with...as to the ‘inevitability’ of the UK HIVE...it is seen as a ‘good thing’ in this book...
I haven’t really bothered to read it...just skimmed a tiny amount...you have characters like OTTO MALPENSE...in fact, the next book is supposed to be all about him...
As far as I can recall – this book greatly entertained THE ROYALS...
A book that I have had out of the library for several days now but cannot be bothered to read:
ISBN: 978-0-7475-9485-7
I flicked through it yesterday – having remembered that MARK R had programmed quite a few people with it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE (including TOMLINSON)...I remember the ROYALS being greatly entertained by it...
The basic gist of this programming was to auto-suggest the ‘inevitability’ of a UK HIVE...and also that it was a ‘good thing’...you have characters like OTTO MALPENSE (who is a ‘hero’)...the next book in the series is apparently all about him...
You have got to take your hat off to the VATICAN...they are brilliant...the whole thing...AMADEUS and the late POLISH POPE John Paul, masterminded it all...
I remember the 747 code being pointed out to various slaves...this means ‘planes falling out of the sky’...funnily enough, just before I began to type this...I heard a young man, outside of the window...shouting:
“...I’m the one who gets his WINGS cut off!”
I looked out of the window to see a young man sitting upon the white wall of number 8 EDITH ROAD...he was using a mobile phone...
This reminds me of that film that MARK R wanted me to see...the one where there are two angels who are trying to get back into HEAVEN...and one of them gets his wings chopped off...blood everywhere...and then you have that singer (coded as Jewish princess – complete with her lilies)...who is posing as ‘God’...who then starts doing handstands...in the graveyard...I can see how MARK R would have loved that movie...what was the name of it?
I now understand SHARON’s concern over any planned invasion of IRAN – he was of the opinion that the MOSSAD were very worried about that one...and how they didn’t want any part in it...
Of course, they wouldn’t want any part in it, would they?
They thought that they ‘ran’ IRAN via their RA CULT program...and the CIA had found out that the USA didn’t have as much ‘influence’ as they had previously thought...
The CIA had pointed out to me that as far as the programmed KHOMEINIS were concerned...
I was now one of the mofsidin fi'l-arz (corrupters of the earth).
Well that is SICK, coming from the RA CULT...
Brilliant article (see below) - at least its not just me who is complaining about this sort of harassment,nowadays:
What a nightmare – look at this article about something called the FIXATED THREAT ASSESSMENT CENTRE.
It sounds like pretty much what happened to me – although nobody at ‘THE LAKES’ ‘assessment centre’ in Colchester (18th December 2008) told me that this was in fact a ‘Fixated Threat Assessment Centre’ – although they did tell me that I could be detained there for up to 3 days until the assessment team had got themselves together, in order to meet, to ‘assess’ me...and all because of what I had written upon the INTERNET.
They also added that they weren’t sure whether or not I was a ‘danger to myself or to others’. That made me laugh at the time – I have never been violent or out-of-control – I had no Police record and I have never self-harmed.
Yet one can see that I had a lucky escape recently – after being put upon a SECTION 2 for 28 days - I could have been forcibly given psychotropic drugs and a lobotomy.
So that is now the big question – is THE LAKES in fact a FTAC? A Fixated Threat Assessment Centre?
It all begins to make me laugh again – just who is the ‘fixated’ one, here?
British Intelligence have been hounding and harassing me for most of my life... the ’surveillance’ has been almost constant...as well as the extreme torture and psychological harassment...the stealing of my wages...countless criminal acts against my person...
A ‘little bird’ (i.e. the CIA) is telling me that ‘yes’ in fact THE LAKES is a FTAC...they just omitted to tell me that one, during my ‘assessment’. I had learnt this from the CIA. They knew what the BRITISH GOVERNMENT was planning to do, in relation to FTAC ‘assessment centres’.
I also found out that the HOME OFFICE was involved – I overheard the nurses upon PETER BRUFF ward, talking about that one – after I had been admitted. They were laughing about my file, at the time...
Plus I heard the HOME OFFICE mentioned again by the ‘Homelessness Manager’ upon the telephone – he had been instructed not to touch my ‘case’ i.e. not to help me – but he decided to reverse that decision (in relation to MS FARLEY’s letter saying that the Council wouldn’t help me to find accommodation).
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC)
Fixated Threat Assessment Centre
The UK government has established a secretive new police unit a la George Orwell with the powers to detain anyone for any length of time without any due process.
The shadowy unit called the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) was covertly established in 2006. The unit includes the services of police psychiatrists. Why? For one very good reason, and one reason only: psychiatrists operate above the law. They can detain ANYONE AT ANY TIME AND FOR NO MORE REASON THAN THEIR STATED OPINION THAT THE PERSON MAY BE A DANGER TO THEMSELVES OR TO OTHERS.
Once forcibly detained by a psychiatrist a person can be legally locked away forever and subjected to despicable ‘treatments’ such as psychotropic drug regimes, lobotomies and electric shocking of the brain. They are not entitled to a trial of any sort, they need face no criminal charges.
A person incarcerated by a psychiatrist has no rights whatsoever. Even Stalin had to produce his prisoners in court eventually. The miserable occupants of Guantanamo retain the certainty that one day they will face justice, or at least that they will have their day in court; the occupants of psychiatric prisons have no such comfort.
It is a thin line that separates a rule of law democracy from a totalitarian dictatorship. The FTAC crosses that line. For many years our individual freedoms have been incrementally cut away. The FTAC rips the flesh off freedom and lays bare the bones of repression for all decent and honest people to see. The FTAC represents nothing less that the repeal of Habeas Corpus with its right of trial and its protection from arbitrary state detention.
A Writ of Habeas Corpus orders that a prisoner is to be brought before a court so that the court can then determine whether that person is serving a lawful sentence or should be released from custody. The prisoner, or someone acting on behalf of the prisoner if he/she is being held incommunicado can petition the court or an individual judge for a Writ of Habeas Corpus.
The justification for the extreme powers of FRAC is of course terrorism. Experience shows that the powers of the FTAC will be quickly exercised in a far wider sphere than even the most skeptical imagine. Once a law is enacted the very fact of its existence gives it respectability and thus acceptability.
For years society casually turned a blind eye to the total lack of Human Rights for anyone labeled ‘mentally ill’, never dreaming that the definition might one day be widened sufficiently to cover not only themselves, but everyone who may for any reason be deemed a threat by those in authority.
In the twenty-first century mental illness is presumed to be the normal circumstance and sanity deemed to exist only after ‘treatment’ by a psychiatrist.
We live in a nightmare world that is starting to exceed the imaginings of even George Orwell.
Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) tasked to intimidate critics of Jacqui Smith?
The UKColumn was shocked to learn that a member of the public, who wrote letters and emails calling the Home Secretary a communist and criticising her for creating a police state, has been summoned for an interview with his GP. The individual, who wishes to remain anonymous, informed the Column that he was recently surprised to receive a call from his GP asking him
to attend the surgery.
Once in front of his doctor, Mr X was stunned to be told that the
GP had received a letter from the highly secretive Fixated Threat
Assessment Centre (FTAC) following instructions from the Home
Secretary herself. Although embarrassed, the GP understood from
the communication that he was required to interview Mr X to establish his ‘state of mind’.
The implications of this incident are extremely serious, as they suggest that anyone who dares to criticise the Home Secretary, or perhaps even the government itself, will be regarded as mentally ill. Clearly for Mr X, Smith’s actions were intended to be a warning and the first step in attempting to brand him mentally ill.
Technorati Tags: police state,Fixated Threat Assessment Centre,FTAC,UK
The POLICE were ordered to 'escort' me to THE LAKES for the first assessment - whilst a SOCIAL WORKER told PC ABRAHMS to make sure that he got my passport off me...a fact that he later denied when I confronted him with it.
See previous notes - I walked through this small 'team' of people - before they came to knock on my flat door and so they had no idea of what I actually looked like - that is how I came to hear this conversation.
I then bicycled into DOVERCOURT to report them upon the INTERNET.
You all know what happened next...they got me...and got me sectioned.
The second time that the POLICE attempted to get me sectioned...was after I had reported that my dongle had gone missing from THE CROWN B&B in MANNINGTREE.
I was then told by PC STUBBINS that there was concern that I was a 'danger to myself' and therefore I would be taken back to THE LAKES to be re-assessed.
Luckily, this time around - the POLICE then found my 'dongle' which rather underlined the fact that I was NOT delusional and so I shouldn't have been driven by the POLICE to this FTAC again.
Any old reason, eh?
At about just after 10 to 5 - I was aware that somebody had a KEY in the door of my bedroom. They were trying to open the door.
However, I had put my own key into the lock upon this side of the door and this was preventing the person on the side from opening the door.
The person then gave up.
I heard a woman's voice whisper:
"It doesn't work."
I suppose they were saying it to somebody else to themselves.
I then heard the front door bang and I looked out of the window to see a young woman who I have seen around here before - she either has a room or she comes to visit a friend - I have never seen her at breakfast - who was leaving the building.
She turned right and walked a couple of houses down - past the two large square GREEN bins and then into the house on EDITH ROAD which has the large green tree in front of it.
So was it her?
I have no idea who it was - but it will be caught on CCTV.
I shall ask the owners tomorrow if they can help me with that one...
The OWNERS have a key to this room but they have always KNOCKED before entry - as far as I know.
Therefore it is unlikely to have been them.
The young woman who left the building was of short stature, thin, wearing tight blue jeans - a black jumper and her hair was dyed BLACK and BLONDE. Heavy eye make-up. A sort of Goth look.
As far as I can recall - in 2004 - the POLICE then told me that they couldn't ascertain who had done it - despite the CCTV.
SCARLETT had wanted them to get away with it - the whole gang.
The young woman in question - immediately dyed her hair ALL BLACK so that my description of her was inadequate to define her looks.
Okay – so I couldn’t connect to the INTERNET and so I decided to look up my ‘connections’ and found this ‘unsecured’ connection entitled:
Now – this is a new laptop – why would anybody have put an ‘unsecured connection’ upon it?
Anyway, I then went to computer ‘search’ to find the ‘hpsetup’ files and to delete them. Nothing came up – however when I then clicked on the computer ‘search’ string – the string below came up instead:
I went through the same process again – and this string came up:
So I now know why the CIA got so annoyed – even though they found the above website ‘funny’ because one of their own people had been ‘caught’ on it.
This was a BRITISH INTELLIGENCE website, wasn’t it?
How very drole.
Additionally, this URL keeps blocking my internet connection:
Anyway, I wasn’t able to get onto BLOGGER to report what happened next...I rang the owners who said that they hadn't tried to let themselves in (at about 5pm)...then the owner said that perhaps it was somebody who had forgotten which room they were in? I hadn't told her that the woman had said 'it doesn't work'.
I admitted the possibility but it is very slim.
My room is at the top of the building and this floor looks completely different from the first floor. It is an oddly shaped house. There would be no mistaking my door - it is the only door on the right unless you go down some stairs at the end of the corridor...and the woman opposite to me - has been staying there for some time now.
More ILL mail in my inbox:
Unread Mrs.Elizabeth James ****Congratulations Lucky Winner**** 2:34 PM 4KB
...and all because I wrote the HARRY POTTER books and they wouldn't pay me a penny of my money back...and continued to try and abuse me as a ZYGOTE SLAVE.
For the record, this ILL GAME had been planned before 2004 - and meticulously - the HEAD OF MI5 had been ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER.
It had been her idea to send me the ILL email AFTER my laptop had been stolen:
Unread Mrs.Elizabeth James ****Congratulations Lucky Winner**** 2:34 PM 4KB
After I had found that ILL email and typed "...and all because I wrote the HARRY POTTER books and they wouldn't pay me a penny of my money back...and continued to try and abuse me as a ZYGOTE SLAVE..." I then got a 'flash' of AMADEUS who told me:
"The penny has dropped, hasn't it?"
He was entirely correct - suddenly - I could see it all so clearly:
Eliza Manningham-Buller and her insane fury concerning the fact that I had dared to ask for a penny for the HARRY POTTER books because she had 'done all of the work' as the editor-in-chief.
Secondly, TOMLINSON who had raped, aborted and abused me - for my entire life - running me as a zygote slave - to sell on my 'eggs' and foetuses.
Suddenly I emotionally realised what filthy animals - these people are...in perspective. Laughable.
Even funnier - I then remembered what had happened in relation to my original drafts of the HARRY POTTER books.
They had been taken from the POLICE (I had seen them stacked against the wall in a London police office) and 'locked up' for safety.
The CIA then showed me, what had happened next:
GEORGE OSBORNE had rung up the guy in charge of keeping the drafts safe - and instructed him to burn them all. The guy replied in rather worried tones - that they had all disappeared.
OSBORNE had a fit down the phone - he then asked who had last had the keys to the room.
The guy replied that it had been PRINCE WILLIAM - he had apparently stated that he wanted to 'piss on them'.
So where did the drafts disappear to, then?
I remember this part of the ILL GAME – yes, attending church was part of it – I remember SCARLETT sending me off to ST JAMES, CHURCH OF ENGLAND – instructing me to ask if I could ‘convert’ because presumably he found that funny.
It looks like a CATHOLIC church from the outside but isn’t...I took his word that it was Catholic - went in and began to talk to one of the clergy – telling him that I used to be C of E i.e. baptised as a child but now I wanted to convert to Catholicism – of course, I was talking to a C of E vicar...who thought that I was either mad or taking the piss.
It is therefore, with great pleasure -that I now talk about something which came back last night...
MARK R and the CIA – and the ‘flying space lizards’ gag.
Various people began to report ‘flying space lizards’ because at a certain brainwave level – they could tune into a sound frequency – MARK R would put them into this brainwave state – they could then hear whatever TAPE was being piped around the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
Who was on this tape and what did it sound like?
The CIA told me – this guy started to gurgle and hiss down a pipe – to make this subterranean sound.
They made a tape of it – sent it to MARK R. He put it on his tannoy system – imperceptible to normal hearing – but not if you have been sensitised to it.
Anyway, would you like to know what JOHN SCARLETT, the HEAD OF MI6 told the waiting BRITISH ARMY outside of the TEMPLAR CASTLE – as he rushed into their arms?
SCARLETT told them that the TEMPLAR CASTLE had been attacked by ‘alien space lizards’.
I suppose that because he was HEAD OF MI6 – the army had to take him seriously.
I know who was particularly responsible for that ‘gag’ and it goes all the way back to the top. PRESIDENT OBAMA. He had capitalised upon the GEORGE BUSH ‘drama’ – BUSH had been under the same ‘delusion’.
I can now remember the CIA telling me that BARRACK OBAMA was very well-protected by the CIA – even before he got onto the public stage - all ‘blackmail materials’ had long since disappeared – in order to free him up, to deal with the RA CULT.
I told you he was the biggest ‘joker’ of the lot. Hard to choose, really. The CIA make this a big sport – BORAT being the cherry on the top. I remember ‘MACDONALD’ telling me about his Scottish ancestry and how it is traditional for the Scots to be expert piss-takers and practical jokers.
Yes, SCARLETT – I imagine that ‘moment’ will live with you (and the British Army) for the rest of your life.
...and all of your moronic colleagues will sympathise with you...they all fell for it too...COLLIE, BASSNETT et al.
I can now see how when I questioned COLLIE about that one – after reading through the proof of MR ICKE’s book – she looked a tad ashamed – and angry...
I therefore figured that she must know what she was doing and that she knew the ‘alien space lizards’ was all a big con...which she was then trying to turn back upon the perpetrators...
However, I can now see that she had NO IDEA – and that like a defensive and stubborn child – she was defending the indefensible. She was going to believe in ‘alien space lizards’ and that was that...
I suppose that a lot of people now believe in ‘alien space lizards’ – it is rather like a belief in ‘fairies’ or ‘goblins’ or ‘little green men’...
The CIA must have researched MI6 quite carefully and known that they would fall for this one – why?
They would never have fooled the SOE...the SOE had begun the whole ‘gag’ off in the first place with their ROCKERFELLER cook...who used to dress up as an ‘alien lizard god’...
Anyway, I can now remember being ‘sensitised’ to this frequency...and as you walked around the castle – you could hear this lisping, hissing and gurgling voice, very faintly...saying things like ‘you are just a bunch of filthy apes...’
MR ICKE has a very interesting article on his website...about what is known as the BRISTOL ‘HUM’...some people can hear this frequency because they have been sensitised to it...others cannot...apparently 800 people reported hearing it, in the area...one woman was interviewed in the article as saying that this ‘hum’ was destroying her life because she couldn’t sleep or concentrate because of it...her GP is taking it all very seriously...after having seen so many cases...
Could this be a case of ‘sound warfare’ – or just experimental ‘pissing around’ by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?
You have to be able to ‘de-sensitise’ yourself in order to get back your sleep pattern...
When I was made ‘radio-active’ I had to learn how to ‘tune out’ of a load of frequencies...to block them...to simply not hear them...or it would have driven me crazy...the ‘whispers on the wind’...
I remember in 1994 – MARK R had told me that he had suffered from this...and so had NIKOLAS HULBRUSCH...
Whilst deprogramming me, MARK R’s main technique was to get you to listen to the ORDINARY sounds which were far louder...within your own immediate environment and local vicinity...for example, the birds outside your window...the train in the distance...the airplane...simply to concentrate upon the ordinary sounds of life around you...rather than the ‘whispering’ frequencies which sounded like they were carried on the wind...but are in fact radio-waves of varying descriptions...
So whilst SCARLETT was sent off to ‘embarrass himself’ in front of the BRITISH ARMY...worse was in store for RIMINGTON – she actually believed that she was an ‘alien space lizard’ – although how many people she shared that one with, I have no idea...
You are far too long in the tooth, SCARLETT - admit it. Surely, by now, you must know that one of the chief past-times of 'intelligence' is to play practical jokes in order to humiliate somebody who has offended you?
You must have offended the CIA quite a bit...but then you had murdered quite a few of them...and the FRENCH POLICE, I might add...a .lot of 'enemies' then...who all wanted to get back at you...
What I do not get here is the sheer stupidity of these people.
MARK R had got me to remote-view MI6 and I had viewed their 'radio room' where they played 'spoken word' tapes and also used a tannoy with which to 'contact' their slaves, subliminally.
So why didn't you MORONS get it, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE?
You might like to know that the 'lizard' in question was actually one of the TASCHMAN brothers.
Upon the note of going to MASS at some point - I haven't had an email back yet - and so I will wait until I do.
There is no immediate 'hurry' - particularly as I can now see that it was just another stage in the ILL GAME.
However, out of pure interest - I would like to visit - to see what the sermons are currently about.
The sermon upon the POMEGRANATES or was it OLIVES by 'Murray' the preacher at the CHRISTCHURCH centre in JERUSALEM was very interesting indeed...the whole idea of 'seeding'...how why have I forgotten which fruit it was...no matter, the general principle remains the same...the idea that the top of the 'head' has to be cut off, in order to 'spread the seeds'...a MASONIC image...and an ancient Jewish practice...that was the main gist of it all.
You cut off the top of the head to spread the seeds...or the fruit goes rotten upon the branch...
The ILL told us that they would cut all of the tops of our heads off...
They then kept the 'best part' i.e. the soul...or rather fragments of the soul, which they convinced us were in 'bottles' like genies or trapped in sarcophagii etc.
So if one takes this metaphor of the cutting off the top of the head and the freeing of the 'seeds' a bit more literally...one can say that the seeds are fragments of the soul...
I had a very strange dream last night which appears to be related...
I was on a boat with the BROWNE family...MR BROWNE ordered his wife and daughter off it...
I remained upon the boat...I felt like a child, during the school holidays...which was when I used to go on caravan holidays by the coast with this family...
MR BROWNE abused me...and then suddenly the boat had disappeared and I was in the water...
More to the point...it wasn't the sea...it was OLTON MERE...where that yachting club used to be...
I was swimming through the water to get to a rung ladder...the waters also looked a bit like a massive 'military' swimming pool...
It was then that a WHALE's tail came up beside me...somebody had let one loose...I wasn't scared...it was fun to swim on top of it...over it...
I then got to the side...and this 'whale' seemed to have morphed into another fish...it looked like a DOLPHIN but its upper body seemed more like a foetus...I gave it a cuddle, as I treaded water...
I then climbed out of the 'pool'...and looked back to see this 'dolphin' which had turned into a MERMAN...he had a sign around his neck...a 'guarantee' that he was the 'original article'...the name was SIDNEY CHRICHTO...not Brichto...
Even more bizarrely, his left knee had a kernel of a 'seed' in it...it was large...rather like a light brown walnut...I was tempted to pull it out of his knee...but didn't.
Somebody like SCARLETT was telling me to look at this 'merman'...to inspect him...
Now, what on earth could that be about?
I might as well put that up...I am getting very annoyed with MI6 ‘frequencies’ because at present they have been putting out ‘whispers on the wind’ directed at me...some of which are really nasty...things like ‘mental patient’...no, I am NOT a ‘mental patient’...but I know who are ‘mental patients’...and they operate the radio room at MI6...or in point of fact, that last frequency sounded like a TASCHMAN...and other arseholes who have used the tannoy...the PRINCES...
So NO, SCARLETT – you do not take it out on me – I am but the messenger – it is your shame – live with it. You and all of your colleagues.
Yes, you were even stupid enough to send MR ICKE out (who admits himself, that he has never actually experienced an ‘alien lizard’) and to publish a whole load of books upon the subject...the world now knows that MI6 was behind this ludicrously funny con-trick...get used to it.
I suppose that MR ICKE agreed to it all at the time because there was so much other stuff (as part of the bargain with MI6) which needed to be exposed. I can only admire him for all of his work – he is letting the cat out of the bag, in a big way.
So what are you going to do next, SCARLETT?
Attempt to get me back to a FTAC ‘place of safety’ – so I can be ‘assessed’ as a ‘danger to myself’?
I wouldn’t put it past any of you, either.
Maybe I shall have a laugh, taunting you all about it – maybe I should write to JACQUI SMITH et al, telling them what I think of them and their FTAC ‘places of safety’.
For all of you who are reading this blog – if I stop posting for whatever reason – you will know that the ARSEHOLES have got me back into an FTAC.
DR CARNEY had warned me about that one – that if I continued to blog – that the ‘next time’ I would end up in ‘hospital’ for 6 months or more – forcibly drugged.
Today is the INSPECTION of all ELECTRICAL GOODS in rooms.
In 2004 - the men tried to take away my laptop.
During RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON's 'walkthrough' they succeeded in taking it away with them. They then returned it with all of my files - 'modified' with sick and insane comments and phrases. RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had a field-day, writing them in.
During SCARLETT's walkthrough - I stood my ground by telling these men that I would NOT let the laptop out of my sight.
I was perfectly amenable to them testing it - however I would be PRESENT at the time.
They could 'test' it here or they could take it to their place of work.
Either way - I would be with the laptop the WHOLE TIME.
The men refused to let me come to their 'place of work'.
I told them that they could NOT legally take away my laptop without my consent - I was being very reasonable - given the circumstances, I would simply ACCOMPANY them to their 'place of work' - where they could 'test' it, in front of me.
Why all of the palaver?
The men eventually relented and didn't even bother to 'test' it.
I wonder what will happen today, then - in 2009?
Will these men give me grief or not?
Why not 'study' them outside of the building...
Watch this space.
The 'electricians' are supposed to arrive from 9am onwards...
For the record and in order to give an overview of what has recently happened, I will now recount what the owner of the B&B said to the workmen, yesterday morning:
He told them that the attack upon the front door step was so terrible that he had ended up crippled - he had to use the dark red 'buggie' outside the dining room window - in order to get around. Luckily, he eventually recovered.
The attacker was a 'lodger' who had been in one of the rooms upstairs.
The owner then told the workmen that he was an EX-COPPER...he told them that the attacker had got 3 years - the inference being that the Police had made sure of that one.
Okay, so now let us go back to 2004 and what happened at that point in time:
TOMLINSON came up to my top floor room - he was furious that I had managed to hold onto my laptop and that I had alerted the owner.
He pulled me down the stairs to the young 'Goth' woman's room - she was sitting in there crying.
TOMLINSON asked her what had happened. She kept saying that she was sorry that she had failed to steal it.
TOMLINSON then heard the owner outside of the house - he opened the front door and viciously attacked him.
The owner hit the ground and went unconscious. His wife was screaming at TOMLINSON.
Okay - so what can one deduce from all of this?
I know that SCARLETT added a bit more to this - the workmen knew that the wrong man had gone to prison, apparently...that is why they raised their eyebrows at 3 years...
I do not know if the above bit from SCARLETT - is true or not - but one can say for definite that TOMLINSON didn't go down, for any amount of time.
He then re-appeared at ACORN VILLAGES LTD and various other places - later on in 2004.
Anyway, one can hope that it is possible to say with certainty - that the owner will NOT be attacked by TOMLINSON again - in 2009.
Those sick psychopaths wouldn't dare to show their faces, around here anymore.
If the POLICE want somebody to blame - they should go straight to the top:
The PRINCES and the surviving TASCHMAN - they were the ones who had 'commissioned' this ILL GAME.
They had then instructed RIMINGTON, TOMLINSON as well as SCASRLETT and BASSNETT to implement it.
I am picking up on the network - loud and clear - that the insane TRIO of the PRINCES and the surviving TASCHMAN are still running this game. They are too mad to care, if they get caught out.
They are 'nihilists' in that way - no particular belief structure and no morality - they are simply out to destroy - and they feel that they are above everybody and can do whatever they like.
The CROWN is above prosecution and so they are currently spitting in everybody's eye.
Additionally, I could say that the young Goth woman had been completely terrorised by TOMLINSON...she kept on crying...she repeatedly said 'I don't remember' as TOMLINSON questioned her about the people in the house down the road (who had presumably reported back to him that she had failed to do it)...just another mind control slave...terrorised into committing a crime, under mind control...and therefore one should have some sympathy with her.
Anyway, if I haven't said this before...I will say it again...the ILL had planned their ILL GAME like a 'multi-option' computer game.
That is why there is no particular 'chronology' to it - this time around, in 2009.
You can move up a level - trigger a few more mind control slaves by taking a deviation from the 'route through the game' that you played in 2004...but eventually, you have to work through the whole lot...trigger them all...unless they are an un-necessary addition to the game i.e. just people who harass you, in a one-off situation...who do not appear again.
That is why RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had devised many ways of stealing my laptop...and IF I managed to hold onto it...they would 'modify' the files and so on...until SCARLETT gave me the final 'code' to tap in...the HP internet link...which would completely destroy it.
SONIA and MARK – why was SCARLETT keen to impress upon me that they had both been put through a similar ILL GAME by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?
Why had 3 of us been chosen to replace TOMLINSON in the 13TH ONE game and not ‘1’?
It is all a bit suspicious, isn’t it?
I can only say that the most obvious reason would be because that SICK TASCHMAN brother had survived...after MARK had shot him.
SCARLETT had taken me to meet both him and his ‘friends’. He made it obvious – that he and the PRINCES had renounced their former evil ways...and that they just wanted ‘to get to the bottom of it’. He was, of course, LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH as per usual –a real ‘dog’ – he couldn’t even hide it well.
The PRINCES had also gone through this CHARADE with TOMLINSON and JASON in that pub...which I now know to have been the SHIP pub, next to EAGLEHURST.
They had also pretended to be interested in their programming as SHAMANS...although one can see clearly now that they didn’t regard themselves to be programmed at all – they had thought up the idea of being ‘shamans’ themselves.
Anyway, I do not know if SONIA and MARK were lying or not...made to lie by SCARLETT to me...but I do know that JONATHAN EVANS gave them a job afterwards. Now, why would he do that? As payment for lying to me?
Therefore it is probable, that the vicious surviving dog, TASCHMAN had persecuted them for a while...and that they had really been homeless...made desperate by the ILL...until they agreed to enter the conspiracy, against me.
Add to that, RIMINGTON telling them (through somebody like ATI) that I had been responsible for SONIA’s illness in POLAND...and they would have probably wanted to believe it...made desperate by circumstances.
Otherwise – if they had really been forced through the ILL GAME – a similar one to this – then MARK could be up for the ‘hot seat’ i.e. the SEIGE PERILOUS treatment by the PRINCES.
A quick note upon this morning...
I went to the beach...I 'knew' what to do...
Firstly I went to the ROMAN garden...the one with the WHITE PILLARS...and made sure that I didn't enter or leave, under a BELL.
Then I went down to the beach...I saw the WOODEN crosses upon the beach...two of them...sort of 'breakwaters' but very low on the beach...
I then saw the WOODEN stumps above them...and remembered RIMINGTON telling me to walk on the crosses - which were filled with STONES (symbolic of the ROCKERFELLER family) and to pay 'respect' to the WOOD i.e. to the stumps.
This morning...I simply went straight to the WOOD...kicked the stumps a bit and then jumped up and down on them...
I could see several MASONS watching me...
I then walked up back to the promenade, overlooking the beach...and stood behind one particular MASON...
The CIA wanted to download, quarantine, transfer etc...and so I stood behind this guy for a while to pick up everything that I needed...
The immediate image was of a golden ball like a sun...and ACKERMANN behind it...
The ILL network are calling me a 'killer robot' upon their network.
I am in control of myself and you are NOT.
I can hack all of your systems and you are running scared...in the way that you normally do...like rabid, robotic dogs.
Anyway, I forgot to mention that whilst coming back from the beach this morning...I started to walk down EDITH ROAD...whereupon a dark blue car pulled up and two men got out. The older and taller man – bore a passing resemblance to TOMLINSON – I guess that you could find quite a few who look very similar in TURKEY/GREECE...and the middle-east, in general.
I then remembered somebody telling me...now, was it SCARLETT?...I do not remember who it was...but they told me that this poor man had gone to jail for 3 years...instead of TOMLINSON. The POLICE had got the ‘wrong man’ – in terms of the description ‘tall, dark, curly-haired’.
The man that I saw today – was not as tall as TOMLINSON – about 5 inches too short...additionally, his head was larger...in proportion to his body.
How many more have the ILL had locked up in jails, after fooling the POLICE? I have already talked about that one...there must be many.
I had another telepathic conversation with the Sephardic-looking young man, at breakfast...he was of the opinion that ACKERMANN was still alive and would save them all...the CIA was of the opinion that ACKERMANN was dead and that they had killed him...however, there remained the problem of this network...the program that he had put in place...and that is what I have been doing...going through these ‘walkthroughs’ to suss out this network...now would that be a rogue MOSSAD network...not according to the CIA...the MOSSAD have been forced to work with and to co-operate with them...ACKERMANN was on his own...part of the ILL ROYAL network and the ‘beehives’ etc.
After having eaten my breakfast...and the cooked breakfast changes everyday...I haven’t bothered to analyse the different ‘patterns’ on the plate...but I will do later on, if I have time...because RIMINGTON was obsessed with FOOD programming...anyway, I then looked at the ‘shrine’ in the corner...quite a few different objects but with a general CHINESE/eastern theme i.e. a load of black dragons and one GOLD dragon...
This is all about BORAT, isn’t it? His BLACK FLYING DRAGON/LIZARDS who morph into BLUE FLYING LIONS...(see the official Kazakhstan website for this logo – representing the British/Kazakhstan Society)...
RIMINGTON had put her own ‘insignia’ in there and at the back...pride of place...I remember her getting it out, to show me...in 2004:
...they are supposed to hold a candle.
Additionally, there are two huge RED CANDLES which flank the whole ‘display’ of this shrine to RIMINGTON...and her ‘WHITE HANDS’...
There was a FIRE ALARM notepad behind one of the RED CANDLES and so I got the general gist immediately...these two RED PILLARS represented the ‘security system’ around RIMINGTON’s inner circle. The ‘alarm bells’ that would go off if anybody trespassed...
I therefore carefully took out the WHITE HANDS and put them at the front of the display and then pushed the RED CANDLES backwards, behind them...making it abundantly clear that anybody can now ‘have a go’ at the WHITE HANDS with no fear of ‘alarm bells’.
I forgot to mention the family that has arrived recently - at the B&B...
In 2004 - they told me that they were a 'Jewish' family and that they had been told that this 'guesthouse' was friendly to Jews...
I have not had any conversations with them - this time around...
They have a baby with them...the baby waved goodbye to me, as I walked out of the breakfast room and they all laughed...
It makes me really sad - I had to suppress the very idea of having a baby - for all of my life...because of those sick dogs...
Yet my dream last night...it brought back a flash of something that I can barely remember because I do not wish to do so...I had woken up semi-conscious...and there was my foetus beside me...instinctively I cuddled it...to try to keep it warm...it was dead...only about 3 months down the line...
I have just had the owner in, with the ‘inspector’...and he was NOT one of the men who had come round to harass me in 2004...however, he was on the MOSSAD microchipped network...and I downloaded...’it’s all gone wrong, the whole system has to come down now’...
He simply inspected all of the electrical goods which had been left in this room – not my personal belongings e.g. the laptop.
He noted that the TASHIKO TV had come from another room...as had the COOKWORKS microwave...which had apparently come from room 15.
Anyway, the owner then began to tell us both some news...and I remembered how this electrician had been part of SCARLETT’s ‘walkthrough’...
The ‘news’ was old news...or rather, the owner was giving the same news, as he had done, in 2004...
Firstly he talked about the fireworks display which would be on the pier tonight at 9pm...
Secondly he talked about how a SHARK had been sighted on the bay...
Thirdly he talked about how a baby porpoise - dolphin had been washed up (he wasn’t sure which)...and how those dirty dogs had revelled in it...i.e. eaten it on the beach...they both laughed at that one...
Fourthly he talked about the towers out to sea...one of them apparently as high as BIG BEN...and a ‘rescue operation’ which had involved a YELLOW HELICOPTER flying over...
Anyway, hearing these ‘old stories’ again in 2009...made me think hard...I can remember that I walked out to see the fireworks in 2004...and that the ‘shark’ was a warning of an attack by RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON...the porpoise/dolphin was a reference to what the ILL do in terms of their ILL rites i.e. abortion and then the eating of the foetus...and finally, the YELLOW HELICOPTER...now I remember being involved in that one, somehow...what happened?
I remember...in 2004, the POLICE told me that I had been involved...but I couldn’t remember anything at all...they were trying to incriminate me within some criminal act, that the ILL had performed...I know that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were actively behind this criminal act...whatever it was...they had taken me along for the ride...
I can remember now...vaguely...TOMLINSON had sabotaged some electrical equipment and then he had left me there...was this one of the towers out to sea? I can remember girders and the sea – it was dark - I was past caring, at the time...I really didn’t even bother to note what he was doing...I just went through it all...knowing that because this was a ‘walkthrough’ – that they wouldn’t actually dare to kill me...I simply had to survive it all. He told me to ‘stay there’ and so I did...I had no idea of what to expect next...
Apart from that, the electrician had an ORANGE tag to his trousers...so I immediately decided to ‘read’ him...knowing that he would be linked up to the MOSSAD network...
Additionally, he put a green sticker upon the right-hand side of the microwave and not upon the left...and I remember SCARLETT saying that in MASONIC terms...this was a ‘good thing’...he also spilt some water out of the kettle, whilst reading its serial number underneath...now AMADEUS had told me that spilling water is ‘sacred’ to the MASONS...a very good omen...the two men laughed at the spilt water...and the electrician picked up a WHITE tissue to mop it up...I ‘read’ them as thinking: ‘we both have our souls back’ – they laughed like little boys – with relief...
So these towers out to sea are very important to the ILL?
Why? I didn't bother to ask the landlord at the time but I shall look it up...
I just caught the landlord and the electrician down the corridor...
Apparently they are wind turbines...48 of them in all...linked to a 'substation'...which converts the energy into electricity...
The YELLOW HELICOPTER goes out on 'dummy runs' to check up everything is all right and that nobody or anthing has been 'blown off'...
So in 2004 -the POLICE and also this helicopter...were all used to piss me around, by the ILL...
As I have said before - I was past caring...the ILL are simply too insane...one just has to ignore them...bear it and then EXPOSE them for it.
So what basically happened in 2004 was this:
TOMLINSON and RIMINGTON sailed me out to this 'tower' in the dark. He had large steel-cutters for some cable which he proceeded to cut through...
He then told me to 'stay there'...and he left in the boat.
The YELLOW HELICOPTER must have come at some point, to pick me up...but I do not remember this bit...
The POLICE however, knew about this bit...and told me that I had been picked up by the YELLOW HELICOPTER and why had I been attempting to sabotage this tower? They then attempted to 'interrogate' me in this very room.
Sick bastards - the lot of them.
Anyway, it is going to be good weather for the next few days...and I might go for a swim - to get away from all of this horror...
However, I can now remember RIMINGTON telling me to pick the most awful bathing costume from M&S in 2004...she didn't like the idea of me swimming in the sea, for some reason...I suppose she thought that it might remind me of the time when she made me and TERESA swim under the pier...in our clothes...
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Large Pyramid Complex Just Opened in Pune, India
I remember the photograph upon this webpage - there is a link from 'headlines':
The photograph in question, is the fifth one down.
MARK R had shown me it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.
Apparently this building was 'his' - so one can read 'ROCKEFELLER' money behind it?
He told me that ILL RITES were conducted there.
One can see that the small pyramid and steps up to it - in front of the big pyramid behind it...has its head chopped off...this is what MARK R was referring to...
Following the link from this article upon DAVID ICKE's 'headlines':
Sunday, 24 May 2009
The Truth about Angels, Demons and Antimatter
'An antimatter explosion threatens to level the Vatican in the movie adaptation of the thriller "Angels and Demons," but real-world physicists are unfazed by this plot.'
I clicked on the link to see this article:
I wouldn't bother to look up the string beginning with %, if I were you...whatever it stands for...it is ILL-coded and any google search link for this, might result in your computer crashing...
This 'redbert' reminds me of ZORK and their game 'NORD AND BERT' who couldn't work it out...
"redbert wrote:
In April 1997 scientists discovered a %u201Cfountain%u201D of antimatter erupting from the center of the galaxy, raising new questions about the structure of the Milky Way.
gamma-rays corresponds to ten billion tons of anti-matter annihilation per second
The % reminds me of a certain 'internet computer script' which had been used at COUNTYWEB.
The public-school boy network at this dodgy internet company was led by a certain WILLIAM CATCHPOLE.
He had his technical director, sexually abused me. The memories came back recently. CATCHPOLE was instructing his director to treat me like a horse...they had pulled my jeans down - and CATCHPOLE told the other sick bastard, to kick my legs open like a horse...they thought that I believed that I was a 'horse'.
You filthy little animals.
Incidentally, a forestry company worked in the same building...in MARTLESHAM HEATH, near IPSWICH.
The internet company was an offshoot of the forestry company, in some way.
After I felt that I could no longer continue to work at COUNTYWEB - mainly because of the abuse - upon both sides of the mirror (but of course, I couldn't remember the rape - having been severely electrocuted afterwards)...the job didn't last long and my mother whined at me...there must be something wrong with me...because I couldn't hold that job down...not even for a year...
That is the extent of the SICKNESS of the ILL around me...all of them...sick little RA robots...trying to use and abuse me, in any way that they could...
What I am trying to say here is that the ILL allowed me to have a job in the UK, intermittently (so COLLIE'S threat that I would never work again in the UK - had been undercut - the ILL thought it would be more fun to abuse me in a work situation now and then) - but never for much pay - almost nothing - where their RA slaves could use and abuse me, as they wished...
All of these temporary and part-time jobs - were especially designed to cause me maximum harm...and most of the jobs only lasted for up to 3 months if that - normally about 2-3 weeks.
I am almost sure that money always changed hands...and that my father would have been 'paid' for my rape.
I can now remember how my mother had got furious with my father upon that SWISS holiday in the OBERROHRDORF...
He had taken 30 Swiss francs - for my paid work - from the Swiss farmer.
The farmer had then asked for his money back because I had only worked for half a day. My father had refused.
My mother kept on telling him to pay the money back...as we all walked up to the chalet...my father was red-faced and grinning like a wicked little boy...he kept telling my mother 'no'...that I had worked for the farmer...there had been no agreed set time limit...
I forgot to mention another memory which came back from 2004 and in connection with churches:
I was standing in front of a priest – SCARLETT and BASSNETT were with me (both were probably CATHOLICS themselves – I know that BASSNETT was...) and he was asking me questions.
I was ‘auditioning’ for something and I assume that this was either to attend the church or to apply for a ‘conversion’.
The priest asked me the following question:
“Do you hear voices?”
He kept on asking this question as if he didn't believe my answer. I kept repeating that ‘no’ I didn’t.
Obviously I didn’t – I hadn’t been made ‘radio-active’ at that point and being ‘radio-active’ doesn’t mean that you ‘hear voices’ anyway. It means that you can pick up on various frequencies that you have been sensitised to, around in the atmosphere.
I can now understand the whole sick set-up. The basic idea was that the CATHOLIC CHURCH checks you out first if you decide that you want to attend a service.
Therefore after writing that email and stating that my brother EDWARD had recently converted – this particular CLACTON CATHOLIC CHURCH...would have then traced EDWARD upon their records (we share the same surname GYDE) and then talked to either EDWARD or SUSAN...and they would have responded that I was a ‘mental patient’ who ‘heard voices’.
So that is the next sick trick in this ILL GAME.
I will therefore curtail this rather promptly and write back to this CATHOLIC CHURCH to say that I have decided against attending their services.
So another sick con and this time, by the CATHOLIC CHURCH.
I have no need of ‘organised’ religion or their ‘protection racket’ for that matter...I shall now join the billions of people upon this planet who have their own personal god and who have their own personal set of beliefs.
I suppose this is what terrifies the ILL most – people who are not controllable by organised religion – as MR ICKE frequently points out, upon his website.
Therefore the ILL were really shooting themselves in the foot, when they set up that one...
So AMADEUS – you must have known about that sick trick – so for the record – I will NOT be converting to CATHOLICISM and you now know what I think about the lot of you.
I am NOT advocating the CATHOLIC CHURCH in any shape or form...nor will I advocate any other religion. I am EXPOSING the sick SATANISM of the ILL which has been behind all of this sickness and it is THEIR sickness.
You want a GOOD advertisement for the CATHOLIC CHURCH? You had better try harder, next time.
(...and so had R.Cipolla - the CIA say he was responsible for the %bug - too easy to spot).
A connection file called ‘data setup’ wanted to run on my computer – naturally I blocked it – I remembered MARK R calling me ‘Data’ – I suppose this was STAR TREK programming...to carry information.
Well, CATHOLIC CHURCH –that certainly puts you in the DOGHOUSE, doesn’t it?
If you would like anybody to BLAME –try the people that I have just named...AMADEUS should be your first port of call. You could also try SUSAN BASSNETT. I am sure she will need to do a lot of ‘Hail Marys’ to make up for that one and a lot of ‘confession’ (maybe a bit of self-flagellation on the side?).
You have just lost any allegiance from the best remote-viewer that the VATICAN has ever encountered...somebody who was truly blessed by G-d. Not a good ‘advertisement’ for your religion at all, eh?
Of course, I sympathise with the majority of your believers – people to whom, faith in G-d, as defined by the CATHOLIC CHURCH actually means something...but I have to say that the ILL within your midst – have completely put me off the religion now and probably for life.
'HORSE' programming or 'gee-gee' programming as the ILL called it was the name given to slaves who had been 'trained' to think of themselves as 'horses'.
Some people believed it more than others. For example PRINCE PHILIP had people harnessed to his chariot- a mock-Roman one, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...and these slaves really acted like 'horses'...they appeared to believe (in very young child alters) that they were indeed, horses.
In addition, SUE WHALLEY believed that when her father asked her to play 'gee-gees' as a child and young teenager...that it was just a 'game'...her young child alter thought that sitting on top of Daddy's penis and bouncing up and down - was just a form of 'sport'.
So I can understand FILTHY PIGS like CATCHPOLE and his technical director...when they tried to 'poach' me as a slave from TOMLINSON and NOT to pay him for the 'services'...my father had most likely, made an underhand deal there...
I know that TOMLINSON suspected something afterwards and questioned me closely on both CATCHPOLE and his technical director...but having been severely electrocuted afterwards...I had no memories at all.
The CIA told me that this was 'serious business' upon the ILL slave-market i.e. 'poaching' somebody else's slave.
They therefore figured that when TOMLINSON found out - that there would be 'robot wars'.
CATCHPOLE and the SYMONDS family (forestry) had been 'good friends' of the ROYAL FAMILY. They were part of the Ashkenazim 'brethren'.
The CIA also showed me 'clips' of the PRINCES pleading with TOMLINSON about the whole 'case'.
They were using the wrong arguments e.g. 'we are all good friends - don't let this come between us - she is only a woman' etc...
You have to understand TOMLINSON to get the way that he thinks...and that is 'you CHEATED me' and no amount of trying to sweep it under the carpet, would work, in this particular case.
Don't cheat him - or suffer for it. Simple maxim.
As far as I know 'robot wars' should be starting about now...that was what the CIA was expecting...ILL ROBOTS fight when their slaves have been 'poached' and they haven't been paid for it...
...and as far as I know...until this point in time, TOMLINSON had no idea.
I have only recently woken up to what happened...although whilst with the CIA in 2004...we went through everything with a toothcomb and I 'saw' all of it - combined with the raw data from their CCTV to form a complete picture of what had been going on.
I also got a 'flash' of TOMLINSON saying 'tum te tum te tum' to himself...a CIA signifier...
So if he is the 'robot champion' against the UK MONARCHY 'robots' (including the remaining TASCHMAN)...
Guess who is going to win?
Place your bets.
The CIA always liked BORAT, didn't they?
The pastiches of the ROYALS were not so 'kind'.
My laptop has just been 'hit' by the following IP address (and blocked, as usual): 80
Reject 1 – 1 of 1
i c that u always change names when referring to d... i c that u always change names when referring to different person, would it be possible to get a code name for one specific person, and i could follow your thoughts more clear.
i hope everything is okay with you.
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