Sunday, 31 December 2006

British Intelligence Torture Techniques

I would like to briefly recount here, the two systems of torture, which comprised a large part of 'training' on the INSET course. 'Mind control' programming was intermixed with torture - the objective being, to break a person in terms of their mind, body and soul. The hoped-for result was that agents and officers would then follow commands and orders, unquestioningly.

Torture was divided up into 'hot' and 'cold' as well as 'wet' and 'dry'.

Every recruit was tortured arbitarily and at random, regardless or whether or not they had performed well at the tasks set. Even if a recruit followed orders unquestioningly - they were still tortured as much as anybody else. People who excelled at tasks were tortured because they had shown 'pride' and therefore their ego had to be punctured.

Recruits quickly learnt not to excel or to fail any task - most importantly, they learnt to follow orders unquestioningly, even if it meant abusing one of their peer group whom they knew was entirely innocent and did not deserve to be 'punished' at all.

When 'punishment' has no rhyme or reason, it kills most people's spirit of rebellion very quickly. It is the quickest way to break a person's heart and mind - they become something less than human.

'Cold' Torture

(A survivor's account)

"We had sessions in breathing control and how long we could hold our breath - presumably for any operation which required swimming under water. We were made to practice and the programmers timed us and took our best results.

We were then taken to Fort Monckton where we were given various practical training sessions, run by the SAS. During our stay there, each one of us was taken away for a morning. When the recruit came back, he or she could not speak about what had happened. They had been forbidden to and so none of us knew what to expect.

When my turn came, I was taken by the graduate programmers and Manningham-Buller to a small room with no windows, where there was a large tank of water. I was told to strip and get into it. Once inside the tank, they put a lid on and bolted it down. There was still air at the top of the tank but this began to rapidly disappear and I realised that there was a pipe at the bottom of the tank which was filling it up. Someone had turned on the tap. I cannot describe what I felt like at that moment of realisation. It was impossible to escape.

I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually began to take in water. When they took the lid off, I must have been unconscious.

I remember coming to, on the floor. I could hear a huge argument going on between one of the SAS in the doorway and Manningham-Buller. He was shouting abuse at her...that I was one of their best recruits and what the hell was she doing...Manningham-Buller sounded rather strange. She kept saying that it was 'just like drowning kittens' in a rather fey and bewildered voice. She didn't appear to understand why the SAS officer was so enraged.

Afterwards, I developed a lung infection and had to spend several days in sickbay."

'Hot' torture

(A survivor's account)

"The graduate trainees on the INSET course at Powergen - had been given a 'student house' of their own, in Solihull. A road which was opposite a paddock with a couple of horses in it, just behind the Franciscan Monastery.

The graduates used to 'use' the female recruits as prostitutes in the evening and it was common for them to order young women recruits to stay the night. Under mind control - it was almost impossible to refuse and if anyone did, they faced severe punishment. The graduates would then close the curtains of their living room and watch each other use the women.

I was taken there one evening and told to strip in the kitchen. The graduates had laid out newspaper on the floor. I was terrified but had no idea what to expect. They told me to lie down on the floor. Daldry then took a chip pan of smoking oil from the stove and began to flick boiling oil at me. It was excruciatingly painful and I began to scream.

This stopped him in his tracks (worried about what the neighbours might think) and Marr told me to 'switch alters'. Under mind control, there is an alter called 'rubber duck' which is supposed to be impervious to pain. I was ordered to keep silent. Tomlinson came in and filled a bucket of water.

Daldry then tipped the entire contents of the smoking, chip pan oil onto my stomach. They waited a few seconds and then Tomlinson threw the bucket of water over me. Marr was watching, he didn't say a word.

I don't remember anything much after that. I must have passed out. When I woke up, I was lying in the middle of their living room, naked under a blanket. They had left me there and gone to bed. I nearly choked as I woke up - the need to breath and to vomit, at the same time.

I began to feel myself to see if there were any bones broken...a natural reaction I suppose...I hadn't quite remembered what had was then that I saw that my stomach was bright red, as well as part of my torso. The pain kicked in and I found myself unable to move. I lay there sobbing, I was so frightened.

Tomlinson came down and whispered in my ear to 'grit your teeth and bear it'. He then went upstairs again. They left me there for the whole night. I was terrified, too frightened to cry out - too hot and yet shivering, with this horrible need to scratch but my stomach was too painful to touch.

In the morning, the graduates took me in to Powergen as if nothing had happened. I could hardly walk. When we arrived, I told Rimington that I had to go to hospital. She replied that I should join in and that I would feel better later on.

I told her that if she would not take me to hospital then she would have to call a doctor to Powergen or else I would die on the floor. At that point, she began to realise the seriousness of the situation and called the graduates out of the room to question them upon what they had done to me. She then consulted Scarlett who agreed that she should run me to hospital.

I was driven to a military hospital, where a doctor examined me. Rimington told him what had happened. As I lay on a hospital bed, the doctor exclaimed in front of me that it was a miracle that I had survived. He was surprised that my internal organs had not gone into shock. He then remarked that the 'blubber' on my stomach had probably saved me.


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Anonymous said...

Reject 1 – 1 of 1
i c that u always change names when referring to d... i c that u always change names when referring to different person, would it be possible to get a code name for one specific person, and i could follow your thoughts more clear.

i hope everything is okay with you.

Black Rabbit said...

Somebody just left this comment - but as per usual when it is BRITISH INTELLGENCE pissing around - it will not 'publish'. I know this game too well now and so I copied it beforehand.

Here it is:

Reject 1 – 1 of 1
i c that u always change names when referring to d... i c that u always change names when referring to different person, would it be possible to get a code name for one specific person, and i could follow your thoughts more clear.

i hope everything is okay with you.

Black Rabbit said...

I have no trouble in following your 'robot' thoughts at all BRITISH INTELLGENCE.

So SUSAN BASSNETT was terribly upset about what I wrote about her?

She agreed to do it - they all hated me. PISS OFF.

Black Rabbit said...

No wonder AMADEUS went into hiding in South America, directly afterwards, eh?

I can now fully understand his 'shyness' at this point in the ILL GAME.

Black Rabbit said...


That was something that MARK R talked about in relation to the microchipped public schoolboy network in the civil service...(see previous notes) – you could get two of them to ‘crash’ and ‘fight’...rather like that TV series where different colour-coded groups get together and each group creates a ‘robot’ and then the ‘robots’ fight it out in an arena...I loved that program...and now I am seeing it ‘for real’.

MARK R actually showed me how this was wasn’t as funny as the TV just had two public schoolboys shaking their papers in a rage at each other and shouting in pompous in the face...MARK R said that you could actually get them to fight i.e. to start slugging each the office. That would have been more fun to watch...
AMADEUS told me that I shouldn’t write about this – because I had some ‘sympathisers’ in WHITEHALL.

What do I care? Nobody has helped me in the slightest. What good does their ‘sympathy’ do for me, in a real sense? Patronising bastards, the lot of them.

What did the CIA mean by ROBOT WARS?

I would guess they were talking about ‘uber-robot wars’ in the sense of the head of a COLOUR TEAM taking on another COLOUR the ILL SYSTEM. The main bone of contention being that somebody had ‘cheated’ somebody else- monetary-wise - upon the ILL slave market...and that generally meant accessing the programming of a given ‘slave’ (or drugging them, using them and then electrocuting them to take away all memories of the sick event) and without paying the ‘master’ of that slave...

Black Rabbit said...

Fascinating...if you look will see that two more 'posts' have appeared...from the I C U person...

So this makes a total of 3 times that this person has sent this post - the first one wouldn't publish...whereas the second two would...they just appeared a moment ago in 'comments to be moderated'...and so I pressed 'publish' and this time they appeared upon the blog.

3 times?

ILL programmers tend to give a command 3 times and so this will be a mind control command of sorts.

I suppose that the ILL were to embarassed by the first one...because they didn't realise that they would be 'outed' for that post...

In 2004 - I watched posts 'vanish' when published but didn't copy them from 'comments to be moderated' to POST them afterwards...and SCARLETT was watching me do this...

...and now to 'compensate' - they have sent the same post, a further 2 times...

Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact, I copied the message this time and pasted it onto word. The following first letter code came up:

R: irnwoy i

Black Rabbit said...

It's all silliness, isn't it?

How much more pissing around do BRITISH INTELLIGENCE intend to do?

Surely they must realise by now that their name is MUD and internationally.

How much more do they want outed about their ILL systems?

How much more 'punishment' can they take?

On verra...

Black Rabbit said...

I would guess that the CATHOLIC CHURCH will not be 'happy' about either BASSNETT's or AMADEUS' behaviour...and that is because of what the CROWN is up all leads back to the CROWN.

Anonymous said...

You may be mistaken about the Catholic Church.

Black Rabbit said...

Let me go over the details now, of what happened at COUNTYWEB internet company which was basically a competitor to BT YELLOW PAGES – a directory of sorts:

RIMINGTON instructed me to apply to this company online – whilst I was living at GARDEN COTTAGE, EAST BERGHOLT. I did so - I got an interview – I immediately got the job. CATCHPOLE and his technical director expressed ‘surprise’ that I had been the first applicant to apply for the job (probably the last one, too – if I know RIMINGTON).

Anyway, after a few months of working there – I began to realise that something was very wrong but couldn’t put my finger on it – I therefore rationalised this in the following terms ‘this company is making no money at all – yet they continue to pay the salaries – yet even if their systems, to sell advertising space, actually worked – they wouldn’t have enough income to pay the salaries of the employees here because the cost of the advertising space is so low – they are competing with huge companies who can do it but they are never going to make it – and more to the point, nobody seems too bothered about the fact that they aren’t selling any advertising space – apart from those upon the sales team’...none of it made any sense at all.
At this point in time – the GRAPHIC DESIGN team – led by a young SIMMONDS (spelling? ) were making the TEA every morning and included me within this...and at about this time...I made a point of NOT letting them make mine...I adamantly refused to be part of their system, anymore...and made my own.

This is precisely what I had begun to do at ACORN VILLAGES LTD...after PAT ANDREW had drugged my tea – I made a decision to make my own tea and to ONLY drink the tea that I had personally made...this was because TONY GREEN had raped me in my flat – across the road from my place of work (called THE MEETING PLACE) on MANNINGTREE High Street, after I had been drugged...and my subconscious mind KNEW that.

Black Rabbit said...

So that is basically what had happened at COUNTYWEB- if you are interested, TOMLINSON.

Tell me, was it DALDRY who told you that I was working there? I seem to remember that he had turned up at this company, posing as a potential ‘investor’ with a party from LONDON...

Anyway, I was drugged – went into a ‘stupor’ at around lunchtime when EVERYBODY normally left in their cars to go to the pub (this was a hall in the countryside, in MARTLESHAM HEATH)...and I was left alone...nobody ever offered to take me with them to the pub...and so I used to bring in sandwiches.

CATCHPOLE and his technical director then asked the young SIMMONDS if he wanted to ‘join in’ because I was the real author of the HARRY POTTER books...he declined, saying that he ‘couldn’t be bothered’. In point of fact, this young man was 100% homosexual but ‘closet’ – he talked about a ‘girlfriend’ as a cover...but it was really quite obvious which way the wind blew with him...

This SIMMONDS had got the job as graphic design ‘boss’ because he was part of the family who ran the FORESTRY company downstairs. (Is this all about the ‘WOOD’?)

Anyway, I was led downstairs and outside of the building – there the two men forced my head down and kicked my legs know the rest...apart from the fact that before the technical director actually raped me...he said ‘this one is for my KIDS – I want them to know that I screwed the real author of HARRY POTTER’.

Well, now your KIDS know what ‘daddy’ did and it is EXPOSED upon the internet – you sick, sad animal. Are you still PROUD of yourself?

That is the thing about the ILL – they know in their hearts – just how sick they are – and they are MORTIFIED when you expose them.

I would like to add what psychological torture it was - for my subconscious mind - to go into that workplace - day after day - after the rape.

Eventually I asked to work at home as a 'remote-worker' and they agreed. They told me that they would give me an internet connection so that I wouldn't have to expend out of my own money.

They didn't. They then told me that they would refund me for the cost of the internet time that I was using to do their work. They didn't. I then gave them a week's notice - and they kept on trying to make me come back in to meet them in order to 'talk about it'. I refused. End of story.

...but the abuse was parents then used the above as a rod to beat me with...’why can you never hold down a job...what is wrong with must be sick in the are cannot get on with anybody can you...’

I am assuming here that RIMINGTON had instructed my mother to do so but my father was probably doing it off his own bat.

Black Rabbit said...

I just received another comment from 'anonymous' which wouldn't publish (so 'intelligence'):

"You may be wrong about the Catholic Church."


An intriguing comment – where’s your proof?

Naturally I always give people the benefit of the doubt - but from where I am sitting, at present, I do not see any.

Black Rabbit said...

Oh, okay - the comment above - has now appeared on my blogspot.

Funny how when you out these 'intelligence' posts - they then decide to let them appear anyway...

If I do not 'out' them - then they are for 'my eyes only' and do not appear upon this blog.

Therefore - to all of those bastards playing this game - I wouldn't bother trying to make any comments in 'moderate comments' disappear after being 'published' anymore...I will only OUT them.

Black Rabbit said...

Let me now look at the ILL who thought that I was their ‘slave’.
RIMINGTON and SCARLETT thought that they ‘ran’ me in 1980.
So did the ‘graduates’ i.e. TOMLINSON, MARR, DALDRY.

However, there was an uber-system at work as I found out in 1980 within that hanger – the others upon my course had been programmed as RA SLAVES - but I had been programmed by the FBI and that I was an FBI WATCHER.

By 2001, both TOMLINSON and PUTIN regarded me as their personal ‘slave’ and forbade any bidding for me, at my ‘auction’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE – which sent RIMINGTON crazy with fury. She had planned the entire event.

The CIA then picked me up in SHANGHAI 2003 – and contacted the FBI – they were notified that my files were only allowed to be read by ‘heads of department’.

Additionally, the PRINCES also seemed to think that I was their ‘slave’ because their mother had ‘given’ me to them. They told me so, in late 1994 at the PRAGUE British Council DTO.

TOMLINSON told me in Budapest, early 1994 (whilst he was still ‘officially’ working for MI6) – that the MOSSAD had been told to keep an eye on me...which was why they were following me around – why?

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA would like the UK ILL to know that if a hair on my head is harmed that they will all 'go up in smoke'.

I am assuming that you all know what that means.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay – so I just had breakfast – GROUNDHOG DAY again...

The OWNER came in to the breakfast room with a bucket of STARFISH to show the baby who was fascinated...

This is a JEWISH family and Jews are programmed from an early age as STARFISH...or at any rate, the ASHKENAZIM are...I do not know about the Arab Jews...

My family were programmed with CRABS as young children...which represents ROYAL ARCH FREEMASONRY...the RAB...

So what are STARFISH all about then?

They are the ‘STARS’ of the ILL CULT and so presumably not made into RA CAMELS?

Anyway, I tried to avoid any conversation with this family but one ASHKENAZIM woman was determined to start a conversation...and she talked to me anyway...even though I was completely avoiding eye contact...she said...’and we come from BEDFORD...’ to make the point that she was talking to me...and not to the rest of her group...

She talked about the uncertainty of the weather...all of the things that RIMINGTON had programmed her to say...I remember that in 2004...RIMINGTON had stood beside her...poked her...laughed at her...said that her cancer had been induced because she had been disobedient to the ILL CULT...

In 2009 – it is clear that she appears to be recovering from some sort of chemotherapy i.e. her hair is growing back again and she is terribly thin...

Anyway, this woman then began upon the ‘mind control’ command that she was supposed to give me...she used her index finger to point to the left and then to the right...talking about how the WINDS blew her PANELS down, in her garden...her eyes hardened as she stared at was quite obvious, the malicious intent behind the words...

I 'downloaded, quarantined, analysed'...she then telepathically told me that RIMINGTON had been sent by the ROYALS to tell me that they would programme their slaves to run me over, in their cars...the mind control command was about ‘left’ and ‘right’...

RIMINGTON wanted me to confuse my sense of direction i.e. to look right when I should be looking left before I crossed the road, that sort of thing...additionally, that I could be hit by a car, coming in either direction...

Whilst putting out the rubbish this the other bags...somebody had left a dark RED and BLACK beer said RELENTLESS in ‘gothic type’ upon it.

I remember TOMLINSON leaving that can there, in 2004. He explained that this meant that the ILL attacks would be ‘relentless’.
So – you still want to be ‘relentless’ TOMLINSON?

Tell me, how do you feel about ‘going up in smoke’?

This morning...I remembered SONIA and MARK on the beach...with SCARLETT...SONIA was trying to convince me to go for a was another stage in the ILL GAME...she was saying ‘you don’t have to buy that swimming costume...just go in, in your teeshirt...lots of people do...’

I now know that the basic idea behind this sick stage of the game was that the ILL then pinched all of your belongings upon the beach. That is what SONIA, MARK and SCARLETT then did...

RIMINGTON had wanted to cause me maximum embarrassment by my having to walk back to the B&B without a key...and try to get the disgusting bathing suit that she had picked out for me...

That woman was SO eaten up by her jealousy of really makes the mind boggle...but then so many of the RA CULT women were like that...HELEN BROWNE...that Blue Peter presenter...BASSNETT...COLLIE...they just couldn’t wait to stab me in the back...or in the front, for that matter...and mostly this was because of TOMLINSON...they hated the fact that he had paid me so much attention...despite all of it being ‘negative attention’ to put it mildly...they were all OBSESSIVE about ‘BORAT’...why?

Black Rabbit said...

Now I have an inkling - what it must be like to be Victoria Beckham...married to David Beckham...

Black Rabbit said...

So - TOMLINSON was the RA CULT sex-god...did MILIBAND try to replace him?

No wonder MILIBAND wrote that post up on PINKPLANET's blog about how 'everybody' hated was the women mainly...those loyal to TOMLINSON...the 'furies'...

FBI - you could say that those women were all led by their hormones...a powerful 'scent' - what else? Have you bottled it and analysed it yet?

Black Rabbit said...

BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY...I shall stay at 'home' and watch a DVD that I got out of the library:


From the creators of SPIRITED AWAY...I remember that this company had made another animation...I analysed it in my notes, years ago had the old 'clockmaker' in it...the one who programs the little girl into being a PI SLAVE...a 'pen and ink' slave...or rather, I could see that this was what the subtext to the film was...the NAZIS in Japan had created this script...from MOONBASE?

Black Rabbit said...

I mean, here is a guy who admitted to me that during his teens – he had no interest in women at all – he thought of himself as completely homosexual – it was only later – after being ‘got’ by BRITISH INTELLIGENCE that he was used as a ‘stud’ for the opposite sex. Hideous, isn’t it?

I mean by 2001...he had all of these ‘grannies’ like RIMINGTON fighting over use him as a robotic sex slave...and the fury of these women...when they heard that he was to be replaced by MILIBAND as their ‘sex god’ - because that is it basically amounts to, isn’t it?

He was their ‘sex god’ and they were demanding the right to choose who their sex-god would be...

Black Rabbit said...

I can also remember TOMLINSON admitting - or maybe he was lying...I am not sure which but he told me (after having been told about the BORAT film)that he had let MR PUTIN win the hotel room fight because he was such a 'cute guy'.

That'll please him.

Black Rabbit said...

They all wanted a 'sexy time' with BORAT and would quite happily knife each other in the back, in order to jump the queue.

Black Rabbit said...

How odd.

I just got a 'telepathic message' from TOMLINSON:

"Darling - I am going to have to stop the game now - or the HARPIES will get you."

So you're scared of them too and not just MILIBAND?

Anonymous said...

hi blackrabit

to be honest a lot of my comments were deleted by me personally, i do not think the ill remove your comments, because there are very few people reading this blogs, there are so many entries but no hard information that appeals to the ill-cult.

i sometimes updated the blog, hence delete the old comment, and then update the new ones. I have closed my blog. In my home country at the moment. Thinking how horrible I was treated, and wondering about my future. :(

I still do not understand you seem to be so angry and need help, why wouldn't you speak with me in person?

Black Rabbit said...

I have to give credit where credit is due – when I can remember who said what and where...and it was the CIA who had analysed the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 tapes and pointed out to me...’look, he’s a sex god...he’s their sex god’...and looking at the scenes upon the monitor...I could see that this is precisely what the ILL had set TOMLINSON up as...and it was mainly the women who were worshipping him as a phallic ‘love god’...a sort of animistic religious cult...centring around TOMLINSON...

Black Rabbit said...

I have just published another 'post' from anonymous - and I know for a FACT that this comment was written by RIMINGTON in 2004. I can remember it.

However, I will reply to it anyway:

RIMINGTON: the CIA and other 'interested parties' are ALL reading my blog - so let us talk about 'quality' rather than 'quantity' - don't you think?

The people whom you once 'worked with' during your laughable stint as boss of MI5. Those are the people who are reading this blog. Think about it (and weep).

Black Rabbit said...

I can now see that your idea of ‘pregnant men’ wasn’t born out of a can see that it was a REACTION to the horrors that you had been put through...the ILL idolised you as their ‘sex god’ whilst torturing your genitals...and then worshipping them...the amount of ILL sickness that surrounded you...was akin to the ILL sickness that surrounded me...however, you didn’t do me any favours, did you?

Although I now have more sympathy with you...given the can see that in such an insane environment...getting rid of those...what did you call them...evil hated all of them...wasn’t such a bad idea...but you then thought up ‘pregnant men’...I can see that, given the is understandable that you would react in that come up with such an wanted to get rid of the lot of them...and that didn't include me...some comfort.

I mean how did RIMINGTON gain so much power over you? Who let her get away with it?

DALDRY told you, in 1980 – that she was a ‘great witch’ with magical powers...yet all I can see is a very sick woman...a murderous psychopath with porphyria...who had learnt enough about mind control commands to keep control of you and from an early age...

Black Rabbit said...

...although one has to say that getting rid of all of those 'evil bitches' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE would have been a very good idea...

...and all of the 'evil men' there too...let us be fair...

I can remember now...after that 'jump' you were treating me as a surrogate 'man' because I had passed your SAS standards for 'bravery'...but being the only woman around in a world full of men...I would find that very scary indeed...


A note to the ROYALS...the high-up CIA member whom you nicknamed KING RAT...he's not 'happy' about that one...

Personally, I would wear it as a 'badge of pride'...having been called a 'rat' several times by the ILL...RATS have long tails/tales to tell upon the ILL CULT...

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA explained to me - after getting me to remote-view this entire ILL GAME within the future -that the crucial point for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE (although presumably the dumpkofs aren't reading it, according to RIMINGTON)... that kids can hack their way into the PENTAGON can be done...

Just now...the 'kids' next door - who were working for the MOSSAD but had failed in their task...began to hunt for the key to get out...on their laptop...and they found it.

The CIA would like BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to know that they had this 'key' a long time ago...

If BRITSH INTELLIGENCE are interested in setting themselves free...they might like to interview those kids...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, SCARLETT already knew that in 2004...I am pretty sure of it...
So what else can I say?
...AMADEUS would like the PRINCES to know that he didn’t like the nickname that they gave him either:

Black Rabbit said...

I appreciated being shown the tapes of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE by the CIA in order to give me a better perspective upon these people – who are as mad as hatters – in their ‘normal environment’ as much as at more ‘exotic locations’ such as the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

I do not suppose that helps the BRITISH ARMY or the POLICE much – who have to clear up, after these people have done their worst.
Anyway, one thing which was pointed out by the CIA – when in a room together – BRITISH INTELLIGENCE never turn their backs on each other. Honestly. They never dare. Probably quite rightly – considering what any of the others might do to them. If somebody looks as if they are going to go round the back of somebody else – that person immediately re-positions themselves in the room. A certain lack of ‘trust’ going on there.

Oh yes, and the CID had also noticed this ‘behavioural problem’ of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...I guess it makes everybody laugh...

I wouldn’t turn my back on any of them, either. You have been warned.
I am talking of course, about the ‘favourite characters’ of the CIA – the people that I have mentioned in my blog. I wonder now...did RIMINGTON survive for so long because she was one of the funniest characters upon this ‘show’?

For example – one ‘scene’ – she marched in and in a haughty, angry upper-class tones, declared that she would ‘never live it down’. Her ‘good name’ had been slurred. The slur was a minor one. This woman is a murdering drug-addict paedophile who eats children...every time she came ‘on stage’...the CIA would put their hands over their mouths to quell the laughter...

Black Rabbit said...

I suppose that is why the CIA called the ‘British Intelligence Show’:
They had obviously done their homework upon the history of British comedy.
RIMINGTON told me at the TEMPLAR CASTLE that she saw herself as ‘Alex Carrington’...and in Switzerland, she told me that she saw herself as HEIDI KLUM.
British Intelligence saw her as HILDA OGDEN... ‘has HILDA done her rounds yet, I’m off for a fag’...
Personally I see her more in the JOYCE GRENFELL tradition – even JOYCE at her best, couldn’t surpass RIMINGTON for sheer comedy chutzpah.
HILDA has a sexy time with BORAT...
SCARLETT was more of an ALISTAIR SIMS...rubbing his hands in a corner...’the ladykillers’...I still do not know why he blushed and got rather embarrassed after RIMINGTON outed him for murdering the nanny at LORD LUCAN’s house...was he embarrassed because he had messed the job up?
I now understand why MARK R commissioned the MAX AND LARA ‘FLYING CIRCUS’ book from RAW LIBRARY...the CIA had so much ‘comedy material’ upon BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...that it was an opportunity not to be missed...
I am not sure why I am being so ‘provoking’ to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...perhaps it is because of ‘revenge’...getting even with them, by piss-taking their idiocy – after the way that they had treated the fact that the CIA had wanted this to happen...given me quite a few of the lines...such as the one relating to SCARLETT’s ‘concern’ for TOMLINSON, whilst still in a coma...

Black Rabbit said...

Maybe I should write this one up – for the record:
BRITISH INTELLIGENCE – you are just scum and boring scum – we have been watching you all through that lounge monitor – you know the one – where you all go to watch the ILL GAME. None of you are interesting – very dull to watch – a talentless bunch of seedy perverts and voyeurs – none of you have shown any degree of ‘intelligence’ whatsoever. None of you are worth saving. Goodbye.
SONIA and MARK couldn’t bear to watch it for long – because they had been put through the same ILL GAME – whilst their sick colleagues tried to force them to watch it...
GEORGE OSBORNE – we have the video footage of you and your ‘mother fixation’ - now that is worthwhile viewing for the ‘laugh’ factor. Watch this space.

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, COLLIE – you are a lost cause, aren’t you? Everybody agrees upon that one. You were behind the ‘monitor’ idea. The CIA shared the tapes around – everybody now knows what a sick, sad set-up BRITISH INTELLIGENCE is - and all of those who work within it...some agencies must have found the footage more interesting than others...

The final ‘cut’ eh, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?

It was important NOT to let you know about that one – until the end.

I have never seen such a sad, moronic bunch of sheep,in my entire life.

Those ugly faces and all of that narcissistic preening - and the idle prattle...BRITISH INTELLIGENCE...maybe you should all look in the mirror now and again - to remind yourselves of who and what you really are...just scum - drab, ignorant scum.

Black Rabbit said...

A big THANK YOU to all of those who were involved in exposing this. You have been invaluable.

Black Rabbit said...

A big THANK YOU to all of those who were involved in exposing this. You have been invaluable.

Black Rabbit said...

THANK YOU most of all to AMADEUS.

(I apologise - I was wrong about the Catholic Church - and maybe SUSAN BASSNETT doesn't need to say those 'Hail Marys'.)

Thank you also to my 'team' - what an exceptional operation.

My 'commiserations' to COLLIE and the OSBORNES of this world - you seedy, sad little creatures - there is little else that one can say about you all - except that you gave everybody the creeps. Yes, you are still on camera and will be, every single day (for as long as you live).

Black Rabbit said...

TUM TE TUM TE TUM...we reign supreme.

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Black Rabbit said...

Last night – I saw all of the images and then wondered what the big picture was?


I realised that in fact, the whole lot was going to be used as CIA ‘training materials’ in terms of ‘get out your notepads and note down the ‘negative behaviours’ exhibited by British Intelligence operatives within their workplace, during this film – write an essay entitled:


You can imagine that such an essay would have an almost unlimited scope, in relation to the negative behaviours exhibited by those working for COLLIE – in a building I where did the ambulance call...LIVERPOOL STREET STATION.

In point of fact, when I learnt that the CIA was going to do just that...I couldn’t believe it...but they were my mind, pointing out the negative behaviours of British Intelligence operatives as individuals (yes, you were also filmed at home) and in groups, and then analysing them – was like watching a ‘LAUREL AND HARDY’ or ‘MR BEAN’ movie and doing the same...just laughable.

Simply too much material – almost overwhelming.

Yes, the cameras are still operational and on you, this morning. That ASHKENAZIM ‘head of technical services’ guy – doesn’t know what to look for and the CIA are not telling.

Not so many of you turned up this morning, eh? Only the doggedly stupid, ignorant and ‘grim’ (and the exhibitionists – those ugly little prima donnas who go around saying ‘I can’t bear this’ in infantile shrieking voices).

We are all laughing. You are still providing us with material.

British Intelligence’s big problem here is that they are all addicted to the ‘big screen’. Yes, they even turned the monitor on in the lounge, again, this morning. However, a far more ‘subdued’ group is glued to the screen.

Their vapid little faces – they cannot believe that they have been exposed – they are all ‘in shock’.

Black Rabbit said...

COLLIE is in hospital...unfortunately...she survived the overdose, last night.
Yes, that provided good film material too.

Her ASHKENAZIM guy turned up at her office – he had been warned that she had taken an overdose – he asked her if she had taken pills. She told him to get out. He got out – he didn’t call the ambulance. She then locked herself in. He went away to turn off all of the monitors, to find out where the ‘bugs’ were. He didn’t find them.

Previously, we have a ‘great scene’ where COLLIE opened a bottle of bubbly to ‘celebrate’ – she popped the cork, right into her eye and then she stuffed her mouth full of pills.

What happened next, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?

Have you worked it out from the clues left behind? We bet you haven’ couldn’t do real intelligence work, to save your lives...

Let me take you back to THE SECRET DOSSIER.

Remember that comic book which was produced for your ‘entertainment’?

You all read it – or almost all of you. About your level of intelligence i.e. comic books – we had to gear ‘down’ the materials to suit your low IQs, in order for you all, to get some idea of what was going on.

Remember the first major scene in the book? The one where you can see a derelict BRITISH INTELLIGENCE HQ?

“That’s you, that is.”

Remember your ‘spunk’ on the bust of BRITANNIA – upon the front cover? You little wankers, have been wanking for a long time...and now your country (and not only BRITISH INTELLIGENCE) is in ruins. The shame of it all.

Black Rabbit said...

...oh yes, and COLLIE was the first one to get very drole...yes, whilst the monitors/electrical appliances were all off...THE SECRET DOSSIER was stolen...

Black Rabbit said...

That was TOO GOOD.

Black Rabbit said...

Now, who can say that we didn't make it EASY for you?

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA will be making their 'training materials' available, all over the world.

Black Rabbit said...

What else was there?

Oh yes, GEORGE OSBORNE - when questioned about the HARRY POTTER money that he and his Public School boy network stole - he retorted indignantly in a petty, 'litle boy' voice that:

"We are JEWS. We don't give back the money that we stole."

An interesting point. OSBORNE clearly believes that he is JEWISH.

The CIA however, have pointed out that this family have been SATANISTS since the 18th Century.

So OSBORNE - you appear to have conflated the two together, in your mind. Do you understand the difference between SATANISM and JUDAISM or do you not?

Maybe you should go and have a word with the RABBIS.

Black Rabbit said...

Now it is generally thought to be true that JEWS tend to send money to ISRAEL.

The MOSSAD would like it to be known that OSBORNE hasn't sent 'ISRAEL' any money at all.

So who did you send it to, OSBORNE?

Or did you just keep it - share it out amongst your Public School Boy network (the CATCHPOLES etc of this world) and then give a 'tithe' to the ROYAL FAMILY?

Is that what you did, OSBORNE?

Black Rabbit said...

Naturally one needs to APPLAUD those intelligent people who were (and still are) working for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE who worked tirelessly to 'out' this little nest of vipers (see above).

I cannot name names - we know who you are and you did your country (and the world in general) a magnificent service.

Black Rabbit said...

There is still the question of the 'monitor' i.e. 'big screen' upon ROYAL premises...however, that should soon be resolved.

Naturally, the ROYALS are now under similar 'surveillance' to Collie's brood.

Black Rabbit said...

I have 4 NEW POSTS to be moderated upon my 'comments to be moderated' page.

Shall I even bother to look at them, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE?

Black Rabbit said...

One last issue:

We know that you are some of the most thick-skinned and pig-ignorant 'sheep' that we have, personally, ever encountered and that most of you will get over your 'humiliation' pretty quickly - this will then turn to rage and 'denial'.

We are now watching all of you.

You have been warned.

Let us leave it at that.

Black Rabbit said...

One more point I should mention – I have just got the message that it is ‘still a laugh’.

Some of the most pig-ignorant and rabidly anti-semitic members of this ‘nest of vipers’ are now planning to blame the MOSSAD. Even better. Go ahead. That will really annoy them and create far worse relations than before – for your selves.

Some of you may be aware by now (you should be, if you have any idea at all of what is going on in this world) that the MOSSAD does not do anything without CIA 'approval'.

The problem with the psychology of these ‘vipers’ is that when they perceive a ‘master’ – they dare not attack...their whole hierarchical system is based upon attacking the under-dog. Behaving punitively to those below them – after they have been rapped on the knuckles, by those above. This is a psychological game called ‘KICK THE DOG’.

In layperson’s terms this describes somebody who feels ‘impotent’ at work – somebody who feels powerless in relation to another...who gets ‘ticked off’...and then goes home and kicks the dog in a rage...that is the type of ‘mentality’ that you are dealing with here...that is basically what these little vipers have been trying to do to me, in relation to this ILL GAME.

Yes, it is still making interesting coverage...the ‘teaching materials’ and the film, are not complete yet...

Black Rabbit said...

Quite a few of them knew that COLLIE had taken an overdose – when ‘crisis point’ occurred.

This is a WACO cult – of highly brainwashed people.

COLLIE wouldn’t let them out of her particular brand of demonic mind control. I have never seen such ‘negative ion’ auras.

Now, with a WACO cult – normally one would assume that once the leader has attempted suicide - that others might follow. A couple of them did. That is the point – only a couple of them did and not seriously, one might add – they also survived (I might be mistaken there –perhaps one died...). A point of further discussion.

As a WACO cult with a demonic slant rather than a godly one – because SATANISM is generally about ‘blood and death’ – is this a possible reason as to why the rest of them didn’t follow suit?

COLLIE had disobeyed all orders to disband this demonic WACO cult.

She had to be ‘dealt’ with.

‘INTELLIGENCE’ normally involves a certain amount of brainwashing – but this ‘WACO CULT’ had shocked the world, in 2001.

I am putting it all far too simply here – those interested in ‘cults’ and ‘behaviour’ will find the footage fascinating.

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘alien space lizard’ frequency...

I just ‘picked up’ TASCHMAN on the tannoy saying:

“We have given up. We are leaving the planet.”

I could hardly believe it. The remaining TASCHMAN and the ROYALS were still pissing around with this frequency...more to the point...I could see that it was going in ‘subliminally’ this WACO CULT.

Then it all came crashing down upon me – something that I hadn’t been told about, previously...or not as far as I can remember...
SCARLETT and COLLIE believed in ‘alien space lizards’ who controlled them...

They CONTINUED to believe this AFTER 2001...

Hence the continuance of the ILL CULT - at COLLIE’s HQ.

Black Rabbit said...

The BRITISH ARMY are correct:

The 'lizard' frequency is a large u-bend one...extremely large and quite frequent curves as far as I know...

Black Rabbit said...

They have traced it to BUCKINGHAM PALACE – where else?...but they weren’t sure if this was the are correct...this is the ‘lizard’ frequency.

Black Rabbit said...

Eliza Manningham-Buller also took a 'star turn' at the 'lizard frequency' tannoy (it distorts the voice)...she obviousyl thought that the whole thing was just a jolly jape...that is the problem.

Black Rabbit said...

So when MR ICKE told the world that ‘alien space lizards’ were resident at BUCKINGHAM PALACE...he was repeating what COLLIE and SCARLETT believed...and in a sense, they were right...but the ‘space lizards’ are in point of fact, ordinary human beings – the ROYAL FAMILY up to another one of their ‘pranks’ on that particular frequency with a ‘voice distortion’ gizmo.

Black Rabbit said...

I would like to set the record straight about being 'radio-active'.

You can tune into frequencies, to which you have already been sensitised.

This does NOT mean that you are 'delusional' or 'psychotic' or that you 'hear voices'.

The PSYCHIATRIC profession had better wise up fast to the reality of microchipping and of people becoming 'radio-active'.

A quick scan for microchips would be far more valuable, in this day and age - than a 'psychiatric assessment'.

Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact, 'big business' in the USA is already pushing the idea of microchipped employees to various companies.

You know the sort of advertisement:

"This is all natural, healthy living...clean, fast efficient microchipping...and improved clean, fast, efficient workers...they do not even need to open the doors to the company...the microchip will activate and open them..."

This is now in the PUBLIC DOMAIN although it is has been in the PRIVATE military domain since the 1950s and many civilians have been microchipped as a consequence.

Black Rabbit said...

You have to look at ‘reputable’ companies like MICROSOFT to know that the above ‘microchipping’ advertisements are a lie...MICROSOFT was repeatedly had up for hidden programs in their systems, which blocked any other software, upon your computer...think what might be hidden upon your microchip which is only supposed to let you into your office?

Black Rabbit said...

One has also to point out the plus points of becoming ‘radio-active’ and from my position – the only one that I can see is that I was finally able to solve this whole mystery for myself BECAUSE I had been made ‘radio-active’ and could actively tune into the frequencies, in order to sort them out...and then identify them – the ‘source’.
However, if the medical profession had been ‘allowed’ to drug me up – or even worse, to lobotomise me – none of the above would have been possible.

Black Rabbit said...

The CIA have told the BRITISH ARMY and POLICE that they cannot tell them what to do next, it is their country – it is unfortunate that they have to clean up this mess that those monsters have created – but they can advise these organisations to ‘hospital the lot of them’ in relation to COLLIE’s vipers and to deal with the ROYAL FAMILY and their ‘friends’ as quickly as possible – to ensure that this never happens again.

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON has instructed me to tell the 'vipers' that he hates all of you, for what you did to him.

Every single one of you - NO exceptions.

If he had had his way - you would all have been dead by now.

Every single person in that building.

He does not wish to have any further communication with any of you - ever again. You will stay away from him.

He is not your 'sex god' and anybody who tries to contact him from this point on - will be severely 'dealt' with.

Black Rabbit said...

Further more, he wishes to emphasise the point that he is NOT your leader.

Nor is he your 'almighty'.

You all disgust him.

Black Rabbit said...

LOOK TOMLINSON - look at what the vipers have just sent me - another 4 emails. I have copied the titles from 'comments to be moderated'.

Do you think that they will actually publish if I press publish - or will they disappear?

Shall we really rub their noses in their own mess?

Publish Reject 1 – 4 of 4
never mind, i am back in my home country, i shall ... (kittenjane113) 25/05/09
never mind, i am back in my home country, i shall ... (kittenjane113) 25/05/09
if u say that i am a psychopath then it is up to y... (kittenjane113) 25/05/09
black rabbit: i don't know why you mentioned rim... (kittenjane113) 25/05/09

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that when I press ‘publish’ that these emails may then appear interspersed between my previous emails (because of the date and time sent, presumably) and so I will check back to see if all 4 actually here goes...I shall press ‘publish’...

Black Rabbit said...

I can see now that they have been published but way back up the list...after:

"TUM TE TUM TE TUM...we reign supreme"

I wonder why...

Anyway, the time given is 17.14

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so after quickly skimming the last 'viper' messages:

One can glean the following basic points:

Firstly - the vipers are all still OBSESSIVE about TOMLINSON as their 'almighty'.

Secondly, that they are too scared to hardly breath - never mind talk about anything.

Thirdly, that they feel that they are under 'new management' now - they are not.

Fourthly, that the head of the ILL-CULT resides at WINDSOR PALACE. Well, we all knew that, didn't we?

Anything else, you'd like to add VIPERS?

Black Rabbit said...

Upon the subject of ALIEN SPACE LIZARDS...I the TEMPLAR CASTLE...that this was just another ‘illusion’...a just had to put up with it...having been sensitised to this frequency...walking around the castle and hearing ‘whispers on the wind’ which hissed ‘filthy apes’...

However, the more gullible and suggestible slaves...might have gone a bit further to imagine that they had actually ‘seen’ alien space lizards...

In fact, I can remember now...and this is what really made me laugh...remember how I described my pint-sized and chubby younger brother ED at about 10 years a SPIDERMAN full get-up...striking the dramatic poses of SPIDERMAN as he shoots his web and gets ready to jump from building to building...

At 10 years old...ED really believed that he was ‘spiderman’...he loved enacting this laughter at this point...cruelly hurt wasn’t intentional...but he never forgave me...and for the rest of his life. He surprised me, a few years mentioning this very fact.

Anyway, I do not suppose that MARK R...the same sort of chubby and pint-sized figure...had any such identification as he trawled around the TEMPLAR CASTLE in his ‘alien lizard’ costume...with a long lizard tail behind him...he had to lift the tail up, in order to get up the few steps at the end of the corridor...

I suppose that one of my points that people do not like it when you prick their bubble...
TOMLINSON was very is true...and at all of the people who were involved in making him their ‘sex god’ and ‘almighty’...however, he now urges all of you to seek help...he cannot and will not help you...he is, himself, in the process of recovery from this terrible ILL CULT and feeling quite fragile, at present.

When a person is deprogramming from a mind control cult – NO CONTACT with members of that ILL CULT is allowed (nor does he wish to see any of you). He wishes you all the best – in deprogramming...and you never might see him again - on the other side.

Black Rabbit said...

In point of fact, the CIA had already used the tapes as teaching materials – for example – ‘watch this video until this point and then guess what this woman will do next’.

Everybody CIA recruit guessed within the right area i.e. the stupidest and most evil thing she could think of...some even got a bullseye.

This woman was characterised as MR TEENY – Krusty’s sidekick ‘ape’...and that woman used to be a Blue Peter presenter...

Although one has to say in defence of the others – that many of them were far less ‘predictable’ in their behavioural patterns – far more difficult to work out.
She is also of the opinion that TOMLINSON was madly in love with her.

“I was a bit fond of you, darling (yawn) but no love lost between us.” ...from Tomlinson upon his hospital bed.

Just to set the record straight.
Take heart – that puts you above RIMINGTON, in his affections.
In relation to HARPIES...TOMLINSON meant those microchipped by HAARP.

Everybody now needs a scan and those chips neutralised.

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON is doing well – he is now learning how to have patience – to deprogramme – not to run away from the emotions which make him want to stand back, look at the emotions – rather like pulling a grass from a pool and pulling up the clump of grasses, of the same emotion...from different points in his life...tracing it all back to most probably a formative childhood experience...and then overcoming that programming...and releasing it.
One just has to say ‘we survived it and we got out’...I told him not to take any of the horrible things that I had written about him too ‘personally’ – I now know how terrible his ‘life in a cage’ was as a child...we survived the cult and we got out...that is all either of us needs to remember...

Black Rabbit said...

He was concerned about all of the terrible things he had been made to do by the ILL CULT...I told him not to worry about that one – RIMINGTON was much funnier...
You have to look back at it all with is very important to use humour and to helps the mind and soul, to heal...

Black Rabbit said...

The main point of deprogramming is to gain mastery of your own mind again...and that takes time...confronting the situations which would normally make you ‘fight or flight’...
Instead of following your programmed responses...stand back from it all...and question them...look at the emotion that is being felt...trace it...track it back...find out how it got there in the first place...look at the images and the memories that a certain emotion invokes...
TOMLINSON now has to overcome his usual response to ‘run’...and he has plenty of time to do that...if he went on the ‘run’ again...who knows who might take a pot-shot at him? He is safe where he is...and he has all of the time in the world...a ‘luxury’ hospital...somewhere in the world.

Black Rabbit said...

I was in two minds as to whether I should write this - but now figure that I should write it dispassionately - the ILL CULT never spared my own feelings whilst acting as voyeurs - laughing at me - calling me sick names down their tannoy system - in the various residences that they had set up cameras to film my every move...

So this is what happened this morning in the 'monitor lounge'.

MR TEENY went berserk...she started to scream with rage at the rest of them...basically to murder the 'bunny rabbit'...and then she physically attacked a young male colleague - beating him as hard as she could because apparently he was 'looking at her'...he told her to stand back from the emotions that she was experiencing...

She then began to scream at the whole group - how they all fancied her...wanted to get their end away with her...

She then collapsed upon the floor...curled up in a foetal position, sobbing convulsively...

COLLIE went over to her...and began to treat her as an abused child...telling her that she was now 'safe' - nobody would hurt her.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, back to GROUNDHOG DAY here in CLACTON...
Last night – somebody tried to let themselves into my room again...I was in I jumped out and opened the see a young woman...she had run to the end of the corridor and down the steps...she was holding a whole bunch of keys...similar to the bunch of keys that the owners tend to use when cleaning the rooms...she was attempting to find the key to let herself into the room down the corridor...
I didn’t bother to report this incident this morning...she is just a terrorised mind control slave...and she will keep on trying to steal the laptop...and so will the rest of the programmed ‘team’ within this B&B...
I suppose the ROYALS and their friends are growing increasingly steal this laptop...
Why? I can always get a replacement...I have insurance...I do not ‘identify’ with this laptop at all...besides, I can always go on the LIBRARY internet computers...yet the top ILL are still trying to play their sick game, for some reason...
This morning, at breakfast...I walked into the breakfast see a SPONGE in my path...the Sephardic-looking guy was pointedly looking at me...he wanted me to pick it up and give it to the baby...the baby was sitting in front of her high chair...
Therefore it was very important NOT to...the ILL meaning of a sponge is that they can wring it out...wring all of the memories out of your brain...
This also appertained to JEWISH children...I queried AMADEUS upon this one...he was of the opinion that the false JEWS need to be punished for all of the terrible things that they have done and continue to do in this world...I agreed with him...I just differed upon the nature of the punishment...let us try something other than mind control...because I knew what NIR had in store for them all...I told is even worse than something you might think up...

Black Rabbit said...

I had rescued NIR from false Jew programming, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...I had taught him to see that the perspex box in which he had been entrapped...was an illusion.

I wonder now...was NIR given the same treatment as a my brother ED?

ED was put into a perspex box for about 3 months - as a young child...upon a medical ward for infectious diseases...he was terrorised by the whole was terrible to see him in there...

Afterwards, the doctors simply said that they had 'made a mistake'...he didn't have an infectious disease at all.

Anyway, I telepathically told NIR to climb upon my back...we both visualised walking through this perspex box...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so the time is now 15.21 and a few minutes ago – the fire alarm went off. I wasn’t unduly alarmed.
RIMINGTON had planned this event in 2004.

The idea being that somebody had shut the ‘fire door’ to the stairs from the second floor – I was not supposed to open it – I was then supposed to break the seal upon the fire exit, in order to get down the fire-escape stairs. This is also alarmed and a far worse ‘alarm’ than the actual fire alarm. In 2004 RIMINGTON forced me to walk through this – complete with the owner turning up and getting furious with me – for not using the stairs in the building. The fire escape stairs outside – lead you into the programming garden, which one can see from the breakfast room. This has a large amount of programming objects within it e.g. two massive flowerpot WOODEN men (R said represented her and T), the two BEEHIVES (as ornamental pots on the wall)...the electric buggy...the BADGER who ‘controls the world which is represented by a large ORB and so forth...

Anyway, I simply pushed open the fire door that had been closed and walked down the stairs to see a young woman who waved her keys in a circular motion at me and said:

“Hello dearie, what are we supposed to do?”

I thought about her waving of the keys – subconsciously she was asking me something...I then realised...

I then made the sign of the CROSS with my keys...

I was the one who was supposed to give them the key...the LUDI CROSS key to escape mind control is very simple...check out F8 on your is in the sign of the CROSS...but in fact it is the BROADBAND radio icon...get ‘radio-active’...learn how to control the frequencies...that sort of thing...
So to any MASONS watching she wasn’t trying to hex me...and no I wasn’t trying to ward off ‘vampires’...just another little dramatic scene in the ILL film...for those who like drama...
Anyway, as you will all have realised by now...a false fire alarm.

Black Rabbit said...

An interesting point that I found out today – whilst ‘reading’ various male slaves on the street...the Public School boys cannot attack PRINCE CHARLES or PHILIP...or PRINCE HARRY...although they can attack PRINCE WILLIAM – odd, eh?

The MILITARY however, can be given their ‘marching orders’ to attack all of the above. Even is a case of keying in and entering commands...

What happens to a Public School boy when you key in ‘attack PRINCE CHARLES’...they go into ‘dysfunctional robot’ is weird to watch...all systems go haywire...the result of some terrible programming in their youth...

In point of fact, it was the SAS who had discovered the weird frequency coming out of BUCKINGHAM PALACE...try the ‘Scottish Captain’ to find out...

Black Rabbit said...

Some more ILL MAIL in my inbox:

Dr Hassan Dantata Pls reply & call me.
1:40 PM 6KB

1:03 PM 4KB

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that AMADEUS walked me through so much of this...he was 'there' when he showed me the LUDI CROSS...and the young people in this B&B working it out in their room...

We were viewing the future...and he was planning it out...according to the CIA game...they were re-writing the ROYAL ILL game...

...and then they set up their cameras to catch the 'best scenes'...

Black Rabbit said...

This is an article which has a link to:

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Is Leaked Zionist Plan Pertinent to US?

'A primer for Zionist subversion caused a sensation in Russia in 1989 because it seemed to prove that Zionism was an ideology dedicated to world domination, not just a Jewish homeland.

Called "A Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union," Estonian writer Jyri Lina says it contained secret instructions worked out in Tel Aviv in 1958 for the control of Russia. The plan was leaked to a newspaper in 1989 by non-Zionist Jews, including an "S. Peisner," who wanted to distance themselves from it.

Whether this plan is authentic or a vicious anti-Semitic hoax, I'll leave to you. Parts of this plan seem pertinent to what has happened in Europe and the United States. Here are some typical directives.'

The odd thing about this article is a rather obvious spelling mistake:


Here is this misspelling in context:

“They must be forced to choose [between] chaos and us. When they try to do without us, we must cause complete chaos. Make sure that the disorder remains until the suffering and tortured gentiles desperately want our regime back. The gentiles must work under our lkeadership and be useful to us. Those who are not useful to us must be expelled. He who is not with us is against us. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." That is what Moses taught us. "Money is our God!" (Lina, "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" p.405)”

It made me think about who had really written this article and COLLIE came up even though it appears to have been written by HENRY MAKOW...


I suppose the latter...the Swedish company which has some unpleasant Nazi associations...

At any rate, MAKOW wonders if the document is authentic because of obvious is the full article:

Black Rabbit said...


They must be forced to choose [between] chaos and us. When they try to do without us, we must cause complete chaos. Make sure that the disorder remains until the suffering and tortured gentiles desperately want our regime back. The gentiles must work under our lkeadership and be useful to us. Those who are not useful to us must be expelled. He who is not with us is against us. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." That is what Moses taught us. "Money is our God!" (Lina, "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" p.405)


The author uses the term "goys." The plural of goy is goyim. This makes me wonder if this document is authentic. (Perhaps the mistake was made by a translator.) The reference to using guilt to manipulate people also sounds like an anti-Semite making a point. In general, the document lacks sophistication. Finally, I would have thought that Jewish domination of Russia was complete by 1958 and such a document would be redundant.

Some points ring true however. The suppression of national history and tradition also happened in America. Prominent Russians like Nikita Kruschev were married to Jewesses. The "liquidation of entire races" seems to be behind mass migration both to Europe and the US.

Indeed, Jyri Lina cites Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972) the President of the Pan European Union, founded in 1923 and sponsored by Rothschild and Warburg:

"The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, i wish to see there an Eurasian Negroid mixture with a great variation in personality types...the Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews." (Practical Idealism, pp. 22,50)


Throughout modern history, the majority of Jews have expressed a preference for assimilation. They regarded Judaism as a religion and not a race. However a powerful minority lead by bankers devoted to Cabala have manipulated Jews to serve their ambition for world dominion. Their Satanic plan for "world government," reaching fruition today, endangers Jews who don't want any part of it. Most believe that such a plan, (echoed in the Catechism above) doesn't exist but the truth soon will become increasingly apparent.


Comments for "Is Leaked Zionist Plan Pertinent to US?"
CM said (May 26, 2009):
understand that the Russians have thrown out their Zionists now and are christian in the true sense of the word. while they may be have been pretty in control long before 1958 they are not now. And they are dedicated to rising this world of the false Khazar Jews,

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that I can remember the CIA in their computer suite – telling me that I would have to spot this ‘mistake’ as part of the ILL game...and so I did...what was the point of it?
IKEA = NAZIS apparently...and I have heard that often enough...RIMINGTON loved IKEA because she thought of them as NAZIS like herself...
The other point was apparently the CM...I think that I was supposed to have written that comment...but I didn’t...whomsoever did...was apparently stating the state of play, in Russia at this point in time i.e. in 2009.

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember now – the CIA telling me about COLLIE’s department at LIVERPOOL STREET station...those modern offices that sometimes appear to be vacant (at the front of the station and to the right)...anyway, none of these people do what most people would consider a ‘day’s work’. They rarely do any work at all.
However, when they are given an order – it is normally to move files around and to ‘lose’ them – they have access to nearly all governmental systems.
Most of the time – they kill time – sit around chatting – eating – trying to wile the hours away...however, sometimes they are given a ‘campaign’ to do and that is where their real ‘training’ comes in – the ‘dirty tricks’ department. What these people have done to me – is a perfect example of their ‘role’ and ‘function’ within BRITISH INTELLIGENCE.
What I had failed to underline before, with these people – is that they are ALL in abused child alters – whilst at work. Unquestioningly obedient but vicious – back-biting – predatory with each other and anybody that they have been ordered to target...just scared children but at the same time – children who have been taught to be ‘evil’ through psychological traumatisation and severe torture.
No wonder the ROYALS love this brood of ‘vipers’ – their favourite department of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE.

Black Rabbit said...

Apparently this is all AGONISING for SCARLETT – this was the best ‘dirty tricks department’ he had ever technology...databases at your fingertips...easy peasey...

Black Rabbit said...

Remember how I remarked upon the oddity of my brother EDWARD and my sister HELEN both logging onto a dating website called and both of them, within a year – finding their ‘soulmate’ – the person that they were going to marry, upon this website...and then marrying them within the year.
SCARLETT and BASSNETT introduced me to LONDON...she was with EDWARD...they both looked like zombified children...neither of them said anything and neither did they look at each other...and SCARLETT told me – “this is the woman that your brother will marry”. I looked at the pair of them – they didn’t even appear to ‘know’ each other but then neither of them appeared to be aware of too much of what was going on around heavily drugged were they or under mind control at any rate and in very young child alters...
I suppose that they were introducing me to her, at that point...because she would have a part in the ILL GAME...once we had got to the CATHOLIC conversion stage...whereupon SUSAN and ED would be involved in telling the Catholic Church ‘network’ of inquiries...that I was a ‘mental patient’ and that I ‘heard voices’...
Worse was to come...SONIA telling me that she had had to give MARK up and it had broken her heart...she was now with ATI...and MARK had a new girlfriend...the ILL had split them up.
COLLIE referred to this ‘dirty tricks department’ as her CHILDREN...she thought of herself as a ‘maternal figure’ to the lot of them...

Black Rabbit said...

Is this secretive ‘dirty tricks department’ which is undisclosed upon government lists...called the BIA? British Intelligence Agency?

Black Rabbit said...

DARREN SHAN has a new book out called DARK CALLING...or something like that...

Guess what it is about?

DARREN starts 'hearing voices' from a light...the 'ancient ones' are would that be the ROYAL LIZARDS and their friends?

I only mention this in passing because TOMLINSON had been programmed with these 'vampire' books at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

Black Rabbit said...

TALES OF EARTHSEA (from the creators of ‘Spirited Away’)
In 2004 – TOMLINSON got this DVD out and then said “I don’t want you to see this - it might give you hope.”

He therefore only showed me the first image upon the DVD which was of a large blue animal which had a small blue ‘rabbit’ on its head – the large blue animal has what appear sto be ears but look like mushrooms, growing out of the sides of it. He said that they were mushrooms.

He said “that’s me” pointing to the large animal and ‘that’s you” pointing to the small rabbit.
I would guess that by that point in time – TOMLINSON had lost any hope of gaining his freedom from slavery at all. He had decided that being RIMINGTON’s slave – if he could get to have his own harem and walk on rose petals...was the best he could aim for, given the circumstances.

Anyway, SCARLETT then decided that I should watch this DVD in the second ‘walkthrough’ and he stopped the DVD at various points to teach me the ILL meaning of various images.

For example, he stopped the DVD where the young boy is being shown PURPLE SWEETS in an alleyway...the inference is that they are like heroin/crack and that they will suck your soul out of your body, if you get addicted...and the first ‘fix’ is always free...
SCARLETT was of the opinion though, that the PURPLE SWEETS simply meant THE ROYAL FAMILY and that you must never touch them...
An interesting analogy...the ROYAL FAMILY and deadly street drugs...’you must never touch them’...

AMADEUS, during his ‘walkthrough’...and one has to say that SCARLETT and BASSNETT didn’t appear to know what he was up to but they were aware that he had been visiting me...or they gave that impression...because they sometimes questioned me about what AMADEUS had far as I can remember...anyway, it wasn’t as if AMADEUS had walked me through had done RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON...but he appeared whilst SCARLETT and BASSNETT were around, now and then – as well as afterwards...but I do not remember seeing them all fact, I do not know if they even knew that he had visited me in terms of perhaps they thought that he was my ‘imaginary friend’...they seemed to treat him as that...somebody that I was in telepathic contact with...

However, this was not true...because I remember, after AMADEUS had given me this DVD to watch through again...I asked him what he would do that afternoon...he had previously told me that this DVD had been produced by the CATHOLIC CHURCH (they had written or funded/directed it or something like that) for their own purposes...but he didn’t like that sort of sentimentality...not his cup of tea...anyway, he then told me that he was going back to his hotel room...and that he would probably have something to eat and take a nap...very ordinary human things...that had impressed upon me that he was no figment of my imagination...he wanted me to know that he was ‘real’.

Black Rabbit said...

So what can one say? Is this a case of somebody like MARK R - in the LONDON LSE ‘BIOS’ department...where literally nobody at that Xmas party, could see him, at all...until they reached out and touched him?

This is odd...because in 1997...ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER had ‘informed’ me that as a child...I had had an ‘imaginary friend’ upon this side of the mirror and the other...I have no memories of being in touch with an ‘imaginary friend’ ‘friends’ upon the other side of the mirror...they were ‘john waters’...and later on TOMLINSON...and they were real, enough. Who had she been referring to?

Anyway, back to this DVD...AMADEUS told me that it had been ‘chosen’ by ROBERTO CIPOLLA...he was one of the ‘vipers’ at what I shall now call the BIA at LIVERPOOL STREET station.

In 2004 – I couldn’t remember the programming attached to this DVD but I can now – this is what happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001:

Somebody decided that CIPOLLA and I, should play out various scenes upon this DVD – as the little boy and girl...TOMLINSON was to play the ‘fatherly’ magician and RIMINGTON the ‘herb-woman’.

I distinctly remember being made to walk up to the ‘dragon’ in the imagine this massive white dragon and to stroke it...under the watchful eyes of RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON.

What did it represent? This image is echoed in JOHN WOO’S ‘7 BROTHERS’.

Having never known CIPOLLA at school – I got to know him at the TEMPLAR CASTLE because of this programming script. He turned out to be very like TOMLINSON indeed – a ‘lonely boy’...he admitted that he had felt entirely the same way as TOMLINSON in his childhood and youth...the song ‘oh what a lonely boy’ resonated with him too...I realised that they both had, very much the same minds...the same sort of similar in fact, that I begin to wonder now...the CATHOLIC faith was very important to CIPOLLA...and I have yet to pin a religion upon TOMLINSON...he didn’t behave like a Christian or Jew at all...and so I wasn’t surprised that he opted for SULTAN in terms of being an Islamic prince...there seemed to be a ‘vacuum’ where religion was concerned...I couldn’t pick up any particular religion apart from his Satanic religion probably wasn’t the uniting factor...resistance to slavery was...PRIDE...a fierce pride in one’s individuality...and one’s self.

I remember walking into the large dormitory where he had a bed...all of the others had gone off on a ‘day trip’ somewhere but he had been left behind...I ‘heard’ him telepathically calling to me for help...and so I went there...he was sitting on the bed with blue lips...I asked him what had happened...he told me that the others had gone but he had been made to was one of the ‘masters’ who had punished him...and I could ‘see’ in his mind, what had happened...this ‘master’ had ‘cursed’ him with a hand signal that had given him heart failure or a simulation of it...and so I reversed the hand signal...I demonstrated this in front of him...and he recovered.

Black Rabbit said...

What was the programming attached to this DVD EARTHSEA?

The ‘good magician’ GEB takes care of the two children ARREN and THERRU - who have to take on and defeat the wicked magician COB.
Who was COB played by?

This is the funny bit: GEORGE OSBORNE.

This evil magician COB is very tall, thin and effeminate-looking...the podgy and short OSBORNE had a similar face (with the make-up and wig) but the rest of his body didn’t match up to the image and so I found the dramatic enactments with him, funny...

Anyway, during the ‘death scene’ of this evil magician COB...he starts to grow old...he is terrified of death...and his whole visage changes as he ages...

Guess who played the ‘aging magician’ COB?

None other than OZZIE OSBOURNE who was entirely unhappy about having been frog-marched into the TEMPLAR CASTLE to play this role...he was very upset, the whole time...and DALDRY, who was directing...kept treating him like an unhappy child, reassuring him that it would all be all right...afterwards, the ILL let him go, he didn’t stay long at the castle.

Anyway, MARK R was directing the scenes with GEORGE OSBORNE...who appeared to be one of his ‘favourites’...and I suppose that OSBORNE was then given the power of giving ‘heart attacks’ to his slaves...although I didn’t see how this evil command had been put in...what torture was involved. However, I did see that this command had been used upon CIPOLLA and by OSBORNE...

However, I can also see that CIPOLLA being left upon his own in that dormitory...was symptomatic of another more famous programming script:


Therefore I assured CIPOLLA that he was special...special to the ILL...he was like myself and IVAN DUBCEK...we were ‘untouched’...and it was lonely...but we had a clearer vision than the rest of them...the ‘handicapped child’ that is left outside the mountain...the gates of the ‘fairy castle’...the whole idea of it all... was to make you feel isolated and alone...but in fact, you had managed to retain your humanity...your individuality...that was something that the ILL tended to admire...they were fascinated by it...of course that also meant that they tortured you more...but they had to admit a certain amount of defeat...they wanted to work out why they had ‘failed’ with you...

I had always thought of this script as being about either the PP as in the JESUITS or about the JEWISH MERCHANTS of Europe...I could never make up my mind which...all I could see was the basic idea that a powerful mind control ‘master’ had got rid of the RATS (read people who disobey mind control orders and retain their memories)...and then because he wasn’t paid enough by the town...he steals the ‘souls’ and ‘minds’ of the children...and takes them away as ‘slaves’ of the fairies.

When I think back to this wasn’t either the CATHOLIC CHURCH or the was the POOR FAIRIES...the most powerful and wealthy members of Europe...the ROYALS, NOBILITY, ARISTOCRACY...although the power relation between them and their ‘courtiers’ may well have changed since that time...

So your friends are stolen away and taken off to the ‘poor fairy castle’ and you are left is a lonely business defying the ILL...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, within EARTHSEA – you have the ‘good magician’ who has slept with the young boy ARREN...and one can read the subtext here...the boy has a nightmare...that he meets his ‘robotic/demonic’ self...and one can see that this is probably to do with abuse...the boy has become a spilt-personality...he is separated from his body...later on in the movie...he goes to the girl for spirit - help save him from the evil magician...

Now this was enacted at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...CIPOLLA telepathically called out to me again – from the grounds of the castle...and after I had managed to find him...he was walking around like a ‘robot’ with blank eyes, expression...and I telepathically asked him where ROBERT was and he told me that ROBERT was too scared to come out...I managed to get him to come take over his body and mind again...

Anyway, this film ends up with the ROYAL ARCH being destroyed – it slowly crumbles and falls – brick by brick...a symbolic point in the movie...and I am sure that this was the major point of this script...

So I would guess that this was all about the CATHOLIC CHURCH/CIA saying ‘enough is enough – we are now sending in the demolition squad – clear out of the building’.

Funny how RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON were also chosen to play the ‘good guy/gal’ roles...

Watching this movie...I was struck by how the evil magician COB has gone too far within his experimentation...he wants to open the door between life and death...CERNE flashed up into my mind...the experimentation with sub-atomic power...with anti-matter...with DARK MATTER...and so he is stopped from what he is doing. The implication being that the JEWS had been responsible for this.

However, when one looks at those like MARK R...he had a ‘multi-purpose’ identity...he could blow many different ways...although one has to say that the TAPES were meant to go to GOLDMAN-SACHS and so yes, one can say that the false Jews had gone too far, in every respect of the word.

Black Rabbit said...


Did I mention the fact that a lot of the COSTUME JEWELLRY at the TEMPLAR CASTLE had ‘Solihull’ telephone numbers incorporated into the barcodes?

I wonder now...about SOLIHULL...why were the ROYALS so fond of these particular ‘generation’? What was it about this year or thereabouts...and that particular location – the programming going on at POWERGEN. ‘Solihull’ – most people of my generation had moved into the area – very few had actually been born in the area.


I suppose the RA connotations of the name – might have had something to do with it.

The ship’s ‘hull’ of the SOL cult was in Solihull?

MARK R had told me that the ‘mass production of mind control slaves’ had historically begun in B’HAM...

I remember staring into CIPOLLA’s eyes, as I had done with NIR...once you have done this for long enough with a establish a telepathic is a ‘soul’ connection...

I cannot ever remember doing this with TOMLINSON...he didn’t like a slave to look at him directly for long...he was very wary indeed...nobody was allowed any sort of ‘power’ over him...he didn’t want any connections...when I did look him straight in the eye...I used to see two very small pupils...hardened...wary...watching me like a hawk...extremely defensive...

I have to say that the above is what I have termed an ‘Islamic look’...or rather a ‘Semitic look’...I had seen it so many times...with the demonic Sephardim around MOSHE a lesser extent with MR D’AJANI...his pupils were slightly larger...less is a ‘look’ that I associate with the middle-east and those who have turned to the demonic side...MR D’AJANI had his portrait painted by one of his nephews...incorporating both the DARK and the LIGHT side of his was a highly symbolic painting...he had the KEY to JERUSALEM in his hands...his ‘joke’ about praying to G-d...must have been because he knew what the ILL would probably do to me...i.e. the ORANGE bomb...he must have been talking about my ‘top programmer’ in the ARK of COVENANT...and that ‘top programmer’ in the ark – had been JONATHAN EVANS...before that, it had been one of the demonic ASHKENAZIM in 1980...but I was aware of this ‘place’ because of the ‘joke’ that MOSHE DAYAN and his friends had played upon the ILL...knowing about this ark and using it for their information upon ILL systems...knowing that the bankers would never look there...only one person was allowed access...

Black Rabbit said...

In 1980 – the final speech given to us at the MI HOTEL had NOT been about religion...this speech had been given by a friend of the ROYAL FAMILY...who knew MANNINGHAM-BULLER well and counted her as one of his ‘own’ pack...part of the aristocracy...this man wasn’t religious...he was simply a slave-driver...he referred to us all as SLAVES...pack-animals who were going to bring in the new NAZI order...I have no idea about his religious denomination...I do not suppose he cared two figs about religion...he was just a dirty little slave-driver.

To her credit – MANNINGHAM-BULLER then talked to me about a demonic cult in 1997...she was researching it...told me that she had visited ISRAEL but had lost her faith in G-d...there was no hope, as far as she was concerned...I wonder if she was one of those who escaped down that trapdoor in the cellar? What happened to those people?
Well, maybe there is now hope and that comes in the form of the CIA...and OBAMA...and AMADEUS...and the rest of us, who have followed them out of mind become semi-autonomous...however, with all of the microchipping and radio-waves...this can never really be possible, until all of that is stopped...

Regarding escape from the TEMPLAR CASTLE...those who didn’t leave by the gates...must have somewhat retained their memories for a while...until they were picked up later on, by the ILL...I got a small taste of that...after jumping out of the window...because RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had made a point of marching every newcomer to the castle...round to all of the entrances and exits...and programming them at every access compartmentalise their memories.

I had a flash of a team of young men at BIA...thinking about using a table to break a window and to get out that way...instead of the usual way...which I suppose would be by lift and then an underground carpark...although there are probably adjoining doors and corridors to the station...they were thinking in the right relation to breaking out of this type of compartmentalised mind control – knock a hole in the wall, if you have to – sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

I also recently got a memory back of one of TOMLINSON's 'bonding rituals' - we were sitting in the darkness - by a fire he had lit in the grounds. He told me that this was a CIA bonding ritual - and that we were now 'one'.

So was TOMLINSON aware that he was working for the CIA throughout the whole TEMPLAR CASTLE horror - or had the thought simply been put into his head by MARK R.

MARK R had also told me the same thing - and had shown me that little 'badge' of a Lt Col. - and I frankly didn't believe a word of it...

Black Rabbit said...

Yet the CIA then picked me up...with AMADEUS...showed me the TEMPLAR CASTLE tape extracts, in NEW YORK and so they must have got them off the ISRAELI ARMY pretty quickly...

...and they didn't kill MARK R off in Switzerland...they swiftly extradited him...once he was safe to move...and then 'punished' him by using me to 'wake him up'...once I had written enough about what had happened at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...particularly in respect to what he had done....

I was instructed to use that line 'wake up and smell the coffee'...from MARK PHILLIPS (who had used it with Cathy O' Brien after rescuing her from the ILL)...he was reputedly ex-FBI...and so I suppose I was being used to do the same thing...although I wasn't as 'gentle' as PHILLIPS was to O' BRIEN...

Black Rabbit said...

If GERMAINE GREER would like to know her staple programming it was GECKO. Not the same type of ‘lizard’ as RIMINGTON then...but LIZARDS were generally top of the ILL CULT...whilst GEORGE BUSH was, I am rather suspicious here...where did BUSH get the idea that he was a descendent of a hybridic race of Aztec space lizards? Cathy O’ Brien seems to think that he came up with that one, all by himself...but I am not so sure...there was an ‘army’ of young men, growing up in the CIA...OBAMA being one of them...of ‘practical jokers’...

Black Rabbit said...


I was thinking about MURRAY the ex-RAF NZ chaplain who was preaching at the CHRISTCHURCH CENTRE whilst I was in Israel 2006-7.
I can now remember where he had got his ‘famous sermon’ from...the one he got into huge trouble for...lost his memory...became entirely amnesiac and ended up on ‘critical ward’ for 2 weeks.
It was the RABBIS.

MURRAY had Jewish friends, with whom he discussed the OLD TESTAMENT with...they were the ones who pointed out the practical aspects of Hebrew life, to help elucidate and to explain the various analogies and metaphors in the books of MOSES...

‘Making friends with the Jews’ was a common theme in Israel...Christian groups acknowledged the Jewish faith, as the ‘root’ of their own religion, in relation to the books of Moses.
The RABBIS had researched the MONARCHY ILL CULT and had gone back to the ‘AGE OF KINGS’ as it is called, in the OLD TESTAMENT. I remote-viewed them doing it – it was all there before them – in the books of MOSES.

They realised that this was a ‘knock-down’ argument against MONARCHIES in general...the fact that G-d had NOT wanted them to have a ‘monarchy’ like BABYLON...and had urged the HEBREWS to was a mistake...and a very early one...a mistake that resulted in MONARCHS like Solomon...who has always cut a ‘dubious figure’ relation to being worshipped as a ‘Satanic magician’ by the ILL CULT...

The RABBIS had therefore decided to put forward the idea that ISRAEL should return to a state of government which didn’t require a MONARCH – or a PRESIDENT for that matter - whereby the priests/prophets and servants of the temple...would arbitrate...and ‘rule’ as it the can see how it would take RABBIS to think up that one...they already had a considerable amount of power in ISRAEL...the PRESIDENT of ISRAEL had recently been put under ‘house arrest’...and so one can see that the power of the MONARCH system...which includes PRESIDENTS...was under ‘threat’ in Israel, at that point.

Black Rabbit said...

When MURRAY put this argument forward, in CHRISTCHURCH...he was lucid, emotional yet was an extraordinarily powerful sermon...people were crying in the pews...afterwards people were thanking him...for the best sermon that they had ever heard...many people were talking about how G-d had blessed us that day...that morning...our spirits had been uplifted...therefore it must have been the light of G-d which had filled the church...inspired and imbued everyone with this feeling of at this extraordinary moment in time...

Looking back upon this now – it was our subconscious minds...all of those Christian mind control slaves in that church...we were being told that the AGE OF THE MONARCHY was now at an end...because it had been a was now finished...we had all seen the light of day, at the end of the tunnel...

However, our subconscious minds were reading:

END OF THE MONARCHY/MKULTRA mind control slavery system. We are free.

MURRAY was then to give a short ‘prayer meeting’ in the evening...halfway through – he disappeared...had a ‘breakdown’...and apparently didn’t come back for weeks...

At the prayer meeting...he had exposed the roots of FREEMASONRY...and of Jewish mysticism in general...the cutting off of the top of the free the soul...and that can be read in two ways – to seek enlightenment by remote-viewing...or the creation of a mind control slave.

In brief, MURRAY had exposed two fundamental cornerstones of the ILL CULT...and he nearly died because of it. The ‘MONARCHISTS’ then got him – I ‘saw’ what happened – a group of men, electrocuted him out of his mind, at the CHRISTCHURCH CENTRE, in one of the bedrooms.

Anyway, halfway through that prayer meeting...MURRAY broke off and left the church...he was completely emotionally drained...and one can see why...he had exposed so much to all of us...

He survived it all – I saw him weeks later on...he didn’t appear to recognise me at all...he was walking through a desolate patch of wasteland near to TEMPLE MOUNT...I thought about saying ‘hello’ but knew that he was virtually amnesiac by that point...he probably wouldn’t have even remembered the sermon that he had given that day...

Black Rabbit said...

A bit more has come back in relation to what happened with the CIA and OBAMA in New York...I am assuming it was this city...but all I can remember is the computer suite...

I was recounting everything that had happened in relation to what the WATCHERS had done at the TEMPLAR CASTLE:

We had found out our own passwords.

We had used these passwords to watch over each other as we 'went up' to remote-view.

Finally, we had learnt that we didn't even need passwords - nor did we need somebody to watch over us - we could time ourselves.

Whilst I was relating this...I was overstepping the 'compartments' of memory...and I knew that the CIA would be alerted to that one.

My Swiss 'controller' said 'she merged her ports - that is the problem'...

OBAMA laughed and said 'what will the little robots think of next?'

I told him:

"We are not robots. We are soporific drug-addict children and you know that. That is why we speak the way that we do."

What I meant was that we were in child alters who had been drugged and therefore we spoke in monotone.

AMADEUS replied to that one - he said quietly:

"Yes, yes, I know you are."

OBAMA said:

"What are we going to do?"

Black Rabbit said...

They then asked me how I had 'merged my ports' and I told them that it was easy - I just knocked down the walls between the compartments of memory.

Black Rabbit said...

I wonder if that is why the CIA had used the idea of their DEMOLITION image in relation to what they were doing to the RA CULT?

They were knocking down walls by 2003...the CIA had given me that particular image to telepathically convey to Shanghai.

Black Rabbit said...

In fact, I can remember SONIA telling 2004...we were walking down the promenade...CLACTON promenade...this was the only time that we were alone and I asked her why she and MARK had split up...she got angry and finally said, amongst other things:

‘...if you must know it broke my heart – satisfied?’

...she then began to cry and ran off...

Before this, she had told me that EVANS had got them both a job...after the horrors of being unemployed and made homeless...once they were suitably ‘desperate’...

So they were both installed in this ‘dirty tricks department’ of COLLIE’s.

I asked her why she didn’t try to escape...she thought about it logically and then said that they were too scared to...not because of the punishment that would ensue...but because they were drugged everyday...and that everybody knew that if they didn’t take those drugs...that it would be worse than ‘cold-turkey’...they would die.

I am quite sure that they were drugged everyday but one can imagine that the ‘urban myth’ about dying if you dared to make a run for it and to live without the drugs...might easily have been a COLLIE tactic, to keep them scared...keep them coming into work...keep them obedient.

Apparently they all took illegal drugs too, at the weekends (supplied by this department) but at least the heroin and coke was pure. None of them drank much, if at all, anymore.

So she had to live with ATI now – it wasn’t too bad – she still got to see MARK now and again – within the building – even if it was only for a short while and he was always with his new girlfriend. She noted that he looked pretty glum too. They weren’t allowed to be alone together, anymore.

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention this: I asked SONIA during this brief walk, in 2004 - if after having played this ILL GAME - I would be accorded the same treatment i.e. forced to work in this building too.

SONIA replied:

"Oh no. They are going to kill you."

I questioned that one. She was adamant. No question about it. I had harmed the ILL CULT too much, already.

Black Rabbit said...

The CRETAN snake-goddess...MANNINGHAM-BULLER made me dress up as this...TOMLINSON told me, on the sly ‘we cut their poison sacs and so you’ll be all right’...anyway, MANNINGHAM-BULLER and RIMINGTON wound these small snakes around my arms and then forced me to walk around the small chapel at the TEMPLAR CASTLE ‘until they bite you and you die’...I didn’t – another ‘miracle’ eh?

I am now getting what happened in respect to those that I have called VIPERS at the BIA...LIVERPOOL STREET...they were all VIPER programmed...and put in, to torment the ‘snake-lady’ which is me, at this point in wonder that UK defence system is actually called VIPER...

Anyway, the ‘snake taps’ in the bathroom of EAGLEHOUSE...where one has a telephone to the ‘snakes’ according to RIMINGTON...a euphemism for those ‘soporific drug-addict abused children’ who work at BIA.

So I decided to telepathically contact the VIPERS this find some answers to basic questions:

Who is drugging you?

Several of them said that they had found some evidence to state that it was a CIA project which had been started by pharmaceutical companies who had undue influence upon this intelligence agency...GLAXO-SMITH-KLINE was mentioned...

So these people are currently ‘in prison’ – drugged up to their eyeballs...and terrorised by the subliminal ‘lizard’ frequencies, emanating from BUCKINGHAM couldn’t make it up.

Black Rabbit said...

My CIA contact gave me a clue to your programming in relation to drugs and that is related to TURKEYS...’cold-turkey’ is the main threat and the image of a dead turkey...being out in the cold as a ‘spy’...a dead turkey.

Were you all taken to a BERNARD MANNING farm for this particular programming? Is that why I picked up on this image and wrote about the last scene for this ILL FILM i.e. a ‘shoot-out’ between TOMLINSON and PRINCE CHARLES in the sawdust of a TURKEY FARM?

The TUR- KEYS of the RA HQ...the country of TURKEY.

So – the CIA appears to be saying that you wouldn’t die if you stopped taking the drugs but you have to root out the COLD TURKEY programming associated with this ‘belief’.

You are all prisoners of the RA CULT.

Try breaking a window to get out – or knocking down a wall – after you have remembered the COLD TURKEY programming.

How long has this ‘dirty tricks department’ been running for? My father sent me an XMAS card in 1995...which MARK R found very funny...of a TURKEY farm...with all of the turkeys thanking me because I was a vegetarian...even though I wasn’ father thought this card hilarious...

So VIPERS, was somebody eaten in front of you, at the TURKEY farm? Did you have to go there at XMAS to watch the birds being slaughtered?

How is it done? Don’t they twist their necks?

Is that what the ILL threatened to do to you?

You were told that you were ‘second-rate peacocks’...because you had ‘fans’ as in tails...but you were very ugly...unlike the ROYALS or the ARISTOCRACY...

So various ‘turkey’ threats would be around ‘I’ll wring your neck’...’gobble gobble’...’Xmas dinner’ should put your heads together to remember it all...

In fact, I was probably there with you at the time...the ILL had a WOODEN did they use an the that field...a group of us...and they showed us various ways of killing turkeys...I was there...what year was this?

An additional feature was the usual raping of their victims...’plucking pheasants/fucking peasants’ – the old CARRY ON film joke...and they plucked a turkey beforehand...

Black Rabbit said...

I am beginning to see that there are two factors which would force you to end up at this BIA prison by LIVERPOOL STREET STATION:

Firstly that you were favourites of the ROYALS - they like to watch you on CCTV as well as terrorising you...secondly that the CIA like watching you too.

Secondly, that you were all rebels and dissenters to the ILL CULT at some point.

Black Rabbit said...

It was MR TEENY who was raped the most at that TURKEY FARM because the ROYALS (male) said that she was the most troublesome...they took turns.

Black Rabbit said...

I meant 'thirdly' in the previous post...


This morning I had an odd flash of what had happened to AMADEUS...he had gone off to SOUTH AMERICA...gone into hiding after the NEW YORK 'intelligence court'.

However, he was unhappy there - he didn't like being 'out in the cold'.

He contacted me telepathically - I viewed what was going on in WASHINGTON...and things appeared to have changed. It was 'okay' for him to go back there.

I then got another 'flash' of AMADEUS greeting OBAMA and being welcomed back into the terms of the CIA having changed a few plans and they needed his help - he was given protection because they knew he could be useful within what they were planning...

Black Rabbit said...

I guess that the CIA will call this scene:

Okay so it isn’t ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ...something much least they weren’t drugged up to their eyeballs and in ‘child alters’ at ALCATRAZ...

This appears to be a CIA test...or ‘game’ have to work out – how to get out...with all of your memories intact...and as far as I can see...that means breaking windows...knocking down walls...or maybe there is a better way...

Maybe you should just stay in there and use the systems to get whatever you want to say, out of the building...

Or make posters and put them up in the windows...

A simple ‘BIA ARE HERE’ on A3 pieces of paper might work...I have already ‘outed’ BIA to the public upon my blogspot...
Or what about CODES, PASSWORDS or WEBSITE addresses that you use...something you can ‘out’ to the public so they can go online to see what you are talking about...

However, I do not think that the website address will work...I ‘saw’ that one with the have to think up the ideas...I would say try EVERYTHING that anybody can think up and BLITZ the them all at the same time...

Black Rabbit said...

Wait a minute...I have ‘seen’ this future...the CIA favoured the ‘knocking the hole in the wall’ by SEV’s gang because that meant you got your freedom WITH your memories intact...everyone then rushed through the hole...although somebody else did something on the computers...people were doing things on computers...and that was equally effective...and so all I can say is ‘do everything’ because you have no real idea of what will work...for example, if you get the website up and knock a hole in the wall...the press will be there and interested...that sort of thing...a knock-on careful to coordinate the attack...because I saw COLLIE find the posters and take them down...before the ‘hole in the wall’ was finished...

Black Rabbit said...

If the future works out as I ‘saw’ it...try to go public as a group not let yourselves be separated...the medics will be around to try to ‘take you away’...but they have been told to handle you with ‘kid gloves’ not let more FTAC ‘places of safety’...cause a media furore quickly as you can and as a group...

Funnily enough...I also saw MANNINGHAM-BULLER as a prisoner within this group of people...who worked there...although I do not think that she had to come in everyday...some people only had to work there...certain days of the week...

The MASONS may help you on the other side of the wall...I heard on the network that they were working out how to do it...i.e. in relation to knocking a hole somebody may start 'knocking'...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'vipers' say that they heard a 'knocking' this morning...

I know which is at the end of the department and by the window...

COLLIE will walk into the large room take down the posters...this could be a good 'prevarication' tool...keep her talking...whilst the others deal with the wall...

Black Rabbit said...

The future that I saw included this:
A group of you then stood outside of the hole – and formed a ‘protest group’ as children might do...passersby were worried...they all avoided you and the hole...they were running out of the way...eventually the medics/police etc turned up...
REMEMBER when you are out of the building, you are NO LONGER in child alters...even though you will retain your memories...choose media/radio stations that you can trust...go there in a group...get as much coverage as you can...
If somebody tries to detain you after leaving the hole – tell them some lie...about how they must be not let anybody detain you in relation to the hole in the wall...
The CIA figure that you will all still be in child alters after you leave the department and therefore you will be easily controllable...that is the main point...remember, when you are outside of the are ADULTS...
I wonder if this is something to do with ALICE programming and the RABBIT hole?
You have to think yourself into adult you go through the hole...find a way to do it...
Maybe it is just a case of discreetly finding a place where you can all stay...where you are safe...and waiting for the drugs given that wear off...these are what make you like children...submissive and child-like...
I remember at POWERGEN...we were drugged every morning...went into submissive child-like states...but this wore off by around 4pm or so...remember how RIMINGTON had to drug me again at around 6pm (at her house) because I was ‘waking up’? Yet every evening...I would be back in my adult alter...with no memories of the day at all...apart from cycling in to POWERGEN...
So perhaps you need to find a ‘safe place’...write down everything that you can...even better...take memory sticks with you...of as much information as you can take...and a ‘note’ to remind you to look at the stick...because when the drugs wear will forget...

Black Rabbit said...

I can ‘see’ you all in a building...somebody had a large all managed to get all tried to stay awake but eventually went to sleep...when you woke couldn’t remember anything...

I remember MANINGHAM-BULLER saying that she doubted the ‘sanity’ of her notes, to the group in the large room...the papers that she had carried out with her...surely she must have been wrong? What she had written wasn’t anything to do with her...she couldn’t remember a thing...

So it is best to write yourself a comprehensive ‘introduction’ to your notes...telling yourself how you ended up at BIA...what happened there...what will happen after you go through the hole in the you will feel afterwards...i.e. how you will forget everything by the end of the day and then wake up with no memories at all... particularly of the paperwork that you managed to smuggle out...that sort of thing.

I can hear SCARLETT and the MI6 network buzzing...SCARLETT was saying for a laugh ‘we might all try it eh?’

A good idea, SCARLETT...all of you...mass walkout...I know that the MI6 ‘reinforced glass might be a tough one but TOMLINSON managed to crack it...

None of you have anything to the end of the end up with lobotomies...and then, depending upon your end up as LOBSTER thermidor...RABBIT pie...COD ON A know the are all on a limited all have expiry dates.

Black Rabbit said...

I can ‘see’ you all in a building...somebody had a large all managed to get all tried to stay awake but eventually went to sleep...when you woke couldn’t remember anything...

I remember MANINGHAM-BULLER saying that she doubted the ‘sanity’ of her notes, to the group in the large room...the papers that she had carried out with her...surely she must have been wrong? What she had written wasn’t anything to do with her...she couldn’t remember a thing...

So it is best to write yourself a comprehensive ‘introduction’ to your notes...telling yourself how you ended up at BIA...what happened there...what will happen after you go through the hole in the you will feel afterwards...i.e. how you will forget everything by the end of the day and then wake up with no memories at all... particularly of the paperwork that you managed to smuggle out...that sort of thing.

I can hear SCARLETT and the MI6 network buzzing...SCARLETT was saying for a laugh ‘we might all try it eh?’

A good idea, SCARLETT...all of you...mass walkout...I know that the MI6 ‘reinforced glass might be a tough one but TOMLINSON managed to crack it...

None of you have anything to the end of the end up with lobotomies...and then, depending upon your end up as LOBSTER thermidor...RABBIT pie...COD ON A know the are all on a limited all have expiry dates.

Black Rabbit said...

Who stores the drugs? Who keeps them?
They must be ‘handy’ around the building...why not break open the cabinet and take them...that way you can continue to keep on getting your memories back...have the drugs analysed and reproduce them...that sort of thing...
MI6 have MI5 got in contact with you yet? Get everybody in on it...the ILL cannot possibly prosecute that many of you...or control you all...
Do not worry about the ‘holes in the walls’ or the windows...the POLICE will deal with that one in terms of ‘national security’...besides, they might be interested to ‘inspect’ the workplaces...
So, yes, none of you die from ‘cold-turkey’ just switch to your adult alters but with NO memories...all perfectly healthy apart from the loss of memory.

Black Rabbit said...

TOMLINSON has just been in touch:
“If it were that easy – we would have done it years ago.”
But you didn’t, did you?...and for obvious reasons...the thought would never have occurred to you – because of compartmentalised mind control...and the simple fear that people would think that you are entirely crazy...I mean, who bashes a hole through the wall when they can walk through a door?

Black Rabbit said...

I can hear JONATHAN EVANS joking:
“Well who’s got the PICKAXE then? Who brought the pickaxe into work?” his minions dressed in business suits...
Come on, it is no laughing are all so good at can tell the world that you needed a few ad hoc ‘renovations’ to the building...and that included knocking a wall down or two...AMADEUS tells me this is about FORTRESS mind control have to knock down the walls of the ILL fortress in your minds...
I had a flash of PRINCE WILLIAM sucking his thumb...I guess that none of the ROYALS are happy about this stage of the ILL could go either way...or quite a few ways for that matter...

Black Rabbit said...

I can ‘hear’ that WASHINGTON is not happy at all...’fee fo fi fum I smell the blood of an Englishman’...
Well, it serves you gave them the keys to the door...hoping that only a few of them would open it a little bit...and get out...whereupon you could catch them again, immediately - but what if there is a mass EXODUS...what are you going to do then?
You don’t have a ‘plan B’ on that one, yet – do you?
MARK R had told you...what I had seen...that the BIA people would be easily controllable...all in one room...doubting everything...unable to really piece the evidence together...because of the small amount of the things which they had managed to bring to take out with them...all they had was a very short note by MANNINGHAM-BULLER to say that what had happened...what her files were about...and MIKE WEALE was there...he had brought a phial of some chemical with him...but he had no idea of what it was...
Okay – so the entirety of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE crashing out of the backs of their buildings with a comprehensive summary of all of their work in their briefcases...sounds like a recipe for complete anarchy...but what is the alternative...continued extreme abuse from the ILL CULT until they murder you (and possibly eat you) in the end.
All I can say is that this is a suggestion and possible solution, in parts...that you can work on, in order to escape ILL MIND CONTROL...the main principle is to get rid of FORTRESS programming...get hold of the drugs and have them analysed...that sort of thing...

Black Rabbit said...

I also saw a ‘flash’ of JONATHAN EVANS and a large amount of his staff...driving off into the countryside...they had more of a clue than the a large idea where it was...perhaps it was STORMONT for all I know (but not as big – although a ‘white house’)...and some of the men knocking a hole in the side of the building in order to get in...
MARK R knew this would happen...we had viewed it at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...these people were more successful in their bid for freedom...
MARK R found it hideously funny...the ‘office’ at work...the men took off their jackets and got to work on the wall...
Why were they doing this?
They knew that every entrance to their buildings...every archway was so heavily programmed...that it was safer to enter the building through a hole in the wall...just in case they ‘switched’ alters as they walked over the portals...
So now you know what I ‘saw’...theoretically it is possible to change it all...and do different that the ILL CULT do not know which building you are going to go you are going to behave, in general, in future...
Additionally, I saw a member of the police...who looked a bit like PC ABRAHMS...walking through MI6...after a mass exodus...

Black Rabbit said...

So if I look at the bigger picture here:

The CIA are ‘tempting’ BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to make a bid for freedom from the ILL CULT which the CIA now apparently run – having wrested control back from the JEWS, in general. – after TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

I suppose that is the general idea...or the CIA is being run by those like GOLDMAN SACHS...and it is now being used to ‘punish’ those who got out of hand, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...

However, the fact that AMADEUS was called back onto the CIA ‘scene’ would suggest that the Jewish bankers do not have that much power over the ILL CULT nowadays...
So I guess it might be a good idea to ring up PRESIDENT OBAMA to have a ‘chat’ about the whole ILL GAME? Quit pretending that it isn’t happening and deal with it.

At least I have ‘outed’ the general stage of play, so far...

PRESIDENT OBAMA is the key figure to speak to...he appears to have been the CIA member behind the ‘craziness’ of BUSH in terms of ‘space lizards’...and also the ‘craziness’ of BRITISH INTELLGENCE upon the same topic...he must now be the uber WIZARD OF OZ in town...

Black Rabbit said...

I might add...another memory of my time with the USA... came back:

I was in a bedroom suite – with BARRACK OBAMA – he told me that he liked me because I was a ‘white Arab’ like himself. He then asked me if he could tie me up. I asked if I had a choice in the matter. He laughed and said ‘no’.

If the BIA are now being ‘tested’ by the CIA (in terms of a ‘controlled experiment’ i.e. give them the keys and see how far they can go in terms of getting out of the ILL CULT) – then that means that they are being controlled by the CIA.

SONIA told me that BRITISH INTELLIGENCE would murder me – it follows that they would do so upon CIA orders. I therefore, have nothing to lose in OUTING everybody, for everything.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember TOMLINSON pointing out this particular blog in 2004...and saying 'that's me, that is' or words to that effect.

I have no idea if this was true...upon reflection, probably not...Imran Ahmad appears to be fact, I can remember SCARLETT and BASSNETT saying that they had checked him out...

Anyway, TOMLINSON knew of this blogspot...and he liked to use it for 'food' programming.

If 'BORAT' had written it - well, he missed out all of the interesting bits, didn't he?

Black Rabbit said...

This is all very odd - but nowadays...I appear to rely more upon what I 'saw' in the future - than anything else. I cannot trust the information that any of BRITISH INTELLIGENCE gave me in 2004.

Anyway, I also 'saw' the CIA joking about my post concerning BARACK OBAMA - his PR staff were saying things around 'at least this time its not saying that you are homosexual' only his wife was displeased.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, ELIZA MANNINGHAM-BULLER now interests me:

I 'saw' her having to work one day a week at BIA - she had to 'check in' and wasn't allowed out for the whole day - she hated working there.

However, on the other hand - she also got to be on the 'lizard tannoy' at the ROYAL PALACE.

The oddest thing is that whilst in her BIA 'alter' - she had no knowledge of being a 'lizard impressionist' at the ROYAL is that for the 'switching of alters'?

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, SUSAN BASSNETT took me along BISHOPSGATE with SCARLETT...she pointed to the 'dark green/turquoise/blue' glass of the modern building to the right of LIVERPOOL STREET STATION and told me that the 'dirty tricks department' worked there...

It is funny but I have always studied this building for signs of life...yet very rarely ever seen a person at the windows...

SUSAN assured me that NOBODY was allowed to look at this building...

Anyway, I have just done a GOOGLE IMAGE search for a photograph of the front of LIVERPOOL STREET STATION in order to get a shot of the building to the right...but I cannot find one of the station, even...

However, I did find one photograph with the similar coloured glass - which states:

Liverpool Street Station context : Bishopsgate tower

I do not recall this building at all but because it is of a similar coloured glass...I thought that it might be the back of the building to the right of LIVERPOOL STREET STATION entrance upon BISHOPSGATE...on the other hand, it might not be at all.

Black Rabbit said...

Upon another search...I found this image of the front of the station and a tiny bit of the building to the right...

Black Rabbit said...

I have just joined a website called ZIMBIO...


Because I remembered SONIA telling me that the 'zimbio' bimbos were TOMLINSON's call-girls - British Intelligence operatives and that they worked in THAT building...hilarious.

She also told me that TOMLINSON had a 'rambo' obsession...and that the 'Rambo' photographs upon this website ZIMBIO were all his...

Crap photographs but interesting how alike TOMLINSON and SYLVESTER STALLONE can see a certain 'narcissistic investment' there...

Black Rabbit said...

Here are TOMLINSON's 'girls':

Black Rabbit said...

Here's that 'coloured glass' again...and a clock.

Maybe it's ticking...

Black Rabbit said...

Is this it? Just guessing here...I would have to go back to make sure...I haven't been there for years...not since the 'Weasleys' had a go at me, upon LIVERPOOL STREET STATION...

Why so 'shy'?

Why no pictures of a full frontal shot of this station which includes your building to the right?

Black Rabbit said...

Interesting...some photographs of LIVERPOOL STREET STATION are 'blocked' by the library system...from:

THE GOOGLE SEARCH pulled up this information:

... near Liverpool Street station ...
500 x 334 - 76k - jpg
[ More from ]

Black Rabbit said...

At has got something...but you have to go a bit further down and to the right of the see where BASSNETT was pointing...still, it is the same glass and so probably the same building...

Black Rabbit said...

Yes, I remember now - the CIA telling me that this was the very building...which you can see to the right of the entrance of Liverpool Street Station.

So why not give them a call?


Anyway, this afternoon - I went to the library and used the internet there to do my 'research' upon this building and also ZIMBIO.

I then went to SAINSBURYS and to their cashpoint to get some money out...I figured that a benefits cheque must have gone in.

Guess how much I am 'in credit'?


Odd isn't it - just a coincidence that TOMLINSON's main mind control command for me...which was 492...comes up upon this cashpoint today.

I then figured I would wait in a queue at the POST OFFICE to draw some more money out of that account...then realised that I was going through GROUNDHOG DAY...I had done this in 2004...and had to wait in a enormous queue to be turned away at 5.30pm...

So I figured...does it matter...I shall go the HSBC...and withdraw money there for a 'fee' as the cashpoint puts it 'up to £25.

So I got £100 out there...the CIA were laughing...I 'heard' just get the NECTAR CARD from SAINSBURYS and you 'win'.

I then remembered RIMINGTON telling me that I must on NO account get a NECTAR CARD for SAINSBURYS. She had even shown me the website.

I have no idea what any of this means...anyway...I went and got a NECTAR CARD (and I have just registered it online in my name).

The CIA told me...just another stage in the ILL slave can withdraw money from a cashpoint if they see their 'number' you have proved that you are now no longer under TOMLINSON's control.

Secondly, you have now got a NECTAR CARD...this was a ROYAL symbol in the ILL collect the 'honey' can now collect the money that they owe you...

Black Rabbit said...

Looking back upon the notes that I posted today...

They are quite disjointed...

However, all I can say is that...because the ’flashes’ of what I had seen in the future...came back today, at was difficult to get an overall picture of what was going on...

In summary – when I ‘saw’ the future in 2001...MARK R thought that it was going to happen...and to all intents and purposes it would have happened...

1. IF the CIA had not intervened...
2. IF the WATCHERS hadn’t set about changing the future...and who knows what any one of us...might have changed it to...
3. The CIA would have used their remote-viewers to try and ‘correct’ things afterwards...after the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001...

So what sort of a future have we ended up with?

I get to walk through GROUNDHOG DAY...I get to experience the ‘vipers’ and their planned ILL FILM again...and to what purpose?

To expose them and their ‘masters’...and their location...

When I write about the future that I saw in 2001...all I can say is that IF the CIA had agreed with any of it...they would have let it happen...I do not know which ‘parts’ they might have agreed with...

They seemed to very much like the idea of giving BIA the ‘carrot’ in terms of letting them know that they could escape with their long as they didn’t cross any ILL programmed threshold...that would make the whole ‘HIVE TEST’ much funnier...watching them break through walls in order to retain their memories outside of their buildings...

Writing these notes down...I have made some silly mistakes in spelling etc...and in the choice of words...’frankly’ was picked up by the relation to ‘frankly’ I didn’t believe MARK R when he talked about the CIA and its ranking orders...

All I can say is that they were either picking up FRANKLIN WATTS programming...or ‘French Francs’...neither of which...mean much to me...what I meant was that we were all in child alters and you can only lie so much to a which point, the child will not believe a word that you say, anymore...MARK R had played so many games that ‘frankly’ I didn’t believe a word that he said about anything anymore...he was giggling as he showed me the badges...’frankly I did not give a damn’...

Black Rabbit said...

I can now remember SCARLETT and BASSNETT actually taking me to this building by LIVERPOOL STREET STATION...and COLLIE barked at me upon entering:

“Would you like to know why you aren’t working here?”

I replied along the lines of ‘no, I’m quite happy – I am not questioning the decision’...and this had cracked the CIA up...

This department only appeared to be on one floor...

The CIA also showed me a video...whilst I was with TOMLINSON...of footage from 1980...TOMLINSON was appalled by his appearance...but he didn’t look so bad – just much younger...we were both walking out of a room...and I looked round to see him stomping out behind me with a ‘dark look’ on his face, rubbing his head, frowning...and having been poker-faced before...I nearly burst out laughing...the CIA questioned that one...remarked that I had a nice smile...I replied that I ‘looked at the situation’...and it was had to laugh sometimes...even though we had probably just come out of some ‘torture’ was like walking out of a room...and turning around to see a large, bad-tempered and rather non-plussed bear behind you...

Perhaps that is why TOMLINSON used to find me so suspicious...nobody else seemed to find his ‘presence’ funny...

Anyway, it was TOMLINSON's 'humorous side' which appealed to the CIA...they made BORAT out of it...and put him up in a luxury hospital to being funny...can earn you a good deal there...which is probably why RIMINGTON stayed alive for so long...a moot point...not an audience I would ever play up to...


More upon the ‘future’ that I had seen:

At the BIA ‘dirty tricks department’...I saw SONIA screaming her head off at ‘Tomlinson’s whores’...she couldn’t bear those women anymore...their pettiness...their empty-headedness...(after I had ‘outed’ them upon the internet as ZIMBIO ‘bimbos’...)

MR TEENY tried to make the peace with the irate SONIA who was crying afterwards...SONIA told her ‘I didn’t scream at everybody that they fancied me’...MR TEENY was quite calm...she told SONIA that she had let it all had felt better afterwards...

However, one woman wasn’t that stupid...the Ashkenazim-looking one, with blonde ringletted hair...she had written a lot down and hidden it in her clothing...she was stopped, that evening...COLLIE was searching them all, at the door...SONIA and MR TEENY had just thought up that idea...only to see it can only say that they were all in either very young child alters...or that they had been ECT’d so severely...that they couldn’t think of obvious ways of getting information out of the building...

SONIA had also told ATI that it was all over, that afternoon...and ATI had offered to sleep on the sofa...MARK then put his head around the door...

So in terms of what might have happened...and one hopes that alternative solutions will be reached...JONATHAN EVAN’s ‘office’ scored maximum points by moving to another of their buildings...and creating a new ‘portal’...

I also ‘heard’ SCARLETT and EVANS discussing ‘let’s build new buildings’...of course that was impossible...they had to ask ROYALTY for the money...and that would mean ROYAL mind control programmers being in on the whole they are all still faced with the problem of drugging, ‘fortress programming’...and so on.

Black Rabbit said...

Regarding my father renting me out to the OBEROHRDORF farmer in Switzerland – the CIA told me – ‘you could make a point about child slavery’ in the ILL CULT.
Yes, I could have done when I wrote about that particular childhood memory and why that particular SOURCE in the mountains was chosen for the ILL GAME but I thought at the time that it wasn’t a big deal. Some children are real slaves in this world.

However, what I have to do is to report what my father was doing – as an ILL CULT member.

He was allowed to ‘rent’ his children out – to anybody in the cult – and for whatever reason – be it for work or for sex. Money exchanged hands. This cult was epidemic in Blackheath, London and also in Solihull, Birmingham – where I grew up.

Perhaps what the CIA were also pointing at - was the Swiss practice of using ‘werk kinder’ – orphans whom Swiss farmers had ‘bought’ – whom they then worked to death, upon these farms in the cantons. Bodies of little children – were found starved to death, in sheds. This ‘practice’ was still in operation – until the 1950s...and perhaps longer.

TOMLINSON told me that whilst he had stayed in Switzerland as a young boy and teenager (apparently rescued from a severely abusive family) – he had had to work very hard in the fields but he didn’t mind it, sometimes he got locked in a shed with little or nothing to eat. Was this whilst he lived with the GLOORS or before that?

Swiss children – whether they are ‘werk kinder’ or not, work upon their family’s land. I do not know if this whole story was true or not – but the GLOOR family had backed him up – ‘Renee’ had lived with them for a few years – they told me that they couldn’t talk about his ‘family’ – it was too terrible. Was he a ‘werk kinder’?

So is it possible that this family came from KAZAKHSTAN...lived in Switzerland for a while – got had up for extreme child abuse...and then the GLOOR family ‘adopted’ Renee? I have no idea how the pieces of TOMLINSON’s early life – fit together.

We are talking about the RA ILL CULT here and one can see that my father ‘knew’ the system in Switzerland. Money exchanged hands – as far as children were concerned – just like it did back in the international system. The RA ILL CULT system of abuse was simply more hidden in the UK.

So when I asked for the £120,000 back from my father for my ‘work’ – he was simply reacting like any RA father would – it was ‘his’ money because he thought that he owned me, as a slave.
That is how this slave-driving system works – the slave-drivers would never consider paying their slaves and they rent them out to other slave-drivers upon the network – an international network.

Black Rabbit said...

Another ‘flash’ came back, last night and this time of SONIA and ATI at their flat, in LONDON.
Whilst back in the ‘BIA’ office – SONIA and MR TEENY had seen the other woman being caught red-handed, trying to smuggle out notes that she had written – from the building.

They thought up a way of escape: MR TEENY wrote ‘remote-viewer’ upon SONIA’s back in blue biro, saying ‘she’ll never look there.”
COLLIE didn’t look there but once out of the doors of the building – SONIA couldn’t remember that this ‘reminder’ was there.

SONIA went ‘home’ to her flat with ATI – she had a shower. ATI saw what was on her back. He pulled her out of the shower and into the living room. He shouted at her – who was responsible?

SONIA was terrified – she had no idea of what he was talking about – how the biro writing had got on her back or who had done it. ATI gave her a mind control command – he clicked his fingers and asked her the questions again. SONIA was ‘tunnelling’ – she was still terrified. She had gone ‘blank’. ATI hit her across the face, as hard as he could. SONIA went hysterical.

So what can one deduce from this ‘flash’?

I had forgotten to state that ATI had been COLLIE’S manager within this department. He was well-liked in that department – seen as a ‘nice guy’ – unlike COLLIE.

ATI obviously knew – upon both sides of the mirror – what was going on. He was SONIA’s ‘minder’. He had probably asked COLLIE to be able to ‘use’ her – in order to split MARK and SONIA up – so that there would be no danger of them remembering anything – whilst together.

In POLAND 1992-4 – whilst with FRANCO – MARK R told me that we had ‘triggered’ each other. Slaves sometimes did that...we had regained power over our remote-viewing alters. A similar thing must have been going on between MARK and SONIA.

So what was ATI’s history within the ILL CULT?

He had been MARK R’s favourite person – he must have learnt a huge amount about ILL CULT mind control commands.

Black Rabbit said...

Whilst typing up the above post and connecting to the INTERNET - my computer was hit by this IP ADDRESS: 80

I know what it is.

I need to know what the other IP ADDRESSES also 'mean'.

The one above, was our REMOTE-VIEWING computer command.

64 means 'death'

4 means -'god'

52 means I CHING hexagram for complete relaxation

182 means 'travel'

80 means 'to infinity'

When I used this 'pathway'...I could fly up the heavens...and further...into the cosmos.

However, this pathway is now blocked by MOSSAD computers - and so I simply hacked it...the way is still open.

I do not need this pathway to remóte-view anymore and the WATCHERS do not need it anyway - but others might do...those trained as remote-viewers.

Black Rabbit said...

The MOSSASD computer commands to 'block' are now scrambled.

Black Rabbit said...

I watched THE PINK PANTHER last night.

In 2004 - SONIA and MARK - whilst with SCARLETT (the only time they were allowed to be together) had told me 'you can watch that - it's quite funny'.

This DVD had been supposed trigger my father - whilst in this room 14 and upon the WOODEN stool - to tell me upon my mobile that my mother had had a fatal car crash - because somebody (i.e. me) had called her on her mobile, whilst driving.

Anyway, I watched this DVD in 2004 and I watched it again, last night in 2009.

What can I say about it?

The PP is supposed to represent the Jesuits/CATHOLIC CHURCH.

The PINK PANTHER is a 'PINK JEWEL' in this film - which stars STEVE MARTIN.

Who has it?

A guy who is coded to look ASHKENAZIM - somebody who owns a FRENCH football team. So we are saying that the PP was 'owned' by a FRENCH ASHKENAZIM guy.

Who owns it by the end of the movie?


So would it be too much to say that the reason that this DVD was part of this ILL GAME - was to convey the message that the PP has changed sides?

Black Rabbit said...

I also took out a novel from the library, which SUSAN BASSNETT told me was 'inspired' by the events at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001:


In 2004 - BASSNETT had ear-marked some of the pages...'if you don't want to read this - at least mention these pages'.

I have never liked ANGELA CARTER's novels - probably because they reminded me of the nightmarish 'fairytales' and programming rhymes that the ILL used upon me as a child.

BASSNETT folded over pages 85-89...the beginning of chapter 5.

They were not folded over when I got the book out - but one could still see the large crease, at the bottom of the pages.

A MR ROSENCREUTZ is mentioned - now wasn't that the name of the WEBSITE that the CIA had wanted me to write an email to?

The one that was in the back of the last edition of PRIVATE EYE?

Who or what is this organisation then?

You also have AZRAEL the 'dark angel' GABRIEL...and the Mysterium Baphometis Revelation...I can guess what that is all about.

Was this novel used as a programming script at the TEMPLAR CASTLE or was ANGELA CARTER simply recounting what she had seen and heard there?

This edition was published in 2008 but it is possible that it was finished or 'in production' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001.

The title itself gives the game away: NIGHTS AT THE CIRUS

Read: nights with MI6 at their 'circus' at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...,

Black Rabbit said...

...nights...or would that be knights...why did I make the typo cirus...CIRRUS...?

I remember in another post, I made the mistake...'over the threshold'...instead of across...

Black Rabbit said...

'over the portals'...that didn't make sense...but perhaps I was thinking of OVA...and not 'over'...this word was a massive part of my programming...the use of the word 'over' to mean 'ova'...

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, I also got out another DVD from the library, yesterday:


In 2004 - I watched it - but whilst drugged, alone and miserable - I didn't find it amusing in the slightest...although I remember not knowing a considerable amount about Satanism...

SCARLETT and BASSNETT were on hand...BASSNETT laughed and said 'it's his favourite film'...

SCARLETT admitted that it was...he had found the whole thing hilarious...he also told me that this film was emblematic of all that attracted 'new recruits' to the ILL CULT...

He then began to point out various symbolic objects within the film...but only upon the basis of 'remember this?'...and I couldn't...he didn't tell me what they meant...

Black Rabbit said...

I forgot to mention - SIMON CALLOW plays ALEISTER CROWLEY in this movie.

Black Rabbit said...

Okay – so I have just had breakfast – at 10am – I have to have it at this time and so didn’t have enough to time to note down these very important memories beforehand:

Firstly, at the TEMPLAR CASTLE 2001 – I remembered SCARLETT taking me to a PORTAL of the CASTLE and telling me to throw EGGS at it – out of an eggbox. MARK R came along and said ‘they look like fried eggs don’t they’ (they didn’t).

He then said:

“None of you can get in, anymore.”
What did the pair of them mean by that?

MARK R had found out that the WATCHERS had been remote-viewing.
He had therefore decided to reprogram the lot of us.

We were ‘EGGS’...the OVA...
Think about the image of chopping off the head, and letting the SEEDS out...i.e. fragmenting the SOUL.

SEEDS = EGGS = remote-viewing alters

MARK R was trying to reprogram us to believe that we could ONLY enter the TEMPLAR CASTLE through the PORTAL (which meant that we would lose our memories, once back outside again).

Of course, this is not true.

I knew it at the time...and it made me laugh.

Anyway, that is why I wrote ‘OVER THE PORTAL’...instead of ‘THROUGH THE PORTAL’. I was thinking of all of those splattered eggs over the portal –which the remote-viewers had been made to throw.

As a remote-viewer, you can fly through walls.

Stone walls are an ILLUSION to the SOUL.

More importantly – you can SELECTIVELY see through things...for example – I used to position myself, as a remote-viewer OUTSIDE of the TEMPLAR CASTLE...look at a stone wall – then choose to SEE THROUGH see what was happening inside. One could do it with the entire building...see through ALL of the walls – to find out where anybody was and to ‘watch’ them.

MR ICKE has written at length about how this world is an ILLUSION. That is true. ‘Matter’ is an illusion but the ‘soul’ is not – and whilst one is remote-viewing, one can find another soul in the area, quite easily. They have an entirely different frequency.

That is the power of a remote-viewer, once they have conquered their illusions.

This is the real power of HUMAN BEINGS – this is how far we have evolved.

One also has to mention the programming command:

PORT - AL (a computer portal).

Black Rabbit said...

So when I talked about SCRAMBLED EGGS to DALDRY in PRAGUE 1995 - what was I referring to?

Let me put it this way:

You know that the ILL in SAINT BASIL's were trying to make 'shoals of souls' form certain shapes.

They were then trying to 'command' and control these shoals - to try to bend them to their will.

These were shoals of what the ILL called 'eggs'.

You can 'scramble' them with predictable results.

Black Rabbit said...

I might add that before I went down to breakfast – after writing that I had scrambled both MOSSAD and SAS signals – that I had a ‘flash’ of BARACK OBAMA. He was saying ‘I smell a big RAT’...but he wasn’t sure who it was...well, that is your own fault...I am waking up slowly...and I cannot remember everything...I can only add bit by I wake up.

Additionally, I can see that he is now in the position of PONTIUS PILATE in relation to the ILL CULT.

His role within this is to see what the people really want...if they want to stay in the RA ILL CULT...then he will simply continue to ‘run’ it and to lead from the helm. He is therefore watching and waiting to see what happens...

Black Rabbit said...

So we are back to PORT-ALs again...

I suppose that the easiest and quickest way for BRITISH INTELLIGENCE to deal with PORT-AL programming is to simply make new doorways and to buy new doors.

Block up your old ARCH entrances...that sort of thing...

One can see that MARK R and his people had devised the most cunning way of all...

Remember how MARK R had shown me that modern panel...which he opened to reveal a stairway to a door and then ancient tunnel under the building.

Now, anybody who can get out of one of these old LONDON buildings WITHOUT going through the Royal going to retain their memories.

The ingenuity of those like MARK R is that they had found the old sewer/underground railway maps...and had devised a network that they could AVOID the PORTALS of these buildings.

That is how they had managed to infiltrate the ROYAL ILL CULT so easily...they could retain their memories, outside of these buildings.

Black Rabbit said...

I remember the programming command for MARK R's secret 'portals':


Black Rabbit said...

Or should that be:


Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, apart from that...I 'heard' BARACK OBAMA say to his CIA aides:

"Let us see the worst that RIMINGTON can throw at her, today and then we shall see..."

So I can expect something terrible today - planned by RIMINGTON.

This is horrible.

Black Rabbit said...

After this 'flash' regarding OBAMA and his CIA aides - I then went down to breakfast and my mobile rang.

Naturally, I turned it off. I shall now see if a number was left upon it.

It looks like my parents' number at their Vieilley chateau:


So one can only hope that it is not bad news, eh?

Yes, it is this what would this number signify at this point in the ILL GAME or is it the message? Somebody died?

Black Rabbit said...

In relation to going OVER the PORTAL...I know that this is also a reference to what we remote-viewers were doing at the TEMPLAR CASTLE.

SONIA and NIR had found out that the way to change the future...was to fly higher than the ILL literally fly higher than their PORTAL...the soul-trapping nets of HAARP.

Black Rabbit said...

So what the US are now asking the world is:

Do you want the ILL CULT?

Some people are obviously happy to remain SLAVES - they like the ILL SYSTEM.

On the other hand - if there are enough of them - then all of that particular country will be enslaved. Unfortunately one cannot let some people be slaves and free others. If your parents are ILL SLAVES then they will make you one, that sort of thing.

Black Rabbit said...

This is a similar situation to that of the sequel to DOGVILLE - where the slaves decide that they like their slavery system...

It all depends upon how many people, in a given country - want to be free of the ILL SYSTEM.

Black Rabbit said...

Guess what my breakfast was today?

SCRAMBLED EGGS - the first time in a long time...usually the eggs are fried.

Additionally, my MILK JUG coaster had been turned sideways (one notes everything on the same table laid out for myself - every make a diamond shape - it is square.

It had the ROSEHIPS at the apex...and so I turned it round...


This is a torture used upon many ILL SLAVES - men as well as women.

As a child and also later on - but mainly as a child - the ILL dislocated your hip - they then 'froze' that memory within a child alter - the pain of a dislocated hip.

This is then activated, later on in life.

I do not know if this is because of a programmer giving the command ROSE-HIP or if it is because after 40 years old - your programming starts to unravel and this 'child alter with extreme hip pain' is assimilated back into the main personality...but badly...i.e. there is constant hip pain...without healing...even thought the victim's hip is not dislocated anymore...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, I turned the coaster see that one could have GREEN LEAVES or BLACKBERRIES at the well as a couple of strands of wheat or corn...not sure which...

I wonder if all of these images were used as some sort of mind control command?

I know that the LEAVES OF THE TREES meant disease in general...normally terminal illnesses... mother pointed out these 'personal organisers' mobile phones...she told me that the Public School boy businessmen all had them on the train...on the LIVERPOOL STREET line...

RIMINGTON had showed me them in the mobile phone shop - phones R US...or whatever it is called...and told me 'you could never afford one of these'...are only top programmers allowed to buy them...

We were supposed to be the 'corn'...the ears of corn...sheafs of it...all bound up together in the NAZI cult...

So anyway, was the ROSEHIP command the worst thing, that RIMINGTON could throw at me?

I had already had this triggered whilst I was living in Manningtree and I continued to suffer from it a bit in Harwich...but after having remembered MARK and NIKOLAS 'mantra' against it...the pain went away entirely.


The sounds of the words were important in 're-wiring' the brain...and not the actual images or meanings...

Black Rabbit said...

I can see what the CIA appear to be saying to the UK RA CULT now.

The RA CULT highest level - is comprised of the top programmers from the ROYAL/ARISTOCRATIC/PUBLIC SCHOOLBOY/GIRL networks...

These ILL people are saying:

"...this is OUR system...we are proud of has worked for centuries...held the country together...we are not going to stop...the UK will be destroyed if we do...bloody nonsense, being told to stop it...we will do no such thing..."

The CIA are saying:

You can keep your system but you have to have a majority vote to back you up on it.

They are also saying - you can pretend that you are 'top programmers' but the lot of you are just SLAVES to us and we will treat you as such - we will beat you up and generally make your lives as much hell, as you make your slaves.

Black Rabbit said...

Some more unsolicited mail in my inbox:

Rightmove Promotions Dear Emily, New Homes in East Anglia from Persimmon Homes Wed, 27/5/09 16KB

Black Rabbit said...

Some more unsolicited mail in my inbox:

Rightmove Promotions Dear Emily, New Homes in East Anglia from Persimmon Homes Wed, 27/5/09 16KB

Black Rabbit said...

The BATTLE for the ARCHWAY...

I wonder now...when RIMINGTON first led me into this MARINE HOTEL GUESTHOUSE...she closed the front door and then immediately electrocuted the nape of my neck - making me stand as close to the front door as possible (she didn't actually dare to ECT me on the threshold).

This meant that for a few hours afterwards, my brain was in shock...and that I would not remember what had happened during this period of time...a few hours before the ECT and afterwards. This was 'programming time'.

If RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON stayed for longer than an hour or so...I would be ECT'd upon the nape of my neck again - in order to take away all memories of their presence in that building.

Now...I am thinking about the 'battle' between TOMLINSON and the 'ex-copper' who is the owner of this B&B...TOMLINSON had attacked him upon the threshold of this building...

Black Rabbit said...

When I look back at that picture of the FRUIT which was upon the wall of the ESPLANADE HOTEL in Clacton...and I had thought that it must be a RED OLIVE...

I was thinking of the general image that MURRAY had given us in ISRAEL...that of the top of the fruit being chopped order to spread the propagate...and also for the fruit itself, to grow larger...for some reason, it would quickly die upon the branch if this process wasn’t done...and would therefore have been inedible by the native population...

(He was probably talking about pomegranates...I have no time to check back in my notes...)

Now, when I think of the LAST image upon that was most probably of a ROSEHIP.


The dislocated and abused hips of the ROE SLAVES...the EGG slaves...
Anyway, RIMINGTON asked us, at POWERGEN in 1980...what ‘rosehips’ meant to us...none of us could remember the early childhood torture...but I remembered my mother telling us that you could take the ROSEHIP seeds and use them as ‘itching powder’ and so I had told my best friend and we had taken some to test it out on other pupils...down the backs of their shirts...

RIMINGTON liked this story...she then got DALDRY to try it out on TOMLINSON...or was it the other way round...for some reason, she wanted the ‘graduates’ to have the rosehip ‘seeds’ down their irritate them...and it does irritate...really nasty stuff...

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, getting back to the FRUIT which has had the top of its head chopped off...and then it this something to do with the brain?

We had all been told that our brains were APPLES...and that the WORM inside the apple – our ‘I’ or ‘soul’, had to be chased out of the apple...

SCARLETT laughed his head off as I bit into an apple...and swallowed half a worm...RIMINGTON was weren’t supposed to do that...the ILL had put worms into those apples especially – we had each been given a ‘wormy apple’ that we could take the worms out...

Anyway, is it possible that the brain expands – after you have had the ‘top of your head’ chopped off?
Why would it do that (if it does)?
Might it be some form of ‘compensation’?

I remember something that was written about how the ILL build up SCAR TISSUE at the root of the strengthen it...

Additionally, I remember my my childhood...taking me and my brother and sister to a children’s is down GREENWICH PARK hill...and somewhat hidden...not often used...

There he put HELEN (a toddler) and I upon the roundabout...and began to whirl it round manically...I shouted at him to stop...a woman saw what he was doing...we were in danger of falling off...she also began to shout at him...but he wouldn’t stop...he was behaving obsessively...I started to feel so sick...I was near to the edge...whereas my sister was in the middle and so not feeling the motion so much...and so I threw myself off...onto the father told me that this was what I was supposed to do...all I could think of was ‘stupid bastard’...

I suppose that this was rather like being on the CAROUSEL...where your brain cannot stand it anymore...and you disassociate...suddenly you find yourself flying above the ‘bandstand’...looking down at yourself, below, upon the chair.

My sister was being given an ‘early lesson’ upon what to do -by my example – upon the carousel – she was clinging on, for dear life, within the centre of it –whilst watching me being thrown off it.

This is how the ‘SEEDS’ are thrown out...

The SEEDS are then ‘harvested’ in the atmosphere...the ILL try to control them...make shapes out of them...experiment upon them...this is what HAARP research is all about.

Black Rabbit said...

Brain-stem scarring, this was another thing that the ILL did but I have yet to work out why...apparently it strengthened the brain...which had probably also been expanded, by abuse upon the CAROUSEL...

So is this how the ILL had thought they could build ‘super computers’ out of the human brain?

Why did the graduates have to have the SEEDS down their backs and not the rest of us?

Perhaps because those like TOMLINSON and DALDRY were supposed to be the EYES of the ‘seed golem’...the best way that I can describe the ADAM KADMON that the ILL were trying to materialise, at SAINT BASILS...with their scientific apparatus...

They were the leaders of the ‘SEED PACK’ of souls...

...funny how HELEN BROWNE worked for some years at SUTTON SEEDS...advertising SEED wasn’t a job that she particularly liked...PR MANAGER for this firm, in DEVON...but it was a step up the career ladder...

The thing about ROSEHIP seeds down the that you cannot get them out have to wash your clothes and your back...even then, your back still tends to itch...they are pernicious little things..rosehip seeds...they stick to you...they are so minute that they are like fluff...but with something that hooks into the skin...

Black Rabbit said...

I can remember that we were all programmed with SEED PACKETS as much as flowers, fruit and vegetables...

...and now I know why...we were given allocated 'seed soul packs'...

Black Rabbit said...

You see the amount of times that they could put you upon the CAROUSEL in order to split off yet another fragment of your soul...seemed to be almost indefinite...

Each time that the ILL did this...they allocated that disassociated self and 'alter' to another category.

This could be anything - it was all inter-related as a system. COLOUR-CODING...PLANTS, TREES, ANIMALS, FLOWERS...the whole lot...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay, so the BJ ON THE BEACH 'porno shot' that RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON had put on my mobile phone (it isn't connected to the internet).

I now know who was in it and why:

Look at this entry for DAVID CAMERON upon wikipedia:

"Returning from Hong Kong he visited Moscow and a Yalta beach in the Soviet Union, and was at one point approached by two Russian men speaking fluent English. Cameron was later told by one of his professors that it was 'definitely an attempt' by the KGB to recruit him.[28]"

All I can say is that the KGB is now rather a different organisation - under MR PUTIN's 'control'...or erstwhile control...and that MR PUTIN appeared to take the US INTELLIGENCE warning to 'get out of the RA ILL CULT building because we are sending in the bulldozers' very seriously indeed.

In point of fact, he and his closest aides invited me over - and gave me a 'grand tour' of ILL programming sites in MOSCOW - which included SAINT that I could talk about what the ILL had done in that building, in 1980.

Black Rabbit said...

So this leaves DAVID CAMERON (and the Conservative Party) with the basic understanding, that in fact, that KBG 'attack' was in fact a ROYAL ILL CULT can trace it back to the ROYALS.

RIMINGTON (KGB agent) from 1961 would have handed the ROYALS, these photographs.

I then 'heard' upon the network...ROYAL indignation..."the KGB were getting too powerful...nothing we could do except 'make deals' with them..."

Anyway, I do not suppose that 'EVIL MAGICIAN COB' is very happy with the ROYAL FAMILY at this point...the OSBORNES were being programmed as the evil uber much as everybody else was, at that TEMPLAR CASTLE.

What else?

When the ROYALS stop using the 'lizard frequency' can say that this would be an indicator that they are taking the CIA seriously...

...but the ROYALS do not appear to have stopped broadcasting upon their 'lizard frequency'...

I picked it up this morning...but they are no longer using the 'voice modifer' to sound like alien space lizards...

So no real changes there, then...

Black Rabbit said...

The ‘lizard frequency’ came back on...hissing at me...’naf off Emily Gyde’ - ‘you’ll regret it’...and so on - they are now ‘personalizing’ their threats to myself.

NO – you will regret it, ROYAL FAMILY and your associates. In fact, you should already be regretting quite a bit – or are you all just too mad?

I wonder how COLLIE is getting on with her ‘battle for hearts and minds’ in convincing the UK population that we are under dire threat from the ‘alien space lizards’ who are currently occupying BUCKINGHAM PALACE?

Aren’t you glad I don’t work for you, COLLIE?

I remember what DALDRY called your ‘brood’ at the TEMPLAR CASTLE...he called them that ‘monstrous regiment’ (of children – or rather adults in abused child alters – running around like wild things)...

Black Rabbit said...

Upon the subject of PORTALS...I remember RIMINGTON doing the same at 14 St Bernards family home...ECTing me by the front door...and also at my MANNINGTREE FLAT...there she could do it upon the threshold because nobody could see her doing it...

So I would guess that all ILL CULT members were ECTd upon the most important 'thresholds' i.e. their offices, workplaces and some point in time.

Black Rabbit said...

MOBILE PHONE frequencies are interesting...the images upon a GOOGLE SEARCH look like PALM TREES communicating with each other...

Is that what the ILL symbolism is all about - is that what a PALM TREE means?

That 'biblical story' - the children's programming book...I forget the name but the PALM TREES appeared to be the top controllers...

Black Rabbit said...

LEBANON keeps on coming up...why?

...and there a GOLDEN 'PALM TREE' there?

ATI would know...he came from the LEBANON...

Black Rabbit said...

A fascinating jpg which SCARLETT wanted me to have a look at.

In brief - it tells you that RADIO MICROWAVE, INFRARED, INVISIBLE waves are capable of penetrating the Earth's atmosphere.

Is this correct...I seem to remember that NIR and I had found out something else...

Black Rabbit said... any rate, as far as I can recall the LIZARD frequency is a longwave one...

MARK R showed me a picture of this type of is massive and loops as high as buildings and then back down again...

Black Rabbit said...

Okay – so I have had more information which has come back...about the LEBANON.

Now the world was shocked when the LEBANON had its ‘infra-structure’ bombed out – which basically meant taking out the RADIO TOWERS and...the BRIDGES.

This reminded me of what the SOE had done to the NAZIS in WWII.

The blowing up of bridges meant one thing: stop the URANIUM transportation – from AFRICA up EUROPE to ARNHEIM...

I then remembered the CIA telling me about this:

In brief – the MOSSAD had control of these RADIO TOWERS...they were RA CULT radio towers and at this point in time, the MOSSAD were in control of them, in the LEBANON.

Secondly that the major ILL TRADE that was going on, through the LEBANON...was the CRYSTAL one...the basis of ELECTROMAGNETIC RESEARCH (and warfare)...the experimentation with RADIOWAVES and CRYSTALS...

The CRYSTALS came from all over the MIDDLE-EAST but the main ROUTE was from JORDAN - LEBANON - TURKEY.

Once in TURKEY – the CRYSTALS were sold on, within the RA CULT. TURKEY was the main HQ – the central hub of this crystal trade.

The ISRAELIS were told that the US knew that they were responsible for running those radio towers...and that they should therefore ‘carry the can’ by taking those RADIO TOWERS out – as well as the bridges – in order to stop this trade.

The message that the US was sending out to all RA-controlled countries, is an obvious one:

“We take out your infra-structure, if you annoy us – and the RA crystal trade annoyed us.”

This is a very tough message to all RA-controlled countries.

Unless you deal with the RA CULT within your own country – you are in danger.

Black Rabbit said...

As I walked down the promenade today – I realised that there was one big garden which I hadn’t been into – that was the PALM TREE garden. I therefore looked for a way in – which wasn’t under the BELL.

Additionally, I saw that there was a pigeon which was watching me – upon the inner gate of a black metal railing square – and I remembered what AMADEUS had told me to do…get into the garden, avoiding the BELL and then over this gate – walk up the steps of the monument of the BLACK ANGEL (WWII memorial)…and then out again.

I did so…and then continued on down the pavement.

Just before I had left the B&B – I had looked at ANGELA CARTER’s ‘circus’ book and read the first page…it was about a ‘bawd’ or ‘lady of the night’ called FEVVERS.

I had immediately flashbacked to this ‘character’…and her daughter – who is a saintly ‘angel’ of a creature…

RIMINGTON had got me to play FEVVERS whilst RIMINGTON had played the ‘angelic daughter’…

It makes me laugh now…I had to lie upon this chaise-longue…padded-out all over because I was so thin…and smoke through a cigarette holder…that type of thing…whilst RIMINGTON did her best ‘angelic daughter’ act in front of me for the ILL camera…I almost enjoyed playing the scene, at first because it was so sick, it was funny – RIMINGTON always loved to play characters like ‘Glenda the Good’…but not afterwards because I was then used as a prostitute…

Anyway, after having remembered the above…and walked up the BACK of this ‘dark angel’ memorial…and out of the PALM TREE garden again…I knew that I had cracked all of these ILL programming garden…

Black Rabbit said...

Additionally, I then met a support worker from PETER BRUFF who was with a guy from there (who had been taken to SEVERALLS for a while – because he had got drunk and smashed a window)…he was a really nice guy…nothing crazy about him…he had been one of MARK R’s favourite slaves and had appeared in that photograph at the SPANISH CASTLE…in that ROMAN scene…(see previous notes).

Anyway, it all felt like GROUNDHOG DAY again…I had done the same thing in 2004…except that I hadn’t said the same things to them at all…an entirely different conversation…

It was then…that my conversations with the CIA came back to me…and their basic summary of this ILL GAME was this:

Two teams of programmers will ‘attack’ you. 1. RIMINGTON/TOMLINSON 2. SCARLETT/BASSNETT

They will make you remote-view your own future and ‘talk you through it’. You will be in a trance state – telling them what you can see…they will then listen to the descriptions of the people that you can see – then they will tell you how to react – what to say and do, in relation to these people.

I asked the CIA how the ILL could manage to program such a long period of time…12 hours to a day…they replied:

“They will tell you to ‘fast-forward’” e.g. whilst I was asleep or not in contact with other people…that way, they could cover large stretches of time, relatively quickly.

The CIA then pointed out that the ILL would then take me to key points in this future…arrange to meet the people that I had mentioned whilst remote-viewing and talk them through the whole scene, under mind control.

They then told me that in point of fact, the only times that I had really ‘lived through’ were the ones in which I could remember the programmers talking to me- in the different locations –as they set their ILL game up.

Black Rabbit said...

For example - I saw a young woman who had a tight blue teeshirt on, standing outside SAINSBURYS today...she had obviously just eaten lunch and her stomach was bulging a little...

I then remembered RIMINGTON in 2004, listening to me telling her that I could see this woman...she asked me to describe her...I did so...then RIMINGTON screeched with laughter and said:

"Go up to her and tell her she is pregnant."

Black Rabbit said...

All four of them had done this to me...tried to program almost every single conversation that I was to have with other people...during this period of time.

I am quite a loner, at this point in my life...and the conversations were rare...RIMINGTON got bored...she wanted to hear descriptions of all of the people that I saw...and then she told me to imagine myself going up to them and telling them sick and stupid things...

In effect, the ILL were trying to use my remote-viewing skills against force me to program my own future against myself.

Black Rabbit said...

Another example of ILL sickness was within the library.

Today - RIMINGTON had programmed one of her slaves to mess up all of the books upon the first floor.

She was hoping that I would be blamed for moving the books...because she had programmed the staff within this library to think that I am 'mentally ill'.

I haven't touched a book to move it to another place, in many weeks now.

I made a point of coming into the library today and checking a DVD in at the desk to show that I had just arrived.

Therefore when the 'call' came downstairs - to the assistants to go and help the manager upstairs...I walked in front of them up the stairs so that none of them would be in any doubt that it was NOT me who had moved any of the books upstairs.

RIMINGTON had planned this part of my ILL future in the following terms:

Having had my laptop stolen - I would then be refused entry to the library and so wouldn't be able to get onto an internet computer again.

Anyway, NONE of that is going to happen. I can see the library staff across this first floor - sorting out all of the books which one of RIMINGTON's slaves had disordered...and the 'disorder' is massive...they are having to re-arrange whole shelves of books...and they are all very annoyed about it...but nobody to blame...HA HA.

Black Rabbit said...

Anyway, UK ILL...the CIA 'got me' before this ILL GAME was set-up...

They had put their heads together decide upon what FUTURES to program for the lot of you...

...and we had 'good times' doing it.

Black Rabbit said...

"..unbelievable..." the UK ROBOTS keep on repeating that word in a stunned very amusing...

The clock is ticking...

Black Rabbit said...

Guess what the ILL CARROT was for MR PUTIN?

RIMINGTON had promised him that he would be made the GOLDEN DRAGON of the RA CULT...the most venerated member...he did, after all, want to be 'master of the Universe'...that was his 'hook'.

Changed your mind now, MR PUTIN?

We thought so.

Black Rabbit said...

More ILL mail in my inbox:

YAHOO MEMBER SERVICE Yahoo Warning!!! Verify Your Account now To Avoid It Closed 1:13 PM 6KB
Unread Lizzypaul Dan FROM LIZZY PAUL DANGOTA 1:05 PM 10KB

Black Rabbit said...

MR PUTIN is heart-broken...the CIA do not trust him anymore in relation the 'golden dragon' business and he is being pressed to 'step down'...

However, he could redeem himself - just become more 'trustworthy' - that simple.

Black Rabbit said...

"Lyudmila Putin, the wife of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, disappeared from public attention a year ago. She finally made her public appearance on May 24 when she arrived with her husband at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to congratulate Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill on his name day (or Angel Day).

It was Lyudmila Putin’s first meeting with the new patriarch. She gave the patriarch a bouquet of white roses."

WHITE ROSES...the symbol of the top ILL of the ILL CULT...not an auspicious start to the proceedings, perhaps...

...however, if one divests them of any ILL meaning...then a rose is just a rose, isn't it?

Black Rabbit said...

One last thing: a CIA message to TOMLINSON...

READ the latest edition of THE SIMPSONS comic...

We have baby MAGGIE who is now the ‘sidekick’ of KRUSTY the CLOWN- instead of Sideshow Mel/Bob...and HOMER is telling him about her ‘aughts’...’NOOOORM’...and so forth...

Work it out.

(We let him recover – so we could ‘play’ with him again.)

If I could remember and recount all of the horrible and disgusting things that RIMINGTON had programmed me to do – whilst watching me in a trance state and listening to me recite my own future as I saw it...I would be here all day...

Additionally, she had instructed one of her slaves to CRAP on my bed...and that I would be blamed for far, luckily, that hasn’t can only hope that by ‘outing’ it – it won’t.

SCARLETT and BASSNETT watched as RIMINGTON and TOMLINSON programmed this future into me...they stood ‘piously’ by – laughing at some of RIMINGTON’s sick jokes. RIMINGTON was the main ‘perpetrator’ of the entire sick event...the others looked slightly embarrassed but only ‘slightly’. They added a few ideas – psychological ‘twists’.

That SIMPSONS comic...anybody worked out who A__ was yet? Not hard...ATI...TOMLINSON’s ‘main man’ in the RA CULT...

I would guess that you took it pretty badly, ATI – when the LEBANON radio towers came down...MARK R and yourself...must have known the MOSSAD intimately and the whole sick game involved, in the LEBANON.

Therefore it was particularly disgusting to hear all of your ‘Public School Boy’ network explode into fury and indignation about that one...

None of them had worked it out...but then they are, in the main, fat and bloated businessmen...drunk on RA CULT profits...none of them had any ‘sympathy’ for the ordinary LEBANESE civilians involved...

All your RA NETWORK cared about, was the fact that they now knew how and why their lucrative crystal trade – their criminal MONEY SUPPLY - had been cut off...

So FAT RA you know what also know that you are no match for the ‘lean and hungry’ CIA.

Even funnier – a few of RA PIGS are shouting about how the MOSSAD must be to blame...some of the MOSSAD must have tipped off the CIA as to what was going on...

The PIGS are trying to find a scapegoat as usual...I have already described this RA practice of looking for an underdog because they do not dare...far too cowardly - to attack those who are so much more powerful than themselves.

Go on - blame the MOSSAD - they will LOVE you for it.

I might also add that SAUDI ARABIA are no longer upon the CIA ‘black list’ as far as the RA CULT is concerned...there are still some ‘problems’ to be ironed out with the SAUD family and a couple of others...but ‘not on a black list’...because once the TASCHMANs had been dealt with...this country was FREED, to all intents and purposes, of RA control.

Black Rabbit said...

I might have said this already - I do not know - but I 'saw' various small groups, at different times - of ARAB LEADERS - and they were of the opinion that I should be allowed to do whatever it was I was going to do...because they 'knew' that it would be a good thing for them, in the end...

Black Rabbit said...

The 'Arabic/Hebrew' language pack - came in very useful, now and then...

It was a 'new device' that ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE were testing out, in 1979...and they weren't sure if it would work...

I can confidently inform you that it did.

Black Rabbit said...

The biggest problem within this whole 'modern history' of the ILL pretty much what GEORGE had ORWELL described... could say that even the BEST people are tempted...when 'handed' the RING OF POWER...i.e. control of the RA CULT mafia RINGS.

Black Rabbit said...

How odd - my mistake in the previous post:


Instead of 'GEORGE ORWELL HAD'...

I had quickly corrected the text before I posted it, by reading back and adding a HAD in the wrong place...


The 'well of gold'...


(He 'fell off a mountain' a long time ago - one hopes that the BRITISH ARMED SERVICES will clear up the rest of the 'deadwood' at some point)....

Black Rabbit said...

The main 'message' to BRITISH INTELLIGENCE is this:

We cannot do all of the work.

You have to do your own.

If you do not do it - think about what happened to the LEBANNON and know that much, much worse - will happen to you. We do not have the time or the resources to mess about.

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